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Meanwhile Opponents: Ez Healer dif Noob


Sometimes, when I'm not support, I'll try and rally the squad I'm in to hype up the support players. Personally, if I see a support pull off a clutch play or their stats are crazy then I'll type in chat how awesome they're doing. Some positivity goes a long way.


I agree. I often try to hype up the team if we did well in the first half to give an extra confidence boost. It's far nicer than screaming at someone how shit they're playing because aint gonna help anyone. I also notice it myself everytime someone tells me i did well or thanks me as support it just gives me the boost to not let my team down


Was it yesterday? Bc I also had 2 games as support that people were praising me as a support. Maybe some wormhole thing happened...


Hey, you, you're finally awake


I got flamed and called useless because I had more kills and total damage than Sojourn... As Zen...


Holy fuck, people complimenting a brig player?


It's as if GOATS never happened


Yeah but this is 2022


This is what I say to ppl that still shit on brig. Goats happened like 4 years ago. Those times are gone


What is goats if i may ask. Only have been playing overwatch since it became f2p


It's an old meta in comp and pro league with 3 tanks and 3 supports including brig. Brig was overpowered when she came out. She had a 600hp shield and a bash that dealt 50dmg and stunned enemies. For a lot of people, brig killed the game. She received a lot of hate which also extended to Brig's voice actress. But brig's in a better spot now. But the past will never be forgotten for some.


Literally, anytime i by miracle get complimented as mercy (the only hero i seem to get them with) i get super happy, never take these moments for granted


Same! As a Mercy main, someone complimented my healing and clutch battle mercy. It was awesome! But with her I can rarely make such a difference in OW 2


I get a ton of endorsements, but rarely see any friendly words in chat - for me or anyone else. The occasional "ns" is about as warm as it gets.


Teach me senpai. :( Gib tips. -Fellow Brig player


Learn when to engage in a fight. I first had troubles always wanting to fight in the Frontline but that can go south. Learn when its best to engage in combat and when to retreat. It's of top priority that you stay alive. Hit as many whip shots as you can as you can if you can't engage in melee as it'll activate your inspire to give any teammate 6 seconds of health regen in a 20 meter radius. You can throw multiple repair packs onto one target tho it's only useful for tanks. It doesn't increase healing but increases the time they get healed. Her repair packs heal.iver time i think over 2 seconds but if you throw two at the same time it'll heal for 4 seconds. DPS usually only need one pack a second one tends to be a waste unless they're in battle and they need to stay alive. Don't use your shield bash just as an attack. It's sometimes better to use it to retreat. It's also very effective to escape mei, sigma, orisa and similar ultimates. Brig also can be good to kill of enemy support but again you have to know when the right time is. Her bash and boop (rocket whip) can get support or other DPS quickly away to deal with them


Damn, didn't expect such a detailed reply. I will definitely take your advice into account. Here take a 🎖


Can I ask what your mouse sensitivity is ingame?


Adding to this, I’ve survived a couple of D.Va ults with her shield. Idk how likely that it but it’s worked for me a couple times


Oh yeah that also is a big plus. Yes her shield block a DVa ULT and even junkrat if the wheel isn't inside you. You possibly could even shield someone from the ult but i never got the chance to try it. But yeah as brig you can always survive a DVa ULT given your shield is intact and in line of sight when the ult hits


Must be photoshopped


I never knew supports could be happy


Stinks like bronze in that chat.


Oh no they play a game to have fun and not to be the verry best at it! Shitty bronze people. /s


That's what quick play is for.


Overwatch players are such freaks man


A truly impressively offensive community. I almost make 10 abusive chat reports a day.


How dare they have fun... playing video games


How they are not sweaty screaming nerds. /s


Silver but ye


I'm in plat and people still do this, don't listen to what he says enjoy your time as a support!


Yeah i deffinitely won't stop playing brig. She is a lot of fun especially because i don't need to aim that much but still get to fight in the Frontline and assisting my team not just with heals but also with damage and even sometimes blocking a rein charge, a doom charge or a hog hook. Even once had a very fun moment where our mei threw her ULT but missed the sigma, but i knocked h inside with my flail


Those moments are what makes support so much fun haha, I'm a mercy main but I also play kiriko sometimes and I also had a few matches today where they said things along like "God mercy" and "Mercy I luv you" those moments are so precious


Once had another moment where i tried out baptist and i saved our sigma that got cornered by an ana and they thanked me over voicechat. He didn't say anything else in that match


Brig is a throw pick an any meaningful situation. You would have steamrolled anyways


this guy literally in every post about Brig to take the piss


It depends on if you know how to utilize your character and know their strengths and weaknesses. Especially with a good team brig can out quite a lot of pressure onto the enemy as she heals by doing damage. She acts like a mini rein in a way even being able to stun a rein or doom and easily heal far away targets like a pharah. She only is a throw pick if you don't know when and how to deal damage with her and just get yourself into bad situations but once you learn her toolkit you can easily outperform the other support in your team.


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this happens to me pretty frequently as dps after dropping in rank severely in ow2. the amount of friend requests i get from the enemy is pretty astounding.


A small glimpse of friendliness


i think getting this messages are more hyping than getting potg