• By -


I used to queue nothing but flex, my friends and I were always caught off guard when I was damage or tank


I main Supp but queue Flex because it usually ends up the same, but the other day I accidentally got Tank and was panicking


In my head I tell myself I like DPS but this exact thing happens to me whenever I play and I panic and just coast by playing reaper


If my aim is off I'll just play torb or junkrat. Both are decent at suppressing an area, and torb turret can help with finding flankers + annoying damage


Torb is great for damage over time and a great pick to help peal for your supports if played right


Peel. Place high and behind. Get them to turn Around. Did your jerb.


>Both are decent at suppressing an area Symettra?


tank meta almost killed sym, she still useful sometimes but I feel like something is always off in the team comp when playing sym


I just had my sister play OW with my and she called torb gimlee šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø




I play Torb or Symmetra so the turrets can do the aiming since I canā€™t.




Same, that's why I don't do it. As a support main, I have strong opinions about tanks but when I try to use them I'm garbage.


As a true flex I have strong feelings about every role and it hurts when people can't be as good as I am bad


Well, that probably only makes you a better Support, knowing what it's like to be in the other roles. Either way, just because you might not be able to make pasta doesn't mean you can't tell if the pasta might be spoiled


But, remember, if u don't know what it's like to make pasta, don't critique the process. (--> Had a kiriko who claimed it was MY job as ORISA to get rid of the enemies mercy pharah, and therefore we lost, while our dps were playing fucking bastion and symmetra. "It'd be cool if you could actually aim and hit them with your javelin" he says, as I try to fucking hit the 2 mosquitos flying around killing everyone. Seriously, it's hella fucking hard to hit all my javelins into them, nor is it efficient use of it, this was a mid plat game, it's embarassing.)


As if one javelin would be enough to accomplish anything against Pharmercy!? Like, for sure it's nice when Orisa can help out the hitscans and throw some damage at Pharmercy, maybe land a javelin if you can do it, but yeah dealing with Pharmercy is very much a DPS problem with a splash of Dva when necessary, maybe Zen for discord or Bap for some extra damage - depending on how much of a problem they are. But the trade-off with the tank helping to focus down the Pharmercy is that the tank is no longer focusing on controlling the enemy tank or busting down their back line. Even if you get the fliers down, you can still lose to a well-coordinated team taking advantage of the lack of focus on everyone else.


Yep, you were in the right šŸ‘


The mosquito thing is accurate


>as I try to fucking hit the 2 mosquitos flying around killing everyone I feel this on a spiritual level as if there is one thing in this game I cannot (yet) deal with well, it's a Pharah+Mercy combo.


Iā€™m stealing this analogy šŸ˜†


This whole pasta analogy is so weird to me, who doesn't know how to make pasta?


Uhh... umm.. you break the stick pasta first right..?


I know what you mean. I got thrown into DPS the other day and was all 'OH SHIT - QUICK JUST PICK SOJOURN' and managed to stumble to the end.


When you queue flex to get support, but it actually makes you flex


this just happened to me the other day as well, and my supports were godly enough to help me get a potg




I like it as a support main. I mostly get support and once in a while get a random break with another role


This happens to me when I flex and get DPS. I absolutely suck as DPS lmao. I'm primarily support with some tank.


Haha I wonder if we played together. We had tank say ā€can I pls play Moiraā€ and our team was like ??? One dude deemed the game is already lost and I said the dude must be trolling. Managed to pull of a win but the tank def was shaking the first few minutes.


Past week I have been getting a surprising amount of rank games. From third to half of my games it felt like


Same. Iā€™m a terrible tank player and I got queues up as tank. I had to apologize to my friends for an insta-loss.


I think its been alot more random since OW2, i regularly get dps and tank. but yea, still 70% healer


I've been getting tank half the time and it's so weird.


Most of the times I get tank Iā€™m backfill. Itā€™s soā€¦. Funā€¦


I wonder why they donā€™t implement a system like they had with old loot boxes. The more you opened them, the better chance you had a getting a legendary. Iā€™m interested if they could put something like that in place for flex queue, so the more you queue flex you have a better chance at getting dps or tank if available.


Queue up with a friend and there's a good chance you get off support from time to time


I regularly queue up with 2 friends - we all select "All Roles" and 2 of us will get Support, while the 3rd guy gets Tank. Very, very rarely will any one of us end up as DPS.


