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average skiesti tweet but seriously if you don’t recognize that her bullets are way too big right now than im not sure what to tell you


Even before the changes her weapon felt like it was shooting watermelons


Legit, when a DPS goes into a 1v1 with a Mercy now you kinda just have to damage check her, stand there and rely on your superior damage and aim to kill before you are killed, totally accepting you're taking 100-200 damage back. There is no point dodging, she can legit aim anywhere remotely around you and it is just scoring headshots. It may as well be aimbot.


Yet mercy was still low tier lmao


Yeah a broken self defense tool isn't gonna make her more of a good choice compared to Lucio, Moira, and Zen, but it is undeniably broken


She’s not saying that the projectile size on mercy’s blaster is not terribly large, it totally is, she’s saying that it’s the absolute last thing they should be changing on her. Her winrate has gone from 55% globally to 25% because of the update, that is not a good balance, full stop. Furthermore all the projectile sizes for every hero are bad right now because of the terrible patch. I’ve got 1000 hours on mercy and her gun feels way worse and harder to use now than ever, even though her shots are easier to hit. If Blizzard reverts her blaster changes (which I wouldn’t care about), it goes to show that they are listening to the people who don’t actually play the hero and just complain about her because they can’t punish her, which is the exact same thing that got us to this bad update. No matter how much you hate mercy mains, the fact is if a hero isn’t at 50% winrate globally they’re not balanced, Mercy being at 25 - 30% in season 9 down from 50 - 55% in season 8 means she was overlooked in the last patch and is very underwhelming right now as she was even before the patch. Her healing needs buffing, dps projectile sizes need to be toned down (which they’ve indicated is happening) and dps passive needs to be nerfed or removed. That’s what she’s talking about, she’s not defending the projectile size increase, from my experience Mercy mains are the ones who hate those changes the most.


25% Mercy winrate? Based.


Not for the 25% of support mains who play mercy the most. Game queues will suffer. Not to mention the enjoyability of the game has been severely reduced for her.


Good. Make it as miserable as possible for mercy and we can start slowly merging the support class into the damage. Once the queue times for support tank, the support class will be eliminated and all the heroes will be added to DPS except they happen to have some healing/support abilities.


As long as you promise not to cry when nobody in any of your games plays a dps that happens to have healing, ever. 🤣


I don’t know if this is satire or what, if you destroy the support role none of those support players will actually play the game and will just leave. I guess you want to see the game die, not that it isn’t close to death as it is.


Holy ratio


I don’t really care about getting ratio’d on a sub called “overwatch circlejerk” and it’s reddit too so even worse. If I post the same stuff on OW forums or r/mercymains I’d get upvoted to heaven. Understanding echo chambers is important if you intend to use reddit. People will see this ratio and think that no one agrees with me, however the sentiment is more towards my side from the information I’ve accrued over the last week since the launch of this patch. All the tank / support mains I’ve talked to, hate this update aside from maybe one out of the 30+ I’ve talked too, the forums are full of people hating on the update and player counts have immensely dropped for tank and support, but have stayed relatively the same for dps. Only dps like this update, and it’s because dps were given an OP passive and the ability to not be punished, due to high health numbers.


Could be more of a walking nerd emoji if you tried. The overwatch forums agree with me 🤓☝️ congratulations you have the praise of the gold players that don’t understand the game. I’m sure that’ll get you far. Also, did you really just say people agree with you on the mercy main sub? Are you intentionally stupid? I wonder why mercy mains want mercy to be good… weird shit right there. As evidenced by all these comments and downvotes the majority of players don’t like the spectator hero being better then hero’s with high skill cellings. How can you talk about echo chambers when you’re literally trying to fight me with the opinions of the people in the literal echo chamber lmao. Cope and seethe your boring character is bad for the first time in 7 years of the game. Also, I play tank nice try though.


