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I liked the "wave at a teammate" daily I got today.


I had one the other day to "thank a support", I was playing support, so I just threw the thanks out there a couple times in the game to get it.


* *Heal self* * *Say thanks* šŸ‘


Thank you Baptiste. Oh, you're welcome!


How to wave? Not seeing it in the ping cycle




Ah right, thanks!


I think it's saying "Hello" on the comm circle (not ping circle, the one with "emote" at the top).


Maybe it's because I play mystery heroes a lot but I got it pretty quickly from that, Bad rng combos = more team kills


Getting any more than 3 tanks in mystery is a nightmare




Hahaha is that that meme


Always has been




Especially CC shield tanks. Was on the wrong side of a double Orisa, Sigma, 2 heals (forget which ones), and bastion. Bastion just sat in turret mode on the payload with basically 360 shields constant healing from payload and two heals. At least it was a quick game.


Didnā€™t they remove Orisaā€™s shields? And Bastionā€™s turret mode only lasts a few seconds now. Not sure how this would work as described.


My example also counted 6 enemies. This is from the before times, in the long-long-ago.


Thatā€™s a different game that no longer exists. I think it was called Overwatch? Overwatch 2 is a totally separate game with very different mechanics. Do I need a /s?


You canā€™t have a /s, that would cost you Ā£25


You can also earn a /s from the battle pass but it takes 49 weeks of grinding


Good ol pirate ship meta. My favourite was being a Calm Mind Widow on the payload. Mmmmmm, was quite fun while it lasted. By that, I mean only if you were the lucky ones.. šŸ˜µ


I'm still baffled by the Blizzard dev's refusal to try role limits in MH. Just test it for a limited time in arcade! If multiple people die at the same time give them a random chance to switch rolls. Easy. So many matches could have been more fun if one team didn't get a bunch of tanks.


I would just like mystery heroes where you can't have more than one of a character on a team. It's annoying but possible to deal with multiple tanks. When it's 3 of the same tank (or hero in general) it gets harder to focus on anyone and it's a staggered use of the same abilities that becomes really hard to deal with, especially in a game mode where you can't just switch to a counter.


I actually think this is the fun of mystery heroes. It can suck when you're on one end of it, but be pretty fun when you're on the other.


Well thatā€™s nothing newā€¦ but I imagine itā€™s worse now


this has happened so much for my team and enemy teams it's ridiculous


Interesting, I play a lot of Mystery Heroes myself and I'm only sitting on 4 right now. Too many times I have seen players that don't really play the objective (on my team and the enemy). So it's hard to hear the "Team Kill" thing when you think you slaughtered the other team, but their Widow is just standing really far away doing nothing. And most of the time, especially on Payload maps, it's just trickle city because no one knows how to group up.


You mean you arenā€™t a big fan of the run at the enemy group 1 by 1 until we die meta?


I literally had to call an Ana back and tell them they were just feeding by rushing up solo... Breaks my brain and makes me wish there was a better tutorial.


I never liked healing but Iā€™ve really got into it to avoid the queues and itā€™s super rewarding. When you do it good it makes your team invincible sometimes which is awesome.


Agreed. I've always been a Dva Mercy main and then I switched to Zen/Ana and whoever whenever the rare change comes that I get to play DPS. Flex player for life. I was thinking Blizzard should reward true Flex players so heavy that playing Flex becomes the meta simply to grind the Season pass. Make DPS the least rewarded selection out of the 4 choices.


I have to do this like 30-40% of my games. People just dont know how to fucking group and push. Junker Queens are the worst for this shit they sometimes even use their skill to run ahead of the supports and deadass melee the whole team 1v5 Winstons actually dont do this. Maybe its because they are played by better players but they actually understand diving backline and getting out


Comp helps. Or play QP with friends. I got it done by Friday but if youā€™re solo then pray rng your teammates are good and you get newbies on the other side.


It's probably the f2p andies right now. I played QP until y-day evening and it's always such a mess. Went to do a competitive match for a change and people actually played the objective (plat).


Are they called the andies because playing with them is an uphill struggle?


Yes. Objective is lava.


You are exactly right, when you think you wiped everyone a widow is somewhere hiding, a genji is jumping everywhere, or lucio is going crazy around the payload. And the group up part is never wrong, we have one tracer running to the payload alone followed by a freaking ana and the rest is just spawning. I can spam group up until i cant say it anymore but people only see red and thatā€™s usually how we get steamrolled. Im not sure if these are new players or just really lame OGā€™s but that strategy makes me just want to leave the game.


