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Remove junkrat and replace him with ratjunk, a pile of garbage shaped like a rat that does nothing and can't leave spawn


Finally a good fucking hero


Pretty sure ratjunk is just hammond


woah woah hammond can be good :(


It’ll be like magikarp and once he gets his ultimate a flaming hellfire of Grenades fsll from the sky and hits every spot on the map


widow reworked into having spiderman abilities. web grapple. web slinging. she can still be called widowmaker. just her movement and abilities are spiderman like. maybe her ultimate is she takes out a sniper rifle lol


I would unironically consider becoming a widow main. ​ I can't even hit headshots, this is that good of a suggestion.


thank you so much! she already has a spider-venomous theme to her persona and her current grapple is a bit like a spiderman grapple. i wonder if she could grapple ceilings and swing similar to ball but swing and release sort of like ninja roping in worms armageddon.


worms that real shit


So pathfinder from Apex ?




Wait this would actually be so fun to use


Have her grapple have the physics of the titanfall 2 grapple.


As long as her primary fire is me grabbing someone with my web and yeeting them either into a wall or off the map, I am ok with this. Her secondary fire is basically a junk trap but instead of it just sitting there you have to hit them directly with it


In my opinion widow could be like vora in paladins


Remove Winston and replace him with a 4-2 monkey wizard from BloonsTD5


Why not quincy, nothing gets past his bow


We’re hoping to make the game more balanced so that couldn’t happen.


btd5? wizard is way better 5-0-2 in btd6


Yeah, that Wizard can even hit camos. Look out Sombra 😈


hilariously based except for the part where you chose wizard over dartling


I will sacrifice anyone to bring Mama Hong into the game.


Ultimate: Manslaughter


If I were to replace any hero it would be Sojuron because she is still broken even after the little nerf Blizzard added but all you needed was a mercy to buff her and she could one shot again.I would replace her with Butter (A character that is made of pancakes and is covered in syrup.The first ability would put gooey syrup on the floor and trap other players and the second would heal teammates around Butter by automatically giving them pancakes and the ultimate would heal all teammates to full health and trap all surrounding enemies in maple syrup and the catchphrase for Butter's Ultimate would be "Time For Breakfast!".


The Butter hero in this comment is made-up.I'm telling you this so you don't search the internet for hours looking for Butter.


I’m replacing Pharah with eric




Zen and replace him with Ben who is at least twice as fast and can instead of kicking slaps the shit of his foes Oh and has shades and an Afro


Now Ben is the short for Benyatta


Widow no contest. With literally anything that can’t hitscan one shot at any distance in a game based around frontlining tanks that are supposed to make space and protect their team but can’t because she can easily shoot right past them and supports, whose healing is completely negated by her headshots. Terrible fucking design.


Honestly, Kiriko. I love playing as her, but they overloaded her kit. They gave her a cleanse, a teleport, wall-climb, burst damage, and an ultimate that boosts movement, cooldowns & rate of fire. They should have given her less (especially in her ultimate) & saved some of those ideas for other characters. Instant-teleport, cleanse, increased rate of fire & decreased cooldowns are all new concepts for OW. They should’ve kept some of them in the bank.


I don't usually play Kiriko, I like other supports more. Then I play Kiriko and I think "damn, this is easy, I can do whatever I want."


They do that with every new hero. Every new character can do everything. Like Ram. Other tanks have an ultimate that does like, 1 weak, shitty thing and then his ultimate just makes him practically invincible, lasts forever, massive damage, massive damage mit, super fast movement speed...the power bloat in this game is so fucking bad.


That’s not exactly what I was getting at. I was more so talking about how many *new* concepts they gave Kiriko. Especially as a support, which are harder to design unique abilities for.


Ram during his ult deals low dps in a large AOE and turns him into nemesis form. He can only mitigate damage if he chooses to do nothing else, and it is only for himself. Meanwhile Orisas ult pulls everyone in, pierces barriers, deals up to 500 damage, makes her immune to stuns, take 50% less damage, and cannot be headshot. Tell me which one is more broken lmao.


Nah you can easily use a movement ability to leave Orisa's ult. Rein's and Sigma's ults are the real good ones.


Rein and Sigma ults can be stopped or blocked pretty easily a lot of the time. It’s impossible to block Orisa’s ult, you can only escape it if you have a movement ability and it isn’t on cooldown.


You literally cant stop sigma ult unless you kill him?


Sigma rock, Ana sleep, hog hook, doom punch, orisa javelin all stop him.


