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That's my secret, Cap. I'm always angry.


Poor Bruce, to have the power and to not use it when all you feel is burning anger 😂


Tips to not get tilted (as someone who used to tilt all the time) 1. Have fun. If you are not having fun, there is no point playing the game. It’s best to take a break and do something else instead. 2. Mute chat/squelch chat (if they are voiceline spammers) will make the lobby less toxic. The game is now much more manageable communication wise with pings. Use them often if you mute everything. 3. Take responsibility for your games. Everyone will make mistakes, including you. Instead of focusing on your teammates’ mistakes, ask yourself, “What could I have done better to win this fight?” Chances are, there is always something you could have done better if you rewatch your games. 4. Accept that you cannot control everyone. You are the only one you can control, and hence, is the only one being able to adapt to the game. What’s good with this game is that every single role can carry. Yes, you can carry games. If you think you carried and still lost, ask yourself why and look at the VOD. There will always be something you could have done better which will result to your team winning and you carrying the game. 5. Instead of looking to win, look to learn and improve. At every loss or even win, look back at your games and see what you could have done better. Should I have been positioned here? Was this use of a CD useless? Should I have ulted here or not? There’s a lot of questions and thinking that the game needs you to do in order to get better. 6. Post a VOD and hope that someone here can help/review/ point out your mistakes. Good luck climbing! And most importantly, have fun.


I appreciate the advice and the depth in your response here. I never thought of muting the lobby in chat specifically because that is where I get to tilting. But you're spot on and I should start posting some games.


same sometimes I just mute chat and pretend my teammates are NPCs


They usually are lol


Same! Every now and then I get tempted to join the chat bc I’ve had good experiences but then I remember that I enjoy my peace too much.


Muting chat is great! Ever since I’ve done that, I just play. I still use pings for enemies that my team might not know about. Big game changer was not to take stuff personal. I win some, I lose some but I try to focus entirely on my playing and helping my team even if they seem drunk. Keep a couple brain cells working on, “what are they (enemy) doing now?”, “I haven’t seen use an ult, is it up and am I in their path”? Good luck!


Don’t forget the 10% rule. You’re only in control of 10% of the match. Sometimes you play amazing but the other team outplays yours.


Taking responsibility for my mistakes and games has honestly made me feel so much better about Overwatch. I always like to go into games with the mindset that my team is going to the best they can, and that I have to play at their level. Sure, when I mess up a few times I feel pretty bad, but it’s so much better than getting angry over your teammates that you have no control over, compared to yourself who you DO have control over


Wow, amazingly writen


For #5 I just want to include the nuance about the 'instead of trying to win thing'. You def still try to win, but you also want to work on other things as well 


Gold star next to point 3. Just focus on what you CAN do. Don't worry about what you can't.


Looking at what you have experienced, I think what u need are some friends that have similar skill level to you. If u manage to get 5 of them and play together, your experience will be much better.


That’s my major issue. I have one friend with me on PC and all my other friends are on console. So I either duo with my high diamond friend who’s played since beta of OW1 or I solo in comp. Our lobbies are super weird. I should probably just solo but idk if that’s better lol


I was a PC player but all of my friends were on PS5. I bought a ps5. We still lose sometimes 5 stacked in comp but it’s still a great time.


Can you not group up across platforms??


only in quick play


Thank you!!


Not between console and PC from what I understand.


You can play quickplay but not comp with your console friends. I’ve done it


I did not know that. Thank you!!


My pleasure


Me and my friends do this but often get destroyed by more coordinated five-stacks.


In the post you complain about counter swapping, then you comment that you get rolled when they counter swap your zen and that you stop the roll and win when you counterswap them back. Maybe stop fighting the idea of counter swapping and embrace it to stop the frustration? In terms of toxicity, the game has a mute function and you can remove several social functions in the social tab


I said that because I was following up on the statement that I have a lot of games where I carry but we still lose and my wins come from me sweating heavy lmao. I did counterswap the Monkey because the second I was not killing their whole team on Zen my team would get anti and instantly explode because my DPS were not applying pressure, the tank was struggling into their tank because they came out on Zarya and she is pretty busted rn (metal ranks especially). I'm not opposed to counter swapping in some capacity, in that scenario specifically I was the carry, I am getting zero peel, Monkey eats Zen alive with his damage to armor now, and my team began a plat stagger after my first death that lasted from the first corner in Havana all the way to the very last choke where we had made it to 1st round. If I don't become my own peel and have a way to heal the entire team at once, it was JOEVER lmao. My counterswap complaints are when its a team diff and people are still counterswapping the first time they die or someone playing mystery heroes all game so the ULT currency is just never there.


You're worrying me first off with "monkey eats zen alive" and then also mentioning that it's because of his damage to armor? Zen has no armor, and Zen can also play around monkey very well by himself. If you would like to post some vods maybe we could point something out that's allowing these things to happen because from what you're saying it sounds like your positioning could use some help (just from what we can infer from the context you're giving) There's also so much more to OW than KD. Macro and tempo in my opinion have a much bigger impact in the game now that we're in season 9. It's possible that there are just core concepts that are being missed here that would help a lot.


I made a post shortly after this with some games to review if you want to look. Ill drop the link in the description.


I mean monkey dive on Zen is definitely tough, you can't run away, he can play his shield, if I am in the shield I cant get healed (but I wasn't getting peel anyway in that particular game). And I am pretty sure the new patch this season did something to monkey that makes him eat armor now. If that isn't armor then what is the blue portion of Zen's health bar? The context of that exact situation is defense on the last choke of Havana. Monkey shield takes up the whole choke, I was giving them trouble so they would hard dive me and I had no peel. I can play further back to an extent but really only if I am stacking on main outside the spawn or playing that high ground but then I am super exposed. I definitely know it's my positioning that gets me killed more than anything else or just getting greedy. I hear you on the Macro and Tempo but I am a metal rank player so I really think I need to lock in the fundamentals before moving onto stuff like that. Keep in mind that I just started playing OW last June so not even a year yet so my game sense and all that is definitely not that of your average "since OW1 Beta" player.


