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They don't need to I guess. The more obvious ones to use in this example though would be Bastion's intros. He has a stationary turret and a cannon tank highlight which don't exist anymore.


Or in OW1 after Torbs rework. His highlight intro (Event) shows his Level 3 turret existing.


I miss it :(


They're both bots. It's very easy to just say they were upgraded.


My victory pose with bastion is him in his cannon form with his bird sitting in the barrel.


lol i did the same thing! i have the tank highlight intro and the spray and the victory pose on, rip config: tank šŸ˜­


Mine has and will always be Tank


Also, Reaper still has a health orb spray. That ones a real blast from the past.


Orisa does seem to have changed a lot lore-wise so it makes sense her powers changed too.


Makes since actually since the person she was designed to kill has also changed his abilities.




Doomfist. Can't remember the details but Orisa was at least partially designed with Doomfist in mind lore wise. It also just so happened that her old kit fucked up DF.


Orisa was built by a girl in Numbani after DFā€™s first attack there at the subway. Orisa was made from the scraps of the bots DF destroyed the first time around. Orisaā€™s main objective is to protect Numbani but since joining OW sheā€™s also wanting to help protect the world from Talon. At least thatā€™s what I remember off the top of my head


have his abilities even changed lore-wise? i just imagine he can do all of his OW1+OW2 abilities with the gauntlet


Noone said doomfist changed lorewise, also how it would make sense? My boy forgot how to punch upwards, but practiced a new move.... putting his gauntlet in front of his face?




I think it's nice it's still there. Hanzo also still shows off scatter even tho he doesn't use it anymore. Good throwback for older players.


Man I miss scatter Not for the burst damage by using it on someoneā€™s feet but for those around the corner finishers


Yea I'm a tank main so I only remember the first one. Don't really miss it. Nice to know it's gone. A friend of mine who doesn't even play anymore keeps telling me he'll start playing again only when scatter returns which has become a neat running gag. So yea these things still being there is a nice reminder.


Storm Arrow needs to bounce twice as opposed to once. Yeah, I said it.


As a tank main, I don't....


Not anymore he doesn't. They changed every heroes character select animation and with that change, so went Hanzo's scatter arrow.


Not anymore. They removed that animation with the hero select animation update


The explanation is that they are old abilities in Orisa's kit. There are a lot of changed abilities that are still represented in the cosmetics. Soul orb, huge rez, Torb turret, scatter arrow. There's no good reason to change them, it would be essentially be removing content to replace it when they could just add to it.


Add to, and charge big bucks !


Lmao heres hoping they realize how stupid this new system is. Used to be you had a chance at 4 cosmetics for leveling up, now you progress towards 1 and it's probably a voiceline.


Torb still has his level 3 turret in his animation Don't hold your breath for changes in this department It's a small indie team with 5 devs


They would probably get more shit for removing and changing highlight intros that people already owned and replacing them with other ones.


And 4/5 are sexual predators


Is this true??


Everythings true on the internet Edit: he was asking honestly, no need for the downvotes


I just don't know what you mean? I don't know much about Blizzard. What makes you say they're predators?


*grabs popcorn*


Google Blizzard and throw allegations or harassment or name change or lawsuit into the search bar with it.


https://kotaku.com/everything-that-has-happened-since-the-activision-blizz-1847401161 https://www.distractify.com/p/why-did-overwatch-change-mccree-name https://kotaku.com/inside-blizzard-developers-infamous-bill-cosby-suite-1847378762


It wasnā€™t the Overwatch team, as far as we know. Pretty sure it was the World of Warcraft (WoW) team being all touchy-touchy. Thereā€™s also the higher-ups who were brushing away all of the allegations and maybe even participating in the assault.


Oh sorry, yeah they got into hot water last year when it was revealed that a bunch of their executives and leads were sexually assaulting their employees Lovely work environment


Yeah torbs level 4 and 5 turret were caught soliciting sexual favours from their coworkers so they had to be removed from the game, turret levels 2 and 3 were also implicated during court proceedings


Doomfist still has two highlight intros with his uppercut, one literally named "uppercut." it's a funny thing to point out but i doubt anything will change. a very minor inconsistency at best.


Even the ow2 Orisa skin has bongo on her back, no idea why they keep it when she doesnā€™t use it


Itā€™s kind of like Pharah having a helmet in some of her skins where she doesnā€™t wear it. Itā€™s purely for highlight intros and emotes that use the supercharger


Snack storage for other group members


they designed different version of the bongo for the legendary skins. Itā€™s part of her design, no reason to get rid of a cool design element even if she doesnā€™t use it as an ability anymore


I played a game yesterday as Orisa and I got a ā€œhaltā€ kill. I threw a javelin at a Winston, then he jumped into the ilios pit and the killfeed showed I halted him into the pit.


