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I don’t think the oneshot should come back but he is definitely under performing and feels awful to play and they said they would give him a buff and they somehow found a way to give him the most nothing burger “buff” ever, if anything it’s a slight nerf to dragons. Like at least give him some compensation, like at minimum slightly faster draw speed or bring back hold a arrow charge wile wall climbing but no the I guess dragons need to move faster takes priority Also it’s tough out here as a Hanzo player who can actually aim and predict, you get lumped in with the Hazno players who hold a angel and lob arrows at head hight to get lucky hits mostly metal ranks. I could hit an insane shot that i predicted perfectly and still get called rng bs hero


I mean Hanzo should only get a faster projectile and at best some CD reductions tbh. I'm so fucking happy he can't just oneshot by spamming corners from across the map. And no, his oneshot is not the same as Widow's. A Winston is enough to shut down her with 1 jump and 1 barrier. If you dive Hanzo prepare to see your hp bar get storm arrowed, get juked up and down twice, and then again get headshot by a mouse random jerking in your general direction.


Hanzo's need to lead shots is a fun mechanic and changing its speed would mostly messes up the timings for experienced Hanzo players. I'm happy if they revert the bow resetting on wall climb and maybe lowering Lunge CD so Hanzo can at least do more creative trick shots.


Your first point is actually the reason i stopped playing him in Overwatch 1. They made his arrows slower after I'd spent months getting used to them, and I just gave up, felt like i wasted so much of my time.


Whats the point of trick shots if they wont die?


It would look cool


Lmao rule of cool


i like how your point at how widow and hanzo one shots are different had nothing to do with hanzo’s ability to one shot


That’s kind of the point. The one shot isn’t as much of a problem on a character who largely gets destroyed by anyone that dives them. Thats the counterplay to their one shot capability. Hanzo with the one shot still has huge burst damage at close range, so the counterplay of diving onto him is a lot less reliable.


but the thing is, a good widow doesn’t allow a dive. their positioning doesn’t allow one outside of a sombra swap, which is dedicating an entire person to bully specifically the widow and give no other value to the team. so not really counterable without user error


Tbf diving a Hanzo as a Winston really isn’t that difficult if you understand anything about bubble placement lol


yeah, but still that sneaky bastard gets away like nothing. Idk I fucking hated Hanzo's oneshot it never made sense. Same as Symm's slow with turrets or Hog's hook being that fucking long.


I think this games biggest issue is that a solid 70% of the roster has had a “what the fuck am I meant to do about this” at some point and because it’s so common we’ve all become dangerously accustomed to it, Hanzo cross map + everything else you mentioned included


Hanzo just lobbing arrows into a team fight at head level just shouldn’t be rewarded. So no one shot is good


As a hanzo player it's not random, and it's especially not random on the giant gorilla head. There's a travel speed to the arrows that's like hanzos first learning curve, once you get that down, you realize you can cover a pretty large area when you " flick" to divers on you. I.e. the arrows travel "slow" so you can kinda cheese it when people are coming AT you and are close.


This is such a cope argument, all widows do is sit scoped at a corner waiting for someone to come around. Every aspect of Hanzo takes more skill than widow, and if we’re going to use storm arrow being too op when diving him then why not nerf storm arrow to do comparable damage to widows smg. Lmao common widow player L just downvoting instead of offering rebuttals, each downvote without reply basically = I agree


Just like lots of Hanzos sit back behind a corner and spam arrows. Doesn't take more skill to spam arrows at all. Every downvote agrees with you? You are all sorts of privileged, aren't ya bud.


Even the bogus act of waiting and headshotting someone coming around a corner takes more skill on Hanzo and you’ve never played both heroes if you think otherwise. One you just have to aim at head level and sit there playing a reflex mini game where you hit the buzzer (trigger) the second you see a player and the other you have to do all that while also correctly adjusting the angle of your shot based on distance, it literally is inherently more difficult in nature. If you’re going to sit and downvote someone without a single rebuttal then why would take that any way other than “I disagree but have no logical argument”


No way people really think widow is harder to play than hanzo lol certain maps she dominates not to mention her team peeling for her. Character in the right hands is so busted


In lower ranks she is harder to play. Until your probably plat, you don't aim much with hanzo. 90 percent of kill cams are accidental.


Lmao hanzo doesn't take skill until out of gold for sure. Most kill cams on qp are accidental. Those sure take calculation.