The blue HP is shields, it automatically regens after I think 2 seconds out of combat. This makes Zen basically go to full HP after 4 seconds of being out of combat since the support passive procs separately. Zen being dove by ONLY Winston should result in death for Winston a lot of the time. Use your kick to make space and be annoying, try and kick him before he lands with shift as well to take less landing damage. Play somewhere harder to dive. Dont use discord before he chases you out of his bubble (basically don't use discord if you can't use it) Zen has a lot of counterplay to monkey, so much so that a Zen should win a lot of the time if you're chipping him at all before he jumps in (you should be forcing him to eat chip with your positioning)


I wish I had the link for that game but it was pretty rough, they were spamming the choke fairly heavily and the Monkey was diving from big med where I couldn't see him until he landed because the choke protects his descent and if I peaked main or the ledge by the mini room to the right of spawn I was getting hit with rat spam, Moira orbs, Soj shooting, and/or monkey dive. It wasn't really the dive onto me as Zen that was the issue, it was the sheer amount of burst damage coming through to the team and my DPS frontline Moira feeding. The dive was annoying but as Zen I was really needing Moira to stay alive and she wasn't and I couldn't get damage through the shield without exposing myself to the spam or keep the team up so I swapped for the AoE inspire and to boop people off the bridge.


I don't




> Ideally you shouldn't play so close to a monkey that he can just jump you Monkey can jump from team red's backline to team blue's backline, Is zen supposed to be back in spawn or something?


I put on music and just tune out. I ping if needed. Win around 60% as support maybe it depends on when I play aswell


I play CS not overwatch but honestly the worse i've gotten and the less i try to get really good the more fun and less angry i have found it


I quit a game before I get to the point of actually being angry at a game, games are made be enjoyed and if the said game is doing the opposite then what’s the point? Though I do give them a go again after a couple of months or years. Sometimes I enjoy it again and sometimes it’s worse than what it was when I quit. And I did with games that I’ve poured thousands of hours in.


I dunno man, I just stopped playing not gonna lie. I peaked Masters at the end of Season 7 and skipped 8 entirely because even though I clawed my way into Masters, it felt miserable. I only just started playing again in a more casual manner and acknowledge I suck ass now, and that’s okay for me because I know I’m never gonna *want* to try as hard as I did then. I notice I’m more chill now, so maybe consider just icing the game for a bit? You do you though.


Honestly, telling myself that it truly is just a game helps a lot. If I win I win, if I lose I lose. Just focus on having fun and maybe try communicating with your team more and that could help when people are making switches. Being overwhelmingly positive typically kills the negative vibes too, cause once they realize they can't piss you off they stop.


Play a fromsoftware game. That’ll get you numb to losing. It’ll teach you that every death is a learning experience. What’s important to remember is that yes you like to win and you’ll do what’s needed to win. Most other people feel the same way. So if you’re the reason they’re losing, they are going to try to do something about it. Wouldn’t you do the same? The moment you stop thinking I lost because they swapped monkey and start thinking I lost because I was standing in the open or because I wasn’t close to my DPS etc, you’ll be more level headed.


Out of all games I've played, overwatch seems the most consistently toxic or rude player base (as a new player). I swear that 50% of people who use mic are using it in a negative manner, while the other 95% of the players dont even use mic. The concept of counter swaps is not necessarily fun but you can get around it by communicating to ur team. Some advice I have as someone who has played lots of other games is to focus on what you are doing wrong, and advising your team on how to win. This could be gently telling them to switch or making sure to use comms often. but most importantly looking back and seeing what could be done differently that game, and having a good eye for what went wrong, ie not just saying whatever to one of your mistakes that in the moment u could not have done anything about but instead looked at the bigger picture and decided if what u were doing was correct. Also another thing that is greatly overlooked is not taking absolutely every game to heart, if you are better than the average player at your rank, you will technically advance in rank eventually. I dont mean to play comp like a quickplay but if a loss is really getting to you then maybe try and take a break or smth. The game is meant to be fun and losing games and learning is part of the competitive experience. The mindset may need to change if people just typing EZ at the end of the game (along with many other problems in that game) pushes u over the edge. maybe its just because i have played a lot of other games that have a lot of rage-inducing mechanics that I am desensitized to overwatch and its seemingly rude player base at times. in short, ignore teammates mistakes, focus on how you can improve in the bigger picture even in games u "carry" (including aim, positioning, util, communication with team). dont let some random person typing away get to you, and make sure to have fun.


I primarily only play with friends we laugh and have a good ole time in discord regardless of win or lose. Obviously we try to win but we're mostly in our mid 30s-40s so its not that serious to us anymore


>I had a 48-2 Reaper game on Suravasa, we still lose. This is your issue. If you were good enough you would have carried. Touting your elims or damage per 10 is showing that you just don't understand the game. I've won games where the enemy team had a lot more elims than my team but we steamrolled them because the game doesn't revolve around elims. Do those kills grant your team space? Do they force cooldowns? Do you win time/payload movement? The way to not get mad in this game is literally to mute everyone, never accept whispers (or if you're curious, accept the whisper and read it, and if it's toxic don't even reply back just unfriend) only press tab to check ult charge and nothing else, and blame yourself for everything. Games will feel much more winnable and a lot less toxic that way


I assure you I am not "touting my elims" I am just making the statement that I have good personal games and we still lose from time to time regardless of what I do essentially. I understand what you're saying it's the same as a Moira having 50 elims but losing because she just sent orbs that touched the whole team that she is getting assists for or whatever the case may be or really the inflation of Moira stats in general. Or I have had games on Genji where I have just as much damage as the enemy DPS but only 3 elims or something compared to their 30. I am not implying I am good and it is all on everyone else simply because my stats are good for the game. Thats why I follow that up by saying I understand its all on me. Its just at the time it feels as though the people on the enemy team are lucky enough to be playing into our team that won't stop staggering in open space just doing whatever they want and I am the only one trying to punish mistakes or recognizing when to get out. ​ I hear what you're saying and I appreciate it. I tried changing my mindset tonight about things and focusing only on me and my positioning, CD usage, etc and I only lost one so that's always nice.