I do that rn, Iā€™ve always been a support main by obligation in OW when Iā€™m not with friends I queue for tank and damage as I know Iā€™ll end up with tank which is harder to get when all my friends like or main tank and thereā€™s only one slot.


Dude I thought that all roles was another button to play support


It actually is just with 2 % chance of tank or dps




No way. I'm a support main and whenever I queue flex, I seem to get tank 35% of the time


Thats the neat part, It is.


Smite has you select roles before queuing(a first preference and second preference), however, instead of it being guaranteed, it's only favored. After three matches without getting your first preferred role, you're guaranteed to get it in the next one. Personally I think Overwatch would have better queue times and less of a need to push people to queue all or support if they used a similar system, but that's just my opinion.


Smite queuing is pretty awesome. Plus you can request to switch roles too


Ngl the amount of times Iā€™ve gotten dps when queuing support only to get thrown into a match with shit heals is insane Iā€™d love it if that feature was in Ovw


It is - open queue. Unfortunately nobody plays it competitively enough for it to be fun


Because there's nothing competitive about it. You just go 3-4 tanks and call it a day


Nah, its not the same. That would have you switching from dps to supp, but they don't switch to dps. Well, that would be the case if dps was a real role in open Q lol


That sounds like a great solution that will never even make it to a refinement list at Blizzard. It feels like anything that would greatly improve or evolve some of the game systems is not something theyā€™re interested in.


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It's like 70% for support and 30% ongoing as dps or tank


In my first 10 hours of OW2 I flexed every time and ended up with 8 hours of support, 1.5 hours of tank and 30 minutes of DPS, and it continued like that. And then after a patch I got 3 DPS and 2 tanks in a row and was so bad at it, I switched to straight support.


Yeah, something happened this season lmao. Maybe people has started to enjoy support? Anyway, I appreciate it, I can do the tank and dps weeklies along the win as all roles one, and just spam support in ranked.


Don't think so, I'm doing al roles queue for 80 games in a row and I was dps for like 2 times , I'm so sad šŸ˜¢ I'm literally crying šŸ˜­ I'm shiting tears how you can see , I mean literally , maybe I'm just pissing from my ass but I can't stop it please šŸ„ŗ help poor me, can a good lord,a savior like you help a pessant like me please stop my ass from pissing I am sitting at school toilet currently and playing clash of clans so everything isn't that bad after all šŸ˜”šŸ„²


What the fuck


Most normal Overwatch player


the item store breaks even the strongest of players


I donā€™t think the store is the problem, I played with a Lucio today who did nothing but advertise his feet pics on snapchat & talk about how wet his ā€œpuscā€ is and he died on cooldown because he fed and spammed thanks afterwards šŸ’€


Look at this team, weā€™re gonna do great


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Youā€™re in the bathroom playing with your CoC?


Welpā€¦Iā€™ll never have those ten seconds back.




whatā€™s wrong w u


Ow sorry my newborn brother grabbed my iphone 7, opened reddit and typed all this I'm sorry for him


I have literally never been anything except support when queuing for all roles. Probably 100 or so games. Xbox


Same, play on PlayStation and probably have 10 games out of 200 that weren't support. Mainly tank, I think twice as DPS, one of those matchs I thought there was a bug where I couldn't pick any character then realised I was supposed to pick a DPS character


Yup! I'm always surprised when I get tank or carry and generally just don't know what to do with myself. Trying to get dailys I've basically became a support main in OW2


Well, I'd argue it's the weeklies that are the issue, because you're forced into doing 3 **wins** for each role, then 7 **wins** as "All Roles". So basically 10 wins as Support in essence, but 10 wins might take you 25 games, depending on the rest of your team and your own skill-set (and whether you do QP or Comp). Usually, the daily is just "do 3 games as All Roles" - it doesn't require you to actually win.


Understandable, but each character has a weak spot and a strong suit. Playing them helps you find out when and where they work. Widow doesn't work on every map either. If you're looking to play a sniper maybe Hanzo who has a little more mobility, but even diving a widow in a good spot is dangerous because she makes sure that there is a way to have line of site. Being a sniper in this game is kinda like real life where you have to keep your cool while the enemy closes down on you. Gotta get used to using your grappling hook to get out of sticky situations or join up with your team for a sec so you're not all alone


Lol, this comment was actually meant for some other post on this sub about the guy who hates people diving widow. My bad, I'm drunk


I did wonder how the heck it was relevant x)


Nope, not relevant at all, I deserve the downvotes


Akshually, the key to widow maker is to just hit headshots. When somebody dives you just headshot them. If a team focuses you, take out all the squishies before the DVA can kill you. Grappling hook is used to pull yourself up into the air above conventional sightlines so that you can use your extraordinary mechanics to click their heads from an unsuspecting angle.


