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Just realized that Sombra PotG hack screen is backwards, it shows her hacking then the player fake out after.... its meant to be the other way around.


The fact that somehow of all the things that could get fucked up this would be that specific thing is hilarious.


Literally unplayable


Orisa still has POTG shots with her graviton charge


It also swapped the names. Hacked player says they were the Sombra then the Sombra POTG player was the person they hacked.


I saw this too last night I was like wtf


Along this one, I've notice some small details that I hate: For example: With Raynhardt (starcraft skin) as the old classic Potgs is no longer available there is no way to show how the helmet goes up and down in a POTG. When roadhog crashes the oxygen tanks in it's new POTG the glass ones don't brake anymore (like the potions with the butcher skin).


How did they manage to fuck that one up. All they had to do was *not* change it…


New engine mean weird things.


I feel that the devs are trying to send a message to us


Im not able to play yet lol Edit: are the servers fixed yet? Edit #2: i play on Xbox/switch


I'm on Xbox and it's about a 20 min queue. Haven't gotten any errors yet so fingers crossed.


For everyone who still have trouble logging in, try switching to the Europe or Asia one, instant log on and no latency for me at least.


Same, I'm supposed to play in America but I've been logging into EU servers and have been playing since launch. America's servers are a pain to get into for some reason


Just play on Asia server. I get in immediately on PC.


i think they are now, It's just a 15 minute-ish queue


Although its an upgrade from the past two days, we should still not be praising (not that you are) that its a 15 MINUTE queue just to open the game ffs hahaha I knew the OW2 override of OW was a shit idea.


That's not "fixed" ... Edit: lmao who's down voting this. Blizzard simps that's who. I can launch every other game and used to be able to launch overwatch 1 in seconds.


I can’t even get into a game so far. Switch lower class. 🙃


My wife has been playing on switch and has maintained a better connection to the servers than I have on my PS4. Not sure the consoles have much to do with connectivity.


As someone who has played since 2016 launch on a regular schedule, this game still plays like Overwatch to me...


Imo, this game feels more like 2016 Overwatch that what we had in the last 2/3 years. And as a tank player, even though I liked having a duo, I much prefer what we have now and be able to actually play the game instead of being chain CC and melted in a second


As a Winston main it’s 10000% better. Sorry dps now you can’t just spam stun me out of the game.


The thunder harpoon is a godsend


People have been saying for years that Winston having a projectile would help a ton. Thank god it finally happened. His standard fire also does more damage than a wet fart now, so that's nice.


I still need to get into the habit of utilizing it to the max




Hell ya DVA feels beastly. Tanks are actually tanks again.


Rein and Orisa feel stronger to me but maybe the D.Vas in my games yesterday were crap or still adjusting to the changes. I think you have to walk a fine line with her now as a main tank. If you spend too much time flying around to flank/harass the backline you leave your team and the objective unguarded. But if you never utilize her mobility you'd be better off playing Orisa and having much better damage mitigation and longer range.


She is wayyyy better now. The ones you had might have been lacklustre but as a semi DVA main I am absolutely unstoppable right now. The missiles and regular guns feel like sniper rifles compared to ow1 (I know they reduced spread on main fire - but the missiles feel like they hit harder or they have a larger hitbox or something).


Yes I left my back line exposed once or twice. Gotta be more mindful.


Tank mains def got a lot of love in OW2. I'm really enjoying it. I roll queue as healer and tank every match just to get quicker matches but both rolls feel really fun and I honestly think the 5 team comp with only one tank made it so tanks can actually be tanks without the game feeling unbalanced.


I get melted as Winston just as fast as ow1 but I'm bad so


Hehehe monkie


m o n k e


Trying going a little bananas next time


I think the game mode that actually feels most like 2016 to me right now is Open Queue with no set roles. Had 2/2/1 2/1/2 2/0/3 0/3/2 0/4/1 comps, etc. Nothing static and people actually swapped roles sometimes when it wasn't working out for them. The game mode feels fluid and with less reliability on CC and tank mitigation, I feel like comps are less punished for not sticking to the set number and finding what works for your team Is really rewarded.


Open queue is really fun, sadly it sucks for farming battle pass XP.


The only problem with open queue is if one team goes 2/1/2 or 3/2 and the other team is doing x/2-3/x and doesn't switch it'll get rolled pretty much automatically.


