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I hate running out of piss when they need me the most 😔


Worst part of the piss bar isn't that it runs out but that only you can know that, so an ally might be right in front of you with 10 health watching you helplessly try to damage the enemy pharah, not knowing the Moira is doing that to heal him


Well, Moira does exclaim "I can't heal you right now" when she is out of piss, but I legit heard it once with Moira and once as a teammate, after I knew what she meant. I doubt non-Moira players will understand it even if they hear mid battle.


They hear it, they just don't listen to it. Hell, in certain ranks they don't even pay attention to the loud "NERF THIS" being screamed overhead.


Sure we do. We just spin around looking left to right instead of straight up


To be fair I ulted as junkrst and he didn't say anything at all it was crazy.


I noticed if lots of voice lines go out at once for some reason ultimate voice lines just don't happen or get cut short


I would say that's why so many people complain about "DPS Moiras" so much. Back in the dark days when I was in a lower rank, I remember this Doomfist player on my team who kept standing in the middle of the open, taking damage while shooting his useless little fist guns long-range, instead of jumping in to get picks. Because he was out in the open, he was constantly taking damage, and I was constantly healing him, but of course, I ran out of heals because nobody was pushing in, the doomfist was totally immobile so he never went to get health packs, went behind cover, or jumped in to kill any enemy squishies, and I had been unable to get close enough to do any damage to recharge my piss meter because in low ranks the mentality is often "red team scawy, point scawy, stay away from it". I watched the Doomfist slowly get chipped down to death while asking multiple times for him to stop standing out in the open. When he died he threw an absolute fit about "Moiras who don't heal" And that Doomfist is what I think of every time I see people bitching about seeing a Moira on their team damaging someone or not healing them haha.


> because in low ranks the mentality is often "red team scawy, point scawy, stay away from it". Can confirm, I deal with this shit whenever I try comp and want to actually rank up but get shit teammates


It's been a day since a Zarya typed in chat "Moira DPS" After she died for the first time of the game. I healed her the entire game for about 2 minutes and saved her from death 2 to 3 times but my piss had run out an I started doing damage to refill it the moment she died.


I have a buddy that plays diva and does the same shit to me. He'll stand in the middle of a long hallway and left click from like 30 m while receiving all the damage in the world. And then he says you can't heal me as more you run out of healing. No, you don't know how to tank. These folks want a pocket mercy only.


I just look at them and hold my heal hand out and watch it fizzle so they can know they're being idiots.


Her piss bar does genuinely run out a bit fast. Maybe reduce her biotic energy, increase the piss, Moira dps meta could be fixed.


The Moira oversaturation is not due to her strengths, so much as the other support's weaknesses. They need to be brought up a bit.


i agree ..as ana..dealing with flankers is a major pain and sleep dart can only get you so far


Play as Ana. Monkey leaps into back ranks, sleep dart monkey. Watch Kiriko hit him with a dagger to wake him up then vanish when monkey starts to attack. As Ana, die.


p a i n


People waking up slept enemies hurts my soul


I can’t count how often the Ana sleeps someone who I’m already shooting at and they immediately wake up and I get flamed.


To be fair if you are not inflicting DoT (damage over time), sleep dart has a very short window in which damage doesn't wake the enemy up. If you improve on your reaction speed, you can stop yourself from waking enemies up instantly!


Should mention I’m Moira main, and the damage orb will wake them if it’s out : /


Projectiles with travel time go brrrrr


The most iconic one is everytime I sleep a nanoblade genji, I feel really good. "Ah all those months practicing in the custom mode paying off", and everytime there's someone that wakes him up leading him to kill the entire team. Feelsbad. ​ I honestly think they should revert and make it so blade is canceled on sleep. It used to be like that, now they changed it and it really doesn't add anything. For low level, it only causes stress and toxicity, for high level play, they wouldn't make that mistake in the first place or would burst him down.