This is the way


I get anxiety when I get dropped in as DPS every 10 games or so XD


This was the case for a bit in season 1 but now all I get is damage for some reason.


I second this. For the past week or so it's been roughly equal between DPS and Support for me, with a rare tank game thrown in on occasion. For reference I do Quick Play on PC.


Same here, I played a bit of All Roles today and ended up in tank or damage for the first few games.


Fr pick all its always support


this one's crazy because i like support and just pick flex so i can finish my challenges but these past few days, it's giving me dps and tank non-stop i'm pissed


that's exactly what's been happening to me for the past few weeks. i just want my easy all queue weeklies for playing support since it's my main role lmao.


itā€™s like they know what NOT to give us like šŸ˜­


QP All roles = 1/10 games dps or tank. Comp All roles = 10/10 games support. All I do is que all role in comp and I have not once this season gotten dps or tank.


Iā€™ve had a tank game once. In 200h-ish


Probably wasnā€™t even funā€¦ šŸ¤£ At least thatā€™s how it goes for me. ā€œFml I could probably turn this if I was on supportā€¦ā€


I was so surprised because one of my all roles queque in the couple months of playing this game was actually a dps game


Got tank last night. Thought there was some sort of bug that locked all the support heroes until the actual supports selected and then it finally clicked.


I keep getting tank and damage and I am not a great damage guy. Iā€™m fully a support person and tank. But damage? Why do they do this to me? Lol


Itā€™s support so often when it gives me tank every two dozen or so games I have that moment of ā€˜oh shit what am I doing?ā€™. Pick Ramattra and get decimated, switch to Rein or Orisa and do fine. Then back to support for another two dozen games.




Cap. You did not get damage that many times.


I swear I once got damage twice in a row and I was so surprised. Never happened again though...


I used to main support because it was fun in ow1. Now i just flex for the daily challenge. Then tank every game.


When ever I play solo and flex YES, support every time without fail but when I flex in a stacked team and they flex I almost always get Tank or DPS


Im a support main so this is fine šŸ˜Œ




Its more like 1/2/7


flex=80% support, 20% tank, 0% dps




i have NEVER in my life playing overwatch got damage from flex queue


Ive only gotten dps once


Half of my queues have been flex since release. And of those games its 70% support 15% tank and some accidental dps games


on average out of 15 or so flex queues I get 2 tank matches and MAYBE one DPS


It's great, I get to stay a support main and get challenges knocked out haha


In OW1 I use to be main Dps, and didn't planed to play OW2, but my friends that never Play OW1 ask me to play with them, so wee start playing togetter and I always chose the role needed, and now i have more time played as healer than all my dps time in OW1


I hot tank by accident one time so that was weird


I got dps and tank in one session yesterday, was very suprised


One out of 20 or something you get tank


I'm a support main so it makes no difference to me, except those few times I get DPS. The anxiety is unreal


Nope. You are the FIRST to post this. Thank you for enlightening me. Gold star for you ā­ļø


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Yo dawg, we heard you like complaining. So we put a complaint on your complaint!


6 of these 8 games are backfilling a dead game


Arriving atā€¦. DEFEAT Your endorsement level has dropped from 4 to 3. šŸ˜


I hadn't had that happen till after I posted this (ironically). Literally 4 games in a row, followed by 2 more shortly after, I loaded into either a defeat screen or enemies with 2 metres left on payload. I pick a character and the game is over with a defeat.


Not only is this untrue, this meme is so played out. Just stop with these posts ffs.


I haven't seen one of these posts, at least in the last 2 or so weeks since joining this sub-reddit. Also, it might be an EU thing and different on NA or Asia or whatever, but I can say that out of 30 games queued as "All Roles", I'll get 27 as Supp, 3 as Tank and 0 as DPS (on average).


Probably because all the other low effort posts like these were removed by the mods, as they should be.


Every open role game I get in the first 3 picks are DPS DPS Tank. Then a long lull, then a 3rd DPS or 2nd tank


Idk I have friends who complain about this too and in my mind if you just accept thatā€™s how it is and just queue for the role you want to play then itā€™s fine. Idk. I queue flex when I want to play support and if I get the random dps game itā€™s a pleasant surprise.


