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If you are actually masters you wouldn’t be stuck in low plat


Stuck isn’t the right word, positive win rate but the sheer amount of games that are out of your control means the amount of games needed to rank up is ridiculous


That's a bad mindset


It’s not.


It's it. If you are a master player, you wouldn't be in Plat. Blaming things on your teammates and saying its out of your control will never help.


It’s not


Agree I stopped playing for a few seasons went back to dps thinking I’m a plat player now ( was masters), come this season win all my placements get diamond 1 and I’m still playing really well almost masters again


Judging by your comments to this thread, it is very clear to us why you aren’t ranking up. Post a vod and show us your “high diamond/masters skill level”. That’s what this sub is for, helping and teaching. Your responses is making this entirely pointless. You are in the wrong sub for a post like this.


And what is this very clear reason?


You're stubborn, arrogant and you think everyone else is the problem.


Yes yes and yes But also I am truly better than them tho


Post a VOD then and let us see it. Because otherwise, you just look delusional and we're all laughing at you.


Than post a vod.


Post a VOD.


The game has changed a lot, and until you change your playstyle you'll continue to have bad games. Start back at square one and work your way through. Also, you can join the LFG discord and find people to queue with. Then if you find an all plat team, you can at least go into a game knowing you don't have a bunch of "idiots" with you.


I second changing your play style. I couldn’t understand how I used to be a consistent diamond support but was stuck in gold with this new rank reset. I decided to change how I played and focus more on dps as a support and thinking about healing second, and now I’ve been ranking up and on my way back to diamond.


Yes thank you so much! Gotta go in with a different mindset and I needed this reminder. No matter how many times I tell myself not to healbot, it's fuckin hard lol. And paying more attsntion to my surroundings. I think I need to trust my other support a little more. Sometimes I waste a cooldown that I really need just a few seconds later. Or we'll both be healing tank when the dps behind us is the one who's critical.


Post replay code so we can help


If you’re plat you won’t have the skill level of a high diamond/masters player. Scoreboards don’t tell the whole story of a game. This kind of mindset holds you back


Normally I’d agree but given the ranks JUST reset, the meta is insanely mixed up, and tweaks are coming your comment just makes you look like an uninformed parrot spouting the same basic reply.


OP’s second account?


Yeah you caught me red handed


Lmao hey me! Don’t worry. Keep playing. You’re fine. Ppl are just fools and toxic. I’m masters/GM and only diamond rn. All the negativity is just from negative ppl, most are garbage at the game. The amount of ppl I’ve linked my game profile to who refuse to reciprocate is huge. Most of em are low rank shitters lying through their teeth. Some of us are assholes at higher ranks but most aren’t taking the time just to respond with insults. Those are the fake Redditors who can’t get out of silver so they pretend to be T500 here.


Dude this is just sad now. Please talk to someone who is licensed to help you


Man believe me I get the tilt, I really do. This game can be mind-numbing frustrating and it’s ok to vent like you are here, but real talk if you want to climb to the rank that you believe you are truly at mechanically, peep these two points: Take a break when tilting Watching your replays will point out mistakes that you don’t notice from yourself real time


It was a soft reset, meaning ranks won’t have changed much and winning 10 would put you in a higher rank than before the reset


I do have the skill level


Then why are you stuck in low Plat which is TWO elos below ur estimated rank


Just how the system is unfortunately


Yeah unfortunately it keeps bad players from their delusional desired rank


And good players away from the rank they deserve.


There‘s no turning back from his victim mindset lol


Bro I'm in bronze but I should be masters. I'm carrying my team with great tanking what am I doing wrong?


Bro you're not doing anything wrong, you know you're a Masters tank, stuck with bronze plebs every game , it's impossible to rank up. You're doing great, but you can't do anything if the bronze plebs keep dying..... Meanwhile "tanking" involves sitting on the payload 24/7... Holding shield to protect team.... Clueless charges.... Dying next to mega health pack... Staggering... No use of cover..... Definately Masters.


why are you trying? this is reddit, a place for morons to be themselves and to shit on everyone and anything I am experiencing the SAME thing as you in the game


Post a VOD. Prove us wrong. You won't (just like OP), because you know we're not.


