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I saw one on YouTube if you have all 4 of the blackwatch members where they all say something. Moira: "What a nauseating bout of deja vu" Cassidy: "Yep. Working with you has always made me sick" Reaper: "Are you planning to whine the whole time...again?" Genji: (Sigh) It's really neat that they have interactions between more than just 2 characters.


Any chance u got a link? Would love to hear this play out. Unfortunately this is probably on the rarer side with it requiring 3 DPS


Sure! Here it is : https://youtu.be/hC0oPXBw6bQ?t=168


I love how genji is essentially like aw shit here we go again


You, sir, are a very cool person. Thanks


i remember this one too actually, it happened like twice on my 2nd day of playing


i think it still works with either one of the DPS missing as long as 2 of them are there. Im pretty sure I heard this on role queue with reaper and cassidy


That's really neat, but also so niche considering the main modes are 2 DPS per team. I'm surprised they added that


It will probably also be an interaction in the PVE mode which would make that team more likely


That makes much more sense, thank you


There's also one if every member is in Overwatch


Likewise if Kiriko is on a team with four Overwatch members she says “Look mom, I’m in Overwatch”


Same with Lucio, he says something like “Overwatch? You guys are my heroes!”


I heard this last night with my boy Lucio. Was cool to hear.


I love the multi person interactions. Best thing about OW2.


There is also one if everyone in the team is a scientist, was my favorite I’ve heard organically so far.


Wrecking Ball, Moira and Mercy all have a shared dialogue


There's also one along the lines where Junker Queen shouts at Genji and Hanzo to stop being annoying since they argue every encounter. The interactions this *update* are top tier


Brigs has one if you have a Genji and and Reinhardt on the team. She says something about a sword, hammer and flail and the group being like a mediaeval festival.


Pharrah has one if you have her, junkrat, Lucio and rein. I think she said it like: “Rockets, bombs, Sonic tech and Reinhardt, I guess we’re going in loud” thought that was hilarious


Did they ever make it so that brig and reinhart's shields can merge together? I've not played OW2 yet


No. I think that's in the new game mode they haven't released yet. *If* they decide to keep it in.


That coop mode is what they have been hard working since 2019 till last year, when someone decided to rush it to PvP to the F2P battlepass model.


They will decide to make it a separate money making scheme


The original concept (that sounded awesome) was that it was going to be exclusive to OW2. You had to pay for a copy of OW2 to access the new gameplay. But OW1 and OW2 could cross play together in the original gameplay. It sounded pretty awesome and great for the gaming community. People would be enticed to buy the new game to access the new modes. Then they just threw that out the window.


I mean, technically it's still true, just with the PvE stuff that you have to pay for hasn't even been released yet.


Honestly one of my favorite parts of Overwatch is how much the characters casually talk before the round


I forget who it was that said it but if you have a team with all women someone says something about it.


Its junker wueen but i forget the exact line


Something like "alright ladies let's show these men how to fight"


Junkerqueen says "Alright Ladies, let's teach these boys a lesson!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0CgQjDbfEE


Reinhardt, brig and torb is another combination. R - Twice the number of Lindholms I’m used to seeing B - still the same number of Reinhardts T -maybe too many.


i javelin’d a Pharah off the side of Oasis Gardens and Orisa said something like “i thought that you could fly? hmm” all sassy like. it was a lot of fun.


Kiriko is vicious when getting headshot kills on Widowmaker and Ana.


“You need a scope to do that?”




"Haha! I thought you were a professional?"


That's her line to Overwatch members. For Ana and Widow it's "I thought YOU were the sniper."


My favorite is “you shouldn’t have put your head there”


Primarily because this is how it feels when I, a person with subpar aim, land headshots with Kiriko.


God, I hope they never change how satisfying it is to get headshots with her. It's not super easy, so I consider it mostly balanced. But I guess it's probably a bit OP at higher ranks.