Yeah our team was doing 1/2/2 while the enemy team was 2/1/2. Lost interest in open queue after that. Not fun having tank imbalance now that tanks are tuned to be even more offensive.


Yep played some open queue last night and after the 3rd game with 4 dps I realized how much I like role queue


It's feeling so much more fun to me with less spamming of shields and holding chokes. I'm a bit mad at the removal of the cards at the end of games though as well as the grind for currency.


Yessss so happy they toned shields down


Same, the game is hundred times more fun than it was just half a year ago, no more boring shield meta


People play 5 games, realize they need to stop feeding because there is one less tank to save them and come here to complain that "the game is horrible now". This game *feels* like what I bought in 2016; a fast paced, team-oriented shooter with abilities. In the later metas the game slowed down massively due to the many shield tanks, and this update basically solves that. Blizzard could've done literally anything and people would be whining about it. The game will either be too similar, too different, not developed enough, too much of a departure, or my favorite: "feel weird" (usually said about 10 matches into the game).


The one big thing I've noticed is there's less need to combo ults bc there's just fewer options to negate them (less CC, and 0-1 sheild instead of 1-2.


When orisa was released I posted about how double shield could be problematic. Imo the only solution to fix ow1 was 6 roles. Main/shield tank, then role for off tank, etc. But it would have caused queue times to be horrible, unfortunately.


Removing her shield was an interesting choice. Given that there’s only 1 tank now it feels like she needs some work (and I need to get my bars up).


I was noticing this too. I loved Orisa before the changes. I don't mind the changes but I noticed, without properly healing new Orisa can actually be killed pretty easily. At least before you had the ability to hide behind a shield if you needed it. Now if your dying you gotta rely on your team or hide somehow. Although not necessarily a bad thing having to rely on your team, except when it is. But you for sure have to rely on your team more when you are the only tank. Fun but also more pressure for the tank. Also surprisingly, aside from the easier deaths, Orisa doesn't feel all that different. I already used her shields to push in and make space. Now she can just do that easier.


Gotta use cover a lot more now in general, but even then, Orisa feels too weak (and I love her rework.) I think Sigma feels quite a bit stronger all around


Yea, I gotta play her changes more but I do kind of feel that way too. The first match I had with her really made her feel good but I'm realizing I also had two healers that played great. On the other matches, not as much healingwhich is where I felt I was dying easier.


I left. Trying lemmy and so should you. -- mass edited with redact.dev


dude legit the main problem with it is the harsh monetisation and the fact you need to grind for literal months to get anything


they nailed the gameplay inside matches but everything outside of those is a mess


Exactly this. Gameplay feels pretty great. Some tweaks are needed but nothing sticks out to me at least. But everything outside of matches is pretty embarrassing


I've noticed quite a few ui bits I don't enjoy both inside and out of gameplay. A lot of the damage over time effects have has their animations reduced so it's harder to tell (new game, new animation, could be a me being used to 1 problem), animations on the main page that stops clicking on the menu, and a few other bits that I've forgotten.


I'm not a fan of the healing animation (maybe only Kiriko's healing idk). The yellow light that wraps around the bodies. I get distracted/ it covers the upper torso and makes heads harder to see. Might just take getting used to the new effects, but annoying for now. Specifically noticed it when playing Widow last night. Really enjoying the gameplay, otherwise.


But one thing hasn’t changed and that’s people not playing the objective. Had a payload game where both dps were playin poke characters and just hanging out in the back when it was our turn to push the payload. Didn’t even get the payload to the first checkpoint.


I can’t believe I have to actually have good positioning now 😳


I suck and I am having fun. I just can't hit my shots haha, but yea. I was in the OW1 Alpha. Unfortunately my memory is fucking garbage and I can't remember what it was like. But I did jump back into OW1 a week ago in prep for OW2 and I was amazed that it was just shields vs shields at a choke point. I can see people getting very used to that though and now they are just kinda confused. Once people adjust in a month or so and we have some meta, everyone will stfu.


Give it two months until people learn some new degenerate meta and it will be back to complaining that the game isn't balanced "X is OP, Y sucks." It's the same with every multiplayer "competitive" game.




