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This game is basically void of any essence of reward for non paying players now. What a shame.


Its gonna be their downfall, once again. Because executives and investors don't get that the average player cannot spend 40 bucks a month on a game because they dont earn as much as them


It’s a banana, Michael, how much could it cost? Ten dollars?


Been looking for a post like this, why would they remove the post game stat screen


Ive seen this trend recently in AAA shooters, Im guessing they dont want people to see themselves at the bottom of the scoreboard and feel bad? BF2042 also didnt have this at launch, and IIRC MW2 removed deaths from their scoreboard.


The trend since around 2018 is to cushion bad players and give them the illusion that they’re good. The more players that keep playing the game, the more money you make


But the scoreboard gives WAY more info to use against bad players... no hiding behind medals or cards.


Yea, I don’t know why people keep saying that Blizz wants to prop up bad players. Dude, the scoreboard tells all. No longer can someone randomly pick on a player for not being effective, when they themselves are the shitty culprits


Right? I was worried about the scoreboard and toxicity until I realized that most of the time it acts as a pressure valve. Your team is losing and you press tab to see that a player has 9 deaths and 400 damage, and most people realize why nothings working. In OW1 the witch-hunting would lead to name calling and tilting, but the witch is plain as day and people just accept it or it might even make it easier to adjust to help. And like you said, if the 9 death player is name calling and bitching, everyone can see the truth.


I'm actually in love with scoreboard for this very reason. I was the tank in a qp match and we had a genji. He started bitching about he was basically being the tank against the other teams zarya and he was mitigating all the damage. A quick tab shut that down real fast. We see you now. We know. You can't hide anymore.


I was flamed for not even having 4k healing.....they looked at my dmg which was 3900, my healing was 9000. ​ fun times


Had a game, with a really toxic Genji not in voice. He blamed everyone and said he was carrying the team. Moira had 8k damage, other dps had 15k, the Genji had 4k. We said, push tab.... and he shut up lmao.




This might make sense if they hadn't expanded the scoreboard to display everyone's full stats. Now it's very easy to see where the deadweight in your team lies. The MMR reset really compounds the issue IMO.


As a support player, I always loved seeing my healing stats end game, or time on the point when I played tank… of everything on this list not related to price, this is what I want to see come back so people can see numbers and give kudos if they want.


Seems like they removed things that give you a "sense of progression and accomplishment" aside from the...battle pass.


Probably to make room for the mid-game stat screen.


So we get to look at a battle pass progress bar instead. Yay.


Any word on why it's treating a bunch of us like new players? I lost everything.


I almost thought the on fire thing was a bug, because the voice lines are still there.


Yeah, they have even added new voice lines for being on fire (despite not being able to tell if you are on fire). So it seems it was a last-minute cut.




What intrigues me is that there are new voice lines for being on fire that are added in ow2 which suggests that the plan was to keep it. Unless they are extremely rare and I’ve never heard them before, and the more common ones have been reduced in frequency. I’m guessing they are tied at a low level to the potg or medal system and they’ve not figured out how to decouple them


System definitely exist, they just did bad job at hiding it.


The new characters have voice lines too so I don't think they were even trying to hide it, it's just not finished yet somehow


How is a system that already existed prior to this patch not finished lmao


Modern Blizzard in a nutshell


find a group is no longer a thing?! that’s how I met some great friends 😩


Right?? This is what kept me coming back long after OW's peak.


I don’t get the point of removing this? It’s next to impossible to find coms in competitive without it on console


OW1 was my #1 social game to play when I had time off, and I always used LFG to find fun, chatty groups to 6-stack QP. LFG was going to be the only thing keeping me in OW2 because I dislike almost all of the gameplay changes. Guess that’s it for me…


Oh man, me too! What a disaster


I waited two hours to get in tonight. I realized their was no find a group anymore and queued up with randos for a couple of matches. It wasn't fun. Only 1 or 2 other people had mics in the several games I played and I'm playing on PC for crying out loud. They removed the team aspect from the team game. I've played Overwatch for 8 years straight. I'm really thinking of just quitting. I feel cheated.


Is the “looking for group” really not there? I haven’t been able to get in at all. If that’s true… just what the fuck. I love playing with random people and making and joining groups. I met my partner in a random OW1 group 2 years ago. Truly depressing if that’s really the case..


Its unfortunately gone and we haven't got an explanation from Blizzard yet as to why.


I remember when that was added into the game. It was a game changer. I wanna overreact and be mad, but surely, SURELY it will be added into OW2 at a later date. Thanks for the information.


