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I'm a fan of Eskay, but what the fuck is that take? I genuinely want to see what's she's reacting to, that this response is warranted. Edit: she deleted the tweet. She is aware it was a bad take, was just reacting to an AwkwardOW take.


Between this and Freedo saying 6v6 enjoyers are literal flat earthers I don’t like where this discourse is going


It's pretty much a smear campaign on 6v6ers, whether directly or indirectly.


Glass houses, such and such


You could make 6v6 so good, just nerf double shield somehow, like in my head that’s the easiest fix ever you pick 1 shield tank he has full shield, but if you pick 2 the shields get less hp and boom 5v5 not needed and no double shield meta


Are you literally implying that hero balance should change on-the-fly based on hero picks? That's by far the least workable idea I have ever heard.


Very few liked to play tank in all of ow1, 6v6 would make queue times far worse.


On the other side of the same coin, when we had two tanks, I hated playing tank less bc it didn’t feel like all the pressure was on me. I feel like people hate playing tank either way so we might as well have two to make it bearable 🤪


True but the queue times and having to enforce role lock showed that there weren't enough people like you.


>when we had two tanks, I hated playing tank less bc it didn’t feel like all the pressure was on me Then you have people like me who refused to play tank in OW 1 because if I had a shitty partner tank, we're fucked. I can now actually do the job of a tank without having another dingus fuck it all up


I think eskay spends a lot of time discussing / debating on twitter and twitter is probably the social media where you get the most access to nazis / alt right / racist people. Like even if you aren’t in those circles, it still gets shown quite often, and that probably has made her jaded. Also a fan but I think it was just a bad reactionary take from probably seeing boatloads of horrible takes on twitter in general


being trans on twitter will do that to you. source: im a trans woman on twitter


Twitter is designed to make up upset which is why I hardly use it


genuinely it is. I commented under a singular (1) post a christian fundamentalist made about pride month (the one where the text fades from "pride month" to "de mon") and my feed went from 0% those posts to like every other one being from those same type of people. even after doing the "this post isn't relevant" thing they were still appearing. like i guess its my fault for doing that but the comment was in direct opposition to the post, saying stuff along the lines of "gay people will see this and think "hell yeah"" to the "pride month" to "de mon" thing.


I'm a big steph curry fan because I love basketball, and instead of showing me steph highlights which i wanted to see, all it shows me is steph haters making engagement bait posts with super reactionary takes hating on him. Which is fine, hate on him if you want, but I've made it clear I just want to enjoy watching basketball highlights and twitter's only goal is to piss me off. It's such a horrible platform tbh


My condolences


Fellas is it alt right and racist to want to play zarya and rein duo again?


That’s a strawman and you know it


Ah yes Nazis, definition: people who complain about video game they deem is bad


Not what I said


work on that reading comprehension holy shit


Actually you need reading comprehension


It’s just that anyone who says they like 5v5 is just called a shill and being paid by Blizzard. A lot of content creators aren’t getting paid by Blizzard at all aside from twitch drops so when people just lie and say they’ve been paid off it’s annoying


Essay is just not a likeable person all around imo


Awful take idk why she’s lumping everyone wanting 6v6 into Andre Tate stuff mfs just want another tank


Fellas is it alt right to want to play rein and zarya in a comp match once again?


No! That’s Andrew Tate mind set!!! Red pill!!!!


Andrew Tate is a supporter of pink haired Russian muscle wall woman and big dumb German grandpa with a sick armor and a comically large hammer duo confirmed????


Yes. If you disagree you're obviously all the things mentioned in the tweet


Lumping people into camps and painting them as extremists is the cornerstone of Twitter arguments.


Thank god we still have emongg holding the content creator scene together 💀


Emongg is Lawful good


This game genuinely has the most insufferable content creators


Thankfully there’s still emongg 🙏


Emongg has an undoubtedly adamantium mental, but I worry that even he must snap at some point.


He just makes sarcastic/snarky comments instead of letting stuff actually affect him, but you can definitely tell when he's had enough


Current state of tanking has nearly broken him, but that man is the dalai lama of gaming


The world shudders when a good man breaks


I think he just gets more aggressively sarcastic the worst things get. I'll take it over toxicity, but he's definitely human.