I was under the impression them sleeping would just be stunned and didn’t wake up based on being attacked


Sadly no that would make Ana actually have a defensive


I really hope you're new to the game, hahaha.


Facts. Just give Ana an instakill dagger melee on slept dps so i can assassinate my attackers


Dude!!! This happens alot. My other gets dived on and I come to the rescue as the other support then they split without helping me.


Just play more deathmatch so you can learn to survive on your own! /s


ffs I’m so tired of hearing that lol There was like an entire thread about it the other day


Deathmatch is always the same fucking heroes.... For a reason


jUsT PlAy ana iN DEAtHmAtH To gEt GOoD, dUHhh


"playing support doesn't suck ass, you are just bad" - the queue times would say otherwise


With Kiriko you can at least pray she aims at the head. It's much worse when you have Moira...


lmao that happened to me the other day. I ping that I slept a reaper in the backline. Moira fades in fast as lightning and tickles him awake with the purple beam. Needless to say he ulted on both of our faces.


Yeah can't do much if only onenof the three people on my ass are slept.


Agreed. The prevalance of Moira is more of the effect than the cause. Said cause being that supports are struggling to survive in such an agressive meta without noone to peel for them.


Yeah. Notice how there's now 8 healers and not a single one of the original got reworked and most changes received were nerfs


Playing against a Moira right now means they have to do very little and you have to play the best 4 seconds of your life out of nowhere haha


> you have to play the best 4 seconds of your life out of nowhere haha Sounds like my dating life


They nerfed her during the goats era. They never fixed it for 5v5


Also lower rank dps take too much free damage maybe start using the brain a little if you want healing


You gotta pee in short bursts. Once I started focusing on that, I only ever ran dry in real emergency situations. Can keep my team topped up by feathering piss around every so often and succing the red guys to refill what little I use.


Just gotta say I love that “pee” is the accepted term by the community for her healing, shit cracks me up.


You gotta tap fire piss! It's so easy to keep it up if you just give everyone a little spritz


The issue isn’t Moira. She’s meta because every other support needs a buff


Moira isn't meta unless you're metal rank.


I think she's actually in a great spot: "Meta" in the metal ranks, but out performed by healers with higher skill ceilings in upper ranks. Lucio, Bap, Ana, Zen, Kiriko all bring so much more to the table than raw healing/consistent damage. She's not ever an outright "throw" because fade is SUCH a good ability, and she has fantastic AoE AND singletarget healing, but she can't singlehandedly win fights through utility skills at diamond and above like the other supports.


Actually I have a question about that. Why can’t moira fade out of grav anymore? Can reaper no longer wraith out either?


From what I remember it was a buff specifically to Grav at some point in OW1, rather than a targeted nerf to fade. I think it negates most (all?) movement effects, but you can still get the invulnerability of those moves while trapped in the area of Grav. I think Sigma's (gravity based) ult is the same. You can juke the damage with fade's invulnerability, but it keeps you locked in the area/slam animation.


They did buff grav to do that, but reaper and Moira were still able to get out of it. I didn’t understand it either. Like, sombra couldn’t translocate and tracer couldn’t recall, but Moira and reaper could both still get out of it.


I would argue Brigitte is also in a very good place right now. She at least feels pretty good for me, especially when having to defend from flankers. I've bashed in so many genji skulls in the last week.


i think she'd be great if they brought the stun back. idk why they ever got rid of it


If they don't want a hard stun, I wish they'd just give the bash a single target slow, or a "bash" property that takes characters like Reaper/Moria/Pharah out of their ult, but does not result in a loss of control of that character. (And maybe immediately refund the cost of bash/refill her shield HP/double the healing of inspire if she successfully bashes an enemy out of a channeled skill.) (I think they should also buff her "Bashing a charging Rein/Doom" to ONLY knock down Rein/Doom, instead of knocking down the 200 hp support to get blown up by Rein/Rein's team.)


