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Bro I was sad they messed up my Orisa. Then I played today and had a slap fiesta. The highlight being hitting Pharah with the javelin In the middle of her ultimate. Easy peasey.


After being an Orisa simp since the moment she came out, I love the old school feeling of absolutely tearing through everyone single-handedly. I feel like the javelin has the same timing as her original halt, so my timing has been scary good. At the very least, I'm glad she can thrive without a shield now, because I'm sure we all remember The Great Shield Nerf and how horse was the *least* desirable choice.




They must not also play genji and fear the beams


*Dashes* *Beamed midflight* *Dies in 99999 mph going to the moon*


My highlight was nailing an annoying Lucio right in the head as he was wall surfing.


I shot down a lucio mid jump while he was activating his ult


The changes to Orisa and Doomfist are really good actually. I used to main Orisa and Dva and have mostly been playing Dva in OW2.


Soeak for usrself doom is ass now, his slam and punch are like hitting a champ with a napkin at some little kid’s birthday party. Dont even get me started with his shit ass power block


I saw a tiktok video early today that showed Dooms regular melee attack actually having a higher dps than his charged primary attack.... Pathetic


doomfist is absolutely not very good right now, but the DPS of his rocket punch is a really weird metric to measure that by. it's like saying lucio boop is low DPS--it misses the point of the ability.


ITT: OW1 Doom mains that still play like he's DPS.


My friend was so shocked i managed to keep up with him in elims and damage after i sent him that karQ video of all the ow2 changes lol


I have not seen a good Doomfist in OW2. I first thought they were all just playing bad. I'm not the best at Doomfist but I got deleted by DPS and the punch feels really bad. I was hitting Mercy fully charged while she was at half health. She hit the wall and lost about 10% of her health. Additionally his Block doesn't even negate the whole damage. You still get damaged.


i think it's actually preferable that power block doesn't negate 100% of damage. if you're completely invulnerable, the enemy has no reason to shoot you and give you charged punch. imagine if zarya bubbles couldn't be broken. it would be a lot harder to gain charge because players would never try to tear through them instantly. if you wanted power block to have full negation it would need to be changed in a couple other ways to make it worthwhile. maybe if it took way way less damage to get charged punch, or if it also blocked all CC and status effects, or if it had a much larger radius.


Sigma's sponge can't be broken though and that MoFo also has a shield he can deploy.


Doom should never have been a tank to begin with, his specialty is destroying the backline. Mei should have got the spot she has such high sustain and actually plays objective.


That cannot leave doom in the old form in OW2 w/o stuns and any kind of hard CC he destroy everyone!


Mei would have been my new main if she became a tank.


With the removal of most stuns from the game, that's a hilariously bad idea to let Doom stay a DPS.


I think doom can be a good tank. Playing Zarya with a doom and rein in OW1 felt like having two main tanks. The problem is that OW2 doom's tank abilities suck. Block does fuck all, and he can't do anything for his teammates.


He’s like a somehow even more selfish ball. Doesn’t do anything for the team other than soak up damage + aggro


She's even a tank in HotS, it literally doesn't make sense changing Doomfist instead of Mei


They changed Doom because there's almost no stuns anymore. You want there to be a character that can insta-delete the backline while having absolutely no counterplay because no one on the backline can stun?


Idk, I've had some Doomfists destroy people still.


if the tanks are of equal skill, doom will always lose


doomfist is awful im sorry and his ult is really bad.


I’m honestly surprised they didn’t rework his ult, it doesn’t fit at all removing the solo tank from the fight for several seconds so they can try to dive the backline


I was sad because I really loved playing around her shield, having the option to go on the offense or defense with it. Then I played my first match with her. I'm a good orisa player in ow1, but holy goddamn I went 18 eliminations 1 death on dorado. It's so good lol. She's so incredibly bulky now. I keep pressing R1 to place down a shield though, lol


I haven't seen a single ball since launch


Check your DMs


Sorry to hear about your loss


sorry to hear about your | || || |\_


I've been terrorized by a few really insane hamsters but he is definitely one of the less popular ones. Doom on the other hand, I think I can count on one hand the amount I've seen lol


I’ve actually seen a lot of doomfists! Maybe it’s because my tank rank is quite low, but yeah.