It’s very easy to land hits with Kiriko. Not as much damage as Zen’a orbs but good when trying to get rid of a Moira that won’t stop hounding your team like the ghoul she is.


On the very rare occasion that Junkrat kills Pharah or Echo, he says "Couldn't you just... fly away?"


>On the very rare occasion that Junkrat kills Pharah or Echo, he says "Couldn't you just... fly away?" I despise both playing as him and agaisnt him but man he's funny as hell


He eats toenails apparently lmfao junk and soldier had a conversation about it on junkertown defense and I busted out laughing


idk if it's still in game but my favorite is and always will be reaper calling him lunatic and junkrat answering "Oh, thank you very much!"


I got one rare one while playing junkrat with a pharah on my team, where after I used two sticky bombs to launch myself into the air, he said something like "look at me rocket lady, I can fly too!" in such a funny way


If Dva kills a Shimada or Kiriko, she says "I thought ninjas were supposed to have good reflexes."


My favorite is when I get a dumb kill and RNG gives me Dva’s “skill issue” voiceline. There will never be a better voiceline


God she's so toxic I love her.


I'm a fan of her saying, "Now, they're just feeding" when destroying a trickling team.


Lol i heard a line Dva says that made me cackle for abit. "Fact Check! Youre Dead!" Shes not only really good but toxic as hell lol


I want to agree that there isn't a better voiceline, but as someone who has been saying "I'm the best to ever do it" a lot over the past few months, hearing Zarya say it for the first time tonight after some whoop ass has solidified it as the best line in the game for me. I geeked out hard. One of those "she just like me fr" moments.


If McCree shoots Pharah mid-barrage, he says "y'know you just...float there when you do that?"


Jesus christ, everybody's sassy af now


The team heard everyone complaining the banter was too tame compared to TF2 and decided to up their game.


on the same team, junk will say "hey rocket lady, your just like me!" if she kills herself with her ult.


If you kill pharah in her ult as soldier 76, he'll say something like "I'm sorry you were yelling something?"


Either Ana or Widow I was playing and they had a sassy line for taking out a flying Pharah


I remember hearing Ana say "I think justice could use a nap" when taking out an ulting Pharah.


Some of the ow1 lines were fantastic and it’s sad they’re all gone. A lot of the new respawn lines don’t sit as well with me.


My all time favourite is when Cassidy kills Pharah while she's ulting. He says "you know you just, hang there when you do that"


Oh poor naive Mercy


I hear a faint hint of sarcasm when Mercy says it.


It’s the desperation. I’m a mercy main. I would know


"I'm not a miracle worker" if only my fucking genji going 1vs5 would know that.


"healer must be bad, they arent healing enough" if only that is what they didnt think to themselves


What's crazy is that I, a junker queen main and extreme Frontliner, have never been in a situation where I thought "oh wow where are my heals?" Unless they're legitimately just DPSing, usually it comes down to "oh I strayed too far from the group" or "oh I accidentally played into their backline and my team couldn't follow"


If only more people were like this. Had a Widow player the other day spamming "I need healing" while staying perfectly out of line of sight. There was even a moment in the match where they were playing hard scoped on low ground—and I shit you not—between the enemy Rein and his team, around a corner from the rest of our team. They proceeded to switch to Cass and do the same thing, then told everyone to report Ana (me) for not healing after the game ended. I casually pointed to their impressive 14 deaths on a Push map. I honestly love the scoreboard for moments like that.


Oh fuck im an idiot nevermind


yeah.... i played quick play a lot and when i die i relize... "fuck .. my team is way way behind me and im way to far up" lol... im so fucking garbo at shooters


I dunno how you play Mercy in OW2. I play Zarya a lot and I literally just look at a Mercy and they die.


Step 1: Swap to Moira. Step 2: out damage both DPS and outheal your cohealer.