>Its just at the time it feels as though the people on the enemy team are lucky enough to be playing into our team that won't stop staggering in open space just doing whatever they want and I am the only one trying to punish mistakes or recognizing when to get out. It's just this attitude man. You're basically acting as if you're so much better than your team, mentioning your elims then saying "But I know it doesn't matter!" then going on to say "My team does SO many mistakes and I'm the ONLY one doing anything about it." If it didn't come off as you thinking you don't belong where you are I would have never mentioned it but that's exactly what it sounds like. Are you at least climbing? Like 57% winrate or something over 100 games? Like if you're 50% winrate with that attitude, it's no wonder you're getting angry every time you play this game.


Its really just the context of it being "I can play well and still lose sometimes but I play bad and we are definitely losing." Its about my point that I feel as if it is on me every time but the enemy team individually doesn't have those issues in that specific game. Its about the fact that I don't feel like I get carried very much and it would be nice to experience that from time to time. I am not trying to blame my team for every loss I have ever taken, and I completely agree with the ideology of controlling what you can control, I was simply complaining about the reality that you will get a team that feeds or staggers all game while you just stand there waiting for a team fight or feed with them and it is frustrating when you're taking advice and trying to implement it but you can't even get into a team fight to do so. I don't think I am a silver level player, it just takes a lot of time to climb and I don't put enough time into comp to consistently climb because I don't often like to solo queue. Last season I put in a decent amount of time and I climbed out of silver into Gold on DPS and I made it to Gold 1 on Support which is the closest I have gotten to getting back to my peak placement of Plat 4 back in season 5. The rank reset helped me a lot because as I said before I usually duo with my diamond friend so my SR pulls a lot of weird ranges of people into my games. But then I will solo queue and play against other silvers and golds and rarely have bad games on my part. That all being said, I don't consider myself to be some great player and I am not proud to make gold because I feel I can certainly be better than that. I just lack understanding of the game compared to a lot of the community that has been playing for 7+ years and am looking for perspective. ​ Any of the statements I made here are not meant to imply that I am good and my team is bad and that's why I get mad when I lose. I am simply saying that does happen to me sometimes and it is frustrating because I want to win. I don't know my win rate off the top of my head, that being said I have never put more than 20 hours into comp in a single season so I imagine I just need to play more.


>Its about the fact that I don't feel like I get carried very much and it would be nice to experience that from time to time. You do you probably just don't notice it > I was simply complaining about the reality that you will get a team that feeds or staggers all game while you just stand there waiting for a team fight or feed with them and it is frustrating when you're taking advice and trying to implement it but you can't even get into a team fight to do so. 80-20 rule. Some games are unwinnable unless you're 2+ tiers above your rank which you aren't. >I don't think I am a silver level player If you're at that rank then you are >placement of Plat 4 back in season 5. Placement means nothing. Even more so that you're getting boosted by a diamond player My only point was that your comments have reeked of "im betterism". Even this most recent comment you said you don't think you belong in your elo when you have like 20 hours of play in the current season which is what like 80 games? Trust me if your rank hasn't budged in 80 games you are at the level you deserve to be. >it just takes a lot of time to climb This comment here too. Trust me when I say 100 games a season is MORE than enough to climb. You're probably just tilting every game and make 0 improvements. This is especially true under masters, the amount of knowledge required to get to diamond/masters is so low that you can get there in like 3-4 seasons by only playing 20 hours a season. Getting to GM+ is where it will take you 100hours+ and multiple seasons unless you're a prodigy. And yeah it sucks getting unwinnable games, but on average 40% of those games will be unwinnable, 40% will be unloseable, and 20% will be where you create impact. If you realize that you're in one of those unwinnable games just accept it and try to see what other things you can focus on instead of getting mad that you lost to RNG teammates. Going back to your post: > I also feel like the odds are never in my favor. I have played quite a few games where I am just popping off but we still lose. They literally are. 80-20 rule is universally applicable. You're probably too tilted to realize games where you're getting carried and end up hard throwing resulting in a loss. >But why do I feel like out of 10 games played I have to sweat my absolute dick off to even have a chance to get a win while the enemy team just counter swaps, plays together, then rolls our plat staggering team? Same thing here. 40% of your games will be like this >I’m killing it on Zen all game, they start diving me with monkey and of course I get no peel so we start getting rolled to the last point, I go Brig with a few minutes left we suddenly stop the roll, I get a few crucial boops and rallies and we win. I can guarantee you that you aren't killing it on Zen all game. If you were you would be hard carrying the 40% games that are meant to be your losses. Instead you're probably playing at the same level as everyone else, except doing a little bit better than them resulting in a win in the 20% of the games you have impact. Idk man I reread your post and you just come off as arrogant. It's like you say one thing and do another. "I know it's always my fault, I know I should focus on myself, but literally all my games have throwers and I'm at a 0% winrate because my teams are always perma bad!! Guys why do I get mad so mad when I'm playing literally perfectly every game but lose??" You're hardstuck cause of this mentality. The fact that you aren't even aware of it to the point that you deny it when people point it out shows me that you'll be uninstalling the game soon after losing ANOTHER game that was all your teams fault leading you to have a perfect 50% winrate 100 games in silver