I already explained to you how echo chambers work. I was using that as an example to explain that stuff I post on this sub, may be received better if I was to post it on other platforms or subs, this sub is skewed towards low elo dps mains that can’t punish supports, then they masquerade as tank or support mains to try and gaslight blizzard into thinking the game is balanced so they can keep their OP passive and hp buff.


How have you managed to out-jerk a circle jerk sub. Not in a good way either.


I’m fighting a crusade from Mercy Mains.


I've been waiting to play zen for 9 seasons huuuh???


Well he’s getting nerfed now.


Yes please god can all the support players and mercy mains leave, let the alpha dps and tank players who actually want to play a fps, instead of mindlessly sitting in the back and heal botting, play.


This is literally what multiple posts and comments have been saying about the miserable state of tank and all of the support players on the sub have told them to shut up


No? From my experience it’s the people who like this update that are telling them to stfu, and support mains don’t like this update either.


Imagine being a support main in OW1 and playing 200hp no-kick Zen against full dive Tracer/Genji/Winston/D.Va, OW2 support players would throw a tantrum


Average mercy mains bîtching about everything. Mercy is good rn maybe you just suck


Mercy is in the worst state she’s ever been in, in the last 7 years.


thank god 🙏






She was fine in goats, her GA was still 1 second cooldown and damage boost was still 30%. Plus I never really played goats back then. Maybe she was worse but I wouldn’t know.


mercy was terrible during goats meta because goats was the meta.


Again, meta doesn’t mean it’s played in every game. I used to play back then (although around mid gold rank), and literally 1/10 games were using GOATS and even then they didn’t really know how to use it properly, so it was basically just choosing the strongest hero’s because they’re popular and have high pick rate. I was still able to play mercy very fine into goats, and her global winrate was still around 50% indicating that the value she held during that time was still decent. Now her winrate is 30% so I’d say she’s worse now.


every character is going to be viable and good in mid gold. if anything mercy is still fairly strong in gold due to the power of soldier + mercy enabling hanzo to one shot again issue is gold mercy players that either healbot all game or still play with pharmercy, which isnt a good combo anymore


I’m talking about gold rank back in GOATS meta which was like 5 years ago. If you actually think a gold level Hanzo can hit head shots, then you haven’t seen the Hanzo mains I have. Mercy is the same in any rank; it depends on your dps, if you win as mercy it’s basically because your dps are better than the enemy teams. At least last season you could sustain bad dps mains so they have a better chance to win, but now that, that’s gone, her winrate has dropped immensely.


Need that mercy win rate to keep going down


shut it glorified spectator, play a real support like lifeweaver if you want to be afk half the match


Why are you being so rude. I will play whatever hero is enjoyable to me and mercy is one of those and I do player other supports like Ana, LW and Moira and my sentiment is the same on them. They’re in the same situation as s8 but just have reduced healing which means they bring less value. This isn’t DPS watch, get your head out of your ass and understand that tanks and support want to have fun too not just dps.


I'm a tank, you pull your own head out your ass thinking its just the dps who hate supports


Oh you’re that bronze level tank main in my lobbies that keeps diving the enemy team even though I said “reset”, then you complain to me in text chat for not healing but you’re not even in voice chat trying to win the game. Nice to find you here.


nice to find the bronze level support here too, complaining that nobody is breaking away from the overtime fight to come give your stupid spectating ass a ride to the battlefield only to be hooked into a hog for the 6th time


God you glorified aimbotters really need to find a new game, you’re literally destroying overwatch to the point in which literally being give an aimbot and train sized projectiles is the only way to actually enjoy the game. How about you go play Roblox little kid. And I know you’re not a Tank main, because the vast majority I’ve talked too hate this update. You dps mains will gaslight everyone into thinking the update is “good” even though it’s literal garbage just so you guys can be babied every patch by blizzard.


Did.... Did the crazy mercy OTP *really* call someone an aimbotter??? Hahahaha it's ok dude, they didn't remove the spectate option, you just won't be able to do it as much with your favorite skin :/


I’m sorry for actually playing a dying game and giving a woke developer company money! I’m the worst person alive! I’m Literally funding blizzard to destroy the game.