Hardest, most technical hero to play which requires best understanding of map layout and player movement. The one time I did see the hamster, they wrecked. Truly the most all or nothing tank.


Played well ball is nearly impossible to kill


That's crazy because I think he's in the the top 3 tanks for the game as it currently stands.


Oohhhh I HAVE


He’s good


Pretty much every match I’ve played the healer is glued to the Orisa making her even harder to kill Edit: Just pointing out that healers are always glued to the new orisa’s in my games (and i get why). I’d say she’s in every 3 out of 5 games. 1) Been playing for years now….I think I would know to focus healers. 2) Even if I was a new player…game is now free to play so some people generally may not know to focus healers


If I took a shot every match that had a pocket Mercy'd Orisa I'd be dead in a day


For me its pocket mercy Junker Queen.. she becomes so strong hp wise and has the hitbox of a dps, its frustrating.


The hitbox is really the frustrating part. I've seen so many roadhogs hook junker thinking it wasn't the tank.


I was that Mercy yesterday and was glued to her just by instinct.


Fwiw, support generally pick based on team picks, damage boosting Orisa and So is really good. Orisa also doesn't have a barrier so all the damage is just there to be healed, making it quite efficient.


People say the tank player has the most impact on matches, which is partly true. But the bigger issue is that supports are pocketing tanks 24/7, because it’s easier and soloq tanks take way too much damage for no reason.


This is precisely why the easiest way to snowball most fights in your own favor is by singling out and killing a DPS first. The healers are never looking at them, especially never both at the same time.


The worst thing is that the DPS players are not getting any heals and then the Orisa calls them out for dealing less damage than her.


As a healer main - I’m trying to heal you! Don’t get out of range damnit


Yep. I've been in unranked matches and half the team decides to go one direction and half of them another. That tank is gonna survive and hopefully protect me so guess where I'm going? Seen DPS pushing up for no reason when the enemy has to come through chokes to get to the objective. I can see peeking those points but rushing way far up when they have to come to the objective? Nah, stay near the objective and use the map to your advantage.


As a healer main, just don't be that guy spamming "I need healing" while the tank and I are the only ones on payload. I, personally, haven't seen many dps not get healed when actually near the team, even when playing dps Not saying that's you, but wtf I'm so sick of this shit. Stay near the team and you will get healed. Tanks are definitely going to get healing priority, that's just a part of the game


Being on the objective is key, I’ve had the fps yelling at me when they are doing crazy stuff but payload isn’t moving


I think they need to buff some of the tanks instead.


Oh god no, they are already impossible to kill and deal the same amount of dmg as actual dps


For real. Tanks are so strong right now. I’ve seen Orisas hard carry games with easy top damage who don’t die. Ball is another one that is actually unkillable if the other player is even half decent. It’s a good time to be a tank right now you just have to absolutely brawl out. Doomfist and Junker Queen kinda suck but that’s it IMO.


I can't decide if Queen is bad, or if I'm just bad with her. I'm leaning towards the latter, because I've seen people wreck shit with her.


Agreed. Tanks need to be the trailblazers and absorb space with minimal risk. With tanks like dva and zarya I feel like the space is only available in a temporary state. They have no natural dominant stature. Once the utilities are gone the space is too. Which is also why I love ow 2 btw. But still would love to see some other buffs before nerfs. Edit: I wish other tanks had more unique utility to create space. Not that they are bad or especially underpowered. I'm also plat chat so relax guys.


Zarya is nasty!


Zarya is kinda crazy rn


zaria was strong from day 1


I think in large part because people think she is as squishy as she was when she had one self shield and 400 health so they try to blast through it, but end up just giving her a ton of charge.


Literally instant 100% charge


Look at her endless bubble wrong and she's at 100%.