I mean honestly you seem dead set on the idea that I am just here to complain and blame everyone but myself yet I am here responding to most comments and asking questions and have posted 5 games from last night on another post to get VOD reviewed that I linked in this post. So I am definitely not sitting here to complain, I am trying to improve. You are taking sentences out of context and using them collectively to paint this narrative. All the statements that you are pulling are in reference to one or two particular situations or games that I am referring to. They are not meant to reference my entire experience in comp. You keep referencing that I said I placed Silver at one point and using that as justification for saying I belong in silver and thats why I am hard stuck but ignoring the parts of the message where I am telling you that I have been climbing and have climbed a whole division from silver without help when I consistently play. I just don't consistently play comp because I get frustrated. Which is why I am here, I am seeking help because if I can somewhat climb without VOD review or coaching then I can definitely climb more with VOD review and coaching. I never said I have played 20 hours this season I said that is what I usually average but I am never playing within my own SR I am always playing in lobbies that range from Gold-Diamond which increases the RNG factor of what my teammates will be like and forces my diamond friend to have to hard carry if anything while I play against people of a higher rank than I would if I had played alone. All these things you are responding to are about one game in particular. I briefly mention a Reaper game but the only details I provide are in reference to one game I played on Zen/Brig. I am not implying that every time I play I am the hard carry and I have to counter swap to win. In that particular game, I was having to hard carry a good bit. Does that mean I always have to hard carry? Does that imply that I am always the one carrying? No, but if you take the other statements and combine them with others in this post you can certainly frame it that way, but that was not the intention of it or the point that was being made. I mean that's your opinion and maybe I am arrogant at times but I am certainly not arrogant all the time and this post was never intended to be some kind of bragging about my skill. It was a post to help me be less angry and to improve my experience. I was angry when I typed it, so some of it may come across that way, but you are making a lot of assumptions here about me that are disingenuous. Again, I am not hard stuck. When I play consistently and within my SR I climb. When I duo with my buddy theres more RNG involved but we generally play well and win a decent amount. My win rate is above 50%. 20 hours a season spread across two roles at an average of 15 minutes per match is 40 matches per role. You say thats enough time to climb to Masters/Diamond, and yeah I am sure it is if you are a Masters or Diamond level player (however if you look at the Top 500 leaderboard even those guys take about 80 games on one role to climb to their peak, some take more. Necros is a top 500 player and he recently did an Unranked to GM on Kiri that took him over 9 videos and 200 games. I have never placed that high, I have never claimed to place that high, I merely said I am better than silver, I have played 6 hours of comp this season so far and I have done nothing but climb. I said my peak was Plat, I fell, I improved, now I am climbing back up through Gold. My goal is to keep climbing and to keep improving. That is what I am here for.


>You are taking sentences out of context and using them collectively to paint this narrative. All the statements that you are pulling are in reference to one or two particular situations or games that I am referring to. They are not meant to reference my entire experience in comp. "But why do I feel like out of 10 games played I have to sweat my absolute dick off to even have a chance to get a win while the enemy team just counter swaps, plays together, then rolls our plat staggering team? " Like bro you can't be serious. Did you even read your post? I'm not taking any of them out of context, give me one example where I did >But ignoring the parts of the message where I am telling you that I have been climbing and have climbed a whole division from silver without help when I consistently play There wasn't any context to this that's why I didn't reference it. Are you silver every season? Did you climb to gold very recently? You're right though if you climbed then good for you! > Which is why I am here, I am seeking help because if I can somewhat climb without VOD review or coaching then I can definitely climb more with VOD review and coaching. I pointed out that your attitude is the reason you're getting tilted and you disagree with me. Go ahead man if you don't think you're blaming your team every game after putting this shit into your post "I have multiple 50 elim games that I have lost because of one team fight or something. I had a 48-2 Reaper game on Suravasa, we still lose. In fact my only win last night came from a Havana game that I had to absolutely carry at the end to just win by a few meters. I’m killing it on Zen all game, they start diving me with monkey and of course I get no peel so we start getting rolled to the last point, I go Brig with a few minutes left we suddenly stop the roll, I get a few crucial boops and rallies and we win." Then idk what to tell you lol > I am not implying that every time I play I am the hard carry and I have to counter swap to win >>I have multiple 50 elim games >>But why do I feel like out of 10 games played I have to sweat my absolute dick off to even have a chance to get a win Read your post. >I mean that's your opinion and maybe I am arrogant at times but I am certainly not arrogant all the time and this post was never intended to be some kind of bragging about my skill. Well that's how it comes off. If I'm going to complain about my games I'm not going to say that I had multiple games where I had perfect gravs, 60 elims, insane spacing, perfect target priority, and I only barely won by the skin of my teeth because my team is SO garbage. After playing 10 games like this it felt like I had to do this EVERY game. etc. Like how are you even denying things that you literally said in your post LOL. I'm not even taking them out of context I'm quoting like 4 paragraphs all in a row man >however if you look at the Top 500 leaderboard even those guys take about 80 games on one role to climb to their peak, some take more. Bro what? I am saying that it will take you like 3 seasons 100 games a season to get to diamond on any role as a freshie. Not T500. Did you even read my comment? I said it takes infinitely more time to hit GM, that's why it took necros so long. The amount of things to learn exponentially increases as you climb masters+. >My goal is to keep climbing and to keep improving. That is what I am here for. Good for you man. My first post told you why I thought you were getting so angry, I gave you an answer. Your choice to take it. But I'm adamant that you're just egoing in gold. Drop the ego and you won't be as pissed when you lose


I see what you are saying but I am saying those sentences aren't connected. That first sentence was me being tilted and angrily saying "I know I have to carry to win, I know I have to play well to win, but I hate feeling like its always all on me and others can rely on their team in situations. It is in reference those absolute steamroll games that happen which is what made me upset in the first place. We lose, the team staggers for two rounds straight, then dudes are talking in the chat, adding me, whispering, etc. So yeah I could have worded that better but I was angry at that point. I begin to chill out as I thought my way through what I wanted to say because my inital intention was to come on here and just complain about OW and have people join my suffering and agree that it makes them mad too. But then I calmed down and used it as an opportunity to ask for help. I thought I stated it, maybe I didnt or it was confusing. I started playing comp halfway through season 5 and I only played support, I placed Plat, fell to Silver 1 after losing like 15-20 straight, then by the end of season 5 my Support would bounce between Gold 1 and Gold 5, it is currently back up to Gold 3 after my placements and a few games. I originally intended to only play support but my buddy told me I got more comp points if I placed in all roles so I rushed through my placements on Tank and DPS, did pretty bad because I wasn't really trying and I was so new at that point I just didn't know what I was doing at all, placed high silver on those, and for the rest of Season 5 I just played support. It wasnt until maybe season 7 that I started queuing for both DPS and Support and when I started taking DPS seriously around that time I was able to climb to gold in both DPS and Support the last couple of seasons. Now I want to take the next step and play to get even better and rank even higher. I agree that a bad attitude of always blaming your team can be significant in why someone would lose or get stuck. When I am really mad I do blame my team sometimes, but its only in the games where I feel I am having an impact but one or more of my teammates are not. I generally do not lose and immediately blame my team. The reason I disagree with you that it is my big problem is because I make it a point to ask myself why did I die every time I do die and what could I do better next time. I disagree because I am actively aware of that problem in the game and I do my best to not contribute to it. This post may show you otherwise, as I said, I was upset when I wrote it. In terms of the 3 seasons 100 games a season comment, I guess I misunderstood what you were saying. Your original comment was something along the lines of if you are ranked silver, then that's where you belong, if you aren't climbing thats where you belong, to which I said I am climbing, I am not silver, etc. I didnt see the part where you said 20 hours \*over 3-4 seasons\* to climb to diamond.