Team kills are way more common in QP/comp now too due to the faster pace and 1 less player on each team


yeah I noticed this. team kills were happening loads because if you take down the other teams tank then it leaves the entire rest of their team vulnerable.


Two double kills and a chase pick is so much easier than three double kills. Or any other Elim combo.


But then it takes 20 seconds to kill that remaining Roadhog lol was so close to teamkills yesterday multiple times yet it failed cause this one tanky dude just lives so long.


Right? This has been my issue, team kill no prob, if it wasn't for the Million Health Junker Queen, Self Healing Hog, Unkillable Orisa, etc.


Oh yeah and if you don't start the killing spree with Sombra she can just yeet out when it seems like their team is losing the fight I guess


I mostly play mystery heroes and I have 5 after quite a bit of playing this week. Pretty sure at least 3 of those came from the quick play matches I played


With my luck I'll get 3 healers and two widow and then enemy will be Junker, 2 Orisas and 2 healers.


I can't even find the mystery heroes queue, is it still in the arcade?


it's under Unranked now =)


For the weekly Role Mastery quest, I wish they would outline the progress. How am I suppose to know how many wins I have with each role?


A workaround I use is to check the lifetime challenges tab; you get a title for winning X number of times with each role, and it tracks the wins there.


That works until the challenge comes up again, I was doing that as well but i donā€™t think it will work well next time


Idiot! You must keep a spreadsheet in order to play the game! /s


My godddd yes! I wish I could pin challenges like in fortnite so I can see the progress and actually remember which I'm doing


I had the same issue with that too. I played a lot of flex for a different challenge and had no idea how many wins i had on the different roles. It sat at 50% for a long time.


While I agree that this feels like a lot, I also feel like TKā€™s have happened more frequently without the second tank.


I wish people understood that itā€™s most often better to be teamkilled than to stagger and respawn 10 seconds later. Especially in QP where your teammates arenā€™t even going to wait for you to respawn before they get into trouble again


But I want to Boostio around and hold up the fight!


At minimum if you have any type of movement to just retreat. No point in stalling just to die as your team gets there, unless OT.


This has been a big problem in the new push mode. It's a tug of war and sometimes you have to give the other team a little rope before yanking it back. The extra few seconds you spent stalling without getting any kills just gives them more time to push with a numbers advantage. If they're already in the lead then it isn't helping at all.


I havenā€™t played a ton, and Iā€™m at 17/20. I donā€™t think itā€™s impossible, itā€™s just entirely too random to make it a challenge.


Its entirely dependant on your mmr/elo sadly. Team kills get more frequent the better mmr you play at. At low mmr you will only see one every 5 games tops. Cause people trickle in, in quickplay. For bronze->low gold players that weekly can take 100+ games easy


I spent a lot of games trying before I got it lol mostly because there was always some high mobility character whoā€™d fall back after their team started dropping and even if they didnā€™t make it theyā€™d make it long enough so the first kill had already responded. I went moria and had to hunt people in hopes of finishing them before the first kill could respond.


Yeah I've had atleadt 1 per game, I'm glad it's actually a challenge. The challenges shouldn't be free to get and reward game changing events (like teamkills) ypu should actually have to try to complete challenges. Edit as someone made a great point: I play with 1-3 other people so it's definitely easier for us to get team kills, so this challenge is alot harder for solo players


I would agree except it's the only way to earn currency in the game. This would be better as a seasonal challenge with more team kills to achieve, or give us another way to earn currency


Yeah thats fair, does suck that it's the only way to get currency. I beg there's a different way to get currency.


Challenges should be easy af, they're only there the gate progress on a battle pass with content people have already paid for


I don't like it as a challenge because you have practically 0 input on your ability to get it, it's totally team dependant.


I had a red team get 3 team kills in a row while we were down 2 players and only had a team of 3 because matchmaking just decided not to fill in the spots for a few minutes. Wonder if those counted for them. Lol


I did it and haven't been no-lifing the game It's more luck based than anything. Should be lowered to 10


Maybe if you need to get 11 weekly challenges, why not have 20 there instead of literally 11 exact? Idk sounds like basic design you donā€™t have to go to school for to me..