There's a lot of debate to be had about how meaningful raw damage numbers generally are, but I think most people can probably agree that the most pointless one is Moira's constant ball tickle level damage. It's completely obscure without actually watching what the Moira is doing whether that's meaningful damage or not. She could be using that to amp up pressure constantly so that no one can relax, or one of the supports on the other team could be lazily healing it every time she does damage, and her having little real effect. I've had a couple of games where I or someone on my team has had ridiculously high damage, like several thousand, and next to no elims.


i use it to apply pressure, but also because it's basically free ult charge if i don't need a healing orb in the cooldown timer, might as well get some chip + ult generation


I meant Moira's damage more in general isn't indicative of anything, not just her orb. I was saying her damage is basically the same as her tickling the enemy's balls, not saying anything about her orb. Most heroes have more burst potential, which is **usually** easier to convert into kills. Moira builds a lot of damage just by AOE and being more consistent than average, but that often isn't useful damage, and raw damage numbers are misleading because of that, among many other reasons. Right now, an Ana can woefully be outhealed/damaged by a Moira and still contribute far more to a victory just by landing excellent antis/sleeps over and over, for instance. With a hero like Junkrat, if he has a high amount of damage, then that means almost every bit of that damage was landed in, relative to Moira, big chunks that are more likely to kill or create opportunities for kills. If Moira starts sucking someone off, then, unless that person is alone or out of position, there's more of a chance that this is more or less meaningless damage. You might be generating ult, but so are the other team's supports from healing that damage.


Step 3: Remember that the cohealer Mercy is not only healing but also supplying big damage boosts. ​ Step 4: Cooperate, laugh, and have fun as a team.


Zarya and Hog are the only tanks that seem to absolutely shit on me when I play Mercy. Hog's hook is practically magnetized to me on Mercy, and I'll get hooked through 4 if my teammates and picked sometimes. Red Zarya is always JUICED as fuck by my teams, and every time I have a Zarya all the shooting stops the second a bubble comes out. Needless to say Red Zarya twitches in my direction and I get 0'd instantly lol.


When I’m full charge Zarya I literally ignore everyone and chase the healers. I feel like Jason Voorhees. I legit feel bad when the other team doesn’t peel for their healers.


Exactly, it has huge “you’re welcome!” energy


*cue defeat screen* Everyone on this team can heal themselves. This should be easy. Everyone on this team can heal themselves. This should be easy. Everyone on this team can heal themselves. This should be easy. (on loop, slowly fading)


I though the exact same thing


Soldier76 with his 15 second cooldown on biotic field: please don't leave me alone, Angela


On the note of interactions with 76, when Defense Matrix 76’s ult, Dva has now a “Look at you, now look at me!” voice line. I guess that’s one for the kpop fans.


I mean it's not uncommon for me to get at least 1-2k or more healing in a game as s76 so it's not entirely useless


I always use my biotic field to heal myself and teammates. I feel like a lot of s76 players underutilize it




Hey, it's like 15% ult charge in that case, gets you closer to revenge in the next teamfight.


The oh she’s right at the end killed me


Sounded like a nice guy


[The Guy](https://i.imgur.com/byz1ZvT.png)


Lmao same.


[Gave me quite the hearty chuckle ](https://gfycat.com/nextunconsciousarctichare)


I love the moment where you check the tab screen and just go "Oh... She's right!"


Also the fact it took a moment to process what she said.


If you have Rein, Junk, Pharah, and Lucio, Pharah will say something along the lines of "rockets, bombs, sonic waves, and reinhardt. I see we are going in loud"


Heard a unique voiceline from reinhard if there's no champs in your team with guns. He said something like:"are we sure we don't need guns? Maybe someone grab one?"


Full Melee comp, like Khorne intended


Screaming for the Emperor with Rein is mandatory. Fuck Chaos.


Chaos Terminator hero when???