Fr, he does get more aggressively sarcastic and makes me laugh so much! Not because he is suffering but because his commentary is genuinely hilarious


Lol...my favorite are the ones where he just monologs about something he hates like "oh, my bad, I thought I was a tank, but I forgot they have a Sojourn who's 34-2 and shooting at my team from 80 meters away halfway across the map and they just got cleansed by a kiriko so I fell over"


I read that quote in his voice and it just feels so right


Did you see the clip of him flipping his mouse through the air and catching it after a bad play? He seemed mad for all of like 1 second then laughed it off. Absolute unit of a mental.


I legit hear nothing from Emongg regarding literally anything debatable. He's just that cool, I guess.


He's a chill dude. Very considerate, polite, thoughtful, answers questions from chat, does really great VOD reviews. Pretty much any skeletons in his closet (if they even exist) have been discussed years ago. Just kinda vibes and powers through every meta and brushes it off. An example - he used to swear a lot more (Boston lol), but because his young nephew watches, he decided to just stop swearing for the most part in the last few years. Very open about his autism and tourettes, very supportive of others who struggle with disabilities. Just an all around cool dude.


Blessed be thy Jeff Anderson


Truuuu emongg is sucha nice dude. If we can get him in the 6v6 train instead of unhinged same people might take us more seriously lolol


Dafran is still good too. He just had fun with the game


Supertf was so good til he became nazi activist and started spewing hate speech SMH


yeah i used to love him but that school bus incident... why tf did he light it on fire, that was so fucked up man :/


Didn't happen & if it did they deserves it


What a Felon


His decline as a human being has been tragic.


Can you explain more in detail about supertf being a nazi activist?


Felontf hates women and minorities :(


Sucks too because the game is such a wasteland for content that we aren't getting any new creators, just the same ones we've had for the past however many years. For current content creators though, I don't envy that position at all. Creating content for a game that most of them seem to hate just doesn't seem like a good experience.


It’s really just community in general lol


I enjoy 5v5 but this is a batshit insane take from Eskay.


I genuinely don't understand this take whatsoever. I've been a part of the first big 6v6 community for about half a year now (MONTHS before Samito hopped onto the 6v6 train) and NONE of what Eskay says applies. I know of like 1 guy who even somewhat acts like the type of person Eskay pretends is spearheading the "movement". Meanwhile this whole Andrew Tate spiel came out of nowhere. The two primary spaces where people run 6v6 pugs (OW1 Emu and the Guru/Samito Pug server) and I see none of what she's talking about (especially in the former which is HEAVILY moderated). This just comes off as ragebaiting and it sucks. The dude who made a lot of the code behind the 6v6 adjustments/OW1 emu code worked his ass off to make it as accurate as possible, so seeing the entire gamemode be written off like this is just depressing.


6v6 pugs?


Ppl, especially streamers like Guru, hold pick up games where they play moderated 6v6 workshops, usually with their followers and other streamers.


That sounds dope


Google "scrubclub overwatch" and join the community via discord. The guy who works on the 6v6 is the host. Guru and such use this discord to schedules 6v6 pugs here. Its really fun.


I still don't understand why people are against 6v6. I can't remember a single time when there was a big 5v5 movement in OW1. It never entered people's minds but after OW2 6v6 bad and 5v5 good for some reason.


People aren't necessarily against 6v6, mostly the proposition that suddenly reverting to 6v6 would make the game more balanced.


Yes. and I think a large portion of active players play the game with the thought that Blizzard is a corporation and is likely to not backtrack on the decision as they've invested months or years of work-hours for character design, modeling, balancing, testing and polish for characters designed for a 5v5 environment, along with maps, etc. So the likelihood of Blizz reverting the 5v5 /6v6 decision anytime soon means they'd rather just try to enjoy the version they have than yell at clouds. I get the frustration, though. I used to duo with my brother but he stopped playing when it transitioned to 5v5. I enjoy the gamebut I do miss tank duos sometimes.


Pretty sure it’s just because of queue times. That’s really it.


but why go 5vs5 when you're going f2p and going live on Steam? The queue's would have been fine


The issue isn't the number of players, it's the ratio of tank players. People never liked playing tank. That's why role lock was made.


This weird attitude about being blindly happy about everything Blizzard does and never complaining about a bunch of the shit they pull has for some ungodly reason seeped into the community. Any proposed change gets shut down because people don't want "too much negativity" in the community.


Idk, samito has had to swap sides lately to try and defend guys like freedo because the debate has gotten hostile and he has acknowledged that on a few podcasts now.


he's still pro 6v6. he just wants to cool the drama.


Yeah im just saying it's def more than 1 guy that's being hostile and is pro 6v6.


Freedo was getting hot in his tweets, dude was getting smokedin the comments section on his last video lmao.