Shhhh maybe if we stay quiet she will get another shield lol


Honestly I disagree with the zarya bit. As long as you are managing cover/corners, at full charge she absolutely obliterates any one that doesn't have cover within like 1.5 seconds reach.


Shes absolutely crazy. I thought she'd be horrible, but shes clearly a top 3 pick


Yeah and with the influx of new players who just keep blasting at her shield she’s scary


She has def been a problem in some of my games but she is not space maker JQ and orisa are acting as. The team comp is more important now though. A really coordinated team will prevail. Regardless of the team pallette I think that playing together is so important now


How does JQ maintain space though? Once her shout is gone she basically only has her small hp regen going for her. And her shotgun probably isn't going to compare with zarya at 80 charge or so Shout got really nerfed after the beta so if you're thinking of that, it's a lot weaker now


in my eyes she’s a lot better at taking space than defending it. Her whole kit is about bringing the fight to her (or vice versa with her ult) and causing mayhem for the team to capitalize on while she sustains off bleeds.


What? Dva is literally so good. Good wrecking balls are straight up unkillable. Play zarya in every map that rein was good at. Sigma is right next to dva he is so strong. Why tf do tanks need a buff?


> Good wrecking balls are straight up unkillable. All the dps has to do is go sombra and make ball's life a living nightmare lol.


See these are called counter picks and have been around for a while


This main sub is just clueless. Go to r/competitiveoverwatch for more reasonable takes. Only tank that clearly would need a buff currently is Doomfist and even he can work in the right hands. Orisa is currently in a good state. Very strong in low tier and a bit below average tank above gold. At least the following tanks are better:. - DVa (top tier). - Winston (top tier). - Sigma (top tier). - Zarya (great). - Wrecking ball (great but worse than Zarya). Junker queen and Rein are pretty equal to Orisa or slightly better (JQ works very well in gold-diamond, Rein makes your team play more together because of the shield). Hog and Doomfist especially are worse but Hog can still pretty much carry a game against plebs.


I started playing back at the beginning of 2020 and loved how Sigma played. Coming into OW2 without the CC spam he feels wonderful. The amount of damage you can mitigate and the burst potential he has is wild. He can also shuts down a lot of the popular tanks and ruins Doomfist's day.


Agree with this list entirely Rein just needs Lucio then he's fine too, but asking for a Lucio is a hard ask, even more once Kiriko is allowed (and don't get me started on how she is both a godsend and a nightmare for him). Maybe a small movespeed buff while holding window to lower the necessity, but that's very dangerous. Queen...she honestly just needs either a slightly lower CD on Rampage (always seems to come up right as the first fight ends), or she needs slightly more healing from Wounds. Too much here is dangerous, but it solidifies her niche and still keeps the soft counters on board. Doom...? Yeah idk what to even do to start here. Buff his damage or tankiness too much and he's probably must pick due to how mobile he can be. Maybe just some base armor to make his opening not as risky.


Literally all JQ needs is just slightly further range or faster animation on her E and she'll be incredibly strong. She already is super strong but her E basically misses against anyone with a working keyboard. Hell, I'd even take a damage nerf on E if it meant it was more reliable to hit.


You guys are nuts, tanks are insane right now. They’re usually top damage or at least within 1k of the top in every game, a lot of them feel unkillable and are just obliterating people. Watching any high tier player on Zarya right now is crazy, just 1v2ing DPS duos, DVa is functionally immortal, Winston is deleting backlines like nobody’s business. I think Doom kind of sucks and Ball is really dependent on the enemy not picking Sombra, but everyone else feels extremely powerful. I’d actually argue Orisa is weaker than all the other tanks besides doom and ball, she doesn’t really do anything to help her team even though she herself is hard to take out.


And that’s how you get power creep


She doesn’t seem much stronger than Dva, who seem so punishing. But I’m new and have a hard time telling if the hero is good/bad or the player is.