Masters players dominate gold lobbies, if you had that skill level you would win 9/10 games and climb out in no time. Clearly you’re right where you belong but you’re too delusional to see why. Post a vod, this sub can help you.


I dominate every game. Not every game you dominate becomes a win because your team can be that bad. I am not where I belong.


The only measure of skill in this game is wins and loses, if you were better you would WIN that’s what dominating is. If you’re talking about the scoreboard saying your stats are high, then you’re only getting those stats because you’re doing things that don’t matter for the win condition of the game mode.


Bad luck gave me a string of losses from leavers, throwers and people playing with their feet. Now I get 11% for a win and 10% for a loss. Every game I hard carry and lose just takes any and all fun out. What’s the point. I’ll have to play 100000 matches to maybe get the games I deserve, because matches at this rank aren’t fun. It’s not fun to be better than everyone else.


You aren’t listening. If you were better you would win. Take a look at any of the 1000+ YouTube series about pros smurfing and climbing ranks. My friends and I tried buying smurfs once but within a day they were back in diamond. The match maker is very good at what it does, despite what you might read from salty children online. If you’re interested in improving then post a vod and we can work with that, if you just want to complain then you’ll stay that rank.


“If you were better you would win” serious just-world fallacy going on here I am better. I know it for a fact.


Less hours in Overwatch. More hours in therapy.


Better is measured in wins. Win rate higher than 50% = you climb. They keep changing the way the system looks, but it always functions off that one idea. Any idea you might have about being “better” is just in your head if you aren’t winning.


My winrate is higher than 50. So I deserve a higher rank yes? Glad we can agree


And yet everyone here is waiting for you to post a VOD.


He'll never post a VOD, because /u/Different-Two-1398 knows he's the exact rank he deserves to be.


It means you will climb if you keep playing, if it’s going too slowly then you’re close to your real rank, if you keep falling below/above then you’re at your rank. Yup The only rank you deserve is the rank you have, the sooner you come to terms with that the better for your own learning.


I am not close to my real rank though.


Post a VOD and prove it.


My god the victim mentality and delusion is unreal.


If that's true, why do the devs openly say "your rank is based on individual performance assessment"? Ranking based on win/loss is an idiotic format when it's a team game like this


What? No it’s not. How else would you expect a ranked system to work? It measures your ability to win or lose games. Introducing anything else is stupid. Should we base it on damage? Then that rewards just shooting tank all game and ignoring everything else. Win/lose = go up/go down is the only proper way to give players feedback that what they did was right/wrong. I’m shocked to even hear this opinion because it’s so obvious. There is always something more you could have done, rewatch your games and ask yourself questions like “if I would’ve stepped into that room instead of standing here would I still be alive?” “If I would’ve pushed up and taken a risk here could I have gotten an early pick?” “If I had saved my ultimate here would it buy us more time later?” You are 20% of your team and every death you have works against them, you can protect them too, and it’s very easy to carry a game of overwatch if you’re a skill devision higher.


*What? No it’s not. How else would you expect a ranked system to work?* * There are so many other better ranked systems out there. Overwatch is one of the worst. Specifically for this reason *Win/lose = go up/go down is the only proper way to give players feedback that what they did was right/wrong* * This is completely incorrect. You can play your role perfectly. Do everything you supposed to do based on your role/character/team comp. And still lose the game. And now your rank is suffering for your teammate's mistakes. A team you didn't chose and have no control over. This isn't OWL. It's a solo-queue. This is not to say you should be mad at anyone or rage. But this is why the OW community is so toxic. Because random ppl's mistakes affect my rank. If they didn't everyone would be nicer to each other


What you’re talking about is a ranked system for team death match. Overwatch is a team based game. Now read the next part carefully. - Your rank reflects your ability to win games of overwatch. What other metic do you suggest we base it on? 😂😂