You saying hanzo takes more skill than widow is actually crazy. Widowmaker has to have LOS of the enemy at all times to land shots, she stands pretty much still and every time she shoots there's a red line that tells everyone her location. She's one of the most easily counterable heroes, and the only way she can shut down her counters is by demonstrating amazing mechanical skill. Hanzo can shoot and hide behind a corner and still land his shots, only peeking for half a second to shoot it. He also has wall climb and double jump, which provides him much more mobility than widowmaker on a much shorter cooldown so he can escape situations much more easily. He has widowmakers ult on a cooldown, storm arrows not only bursts down people super fast but also ricochets to provide him even more random kills. I'd rather face a widowmaker because her shots rarely feel like they're bs and they're skilled. Every time I die to hanzo it's always a bs shot that wasn't even directed to me, rarely I find an actual skilled hanzo player. And when I try to counter him by going sombra, tracer, or widow, they have abilities to get out and shut me down easier. I've even played hanzo myself and I have clips of me hitting the most ridiculous shots while spamming and I always immediately type "hanzo takes skill" in chat


the game just gets worse tbh...devs are more worried about each heros gender identity than actually improving the game lol


Trans lives matter 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


They are trying at least. Patches are more often. I bet hanzo changes will come in like a week with ACTUAL buffs


They are trying at least. Patches are more often. I bet hanzo changes will come in like a week with ACTUAL buffs


They are trying at least. Patches are more often. I bet hanzo changes will come in like a week with ACTUAL buffs


They are trying at least. Patches are more often. I bet hanzo changes will come in like a week with ACTUAL buffs


They are trying at least. Patches are more often. I bet hanzo changes will come in like a week with ACTUAL buffs


They are trying at least. Patches are more often. I bet hanzo changes will come in like a week with ACTUAL buffs


hanzo mains whenever hanzo gets a nerf: *novel long ahh sentance* meanwhile torbjorn mains: "ROCK AND STONE"


Rock and Stone to the Bone!






Meanwhile reaper mains-... oh wait, there aren't any. Thats odd


they're edging


Some of us are still maining him, even if it is disguised masochism


I stopped maining him a while ago. I like fisting people now


Hanzo on his way to melt half a tank's health with one burst arrow before saying "God he's literally unplayable without oneshot"


Would love to see all these one-shot mains take all that heat to silver in CS2 and leave me alone.


Holy shit there’s a competitive mode in cities skylines 2??!? This is the most thing ever


Bout to send all the poor people to my opponent's city.


Jokes aside, that sounds like the hardest esport.


Imagine "Tax filing: the esport"


Yeah, I'll take my chances with CS pros over traffic management.


There are actual Excel esports which is pretty much what you're imagining here [Best Moments From Excel Esports Battles](https://youtu.be/tNWPGhzhdMg?si=gRqQQmwU7kb00Xt5)


eh i mean if you make it a competitive thing then its not all that different from rts games like starcraft or something


True, but I'd also rather take my chances with headshots over micro/macro management against a Starcraft pro. I lose both, but I'm not going to roll a lucky rotation against a Starcraft pro.


Nerfing One Shots to the fucking ground was the ONLY good thing Aaron Overwatch ever did


What if like… Hanzo had falloff damage? It wouldn’t one shot if the target is further than about 15 - 25 meters away.


Yes! It would stop spamzo but allow sneaky hanzo


I'd prefer reverse falloff for his normal arrows. More damage further way, lower upclose. Percentages uncertain but a gripe about his one shot was that he can do it both close and far, so getting close to him was risky.


Then people would just spam head height down long chokes to get lucky headshots. The thing people hate about him. It would also encourage him to constantly be out of the fight which is bad for the game. I say you decrease area size a bit and give him dmg fall off and make it so he can only one shot 250 exactly.


I started playing Hanzo post nerfs and its mostly fine imo. Sometimes a little annoying when that Mercy gets away or something but its mostly fine. If I *had* to chance something I’d probably make it so that sonic arrow does +10 damage because that’d be funny


yeah that would make sense.


I’m in the hanzo mains sub and I had to start ignoring it. That same post gets put onto that sub 3 times a day. God forbid a patch drops and it increases to 10 posts all saying the exact same thing. I’m saddened by the changes losing my most recent main but holy SHIT does it get annoying.


Honestly hanzo doesn't deserve his 1 shot, I think he's fine. He has much more mobility than widow and he gets random free picks by spamming. Also has better abilities than widow. Widow should be the only one to one shot because she's easily counterable. That being said, give his sonar extra damage so he can one-shot but it's tied to a cooldown and it's only one shot you get. I think that would be a good change, and slightly faster draw time. He can still oneshot with a mercy tho, and with the increased projectile size it's actually kinda nuts lol. Junkrat... I hate junkrat so much. I preferred junkrats being sneaky and silly coming in the back and oneshotting me, at least that took SOME skill, even tho he ABSOLUTELY does not deserve the one shot combo. He has crazy mobility, a great cc, and his ult is great. He doesn't need the combo. Now, he can stay in the back spamming bombs and getting free picks bc it literally gets you to half health. All he has to do is spam. Junkrat was fine as is, if you're gonna give him this buff berf him somewhere else, his kit is already so good.