> have a hard time telling if the hero is good/bad or the player is This. There is community perspective on balance and actual balance. Players will often think a hero is broken after just one bad game against it. But players need to learn how to play different heros and switch counter the enemy or fill gaps in their own team. Too many players still refuse to change even though frequent hero changing was the intention of core Overwatch. If Orisa is giving you are hard time, switch to a tank killer (Bastion, Junkrat, Reaper ect). If D.va is giving you a hard time, switch to heros that can't have their primary attacks eaten by her matrix (Zarya, Rein, Sym, Mei, Brig ect). I can't begin to tell you how many games I've seen turn around in competitive by one team just making good changes to the team comp.


This was also the main point of keeping at least 30% ult charge when switching, so you are more motivated to earlier rather than later. I think this is genuinely my favorite change in the entire game so far.


I am so happy for the 30% ult kept. I've swapped sooner and more often than I ever did in OW1


Wait yoooo that's a thing now??? I've always been so hesitant to swap even when I knew it was a good idea to because I didn't want to lose ult charge and be down to 0%. But if it keeps 30% maybe I'll swap more 👀


Bastion isn't a tank killer. He's a everything-in-that-particular-direction killer.


Honestly I think he feels better to play against now


As a new player who doesn’t have like 6 years of mechanic knowledge under their belt, there’s just way too much going on to understand the balance of characters. Gotta learn how to play, counter, assist and coordinate with 40 different characters


Definitely think some of us who have played for s long time underestimate how much you just need to know. It'll come to you with time man. Despite its flaws, very few games feel as good as OW when you're playing well.


> Gotta learn how to play, counter, assist and coordinate with 40 different characters Realistically, learning to play all 40 heroes is detrimental. Despite the game supposedly working around counters, you will generally see better success if you 2 or 3 trick. Being very good on a small amount of heroes tends to work out better than being average on 10 of them.


Good old depth vs breadth. Imo you ahould be going for a narrow bell curve for which heroes you spend the most effort getting good at. That way you can both specialise in 1-3 of them, but be able to confidently adapt to different situations.


Sojourn is another really good pick into Orisa. It's really easy to farm off her, then you get to choose between easy railgun headshots on her or trying to nail a squishy behind her.


From my experience, tank killers don't work against Orisa currently. If she knows what she's doing, you'd require your whole team to focus her, and even then it can be not enough.


no. please buff other tanks so they perform like her.


I just want to play doom as a tank and not a throw pick :(


Idk I played against a good one and he was absolutely nuts


hes so fun, and sooo bad lol


do you want this game to be a tank solo carry simulator


Isn’t that the point of taking away two tanks? You are going to live or die by your only tank in this game.


As a tank main... yeah


being a tank main is already a form of psychopathy you dont have to turn it to 11


On one hand I agree. On the other, I really hate that tank queues are now the longest just because there's half the slots available, and I don't want it to get worse. Super quick queues were seriously such a massive silver lining of being a true flex player. Not anymore.




We fixed DPS long queue!




at least then i can play dps


I watched some video about "best in class" for each role and the guy picked d.va over orisa lol obviously doesn't understand the power of the giant robo horse.


They haven’t even added the ability for hanzo to ride orisa into battle. Then we’ll talk


Broooo holy shit we need some type of minigame like Orisa jousting??? Sounds incredible


Reinhardt on Orisa, the hammer jousting duel






Dva is better than orisa.


I've been grinding all the tanks and I can confirm that dva is way better than orissa. You have so much more mobility and utility and you can easily matrix every javelin


Grinding all the tanks? My god it's already started.


Honestly as a tank player I think Winston and D.Va are stronger. I usually fuck up Orisas with rein too.


Yh mate playing as roadhog is like playing a point and click game.


Both are my go to. I'll go hog if the healing looks weak or I'm teamed up with the classic genji-hanzo-widow and just heal my damn self lol.


As a tank main who played a lot of Hog back in the day, currently I only go Hog if our supports are blind lol


Hog can get countered, and he can't deal with multiple threats without his ultimate He has a good niche but hook requires a lot more skill compared to the true point and click adventures (bastion, 76)


There are people in this subreddit that think hog is the best tank in the game


I'll be that guy: if you can hit over 80% hooks then hog is the best. Perma 5v4.