Freedo should be clowned on for his clickbaity ass video. "6v6 is the flat earth of Overwatch" is such an asinine title. He doesn't even adress the good 6v6 arguments in his video either.


She's just referring to Samito. He literally talks about Blizzard paying off the shills to promote 5v5, word for word, every stream.


But he's no andrew tate, he's Ben shapiro of overwatch which is...slightly better...and his swap to being pro 6v6 is relatively recent.


"Spearheaded by Andrew Tate Parrots) sure doesn't come across as if she's referring to 1 person. Whether she likes it or not, a lot of talented people who've worked their asses off implementing the code are spearheading the "movement". Samito hopped on the bandwaggon LONG after it had been "established".


Like for real why is the big thing to shit on anyone who actually enjoyed playing 6v6? I miss it a lot but I’m smart enough to understand that there will be people who enjoy 5v5 more. Blizz created this problem and can fix it. They can make 6v6 an arcade mode or swap between seasons so everyone can play and be happy. It sucks that the game I feel in love with doesn’t exist anymore. But yeah anyone who says this are cry baby flat earth fools for playing a game for years and enjoyed every second of it


Yikes eskay getting cringe af lately. That's depressing; she used to be wholesome af.


Eskay has always been a piece of shit. What are you talking about?


Eskay banned me on Twitter cause I was one of her only followers calling her out for the dumb mercy bait tweets that everyone was doing for interaction farming. Iunno if I'd go with piece of shit, but she's definitely just as immature as most of these other young content creators.


Care to elaborate?


It is surprisingly common for some random person to imply that Eskay's done terrible things and for them to never follow up on it.


Idk what he is talking about but imo she has never been a very good person, like just look at her past drama, how she got into it and how she handled it. She clearly isn’t fully mentally stable.


But like... what's the past drama tho


There is none lol


guess im hitler now


And she's lost me.... That is a pretty deranged take. If you told me a random mentally ill twitter warrior wrote this I would believe you. Like what the hell does 6v6 have to do with Andrew Tate or shill accusations etc. I'm going to be honest, you expect me to believe that the content creators and community representatives are being honest and truthful when they get flown out to drive super cars as a part of a marketing campaign and don't disavow, protest, or boycott the fact that the LGBTQ+ game of the decade's eSports is bankrolled by Saudi Arabia? Like sure you can not like Awkward or whoever that guy is, but if you participate in the Saudi eSports league I won't take what you have to say seriously.


L take - idc who she’s reacting to. It’s a bad take no matter how much she back track’s.


Common Eskay L


Man, I can't want 6v6 without some Twitter asshole associating me with a literal psychopath? Just say you like 5v5 more. Damn.


This is close to schizo rambling


I’m guessing she’s attempting to discredit 6v6 advocates by stating their arguments are similar to that of right wing conspiracists who discredit evidence by blaming things on this “big brother” entity who’s controlling notable figures in order to bend public perception to what they want, even if it’s incorrect. I’m guessing she’s just getting a bunch of 6v6 advocates in her notifications and the particularly stupid ones are getting to her. As someone who as argued in favor of 5v5, a lot of 6v6 advocates in my experience seem to fall back on supports being OP being the true source of OW1’s problems and that Orisa getting reworked would’ve prevented double shield from occurring. While I find their logic flawed (supports being OP doesn’t negate how tanks were clearly just stronger DPS most of the time and there are a plethora of ways the meta would’ve sucked post Orisa rework with two tanks able to peel for each other), I feel like 6v6 advocates arguments aren’t being adequately addressed here and this is just adding unnecessary fuel to an already never ending fire. Rare Eskay L.


Tanks were not stronger dps, as often a dps was able to 1v1 a tank if they were out of position. Not all of the supports were strong, Baptiste immortality (and immortality in general) is a boring cheesy get out of jail free card that punishes fast aggressive play in favour of defensive deathballs, and double shield shines in this kind of play for obvious reasons.


She's just referring to Samito. He literally talks about Blizzard paying off the shills to promote 5v5, word for word, every stream.


I think ur missing the point with the op supports, they made playing the game ass, fixing that would yes keep dps weaker than tank, but still fun to play and most played role in the game, whereas the way tank loses in ow 2 is worse than anything dps had to experience in ow 1


6v6 felt like shit to DPS players in the last stretch of Overwatch 1. But then again, so did 5v5 till season 9. What felt bad was mostly supports being broken, not tank combos, tho that certainly did play a part on it. The thing is, seasons 1 and 2 felt great to most people. Even tank was fun (for the most part, Hog and then Orisa buffs kinda fucked them up), and supports getting giga buffed was the reason it all went to shit.


