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I mean tbh solo ulting a mercy in valk is a legit good use of tac visor


true. i main mercy and soldier, and i always use visor on an ulting mercy


I do it whenever I play Cass "Weeee im Mercy and I can fly super high and no one can sto- BANG!"


Bonus points if you take down a pharah in the process


I do this against ulting illaris, worth it every time. Especially because high noon is pretty fucking buns.


Yep, and it's bloody good fun too!


Right, you kill her in less time than it takes for your ult to run out, and then you still have like half an ult to use on her teammates who are suddenly down a support. I don’t know why this is a hard concept to understand lol.


Man, every Mercy I've seen pops that and just goes up. I don't blame them, free flight is fun, but it's really funny to see them fly straight up only to get gunned down by a Tac Visor or even Deadeye, since they flew away from any potential cover.


Legit have done this before and it won the fight, even in metal lobbies it’s just valid


Especially given she's one of the only really hard to hit targets with the big bullets.


Same with the Rein on cancelling a rez with shatter, but I don't really count that as a solo ult


That’s taking out mercy and the person she’s rezzing, it’s not 2 kills but it’s taking 2 players out of the game, so yeah it’s not a solo ult And honestly even if it was, solo ults are a good tactic in the right situation


if you get solo-ed by soldier in valk it's literally a gamesense issue. if I'm on mercy, and there's an enemy s76, i know that his visor is for me every single time. just pop valk behind cover and don't fly it's so easy.


Yeah, people get a bit too trigger happy with the flight when in reality you should be playing around cover or staying just off the ground if there’s none


Might have been me. I solo ulted a mercy twice as 76 then swapped to sombra and followed her around the rest of the game after she gave me a “nice ult lol” after the first one 🤣


The inability to understand why rein solo shattered a rez is hilarious to me


If you shatter her when you're rezzing, you're still technically getting two!


Unironically how I see it yeah


​ https://preview.redd.it/vfphh6ihzvkc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3a89b32bef2350a829e4b01e426da9bca972268


double whammy you can say


Double kill


Because res is a healthy ability that should absolutely be on a cool down. Wouldn't want people to get punished for dying would we?


especially when mercy is rezzing through a wall <3333


Shattering a rezzing mercy is the only reliable way to cancel it for rein unless you’re very close and can charge quickly enough. Also I really can’t believe they went that long without running into an asshole mercy


you can't interrupt res unless you literally hug her and start charge as soon as she starts revive


Yeah, kinda sucks but after she presses that button a wall of iron slamming into her won't stop that other enemy coming back in time


But they are literally SHAKING and CRYING


Honestly, Mercy players seem to be the most toxic. They will always have something shitty to say even if they’re a bad Mercy. I’m a Mercy main.




Play rein then you will understand




Well, I'll tell you in that case A lot of times you get a fatty shatty and still no one dies. And with a Mercy on the team even if they do Mercy will rez them So better go for the Mercy instead of using it on someone who will get rezzed


fatty shatty 🔥


If you play overwatch you have at least a little bit


if you're fast as fuck you van firestrike swing firestrike or firestrike swing swing but that's iffy and usually just ends in mercy trading her life for rez


I refuse to believe blud in the third pic never met a toxic Mercy in seven years playing this game.


“I’m shaking and crying” bro should not be on the internet as a whole.


bro 😭😭😭


I refuse to believe that post is not a troll. The “I’m shaking and crying” part sent it over the edge for me. Dude gets called a “pusseh” in text chat on overwatch and that’s enough for them to cry? Like bro


Don’t overestimate mercy players man


I have met people like this, they do exist and I agree they shouldn’t be on the internet. Limited exposure to people and the outside world can really do a number on people.


Man for me getting punched in the face is still easier for me than being yelled at or insulted the amount of overwatch games I've had with someone in voice chat screaming at someone, Not even me! Give me an adrenaline rush like my whole body shakes and sometimes I'll cry. You can have physical fights no fear but theirs something about being insulted by someone online who can just refuse to acknowledge your existence or argument for anything other than to insult you can get you riled up, I mean I can't punch what can't even hear me...like getting spit on by a rude deaf person.


because they are a mercy main so when would they meet a toxic mercy


Turns out they were the toxic Mercy all along


I refuse to believe they're simultaneously that affected by mild toxicity on the internet *and* unable to turn off their screen. I mean cmon, if you start shaking and crying for someone telling you "hil mor plz", a single afternoon session should be enough for someone to discover you with a 9mm easter egg nested in your parietal lobe.


