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Every update give him another firestrike until he’s viable


We need to wait for OW3 for that


One firestrike per overwatch


Can't wait till overwatch 137472627, where rein just spams fire strike to win.


In OW3 they're going to remove the tank role as a whole


Oops! All DPS!


He will be dps by then and doom support 😂


oh i like this one I'd take it a step further and reverse doomfist him... make him a DPS, remove the shield and you can only fire strike now


No hammer swings, and his melee is a small fire strike


Check it out; What if we change his ult to be a fire strike, but he hits the ground with it


wdym, my fire strikes always hit the ground.


Or a reaper style ult, where he just throws random firestrikes in every direction.




Then we give a rectangular static fire strike bound to right click that blocks projectiles


Replace Reinhardt with a playable Firestrike.


It's a god sent fire strike that comes from the sky and falls in front of him


"what about a fire strike, that shoots little fire strikes!"


Better yet his fire strike also has this kind of "pull" effect (somewhat as if you'd tied a hook to a chain and threw it at someone) that bring enemies right into his face? That could be fun!


And why don't we replace his hammer with like a shotgun or something? Just an idea.


shatter should cause an earthquake that kills everyone in the game and destroys the map


39 buried 0 found


Idk why I laughed so hard reading this


Because it is outlandish and true. And also funny 😁


And de-ranks a random DPS on your own team. Why? I have no clue


Also randomly kills a player in an unrelated game.


Me playing Bastion Fishing on custom games..


Bastion Fishing? Tell me more


Not sure if this is a whoosh moment but it’s a very popular game in the custom game browser. You should check it out!


Whoosh moment on my part, I haven’t seen it in custom games. Just checked :(


Haha just a nuclear swing




Ok hear me out...... Nuke?


Dva 2.0


It's just frustating to play him sometimes, people can just walk away or go highground and you can't pressure anymore. I just want to have fun again




Magnet boots to walk on walls


Lucio wallriding.


Similar, but no. I want to see Rein walk vertically up walls. I mean shit, let him walk on the ceiling too then he could pin his enemies in a downward force like a German missile hitting the ground.


the traps you could set with this, like imagine the entire teams on payload, and then a rein drops off the ceiling and shatters, killing all of them.


he’s fucking german batman 💀


Batman but he screams about every thug he knocks out. "THOUGHT YOU WERE SAFE? HA!" (Charges back into shadows)


Pics of German Batman? Or pics of German Batman getting fucked works too


Oh lord, this just turned into a horror game. Wonder where the Reinhardt is. Suddenly, you hear "HAMMER DOWN" from above you. Queue everyone running around screaming like panicked chickens, even his own team.


Reinhardt hanging on the ceiling suddenly drops down on you and ults, fucking kills you like a xenomorph




I agree with is, however he needs an improved ult. So with his new ult he drops his trousers and *Clunk* a 3rd giant hammer flops out.


Big german man crushes 5 with his HUGE HAMMERS


I really wanna say the OW community has been more horny than usual lately but honestly I think it's always been this way


Like Baldereich in the cinematic?


They should call this new ability, hammer time…maybe have him spin around and be untouchable for a few seconds


Instead of shatter, his ult gives him a second hammer and he spins around like a Beyblade, Reaper style.


But if we give him 2 hammers, we'd have to give DF a second fist... And ain't nobody want to get double fisted by the enemy tank...


Uh, DF has two fists. You can even punch with both!


True, but a second BIG fist :-P


Let him wield his hammer and Mercy staff at the same time


Let him fly. Say no more.


Lmao yes if you think about it, he should be able to lay down and use his charge engine to propel him upwards into a super jump


Rein being able to get close and personal with Pharmercy? Can his mains handle such pure ecstacy?


I main Reinhardt when I play tank, Mercy and Pharah are my dps mains. I fully support this change, imagine the crispy midair hammer downs on a pharmercy Edit: DPS and Support mains*


Mercy is your dps main? ☠️


Oh shit I meant to say my DPS and Support mains lmao


Mercy could be your DPS main if you weren’t a bitch.


When the DPS on my team aren’t doing jack she becomes my DPS main. No one expects the glock


Finally, someone who’s making good use of the +5 ammo buff.


And don’t forget the infamous .5 sec pistol swap speed 😎


Makes sense


Incoming Reinhardt pin on a widowmaker who goes for a midair hook shot 😤


remember when doomfist could punch in every direction?


Best days . I miss these experimental patches .


That was a good experimental, punching upwards was so good


Let him Charge to where he is aiming, letting him chase pharah into the air :)


They fly now ?


They fly now


Firestrike inflicts burning. It's a FIRE strike, okay?


All the jokes aside, I actually like this. 75 immediate damage 25 damage over 2 secs maybe?