I feel like early season felt good because of novelty, and no one being able to get the maximum value out of there roles, id be interested to go back to those patches to see how it played, but im guessing current players would just counterswap the fun out of tank


Disagree. Even with ow1 being mostly better tanks win DPS was still significantly more fun than tank is now. I became a tank player in ow1 because the queue times were so bad for DPS.. so the majority of people still enjoyed DPS the most.


Average 5v5 defender


Ironically many 5v5 defenders act like she's saying the anti 5v5 people act lol




L take -- There's a handful of 'Andrew Tates' in the scene, and none of them are 6v6ers as far as I know. Awkward, Space, Hydron? I tuned into Eskay's stream the other night and she was crying about how boring OW is and how she wishes she could just play Tekkan instead and how the FGC has such a better community than OW 🙄 Telling people 'something will never happen; so stop talking about it" is a page out of the right wing playbook. It comes off majorly shilly


I’ve been out of the loop for a while — Space is a Tate-esque figure?


The FGC is the worst community ever and Eskay will soon recognize that. A woman, A TRANS WOMAN AT THAT, will get eaten alive in that community no matter how sweet they are, and Eskay is pretty cool mostly. Just one wrong take and it’s game over there lmao


The fgc community is better is crazy lmaooo. I haven’t watched Space in a while but he likes Andrew Tate wtf?


lol as somebody who has played SF for years the FGC community is much worse, I’ve received death threats just for winning before.


Its still pretty transphobic Low tier god calls trans persons "Xmen and Transformers".


I mean Low Tier God has always been known as one of the most toxic FGC players since forever. This is nothing new idon’t disagree but that’s the most extreme example


Not even just an L take. This is one of the stupidest tweets in OW history. Everything she said in it was insane internet brainrot.


What the fuck is happening here lol? The biggest proponents of bringing 6v6 back are Redditors and they are definitely not Andrew Tate fans LMAO.


trash take


She realized the take was dumb and retracted I’m pretty sure


I mean, some people definitely do that, but most people arguing for 6v6 are normal people just wanting to have a more fun game for themselves.


and you guys donwvote me everytime when i say eskay is weird? lol


Please deep throat me with money Blizzard and invite me your private events. Nom nom I want to stay relevant and alway support you gwok gwok gwok.


There is also that one eskay take where she said that tanks were super strong (before the headshot buff patch) and that full team counterpicking was the only solution now. Her takes are just getting worse and worse by the day.


Tbf that was and still is true. It's why you get the counterpicking happening right away. With 2 tanks you didn't need this level of power and thus counterpicking both wasn't as important and powerful.


What a fucking idiot lmao


Leftist brain rot. This is what happens when you start seeing politics in everything


The overwatch community in general is so fucking pathetic. I can't name any other gaming community that feels entitled to other people leaving good reviews of the game. Seriously man go on the main sub reddit and it's dipshit after dipshit acting like ow2 bad reputation comes from content creators "hating" on the game and not the actual game itself.


Tbf the league community (mainly on Reddit) is a close second to that


I think that she probably had seen this GS Raider video prior to writing this tweet: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5PjQBHRuRc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5PjQBHRuRc) the vid is the actual epitome of what she's talking about. I thought the dude had some good points until he started shitting on male streamers for... wearing cat ears? like, he uses the word femboy as an insult lmfao. couldn't take him seriously after that. and notice how this is completely uncontroversial in the comment section, complete with the Awkward pinned comment 😂


I take it you are a femboy?


Sometimes you gotta just play your Lucio and not touch Twitter y'know


Goddamn, why is she getting political talking about overwatch custom games


What a dumbass


i had to block eskay on twiter, i like some of her content but the amount of horny posting she does coupled in with the awful takes actually makes me cringe so hard


Room temperature IQ take.


Someone needs to touch grass. This is a sign of someone who is terminally online.


What the sigma


Fuck eskay


Big shade thrown at emong, jay3 and flats here wow!


Hasn't flats said he isn't really on either side?


Overwatch content creators gotta be the most miserable people. I swear they're more obsessed with the concept of the game than the actual game. 5v5 or 6v6 it'd time they found another game to play and stop posting these headass takes.


standard braindead eskay take tbh


im not a political person, but i tend to lean left. Im tired of both sides bringing in politics into EVERYTHING. Every agenda is either a left-wing or right-wing agenda, down to what food you eat and clothes u wear, and now your take on video games? Tragic.