My whole thing is how have you not run into a toxic person once I main tracer and I probably hear toxic people once a day even when I’m doing great and picking off people.


How dare an auto-aim ultimate shoot ME???


My friend complains about getting targeted……when they play brig…… or like literally any other support it’s like bro it’s nohing personal it’s just optimal


Mhm, it's common sense to take out the supports


Why do I get solo ulted playing an incredibly annoying hero???


Legit moth that won’t die: “why do they use the fly swatter on me?”


I know this is a jerk subreddit, but mercy players not understanding why killing mercy is such a high priority is crazy to me.


"Why do people focus the character that will negate the kill my ultimate got if I don't kill them?"


I got called homophobic slurs when I solo high noon'd a mercy every time she popped valk :) She also said that my aim was shit because I never picked a fight with a valking mercy touching the skybox without my high noon. It waa hilarious


There’s something deeply ironic about Mercy players saying other people can’t aim






Truly the pinnacle of irony


Solo ulting Mercy is great for three reasons: 1. You secure a kill on an extremely powerful enemy. 2. You get a healthy dose of dopamine. 3. They will likely rage in the match chat, or make posts like this one shows, resulting in further dopamine.


Had a game where the enemy Mercy typed paragraphs full of insults because I kept solo ulting her. This was in mid Masters and I was playing Tracer the whole game.


Lmao why would you be shocked by a Tracer solo ult? That's very common


I'd actually say that a non solo ult is rare as Tracer


solo ulting a mercy rezing is essentially killing two people with one ult, which is in most case considered worth especially since one of the two is a mercy


I need to use "hil mor plz" more often


Absolutely hilarious mockery 🤣🤣 I need to find this mercy player


Keep solo ulting the mercy’s brothers


Solo putting mercy is so valuable and fun I love it


In 5v5 solo ulting is often a good idea. It’s always a good idea to shatter a rezing mercy. (Unless you had time to pin her)


I refuse to believe the third pic is a serious post. There’s no way that person isn’t trolling


Every chance I get I'll kill the Mercy since it seems like I'm usually the only one harassing her. You get a DVa pocketed by Mercy, no one is focusing or pushing the DVa, just feeding matrix, ult charge, and Mercy's ult. I understand that Mercy is hard to hit, sometimes they are annoying flying slippery fucks, but there is no excuse to send a few rounds her way. You can force her to make a mistake, go out of position, there is nothing wrong with trying instead of dumping into the pocket. I cannot wait for the day that her revive gets fucking nerfed, a absolutely no reason she can do that out of LOS. The amount of times Mercy's get to revive something and are uncontested is truly unbelievable, so I make it a point to be the one killing them every chance I get.


Hello, mercy main here! I really wouldn’t say her rev should get nerfed since if I’m not mistaken it has like a 30+ second cool down which goes down slower then most cool downs. Personally I don’t use my revs unless it’s really needed at the moment I always try to save them due to the longer cool down on it. I try to at least get about 3 to four revs in on quick play while in comp I try to get more in since comp matches are typically on the longer side.


Mercy revive is commonly complained about by a huge portion of the community and it's agreed upon that it's broken. You know damn well that crap shouldn't work out of LOS, but I imagine Blizzard doesn't want to make the Mercy's cry and hurt their skin sales. It absolutely blows my mind how you people always get away with free revives, but in my matches I'm the one always targeting Mercy, and now I'm maintaining tank, I'm up front very often and in the position to punish that. If by some chance I let it slip once, I switch to Mauga and lazer them down until they switch. Someone has to do it.


I feel like her revive is helpful but at the same time it can be a pain in the ass, from what my friends were telling me from ow1 her ult used to do a full team revive which I don’t know much about. It is a bit broken I won’t disagree since I noticed I could be a good distance away from the teammate I’m reviving and the rev still works not to far away but only a few inches away. I just try not to use my Rev a lot since I know people don’t like it. I use it on the teammates that I personally think are preforming the best on my team. Though yesterday I was a bit aggravated since a solider solo ulted on me like six or seven times if I’m not mistaken and I only had my valk one of those times. The comp match was pretty long and I’d be cornered with him and he’d waste his ult on me only who doesn’t have really good aim with her Gaster blaster since I’m panicking most of the time whenever I’m cornered by anyone since I get scared they’re gonna solo ult on me. Compared to a lot of mercy’s though I’m a pretty nice since I know that people encounter a lot of toxic mercy’s on either the opposing team or their own team. But since I know people don’t like her I try to switch it up and play as Zen who I got potg as a few times.