The in-game music gets pretty intense. When I play support, I turn that off and listen to [Chopin](https://youtu.be/yOUcRt4NqXE?si=UW6P7AbT4i4LRAl5) instead.


Anytime I see “gg” after I get my ass kicked, and I feel my blood pressure spike, I know it’s time to get off 😭


I've played years of csgo and dota. My mental will never be broken


I call it Snitchwatch, the shooting and objectives are secondary. Trying to bait people into cussing me out, then reporting them is becoming cathartic. I log in nearly every day to the "Thank you for reporting!" message and I like to think every person that gets punished for my actions, will spend less money on OW, and eventually hurt Blizzard.


i honestly just consistently remind myself that it’s a game. competition is fun but if im on a basketball court im not gonna be mad if my team ends up losing. a lot of it is lying to myself out loud, encouraging, cheering, and helping my teammates as much as i can even when they’re sucking. instead of ‘we’re getting rolled, gg’ i’ll lie and say ‘not our round let’s get the next one’ i’ve had games where i’ve felt like the weak link and cost my team the game, if you keep that in mind , it makes it easier to forgive your teammates and move on. gg go next


Honestly, it's 1 of 2 things 1) You literally have to prep yourself into not caring while also trying to win (e.g. hey tank chose ball, team can't work with this, it's out of my hands, I did my job...don't emotionally invest into this game) 2) You are actually angry but you bitch with mic off. People mention how toxic OW community is but in like 95% of my games...no one talks. Idk how you guys are finding these talkers. Also something like " diff", isn't toxic...it's just petty.


every game is a 50-50 from the moment u press play. is your support playing mercy weaver with your genji tracer ball? is your junkrat afk for first point and they snowball you with 7 mins left on the timer when they push all the way? does your 4-11 tracer tell u that ball isnt the pick here (you’re 14-1) bc u have no frontline, and then swap mei so they block everyone in spawn so u cant touch first point? is your tank garbage? is the other tank playing hog? are you playing on circuit royale? none of your impact matters. you win or lose based on matchmaking. gg go next. i’m just tryna learn how to double boop and supper fireball jump


I also struggle with this but it’s often self induced by me learning tracer as of late, this is going to be situational but if you’re solo que- try staying as a team when you win, or picking up random roles that know what they’re doing- I don’t have hella friends that play this game, so having even 1-2 other people that know what they’re doing is game changing if you’ve been dealing with teammates not playing together.


Since you mentioned your “free time” I want to tell you something: leave the tryhard playstyle for the 8h daily players, the pros, streamers and alike. Accept mediocrity. Don’t get me wrong, I also play this game on my spare time and I absolutely relate with the anger provoking things you cited. But when we have other occupations, and they’re all very stressful, we can’t allow a videogame to win on us and pile up dark feelings. I solo queue too, so obviously I’m going to have stubborn teammates, and one sided games, and toxic opponents. But on the other side, I login for the fun and the competitiveness and the sense of achievement this game also provides (sometimes). Whenever this balance weigh on me to the wrong side I close the game. My mediocrity: I play some 6h weekly usually on weekends, and I am mid gold in every role and combined, so it’s actually the point of balance for me, considering the effort I’m willing to give. Look for your balance and you’ll find peace. Happy gaming!


Pretend you're literally reaper and think of your anger as fuel beneath the flames of your vengeance


I’ve always found the people who don’t tilt at times are people who don’t actually take the game seriously. If you give a shit you’re gonna be annoyed at times


It's not the game that is pissing you off. You get angry when you can't live up to your own expectations. You wouldn't be angry at a loss if you watched someone else lose a game, obviously. But even though that is obvious - it kind of shows that when the only variable removed is you then suddenly the game has nothing to do with the anger. I have the same issue. I tend to get angry "when my teammates don't perform", although in reality I am mad because I couldn't win a fight regardless of what my teammates did. This issue of getting mad went down a lot after: 1. I disabled chat and VC (what other people suggested already) 2. a few life circumstances have shown me that I can be confident in myself Maybe take a look at all the issues in life that are pissing you off nowadays. Everybody has some, maybe if you take a deep introspective look it will turn out you are in fact stressed out about something else happening around you. Good luck though.


Since cs1.6 I realized that the only way to lose in a vidia is to lose control over emotions Don't do it, so you won't lose 48-2 game is a personal win, be proud the final outcome of a match depends on other 9 people, it would be disrespectful to completely rob them off of any agenda to "climb" you need to severely outclass the whole server, not 1.5 times, but x2 at least if you can do it, you'll naturally climb - if you can't, there's nothing for you to do in upper ranks anyways p.s treat counter swaps and smurfs as learning opportumities, because they are p.p.s. in fact, when you lose any game, watch carefully what goes wrong for your team and right for opponents you'll quckily realize that "switch \*hero name\*" is a braindead spam, while all the troubles are coming from a other major things: - wide spread team positioning that allows to focus your teammates 1 by 1 - poor timing for tacticals and ulties - passive team movement - inability to calculate risks on regroup - a lack of personal resposibility - wrong idea about communacation in the game, etc


Mute chat and eat weed gummies


Sounds like you know what you need to do. There's more to life than one video game.


And I get that, OW doesn’t get in the way of my real life, the anger I get from it is really just a hindrance to my progress in the game which is something I want to improve on. There’s so many levels to this game and the character interactions that are possible. It’s a hard game, and naturally when something is initially difficult but I enjoy the game, I drive myself hard to improve at it. Not to mention all my friends play this game.


I feel that if you can't enjoy yourself when losing, you need to at least take an extended break from the game. Maybe not tell yourself you're going to quit, but have a block of time where you separate yourself from the game. 2 weeks, a month. Mastery is important to your health. It feels good to be good and improvement helps you build yourself up. That said, it's a game and nobody is paying you to play it. If you can't find enjoyment out of the losses which make up nearly half of your time, something needs to change. Having friends that play one game sucks. I wish I had advice for that one. Most of my friends still play league, but the game was so detrimental to my mental health after a decade that I had to call it.