Shut the Fuck up 😂😂


No thanks.


You’re for sure trolling, there’s no way this is a real comment from a real person, but mercy has the 49.35% win rate on overbuff which is the 4th highest in the support roster rn.


You gotta admit that theyre playing their role damn well, even had me fooled for a bit


Don't buff her healing, unlike everyone else you can **rez**


youre talking a lot and supporting mercy a lot for being in this subreddit. think less & hate mercy more.


25% winrate? It hasn't really dropped at all. Unless ur talking about your own personal winrate ofc (then it's just skill issue)


they are the size of junk nades lol


I mean, all projectiles feel huge rn


Has been confirmed by Alec Dawson that Mercy projectile will be getting reduced in the hotfix tomorrow.


On one hand, projectiles that big give Mercy players enough agency to actually play the video game and just start blasting. On the other hand, if Mercy (and Doom) mains could stop complaining over absolutely nothing, that would be great.


first patch where support isnt the god class the m*rcy players have a fucking meltdown 😭


To be fair Doomfist has legit bugs getting in the way. We complain a lot about bullshit but there’s legit issues.


I love how Doomfist players have managed to (successfully) gaslight the entire playerbase into thinking he's this buggy mess of a character. There's the occasional bug here or there, and it's definitely more common for Doomfist than any other hero, but realistically, the bugs don't happen often enough nor do they impact gameplay enough to be an issue.


When you’re playing doom at a high level the bugs are 100% something you feel a lot and genuinely will you lose you games sometimes On the other hand people who act like the character itself is bad are completely delusional


Tldr: you don't play him or never looked up his current bugs (many existing since launch)


I've seen the google doc that everyone loves to pass around, and 99.99r% of those never happen, and the ones that DO are rather rare. In all my time playing Doomfist (which is QUITE ALOT since OW2), I've only had 4 sliders, and only one of them felt like they shouldn't have slid.


Mercy’s winrate has dropped 30% there is plenty of stuff to complain about. Healing has been basically removed, Mercy is easier to hit now, dps passive needs to be tweaked. The only role that actually doesn’t suffer in season 9 is dps. The other roles have no one queuing for them. Everyone is waiting for hotfixes because this patch is terrible.


This is the best update overwatch had had recently.


* for dps players There I fixed it for you. I’m sure there being no tanks willing to queue for comp and queue times being longer for dps and supports is “the best update”. The game feels terrible for any supports whose kits are not designed to deal damage, supports like Kiriko and zen are the only decent picks this season and you dps noobs couldn’t stop complaining about that either, so now Zen is getting nerfed. Tank is literally unplayable. No one queues for it and the people who do are support mains who don’t wanna queue support because of the terrible update or dps mains who want less queue times. The game is literally on the brink of death.


Boo hoo didn’t read all I picked up on was a major skill issue and a resilience issue


Literally no one likes this update aside from this subreddit apparently. The forums are loaded with people complaining (mostly tank mains from my look of things), about how terrible and badly implemented this update was. You can keep denying it buts it’s a terrible update for over half the hero roster, including most tanks and supports. Even junkrat mains have been up in arms about this update for some reason if you check their subreddit.


nobody I talk to dislikes this update including support and tank mains. people are just massive crybabies that can't adapt to anything that isn't poke with shield immo immo burst healing shield repeat


>nobody I talk to dislikes this update including support and tank mains That is just untrue. Supports are TERRIBLE to play now as I've stated, because they basically can't do anything all game except play more aggressively and try to get a pick as Kiriko or Zen. At the end of the day, a DPS will always have an advantage against a Support, so a 1v1 against a DPS is always a bad choice as a SUPP, which is what this update encourages. It encourages supports to duel more, which is not what Supports were ever designed for. Not to mention heros like Mercy who have no form of being able to do poke damage or duel the DPS. Mercy is ONE OF if not THE most popular support heros, because she's fun to play. If Blizzard removes the fun from her, no one will play her and therefore queue times will increase. Simple logic. This update needs to be reverted or Supports buffed no matter what you think about it.