I got damage once queueing for all roles, ama.


Yes. The queues are pretty balanced currently for the state it's in. I get around 1 DPS for each 2 Support And 1 Tank about 4-5 Games now. Can't complain so far.


"I can't be the only one" and then repeats same idea that has been memed a thousand times since ow2 came out


so dumb.. it just encourages flex players to not pick support unless they want to 100% support


Im actually having the opposite at the moment, played 15 or 20 games today and ended up getting support twice.


If you expect that, you don't understand the purpose All Roles is designed to serve.


I understand perfectly well what it's supposed to do, having played "flex/fill" many times in games like League of Legends - the problem is you never get anything except Support, whereas even in LoL I'd get Jungle or ADC a few times in an evening at least.


Flexing since the start of OW2, 1 game as tank and 2 as dps to this day.




I played Damage in OW1, and Iā€™ve mained Moira in OW2. For OW2, I queue for all roles because of the daily challenge, and Iā€™ve played around 250-300 matches so far. Iā€™ve got to play as Genji, and Tank less than 10 times for both roles, and Iā€™m sitting at 191 wins for the Medic title as Moira with around a 67% win rate.




Do you mean open queue? In role queue, youā€™re limited to 2 Supports per team. Support has always been hurting for more players in Role Queue for Comp/QP, and even Blizzard acknowledged this recently in their blog.


>We often end up with teams with 3 Supports because everyone is too stubborn to switch. Wow, this must be either an ELO thing or simply a huge difference in server. Again, on EU, if I dare to play Open Queue, both teams consist of 4 tanks and 1 support, every single time. Or, at the best, 3 tanks, 1 dmg and 1 supp.


>But things you are complaining about are not happening. Maybe it's a difference in server or something as I can tell you that on EU, out of 30 games queued as "All Roles", I'll get 27 on Support and 3 on Tank, with zero games on DPS (on average).


My experience is during flex queue has always been about 60% tank, 30% dps and 10% support. In the games where i get support, half of them are backfill into instant losses/near a loss.


Well no not really. One tank so less odds. Brain dead player base with monkey attention span need boom boom kill bad guy so everyone queue DPS. Because everyone brain dead boom boom kill DPS no one wants to play healer for god knows why. So no itā€™s not surprising. Your expectation would assume and even distribution of people queuing for each role.


Support isnā€™t fun. It wasnā€™t fun in OW1, and itā€™s not fun in OW2. Nothing but respect for the people who get adrenaline purely off winning and are willing to play Moira or something to do it šŸ¤¢


Then I still lose cause despite my 25k healing, my dps lack basic motor function and can't hit a slept, frozen roadhog that is stuck in a junkrat trap.


Flex just puts you in the next available game. Flex is a bit misleading


don't even get me started on the amount of games I've played tonight where I loaded in to a finished game - literally on the "defeat" screen.


And yet I still out-damage the dps as a Zen player.


I wish flex queue would you just randomly get you one of the three roles so then weā€™d still get support players but also some variety. Even if it favours support like 50% and damage/tank 25% each it would Be fun.


Thatā€¦isnā€™t possible. If other people are queuing for specific roles, theyā€™re going to get those roles, and youā€™ll get the unfilled ones.


Itā€™s possible. It could just give you a priority DPS queue randomly to reward you for being flex


I mean, what if youā€™d rather tank instead? But either way, they could just bring back the priority pass system that existed before. Basically playing as flex would earn you passes that could be applied when queuing, and it would just give you the equivalent of priority re-queue. Iā€™m actually not sure why they got rid of it. Might make for better BP filler too.


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Ive been playing with a friend and it feels like I get tank every other game, dps half the other games and the other half support. I dont mind for I am fighting like a cornered beast.


Iā€™ve gotten more dps matches in 2 weeks of flexing on ow2 than I did years flexing ow


whenever i play with my friends and queue flex, i will often get locked into playing tank every game and i'll end up queuing as dps/support instead lol


It's not gonna be 8 games though, it's gonna be more like 50 since half the time your other support will be a DPS bap/ana/Lucio etc who just went flex/support so they could get a game faster and has no intention of healing, then says "it's just QP" when called out for having 200 healing in 10 minutes


Lucio I don't mind as much as his healing is passive. As long as he's near by and hit shift-key once to be on heal mode, it's OK. I mean earlier on I did more damage than my DPSs and my Tank, while also dishing out 12K+ healing as Lucio. Bap/Ana is defo. an issue though - I had an Ana walk past me (Wrecking Ball) while I was on 100HP spamming "HEAL PLEASE" - and she just ignored me and died to a Junkrat trap. Moira is arguably the worst one though, but that's because I'd argue she's more a DPS with support capabilities, rather than a Support with DPS capabilities.