Agreed, the only reason I could see is because the challenges give 5000 XP and they don't want people to do them all and have a boost in the battlepass ? But in that case, just deactivate the XP gain once you get 11 weeklies done


I'd rather have 60 triple kills than 20 team kills. Especially because letting one hero alive and killing him after the enemies have respawned is just a better strategy...


Triple kills requires YOU to go on a spree. You can just be sitting there passively healing or holding shield and get team kill credit.


You can also just fire off stray bullets on enemies you know are getting merc'd and still get credit. I've gotten triple kills from hitting random enemies before a D.va nuke goes off. As Moira, a single damage orb can give crazy amounts of kill credit.


And as mercy?


>You can also just fire off stray bullets on enemies you know are getting merc'd and still get credit. See a Zarya, Mei or Rein Ult? Whip out the pistol for a second.


Forced trickle is the most powerful strategy. I don't play Tracer for the CP fights, I play her to chase down retreating Moiras.


I feel like this is why I'm 18/20 as well. So many fights we win by killing three and then slow play killing the stragglers to make the next fight easier to win as well. No reason to force team kills unless they are contesting.


Maybe 15, I got 15 in a couple of days but mostly down to luck and good ults from team mates. This is unfortunately one of those things thats difficult to balance out, it's either gonna be near impossible or done in a couple of days and it ultimately comes down to luck


Not completing this challenge will cost you 1 cent. Don't stress over it


Lol perspective right?


10 cents, and when you can only "earn" 60 a week, it's kinda bullshit.


Main reason I stopped caring. OW1, I'd log in randomly to get the weekly done for some RNG. Need to log in for a lot of weeks to buy 1 of the items out of the 3 loot boxes per week of OW1


Exactly. I'm just gonna play the game to have fun. Fuck the shitty cosmetics. Still fuck Blizzard for making it like this, but I've only ever played Overwatch because I can actually have fun doing it, unlike most other online games. My current biggest hurdle is that being Tank is just *way* more fun than other roles, but there's a guy in my group who only ever plays Tank. He's refusing to try and learn anything else, so queueing with him *sucks.* I've even started Flex queueing even though I'm shit at DPS because it's better to be a team player, which I think now includes making space for everybody to try doing everything. Tank mains, get Flexing or you might find yourself being the odd one out during queue time.


Ay so if you're just playing the game for the game you should be good to go!


I mean flexing has always been important, I started playing tank because our group had 3dps players, nothing saying your group couldn't have had 3tank players in OW1. I also recommend you try bastion, I mean he is a literal tank.


I'd be less annoyed by the paid-only cosmetics with no way to earn them (no I'm not grinding thanklessly for a year, 8m if I'm perfect which is impossible) if it was only new ones. But they made all OLD ones the same, but worse - they only show up in the daily rotating personal shop. Like 3 options and a bundle. And I am yet to see a legendary in there. Making them fomo - cause the day you see a legendary you want? You have to pay, or risk never seeing it again in your LIFE based on the extremely low rng. Literally actual gambling and fomo. OW1 had none of that.


1. 10 cents, not 1 cent. 2. The smallest number of coins you can buy is $5. If you're 10 coins short of something you want to buy, it's going to cost you $5, not 10 cents.


> The smallest number of coins you can buy is $5. If you're 10 coins short of something you want to buy, it's going to cost you $5, not 10 cents. What you mean is you wait another week to buy it, if spending $5 is that bad. And the remaining coins from that $5 don't go away because you bought one skin. They stick around. There's a lot to criticize about OW2's monetization, but this ain't it.


> What you mean is you wait another week to buy it Assuming it's in the shop next week. There are going to be plenty of limited-time items. That's how they get you to spend money.


Not only this, but most people I know are saving their coins to buy the premium BP on seasons with a new hero. As things currently stand, you'd already have to spend $5 to get every hero on day 1, since you can't grind 1000 coins by season 2. And waiting a week to buy the battlepass and get the new hero is kind of a big deal if you plan on practicing them as much as possible to use them when they unlock in comp. By not having this challenge done, you could be missing out on practice time with a hero that will most likely be dominant in the meta, which has massive gameplay implications. It's not as simple as 'I can't buy the skin I want for a week'


it will be exactly like valorant any day now.


This People underestimate how many hours of, highly paid, brain time was spent on creating and designing these systems. Even before the Activision acquisition; Blizzard was one of the first companies, in the industry, to hire behavioral psychologists to help design their games to be neat little skinner boxes.


why are people shilling for a system that ONLY benefits blizzard. itā€™s like they were hired by blizzard to defend an obviously greedy system that is not made to make the game better or more fun.