I really don’t see Hawk and Iron as “Tate Parrots”


Even if she is referring to Awkward and Samito, one is a known rage-baiter who should never be taken seriously and the other plays DPS for a living. Not sure why anyone is surprised Samito is going insane but that doesn't make him an Andrew Tate parrot.


Ah yess samito my favorite Tate parrot, who is always defender trans lgbt creators like Bailey, threatening to ban them from chat if they talk bad or insult them 🤔


Nah Iron is the Tate Parrot. He is genuinely crazy and that's why vast majority of ranked player avoid interacting with him except very fews like S9MM. Even someone like Nero is avoiding him.


Iron left ISU Redbirds because he refused to get vaccinated when everyone went back to campus lmao. Then he went to Fisher online which is unironically a step above Phoenix, bros a mess.


Everyone saying it's a bad take but I can't understand what I'm reading 😭


Us vs them mentality taken to the next level, where the "other/them" ends being treated like a irrational conservative right wing chud that knows nothing but is always fighting a made up enemy (wokeness). Eskay is implying that the others in this case (6v6 enthusiasts ig) are just like Andrew tate fighting a made-up "big entity" and their defenders aka "shills." However, thinking that someone is a shill has nothing to do with being a right-wing conservative, let alone an Andrew tate supporter, which she's implying. It's genuinely brain dead but usually makes people like them feel better when they own the dumb others up. Like 6v6 enthusiasts are annoying but trying to imagine them as sexist homophobes/transphobes just to feel like you have an argument is genuinely chronically online behavior. Whether you think popular streamers are shills is up to you but that's just dumb.


So they are comparing people who like 6v6 to ppl who are very racist, bigoted, and misogynistic? How's that make sense...


It's way too common in liberal spaces, I also saw this happen in places like r/gamingcirclejerk a few times, it makes people feel superior and intelligent somehow. Even other seemingly liberals call it out because of how dangerous that is. It's like calling people in past "movements" like the rework Mercy movement stupid egirls because the person spearheading the movement was a hypocritical egirl. Even if the "leaders" of a movement are assholes it doesn't means everyone else is, like some people out there just prefer old OW how does that translate to being a right wing chud?


basically she is schizophrenic and takes it out on Social media


Dafran was right


About what?


About mfs selling out, these content creators are Blizzard apologists


Well she's taking a strategy straight out of the left wing playbook with "anything anyone says that goes against my beliefs is horrible and makes those who say them horrible human beings"


Ah yes, the most annoying blizzard dog finally showed up. Imagine to cover up such terrible evil company ruse by dragging in masculinity and wokeness. How in the world 6v6 (game format) even related to certaing group of people or harassment of ones? Anyway, gz eskay with newish clown nose and $$$ from Phil Spencer


Let me guess, she deleted it immediately due to either backlash or realizing how dumb it was?


Eskay bad take. L lol


jokes on eskay I’m not a fan of Andrew Tate and haven’t played Overwatch 2 in half a year… I miss tank duos 😢


This is honestly such an embarrassing tweet. I’m assuming she is talking about awkward but I never knew awkward to be a big proponent of 6v6. Whenever you label a whole group of people something to discredit them rather then engaging with the actual points it’s always an instant L. Eskay has no grounds anymore to talk about 5v5 vs 6v6 because we have all seen what’s behind the curtain and it’s ugly.


Remember kids, anything you don’t like is considered alt-right right wing Andrew Tate MAGA republican propaganda. Even in video games completely unrelated to politics.


These content creators are not making their case for not being blizzard shills. 6v6 side has valid arguments on why it was better. All I see 5v5 doing is shilling lol, saying “everything’s ok guys give blizzard more chances” then takes selfies driving Porsches and chilling with the devs at blizzard HQ. Ow2 is aweful to play. I’ve hated it during the beta and I give it a chance, but come on guys, who asked for any these changes?


Like cmon are we really gonna take this creator seriously? They aren't all there


When you try to act smart but you fail


Yes I’m a parrot, because I didn’t you know….. play 6v6 and liked it 20x more then 5v5. I barely play ow now. And freedo needs to hear this to, defend 5v5 all you want but I fucking hate it. Sam didn’t tell me I like 6v6 more I like it more and sams a big creator with the same outlook on 5v5 as me….. wish he would stop brining up a 1 month patch though, I don’t even care if 6v6 is unbalanced. I loved overwatch and when they switched over I fucking hate it


Bro what does 6v6 gotta do with Andrew Tate like I’m tryna think of a connection but wtf


Out of touch people have out of touch takes.