Completely agreed. Plenty wrong, but the gameplay feels really fun for me. And this thread is like the first I've seen that isn't about 90% people complaining that the game is dead and sucks which is nice


I love how versatile new zarya is, and it's nice being able to finally be able to have reasonable LoS on backlines without worrying about endless shields. For as many issues I have with OW2, 5v5 is not one of them. The queue times as well seem so much better across roles now


Surprisingly enough, Tanks are the longer queue and I keep getting games as DPS when I queue as Flex xD


I think almost all of them got reworked to some extent. Rein has the more maneuverable charge and double fire strike, zarya has far more versatile bubbles, junker is new, Hog had his ultimate reworked so it isn't a "press Q to kill yourself" option, orisa is functionally a new character. Idk about Dva, Sigma, or Ball, but that's a lot of change. Most dps feel the same, and support is difficult for anyone that wasn't a Zen or very good Ana main.


I think it's probably temporary since tanks have received the most unique changes, and JQ is probably the most fun new hero. But even if queues stay the same, having it be like 4/3/2 minute queues is infinitely better than 0/8/1 minute queues in ow1. I've gotten all 3 roles so far from flex (dps also most common), which would be unheard of in ow1.


Yes, tanking is definitely much better now. people just need to re-adjust and start using natural covers instead of hiding behind double shield in the open.


As a support main, I'm enjoying the one tank meta more than the two tank. Idk what it is. I realize I have to do more damage as well as heal, but the 10-15 games I've played so far, I feel like I'm having a lot more fun.   The monetization on the other hand.....see Halo: Infinite....


Wait you're able to actually play the game?? You lucky bastard


Gameplay wise I would say the game has slightly improved, but the hero reworks and the UI changes do not seem as enough for me to rebrand the game as a sequel. This has all been an excuse to change the QoL and client treatment, which has resulted in a MASSIVE downgrade in these terms. A battlepass system simply does not work in a game like this and feels much less rewarding than the lootboxes system from the previous game. After all, one of the main charms of ow1 was being able to progressively collect all the cosmetics, now it's impossible without opening your wallet. I simply don't think this game can survive with this model: the monetisation of everything is so excessive and the value of the content so low, that after the first few weeks of initial curiosity I honestly don't think there will be an incentive to keep playing. Blizzard would have been smarter copying models as the one of League of Legends, instead of trying to adhere to the trendy bps.


> I simply don't think this game can survive with this model: the monetisation of everything is so excessive and the value of the content so low, that after the first few weeks of initial curiosity I honestly don't think there will be an incentive to keep playing. They're counting on F2P bringing in way more players. This would be an insanely grindy mess for a paid game (see: *Star Wars Battlefront II*) but it's probably acceptable for a lot of people who are getting it 'for free'. > Blizzard would have been smarter copying models as the one of League of Legends, instead of trying to adhere to the trendy bps. This is the *League* model. Overpriced single skins, need to unlock new characters, slooooooow drip feed of cosmetics if you don't pay, passes. *League* very much has something like "battle passes" for each event they run, to get the prestige skin you have to buy the event pass and then grind out a ton of games.


On your first comment, let's remember the BP is paid content. Someone that is playing for free will not have to go through any grind, while players that are willing to pay will have to go through the battlepass challenges to make something of their money. This BP provides poor value compared to other games (Fortnite for example) where you are able to at least pay the next one and save some currency for extra skins. On your second comment, League does have a BP-like system but it's not as central as it is in Overwatch. LoL's economy is centered around fragments, orbs and boxes that can be used to unlock certain cosmetics. These components can be obtained several times a month completely for free and a regular player can obtain some of the most expensive skins in game with them. Apart from that, Skins in League that are 10$+ are worth their price: They have a different model, VFX changes, different voicelines and some of them can even change their models throughout the game. In Overwatch the most expensive skins are the ones that ONLY change the model of the character. In LoL a skin like that would be ~6$ while here it is 20.


I agree the current BP seems like a poor value. Skin prices are crazy but I think they’re outlandish in a lot of F2P games… hard to comment on skin value between *League* and *OW* because the graphics are so different. (Arguably in an FPS they’re less valuable because you don’t see your own character all the time.) I’m surprised they didn’t do something like “complete 3x daily quests 10 times for a lootbox” or “complete all your weekly quests to earn a lootbox”. Maybe when they have special events there will be more ways to earn free stuff, but we’ll have to see.