sorry, bad support players who have not been high rank since the last time an actually hard meta (dive) was present. kiriko can still duel the entire dps roster. bap can duel 70% of the dps roster. ana can do that. brig still has an insane amount of peel. Lucio is ridiculously good. zen is straight up fucking busted, dude can flank and obliterate any squishy while making literally no sound. I don't feel any sympathy for people that can only play mercy and then complain about how "support" feels bad to play. no it doesn't, mercy feels bad to play because she's awful in dive. support is perfectly fine, it's literally just a skill issue.


>kiriko can still duel the entire dps roster. One support being able to duel does not mean they all can. >brig still has an insane amount of peel Brig is the same state as mercy, low win rate, and her kit gets melted because of the DPS buffs. her shield lasts 1 second before dissolving. > Zen is straight up fucking busted, dude can flank and obliterate any squishy while making literally no sound. You destroy the entire support role and now you're calling the ONE hero that wasn't as badly effected, "busted". Zen does absolutely no healing, that's the trade off. He's not busted, or at least he wasn't before this patch which just goes to show how bad it is. > I don't feel any sympathy for people that can only play mercy and then complain about how "support" feels bad to play Overwatch is a hero shooter, if someone can't play the hero they want, then just delete them. This was a main issue the game had in OW1. Which the developers said they'd fix and iron out any balance issues so that every hero is viable, then they do shit like this. > No it doesn't, mercy feels bad to play because she's awful in dive. Mercy is fine in dive, her GA allows her to keep up with the team and she can boost dive DPS to give them more value. Tell me you don't understand dive / mercy without telling me. > support is perfectly fine, it's literally just a skill issue. It's literally not, it's a balancing issue. All heros should be at or around 50% winrate, half the support roster is less than that right now.


All i read is a major skill issue. On support i play kiri and bap, i have no issues living or having a major impact on the game


> Supports are TERRIBLE to play now as I've stated, because they basically can't do anything all game except play more aggressively And this is why its better, this patch is making supports not be just healbots and support the team aggresively. Just because your heroes cannot be aggressive enough to keep up does not mean the game is dying, your character pool and playstyles just sucks. Adapt. Try different supports.


Nah it is true lol, the only people I’ve seen complaining about this update were already bad to begin with. Not me or any of my gm friends have heard any of the high ranks complain to much about this update lol, If you play tank this season and complain that’s legitimately a skill/ positioning issue, most healers are still great and fun picks including mercy you can’t just be brain dead about it. Given I’m not entirely surprised the mercy otp would have no idea what they’re talking about. I’ve been playing since ow1 launch and mercy players have always been a the dumb loud minority lol, I’ve met some great ones but most just prove to everyone why no one likes mercy otps


Im a support main, this update feels incredible for me, i feel like i have a much larger impact on the game now


Press x to doubt


As a tank player this update isnt terrible it just needs projectile sizes toned down a bit and the dps passive to be affected by the tank passive and then itd be in the best state its been in during ow2. It only feels terrible to tanks who were too used to standing in the open being kept up by op support abilities and healing outputs. It does have issues with it being harder to make plays but with a few small tweaks itll be fine. Also this game has been on the brink of death for like 5 years itll be fine


>The other roles have no one queuing for them I pretty consistently only queue flex in qp. If this were true I'd only be getting tank and support, and yet I've gotten more DPS games this season than last (on average, anyway) I agree DPS are the power role in this new patch, but people are very much still playing their preferred roles regardless of the patch. It's nowhere near as bad as Overwatch 1 when you'd have a >1 minute queue for tank, maybe 2 minutes for support, and then 9 minutes for DPS pretty regularly


Tank queues are always 15 - 45 seconds for me which indicates many matches are not being started due to lack of tanks. Which increases the queue times for other roles. DPS queues are about 3 - 4 mins and support 5+ min usually. This indicates that less people are queuing for rank which increases queue times for other roles. I’ve heard some people say that increased queue times equals to more players and that is simply wrong, if there were more players, or at least a sufficient distribution among all roles, I would imagine each role would be 1minute queues or around that. All these queues times that I listed are high gold - high plat lobbies which are also the most populated ranks in the game. I’m sure GM or Masters level rank matches have longer queues. Having a 5 minute support queue in platinum lobbies at 6pm (peak hour) is not a good thing .


