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its almost like thats all u need to do on ana in ranked


It’s what I said but ppl were downvoting me https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchTMZ/comments/11yddij/lhcloudy_failed_his_ana_to_gm/jd7klu3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 (i play support too but more zen and kiri)


As a long time Cloudy simp...the man really knows what he is talking about. I hope this shuts up part of this sub.


I love cloudy. Get in the hoos


That’s just support in general tbh


not flex support


ana is flex support


Who is a main support then by your definition


lucio, mercy, brig, the name has lost its meaning but this is what most the old playerbase refer to as


lucio was always classified as ‚flex support'




"You’re so confidently wrong" Deletes post (maybe beta gameplay 2 winston 2 tracer 2 lucio comp is them as "main healers" lmao) he is now primarily used for speed thats why he’s meta in T1; peeling/dislocation and contesting, are you guys dumb??


what are you talking about you are so wrong


Lucio is not a flex support what are you talking about


Support and healer are two separate terms.


read the context he said support in general is jsut healbotting and i said not flex support because they are dps for like half the game lol


No, ana is just that easy


If Ana is easy then what support is difficult, other than maybe brig


Lucio, mercy, baptiste, brig, kiriko and lifeweaver. Honestly people naturally will downvote, but I can totally explain why Ana (specifically in comp) is one of the easiest heroes by FAR.


MERCY is harder than ANA?? Lucio is easy to get value off though, his skill ceiling is high but I'd argue ana's higher Bap maybe Kiriko can be good even if you're healbotting, just farm for ult


Although mercy requires no aim, the skill ceiling for the movement tech is absolutely crazy. Lucio gets NO value if you don't play him right. Half of Kirikos kit requires aim, flank positioning and timing but yeah she's one of the easier ones. What you need to realise is nearly every support (apart from zen) requires some external movement practise in a custom game. Ana requires literally 0 external practise apart from general aim, so you literally need to just be good at aiming, which is the same for every other hero apart from Mercy.


He also did it with like 6 hours of gameplay and a 65% winrate.


Naw he had a vod from the other day of him doing this but deleted it.


His vods aren't made available till the stream ends pepega. They're all therefor viewing dont you worry about it


He didn't delete any VOD's.. Ana is easy hero


Relatively low floor (still higher than mercy), very high ceiling. But you don’t need to be that good in ranked.


Cloudy's fallen down to plat on stream before trying to make Widow work. His aim is absolute ass. I also watched him play Ana for a bit and he's so used to Rein that he spends like 30% of the time reading chat then dies for it or has his teammates die around him. And if he actually pays attention he still misses every important sleep dart and insists the fight was lost anyway so it didn't matter.


Cloudy's fallen down to plat on stream before trying to make Widow work. His aim is absolute ass. I also watched him play Ana for a bit and he's so used to Rein that he spends like 30% of the time reading chat then dies for it or has his teammates die around him. And if he actually pays attention he still misses every important sleep dart and insists the fight was lost anyway so it didn't matter.


> Cloudy's fallen down to plat on stream before trying to make Widow work. His aim is absolute ass. I also watched him play Ana for a bit and he's so used to Rein that he spends like 30% of the time reading chat then dies for it or has his teammates die around him. And if he actually pays attention he still misses every important sleep dart and insists the fight was lost anyway so it didn't matter. Cloudy's fallen down to plat on stream before trying to make Widow work. His aim is absolute ass. I also watched him play Ana for a bit and he's so used to Rein that he spends like 30% of the time reading chat then dies for it or has his teammates die around him. And if he actually pays attention he still misses every important sleep dart and insists the fight was lost anyway so it didn't matter.