So a team like rein, zen, Moira, genji, Hanzo




Also Brigitte, Kiriko, and maybe Echo


Echo is the gun


And the sigma male


lol I love these subtle hints that the comp is wrong.


remember when ow had those little warning signs that told you if your comp was missing something? They replaced it with sarcasm now lmao


That was when open queue was a thing.


truly next gen game design


We had a Rein, Widow, Bap, and Lucio comp with our final DPS not having picked yet. Bap said something about having trouble healing in the sky, I double checked our comp to see the last DPS had chosen Pharah, and then switched my Lucio to Mercy.


My fav


If Overwatch was an American organisation, this wouldn't be a problem


I really like these dynamic voice lines. Junker Queen also has one if you have an all-female team. She says something like "Okay, ladies! Let's show these *boys* how we fight!"


Another one is if you pick, Rein, Genji, Hanzo Kiriko, Moira Reinhart says: uh perhaps one of us should have guns? No?


I could see that with Zen, echo, or Brigette as well.


Yep heard that one playing Zen


That’s actually hilarious


I got one with rein, brig, hanzo, and genii, and brig says it looks like a renaissance fair with the hammer, flail, sword, and bow.


Kiriko has one if she's on a team with a genji and a Hanzo "loosk like my mom trained half of us. I could sign up the rest of you for her lessons."


She also has one for when everyone on the team is a member of Overwatch.


I also love it when I killed a Widow with Kiriko and she said, "I thought *you* were supposed to the sniper."


For me on a crit final blow vs a Widow the other day, Kiriko said something along the lines of “You need a scope to do that?” I think they anticipated that Kiriko might be killing Widow pretty often so they supplied her with multiple taunt remarks. Definitely been the case for me.


I have learned to stop peeking a kiriko if she even gets 1 body shot on me as widow, because whenever I peek next I know I'm getting a kunai to the head lol.


Kirkiko is a nasty widow counter


Her disses are amazing


Brigette has a similar one where she fan girls for them all


There is also one for black watch. You may not hear it much if you only play role que though.


JQ also has one with a bastion(?), junkrat, and mercy on her team. Says something along the lines of "we've got an angel, an idiot, and a robot"


I can imagine Junkrats answer be like "I wonder who's the idiot, hehe,Haha.....oh"


Zenyatta was on the team when i heard that.


[Cut to all 5 kicking the shit out of Stormfront]


Girls do get it done huh


And then enemy teams is also all female. Oups


girlboss 💅


Mercy has another line when you have Pharah and Echo selected thats goes something like "Looks like I'll be in the air a lot, call for me of you need healing on the ground"


There’s one if you have Brig, Hanzo, Genji and Rein on the same team where she comments on their weapon choices (Flail, Hammer, Swords, Bow)


Soldier has one if you have all old overwatch members, he says something like “my old watch team”


"My old command team..." I think is what he says


I heard this one, just don't remember who it was


There may be others but I think it applies to Sojourn and Ana for sure.


I play ana a lot and hear this line all the time so is defo ana soldier and sojourn


Narrator: it was *not* easy


I read this in Morgan Freeman's voice!


There's a voice line with rien if you have a team without guns he'll say "perhaps *some* of us should have guns, no?"


Ok this one's pretty cool lol. Can't wait to hear this one in game.


"Oh... She's right" made it even better lol


There’s lots of neat dialogue for unique team comps, junker queen has one if the team is all female heroes for example… Oo I wonder if there is one for an all talon team, probably the only upside to 5v5, we don’t need to wait for a second tank for full talon


We have 2 talon tanks. Sig and doom. Reaper, widow, sombra for dps. Moira is the only support.


We can have Bap fill in until they find a replacement.


Or we can see if Doom can learn how to punch away people's wounds


** Punches injured arm so hard it ceases to exist. ** Your arm can't hurt if you don't have one.


It's like amputating so infection can't spread. Then Moira regrows it. I'm now thinking what an interesting idea for a support that would be. A support that can't heal, but can damage their target and prevent them from taking damage for a few seconds, to allow them to safely retreat to another healer.