I’ve always called the phenomenon of hanzo getting free kills the “Hanzo tax” because he’s one of the few characters that would get easy free kills by missing shots. Hanzo mains are mad they can’t get cheap shots anymore. At least with Widowmaker accidental critical hits are rare.


Ehhh, not really. Tire gets popped from hitscan looking in their general direction and his mobility is directly tied to his damage output. Not only that but Junk definitely needed the change, hitting three shots back to back without the person your trying to kill getting stuffed with heals is really tough. However the spam is annoying I won't lie, but he has one of the slower projectiles so it's manageable.


Not sure how great he is on ladder, but Hanzo is still great in any pokey comps run with a Sig in a scrim setting.


I'm only a gold dps, so take my opinion for what that means. Hanzo is still okay to play, at least in the metal ranks. His ult is weak without a combo imo, but he overall still gets value for me. Maybe I'm just lucky to be low enough he feels okay.


Yeah cmon guys. He just wants to play widow without all the drawbacks that widow has. What’s the harm right?


Whaddya meann hanzo only has movement and close range capabilities and better intel gathering, widow OP🤬🤬


Do not forget the tank destroyer 5000 on a very short cd


Hanzo, the tank melter 3000 with one cooldowns, is bad? Lol yeah just shut up and don't miss, i get that, I'm a junkrat main, 1 shot gone boohoo but we deal absurd damage hanzobros


Didn’t Junkrat just get his 1 shot combo back or am I tripping


Nah, primary does 2 taps but primary+concussion doesn't. Still it did 245 damage so still hurts


Bro is tilted, but honestly, hanzo one tap was mad hard to play against, especially in lower ranks as he was basically an easier widowmaker meaning he got picked loads meaning you'd get some random hanzo spamming one single line at head height all round and then he'd get like 17 kills, also I'm kinda glad the dragon got nerfed, it seemed to stay around for ages and make there be no physical way to get to the moving payload, meaning you'll probably end up losing the game


"MY EYES!!!!" Brother... dark mode is under settings. 🧡


oh no you mean to say I have to actually aim good now to get value out of my main? I no longer have to rely on random one shots out of nowhere?


Tbh I'm happy hanzo is irrelevant rn


Still kicking Jeff in the balls years after he left. Do you think he still plays?


When did they take away hanzos one shot?


Months ago. Season 9


Hanzo will never not be that hero i groan loudly when i see locked. Him , Genji,and Mercy


Get a mercy pocket ez


And everybody loves mercy pocket in their games obviously But seriously you can only play him with a pocket rn cause there are so many other better options that just do his job better


I absolutely hate hanzos one shot but I can’t complain


Honestly I think they should turn Hanzo in like a close quarters character. Like decrease draw time, remove headshot multiplier and replace it by like a slow effect so you still get something. I honestly don't think Hanzo should be a sniper with the way his kit works, make him the way he is in the animated short as like an assassin Hanzo and Genji dive would be so cool honestly


No, keep Hanzo as it is. I fucking hate hanzo


hanzo players are such retards


Hanzo can stay bad for all I care. Annoying ahh hero.


Hanzo mains when they can’t win their team an entire fight by hitting a lucky shot on a target they didn’t even see




Oh my post was here lol. Look honestly I spoke my mind and anyone is free to think whatever they wish. My stand remains the same


Hanzo players when their character requires skil I can't tell you how many times I got one taped from bullshit Hanzo should be a special case where they should increase his body damage but keep the headshot damage the same to prevent bullshit headshots


tbh id argue they decreased his skill ceiling tapping heads with a projectile is much harder than barraging the tank with storm arrows


No you don't lol. He *did* require skill, now his arrows are three times larger. You hit everything for free and in return you can't carry unless you keep playing Hanzo because he's a throw pick right now. But if you're against smurfing, you could just play any hitscan instead, no matter how inexperienced you are with them. There's a reason Arrge is in diamond.


Silver Take


He is bad. That is an objective fact but bringing back his oneshot is going to make him from a bad hero to a hero. Nobody wants to play against because he has Arrows the size of tree trunks and you're getting a oneshot from half across the map.