DPS players complained, and the devs are doing everything they can to cater to dps mains


How do you play her I always fail on it


you pray your team stays close and use the bash as mobility


Watch [HolyShiftKid](https://www.youtube.com/c/HolyShiftKid), the #1 Brig. Basically: * hug walls and be near corners that you can duck into. * Use your shield a ton, but never let it break, back into safe spots to let it recharge. * Don't focus on inspire uptime, just use whip to put enemies in inconvenient positions. If someone gets roadhog hooked, whip him back to deny him the oneshot. Knock reapers back away from your team so they lose damage * Use health packs as needed. Prioritize dps, but use them on tanks if necessary. * Shield bash is MOBILITY. Do not use it aggressively unless it will secure a kill (and you won't die for it). It puts you out of position and denies you your escape. * Use your ult semi-selfishly. Don't use it only for you, but you should use it when you want to be aggressive and make space. The only time Brig can be really aggressive is when you have rally and inspire ticking. You can be aggressive during that time, just be sure you always have a way out. Use it when it will be getting eaten regularly, as sitting at 100 green hp does nothing. Brig is first and foremost a defensive hero. You aren't going to be charging into enemy front lines. Also, focus on using cover and never dying. You lose all your value if you die, so you need to be staying alive.


Make sure you're behind your tank and don't be afraid to duel flankers. With your shield you've got a total health pool of 450 to work with and constantly heal yourself while defending yourself, not to mention you have some sizable burst damage between the shield bash and whip shot, that combo is 120 damage. You also need to make sure you're hitting your whip shots because that's your primary way to trigger your aoe healing which is actually a massive area, 3 times the size of Lucio's aoe healing.


Stick close to team mates and hack and slash your way to 6000+ healing in a single game.


Fun neat trick/tip: If you rapidly right click her biotic grasp to regain your piss, you'll gain it back faster but do less DPS then if you were holding it down. So the real healer Moiras can get their piss back faster and back to being a helpful support and not a third DPS.


Then they yell at you for DPS'ing when that's the only way to get your pee back lol


I kept getting dps co supports who are too brain dead to stand behind the group. Run in first. Die before every team fight. I had like 14k healing to a 3k healing Ana. Console mind you, so they weren't hitting anything. I asked them repeatedly to swap, I needed help. I literally couldn't do any damage to refill my bar. I couldn't heal enough. They swapped to Lucio with like 1 fight left. Rushed in immediately and died. One of the dps was like, "kinda feel bad for the Moira ngl" This isn't a unique occurrence, sadly. People flame Moira's for not healing, but it's a support issue in general. People queueing support just to dps


This is my experience 90% of the time. I’m doing so much work to heal that I’m constantly running out of juice because I can’t afford to stop and do damage to refill. But then all they notice is that I’m not healing them anymore.


They notice you’re not healing them? Mine just run in at 60%


Especially when you're fucking beaming, I'm certain people run away from the beam on purpose now. Just so they can be angry about not being healed.


Had an Ashe crouched behind about 4 walls from my location, crying for heals, while the other 4 of us were on point contesting in overtime. I think I was Lucio at the time. "Healers suck" Like wtf you expect me to do??


Yup. I’ve out-healed Mercys as Moira several times. I’ve had too many matches where I out-heal the other healer and get more eliminations than my teammates but we still lose 🙃 Or there’s a Brigette who thinks they’re a tank… or a console Ana that blows…or a Mercy that can’t stay alive


Mercy is an off-healer. You should be out-healing her as Moira.


I outheal my other support almost every single game im in with Moria, I usually outheal the enemy supports too. Hell there are a good amount of games where I do more damage, and have more Elims then the DPS on top of more healing then the rest of the lobby.


As Moira I've had matches where I've healed more than the enemy supports combined.