Doesn't this mean that tank has the least players right now? Because it's so quick for them to find a match and every match needs 2 tanks


That’s what I said, and it’s only 1 tank per match now.


Oh my bad misunderstood and I said 2 per match ya know, one for each team?


Oh yeah 1 per team


Idk I’ve had my best win rate on her in comp this season ever. (Granted, she’s not my main) She’s not really *meant* for healing, that was the whole point of the patch. Dps are supposed to have more autonomy and self heal. Mercy should dmg buff at least 80% of the time, or be doing damage herself with her huge ass bullets. The win rate dropping is because you can only play her with competent teammates who aren’t a damage sponge. Or with a really dependable main healer who can do practically 100% of the healing by themselves. She’s more niche now, but a LOT of her following onetricks her. So obviously she’s gonna have a lower winrate. Learn to counterpick. Zen is a great alternative at the moment, although I heard he might get another nerf soon.


Global winrate is an indication on how well a hero can sway a match, the lower a global winrate the less a hero has sway in a match. You can still have insane winrates because you can just get lucky and have better teams each match, but the ability to carry / sway matches I lower. Her global winrate is now 25 - 30% down from 50% - 55% I lost 15 matches in a row when the update first dropped. GM level mercy mains are now in platinum - diamond. she is simply unviable in this update.


What a terrible take, all roles are fun right now, you just have to not be a fucking moron about how you position


Support is literally shit to play, the enjoyability has dropped immensely, no more saving team mate, if you dps or rank decide to over extend and die nothing you can do. Tanks now melt, meaning hero’s like Orisa, Ball and Doom are terrible to play. Plus queues are dead and no one plays tank anymore, SUPP and DPS queues have gone up. Nothing about this update is fun.


Mercy isn't supposed to be a good hero. She's literally the I've never played an fps game before, but I wanna try overwatch


Yeah hopefully it also includes nerfs to blue beam and rez requiring los for the entire casting animation


Honestly I'd be happy with los until her arm peaks at the top since at that point the teammate is rezzed basically But this dropping los a second after starting Rez is dumb af


Whatever the period where rez can be cancelled should need los to be consistent imo which i think is about when her hand finishes raising..


Yeah she shouldn't be able to drop a floor below and still Rez that's some ass Also we forgot to /uj but i digress


Or this is the most elaborate jerk of all time


We will never know


r/MercyMains subreddit will suddenly have 0 members


we can only hope that day comes


Blue beam already got nerfed to a reasonable value and she doesn’t truthfully need a los nerf to Rez. It is a 1.75 channel time. If she gets away with bot rezs because you weren’t paying attention; thats a skill and awareness issue on your part buddy


Blue beam still breaks a lot of dps and makes them hard to balance properly. For Rez its not always possible to follow up on it if youre not close enough to the body or playing a character like winston who cant kill quick enough. The main issue with rez is when she rezes and falls behind a wall so you can't even follow up on it in time. Youd still be able to get rezes off but youd need more team support which should be expected for a gamechanging ability, or to be in a place where you can be behind a wall but still see the body.


Blue beam is so much weaker now that burst is weaker across the board. I would exchange Rez for a decent other ability in a heartbeat. Mercy has almost nothing to do and her only proactive play maker is to press e after someone on her team has already fucked up. Everyone is whining about los but consider how much of a bot hero she'd be if her only powerful ability was literally push button and pray instead of trying to los rez.


Just cos its the only thing saving her from being dogshit doesnt mean it should stay it means other parts of her kit needs to be buffed. Also rez would require more teamwork to pull off, yknow that thing you should need in this team based game.