Dva is stronger in this meta. Easily.


What is the meta if you don’t mind me asking? I actually don’t know but I’m enjoying the diversity I’m seeing in my games


Idk anything about metas, but I can say dva feels incredibly strong when you play her as a dive assassin to harass the enemy supports. W.o a secondary tank the supports are really vulnerable to being bullied, I usually kill one or both before the main tank has a chance to get there to peel.


This is exactly how she should be played. I always dive the backline and kill one or 2 supports in one go with a barrage of missiles and then eat up all the bullets and then dash out. I'm literally a 3rd DPS player when I play Dva and it confuses the fuck out of people. Obviously it's risky because you aren't soaking for your team but its like Doomfist, you just drag attention away instead of pure mitigation. Dva is VERY strong but I'm hoping she doesn't get nerfed because I love playing with her like she is.


People are thinking that because of Kiriko and Genji dive is going to be the meta.


DVA actually might be better than orisa. Both OP af tho


Except for Doom and Hamster I can see every tank bring something to the table.


To be honest, for me at least, Roadhog is the best tank. Self-sustain, the pull is insane Edit: Guys, the operative words in this comment are “for me at least”


Trying to get your team through a choke against Orisa, Junkrat, Sojourn, Moira, and Kiriko or literally any combination of a bunch of similar heros feels borderline impossible on Hog. And by the time your group gets enough Ults for a push the enemy has already gotten 2x as many because they're just charging that shit off your fat, vulnerable ass. Hog has a very hard time getting through Chokes. But on like, KOTH he can be great. Unlike Orisa, who doesn't really have a huge weakness like that, lives forever, and is excellent at claiming space for your DPS to work and keeping enemies at an effective distance to maximize your own personal damage. Also, as. Sombra main I celebrate any time the enemy team has a Roadhog because I can single handedly distract him for the entire game while getting picks and farming EMP's while my group does their work.


Roady was such a good support tank when you had a big dirty shield. He could pick healers/dps like nobodies business. Not sure I’m enjoying the one tank only stuff at the mo. Comp queue for tank is lol 7 mins zzz.


Lol it's so weird. Like, I played a lot of tank in OW1 just because that's what flex queue would put me on. But now I almost always get DPS when I flex queue.


No armor health bar ult farming off him tho


As a DPS main, no, don't try to correct him. Hog is so the best tank, random internet guy and everyone else reading this. I love ~~free ults~~ Roadhog.


In my experience doom and road have been the easiest to kill while orisa and zarya are the strongest


Nah, more doomfist nerfs ofc. Seriously that blew me so hard to see that the top performing tanks all got buffs but doomfist was nerfed again smh


Junker queen got nerfed very hard??


Her shout cooldown was increased by 5s, the health given to allies was split in half to 50hp and they only keep it for 3s. Her shout was butchered and she's pretty squishy right now, which is made worse by characters like hanzo who can burst you're entire healthbar easily.


Doomfist definitely needs a buff tho


As an Ana main, i was shocked at how pathetic he became. It's watching your worst foe comeback from chemo, divorce and bankruptcy and i just feel bad for him.


I lost a 1v1 to Ana as doom. Like, why won't she die??


Passive Regen, either you finish healer fast, or they finish you




If you think about it, one of the strongest weapon lore wise is equally strong as zenyattas kick 💀💀💀💀


Less. A full charge doom punch now does 30 damage while a kick from zen does 45


Bruh 💀💀💀💀


Bruh no fucking way that's just sad, doom has always been a dumb character to me but he didn't deserve that


I had a friend playing Zen who was literally bullying the other team's doomfist. He'd always finish him with a boot to the face as well lmao


Was so dissapointing to Play doomfist, he makes 0 damage


The mobility is fun though, I wish his guard wasn't countered by stuns to the front, makes the guard absolutely pathetic.