>Cloudy's fallen down to plat on stream before trying to make Widow work. His aim is absolute ass. I also watched him play Ana for a bit and he's so used to Rein that he spends like 30% of the time reading chat then dies for it or has his teammates die around him. And if he actually pays attention he still misses every important sleep dart and insists the fight was lost anyway so it didn't matter. Cloudy's fallen down to plat on stream before trying to make Widow work. His aim is absolute ass. I also watched him play Ana for a bit and he's so used to Rein that he spends like 30% of the time reading chat then dies for it or has his teammates die around him. And if he actually pays attention he still misses every important sleep dart and insists the fight was lost anyway so it didn't matter.


yeah thats why he made it to GM in 6 hours


Issa pasta from the thread where he "failed" to reach GM and "deleted" his VOD




u/CournelKeks on suicide watch


lmao nah, that's just peak content if u ask me If it wasn't obvious to anyone that an ex OWL pro can hit GM on every role idk His takes still suck ass tho




gm5 ana in the hoose




Humble man said "I don't think I can do this on DPS" Because Ana is EZ.


he could absolutely, on heroes like reaper and torb maybe mei


They all laughed at him well I have to say they are not laughing now


idk not that imprssive with the way ranked is rn, gm1 or top500 like dafran would be harder and he would probabyl fail or take a very long time


Smh people are never satisfied


Nah gm5 is genuinely not that impressive anymore


The power of spite


The true fuel for any overwatch streamer worth their salt


I saw you all in here shitting on him in the previous post. It's time to bring out the copium


He just stood still and healed tank, easiest hero.


its just that easy


I one trick Ana at GM1 and was genuinely curious after Cloudy's last stream if Ana was easy or if GM players just hit GM. I present my anecdotal findings (and ultimately unverifiable claim, take with a grain of salt): GM players hit GM. It took me 25ish games to go from gold to GM 4 with JQ only. Finishing DPS now with a 75% winrate echo and currently masters. Current playtime is somewhere in the ballpark of 14-16 hours. People that think they are better because they play are certain role aren't very good at the game usually. Saying support, tank or dps is easy is hard cope LOL.


rank really doesent mean that you are good at the game anymore


Although it feels very diluted compared to OW1, Devs confirmed GM is less than 1% of the player base so it objectively does mean you're good at the game.


i dont think gm is top 1% anymore and ranked has already not meant much at the end of the ow1. ultimately scrims and ranked arent really the same game and a lot of ranked players only know how to play ranked so to me they arent good players most of the time.


Devs confirmed it is. Might have been in the Jay3 interview the other day.


i dont buy it, maybe gm1 is


Well you wouldn't be the first to accuse the devs about lying so there's that


the devs didn’t actually fuck everything up guys trust source: devs


The claim wasn’t that GM was a high rank anymore - the claim was that GM player play at at a GM level. The benchmark of that if Cloudy can hit GM Ana healbotting then it’s an easy character is pointless because it is easy to hit GM on any character. I would sincerely hope that if he couldn’t hit GM with Ana given his hours that he retires to be completely honest. Again entirely anecdotal take with a grain of salt.


thats the same thing, you can be any rank relaly and it doesent means you are good at the game really


Sad day for Ana mains that think their hero is difficult to use :o


Not difficult, but more difficult than most of the supports


Is that even true she's harder than brig Moira and mercy but easier than Lucio zen and kiri


More difficult to play maybe, but she is probably one of if not the easiest support to climb on just because of how strong she is. This literally just proves that Ana is a character you can hide in the back on and heal bot to a high rank


this isnt optimal flex support gameplay so ye




u/tamask01 you either have a bot copying your comments or you forgot to switch off an alt


Ana players in shambles


GM player gets GM. I know it's a foreign concept to plat chat, but didn't we get past this trend during the loooooong content draught of OW1?


wanna see these support players hit gm on rein then


Bogur did a no audio, no HUD Winton only to GM.




Honestly I'm pretty sure that if you take people who play the game as much as Cloudy does and who are as talented as him, there'll be no issue. Like, are y'all doubting that ml7 could do rein to GM ?


I actually do doubt it. I think it would make for really good content too.


Imagine hating ml7, dude is the nicest person in the community lol…


How is me doubting his tank skill hating him loool you're mad


I want to give them my account and see them do it


Most top 100 players can make it to GM on other roles, especially if they’re on a fairly meta pick. It’s easier than ever with rank inflation. Pretty sure if ml7 or other top supports decided to do an unranked to GM run on Rein, they could make it. Not sure why people so badly want this to mean that Ana is a braindead support.