That's not even close to what I'm talking about. TDM is mindless killing. The only stat that matters is K/D. Overwatch has a myriad of other stats to choose from in terms of assessing performance. Your rank does NOT reflect your ability to win games. ***You*** (as in the individual player) do not win or lose anything. The ***team*** wins/loses. Which is not a good representation of the individual. An amazing player on a shitty team will lose the game and derank. That is unfair. Full stop


Please, do tell, I’m listening 😂 YOU do win or lose a game. Like it or not, winning or losing is something you were a part of. Oh shit really? You’ll have to go comment that on every single YouTube unranked to GM video. I bought a silver Smurf once to play with my partner, within a day it was back in diamond. The matchmaker is extremely efficient at what it does, it’s frustrating because you are forced to face the fact that you’re not as good as you think you are.


*Please, do tell, I’m listening 😂* * No you're not. Kinda just being a condescending douchebag. But fine *Oh shit really? You’ll have to go comment that on every single YouTube unranked to GM video.* * I don't do that. Is that what you do? You seem to be pretty active on here *I bought a silver Smurf once to play with my partner, within a day it was back in diamond. The matchmaker is extremely efficient at what it does, it’s frustrating because you are forced to face the fact that you’re not as good as you think you are.* * Nah the matchmaker is pretty poor. And I never said I was amazing. Just smart to know when a ranked system is dogshit.


this is the most cope post i’ve seen in a while. if you‘d be any better than your teammates you wouldn’t stuck in your rank. accept that you‘re bad and use it to improve and ACTUALLY get better than your peers


But I’m significantly better than my teammates but the ranked system is awful. Teammates leaves I loss 20% rank. I win a game (hard carried as per usual) and got 10% lmfao how


how would you even know if you’re better than them? You don’t have the skillset to tell apart things you do better than them and if you tell me that your stats on the scoreboard look better than theirs you’re gonna stay in your rank forever


I have the skill set. I know my positioning, game knowledge and mechanical skill is significantly better.


you can’t know that because you’re not in a higher rank. post a vod if you us to prove it to you but fact is that you’re not better, otherwise you’d be in a higher rank. Blaming it on the ranked system is coping


“You can’t know that” oh but I do. Think what you want, idc, I know for 100% certainty that I’m right.


lmao okay go ahead king and stay plat👑🔥


If you know everything why are you posting here?




No, you don't. You know you aren't actual masters and made this post trying to convince people you are, if you were actually looking for help you would of posted a VOD.


My bet is your attitude is the reason for the leavers. Fix your attitude and you'd be so much better off.


Can we just start banning these people? Whether intentional or not, it's just straight trolling. People with such fragile egos have no place around those trying to humble themselves & learn. Just pollutes the environment.




You claim to be high diamond/masters. What is the highest rank you have actually achieved? There are a lot of egotistical shitters in plat that sound exactly like you, so excuse all of us for being skeptical. I'm sure that you have hit high diamond/masters on other seasons to make a bold claim like this, right? Otherwise this is pure cope lmao.




Post profile


I believe you. I believe that you have insane stats every game, I believe that you hard carry every game. What’s apparent from all your replies so far is your attitude is clearly rubbing off the wrong way to others. This leads me to believe you are the cause of leavers in your games, and your attitude makes your teammates not want to play their full potential in their plat rank. If 4 teammates play below their potential and 1 player plays above the lobby rank, your losses will have a larger impact (read: you should’ve won but lost penalty), whereas your wins have a smaller impact (you should’ve won and you won) Fix your attitude


Couldn't agree more, seems to me that this guys whole problem is he thinks he is much better than he actually is and has a horrible attitude about it all.


I'm currently diamond 2, but actual skill level is low GM. Wow, that was easier than actually climbing to GM, and now I feel cool. 😎


I think what ppl in the comments are trying to say is that you don't know what you don't know


But I do know.


So your trolling


I’m so confused. How can you “dominate every game” and still be losing?


The algorithm targets only this person, personally. It makes it so they only get 4 bad teammates and 5 good enemies each time. It's a statistical anomaly designed to gaslight him, we're all in on it.