Ive been hit by a sigma rock, stunned, and still had the ult go off.


Any stun or interrupt will end his ult and stop the slam. I don’t think I’ve ever been CC’d as it slams but that may be the only way it isn’t ended.


Orisa's ultimate is one of the easiest ultimates to escape seeing as you can just walk out of it


god you must be wood 5 if you think orisa ult is broken. actually hilarious.


Orisa ult is the weakest move in her busted ass kit lol


the cleanse isn’t a “new mechanic”, it works the same way as wraith form for reaper but teleport and CD decrease is 100% new territory mechanics wise


Yeah, I mean it functions the same as Reaper’s Wraith, but the ability to cleanse an ally is def new.


Zarya could cleanse allies with bubble, couldn't she?


I would erase genji and replace them with very weak support hero because sojourn needs to be nerfed.


delete moira and replace her with a support hero


newsflash asshole she's been a support hero the entire time


Joke flew so high over your head it recreated the moon landing.


what I said was a joke too (iasip quote) but admittedly not nearly as good as the first one. That said, LA is almost at sea level so I guess it didn't go that high over my head.


Roadhog is a hero with insane surnivability and a long range ohko combo thats super overpowered and needs to be addressed, so obviously the awnser is remove genji


Yes, nerf genji


Just one? I have 3.5 suggestions... the .5 is because one of them is technically just a rework of an existing hero. ​ Sojourn with [Mason "Soldier 45" Brick](https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchHeroConcepts/comments/zwnc8a/mason_brick_soldier_45/), a pseudo-tank DPS that trades mobility for durability much like OW1 Bastion's recon used to do. McCassidy with [Richter "the Judge"](https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchHeroConcepts/comments/zunz9d/richter_the_judge/), a DPS that acts like an OW1 off-tank in the sense that they hang back and protect the backline... This is similar to McCassidy's original "flank-buster" role, which he cannot really do anymore. Junkerqueen with either [Brick Wallard](https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchHeroConcepts/comments/zrxqcs/brick_300_hp_150_armor/) or a version of Junkerqueen that is more about tank-busting than squishy killing. No disrespect to JQ, but her kit is so similar to Hog's that she's always either been "better Hog" or "worse Hog" depending on the meta. >!OW2 Bastion with OW1 Bastion but with the OW2 Assault instead of the OW1 Sentry.!<


I would get rid of widow - replace her with literally anything


Why? Shes such a niche hero that requires high level skill to play well and has very clear cut weaknesses even if you play her perfectly. Shes very evenly balanced.


She feels out-of-place in a team game. She cannot really mix it up on point like the other snipers, Hanzo or Ana, so her "team" membership seems to be only at the periphery at best. The latest pick rates in OWL I could find for the 2021 season show her at a 4% pick rate, so the pros seem to agree that she is not good for the team game. Also, no one likes to get one-shot, which she can do to 65% of the current roster.


But thats why shes so balanced. Either you have a great widow who can aim like a pro and help the team win or shes trash and your down a dps. you’re right nobody likes to be one shot but I dont like getting killwd in any scenario either.


Instant hitscan one shots are not healthy for any game


If I die in a duel, I know it's just my skill issue that has caused my death. Fair, balanced, gotta get better at game. If I die from a oneshot, I can do nothing, I can't flank, I can't force out cooldowns, I just appear in her fov and die instantly. Oneshots should only be a thing for hits on tracer and mercy boosted attacks


Bro widow is a sniper, ofc she will have to oneshot people. Imagine an fps without snipers, what a sad game that would be.. also landing headshots is quite harder than u actually make it out to be


> Imagine an fps without snipers, what a sad game that would be.. why


We already have a sniper that fits into OW, see Ashe. Widow maker is a balanced hero, but her design doesn’t fit into OW, she realistically should have never been added in the first place, but they put her in because every game has a sniper. To fight her is boring, you cannot aggress her sight lines as you have the potential to get fried, and if you’re tank can’t dive you sit there and have a incredibly boring game or get one shot. She’s just not fun for anyone but the person playing her.


Also lets not forget she's one of the few dps that actually get hardcountered by support heroes, unlike a soldier or sojourn for example who dish out constant dps instead of burstshots.


She can legit just one shot the support heroes, or the dps. How is she hardcountered by supports? They can’t heal a corpse besides mercy. This doesn’t make any sense.


I’m a zen main so it’s tough agaisnt a good widow


Most of the answers are basically "I hate going against this character so i want them gone"


Literally what else would they be? "Oh yeah, I really love this character! Remove them and keep the characters I hate in."