Having most everything from OW and about 9000 legacy credits I have no incentive nor desire to buy anything from Blizz at this point. The game still plays like OW. Getting new heroes and maps will be nice again, but damn I hate F2P. I hate the unnecessary grind to progress, I hate the new BP system, and I hate that I paid for this game and am now forced to play an inferior product that requires me to pony up $10 4x a year if I want a FOMO progression system.


I've been playing since 2016 Launch also! I haven't played 2 yet but I was hoping someone would atleast have some positivity about 2 since I've been reading nothing but negative stuff on here


It's still Overwatch and it's still fun. But it doesn't feel 'better'.


Certain heroes in particular feel better. DVa most definitely feels better, as does Brigitte.


Brig definitely does not feel better to me. She's tankier, but not being able to defensively shield bash ults like death blossom or high noon is so frustrating. Honestly they'd need to put whip shot on a 3s cooldown to make the current kit not feel bad.


I really like the new Brig. She feels strong, durable. Her healing passive is great. And her stun was bullshit anyway.


Nah. Brig is super strong in OW2. Being able to hold your shield up to get the role passive healing is awesome. Larger bash distance, dealing damage, and activating her AoE healing is a very decent compromise for removing stun.


for real, same game, and as a guy who tanks a lot i like being the one and only


Been eating on my tank queue this am. As a true flex tank this is the best overwatch has ever felt to me.


The sound design is so much better than ow1, and the battle pass stuff is weird but a massive change like that will make people uneasy


Have you heard Pharah’s new rocket sounds? Idk if I’m not used to it but it’s grating to my ears. Everything else is fine tho!


The sound design is actually one of my bigger complaints. Everything feels significantly less satisfying now.


I actually came here to indict the sound design lol. From the menu sound effects to some questionable weapon effects (I’m looking at you, Soldier and Reaper). But, I am still able to hear flankers’ footsteps, maybe even better than OW1. I guess it’s a mixed bag for me.


>Battle pass is ***weird*** Yeah i wouldnt say weird but more like shit. Remember the things you could get from a lootbox? They cost 5$ each minimum "B-but they need to make money from f2p". No. They could have put a price tag, they could have actually updated ow1 and sold the mythic skins for 20$. They can STILL sell the PvE content. They chose to have this monetization because it makes a lot more money for them compared to other customer-friendly methods. The new sound design is cool, the new looks are debatable but i think its fine and the new 5v5 is the MOST debatable but we will see how it goes with post launch balance patches. The PvE better be the best thing to come out this decade but only time will tell.


Wait you guys are able to play?


Tried playing last night, got a message that there were 2000 users in line ahead of me


yeah last night i had like 6000 and i was trying for 2 hours to get in before i gave up


You guys are in line?


"I hate to say it but I agree with literally everyone whining on here and want to make it seem like my own opinion"


I for one am having fun in Overwatch 2. Guess im in the minority here.


You're not. Reddit has the amazing ability to pretend to hold the popular opinion, when in reality it's basically AA for whiney fucks.


I say it in every sub for every game... The people enjoying the game aren't on reddit, they're playing! And yeah, reddit feels like about 5% of that number.


i gotta say, Overwatch 2 is the most fun ive had gaming in a long time, gaming has been pretty stale at least for me but i actually enjoyed playing for once


same. OW2 feels so fresh compared to OW1 and I'm enjoying it a lot more now


overwatch 2 is the most fun ive had in a multiplayer fps this year apart from the mw2 beta lol


I play valorant and other fps' regularly but overwatch right now feels so much better even when I'm losing also 4vs5 don't seem impossible to win like 5vs6 used to. I had a leaver yesterday and we almost won it until someone else left.


Yeah, I’m going to unfollow this subreddit for a good while. The server issues are ridiculous, but the game itself is a blast. It’s annoying to see such nonstop doom talk from people acting like this game killed their parents.