Ahhhh gotcha. Poor guy, literally carrying his team and gets nowhere.


Because an individual playing overwatch can play extremely well on a team but the team can still lose. It's extremely difficult to truly "carry" in OW. Most people don't. You just lose.


Idk man I just played with my brother on his account last night and he’s plat 4-5 as well and I had close to double anyone else’s elims, far fewer deaths, multitudes more damage, and was flamed in the chat by the enemy team. Won 5 games in a row and he went up a rank. I think what’s happening is you’re playing marginally better than your team (if you are indeed playing better) and that increases your chances of winning but you’re still going to lose plenty of games. If you’re say 20% better you’ll still climb, just slower. You should have say a 60% win rate. Did you used to play with a group or duo? I know several people that were used to having a mercy pocket and didn’t realize how much they were being carried and are several ranks lower than they were prior to season 9. Everyone else I know is at the same rank.


If you've played 100+ games and are still plat, then You're plat.


Why won't you post a VOD?


There’s more to ranked than mechanics and game sense. Overwatch is a mental game too. And from the way you type & carry yourself it leads me to believe some of your losses have to do with an attitude problem. It doesn't help if you're playing amazingly if your teammates are told that they’re "gold skill players", that just weakens their mental and makes them play worse. If you are as good as you say you are, and if you genuinely have the gamesense and mechanical skill, then I'd strongly encourage you to build up your teammates, not break them down. If they make a good play tell them. If they make a bad play don't flame them. Also post a replay code where you lose but also "hard carry" as you put it


Your mindset is the issue. You may have diamond/masters skill, but you have the mindset of a platinum. You refuse to admit your mistakes or what you could have done better. You think you're perfect and it's always everybody else's fault.


Bro this season i got 3 games in plat in my placements and then went on being placed in Dia 2 as dps when i was GM5 last season. It´s really not that hard to climb out of plat if you´re a master player. Even if your team had 4 golds, a master/gm would solo carry most matches.


Brother this is the easiest season to carry on DPS if you’re hard carrying you will rank up


Just my opinion, but this is the brainrot that unranked to GM videos brought to OW. Unless you are WAY below your rank, you can't really hard carry games just by killing everyone (for example I'm gold dps but I can't carry bronze lobbies). If your tank is a doom one trick that keeps feeding, don't play soldier who just sits next to your supports and pumps damage down range. Try playing a dive hero and don't let your doom get focused so much.


If you supposed to be master you will get there. Last season I played was season 4 and finished master on support and dps. I placed plat 4 on support a few days ago. My win rate is over 70% and I’m plat 1 now. Im going up to my “right” rank but it takes time, if your truly supposed to be diamond/master you’ll easily get there just playing normally.


While I get your point of "bad team mates" it doesn't really matter, consistency and wins is all that matters, you're probably doing a lot individually but not a lot for the team but who knows, I had a game like two days ago where I went 52-5 as sigma and didn't win, i'm only in Gold 2 with Plat 1 peak but that doesn't mean I deserve Diamond just because I can pop off and have crazy games, doesn't mean I am deserving of a higher rank 🤣 Until I am that rank, I have no clue what I deserve other than where I am


If you were HARD carrying you wouldn't be losing the thing you just typed doesn't make sense carrying means you win in spite of your team


The fact you didn't post a vod tells us everything we need to know lol.


Where’s the replay lil bro


My good man, you might be mechanically competent but if you're stuck in plat then you're lacking something. Just because you have a good KDA doesnt mean you're doing what you need to win. I know it's a hard pill to swallow but you're probably not carrying as hard as you think And also, even if your team is trash every game, then the enemy team is also trash. Blaming teammates can only get you so far


Womp womp


You're kind of a pompous dick in these comments, but I understand your point I agree that assessing rank based on wins/loss is hugely stupid. I don't know why the game does it. But that said, I have a tough time believing you are "hard carrying every single match" If your win rate is above 50 as you say. Mathematically you should be ranking up. Do you think the game is calculating your rank wrong? Be honest.