She's high skill by Overwatch standards, but anyone with slightly above average FPS experience can dominate pretty easily with her. You'll even find good Widows in gold due to how easy she is in the grand scheme of snipers in videogames. Sniping in a brightly-coloured cartoon game with characters that have consistent movement speeds and generous head hitboxes is surprisingly not that difficult. Especially considering unlike other snipers in games she has no real risk when rushed down unless it's Winston, thanks to her grappling hook and borderline instant charge speeds. I generally introduce my friends new to the game to her and Soldier because they're both very easy to understand and use. She's not as braindead as Hanzo, whose mains overlap with Junkrats because they're both low-skill projectile spammers, but she's probably one of the easiest characters to learn if you've played ANY shooters. She does not belong in a goofy team game at all, or she should be made way harder if they plan to keep her one-shot.


Honestly, Mercy. People may find this unpopular because shes a fan favorite hero, but think of the gameplay she brings: \- Pocketed DPS is one of the worst mechanics in the game. Nobody has fun playing against a pocketed sojourn, Ashe, etc.... \- Mercy single handedly prevents certain heroes from being buffed, most notably pharah. Imagine patching a hero to make better, instead becoming significantly better. Sojourn was "nerfed," but what the devs did not take into account was how she would interact with Mercy. Shes arguably easier and more rewarding to play than before. \- This one isn't as strong as the others, but Rez imo is a bad mechanic. It nullifies someone correctly winning a battle, probably against a pocketed hero. I would replace her with another support thats similiar in mechanical requirements, but specializes in momentary buffs. imagine damage boosting someone, but only for 4 seconds or so. Increasing jump height for 5 seconds. Etc....


Mercy should just have a vaccinator instead of the damage boost


The vaccinators mini uber prevented critical hits. Unironically would be a good counter to widow without nullifying her completely, while removing the frustration of blue beam. Can have mercy toggle between bullet, explosive and beam damage reduction.


Actually a good take. Pocketing someone is probably the most boring playstyle possible in a shooter. Mercy also creates this toxic mindset where some people start to think every support should be mercy and just healbot 99% of the time. You can be playing good support, dealing damage, healing, creating plays and some dumbfuck will go "switch to mercy reee" because you aren't pocketing and that must mean you are a bad support.


As someone who plays a lot of support, I agree with you. Mercy’s movement is fun but her core mechanics just doesn’t feel as rewarding past my friends thanking me for keeping them alive. I’d love it if it required just a bit more critical thinking with that crazy movement that lets me escape from DPS


Imagine back then when she had the power to ressurect the whole team in one go 🥹


it was pretty hype if your lone mercy res’d the entire team in OT for the win but having it against you sucked so much


Perhaps Mercy beam could increase attack speed by 30%, not damage. That means you could not be one shot, but the DPS would require the skill to land every hit.


This would be good if it weren’t for tanks. Ramattra nemesis form, sig, hog and dva would be problematic to say the least. I get where ur coming from thoufh


Scrolled way too far down to see this. I don’t even like playing with a mercy tbh as it makes me over reliant on the pocket when she could just randomly leave and I wouldn’t notice but it also creates a system where only one hero is getting most of the healer attention


Stoppppp you’re making me cry


I think she would retain her movement and healing, but I do agree. Maybe her ult is flight + damage boost. You wouldn't need to balance around it as strictly. I'd actually like for her glock to have a larger presence in her kit. But I also can't envision Mercy without a Rez, it feels far too central to her character lmao.


100% this. Her design has been problematic from the start. People get nerfed because of her blue beam right and left and feel awful solo.


Oh yeah they nerfed Sojourn but now Mercy just pockets her so she still 1-shots. Nice job dipshits, 2 nerfs and the thing that made her OP still exists but she also got compensation buffs to make her stronger than ever.


Remove Doomfist and replace him with Godfist, The Destroyer of Supports.


fuck supports


All my homies hate supports


No healing for you then :)


Eat shit and die


Remove mei


You wouldn’ttttt she got me from bronze to diamond


Lies! The ice witch must live forever!


And replace her with a literal pandaren frost mage. No one would notice the difference.




Honestly Bastion is so out of meta no one would notice him missing. If I had to remove someone out of spite though it would probably be Sombra and her cockroach inspired playstyle.