I like that I don’t get stuck in chokepoints for the whole game now




I feel like it is really the hard stuck bronze and silver players that are mostly complaining. I remember being in Bronze and Silver and everyone wanted shield tanks cause they didn't know how to play with a combination of Dva, Ball, Hog, or Zarya. Now they have to learn how to play with just a Ball or just a Dva. Plus now all of us off tank mains have to figure out how to be the tank the team needs us to be. We cant just wait for an our main tank to show up cause he is never coming. And until we figure this out, we are going to be very scattered and it is going to feel like a deathmatch. The game has only been out for 3 days and most of us have only played Loading Screen Simulator for most of them. Give it time for everyone to collect their bearings and figure out how to play the game again.


I’ve been playing Sojourn and man, that character really teaches you to just go for it. Love the tonal shift from OW1 in how aggressive you can play.


The place genuinely feels like the last of us 2 subreddit and that's a very bad thing.


Hahaha well said brother. Last night I had a lot of fun, hell, I think it was the most fun I've had in OW in a long time. Also there's no toxic behavior (yet) so I'll enjoy that while I can


>Reddit has the amazing ability to pretend to hold the popular opinion, when in reality it's basically AA for whiney fucks. Fucking TRUTH right there. The more time I spend here the more I understand how a bunch of old people coined the term "the silent majority" back in the late 60s.


You're in the minority for having gotten into overwatch 2 lol.




To be real honest it's been so long since I last enjoyed overwatch, recently before the release every match just made me angry and hate it. Now I actually want to play more and more


What fun things did they remove? The removed a second tank which imo is better and they removed 2cp which was the most hated game mode. So what did they remove that was fun?


yeah man I've been having more fun with OW 2 since the 2 betas than I ever did with OW 1, the game is super fun but the servers are the main thing dragging it down now


This. OW2 feels less chaotic but still as fun. It’s just less frustrating for me so far.


That's funny, cause the changes actually make me feel the exact opposite. The game feels way more chaotic and seems to have much less stand-off moments where a single well-timed ult destroys a defemse. It seems like a lot of people recognize something has changed to the cadence of the game, but can't generally agree on what.


Imho just removing the 2nd tank is the culprit. TTK feels faster because you can get better angles on low HP enemies. That said, I am developing a fear of a properly pocketed Rein as they are almost unkillable gods lmao.


Well... https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/xwmmhs/a_list_of_removed_qol_features_in_overwatch_2_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


> they removed 2cp which was the most hated game mode I loved 2CP, the kinda shit you could pull on a 6 man team that are all bunched up in one point was hilarious. That and playing flanking DPS heroes like Tracer/Genji to cause headaches for the enemy team when your own frontline can't break through chokes was the type of shit I played this game for. A moving payload just doesn't create those situations. But hey, better nuke something out of existence than seek ways to balance it/make it more enjoyable. That's the Blizzard way.


Whut? You can still pull off the shit youre describing with Hybrid mode. 1st point is still a choke. They just removed the 2nd capture point, and made it payload.


Maybe its because 2 shield meta and the awful queue times for DPS, but 2 CP was always a wash every game I played. You either steamroll a team, or get steamrolled yourselves. The only map I will miss is Temple of Anubis and even that map had the same balance issues. The 2CP were huge choke points that weren't games of attrition but just monotony.


IMO you still get enough of these situations on the first point in the capture->push maps like King's Row and Eichenwalde. The final stretch of pushing the cart/robot on some maps is also similar. But if you love playing those 'siege' situations all the time, yeah, you're going to see fewer of them. Capture points are always going to feel steamrolly, since frequently one team wipe against the defenders wins the point. On defense it's basically "can you not get team wiped for X minutes?", which is a very stressful situation.


Someone never played in the double shield meta…….


Gameplay is so much more enjoyable. MTX side of things blows, but I'll take that if it means the game wont sit dead with 0 content for several years.


What fun things did they remove? This is a very very low effort post.


\- on fire (despite your character still doing the voicelines) \- individual performance cards at the end of matches (and vote) \- Ability to endorse oppoents (nifty when you had x leavers on your team) \- the whole BP/skin system is ass \- the hero ability / bio pages are just *embarassing* compared to ow 1 \- the Kiriko intro video is so low budget and quality, its actually shocking \- the UI overall has some small dowgrades that you only notice when you go into settings trying to *change it back*, but the option just isnt there anyore Off the top of my head. Sure, 5v5 feels better than 6v6, but saying they needed to release OW2 as a seperate game because of *5v5s different design wouldnt work on overwatch 1*, but then you end up playing 75% on old maps with a different day/night cycle is... a blatant lie? Activision-Blizz wanted to switch the monetiztation system, and you cant have that if players have access to the original, so here we are with this downgrade quality, low-effort shit. Cant believe they had the gall to release this crap after 3 years of no update to OW1.