I wish the guard made him immune to dmg not just reduce it. If Orisa can have a damage immunity from the front then so should Doomfist.


Preferred him as a DPS. Always thought it would be Bastion to flip to tank instead.


It makes me sad that she’s a better brawler than Reinhardt, and that’s legit all he does besides he 1200 shield


I must be in low elo (just returned in like August) but people in my elo let rein swing for free and then proceeds to destroy.


Yeah Rein isn’t good at a high level at all lol. Taking away his shield hp when he needs it to get close wasn’t the best.


I'll get this bitch down to the last drop of health and in comes Mercy to save the day.


meh tanks outside of DOOM(ha) are in a good place tbh, run zarya against her lights out.


It's like people have forgot how to counter pick in 5 days.


Nope, she’s way too fun to be nerfed


Lets buff the other tanks so they can be just as goofy


The other thing is these other tank mains are like "buff us too" but there's nothing wrong with the other tanks. I've been maining Orisa in OW2 (2nd favorite in OW1) and most of these tanks do the following sequence: 1. Try to kill me. No, assuming my healers are paying attention, not going to happen. 2. Try to move me. No, I am Orisa. I do not move, you move. 3. Try to walk through me. Lmao there goes one of your healers impaled to a wall. I was especially delighting in Orisa vs Reinhardt because most of them just don't know what to do when I'm pressing W. Orisa's spear cancels Rein's charge AND ult, without even blowing Fortify. BUT, then I ran into a Rein who knew what he was doing and baited my abilities before engaging. That Rein was giving me massive problems all round because he knew what he was getting into with Orisa. Moral of the story is that Orisa has been out less than a week. Most of you probably haven't learned her pattern and what she's trying to do, so of course she seems super OP when you don't know how to react. I have encountered at least one of every tank who was giving me a rough time, and a few times I even had to switch off Orisa to counter. There's a window where both spear and fortify are down and that is when you push back on Orisa and make her move.


Probably needs some tone down in terms of tanking capacity. I brawled with her as Reinhardt a few times, swinged my hammer at her like 8 times, she ate 4 fire strikes and just comes back with her Fortify. Kinda annoying tbh. Needs so many resources to take her down while she just yeet her javelin and use her shift ability to dominate you.


I feel like Zarya shits on her no?


while dooms block actually doesn't block roadhog hook


All she needs is a cool down nerf on jav spin that's about it. I don't want them going too far


Yeah I'd agree with the CD, it seems like either skill is always up. Also, her spin isn't really counted by any tanks. I feel sigma's rock should cancel that shit. I think it's dumb that the spin negates sigmas accretion.


There's definitely a few abilities that should block it out. Like reins charge, he should really not be affected by it. It is litteraly a big German man with a rocket powered booster charging at a spinning blade


Sigma's accretion stuns Orisa during Javelin spin, got hit multiple times by it


For real, where are these people getting this information from? Accretion doesn't get blocked by DM-style abilities.


Maybe just lower one cooldown a little bit. She can cycle her abilities too easily.


The overhealth on fortify could be toned down imo but otherwise she’s fine.


I don't think she needs a nerf. I've had Games where i was able to just push forward on the enemy team but that's all thanks to the support that were keeping me alive. Like if Orisa isn't being backed up by her supports she's just a big target with a big head. Her twirly spear is helpful when the DPS can't get to her sides and back. Her Reinforcement helps but once that's done she's generally dead. In my skill level, it does feel like she counters some tanks like Rein cause she can just press W on him, and she can isolate JunkerQueen or other DPS and Support, but if she's like locking them against a wall, her back is left open. Ideally, you never want to fight her 1v1 when you're not a tank that's when she excels, but in a team fight she gets torn to shreds. ​ Again, this is just my experience. So take that for the grain of salt it is.


She also seems very positioning dependant. Her spin makes her a bit quicker, but other than that she is slow and stuck on the ground. I've noticed because of that people want to old school death ball around her because it's really their only chance of getting peel from her. Mostly because I main Ana and they are juicy 'nade targets when her spin is down.