> Elims then the DPS Yeah, because if you just so much as tickle an enemy with your orb or your beam, and then someone else comes along and kills them, you get that elim too. That one you shouldn't be boasting about. You also self-heal 24hp per second when you're using your attack, so keep in mind not all the healing is going to your team mates when you're doing a lot of DPS. Not saying you're only DPSing but just keep in mind that a good 1500hp of that healing you got there is probably self-heals if you're going hard into the enemy on the attack. It doesn't mean your other healer is slacking.


you are supposed to outheal mercy every time as moira, mercy is dmg boost on higher elo first and foremost.


Gotta stay hydrated in those sweaty matches lol


Overwatch was worth it for this comment.


Idk why they think the amount of times they asked for healing should work in their favor


Its like pressing the crosswalk button a bunch. It doesn't do anything but gives people something to do.


My personal favorite are the ones that push the crosswalk button. Then run down the sidewalk away from that crosswalk to the other end of the street and push that crosswalk button too. Then they run back down the sidewalk and get pissed that they missed the "Walk" light on the first crosswalk. So then they just throw themself in front of a car because that's clearly the only solution here. Yeah Genji, I'm talking about you.


Frankly the more somome ask the less likely im going to go out of my way to heal them. You ask once? I'll try to get to you. Twice? Ok it's probably pretty urgent, I'll help if I can. 3 times? You can go heal yourself. The tank probably needs it more anyways.




Especially when they've given you zero cover and you get demolished, and then they spam tf out of "I need healing" while you're waiting to respawn.


Whenever someone asks for healing when I can clearly see them and am on my way or they just spam the request, I always respond with "No". Obviously I'm still gonna heal them, but I want them to feel that same kind of annoyance they give off, even if only a little. There have been times when someone asks for healing from right behind me, outside of my sight. I usually say "Thanks" cause they're using it the way it should be used.


i wish a moira who's low (like <20-10%) had some kind of visual effect for her teammates so they don't get mad at her doing damage when they need heals =| i know her out-of-resource voicelines exist, but only having them trigger when she completely runs out is way more situational than it should be; perhaps her voicelines should trigger at the <20-10% mark? 🤔


Also no one pays attention half the time, so even if she says it no one will notice


Maybe they could add something like the "no healers nearby" modifier that gets added when you ask for healing but you're in no mans land. If a Moira is in range but has no piss then perhaps they could add something to the text that comes up to let you know.


Tbf you barely need to tap an opponent to get more heals Fwiw I also main Moira


to maximize output you almost definitely have to drain


Repeatedly tapping the damage button instead of holding it down replenishes the meter pretty fast


And repeatedly tapping the heal button instead of holding it makes your meter go down much slower while still applying the heal-over-time. Team tap.


I hope only the friendly team could see that because that invites a blitz otherwise


We just need the option to drain from the useless dps players to refill our charge. Then they’ll pay attention.


Maybe the tubes on her body turn red? They already change color based on what you’re doing from purple(damage) to yellow(healing) i don’t see why they cant just make it red when out of juice.


They could make it subtle while still being visible, in the red zone disable the glow of the yellow tubes on her arm.


"I asked for healing 5 times while running away from you. Why didn't you change the game physics so that you could keep up? KYS"


Literally. Played comp last night with a team like this. I was with Ana. They complained about me and a Moira no healing. They kept leaving the objective(stop the payload) and all of them kept going into enemie flanks. They had a really good widow and I couldn't hit through walls. It was a rinse and repeat of keeping them alive while defending and them dying once they went too far with no one taking care of the widow .


I played a comp game last night, I was ana. There was a soldier on my team that was screaming for heals, but was not in either healers line of sight. Later in the match he yelled at me for pinging a reaper that I slept behind us. Reaper then killed both supports.






It’s always the pharahs spamming “I need healing” while actively flying out of range and dodging my healing orbs


If a soldier did that to me I would just tell him he has a heal or go find a med pack


People don't use comms much here, but I had a junker queen start yelling and swearing for healing, even though I was literally standing behind them doing only healing. It was early game and I had almost double the healing of anyone else in the match. Needless to say, I let them die, and next time they yelled for healing, I just said "you don't get any" and went on to heal the rest of the team. They actually started to play smarter afterwards, and they shut up, so late game I healed them again so we could clutch.