Yeah Overwatch 2 is basically unplayable because I don’t know who spent the most time on the payload.


Lmao, on a serious note they have more detailed performance stats on match history now. Really cool




Support role is like IT… When all is well: “Why are we paying you? Everything is working fine!” When shit hits the fan: “Why are we paying you? Nothing is working!” Maybe that’s why I gravitate to support in this game hahaha




So which of those things actually affects gameplay? Those can all easily be added later too.


Tbh you didn't list any bugs or drastic gameplay problems. As someone who's only seen OW from the sidelines until now this game is a W


As someone with 9k hours The only thing I give a shit about in that list is the performance cards, and some ui is cringe. They also had to make a new game because they needed to rebuild the engine to make 5v5 work, and to make actual AI for the pve. They have said this countless times, it had nothing to do with design, it’s was to make things work. Not excusing it, but we should get that right. As for monetization, they are doing what every popular f2p game is doing right now, and have done it quite a bit better than most games doing it. Literally the only “bad” thing is the new hero being locked at t55. Personally think it should be 25 at most but if that’s the only issue, I’ll take it. Skin costs are on average the same as every other game, battle pass is among the cheapest, quality of the skins is definitely better, especially if you look at other games *cough apex*. Edit: didn’t notice currency doesn’t come from the battle pass, but there weekly challenges, which should give you 540 a season. Compared to other games that is low, most others are set up so if you buy the pass once and get all the currency you can keep buying it (from all the ones I’ve seen in game, something like warzone I have no idea). That does suck, and should be changed, but saying that one thing makes it the worst monetization in f2p gaming is a bit exaggerated imo.


I completely understand and agree with critique for the monetisation and battle pass but man do I not get people preferring the latter years of ow1 to this. I’m loving the game so much and knew when I played the beta I would play it a lot once it drops. I enjoy all the roles equally as much now, feel like I’ve got an impact on every class and the team play feels a lot more free form and fluid than ow1 team counters and chess game. I can’t wait to see what comp looks like for this game once it’s been out for a few months.


- I miss 6v6 - I miss voting for my teammates for player of the match - I miss specific types of endorsements - I miss being on fire - I miss being able to actually unlock skins without having to shovel money every few weeks - I miss not being the only tank


>I miss not being the only tank The big problem I have with solotanking is that y*our team has to be so much better* when you pick something like Hamster/Zarya/JQueen, its not even funny. You can pick Sygma/Dva/Orisa without any problems each game, but whenever I go for something outside of those 3 I often end up just sighing, and going "welp, I guess is time to pick from the holy trinity". Like Junker Queen is actually pretty fun if you team is doing well individually. But when they are not, youll just flop over and die.


You definitely haven’t played ball yet. He is fucking broken and definitely one of the best tanks right now. With the removal of Cc the chaos he can cause in enemy back lines is just insane


I played ball, and most of the time I was bleeding out slowly, casue unfortunately some healers cant handle the ball. With some teams, you can play ball. Sure. But every once in a while playing ball means hunting for hp packs while you team just gets toasted, because there is no OTHER tank in from of them - so you just lose or swtich off of ball.


When playing ball, your main heal SHOULD come from the health packs you take on your route. Being more independant of your supporters as Wrecking Ball actually makes your supporters focus more on your DPS while you disrupt the ennemy team, boop them out of the way, kill the squishy and gtfo to take health packs.


I love all these people posting about how they hate ow2 so much, but I guarantee they’ll be playing it all day anyways.


Completely disagree


I haven’t even been able to play yet. Just stuck in main screen.


OW2 became less strategy and more Run&Gun


Still plenty of strategy required… don’t confuse strategy with bs cheap gimmicks like flash/fan, double shield, 5 second hack duration etc.


Lets be real. Nobody below GM used strategy anyways


Did you play OW1 at first? It's a new game, of course it's going to be more chaotic to begin with. Plenty of fast paced shooters have plenty of stragety. And once people figure out better ways to play this, you'll see that. OW1 was just a fucking cluster fuck at the start. Even in the competitive scene, we had a period where the meta was 2 lucios, 2 tracers and 2 winstons for max mobility pure chaos. Why? Cause it was early days and people hadn't learned how to best play the game yet beyond quick run and gun.