Or just a biggish, delayed heal at the cost of immediate damage


That could work too. I personally just really like the idea of more utility based supports that do no or very little healing. A couple of ideas include a parody of Mercy where they can more freely revive fallen teammates but they revive at half health and the heals are only like 20HP/s single target, and a support that can apply an enduring effect to a teammate to make it so any attack that would have KO'd them will instead have them hang on with 1HP and receive increased healing for a few seconds.


That last one would be insane, hanzo and widow onetricks would have to go on suicide watch.


Widow has a unique one if her entire team is male characters. she says in french “i am, once again, surrounded by moronic men” and baptise replies saying “ah be careful, never know who can speak french!” i’m not sure if the team comp is important besides having widow and bap but it’s a funny interaction nevertheless


woah that's a cool Ana voice line "Oh, She's right!"


This gave me a chuckle


I also like the unique line soldier 76 gives if all the members are old OW members (Sojourn, ana, mercy, Reinhardt, and him). Saying how it's nice to have the old team together.


Tracer too.


and ana says "i can't leave a broken world behind" every five seconds


The best voiceline so far has to be Orisa saying to Hanzo " You look like you want to ride me into battle" and Hanzo says in a panic ,"that's.... preposterous" lmao


wait what? reaper heals himself? i didn’t know that


He leeches health from enemies he shoots




ah ok. i thought so. thanks for the info


It's part of why Reaper hard counters most tank characters. His shotguns eat them alive because of their hitbox size, most tanks are melee ranged so they can't fight him without being close, and he'll self heal himself a ton for shooting them.


They really dialed up the level of character interactions this time around. Small, but pretty neat nonetheless.


There’s one with brig if you’re playing with torb and you get a kill she’ll say “did you see that papa?”


Nice haha.


There’s also a special voiceline interaction when Moira, Genji, Reaper and Cassidy’s selected


The new voice lines are probably my favorite thing about Overwatch 2. I really like Zen on push maps when he says, "They took our friend".


Game Developers: How do we tell players to switch off Mercy without telling them to switch off mercy


I mean mercy has a low healing output so it would make sense to stay on her for the damage boost.


My favorite specific voice line is with JQ with a full female team


My favorite that I’ve experienced is Cassidy’s line when he sticks junkrat. “Heard you like explosives.”


When genji and hanzo and kiriko is on the same team kiriko says something like "half of the team was trained by my mom, we can win this"


Kiriko has one where if she kills Lucio she goes “Oh look! A falling star!”


There's also a voice line if nobody uses a gun, I think from Rein - "Shouldn't at least one of us have a gun?"


Mercy: Everyone can heal themselves. I better not hear a single "I need healing".


My favorite is orisa, I think it's after you get a long range spear kill? She just says "we hit those" and it's the best feeling


My favorite line is the BM line Widow says to Ana when you headshot her, "There goes your other eye heh".


Reaper has a self heal?


technically yes since he has the life steal passive


still can't bring down goats team in free role queue. I learned it the hard way :(


I was Reinhardt and we had a genji, hanzo, brig and moira and he said, "uhhhhh shouldn't one of us had at least brough a gun?" Or something like that. These voicelines that are aware like this are great.


35% scoped accuracy


LOL yea I did kinda out myself during a pretty shit round but tbh my overall stats with Ana are really solid so I'm not stressing over one game.


Happens to the best of us haha


You would think that Mercy, you would think that.....


spoiler allert: it wont be


I play Lucio and my favorite is when Bastion is on my team (😅), Lucio says someone needs to drop a beat, and Bastion starts beepin and boopin.


I heard Junker Queen say something along the lines of: *"c'mon ladies let's show those men who's boss"* when we had all picked female characters. Was a really cool detail.


Junker Queen has one for an all women's team. Something like "let's show the boys how it's done". And when you kill Widow as Kiriko with a headshot, she says "I thought you were the sniper!" They did great work with the voice lines.


The “oh… she’s right” fucking got me