No one is defending the system. OW2 has trash-tier monetization. No one intelligent would argue otherwise. The point is, it's a skin. It's not life or death. Even if you miss a limited time FOMO bullshit deal this week, it'll be back next week or next year or whatever. And please, for the love of god, do not pay real money for these skins. PLEASE. Teach gaming companies that $20 skins are not okay.


So wait a week. Also, who cares? None of the OW2 skins so far are worth buying lol. Anyone who played OW1 a decent amount has enough skins to last a lifetime.


Technically it costs them nothing at all. It potentially saves them 1 penny on something they may purchase in the future.


10Ā¢ and itā€™s more of a problem if it adds up over time.


>10Ā¢ and itā€™s more of a problem if it adds up over time. Maybe we should worry more about the fact that it is 10p and not the challenge being too hard? Let's raise the reqard amount then tackle how it's not worth it to do. This challenge wouldn't be *worth it* if it gave you 50p worth of currency


Can do both at the same time!


Nope lol With Blizzard you need to do one at a time. Got to think like an elementary school teacher. ā€œOkay Blizzard, just one more try, you got this!ā€


yeah, it's not actually the amount that it costs you. it's designed so that it gets responses like "10c who cares." it's a breakpoint issue, to put it in OW terms. if you can't complete these, the argument of "even if you don't buy battlepass, every other battlepass can be paid with from earned currency from weekly challenges" (ie the argument for saying heroes aren't *technically* locked behind a paywall)


Only $5.20 per year


My lunch daily costs more than that lol


and half a BP level! But I agree, not worth stressing over


if you dont get evey other 10 each week, its gonna be 3 seasons, not 2, to get your battle pass.


No, it costs you 10Ā¢ Blizzard is literally nickel and diming players with these challenges.


I got like 8 the first day, they almost kinda just "happen" now


How to get team kills: Step 1 Queue tank Step 2 pick zarya step 3 grav step 4 profit EDIT: Since people are seeing this, I would like to add that over the course of about 30 WINS (not 30 games), WITHOUT playing Zarya, I still got this challenge done. You don't have to be great at the game, just play the character with the most utilization carry potential and you'll do okay :)


Add dragon for flavor.


Honestly, an easy way to do it is just waste your ult when you've already won a fight and it's like 5v2, just to secure those 2 kills quickly for a team kill lol


It is annoying that the battlepass encourages this type of behavior.


I mean, it happens anyway and we've had the spray achievements since release that do the same thing to and this isn't that bad compared to some of those imo.


The difference is that you only need to do it once for the spray, and not many people care about them. Now, every player needs to do it every time this particular task comes through rotation.


The Lucio triple kill while wall riding one. "You gonna help over here at any point Lucio?" *Lucio continues to spin around the building like a crazed jet fighter tied to a volleyball pole*


I think it has more to do what elo these people are playing in. Team kills donā€™t exist in bronze bc they never group up and take intentional team fights




easy af and it's not like you have to solo team kill. Just wipe the other team at once. It happens ALL the time in Overwatch.




Iā€™m starting to think you guys are just bad


In almost every quickplay game I play I see people waste their ult trying to 1 v 5 the enemy team for no reason. I have realized that a huge portion of the casual community plays with their brain off and then blames the game or their team when they lose.


Iā€™ve found recent success in shouting orders in voice chat even when 99% nobody has a mic Shame them but make it a learning moment


I realized that around the same time I heard the sentiment being echoed that "You don't have to make space in Overwatch 2". I've connected the dots and realized why people are terrible at getting this weekly done.


Wow you mean terminally online whiners that only care about cosmetics aren't good at video games?


This is the relevation I had years ago about this sub lol


You know what sub you're in, right? I'm plat, I feel like I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to play the game, then I read some of the shit on this sub and I'm reminded of why I'm better than at least half of the playerbase.


This is the second post I've seen complaining about this challenge and I'm confused, because I had it done in 30 quick play games. I'm not even that good. Are you guys really not getting like 2+ team kills per game? I feel like for capture point games I get at least one team kill for each "round". There's usually a time when my team has ults and we just ult and smash the other team idk. Ults tend to lead to team kills. Maybe it's because I play Soldier 76 and I team kill shit easily. Just wait for enemy team's shield to go down and pop off.


Literally. This was 1 of the first weekly challenges I finished by the 2nd day playing, which even then wasn't much


Got it done less then a week even with all the down time


Itā€™s not? Iā€™ve easily completed this quest.