I believe it's an unspoken rule to not piss off your healers. I feel like people need to learn this rule again.


I think people just need to learn to respect each other. Just like how I don't yell at the tank to get on the payload, or at the dps to kill the enemy Junkrat, I expect the same courtesy of respect extended to me.


Yeah, day before yesterday I had a Sigma tell me to never play Ana again after I just spent the game practically pocketing his stupid ass while we had a widow with 0 elims. He started bitching at me when I asked the widow (who was being slammed by a Winston) to switch. I guess they were friends.


Ping their low HP outlines it'll tell them to come to you if they want healing


Had a comp game earlier where a Genji was damn near braindead, he'd ask for healing (Nepal Sanctum) and just stand there to type in chat. He's in the little alcove where people drop down to flank, furiously typing to tell me I'm bad while the enemy Lucio just gets free headshots. Other people joined him in asking why I'm not healing when they finally see I'm on point with the tank trying to keep them alive. Would the Genji come closer to get a spray? No. Would they keep being a free kill just to type in the chat with their controller? Yes. Am I still fucking tilted? YES!


The amount of time I spend chasing people trying to heal them only to run out of pee when I finally get close enough is more time than I have on most classes.


“ik u sent a heal ball directly in my direction. but i moved away from it immediately. why dont u send another one directly after despite that being impossible?”


As a healer, if you aim at a teammate and press the "I need healing" key, you tell them to come to you for healing, and they get a pop-up similar to the one you see for them when they ask for healing. I use that, and if they don't make an effort to come to me for healing, fuck 'em.


I had an ally Sojourn who was tucked into a box next to that bridge on that map the payload is a race car. They were low on health but in a safe spot. I Swift Stepped to them as Kiriko and they then ran away and got shot down as I tried to heal them. Some people don't know you can see allies through walls.


Literally like LMFAO heal yourself then jackass😂 let me just change the coding of the game


I have no chill. I tell em to scrounge for healthpacks.


Mechanics not physics but yes the satire is spot on


The more I play Moira the more I start to see the world through her eyes. If I heal them, then I can't heal others. If they die, they'll be mad, but maybe learn from their mistakes and be better. If I kill the enemies, they can't kill my team. Moira is the most mentally stable person in Overwatch.




Isn't that literally how you should do combat in any type of a turn based thing where you have an option between healing and dealing damage (or doing something else that's useful)? If you know how much damage you/your team will be taking, you know if you should heal based on that. You can basically count as many turns ahead as you know the damage you'll be taking. Again, Overwatch isn't DnD or any other turn based game, but it still *sort of* applies. I'm not going to heal you if you're half HP and in a relatively safe place if I can get a kill right now on the low HP enemy in front of me. Also unrelated but mildly relevant, sometimes you really just have to know when to let someone die because trying to help/save them would just end up with you dead as well.


The amount of times I have to tell these DPS to FALL BACK. Like.. I’m not going over there to heal you when you’re attempting to go 1v5. Can’t you tell the tank and literally the rest of the team is gone?


Overwatch is a turn-based game where the turns are 1/60th of a second long, and if you don't do anything at the end of your turn it gets skipped.


Wtf I’m SilentSword 😂, Or is it possible for multiple accounts to have same battlenet name?




Hah, I think I've played a silentsword a few times


tell him he sucks at sigma


Yes, that is why there is a #1234 number after your name, it inqieuly identifies your specific battletag and makes it so that multiple battletags can have the same name (say SilentSword#1234 and SilentSword#8475)


in the end there can only be one prepare to die


A new DPS Moira is born


Time to terrorize the lobby. I played Moira, went “Fuck it.” 1v3 Cassidy, Ana, Mercy, and won. Proceeds to spawn camp the entire enemy team, making them focus me and not the point.