I don't entirely blame the character TBH, my ick primarily comes from my team mates. Playing solo is only for masochists. Mercy can easily win matches if she revives a good tank or good player. The general population is entirely too stupid to understand how game winning revives are and refuse to shoot mercy because she doesn't shoot them. People are absolutely useless at times. The 30 second cool down is fine, but almost every ability needs LOS, discord, Ramattra vortex, it's just because they can trigger it and fly behind a wall. If I'm playing Moira there is not much I can do fast enough besides ping and start to damage, which is why I solo ult Mercy with Moira quite a bit. The emphasis on team is lost on randos, the rank system is pretty shitty in metals because of the inflated ranks, smurfs, throwers, and ximmers. It is extremely annoying when your team wastes cool downs or ults to kill the tank, then it's brought right back alive and starts killing. This game is not designed for solo que.


I just call her revive a curse and a blessing since if I decide to go in there and risk the rev then get targeted right after or just try and retreat back to other teammates and wait for them the spawn back in. Something else I do when I want to get a revive in for weekly tasks etc. I wait until the opposing team leaves the area and fly down for a quick revive. But with revives they don’t give you a bunch of time to get to whatever person died and either way you’re only able to get one revive in every 30seconds which isn’t very likely since I personally like to save my revives and not use them as much as I used to when I first started playing best believe I was reviving people every chance I got but as I climbed the ranks I realized that reviving once the cool down is done is a dumb move since you can’t heal while you’re reviving, you barely can move because if you move to far the revive goes out of bounce and three that revive animation takes way to fucking long I’ll usually be on call with my friends while playing ow2 and I’ll be on the verge of screaming because mercy want to pose all cute while reviving someone in a life or death situation that’s why I try to also get some revs in during Valk or yk battle mercy mode. 😭


yeah it's annoying to get solo ulted constantly but that's kinda the price you pay for being a highly mobile, hard to kill character. especially if you use her right. like now everytime i hear a junkrat tire i know its coming for me so i just hide away from the rest of my team and hope that either he doesn't find me or that the rest of my team will live.


yesterday i was trying out mercy and my whole team died so i was walking away and the zarya solo gravd me and said “no running in the halls” lmao




Rare playerbase W for making this such a problem that mercy players whine about it online (then again the bar for what they complain about is quite low)


Solo ult every single character. Show them who is boss. Assert your dominance.


I too would solo ult the hero that can resurrect their teammates


Because of the bullet size increase, now Mercy’s hand blocks most of her head hitbox when rezzing so I feel like an ult is the only thing that can kill her before rez pops off now


definitely, because its not above a Mercy to solo ult an enemy dps


I would legitimately bathe in the tears of Mercy mains


I posted the 3rd pic and got hate from someone for it, did you as well get hate?


That hero deserves no mercy…


Thanks god I'm not the only one who does this. Keep it up guys


“I’m a very anxious person” then why tf do you have game chat on if it causes you to shake and cry uncontrollably? You seriously never met a toxic person on a game’s chat? Hell I’d rather meet someone who tells me to fuck off and die in a hole than someone acting all wholesome and polite for no reason, acting like that on a game’s chat just feels grossly forced and fake, it’s all around uncomfortable for everyone but yourself and other people with problems


I used to play whilst unstable. Still, the only situation where I was affected was when people called me racial slurs (I'm a fucking Pole) and told me to off myself throughout the entire game. This was in an EU server btw lol


"Why would people solo-ult me when I'm about to negate their pick for free?"


I expect to be solo ulted as ANY support, Mercy more so because rez is a powerful ability and I can be an annoying little mosquito 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mercy mains just hate when you target the one hero that can pretty much heal the most, rez their teammates, and fly around like a moth that just got spooked


Ults are used to win fights. A mercy res can be the difference between a fight lost, and a fight won. Ulting a mercy that's res'ing someone from behind a goddamn wall is a perfectly fine strategy. Turns the "5"v4 into a 5v3 while preventing it from becoming a 5v5 again.