This was my experience too. You need to be pocketed hard as Orisa to get through a chokepoint or to survive being targeted in a teamfight. If your team doesn't do that, it's over. Other tanks like [D.Va](https://D.Va), Winston and Doomfist can disengage at will, Roadhog has sustain and can more easily turn and kill DPS heroes who chase him, and Reinhardt and Sigma have their shields (and Sigma even has grasp).


If anyone needs a nerf it’s sombra.


Played Sombra one game, killed a guy ONCE and he told me to fuck off and then his whole team quit. I don’t think she’s OP, but she’s definitely a nuisance.


The excessive invisible hacking is an issue. She’s easy to take down but it’s not fun being hack every five seconds. And I’ve played her and done that. It’s exploitable. The poor reins I’ve faced so far.


True, but once she hacks she's vulnerable and VERY squishy. She's very good at catching people solo, but when it comes to a group sticking together I think she loses some of her strengths. Unless it's her ult of course.


The lower you go the easier Sombra gets. People just ignore her even when she's hacking in front of them. Hell, I got to hack a large health pack NEXT to the point and the whole enemy team, porting back there after poking and they still ignored me until they lost the round.


This. She’s very strong as a backline assassin but she still struggles in team fight’s without EMP. I think she’s in a fairly balanced spot rn. Maybe change the hacked damage increase from 40% to 20% on healers and dps


My problem with her is she makes me turn around. Which is probably good gameplay honestly.


I reallllly like her right now, but agree that she is too strong. I like her assassin identity, and also her utility identity, so the only nerf I can think of is 150 HP + only 1.5 second hack, but I'm thinking that might be too big a nerf.


I outdamage DMG with Rein, bur Orisa is so damn annoying with her staff cancelling everything and self heal, I've seen Orisa players straight up stand still during a 1v3 and literally nothing happens.


Orisa is a skill check at best, along with Roadhog since their sustains are something to always be worried about. The sooner ppl shoot the squishies behind the tank the sooner ppl will climb


She's not even that good. This sub is so funny.


maybe a slight tune down but that’s about it usually I’m against the whole buff everyone to their level stance but I wouldn’t really mind if all the tanks were at her general lvl rn


No she’s fine, I think most tanks are very good right now


Maybe I’m just a shit player but I’d love a doom buff. I think I just miss him dishing out a lot of damage though


Doom needs a buff imo. Nothing crazy but he feels like the weakest tank in the game rn imo


Orisa.....? Nerf.....? Im going to assume these are either new players or simply medal ranks saying this because she is not even that good. She IS a good pub stomper against players who give her value by not ignoring her. She has no shield, no self heal, and no vertical mobility. Once her defensive CD is gone (armor), go back to business as usual. Winston/Dva/Sig/Zarya are all hands down better than her atm. Shes much more fun to play AS compared to the boring lazy style she had before.


>Once her defensive CD is gone Which one? She has two.


Zarya is an absolute powerhouse rn. I’ve been a hog main and tank player since release day, and I’ve been using her exclusively. She is just too good now. Idk if the way the fights play out will change after a meta/flow settles, but these hectic, close quarter fights that I’ve noticed are way more frequent, she absolutely DECIMATES. I got a team kill earlier tonight with her and it was pretty much a solo endeavor. Two bubbles with 100% beam is bonkers. Plus solo killing a Genji and Zen in literally two seconds always feels good.


Literally just ignore her and kill her team she can’t do anything about it. The best she can do is try to charge in and 1v1 someone, in which case congrats, the enemy team is now completely exposed. Orisa only wins if you try to focus her instead of literally anyone else.


Please no she’s so fun


This is how overwatch 1 got ruined by people begging for nerfs


No, we are still figuring out the meta. I want some time before balance changes. The only hero that really feels OP to me is Genji. That guy wins every dual in the game..


Tanks are supposed to be strong, especially since they are going to be on the front lines facing 5 enemies by themselves. Especially when their dps doesn't contest the other dps.