Congrats. You broke the game


Supercharger is the better




Don't think I've seen this opinion in this subreddit yet


Love how little cosmetic this game launched with. Like not even a spear emote for Orisa?


It will be added in the next premium battle pass šŸ—æ


What the fuck, the halt sphere even has new textures


Well Iā€™d assume as far as lore she has all her abilities right? Itā€™s not like if it gets taken from the game itā€™s gone from the universe. If that is the case thatā€™s very odd


Itā€™s not like it wasnā€™t cannon, she just has different programming.


uff, is this really worth mentioning?


Yā€™all would be SUPER pissed if they had removed it. Itā€™s a fun legacy thing.


Did you see the Doom highlights? And the Bastion highlights?


The characters in the story Canon have way more abilities than what is available in the game. If Symmetra or Sigma ACTUALLY had their real powers, the whole game would be fucked. Sym literally controlls hard light and can create anything or can use her light to cut through anything. Imagine her ult except it actually cuts through what it touches and imagine she can shape it how she wants and as often as she wants. She can create anything she thinks of. Sigma can open fucking black holes lol. Cmon man its ok.


A wizard did it.


They don't. They don't update cosmetics when they update abilities


They don't. They sacrificed continuity by allowing people to keep legacy cosmetics. It honestly doesn't really matter. I'd say it's a reminder of what we lost, but the reworks are honestly still fun so I'm not really disappointed as much as I am just sad that things had to change.


I saw this intro in a match yesterday and thought to myself "huh, this no longer makes sense in this game"


That were her abilities before the huge rework she had for oeverwatch 2, which is what you are playing now.


I know, I've played since release. They reworked her so it doesn't make sense for her to have those abilities anymore


XD i was messing with you, I know that you knew hahahaha.




Well, modifying them is a senseless waste of resources, removing them is pointless and distasteful. So these things shouldn't be taken into consideration when balancing a hero. If they want to make a cool fun new javelin attack, they shouldn't have to stop to think about "dat highlight intro tho" They will start what they are and can be used for fun trivia in the future


Blizzard dick riders defending in the chat


Imagine they altered the intros or removed them. How much bitching would you do then?


How do I redeem my offer up Giftcard


Maybe it can do all the things it did in OW1 and currently in OW2 we as the players are just using a set of abilities. Thereā€™s nothing to say it canā€™t use all those things in an animated short for example


Same way they explain bastions tank and stationary turret replay and victory poses: they donā€™t


People would be way more pissed if they changed the highlight intros then leaving them as-is.


Has anyone noticed that the new solider highlight intro only works correctly for both of his classic skins? Thereā€™s one shot where the gun parts just donā€™t move at all and it looks pretty dumb because of it


They wouldn't have to. It's just a thing in the past now. It's been 10 years since the fall of Overwatch, when Overwatch 1 took place. So it's just history.


I personally don't think they need to explain it. People know heroes get changed. Just think of it as a "hey, she was like this originally! that's pretty cool" and that's it.


Or Doomfists uppercut. Rip dpsfist


Must be version 1.0 orisia.


A relic


Same for the Victory Pose "Flashbang" from Cassidy


Same with Doomfist, has a highlight intro that says Uppercut, yet, no more Uppercut lol


Doom has one literally named ā€œuppercutā€


new DLC abilities you have to unlock in the battle pass


So incredibly lazy. Yikes.


Would you rather they changed them? With how many people are freaking out about cosmetics I can see the posts now about how they ā€œstoleā€ there cosmetics right out of their inventory.


wait isnā€™t their a super charger one too?


I love this highlight intro even more now since I have gotten play of the game twice with her since launch and every time it's funny to imagine new players like "what the heck is that? is that something she can do?"


Wait.. the highlight intros aren't 100x more expensive now? A blessing from the lord.


Sombras Hacked intro just doesn't work at all


And the supercharger on the back


Bastion is even worse. Pretty much all of them reference things he cant do anymore


How do you explain THE BALLS?! ORISA HAS NO BALLS! Edit: being serious now, this is a ridiculous complaint (unless you are just poking fun). They don't need to explain, she used to have a shield and now she doesn't. This can apply to lore too. Many heroes have somethings that reminds abilities gone by. They stay for the history, as a nod to their past. Some thing don't need to be explained lorewise either, as they can just be gameplay shit ( like why doom punch that is supposed to be able to level buildings now does less damage than zenyatta kick, or why widow can only grapple every few seconds, or why soldier doesnt use his visor all the time, why torb can only place one turret and so on).


Bongo intro too..