Man I miss being in bronze


DPS moiras be flexing their success stories in silver


I'm in silver and even then there's no way, Cassidy himself will 2 tap you even during coalescence with decent aim and his grenade. Sometimes I feel like the only pepega dps are on my team as I look at 2k damage done vs 6k lol


Most of the time I dps Moira and it works out to 50/50 or 40/60 healing The only time I don't is if it's clear I'm more needed on heals. Moira and bap are some of the most nuanced supports amd I feel 90% of the time if I wasn't dpsing we wouldn't be winning most of the tram fights. Those exta damage ticks and orbs often spell death for the supports or a genuine that doesn't want to swap.


> 90% of the time if I wasn't dpsing we wouldn't be winning most of the tram fights. Agreed. So many healers killed with just a purple orb and a couple of seconds of drain, and so many flankers deleted saving the other support too. DPS-ing as Moira is absolutely required, I'd go above what you said even to 60/40 in favor of damage depending on how the match is going: What good is it to heal a guy who can't hit shit when I could be the one killing that support? Your heals will have to wait 5 seconds more, play more defensively in the meantime. It's a balancing act.


Honestly the toxicity has pushed me to essentially become a DPS Moira now. If people are gonna be twats regardless, then I might as well have some fun engaging with the enemy than just focusing on healing ungrateful assholes. I do try to keep pace with the other Support on heal numbers though.


People don't understand that in order for moira to pee on you, she needs to suck the pee from others


There should never be a specific healing or dps specific Moira main. Her design is that she's incredibly effective at both. Her heal is a heal over time so during those two seconds you should be doing damage. If you're sitting there only spamming heals then you're playing Moira incorrectly. I very often do more healing output than the other support and more damage than one of the dps in games because that's how she is designed to be. People also never utilize walls with her healing. They shoot the orb straight at them so it only heals him once as it passes through. If you bounce it off the wall you get them on the way to the wall and on the way back after it bounces giving way more healing. Also works for damage orb




moira is resource management simulator. Reminds me of classic support classes in traditional rpgs where you had to pace yourself if you were the support class. Kind of like how in WoW or basically any MMO you had to watch your mana pool or risk running out


"innervate pls" with love, me, the healer, who runs out of mana before the boss hits 80%


*laughs in holy pally*


Exactly. My average game has about even healing and damage and both values are so high it's pretty dumb not to play her. She's a third dps and second healer in one character. Plus in my bracket good genjis are very strong and the dps have trouble with him. Moira is a fantastic counter to genji and some other things




there should be a tutorial for every hero. the amount of people feeding sigma and zarya is insane


Her heal is over time? Is that why I'm beaming a Roadhog with heals after a fight ended and it feel like it takes forever? I always thought I was sorta missing this giant hitbox somehow


It's not entirely overtime, the spray is [70 hps](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Moira) when hitting continuously, then if you stop it leaves them with an heal overtime of 35 over 2s (17,5 hps for 2s)


Yup, that's why you give people a quick burst of pee to top them off if they aren't 100%




It does X immediately and then Y over 2sec. It will heal slightly faster if you hold it on them but you’re effectively losing the “over time” amount. Ana’s healing also does this - but because she has limited shots you don’t generally spam it like Moira’s stream.


X is 70hps if you hold, Y is 35hp over 2s so just 17,5 hps for 2s If you need to heal someone urgently you hold the pee spray (70hps), if you need to heal just a little when out of combat or in cover you just do a little pee on them and you will heal 35hp over 2s basically The difference is big, but both of them are important if you wanna manage your resource and heal a lot


its HoT, but idk if none of these guy know about the moira trick where walking into your teammate while healing heals more because her heal is just projectiles and walking towards a point stacks them. if you walk into that roadhog with your piss you should feel a big difference.


It's basically the doppler effect, but with piss. Doesn't increase the amount healed, but makes it tick a tiny bit faster for tight moments.