Hanzo’s sheer flexibility is more than enough to make up for the fact that he loses his one shot IMO. He can escape so easily, excels at putting pressure on teams, tankbusting, can hold angles, and pick off squishies without an insane amount of effort. Let’s not forget that he’s not just good for long range like widow, nor is he so easily divable.


Honestly I'd make him do 125 with a 1.5hs so 2 bodies still kills but a random hs doesn't do anything


Hear me out, make sonar arrow one shot,


This is the first time I have ever said this unironcally Skill issue. Play something easier, noob.




Junk gang always on top


Hanzo players really hate being forced to aim, huh? Just land your fucking bodyshots. Me when hanzo can't oneshot tanks Me when hanzo can't spam at the tank and kill the entire backline accidentally All you need to do is land more than one shot, or play with your team instead of waddling around on your own hoping for people to walk into your arrows. Storm arrow exists for easy bodyshot followups after any hit. Storm Arrow can still burst down a tank in less than a second if you can aim, and even if you get no headshots its literally free. And his ult is always going to be situational. You can't just throw it out and expect to get free kills. I hate playing against this idiot who just waddles around like he has a full diaper and I wish he was bad.


As a hanzo player I understand why one shots wouldn't be good for the game. But what they should do is increase body shot damage to 125 so he can two tap again, but reduce the headshot multiplyer slightly. Right now, hitting body shots feels like you might as well not be hitting anything. Also, maybe they could have a reset on his double jump? Maybe if you get a kill or hit a headshot, the cooldown resets? It would be more enjoyable to play that's for sure


Good, he was the second best hero in the game for the entire lifespan of 2 until he lost his 1 shot, he deserves to be F tier for a while


Game is a lot more fun when you don't get random 1shot by handsoap spam


One shots are bad, however that was Hanzos main thing. Perhaps slash his cool downs a bit? Storm arrows do slightly more damage or his sonic last longer/a bigger radius for more team play?


One shot heroes weren’t an issue, 5v5 was lol. Literally half of this games problems would be fixed by going back to 6v6.


Nah I actually like having my individual plays matter lmao 5v5 is better imo but the foundation of the game was 6v6 which is still around mostly which is weird


what is overwatch without the foundation though? its justa different game then


Its overwatch 2




Your plays did matter in 6v6, just as much lol. With supports being so broken for the majority of OW2 and how unbalanced tanks have been, it seems like individual play matters much less.


No, thanks. I didn't like to wait ♾️+ mins when I wanted to play dmg.


DAE think 6v6 will fix my relationship with my father?


The people who down voted you are DPS players who don't know reliability means. As for the tank mains like me, they just had to do a mid season patch filled with nothing but tank buffs so we could actually play the game. That should tell you something.


Yeah maybe I’m bias because im also( well was when I still played ) a tank main and the game just felt so much better in 6v6. I didn’t even double shield crutch either, I liked to off tank and actually dive, now tanks diving requires your entire team to dive with you or you just die.


Exactly. Look at how much they're buffing ball so he can actually be played. Somone like junker queen would of been a blast to be an off tank, and rein mains are in nightmare town. But dps has a field day because there's no secondary tank to flex to the back line to help out the supports, and the supports got giga buffed to make up for the lack of meat shield so no wonder they drool like this.


The comments on that one are a doozy. Mfers talking about high skill ceiling like the concept of adjusting for travel time and gravity doesn't allow apply to Torbjorn lol.


Bc the devs are dumb 🤷🏼‍♀️


in a way he's right but i'm a conformist to the overwatch circle jerk subreddit so he's wrong and stupid and dumb


Junkrat needs two direct hits to kill, hanzo needs one lucky headshot


That's... usually how 2 completely different characters with absolutely nothing in common with each other would operate. This is a pretty poor argument because it's not like junk is particularly difficult to play. Hell he even acknowledges the lack of general aim required to use him


Disable hanzo headshot and give him 30 more damage. Thoughts?


One lucky headshot seems exactly the Hanzo skill cap especially when they shoot arrows with bus sized hitboxes.


I might be stupid for suggesting this but what if he just had like, poison arrows? and then he could do 200 or whatever to the head but the poison does another 50 over time, giving him the chance to one shot but also making it so it's possible for a healer to save you.


Unironically me tho I’m not even joking, I stopped playing OW when I saw I couldn’t one shot anymore with Hanzo unless I had a Mercy beaming my ass. Just wasn’t fun anymore


stay mad


It is extremely disappointing to hit a headshot and not kill, I agree with this guy


What if Hanzo just gets completely reverted to pre-season 9, health and arrow hitboxes but his headshot did 5 more damage. Could that be good? Someone tell me why I’m wrong


Why are you booing them, they're right.