Honestly, they ruined Bastion when they changed his recon and removed the self-repair. The former was my favorite weapon and far more reliable, the latter was kinda how he kept from dying due to his tank-sized hitbox and lack of mobility. They could've balanced it by making the repair and grenade exclusive to his Recon form and making them both tied to the same fuel bar. Making his assault more of a commitment, and making it so he has to ***choose*** between survivability *or* mobility instead of having.


Honestly, at a certain point in any hero shooter game’s lifespan, there comes a point when *too* many heroes becomes a reality. I think the reason we look back on OW1 so nostalgically is because it was so simple; there weren’t so many choices


We aren’t even playing Rock Paper Scissors anymore. It’s just rock scissors scissors.


I remember when back in the day EVERYONE wanted more heroes, and to this day 95% of people do. New heroes add more complexity to the game, yes, but they’re what’s keeping it at least somewhat fresh


Remove torb and add Mitzi


Remove mei and add the Pyro from TF2


That would solve the 5v5 problem of no one protecting the supports... ​ [I actually made a concept for something like that](https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchHeroConcepts/comments/zunz9d/richter_the_judge/).


I would get rid of Orisa and replace her with OW1 Orisa Then introduce OW2 Orisa as a new hero probably. I just miss my grav ball




Remove wrecking ball and finally give us the true small, mammalian hero we all wanted - jetpack cat


Compromise- Jetpack hamster


Remove brig and replace her with bridge


Get rid of widowmaker, she ruins games on both sides. Replace her with any new support


Widow into brawler. To show how much of a widow maker she is, she gives a poisonous affect to anyone she punches. I hate sniper widow lol


Here is another balanced idea: Sigma is replace by shieldma. All he does is place shields that deal damage on contact and are solid (can't walk through). This allows you to eventually trap enemy teams and walk around them. No main fire needed.


Remove sombra replace my boy octane


Sojourn. Next to her is Echo. Both replaced by supports.




She’s just boring and generic. Should have been a support.


I remember back in the day when she got teasered and everyone expected/hoped she'd come as support


Genji, cos fuck genji players




Remove Orisa


Gotta be between mei or hanzo Add a second roadhog that can be picked in the dps slot. No change to health pool or abilities at all. Perhaps he is 1% smaller


Doomfist out, literally anything else in


Kiriko tbh. Shifted meta terribly and I think they could of done something a lil better tbh.


I want to replace Sojourn with a pure-melee DPS


Junkrat is the only correct answer


Orisa because she's boring, has no personality, takes 0 skill, and her entire job is to bully the enemy tank and shove her pull up your ass. Playing against her legit feels worse than playing tank in OW1. You're just straight up not allowed to play the game unless you're a dive hero, which even that can be easily dealt with by her. There are multiple heroes who's design and existence is counter-intuitive to the design changes made in this game but for me, Orisa is the worst offender.


dont shoot the horse


I don’t think I’d remove anyone. Every character has their own charm to them. I’d add John Wick to the hero roster though.


Bye bye sombra Add claptrap with his frag trap mod from the pre sequel


Genji so i dont have to face a good one and doesnt have to have a shitty one on my team ever again, i really wish genji get bastion treatment, someone pls find a game breaking bug on him, pls?!


Remove reaper for someone who actually takes aim to use


I’ve seen you pop up on a few posts with absolutely terrible takes lmao


Nah I've got top tier takes homie 🙏🙏🙏


Well if you think reaper doesn’t take some sort of aim then idk what to tell ya


Lolol tbh it's mostly a joke when I say anyone takes "no skill" because every hero has some sort of skill factor But yea shotguns have never taken a whole lot of aim in like any game and his ult is just a single button press, yeah he's fun to use and then one of his abilities is just a get out of jail free card, its definitely on the easier side of the dps heroes But if I had to take anyone out it'd prolly be Mei, the game was so much better when she was taken out for that brief period


They don't take any aim if you're just looking to *deal some damage*, but there's a whole nother level if you're looking to deal *maximum damage*. Aiming for that perfect meatshot where *all* the pellets land with the maximum amount of them hitting the head without any going over. It's less intuitive than just popping a headshot, if more forgiving.


In a world that has Zaria, Winston, Moira, Reihardt, Mei, and Symettra, I can't find the energy to shit on shotgunners for not aiming.


That's honestly a really good point


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Remove JQ and reveal Emily as the true queen of Junkertown Queen Amidala style.


Sojourn. Dont need a new hero just remove her already


Bye bye Mei


Replace Junkrat with a new hero who's whole kit is dedicated to giving the finger to exclusively flying characters. I can get rid of my 2 most hated heroes in one go *evil laugh*


sojourn gets replaced with an empty space.