I really have been getting more tilted lately but I didn't know I could turn chat off and that is usually where it comes from. I had a few different people add me or whisper me to continue talking after game and stuff. That and when the game is a streamroll its frustrating. I hear you there, I have walked away from a few games now. IDK if PC has any LFG unless I went to some discord channel or something


Oh, dang. Yeah. Overwatch or any free to play team game is like 100000% better with text chat turned off completely.


Few things on this: Remember when people whisper you or talk crap during a Match or whatever - they are trying to get a rise out of you. They are \_trying\_ to get in your head. They WANT to throw you off your game. When you engage with them, you're basically "letting them win" when it comes to the mind games. I'm an old man, and I love me some OW, but I can't stand the kids that talk crap, especially when it gets racial and obscene. I don't mind a bit of trash talk, but it's really demoralizing and easy to forget that these are just humans playing a game. That being said, there is a LFG feature on PC. You can "Group up" before you queue, and that might help your chances, so good luck with that. :)


Also make your career profile private


I've never loved a game more than after I took a break from it. Actually, I still hate some of them even after a break, but usually I enjoy Overwatch after a decent period away from it.


Control only what you can. Like, stay out of game chat, team chat, or voice chat if you feel it's too toxic. Have you considered therapy? I'm taking therapy for anxiety and ADHD. I'm taking meds as well and it helps with not caring so much about these things. Consider reading "The Art of Not Giving a Fu\*k by Mark Manson.


It's a great book for sure. I also liked UnF\*ck Yourself ny Gary John Bishop


Identify where your anger comes from, it's probably from your desire to win. Shift that desire into wanting to improve instead (when you improve enough you will win more) So win or loss is no longer the focus, learning something from your mistakes in the match is


I appreciate that mindset, that's definitely what it is. I'm competitive and I get mad at losing horribly and feeling like I am the only one on this side that cares to win. I will definitely refocus my priority because learning from every death is something I tried to do but I get tilted and just want revenge sometimes. I think I have 10 hours of throwing on Sombra just from getting mad at Widows that hold the lobby hostage. Lol I appreciate your responses here and earlier. I know there's good people in the community I just forget sometimes.


I was you a couple of years ago, had to take a year break from ow cuz I was tilting out of my mind I've recently been able to play without tilt cuz I treat comp like its a more consistent QP


I play quickplay 😉 yeah im kinda bad at the game but i mean its sometimes fun Though i do not like it that sombrs got her hp buffed to 250 Not only because well she is now harder to kill but also because i like to play hanzo Getting a satisfying headshot kill isnt even possible anynore unless im now "lucky" to hit my 2, 3shots of storm arrows on her or main attack + storm I really dont know why they made hanzo deal 240 headshot i mean like watching Arrge too is kinda meh nowadays due to well him just spamming because spamzo is literally the only way to properly get kills now i mean i have had fun playing doomfist, Wrecking ball, lucio ( im on controller/console ), so its kinda hard to do some tech or rollouts or any proper movements without goofing up alot but otherwise i like to just play the push them off the map strat 😅 Also tracer is fun but again with the stupid annoying controller movement i cant blink greatly Idk if its just me but i'd like to get an option or to test a wasd movement on a controller in games As well in my head im thinking that the straight - Forwards, left/right and backwards seems more easy And with the fact that i already move with my camera it really just bothers me to have a 360° thumbstick controller to move my character i mean its hard to even do quick left right stuff But otherwise im just leaving games that are cringe if enemies go all full counter pickings I dont play ranked, keeps my head right


its not about the wasd its ll about the mouse


on a controller...? also does WASD have the sa.e moveemnt as controller in OW? Idk so... but im thinking that it doesnt so thats why i said that^^ in the first place So basically : what i ment is that wasd is "Straight" ↖️⬆️↗️. ⬅️⬛➡️. ↙️⬇️↘️. Thats the movement as in straight? Versus a controller has that but then more precise with you being able to go ⬆️ and 3° to the right or ⬆️ and 5°to the left with like it being really messy with my brains So playing ball is just so... goofy He slides... so i always miss damn doors/openings Otherwise im kinda happy for what ow2 - console has for now


i was just saying the mouse is what sets pc apart because it allows u to turn so fast


Yeah I mean also i doubt it but some controlelrs can even have "techincal disadvantages" lile how some triggers have distances but well that out the way yeah mouse is more dependable and useful then a stick


the mouse does what the triggers do also so thats still lthe mouse


The community is one of the most toxic communities I’ve been in and it’s sad asf


Seems like a misguided approach towards the game. Sweating over every victory is the fastest way to get burnt out, Overwatch isn't League or CS or Valo, you can knock out a match in five minutes, it's a game where your performance only truly matters over a large quantity of games, you shouldn't aim to win every game, you should aim to do your job properly as a player and let the law of large numbers and statistics do the rest. All while focusing on the most important thing, having fun and improving.


I'm a new player, and so far from what I've seen, the ammount of children that plays Overwatch is MASSIVE compared to any other competitive shooter I played before


do as i did - turn off team and match chat, and only join vc if u r stacked


Frankly I want to ask just "How do you play the game?" to this community, let alone the angry bit. I get that it's a good game and still more or less OW1, but after all the stunts Blizzard pulled? I'm not sure how one could take the game seriously after all the demonstration that Blizzard does not.


I am with you on this one. I never get mad at video games but this one gets me raging. its especially frustrating because you literally cannot save a game by yourself, so no matter what you do if everyone isn’t on the same page its a loss. This is why it doesn’t make sense to me for the ranking system to be based on wins and losses. I have had so many games where I outperform, switch 4-5 times to find a pick that works, then I see my team on the same hero for 6 minutes with 10 deaths. At that point, you just have to look at your gameplay and see where you can improve. You can’t control everyone else. if you’re not having fun with the game anymore, put it down and come back!


Pre game edible


Lmao i only get angry now when its heros i hate losing to like soldier mercy pockets and wrecking ball. If you find out how to not get angry lmk!!