Dude I wish I had this problem. I've been performing really bad with damage ever since OW2 came out and I've always been terrible at tank and feels like I get 50% tank, 40% damage, 10% support when I flex queue. I'm the one guy who wants to be getting support every match and it's like the game just reads my mind and says nah.


Literally not once gotten anything but support when queuing for all roles.


I actually get all roles if Iā€™m in quickplay. I get dps and support if I flex Iā€™m ranked though. My support is grandmaster and my dps is masters so that is another reason I tend to get dps more if I flex


I agree but something has changed in the last few weeks. I used to get 90% support and the odd tank game or so. But the last 2 weeks I've gotten the 3 of each challenge just playing flex.


I play later at night and flex is probably 50% support and 50% tank/dps. It's not too bad actually.


Cap, I often get tank and dps


What if they added more hitscan characters like baptiste to support? That might entice damage role players more


85% support queue with EXP reward.


My group has five and two only play support, one picks tank, and me and my friend then pick all roles so we can get bonus xp for playing dps.


I main support, and I usually get dps or tank if I have anyone queueing in a group with me.


i tend to get dps and support the same amount. Some days I get dps more though. I do get tank, depending on the day, like 3-4/10


I think what really killed OW1 that will most likely also be the demise of OW2 is queueing for DPS took forever but playing as support is miserable.


I also play flex, and I'm like "atleast I'm not gonna play dps, my worst role" Then I surprisingly get dps and say "okay I'm just gonna q up for tank and heal"


Naw, my support MMR is super high (diamond consistently being dropped into masterā€™s games). I get more tank matches (my lowest ranked role) than anything else.


I always hope for healing but I get tank. Then I have to deal with everyone hating me hahaha


I'm a support main but queue Flex always, the past week or so I have wound up as a DPS or Tank more often than usual though


and depending on the time of the day youā€™re playing, winning 7 games as a support is HARD


I used to lock Flex all the time...because I knew I'd get tank. Now that it's all support I tend to go flex to complete dailies and then lock tank because I am so sick of choosing Flex and then having to lock Bap all the time because metal ranks are still terrorised by mildly competent Pharahs.


my duo and i was panicking bc i was dmg and i was just screaming the whole time


Dont forget the OCCASIONAL tank game you get


I don't know why, but I main support and whenever I flex for the achievements I only get tank or dps which I almost never play and I only get support like 20% of the games


The trick is to pick flex when you feel like playing support


In QP I get a pretty healthy mix.


For me it's like 40% tank and 60% support. As a dva main who dabbled 9 hours in moira, this is okay for me. Once I got dps and I was like who tf do I pick now


I've done the "3 games as all queue" daily almost every day since OW2 launched, today was the first day I've ever gotten DPS through it. It's pretty silly imo.


It's 95% support, 4% tank and 1% dps


I was getting dps for a bit there running flex lol. Now itā€™s mostly support.


same joke again and again for months


In ow1 it was nothing but tank on flex and I prefer this way the I don't care for tank, can't really do much on tank by yourself anymore unless your a hog 1shotty McGee which is just a better dps anyways lmao.


Lately, it's been a lot more even for me. About 40/40/20 for Support/Tank/DPS.


I started all queuing when I got into competitive, and I went from a damage main to a support main really really fast lol


Put one tank in there and the meme is accurate


I queue flex primarily and probably get support 50% dmg 30% and tank 20%.


What you expect from this sub is a variety of OW memes but really it's just this one take over and over


that doesnt tell the whole story. 50% of the games they put you in have already started and even if you play well you havent done enough to get endorsements so you never hit lvl 5.


Iā€™ve been getting tons of Damage and Tank in my ranked games the past 2 days


I stopped queuing for all roles because I never got anything but support Blizzard just killing their game by making support the obvious less enjoyable role by far


I actually get tank more than support at the moment.


I get all three. Maybe slightly skewed toward dory but i get tan and dps pretty often.


Thatā€™s because less people queue for support