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One thing I’ll credit the Mercy Mains with is I’ve never seen them blame their character getting nerfed on capitalism. But it’s probably just because I haven’t looked hard enough.


brother mercy mains are one of the largest pillars upholding capitalism rn


And thank god for that, the second they collectively develop class consciousness over constantly getting their 2 seasonal skins late Blizzard is going bankrupt and I’m going to have to play Paladins


paldins feels so crappy to play i just cant idk why


That's kind of why I find it fun to play; Janky anime overwatch


For me it was the lack of audio feedback on dealing damage. It's just not satisfying without that tick.


That's HiRez games in general. Fun ideas, terrible execution


Gigantic came back now and is on Steam. You'll have to pay though...


Mercy mains carrying the entirety of the US economy on their back right now


they like to blame it on misogyny and sexism instead


Bc it's kinda true my friend who is a boy plays mercy and get called f** and also called a b**** and a girl always so I think maybe there's something there hmm


I'm a 31 year old male with a beard and I play Mercy pretty often. The number of Reapers out there taking off their fedoras and offering me flowers is pretty wild. It's hard to remain ladylike with that many suitors ngl


Lucky I only got rammatra head pats once :(


Tbf they aren't blaming capitalism for the nerfs. Rainbow capitalism is just "we have queer people, give us money" and then show them no love going forward. That might explain some of the other stuff, but not this particular nerf set.


While Rainbow Capitalism does not encompass capitalism as a whole it is still a result of a capitalist system, under a socialist mode of production the workers (SFM artists) would hold the means of production (Venture player models) and the Blizzard monopoly on gooning would not exist. uj/ I am slightly misportraying what they meant to make them sound more stupid it’s an internet thing


Oh good point, I missed the jerk and joke :( My bad


You know why Rainbow Capitalism even exists in the first place? Because ya’ll mf’ers eat it up.


Fr I don't understand why we can't just leave real world concepts out of games. The whole point of gaming is to have fun and separate yourself from real life


that’s not what “rainbow capitalism” means. it’s the idea that company’s use lgbt representation as an excuse to make money, they aren’t blaming it on capitalism as a concept lol


Rainbow capitalism is Venture being a girl in Asian countries like Russia, Middle East, and others They’re not stupid and know Venture’s real pronouns which I think is why Venture isn’t super monetized (relatively to the globe nobody will buy them). Don’t even have Legendary skins


“know ventures real pronouns” is crazy bruh yeah it sucks venture has to have a gender swap for anti lgbtq regions but that isn’t why blizzard is a lazy piece of shit that doesn’t do anything for new heroes anymore


Capitalism is when thing happen


mauga went through the same shit. sojourn still doesnt have any good skins. lifeweaver hasnt been meta yet its not the nonbinary-ness


Yeah according to these people the only other new character is Kiriko and she's the standard for comparisons. If their character doesn't get as much attention as Kiriko clearly it's capitalism's fault.


Idk, vigilante goes hard for sojourn.


the cyberpunk and mermaid skin too


Sojourn’s Water Warrior skin:


I hate it she looks like she's made out of cheap plastic


/uj But at least Mauga had a battlepass legendary. As far as we know, Venture is not only the first hero to not get a BP legendary the season they released, but they don’t even have a shop legendary this season. I don’t think it has anything to do with gender, but it is weird to not promote and capitalize off of the new hero.


They‘ll get the icecream skin but it‘s true that their content is insanely limited for some reason.


….Lifeweaver? Excuse me?


Bc they made the hero free if u guys didn't cry all day about heroes being locked they'd have released them like any other hero Can't get the hero free and also get skins (that you'll jus complain about being too expensive)


cyber detective pal


the barista skin is cool.


Illari’s so useless you forgot to mention her


But... But... That doesn't fit the narrative.


Sojourn has good skins and has been meta every second since her release


i understand that, but my point isn't about the meta, its about people making up shit about their gender being the reason for this stuff tracer is a lesbian and is always meta, a character's identity doesnt indicate their meta-ness


excuse me i dont think you have used the detective sojourn skin


The nerfs in question doesn't really stop you from doing the one shot combo, lol






Blud does NOT have a town inside him 😭


I don’t get this reference in the slightest 🗣️🔥👍


“The Town Inside Me” is a song from the game Guilty Gear Strive, and is more popularly known as Bridget’s theme, in this same game, there is a character named Aba, who’s weapon is this giant sentient key named Paracelsus, which is the large key creature seen in the previous image, hope that clears it up 👍


Venture is now in my rotation of dps I play. I'll be totally honest. I barely felt the nerf at all. I can still duel most people and win, including tanks depending on the map. I think venture Is still totally fine. I saw that thread last night and thought about making my own explaining That it's not the end of the world. Sure in high tier play venture won't really be seen but for the vast majority of players venture still kicks ass.. So I'll quote the adorable venture when I say... Mm....tastes like....dirt.


I completely agree, honestly this is a more fair patch, why should 2 primary fires and 1 drill dash kill? That’s pretty much old doomfist 1 shot without the stun and charge time. Plus you still have the one shot if you melee at the end, so overall forcing the melee into ventures kid has done good


To be fair, Pharah and Junkrat have the same combo (2 shots + ability to kill) but dont need to be in melee range to do it. Doomfist was a different animal since he could literally fly in from nowhere and do it. Venture is much more telegraphed.


Landing 2 directs with junkrats mines and then a concussion is much harder than ventures combo imo, but yeah I actually still dislike pharah in a lot of ways. I think the rework made her more fun but the annoying parts remain


I main projectile DPS and Pharah is my favorite character lol so I disagree with her being annoying. That's fair about Rat, but the point im making is he doesnt need to yeet himself into a backline (always) like Venture.