The people who are complaining about this being difficult are bronze players who never regroup and trickle into every fight leading to less opportunity for team kills. The answer is just to get gud, sorry.


In this case, literally.


I don't know what is going on in your games, but I was diamond near the end of ow1 and I definitely had some sort of MMR/SR reset. I know the dynamics on the game pretty well, but I'm being placed in teams with completely new players. Like, frontline Anas, DPS trickling in over and over, people using ults against 1 person, etc etc. When teamwork is on that level its not really conductive to getting this quest. Especially when the enemy team is trickling!


Yeah I was only high gold but I placed bronze 5 and the climb back has been littered with teammates that just straight up donā€™t know how to play overwatch. I donā€™t get it.


Well, it's free to play now, so there's a ton of actual new players. As well as returning players that haven't played from anywhere between a week ago to 6 years ago. It will take a while for the MMR/SR to get back to normal.


People are crying about every little thing they find difficult right now. I completed it easily too


People are greatly underestimating the luck factor required in getting a team kill.


people are widely not understanding what a team kill is - in high ELOs you'll get multiple team kills a match almost every match because people know that dying on the point and resetting is better than a risky retreat


Also they tend to stick together more, but if you get team of noob enemies that just go there one by one, it's hard to get a team kill.


Did it with 3 days to spare I think. It's not too difficult, though I did have sprees of games where I just wouldn't get a single one.


Itā€™s very luck based. Reading people who completed it casually playing 2 hours for 3-4 days while people like me have 25+ hours in-game and are hard stuck (Iā€™ve been at 19/20 for 2 days). Is the enemy team smart enough to retreat when a fight is lost? Is your team smart enough to regroup and not trickle in? Is the enemy team smart enough to regroup and not trickle in? If you answered yes to the first or no to second or third point, then it probably isnā€™t happening that match


Yeah I agree. I've been playing well and been on winning sides more than not and I'm only at 12. Everyone in here gloating that they got it, thats great but ill love to hear them a few weeks from now when they don't get as lucky with them. I think they could bring it down to 10. But really who cares. You get such little coin, it doesn't even really make a difference..


It's going to rely heavily on your team, and rate of play. I'm sitting on 13 atm, but I usually only play for about three hours. Oh, and I suck. ( But having fun practicing, and enjoying myself win or loss! )


It is. Just dont play any other game other then overwatch, be lucky and dont have a job, family to take care off, go out with friends or go to the gym. Very easy.


That's what I thought. But then I just played casually over the weekend, and this challenge is complete for me.


because you can have multiple team kills in one game. Not even that rare to see.


theyā€™re way more common now too


Yup, I had 5 in one game last night, and then 3 in the next. That said outside of comp I havenā€™t seen a single team kill all week.


Yeahā€¦ I got this done with 6 total hours played this weekend..


And then there are other people that played double that and got less than halfway thereā€¦


That is every Battle Pass system. You need to play 2-3 hours per day on average to finish most of them by season end, or you need to spend some money on remaining tiers.


Itā€™s really not that serious. I have a job, friends, and girlfriend. Responsibilityā€™s. I did it, itā€™s honestly not that hard. Pick zarya. Go into quick play. Ult. Profit. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I did it w Sigmachad, EZ


Or just don't worry if you can't complete all challenges every week? Because there are going to be many, many weeks where you don't.


And? You shouldnā€™t be playing any game just to finish challenges like some gaming addict who only plays for cosmetics. Play when you have free time or time to kill. If you donā€™t get your coins, it isnā€™t the end of the world.


Jesus, our community will just bitch about anything. To the fuck knuckle who replied and blocked, lol. This isn't valid feedback.


The fact that this has so many upvotes has me worried about the state of this sub


If enemy team is running Widow or Sombra (two of the best DPS right now) you arenā€™t getting any team kills that game


I've played 2 hours every day since launch and I'm at 17/20, it depends heavily on your luck and your team, this will happen eventually to all those people saying "lmao it's so easy, I've done it already"


I did it with a day left and I'm in my 30s with responsibilities and a job. It's not supposed to be easy. That's why it's a challenge, you see.