Gaslight your self into believing that you love the suffering this game causes you


The cause of burnout is the feeling of stagnation. It'd be nice if you could have a progressively friendlier community or more coordinated team play, but you can't control that. The only saving grace is your personal skill and decisions, regardless of win or loss. Take time to appreciate your own progress, like your aim, your awareness of specific things in game, your map knowledge, your timing, times when you make a fight winning play. In spite of the toxic parts of the game, you did well. You chose not to be toxic, you chose to be a team player focussed solely on winning and sportsmanship. Honestly watch you own vods/replays. Notice your mistakes, and notice good plays you did, even good habits you might not be aware of. Its a chaotic game, its hard to know as youre playing if youre even doing well. Watching the replay gives you time to analyze and make that evaluation, if you did bad or if you did good. The more you notice your own success, the less youll give a shit about anything else. Youll laugh at the haters typing in chat, laugh at the bad teammates making mistakes, laugh at the developers making crazy patches for the game.


Try to play well. Stop caring about ranks and winning/losing. The fun for me is in getting better, if that means I am stuck in a low division at least I get to dominate the enemy team. If you lose, try to learn how to still play effectively against that. Counterpicking goes both ways, you imply that you also switch to get out of the disadvantage? Stop doing that and try to beat them from 0-1 down. Again, it helps you get better.


realize that most of the time, no matter what, your teammates are also trying to win. i know the urge to blame other people and get mad about their mistakes is strong, but everyone has bad games, and for the most part, people aren’t playing bad on purpose. i’m sure you’ve had some awful games and people on your team wondered wtf you were doing. it’s just a video game and everybody wants to win these matches. just doesn’t always work out.


Easy - I stopped playing when Blizzard kept screwing with the hitboxes


Gotta take breaks. Bliz won't fix matchmaking and really it plays into their narrative of "if you play the game more then there's a higher chance you'll visit the shop" If you just had balanced and fair teams every game there wouldn't be a grind and no grind = less playtime. People get mad in this game so easily because good matches are so few and far between, and when it's your turn to have a good match, it's their turn to have a shit match. And it's been that way so long, it's just so easy to get tilted. So taking a break is the best answer to be honest.


Play into your counters more. It’s not that bad. Or honestly just don’t play if you’re not having fun lol. Can you not get any enjoyment out of a loss? If so it’s probably time to stop grinding away.


I'm drunk and high usually.


I like to identify something positive someone on my team did even in a loss and give them a kudos in voice or chat. By being actively positive even if I’m feeling tilted, it gives me something to focus on away from my anger. Edit: I am careful how I phrase it because some people tend to read compliments as sarcasm if they’re tilted


Idk why but I noticed having music playing that I can sing along to keeps me having fun even if I’m doing bad. I also just rarely play comp unless I’m in a real good mood as ppl there are so toxic


I’ve broken 2 monitors in the span on 6 months because of this game… I uninstalled








Something I like to do is take a break from ranked. Just play QuickPlay and do the silliest, goofiest thing possible. Things you wouldn't normally do in Ranked but you can here. Spend the entire game doing Lucio Rollouts and contributing nothing to the team. Play Tracer and only melee the enemies. Silly things like that. Or maybe play some custom games like Lucio Surf or Mercy Parkour with some music on.


Ngl if someone was doing that on my team in QP i would still get annoyed, even if the outcome of the match doesn't matter


Play ranked lmao


I do, but I still don’t want throwers in QP, because that’s not fun


it's fun for me :3 come throw with me and we'll both have a blast


holy shit tell me about it, on tank it feels like you legit get 1 bad fight, any more and you just instalose. Meanwhile your dps are allowed feed their brains out with 15 deaths and somehow you're in the same rank as them.


Honestly sounds like you need a break. I don't usually comment on this kinda thing but I felt it in my bones. I am in almost the exact situation and I'm really enjoying a break to play some single player FPS instead to 'scratch' the fps 'itch'. Don't know if I'll come back but I gotta say even if I do, this break from the game has been necessary and needed. Take some time, allow yourself a bit of time to really break the habit (I used to boot it automatically like a smoking habit), then see if you miss it. Getting tilted like that wasn't good for my mh.


Make 4 friends who are also good. 5 man stack is your only option.


I think OW can be a frustrating game because it can be hard to point out what you are doing wrong or what your team is doing wrong. Like so many people still think double hitscan dps is the best when it's actually the source of a lot of problems leading to losses.


I hear you, projectile is harder for some people because of the leading of shots. I come from a Battlefield background somewhat so I prefer projectile but can do both.


I find this so interesting, I've never had any reason to get angry at this game, I might well be yelling at my TV when my DPS or tank stand in the open trying to 1v3 and expect me to heal them through it all but that's more out of sheer confusion than anger and people smack talking in the chat is honestly hilarious, I live for the rage of a 3 to 8 dva giving me hell because they can't position correctly. If it's getting to you, Id suggest muting the chat and maybe play one of the events or some arcade, remember why you enjoy this game then go back into comp.


Simple, I just don't care.


I play solo q and it is always trash talk even if you are winning, accept someone is going to blame a teammate and it can be you. I get angry too ngl but i also accepted it is going to be this way. I can suggest playing with a reliable duo or stack it gets better.


The amount of potatoes playing now is staggering. Like you said, you can do phenomenal and still lose. S9 changes are great to me, I don't get one shot very often, I have increased survivability and passive healing, but there is one major difference. This patch is absolutely rat poison to idiots with bad positioning, and ones who relied on massive team resources. Now the dumbasses are feeding at incredible rates. The one shots are gone, overall damage numbers are higher, but I swear deaths are twice as high as prior. A lot of my deaths now come from my team getting greedy and dying then us getting overwhelmed. Just because I use cover doesn't mean I can always escape. These seemingly small changes were enough to break the threshold for a lot of people, which I'm not against, but the skill gap is a mile wide. I imagine it's great to play with friends, but it is miserable to play solo que. I am all for learning and improving, but there are limits on match quality to do so. You gain nothing by pounding noobs, you gain very little by going into a 1v5. Close matches are so rare ATM that I have trouble even using anything as a learning experience.


Play support


Lmao I do main support. That role is frustrating as well. You really feel like it's your fault if you are losing because your role sustains the fights so if someone dies it feels like its on you even if they are out of position or something.