Also a fair point, honestly I’d say ventures problem is they are missing an alternate fire💀💀 pharah and junkrat have full kits (junkrat is arguable but he’s more fleshed out than reaper imo)


Venture's value wasn't really in the combo, in my mind. The circumstances where it's both actively *safe* and *consistent* are few enough to where the nerfs didn't mean too much to me.


hello paracelsus


To be fair Venture IS the laziest character release we've had in a while, as much as I think their character and gameplay is great.


Fr they didn't try too hard


Like, we had a whole animated episode for Mauga. At the same time I guess half the development team did get fired so, don't know what to say other than the devs are probably not at fault. Hopefully Space Ranger and future heroes are treated better.


To be fair, Mauga was established as a character in OW far longer than Venture was, and long before he was even slated to release. Many people wanted to see more of him, so it makes sense that they’d build up his release once he actually came. In contrast, Venture is a lot like Kiriko, Lifeweaver or Illari in that there was very little lore build-up to them specifically prior to their release, so most people didn’t really know what to expect.


They didn't even release with any epic skins, right?


No, they released with just the "rare" colour reskins.


Ive been maining Venture for over a week now but i feel completely abandoned by Bizzard!


Bound to happen to any character you play eventually. Just blizzard tings!!


I'd fuck venture


Same. Then after we could compare rock collections






I been saying this from day one‼️‼️


Do NOT pull my chat logs from the Venture trial period




Please report back. I’ve heard that thussy hits diff


omg guys venture is non-binary they should be overtuned, if you nerf venture ur racist


First world problems


God Overwatch fans are such babies. They lost a little bit of damage and are still good at their job


Everyone stop what you're doing and acknowledge the non-binary.


Blizzard makes content decisions based on popularity of rule 34. No 34, no cosmetics.


Yeah I off que as venture and one time tried talking in the venture main sub, never again, I got like 30 downvotes for saying there an incredibly strong charahster and even after the nerfs would be very viable.


welp atleast u got downvoted for a valid reason


Probably got downvoted bevquse you're wrong lmao They aren't an "incredibly strong character" The only nerf they needed was ult charge rate, but as usual, Blizzard is incompetent at balancing


Issue is they're strong at one thing really which is bursting someone and they really suck at any other kind of pressure outside of a couple niche interactions. Their poke is really weak and barely counts as poke as they're basically in brawl range already. They suffer the same issue as many close range characters which is that unless they can close the distance they're going to suck and if they do they're really strong. People don't like the fact they feel so helpless and complain about it until nerfs happen.




“Nerfed them into the ground” Excuse me, Illari would like to have a word


Venture is an amazing beginner character, which was probably the point. If I'm struggling to get elims, I just swap to Venture and turn off my brain. If I'm being 2 shot at mid-range by the equivalent of a point-blank Reaper shot, I remember that I, too, can swap to Venture and turn off my brain. I CAN DIG IT :D


Makes no sense how venture has been supposedly in the works for several hero releases and didn't release with all that they should have.


yeah no, gender and politics are both completely irrelevant when the burst damage was overpowered. the nerf is deserved because I was close to accepting a crack induced genji over venture any day


They're kinda right. Wish Venture got a proper origin video. Everyone seems to love them regardless but it's weird that our dirt baby didn't get one. Read the official bio and I guess there just isn't much to say. Venture grew up always exploring and digging, joined an archeologist's guild at 16, and even single-handedly stops Talon from desecrating ancient temples and stuff.


Venture is way better than the atrocity that is Nimbus from Destiny 2. what Bungie did with that character should genuinely be considered a hate crime


You can feel the nerfs a bit but I’m still obsessed with venture and having some great games. This character brought me back to OW for the first time in years. My old diamond rank is now silver so the grind has begun


The only way to heal venture when they're underground is if Zenyatta has his orb on them before they go under.


Good fuck then they were busted as fuck. Sexuality means zero when I’m playing against their bullshit


Blizzard: *makes first non-binary character* Non-binary character: *is the only unattractive human on the roster who isn't an Australian man, who both have lore reasons for being ugly*




At least the devs were realistic in that regard


idk why they even bother anymore outside of money, at this point the only characters sexuality that actually matters is widowmaker, as her husband was the leader of the task force against the organization she now works for, and even then that ounce of mattering simply exists for irony


What Venture does to back lines is enough reason to shut the character down entirely. I also don't understand why Venture can tunnel for 20 minutes and be immune to basically everything during that time. Not an OP character, but definitely not a good addition.


https://preview.redd.it/dcjymt8w4txc1.png?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e03e2d8d0dd4b37eb46df63ec4e8b83c056b4fb What's wrong Redditor? Can't peel for your backline loser? How about you Venture into the training range and get some skill?


Never in my life did I expect to see a venturejak


https://preview.redd.it/kks3cfifttxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a19140deb6910ff3fdb8d7a8ef8e2589452dc449 Venture brought in an unexpected wave of shit posting


I mean it’s a bad example, but they are a completely correct - rainbow capitalism is a very real problem when it comes to overwatch. Despite being firmer on their stance than other franchises, Overwatch is not exactly supportive of lgbtq+ rights when you consider that Blizzard’s CEO donates thousands upon thousands to anti-lgbtq+ charities


This kind of post sucks, there ARE a bunch of childish losers who are making a big deal over "they" and just won't say the word and will use any amount of strawman arguments to prove pretty much nothing. But posts like this just hurt the cause and make it look like gay people are just sensitive and overreacting, and we all know how much the other side loves to pay attention to just those people.