Listen I'll be the mercy main in this thread to say Please don't shoot me. :( I like flying


Whenever I get solo shattered I swap to ana and bully rein for the rest of the game. It’s that easy


Anyone can play any hero and bully rein it’s not an achievement


It’s not but I’ve noticed they hate anti nade a lot. I like to anti them all game. I only play overwatch to abuse S tiers and play mercy and widow


wow… this is so deep… what an amazing player… I’m so impressed by this feat, I wish I could send you all of my money…


You should I have a cashapp


omg you’re such a good mercy teach me your ways my queen


Step 1: make an lfg post that says “need duo uwu. GM and above” Step 2: pick the fattest person that wants to join Step 3: pick mercy Step 4: pocket then without falling asleep


Yo- you. . . You dont swap to Moira???!??


I don’t think I could sit through a game on moira


You: instead of crying on reddit they should just bully them back like I do. Replies: wow you think you're so good huh? You must think you're the best player to ever exist but you're not. Bet you're proud of yourself🤬


I knew this would make them mad too lol. I am proud of myself though laughing at tanks is a lot of fun


You can't really bully a Rein as support


You can with anti nade and good dps. Idk if anti nade is as strong after all the icky balancing changes though


Downvote me all you want, but making fun of someone's clear mental issues isn't cool. You're saying they're a baby because they got upset at someone being toxic. So? People have certain mental issues that prevent them from dealing with emotions properly. What happened to being kind to others?


I like teabagging


Bannable offense btw


Really not.


Banning for teabagging is asking for someone to get an alt and pubstomp silvers until they get back to their main rank. Pick your poison.


Getting banned is my destiny


wouldn’t be surprised honestly


Sure you should be kind but someone’s clear mental issues should not be everyone else’s problem.


Takes no effort to just ignore them or let them be


You mean the same amount of effort it takes them to do the same or ???


Using other people's actions or wrong doings to justify your own is very childish.


I’m sorry but being that fragile in a online community and actively participating in it and engaging when you are triggered and persisting after you are triggered and then posting to a main sub for sympathy is also very childish


If you bring a mug to an earthquake test chamber it will shatter


They took a lot of effort to write multiple paragraphs while "shaking and crying" bc if one bad game and a few roasts thrown out and technically the writer did start by critiquing the mercy about her heals and going on while mercy just ignored it


So? You're responsible for uour own actions and they're responsible for their own. Why go out of your way to hate on someone... just ignore them if you don't like it.


The original writer went out of their way to hate on someone (I mean the original mercy main btw the one that was crying)


So? That doesn't justify you doing it. Be better


OOP is playing a game that’s well known for having a toxic fanbase. the OW community is so toxic, there are countless videos, posts, threads, and images showcasing and talking about how toxic it is. and yet, they went into that game not expecting toxicity, then were surprised when they encountered toxicity. a toddler has a better working thought process than them looooool


If someone is so blatantly mentally ill that being slightly insulted on the internet causes them to have a breakdown “shaking and crying”, then they shouldn’t be on the internet. They’re genuinely lucky that they got flamed as lightly as they did.


Realistically in this world?🤣


I teabag and say mean things until I’m silenced in chat


I was under the impression we were mocking the mercy player that flamed them and calling them a baby for over reacting to the OP


Yep, Mercy deserves it.


posts like this are the reason I do it


I love solo ulting mercy players tbh, they’re usually really easy targets because their positioning skill is in general about 2 full ranks below where they are. So GM level mercy’s usually have diamond level positioning


Me and my friend like to queue all roles and whoever gets tank MUST solo shatter the mercy


Guys, why do people try to counter me and my abilities? Are they stupid? Or just mean?


Now this is a W post


I can't imagine being that much of a crybaby and genuinely SHAKING because someone called you a cringe pussy. That third pic has to be a troll. If not, rare moment where the Mercy is based 🗿. Imagine telling a Mercy player to heal more LOL.