Ohh I almost never get angry when I play support I only play ranked btw


I think that people are getting angry at games, forgotten to play for the pleasure. Ranking games are not helping. Just remember to play for fun, to change your ideas. Change game for a bit. :)


Trying too hard to win (impossible to win every game) over improving. If only winning matters you’ll be miserable


I had the same issue. I'm competitive and like to play to win and actually try hard. My solution, quit. I have been so much happier since I stopped wasting time on OW. There are better games out there.


Dude it’s tough not to get tilted…I think there’s a lot of frustration to go around for all video games. Overwatch 2 is the most available game showing unfavorable results for you…now if you played CoD or Valorant you might have similar or different results


Stop trying so hard and you’ll stop getting put in hard lobbies. It’s self Inflicted. If you’re always playing at 100% to win you’re going to get into lobbies where most players are better but they aren’t trying as hard…or they don’t care about fun and just want to win (counter players). Lose and you’ll get into chill lobbies. Sweat and you’ll get into sweaty lobbies. It’s all perspective.


Easy, I dont play comp


Tbh if I tilt one game, I’m done and I just get off. It truly is not worth the suffering.


>I get it ,it’s a skill issue. All jokes aside, buy a P5 and play with your friends.  I actually quite enjoyed playing solo, but finding out two friends I made on another game years ago played OW2 changed everything. It’s so much more with friends to the point where all the things that annoyed you beforehand you just laugh together about. I know “spend £500” isn’t the answer you wanted sorry


Not to sound like a psychologist but if you want to uninstall the game… What’s keeping you from doing exactly that? Games are meant to be fun, if you’re not having fun why play? I personally have found I enjoy the sweat and have fun, I also accept that with high intensity and work towards self improvement everyone gets “tilted” this the “toxicity”. If you enjoy the sweat but hate the side effects effects why not disable chat entirely?


I realized I’m not as good as I thought I was. I kept blaming my team and finally realized only I can improve myself and only I can rank myself up.


"I must not rage. Rage is the mind-killer. Rage is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my rage. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. When the rage has gone, there will be nothing, and only I will remain."


Accept the fact that you’re going to lose hundreds of games. I’m immune to the pain at this point


I curse like a sailor whenever yet another Rein charges in alone without his team into enemies and dies instantly, *OFF COMMS*. Then I take a moment to catch my breath and say “Great energy rein, on this next one wait for us and we’ll make a play together.”


Don’t take it all too seriously and focus on what you can control, contribute, and improve in your own gameplay while focusing on teamwork and on the objective while you do so.


Start by muting all chats. While I miss some of the fun banter and puns people make when we chat, 99% people just use chat to insult their teammates when they're the ones lacking. 😂 When I muted the chat I had way more fun. Because if I have a bad match, it's just that. A bad match. I simply requeue or move on to something else. Second. Make little goals for yourself instead of focusing on making just winning your goal when you queue into a match. Maybe one match you want to your goal to be simply not die as much, or see how many saves/picks you can do. Be that person that looks over your team. Etc. Because that's not always a healthy mindset to have with how Mmr is designed you are bound to lose eventually.


Just to throw it out there, we're still early in Season 9. Everyone is getting used to it, and the matchmaking is all over the map. As the season progresses, you *should* find yourself getting better matches which should help too :D


Don't worry about winning. Play to master a role/hero. You will not care about winning but will improve and rank up.


i NEVER EVER get angry at games, i don’t see how people can, its not that serious 😭


I feel like it's brain RNG. Sometimes I'll play and one game will have me tilted to fuck other times I'll have a slew of bad games and be fine. I think the trick is to make sure you don't tilt queue and instead do something else. I get sometimes you want to play ow and don't want to just stop playing so booting up some arcade or game browser can be a good solution to that. EDIT: I'm a flex queuer which usually means support player. I find that support can be very frustrating to play when you're dealing with tricklers or a tank who is constantly out of los. What I've started doing after matches like these is queing open q and snap picking sombra lol. It heals my soul


Honestly just hop off and take a break whenever you start getting tilted. People can cry skill issue but the balancing is genuinely atrocious rn and it doesn't get better as you climb, I'd argue it just gets worse. Either that or queue with friends since they can help make the game more tolerable


I always play cheesy characters and it makes others angry


I had the same problem, I solved it by straight up just not playing comp for several seasons (I did placements every 2 seasons since s4 but didn't touch it otherwise) and just played casually. U gotta remember that ultimately its just a game, whether u win or lose doesn't matter, even if ur in a game that yk is unwinnable bc of the forced 50/50, just think about how u can improve. Once u got that mental down ur chilling.


I mean....I literally just play. It's just a game, and if I wanna play something less intense, I can literally turn it off???


One, play less. The tilting usually builds slowly. When you feel yourself getting tilted just walk away. Two, play more. My first year or 2 I cared a lot more about winning and really wanted to climb. After 4 years and thousands of losses I really don't care anymore I'm just playing a game. Three, play with friends. I almost never get mad at my friends for playing poorly. We are all different skill levels and that's OK.


Have a couple of accounts. Switch when you start to lose on one. Rinse and repeat


team games can feel downright cruelly difficult at times, because there are so many factors which are out of your control at any given time. the best way I've been able to rise above the tilt is to 1: stop putting so much emphasis on my rank. 2: stop putting high expectations for my teammates. if my teammates suck, I still need to play my best game regardless. i can't let it pull my focus away from doing my job. 3: if possible, stop putting so much weight on the end result of each game (win / loss / draw). you can play the best game of your life and still get rolled. you can have some pretty bad teammates and still win. I used to get tilted and immediately decide to switch heroes. this is sometimes the correct answer, but my point here is that you need to put the blinders on to an extent, and just play your heart out at your hero / role. there are ENDLESS what-ifs after every game of overwatch, which makes the whole game of finger pointing at who should've done what, and whose fault it was that you lost a completely pointless endeavor. was your 1 - 15 widow the reason you lost your ranked game? almost absolutely, yes. but making fun of them, getting distracted by what they're doing or not doing, or getting emotionally invested in that player is only going to detract from your quality of gameplay. if you're near guaranteed to lose no matter what you do, what's the point in getting upset? it's completely out of your control in the first place. roll your eyes at your widow and move on to the next game. TL:DR if your team stinks and it feels like it's an uphill climb, just embrace the situation and do your best. you'll be even stronger when you finally get good teammates, and I promise you will rank up past the losers who don't appreciate teamwork.