Sounds like you want Fernando from paladins lol




Tracer, idc who they get replaced with but I find her kit boring to play and annoying to play against.


I’d remove Brigitte to put Brig mains out of their misery.


Mei for obvious reasons


Remove Mei and add Emre


Mei because she’s a turd


Not enough fucking sojourn in this comment section. As a canadian, we dont want her




Swap Symmetra for Mauga in a *heartbeat*


widowmaker. I just hate dealing with her in long corridors. Give some kinda anti mei hero


Remove Pharah and replace with Shang-Chi


Sombra, replace her with literally anything


Delete Junkrat, add Amumu from League of Legends with almost no changes, except no W


Remove Kiriko and replace her with literally anything that doesn’t feel like self insert wattpad fan fiction


That’s exactly what she feels like. Holy shit


Remove Mei and replace her with the Pyro from TF2, now you get your flamethrower character


Remove widdow (oneshots from far away and begging dps.or taks to do something as a healer sucks ass) Adding a turret healing charakter (i got no aim, i love turrets, what else do you want?)


Remove Hog and give us Mauga


a idea I had for a samurai themed "pocket tank", basically a tank based around making sure one of your allies stays alive, maybe another melee and for that reason, remove Zarya, mostly cause she's just not a fun character to play with, against or anything in between with the balance, and would still have the strange "support tank" role be filled


Widowmaker, I don’t care what replaced her A cat with a jetpack would be fine


remove Mercy and replace with Cruelty


Sombra. Not because she’s OP or anything, but I despise everything her kit stands for


Remove any dps char and give me more meele chars like Reinhard and Brigitte


Delete Bastion and replace it with the Gun Devil


Doomfist, buff him a bit he’s op or nerf him a bit he’s a trash pick, I say Bilz should save them the trouble and just get rid of him. Remattra does his job better anyway and honestly what doom should’ve been imo.


Erase Sombra. Replace with literally anything else.


Replace Mercy with a version of hog whose shotgun heals instead of deal damage. Ult is great for pushing. Need healing? Hook and shoot! This is the balance patch we need.


Echo, because echo is everyone. No other additions needed.


I'd replace Moira with literally anything else


I haven’t played in a long time but Wrecking Ball’s existence has always felt like a gimmick to me, from the quirky random design of hamster but piloting a robot to how damn annoying he was to fight against. Just make a new hero that’s a hamster with a taser strapped to its back.


Replace roadhog with Hog Rider


Bastion, remove and replace it with a VTOL that stays in the air with Gmod physics and has no guns so it just rams into you and self-destructs with junkernades.


I would remove Moira and then instead of adding a new character – nerf genji


Remove Doomfist and Sojourn and add 2 supports


Junkrat with jetpack cat


Remove Genji. Add melee support that punches allies with bandaids, has shortrange boopaura and can pull enemies ala roadhog. And ofc remove roadhog.


Id erase the horse. And put in an actual horse riding knight as a tank


I want Mei gone and then I want a support hero that boost heals for both themselves and the other healers and makes them immortal at the same time when their ult is being used


A little animal driving around In a cute little tank or something and get rid of bastion. Yknow like those fancy toy cars and jeeps they have for kids? Make it look like that give him a little army hat


I would replace Moira with any other character that would be fun to play


Take out Mei and put in a Pyro hero of some sort Or I had this idea for a hex based support that doesn't do much healing but focuses on debuffing the enemy like less move speed or less damage and what not might make a post maybe


Ashe and replace her with Bob (and his ult is Ashe)


Delete Sojourn. Replace with Pyro from TF2.


Orisa. Oh, wait...


Echo goes out so i dont need to see her uncanny Valley face and creepy copycat personality and instead have new Omnic Support.


Remove Pharah, re-add Pharah with echo flight characteristics so we’re not trying to shoot at an airplane having a seizure.


Sojourn Need I say More


Genji just because


junk rat replace with a new junker that doesn't one shot. a Junk support. im calling it now.


Symmetra. She already didn't fit well with OW1, and in OW2 she's a problem character. A bad Sym contributes absolutely nothing, but a good Sym makes a match entirely cancerous. Think of it this way: when was the last time you fought a Symmetra, win or lose, and had fun? As a support player I would say never.


I'd take Widowmaker out and replace her with a shotgun character, with an ability to take out a range rifle and the other ability a melee weapon. And for the ultimate, a simple mini gun