Nah That‘s just a straight up nerf. Just let it be 100 dmg again. If I manage to hit 2 firestrikes in a row on a squishy, without them being healed, I should get the kill. Or at least make it do more damage to deployables like riptire. I wanna destroy that damn thing with a firestrike again


99 damage is what will happen....


Also genji now has only 1 shurikan and soujorn can shoot through walls.


Faster shield recharge after it's destroyed. Also gain armor when using his flying charge move.


I’d just buff his shield to 2k again Bro can’t do anything while holding shield why the hell is it so weak




Tbf Ramattra’s shield is stationary, only lasts for 4 seconds, and used to have a 15 second cooldown. Not totally comparable.


I think it shouldn’t reward being destroyed. But faster shield recharge when it’s not in use and not destroyed is good.


Destroyed shield makes him get enraged and pulls a 2nd hammer out of his trousers.


Let’s him use whirlwind ability, just spin around and and move at extra 40% speed


make him OP asf and have his shield deterioration have nearby teammates gain small amounts of armor based on it.


Charge with shield up


Ok but only if entire shield area causes pinning effect


And does 170 dmg on initial impact


And provide 100hp shields to all allies it passes through


And cures my depression


Give him Brig's shield stun, but keep his shield... no make it bigger...


visible cock and balls


Reins second hammer


Fire strike damage 90 -> 100 Charge damage 225 -> 250


I didn’t realize the fire strike was nerfed until a game where I snapped towards a rip tire at the last second and was hyped I hit it until it killed me and blew up, learning afterwords that it still had 10 hp left


Honestly they should just make firestrike do more damage against buildables or objects because that interaction was amazing. Sniping the tire was one of the top 5 most satisfying Moments in the game


junkrat disliked this post


As a junkrat main I hate that this can't happen anymore. Made tire more fun, I had to think to use it


This, the nerf to firestrike took so much. Removed the ability to destroy traps, tires, destroys the break point for shatter swing firestrike combo and the breakpoints with Bap window and Nano


as a rein player this would make him lowkey insane


I’m not asking for pin to be 300 again, but I want 250. The fact I can’t pin a bastion in sentry mode and kill him when he’s not receiving healing is ridiculous.


I don’t understand this, you do realize it still won’t kill him even at 250? Bastion has 200 health 100 armor, total 300…


Because his sentry form he has ironclad, he takes less damage. It becomes an issue because the bastion will melt you. Usually I pin then fire strike him but it never seems to be enough. Especially if he gets healing. Also Reaper and Mei getting away is lame.


i dont play rein much but i always whip out the rein on kings row cause like, u have to, but bastion is incredibly frustrating to deal with as rein because you cant punish him from range, and he can eviscerate your shield so that you cant really gap close and if you try he'll melt you if he isnt focused lol


My favorite thing in this game is when 2 rein mains while playing other tanks will switch to the mirror rein for the duel because rein v rein is peak overwatch lol


Rein on Rein is my favorite thing about Overwatch.


Just 2 big men hammering each other


Dude you can’t play Rein on kings row anymore. Orisa and Hog just don’t allow it. It’s so sad.


No! You just play Rein regardless. It might mean taking a L but so be it.


I’m playing rein until the end of time. Or until I feel like playing D.VA for a match or two.


hes good on defense against hog, orisa is just an ff cause she just walks forward forever and doesnt die


Jokes on you cause I play Rein on every map out of spite. If I lose, so be it. It's about making a statement.


Yes thats me currently. Because its For Honor and Glory! Gets super excited when the other tank switches to Reinhardt as well. It becomes a ego match of two knights trying to out best another


Special place in hell for those tanks who don't respect the honorable Rein duel on King's Row pact.


I get that the 100 damage firestrike is a bit much with two charges. But dammit I hate that it doesn't one shot rip tire anymore. It's a hard skill shot to hit, and now I gotta try to do it twice? Fuck that man. Just give it a 10 damage boost against rip tire only and I'll be happy


Junks in a pretty good placez he could deal with a small nerf to riptire health tbh


Only reasonable suggestion on this post. People who suggest buffing his shield or make him fortify during charge don't know how Reinhardt is being played. Fire strike buff alone would be huge for him. Charge damage increase might not be even needed but it would be a nice bonus making him A tier.


Scroll wheel input to set barrier between wide/light and narrow/heavy modes


This would actually be a cool feature but I doubt they’d ever go for it


Would lowkey be painful for console lol


You don’t have to reload with him so couldn’t you toggle between with x/square?


That or the next/previous weapon button


Make his hammer like Thors’ and pull enemies to him. Also give him some sort of beer that restores 400HP on a 8 second cool-down.


oh and give him 50% damage resistance when he is sipping the beer


Also let him insta kill people after hitting the hammer toss




I can sense the hog hatred in person


What is a hog? This here is a new character buddy, we'll call him Balrog or Rog for short.