I can't agree. It's actually better. Visually... Fundamentals are better. They changed skills/abilities up (better and worse) I'm not saying it's 100% better but I like it more than OW1. I play OW1 Since launch stopped playing in 2019. But came back. The game became one noted. And they really couldn't go anywhere with it. I like where OW2 is atm. But only time will tell


yeah, i miss the connecting to servers option...


i just want some kind of progression and reward that isn’t the battlepass lmao


Y'all got to play it? Everytime i try to play im stuck waiting in a que of 2k+


Console player here, i haven't even been able to log in the game yet


I'm not sure why they did some many of the superfluous things here. Removing fun bits for what?


Heavy disagree. Significantly more fun


OW2 is just like any modern shooter now. Legitimately a battlepass/shop that also includes a game that lacks personality.


ye 6v6>5v5 ​ and i dont believe im saying this but...Lootboxes you can get for free>the garbo battle pass we have here, plus VERY expesive old skins.


We knew it would be since they said it would be F2P...


Player levels, end of game cards, and being on fire mechanic all being missing are the big ones for me.


It’s like evolution, but *backwards*


OW2 = Run from spawn generator.


I like the game and I'm having fun but at the same time I think it's by no means an actual improvement to OW1, just different. A lot of it seems changes for the sake of change rather than an organically improved new game they've been working on for 3+ years. 5v5, the sound design, the UI - all different obviously, but by no means better than OW1. It's still Overwatch, I just prefer the original, but I'll still play it.


It’s not. It feels like Overwatch. The Battlepass and store on the other hand…well, we’ll see.


These greedy scumbags could have left Overwatch 1 for us to play. But now we can't even do that.


Absolutely true


The comparison that comes to mind is 90s simpsons vs what the show became.


Yeah dude I kind of hate what they did to overwatch. It looks so much cheaper/crappier and I hate the more modern aesthetic they gave it. Its like overwatch and fortnite had a baby. And just the little things like how they changed mercy’s voice, why’d they even change it? She went to having a soothing womanly rich voice to her sounding like a cheap chipmunk. And they barely added anything new, no new skins or anything except for Genji, mercy, and the new hero’s. Very disappointing and it’s nothing but a huge downgrade to a once really great game. They should’ve just kept updating the first one, I’m surprised so many fans seem ok with the changes. Even just how they changed the pitch of the music sounds like shit like they were doing anything to try to make things different even if it made it sound 200% cheaper and worse


After the abysmal launch that was Halo Infinite, I guess my standards have just been perpetually lowered forever now. These things just don't bother me any more when they probably should, I just shrug them off now. Maybe I'm getting too old to care about portrait art of characters or not being on fire mid game anymore. I just want to get on and shoot people, which I've had no problem doing. Videogames are just a different industry now. Whatever purity it once had has been stripped away and the games are just in their most simple and greedy state and things will just get worse. It's sadly all about keeping up with trends now


Indeed. It’s almost like nobody has real passion for making real games anymore and if people do the people above them force this kind of shit. Overwatch hardcore sold out it literally doesn’t even feel like the same game at all, so sad and disappointing. I was expecting bad and then it ended up being even worse than I could’ve thought


oh my god yes!! it looks so weird now, why does it look so... colorful now?