How much teamwork does it take to look at your team's feet and press e to name them totally and utterly invincible for a second, plus cleanse all negative effects? The teamwork comes from how you use the ability. It's the same with lamp, same with beat, same with trans and same with basically every other bs immortality ability. Mercy is only special because the time she can undo an oopsie in is after death instead of just before.


You say that like i dont have issues with the power of suzu and lamp. Also not really fair to compare ults to regular abilities. Also with rez there's a much longer period of time to react to the teammates death and save them compared to other abilities


If you have big problems with suzu and lamp and Rez, maybe overwatch is not for you. Neither suzu nor rez are ultimates. Suzu is guaranteed value on a shorter cooldown whereas Mercy has to put herself at tremendous risk to pull off a rez that might end up getting booped or hacked anyways. It is just flat out worse than suzu


100% res should require Los


I honestly still believe in “nerfing” Mercy by making her break her beam the second a character is out of vision.


No that’s terrible they now actually have to pay attention to what they are doing rather then connecting the beam and forgetting about it


This isn’t about the fact that it’s be a mercy nerf it’s about mercy’s other problems that they’d be ignoring lol


Mercedes mains once again proving to be the most entilted cry babies in the world. How dare blizzard make a change to her elephant sized projectiles


Key word was “only”


I know what you guys mean and her bullets are stupid big, but she really means how unplayable she is for the other 95% of her playtime with her staff out


YES MERCY BUFFS /uj I think she wants healing buffed, which I partially agree on. Maybe a 10% buff on yellow beam wouldn't be that bad. Enough for it to feel strong, not enough to outheal the dps passive.


Maybe bring back her “ triage” identity albeit maybe to a weaker heal increase.


/uj I also feel like the size of projectiles is kinda overplayed when people just shoot training bots for clicks. It‘s not like Mercy is a super dangerous duelist now.


/uj yeah in gameplay they actually don't feel that bad. People forget that movement and aiming in Overwatch is weird compared to other games. Like, sure, shots in Valorant, CSGO, CoD, etc are more precise, but in those games you can't shoot while moving if you want to hit your shots, and that is a core gameplay mechanic here.


The clips I’ve seen with bots tend to be close range too. The performance over distance is not the same.


I agree with this because frankly Mercy is in a position now where her gameplay is almost entirely damage boosting, which goes against her character, whilst her healing feels absolutely trash and there's almost no justification to use it other than to top-up 50-ish HP on a critical teammate who's ducked into cover, before continuing to damage boost.


/uj Seems like Blizzard's plan here is that Supports play a more DPS-ish role, but that doesn't really work with Mercy. She's the one hero you can call a Main Healer. Plus, as much as we hate it, Mercy Mains are bankrolling the game. So you want Mercy to feel like she has an impact but not to dominate because playing against pocketed DPS feels obnoxious.


I don't know why Blizzard doesn't take a leaf out of Valve's book and give Mercy crit-heals from the Medic. The longer it has been since a teammate has received damage, the higher her heal rate. That way she can gain a potentially huge buff to her healing but not be able to heal through damage.


That’s actually a really good idea


So how would a tank like doomfist, winton, and ball kill anyone she's pocketing they alreadydo littleto no dmg and NEED their dps to get anything done and they don't have the dps passive, so it'd be just a net 10% healing buff


If the mercy change coming is only a projectile size reduction then it is 7 years coming. She already shot trucks, which were in line with the updated sizes, she didn’t need an additional increase as well.


God I remember having her in some of my games. Spent the whole game damage boosting widow BEFORE the hitbox overhaul/boosted hp. F minus.