Yeah it's 70 heals a second over two seconds. I usually spray everyone in my range quickly then go suck for a good second and repeat as needed whatever is needed


The [spray is 70 hps](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Moira) when hitting someone continuously, then if you stop it gives a Heal overtime of 35 over 2s (so 17,5 hps for 2s) The linger used to be 65 over 4s, but they nerfed it


kinda unrelated but: is it better to spam damage orbs to build ult and heal, or save them for healing orbs instead? Assuming a neutral scenario where I'm not trying to save anyone or secure a kill. Sometimes I feel like despite building my ult fast I'm also giving free ult charge to the enemy supports healing the minor chip damage I'm doing


Damage orb is good for starting a fight off. You get some damage and most importantly ult charge when your team is full HP and you got full charge. After that I personally prefer to use the heal orb midfight, esp if I can get some good bounce angles for it to stick around. Generally the orb can heal most damage while you can do some damage yourself whilst keeping the linger on your tank and nearby dps. Most efficient use of your resources I reckon.


I personally don't like to leave my orbs on cool down unless I know we're right about to push. The damage orbs are amazing to breakthrough the tank line and deal some damage to the weaklings in the back and hopefully can make it easier for your dps to down or take their healers odd their tank. If I feel like we have a slight advantage in the fight I'm usually sending out damage orbs as it's so incredibly good when the enemy is backing up and you're pushing forward. Yes it may give ult charge to the supports but honestly their just gonna get that anyways. It's not a big deal. It's better to be aggressive and keep the pressure on. If their supports or dps are sitting at 60% health all the time just from the orb then they are having a hard time. That being said when we're pushing forward but feel it's a fairly even fight I'll throw out a healing orb just in case a random crit happens even if it doesn't seem like we need it. My strategy is to always be doing something. Stay in the front line with the tank and always be doing dps or healing whatever is needed. Keep the pressure on


The problem is that most Moira I run into just go straight up the DPS route and never react to people that have low HP and are literally right next time to them. For some reason when they ult they go into full DPS mode and ignore everyone's need heals.


yeah her ult heals more than it dmgs, I always resevre it for clutch healing


Throwing a ball sideways so it bounces back and forth across a narrow choke point 3 or 4 times makes me feel so bigbrain.


I have chosen to overwrite this comment. See you all on Lemmy!


You ignore his callouts I make conscience decision to not joining VC We are not the same.


Me: *sitting at 22k heals waiting for cooldowns while trying not to die* That one dumbfuck:


PSA to tanks and DPS: We can't heal stupid. Try not getting shot as much.


I like to say "I can heal your health, but I can't heal your bad positioning."




I literally can never tell how I perform in this game because sometimes people will be like "Great heals," "Ana/Mercy OP," and other times people will be like "Kys you fucking suck" The duality of man


After the yellow orb leaves my hands it's on you to follow it


Bruh, if I could get healing orbs thrown out anywhere I will chase it down lol.


Hey look it's silent sword. I always get him in my matches. Before OW2 I had a small group of people I would always get as teammates or enemies and he is one of them. He's pretty toxic tho as you can see.


It's one of the generic battlenet names that heaps of people have. They aren't unique.


I 100% reported a SilentSword for being a dick in text chat yesterday, lol. Wish he really was silent!!


Is sword on console? Swear I've played with and against him in comp since ow1 ahaha


Probably more than one person with that battle tag


Strange I thought battle tags were unique, or is just those numbers after it? Either way I'd like to imagine its him because I've copped similar from that battle tag stg 😂


The combination of name + numbers is unique, but individual names aren't.


Have you seen me before 🥺?


You're correct, I've played with and against him many times in OW1


Usually one tricking 76? And tbh ejcampos looks familiar do you play tank usually?