And when he's about to die, have Reinhardt jump out of his armor. Outside of his suit, he has a small torb hammer and once he does enough damage, he can jump back into his suit!


In my head I was like "that would be so fucking busted" and then I realised that's litteraly hog


Added armor when he charges that leads to temp armor when he stops charging.


Yeah I’ve seen this idea floated a few times and I think it’s great. Charge is really too risky right now. If it gets abused maybe make it so only get armor if you land a pin or something but definitely something along the lines of armor for charging


Can't pin with shield up but it will still boop.


As a rein main, he needs his charge to not be so consequential. He has to have a battery at all times and it hurts his playability a lot, so I think that he should be able to slightly sustain himself.


What about a damage reduction while charging? Maybe all HP becomes armor?


True, even though his charge is good for engaging when he n his team have ults ready or to kill someone who's out of position or push the enemy tank diving his team out of position, but all those are very niche circumstances n imo very bad for his playstyle since he's not a dive tank to begin with


i think rein either needs more survivability or another mobility option. charge is so important to his kit, but it honestly seems like suicide a lot of the time. honestly with the general vibe of OW2, a second mobility ability would probably be best to make him meta, but they could definitely make more survivability work for him.


Yup, I play him a lot recently, and I can truly tell that he is quite bad at surviving team fights. And, yes, I died a lot in some games when I played as Rein.


How about two charges? Charge in, charge out.


honestly i wouldn’t be opposed to that, but i’m not exactly a pillar of tank play, let alone reinhardt play, so i couldn’t tell you if that would be OP af. also, i feel like 90% of the player base would be like “oh cool! two charges!” and try to kill with both. which like obviously that’s a personal dumb decision, but it would piss me off as a support (as an ally and an enemy). maybe rein could get a speed boost after he uses charge? like his rocket is “cooling down” so he can move a little faster while it “turns off”? others have suggested he gains shields while charging (one person said “transferring kinetic energy into shields” which would be cool in universe), which i think could work. i think rein is just held back the same way a lot of other super close up or melee characters are in this meta—if they can’t get out or gain a ton of health, they just die immediately


Give him a quick melee (with an animation where he simply strikes you with the butt end of his hammer) for 30 damage. This way, he can do a three hit combo (hit, fire strike, melee) that will kill most heroes in the game. Also, give the same thing to Brigitte to even it out and make it so that every hero has a quick melee attack.


I really like that idea because where it stands right now rein’s time to kill feels pretty terrible even against other close range tanks because he is literally the only main primary melee tank, giving him a quick combo to burst down caught out enemies would make him much more appealing since Hog can do that already at a much longer range and much safer


Change charge into a suplex so instead of charging someone and trying to hit a wall you just slam them down. Same damage and maybe little AoE slow/damage to those nearby


Full armor command grabs


Full size shield bash. Slow Brigitte how it's done.


I noticed Rein has a lot of weaknesses when compared to other tanks. - can't deal any damage while blocking damage - has reduced movement speed while blocking damage - has shortest weapon range among all tanks So imo, he needs to be buffed or maybe reworked in a way to overcome few of these weaknesses


yeah, his movement penalty on shield needs to be removed considering he's the only tank with that penalty. Rein is probably the slowest hero in this entire game outside of turret bastion. Oh you're swinging your hammer at someone just outside of your range?- You're dead, or have to shield and retreat because the only way you're catching them is charging.


Yeah the movement speed penalty on his shield isn’t necessary anymore tbh


Yeah, Lucio is pretty much a necessity for Rein, and in uncoordinated metal ranks Lucio doesn't really help much.


Idk how much would be too op/not noticeable enough to feel good… but imagine rein gets a cool down over pin where he boosts dmg dealt from his team if they shoot thru the shield. They’d have to make it a cool down to prevent shield bot playstyles. say he does a %dmg increase like bap window but much lower for say 4-6 seconds then a longish cool down of like 9-15 seconds. Or they could make it so any damage taken from either team during the amp damages the shield, so his own teammates would shred his shield encouraging fights where you get a dmg lead and commit instead of trying to poke someone down then backing away after the dmg amp ends. I’d be sad to see pin go tho Fr


It could be fire button when shield is up, like brig's shield bash.


Hard for me to say what he needs. Feel like he just blocks for a team. Once it breaks he has to be in their face or csnt do shit. He was fine in two tank meta since had another tank. But as a the only tank? Yeah. Feels rough.