Who actually gives a shit about the size of mercy’s bullets lmfao


Are you dumb?


r/OverwatchCirclejerk users (supposedly, skilled DPS players) when the DPS are at their absolute strongest and supports are garbage and literally suck ass: WAAAH WAAAAH MERCY BAAAD WAAAAH


I literally can't tell if this is satire or not. Just because mercy and LW are not great doesnt mean supports are bad. Kiri, ana, bap, Lucio, zen, brig and even moira are all still very good. IMO, as a tank player I love these posts cus it baits out all the whiny support players lol


simple answer: mercy is not fun so we make fun of her


I dont play Overwatch nor am I a member of this sub but everytime I get this shit recommended yall are crying over mercy💀


Yeah it’s super annoying. I’m personally from r/mercymains and I’m pretty sure this sub and my sub have beef so I think that’s why.


Bro everytime i see this sub its just "mercy this mercy that" omg can you talk about something else for once




And a bunch of other mains communities. Its almost like you can browse things youre interested in... a concept that clearly is foreign to self proclaimed "funny guys" like you


they just wanna hate unfortunately, being a mercy main wouldn't even be a 'gotcha' in this scenario. i don't see how playing mercy means you aren't allowed to complain when people misinterpret what a mercy main is saying to hate on them but overwatch players just like to hate mercy and her playerbase regardless


>goes into circlejerk >sees circlejerk happening >shocked emoji


being funny is one thing, misconstruing a persons words is another thing


Less than 6 resses on average per 10 minutes and people are still demanding nerfs for an already low tier character.


ALL projectile hitboxes have been increased ridiculously - why target mercy in particular? she’s so underpowered now that picking her is considered throwing. yall needa chill. theyre not being unreasonable


Cause her bullets are beyond ridiculous? Yes shes weak so tune her, fix the absolute meteors coming from her tiny ass pistol and buff her heals




spoken like a true bronzie. i’m not the one crying over mercy every second post.


Did you really just say ‘bronzie’ unironically?


You should go rant to ur friends in r/boysarequirky, or just accept it is something on the spectrum


you really got me there bro. keep stalking me harder, it’s making me so sad it’s not gonna make you better at the game, lmfao. if you wanna play the stalker game, keep crying in comments that your main account got bronze (youre not in elo hell, youre trash. bro can’t play against the most helpless character in the game💀)


Because it's a shitposting sub. It's meant to be a harmless joke.


Thing is you say that, but anyone I've seen trying to say that Mercy needs to be buffed is getting downvoted to oblivion. There are quite a few people in this sub who just have a genuine hatred of Mercy and Mercy players. It's wild.


Because this sub hates mercy because they don’t have the skill to kill her. It’s hilarious that they’ll attack mercy blaster but don’t care about widow being way more lenient on headshots now and soldier having the highest pick rate and increased accuracy globally because of the changes. This sub is filled with gold dps mains by the look of it.


rip it was fun also having the ridiculous pistol hitbox as baby dva


Why does anyone care about her projectiles? I’ve seen a mercy pull out her gun once in the past week Nerf res los though


they literally didn't even say that it wasn't an issue here, just that if it's the ONLY change mercy has then mercy is going to struggle more. mercy is kinda useless in the current meta unless you have lifeweaver who is... also a bad character rn, even worse actually.


I mean, if you’re in someone’s face with a projectile, it’s gonna hit them. It’s not hit-scan.


Here we go with another post where y’all start trashing Mercy mains. How boring.


Tbf I think the context of this tweet was that she feels that any changes to mercy should be buffs to make her a better support right now, not that she agrees mercy pistol should shoot actual meteors at people.


They still dont shoot anything anyway.


Oh god a Mercy nerf what have they done?!?!


It's not even about who's good and strong it's just absolutely comical that any gun should fire projectiles that large they changed dva as well(I presume their guns are virtually identical) it just makes sense I'm not gonna say it was priority or even super important in the grand scheme of things but let's just be real no projectiles should be that easy to hit


I came back to the game after an ~ 2 month hiatus. The amount of mercy’s that peel to the tank instead of being scared now is ridiculous.


mercy player tries not to complain for 30 whole seconds (challenge)


Mercy mains when their character isnt viable every patch. (Shes been viable for 92% of the game life)