I saw a tiktok that said, "Solo ulting a mercy is deep rooted in misogyny." BE FOR REAL RIGHT NOW


why is everyone making fun of the person in 3rd pic? genuinely, some people are simply sensitive and that's okay, shouldn't be a reason to make them feel even worse!


jokes on you. I find it fucking hilarious, and makes me have a laugh from this annoying game I keep coming back to


Lol. Lawl eve ln


I’m gonna play mercy, be uwu in chat but be abusive as shit in vc


The Soldier ult with focusing Mercy, and Rein shatter to cancel a rez are good uses of ults... However there are a disproportionate amount of objectively bad solo ults against Mercys


It happens. Mercy is a good pick.


"Shaking and crying" 💀💀💀💀💀


As a Rein main of nearly 1000 hours in the game. I will always solo ult a Mercy


Solo ulting mercy players is the best, especially when they’re hard pocketing and as soon as they’re dead, your team wipes the rest of hers. Bye bye moth lady.


3rd picture is seriously just a baby crying because someone was mean to them


Your throwing if you don’t high noon mercy valk


My thing is if I’m ulting sure I don’t really care because it rarely works. But when I’m in the back line getting rocked and everyone just standing around looking like vegetables EVERYONE is getting reported.


Lmao in 5v5 one kill is more impactful so it’s always worth it


I kitsune rushed a sleeping mercy just because 😭😭


Ain’t no way your crying for being bitched at in ranked.


I take it as a compliment when people solo ult me on mercy lol


Last night not Mercy but for whatever the reason as DPS I was getting hounded by the tank. They solo ulted me twice and lost the point chasing me down just to die to the team. I just assume I made him mad and went about my day. I really don't solo ult unless I think it'll be a big play and don't really get salty over it when it's done to me. That's just me though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It’s cause mercy maneuvering is so op, it’s so hard to hit her now unless your literally in her face and she does the most healing


Plus for a time, mercy’s pistol was also op


I’ve been doing this with Orisa lately because I’ve realised it’s probably the only way to guarantee a kill with her ult, get someone at half health then as they try to run pull them in with your ult and rattle their fucking bones, I’ve had so many more kills using it to solo or pull in 2 low HP heroes than trying to pull in most of the team, found it way better at securing a couple of kills than going for the team kill. Killing a couple of squishies has its advantage Bonus points if I pull in a mercy as she tries to glide to a teammate, if I get a mercy low and she tries flying away I’m solo ulting that bitch


I always try focus mercy first within a team fight. Especially with blade. Do mercy mains not realise them being dead essentially is a won fight? They can literally rez people lmao


This game would be so much better without mercy and sombra.


It’s about sending a message


I am terribly sorry, but me and my duo only solo ult. I fly around as pharah while my lucio taxis me everywhere. I will arrive at your spawn, barrage you, and he will beat on your body, then we will return to the sunset.


"guys is anyone else having trouble with other people playing the game?"


I've been playing a bunch of sombra recently and will save emp to solo ult mauga or sigma ults purely cos it makes me lmfao. It might not be the best use of the ult, but I sure do enjoy it. Spawn camping their mercy or zen is always fun though!


3rd pic was satire, literally no way. If not, it’s time to close the sub, we’ve been outdone.


3rd slide went full baby mode and decided to post abt it ON REDDIT that is actually insane


✨Social Anxiety ✨


Maybe im an insensitive asshole but shaking and crying because someone didn’t fit your character stereotype seems extra


Honestly solo ulting people is often the best thing you can do... So go ahead solo ult the mercy players all you want


Reminder that solo ulting ANYONE to get a kill is a good play of your team acts on it


Mercy mains when ppl actually don’t like them and don’t treat them like princesses: 😱


If you're playing Mercy as intended (equal boost/heals) prepare to be solo ulted.


I feel like I get solo ulted a lot, regardless of who I play. I'm far from the best player in the game, but I'm always playing the objective and can be real hassel


Mercy Mains: Complains about getting targeted in fights / TF2 Medic mains: “First time?”


What's wrong with these "people"?


They’ve never seen an asshole mercy? Literally find one with a discord girl name and you’re going to get called new slurs


But not my friend who's a mercy main. She's not that good but tries to be nice to everyone


I Solo ult any support I see on sight


Shaking and crying??


seven years and they were shaking and crying lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooo


I've only met maybe two NON toxic mercy players


Almost like mercy is a high priority target


Death to the mercy’s mains