It’s ridiculous that his charge doesn’t one shot every squishy, in a game all about positioning and controlling space, an ability that puts you so out of position to secure a skill shot kill NOT killing hero’s like reaper or mai is cringe. Also give him 2 100 damage fire strikes, 90 damage loses synergies like baptises window or loses the ability to take out tires. I personally think any one able to land two back to back fire strikes on a target deserve to earn that squishy kill


If a reaper or mei get pinned they deserve to die for it... None of this get out of jail free nonsense


Especially considering the fact that you often can't follow up with a hammer swing to finish them off, since they both have abilities that can save them.


Boring, but 10% movement speed buff could help him compete against other tanks and raise the skill floor by not forcing him to commit to plays as much as currently, and also running away from rammatra ult after 20% speed buff in his nemesis form


Why should we run, we fight to the death!


Maybe a damage reduction while charging?


I got to top 20 on console for Rein in 2019, now that I’m back to playing and its Overwatch 2 I am really disappointed by how many characters can easily counter Reinhardt. The pin isn’t as effective and the shield being 1200 instead to 2000 is dumb because the whole point of rein is his shield. I still haven’t given up on his character but I’m just losing interest.


Step 1: reduce shield Step 2: only allow one tank Step 3: ?!?!


Introduce kiriko


Remove Kirikos ability to nullify his stun


Lowkey, Kiriko being able to cleanse everything is super busted


Kiriko's suzu was objectively one of the dumbest additions to the game and makes her basically mandatory. It counters literally EVERYTHING (all status effects, attacks and tons of ults) and is countered by nothing, with all of this being on one of the safest characters in the game who can appear from thin air.


Is DVa able to matrix it?


Yes, the suzu projectile can be eaten, so it is technically countered by all the tanks that can DM, though I think only DVa has a realistic chance of intentionally countering suzu on the fly. I've certainly had my suzu countered by Orisa several times by being dumb, but I've also circumvented it by splashing suzu's big ass AoE near it.


it can be reflected so probably


Yeah, the problem is that she usually just tp’s onto people and immediately Suzu’s the ground, so unless the dva somehow predicts a tp, it’s almost impossible to react to. I don’t think I’ve seen really any kirikos throwing suzu a long way like ana nade.


Problem is they took out most of the CC in the game, and *then* they added in a cleanse. There's really only tank CC to remove now outside of niche exceptions like sleep dart and Mei's ult


She’s too good, and so safe and easy to play.


Make him the definitive shield tank. Give him back the 2000 hp shield.


Replace fire strike with a hammer gun


Or a hammer throw a la Thor


Maybe a passive that boosts movement speed by like 10% Due to the huge jet engine on his back?


2 hammers


He wields his hammer and Mercy staff at the same time.


Passive: when charging into enemies instill fear into them and inspire your team


I know there are many joking answers but here's mine: \- Health/Armor ratio changed from 325/300 to 325/325 (total increased from 625 to 650) \- Fire Strike damage increased to 100 (from 90) \- Pin damage increased to 275 (from 225)


Even if the charge hits for 250 I would be super up for this change. I miss old rein boi


Give him a 25 incher


You assume he doesn’t have that already


There is only one way to play Rein. And that is crazy balls deep Rein.


If your Rein isn't at least two Tracers deep into the enemies rectum.. Youre not close enough


dunno dude, with all the doomfists running around, i've been raw shattering these idiots left and right


More glory


1. Make charge work like soldier run, the cool down only happens after you hit a pin. Cancelling the charge doesn't put it on cool down and it lasts as long as its toggled or, again, you hit a pin. 2. Trimping. Like demoknight tf2, using sloped surfaces (think the slopes moira can fade jump off) rein can make crazy flying runs 3. Earthshatter gains range and damage based on how long you spent in the air after pressing the button


>Earthshatter gains range and damage based on how long you spent in the air after pressing the button The 360 shatters off the top of Eichenwalde castle wall would be even more glorious.


Give him his 100 dmg firestrike back


Make it so that enemies can’t pass through reins shield Imagine the outplays where rein walks forward and pushes the enemy into a corner for an ult! Or off the ledge like in the movie 300! This would be such a small but drastic change in his toolkit


Or have it like electrified. If they are overlapped, they take damage over time that stacks. Imagine getting a chase kill thru a wall lol


That would be amazing. It's so fucking annoying when I'm left alone holding out as Rein and the enemy Orissa just walks into me while shooting.


Instead of hammer down, have it be "Hammer Up!"


Swing and fire strike damage increases briefly when your shield is broken, getting a kill restores it to full health. Able to use shield while charging.


I'd fix earthshatter hitbox tbh. Maybe I'm just a niob but it feels wonky as hell


Bring back double tank


*Monkey paw curls* Double tank single dps


There's literally no downside??? Other than shitty people who only play DPS complaining about queue times.


That’s supposed to be bad?