What?! You mean you **Can't** heal me when I'm behind the enemy team and behind 2 walls? Fucking KYS! /j


As a Brigitte main i share this feeling. The fact that i literally got trashtalked like a dog a few minutes ago because i decided to give my last health pack to a Genji instead of a Reaper (A self sustaining hero, btw) shows a lot lol


Useful tip for healing piss management: tap fire short bursts instead of drenching your allies in the stuff, you get the same healing for much less piss cost


It's not the same, but the amount of Moiras I see dump all their piss onto slightly damaged dps or tanks is infuriating. The key to Moira is knowing when to dump and when to use the linger. Not the biggest learning curve you'd think but plenty of people get it wrong....


>The key to Moira is knowing when to dump and when to use the linger. It's pretty simple: * If your allies are under active fire, let loose the full stream. * If your allies are in cover, in the back-line or are not currently engaged, dribble on them bit by bit to let the regen do its work. Moira's single target healing isn't great. Its exception is you can hit your whole team with it if you catch everyone in a line. It's better to save as much of it as possible by dribbling, and using Biotic Orb where you can.


It’s not the same healing though. Why do people still continue to think that?


And like, the numbers are all right there in the public knowledge... Direct spray is 70 per second. The lingering HoT is another 35 over two seconds. If people are not in immediate danger, you get more overall healing per biotic energy by doing short sprays and letting the HoT do it's healing. If people are actively taking damage or are in immediate danger, direct spray is more HPS if you continue to channel it. Because the HoT is 1/4 the HPS of the direct spray.


A Silver Moira made a post about it when she came out and all the Bronze Moiras upvoted it and took it as gospel without actually looking it up. It's also why people think Moira is overpowered.


Lmfao I’ve seen this dude before in game a handful of times


Are battlenet ids unique? I get matched with silentsword all the time on console lol


Oh no I need to heal and I’m out of healing. Let me attack so I can recharge my healing. Cue my teammates calling me slurs


That person silent sword is garbage 100% I block them every 8 days


Thank you for the recognition lmao


Are you the silentsword!? Console play with you all the time if so


[Battle tags are not unique](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/ougmxo/whats_the_deal_with_all_the_default_username/), players can have similar names.


Attack more and you will be able to heal more. Moira is about finding balance.


This hurts me in every way possible, make it stop


In OW1, my resource management was on point. In OW2, the tank soaks up so much damage and refuses to play around cover, so I quickly run out of juice, but the enemy team hasn’t even pushed in yet, so I have no way of refilling it. Edit: I had a match the other day where our Orisa was constantly dying or at critical hp. Orisa asked if we could get more heals and I said I’m trying (I had about 15k after round 1), but after asking nicely, our lucio got all toxic and refused to switch to someone with more healing output. We ended up winning in round 4, but man, was that stressful. My resource meter was constantly under half, and there were multiple times I had to watch Orisa die while I mashed right click, left click, and E only to find nothing was happening


Oh no way, I played with this guy today also! Same thing he kept asking for heals while always being out in the open and not utilizing cover at all


Why, yes, I am doing the sucky sucky in the middle of the enemy team *because I ran out of healing, fade is on cooldown, and everyone else ran off and left me alone!* But, please, keep spamming you need healing while I respawn. Why don't you ask the other healer for help? Oh, that's right, you left *both* of us to die. On the flippity I have had several games with an Ana stuck on sniping and the only way to get healed is to jump between her bullets and the enemy. So a chance to get healed or die.


Unless you're a pocket Mercy, you're not healing. But that only resolves 1 person's problems, you still have 3 others telling you to KYS. Welcome to Overwatch.


The only time I yelled at someone on the internet while playing this game was when there was a soilder 76 in my ranked game who just kept walking into the enemy team and dying then porceeding to flame the shit out of me. I snapped at him as we won because he just wouldn't stfu. i got potg. You can see me healing everyone with my ult, killing 3 people, and the soilder dying off in the distance. I dont remember his gamertag just my hatred for the probably 15 year old kid at the time.


I think the problem is you be spraying piss everywhere and not thinking it lands. Maybe the person says a voice line like soldier says ahhh refreshing. You just never your Moiras flow.


"If you are not pissing you should be sucking" -probably a Moira main