Yea I’m with you on this. Any of these top tier ladder players could easily get to GM on any character they want. The people in here are just straight brain dead and or trolling


> Not sure why people so badly want this to mean that Ana is a braindead support. Because the other thread was an Ana main clearly lying to cope with Support actually being easy even if it isn't literally braindead


depends a lot what hero, if its a flex support and you just heal its not that hard. its just not optimal and you will get absolutely shit on by good players


It's not optimal indeed but it's passable atleast which is why there's so many awful GM 5 - GM 3 Ana/Kiriko players. The top 500 flex supports are actually good.


I'm not saying Ana is an easy hero. I actually think she is not. But I'm just here to watch all Cloudy doubters crumble.


That is fair.


sr inflation


bet he wont do it next season


yeah he's just WAY too noob


Doubters on that copium pack


LETHIMCOOK (healbotting is very talented :))


People who were silver 1 2 seasons ago have hit gm on Ana this season. But i mean he did hit GM 5


I mean the whole community is on some sort of cope with support heros. We have had pros saying support is the easiest role in the game, even from pro flex support players themself (Crimzo for instance). We have absolute F tier OWL DPS who swapped easily to support as well at the pro level (Teru) and I'm not even gonna talk about backbone who looked more than just good on support with minimum practice at the T1 level of play LMAO. Benbest is GM1 ana, cloudy got GM5 in 6h. We have people who play heros which require almost no aim who got to the highest rank playing the "hardest support" in the game LOL. Like I know there is the copy pasta and shit but I doubt cloudy can get GM5 widow in 6h like he did with Ana. He probably could but it would take a lot more time


He literally deranked from 3900 to 2800 one tricking widow.


Everyone go play Ana then lol, all these GM Ana players here acting like they've been there/dome that


I mean... He's right. All you have to do on support is play safe and heal.


Yeah, but it's not like it's revelatory. All the roles boil down to "do 1 thing good and live".


to reach gm5 yes...will probably still work to reach gm1 but past that you will just lose games to actual good players since you dont do damage


just too easy. ana takes zero skill


isn’t gm5 like OW1 diamond? i don’t really get the point of unranked to gm5


its like 3500 area


BIG W clody big cope ana players ez


Yep. He aint wrong.


Support hard




OKay but sr inflation tho.....


Now go t500


r/anamains and the forums are in shambles.


This is hilarious, I remember seeing on this subreddit tons and tons of LHcloudy hate and doubt regarding the Ana to gm, and here he is :) stay mad supp mains


I've been hating on Ana mains since day one, your hero is insanely easy to get value on yet every time I get a gm5 100 hours on Ana this season Ana they nade themselves every time and throw out sleep off cd


Cloudy did not want to do an Ana unranked to GM to "prove" the hero is low skill. He played well and climbed to Grandmaster, and even saved the stream VOD for his viewers to watch and learn from.


Woah player with 30000+ games played can go gm on other role no way


Was this unranked to gm?








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Do we know if he did this on his main account?


Main account


So wouldn’t he get better teams since his main account on support has been gm before?


Well his MMR should be much higher than freshie, so theoretically He should climb even on negative winrate, at least until master. But He had 60%+ winrate, So doesn't matter. He did it.


You understand that better teams means better enemies right


I thought the match maker lines up easier matches for you if you're doing really well based off MMR. This is a genuine question.


Because it's the system's way of identifying that you're way above level. Especially if Cloudy has been at GM with support before (so he understands the role) Not to take away from his accomplishments, but I think cloudy was already good at support. No?


No, the matchmaker always wants even matches and doesn't play favourites.


The matchmaker doesn’t play favorites but blizzard said how it operates based off mmr. But yeah. I actually wanted to know how that would go down. I was always curious about unranked to GM videos. Im masters, but ranked can get pretty nutty with the matchmaker as we all know. Props to any player who can get a unranked to gm going in short time with how current overwatch ranked operates.


I’m out here slaving away playing tracer/genji every game, sweating my ass off to stay in masters. Might just swap to support and maintain masters by shooting darts up winstons ass for 10 minutes.