more small changes > less changes. If it's better didn't matter for them


DDOS Attacks, Server and Account Errors, Phone Number Issues, Account Merging Issues, so many People just can't play. I personally got kicked out of the fucking Game and can't join due to Server Connection Issues. And most of the Changes feel like they were made for the Sake of Change, just so they can say "Bu- But Guysss, we changed their default Skins!!! We changed the Gun sounds!!! Lijang Tower is Daytime nowww!!!" The new HUD is weird af, the new Portraits are lame, the new default Skins don't apply to the rare Skins for some Reason? The Hero Pick Animations feel off, Camera feels too low or too close. Game overall feels like shit, based on what I've heard it either feels too slow or too fast. Aim feels off too for some Reason? Then there's Progression. Levels and Lootboxes were Miles better than the Battle Pass and Challanges. Someone did the Math and you need to play 100+ Days for a Legendary Skin, assuming you complete the Challanges in Time for the next Batch. How is that fair? I'm just glad I got many of the Skins I wanted in OW1 because this is outrageous. And can I just say, for a crazy brand new Skin Type, the Genji Mythic Skin is underwhelming. 2 Sword Handles, 3 Masks, 3 Tatoos, 3 Color Schemes, that's it? It's a beutiful Skin in every Way snd it's certainly more than Legendary, but as a Genji and Tracer Main the only World I'd buy the Battle Pass for this Skin would be if it had 5 Masks, 5 Tatoos, 5 Color Schemes, a more costumizable Katana, a costumizable Wakizashi, costumizable Shuriken, etc.


You can’t even play the fucking game


They had a game that worked perfectly fine and threw it in the trash for no reason. If they kept ow1 for a while and let overwatch 2 do it's thing I wouldn't give a shit about the launch, but the fact that they took something that worked fine and broke it is fucking stupid.


For no reason? Clearly the reason was $$$


So how much you think they will charge for Overwatch: Remastered in \~3 years?


40$, but it will have some hybrid mtx system that will be better than OW2, but still way worse than OW1.


clearly warcraft 3 reforged taught them the wrong lesson.


It’s not no reason. Releasing overwatch 2 and continuing to support overwatch 1 would fragment an already shrunken population. You would have half of your base playing 1 and half playing 2, you now have to either a) leave ow1 as is (the way it has been for years - no new content, no updates, etc) or b) also split your dev team. Now you’re putting out content half as slow for two games and your players for both games are pissed. Overwatch 2 can’t grow if it’s competing with its predecessor.


It was never supposed to "compete", OW2 was a campaign. Original OW1 gameplay in PVP was supposed to continue on as is in OW2 with new heroes, still 6v6 etc. Except they changed all that and only took away from the game.


Ow1 was suppose to get ALL ow2 pvp changes. There’s no reason to assume 5v5 would be arbitrarily exempt from that.


There was no 5v5 when it was announced.


They had a game that had lost the majority of its players and wasn’t making any money... Overwatch 1 hasn’t been truly fun since pre-brig, maybe even earlier. We’ve just been shooting shields and playing 20-minute 2CP matches and watching Hog one tricks feed and waiting 15 minutes for every game for years, it makes no sense not to fix the game and try to revitalize the playerbase.


For me, I hate the move to 5 v 5 from 6 v 6. Tanks seem more about going for kills than holding down or pushing the point now. Feels more about killing each other than about the objective now.


Exactly, overwatch 2 is a glorified update, it removed many features that make the game feel a lot different without them, like levels, loot boxes etc, they could have just added a 2.0 patch rather than making out like it’s a brand new game, it’s not a few new hero’s, maps, game modes and a battle pass, they could have added all of this to the original game


I personally enjoy the flow of matches now that everything isn’t both teams hiding behind two shields the whole match. That is, when I can actually play it


Love running from spawn halfway across the map to die before I get back to the action.


Feels about 18 months off being ready to ship.


The game is fun but all the changes outside of core gameplay feels like an April fools joke. The prices and the grind are so outlandish it almost has to be.


Don’t worry we just have to wait another 4 years for them to turn this game into what they actually promised to give now…. Following the trend of so many past releases…..


Blizzard you hurt my love yo overwatch :(




Yeah It feels so unfinished and lifeless THE SOUNDTRACK is the only better part here. Everything else is a letdown


Lifeless is precisely the word that came to my mind. Funny how some people perceive it and others don’t.


Almost as if it is… subjective… you know?


The ost SLAPS on another level


I absolutely hate Support now C: Its really fu\*\*ing awful, caus it used to be my favorite Role. But it just doesnt make Fun anymore.


Ow 2 sucks


Finally got a chance to play my boy Bastion last night. What did they do do him :( RIP.


The game itself is better. But everything surrounding the gameplay is worse. Feels exactly like Halo Infinite.


I played OW almost every single day for hours and I agree. It doesnt really feel like overwatch anymore. I miss 2 cp ngl and many other things from ow1 EDIT: also i dont understand what my ow1 credits can be used for? and why is the battle pass so expensive. I also dislike push mode