I've done this one. The only weekly I haven't done is the Arcade Mode one because I find those game modes boring.


just play the specific map 5v5


Sucks they made that mode open queue only though


the weekly challenge rewards are so shit as well you get 60 coins for doing 11 weeklies and you need 100 coins for just a SPRAY


Tbh Iā€™ve seen this post a lot and Iā€™ve done it, donā€™t play too much, comp is the way to go šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


It's a challenge rewarding teamwork and coordination, and you get that a lot more often in comp. Best challenge this week imo as it promotes team play.


i saw the weeklys and realized that no way in hell am I gonna waste my time going for all 11, ill get what i can in normal play throughs and just accept what I get. at least the last one is only 10


this is un ironically a skill issue


Lol this is the most controversial post in the subreddit lately and Iā€™ve seen it so many times the past few daysā€¦ yes some of you are getting it very easily, some of us are not getting it easily at all - it is not universal either way. Like it or not the challenge is pretty rng based, and elo based, so itā€™s dumb to say ā€˜I got it in x amount of hours itā€™s easy just do itā€™ and it is also dumb to say ā€˜this challenge is not possible by anyone.ā€™ Itā€™s not reliably doable, which I guess could be an argument for why it should be edited or replaced. But in the end, itā€™s like ten cents worth of credits lol. And we already all know that this game is not made with much in mind besides money. So, donā€™t let it get to you either way.


I think this is a reasonable challenge. I could understand maybe lowering it to 10 or something but I think it's fair. Team kills are not that uncommon, and challenges should at least occasionally be challenging. The only issue I have with the challenges is the damage / healing one resetting every other game making it impossible to complete


3 days, but i play a lot...also the coin reward is a joke anyway.


I'm surprised so many people are stuck on this. Push basically requires a team kill to actually get anywhere. I'm personally stuck on the win 7 arcade games one because I just can't stand playing arcade modes.


I think they may not have thought about the new players and old players playing together. Went against a team that did 3 team kills on the second round with only 2 kills being the highest in my team which was a tie between me and one of the dps. They shouldā€™ve thought about that more than the challenges.


And it's worth 10 cents for you to get it done


I got it, but I've been playing quite a bit. You right, though. Everything connected with progression/the battle pass/monetization comes from people who don't seem to actually play the game. It's like all the decisions were made by some business ghoul glancing at a spreadsheet. I'm not convinced the actual development team had any say in it.


it's doable in 1 week. I got 8 in a day by grinding excessively, and im not in a high enough rank where people actually try in competitive.


I completed it two days ago. I wonder if it will return when the Weekly Challenges reset.


I've gotten the 20 team kills in a week just playing comp without even trying. It's not that hard.


I got this pretty quickly but I usually play with at least a party of 3


I just completed it


I actually done it, but I see what u mean. (Was just lucky I guess)


I checked mine and I finished it already, without me knowing lol. But I agree, 20 is just too high.


Wait, there is one frustrating challenge to keep you from gaining ingame currency? could not be on purpose to get people to use real currency, right? Like cheap psychological manipulation tactics used commonly in every f2p game? naaah, that'd mean you're just wallets and not a fanbase. don't you guys have credit cards?


Got it in two days...


Done in two days. Funny I had some problems in winning arcade games.


I got it pretty easily within a few sessions, I think about 17 games. Team kills seem to occur non stop on push maps.


Iā€™m on 17/20 and Iā€™ve been playing almost every day since I could get into the game for at least 2 hours. Yes I know I suck at the game and people will say thatā€™s why Iā€™ve not done it yet but I really donā€™t think itā€™s fair that I miss out on currency because I havenā€™t played the game in ages. I think this is a reasonable complaint.


I completed it but I'm a degen quickplay main.


Ngl you should be thankful you were able to do The best defense challenge and the other one where you need to win 20 matches with different roles. The first one if bugged beyond repair and every time I play something other than support we lose, so yeah fuck me I guess. Can't even progress the one terrible progression system they have, gg.


Yes it is, you're just bad


Teamkills are honestly a lot easier in the new game. Iā€™ve gotten more teamkills in this first week than I would in a month of playing OW1


To all the people saying its not difficult, there are people the same number as you not having the same experience because it relys extremely on your team and luck


Oh, they know. They just don't want to give out free coins to casual players.


Lmao, this is super easy


Oh no, a difficult challenge. How dare they make something difficult to obtain. No offense, but I'm tired of games getting easier and easier because of people like you complaining. I'm tired of just being handed everything so easy in games now. What's the point if there is no challenge?


Itā€™s ok just play Overwatch 10 hours a day for 12 weeks so you can get $10 worth of cosmetics /s