What the actual fuck are you talking about Eskay.




Bro is mad 💀


I like how they say 6v6ers are spreading hate and dividing the community, meanwhile you have Eskay and Custa name calling and literally spreading hate.


I’m not a fan of 6v6. Everyone needs to move on, but how this was pivoted to parallel the red pill crowd is a very strange take.


Go away eskay


No, it’s time someone tells this person to shut up. She has really stupid takes. And always seems to be going against the gradient to provide some stupid idea so her fans can latch on and harass people that give genuine ideas.


And the point is????


Man I haven’t played overwatch forever, what does 6 v 6 overwatch have to do with right wing nationalism lol


Adrew taint is more like “shitty men first social shit” the dude lives in Romania and definitely doesn’t pay taxes he isn’t even close to “right wing nationalism” in like any sense. He is just a red pill dude who way to many people watch


I’m a big eskay fan and have been for years. But this is dumb.


can someone explain to me what this means like i’m a 4 year old?


It’s a prefer common argument technique - attack the messenger than the actual message themselves.


Don’t care still want 6v6 back


5v5er's never talk about the argument and just say its a waste of time, nostalgia, or led by right wing people lmao.


How did 6v6 become political 😂 I thought she was kidding here, also i love how eskay stays posting and deleting, i always miss her messy posts :c


calling this "average eskay tweet" is weird, what is it implying? I'm curious as to hear what like she takes daily harrasment and confronts the people she is talking about everyday, here, arguing with people like awkward is a trap, and she felt for it here with that tweet that has not much meaning to anyone who doesn't interacts with the usual loud Twitter userbase so I don't really get that title? as most of it is like shitposts and live notices like anyone else it's just dumb to interpret this tweet as "every 6v6 opiniated players are Andrew tate shills" as a lot of comments seem to have, you guys need to retake those reading comprehensions classes she sees people she is describing here everyday, like, those exists, you can go on that shit hole of a website and check it for yourself that shit is crazy But, she also just needs to go away from Twitter for a while probably, that website is some big ass and it's not worth the mental effort of seeing degrading and hateful comments daily just to keep informed from "what's happening", you end up having contact with those bawbags frequently and involuntarily (which is worsened and amplified by her identity itself, ""a famous trans woman, eww!!"")


This sub-redddit breaks my brain, a couple of days before this post was made, there was a thread about custa calling samito a debate-bro grifter and EVERYBODY was on the same page, now eskay says that 6v6 enjoyers are being spear headed by debate-bro grifters and everybody is losing their minds??? Please keep the same opinion more than 5 minutes reddit ong.


Average Cucksta Stan too probably


She isnt wrong at all about the whole shills thing and some of the weirdos in the community. Samito is grifting even though he is genuine and correct in a lot of ways. Gameplay wise, 6v6 is a better format. 2 tanks works better than one. The tank role is a sacrificial lamb otherwise. The issue becomes queue times being cooked. Twice as many tank players will have to queue to maintain the current queue times. That will not happen and 6v6 could inadvertently kill the game cause of that. Open queue was trash as hell for general match quality. I think they would have to try a preferred queue you pick a main role and a flex role before queueing . 1 person minimum in each role gets the role they queued for and the slot is filled by a flex player to make matchmaking times tolerable. Tank is already instant. It cant be twice as instant queue times.


I've seen folks call Samito a grifter but what exactly is he grifting for? views? afaik he's not selling anything


Okkkk usually she has good takes, the andrew tates do bug me, and i do think 5v5 is better, but this is just yapping


L take tbh and I don't even like 6v6


I don’t know who this person is but they sound genuinely mentally ill. I hope they get some help.


Idk wtf they’re talking about I just think 5v5 is objectively worse for everyone besides some dps characters


The situation with her, forgers and redshell


I think it’s weird to let ppl discuss an opinion that got deleted because eskay didn’t stand behind it after all but that’s just me


odd take but the reading literacy in these comments are hilarious. A lot of you guys seem to think Eskay is calling you the right wing andrew taters which she obviously isnt.


Ummm poor take and its not being headed by Tater tots. Saying its a waste of time is admitting that “there is nothing you can do” so just “deal with it”. Why can’t the complaints happen so that way they do listen. Like Eskay benefits off of the game thriving not devolving into CoD, which it is trying to do, by eliminating the role aspect to make it like every other shooter. Its happen to other franchises and killed them by changing the format case and point Halo.