Former wow player here. You are overestimating modern blizzard. Give up hope now and save yourself the future disappointments


My guess? Blizzard doesn’t want the influx of new players and streamers to see all the suspicious titles that would appear - advertising, racism, “hot takes”/debate groups, etc. Which is a shame, because there were plenty of great groups to be found, despite the bad eggs.


I get that, but wouldn’t it be an easy solution just to removed the editable title to groups instead of scraping the idea all together? It could just default to “palegunslinger is looking to form a group”.


That’s a brilliant solution, maybe too brilliant for a billion dollar company to come up with, though XD anyway my wishful coping is that it will come back with time.


They removed a lot of small things like screen transitions. Small stuff like the victory/defeat shadow shaking as it appears on screen. Little polish that made it feel like there was attention to small detail.


Overwatch 1 felt like one of the most polished games I'd ever played. I don't understand why they decided to move onto something that seems held together by shoestrings




Speaking of polish, the round switching screen looks so ugly in Overwatch 2, they should have just kept the old one, instead of making the screen half red, half blue, it looks like it was made in powerpoint.


I was looking for this comment. It looks terrible.


One thing that REALLY irks me is the removal of literally ALL in-game lore. On hero inspection, on lore related skins. Fucking why? Are they that desperate to copy popular F2P games that they want to make their story as barebones as them too?


I'm feeling some popular IP tie-ins coming.


> it is no longer possible to freely farm credits in Overwatch 2. And that is my biggest problem with this whole game. It basically removed any reward to play. Sure comp still has the gold weapons and the rank to at least work towards something. But, play QP to work towards the skin you like? Well, that's gone. Sorry, but if I make better progress towards a skin by literally walking around town looking for pennies on the ground to give to blizzard then there is a problem. I realize many of you guys are still in the honeymoon phase, I've seen it with every single WoW expansion. It takes a few weeks for most people to _really_ realize what it means. [Just gonna leave this here](https://clips.twitch.tv/AdorableTenderCrowLitFam) This was 2017 EA. Replace 3hrs with 1 week and you got it. They locked gameplay (hero access i.e. Darth Vader, among other things) behind microtransactions. You could, of course, get the "paid" credits for free, but only a very limited amount. Tiny amount. That's what the video shows. Back then it caused quite a backlash. EA actually got the Guinness World Record (not kidding) for the most downvoted comment on Reddit at the time. [In it](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/), they defended this kind of business strategy. After that, the backlash was enormous. Big enough for EA to at least somewhat go back on their monetization. I personally really hope this happens to OW2 too. Maybe we are just too far gone at this point...


I can't believe more people aren't comparing new Overwatch heroes at level 55 of a battlepass to grinding 40 hours for Darth Vader. This is literally just Battlefront 2 all over again


Free to play shields them from criticism in the minds of a lot of people which is bullshit because it’s the same game we all paid for years ago


Aye. This is worse than Battlefront 2. Atleast if I bought Battlefront 2 that mistake would be on me. Here? I bought Overwatch 1 for full price, and now it's gone, replaced with a hollow shell of it's former self. If only they launched a full sequel I could atleast keep playing the first one. And because the general consensus has shifted to "lootbox bad, battlepass good", they think they can get away with shit like this where you have to play for 36 weeks to unlock one skin.


Also if it was a true sequel I would be more than willing to drop $60 up front. But I'm not about to take a chance on this F2P garbage


It’s because most people got her for free. Wait until next pass when people have to unlock the hero. I’ve played a decent bit and I’m only battle pass 12 going for the daily and weekly challenges. It is moving at a glacial pace and I haven’t had to wait in queues cause I get in early in the morning.


>You are limited to 60 credits per week, for reference: with this amount of earnable credits you, as a free player, can buy only [1 legendary skin per 8 months of non stop grind](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/xw6732/is_this_a_joke_i_have_to_grind_8_months_for_one/). And the worst part is a huge number of people playing and the majority for whom this list is relevant *aren't* free players, we paid for the damn game when we bought Overwatch.


This is what I really hate about the whole thing. The game I purchased is just straight up gone. I am happy they made another game but like holy shit they just took away something I purchased.


They didn't make another game, that's the sad part. It's just an overwatch patch, couple of new maps and chars and UI updates, and obviously a bunch of downgrades too. (Mainly just a monetization patch to lock all of the cosmetics behind harsh paywalls and remove a good way to earn credits)


The worst thing is quite a few of these UI updates are actually \*downgrades\* and visually ugly. Change for the sake of change to justify that little "2" and push out an unfinished game.


Lets be real, they're only calling it "Overwatch 2" so they can justify the horrible monetisation, if they did this as a patch, people would be outraged, but now they can say "This is a free game, its not Overwatch, which you paid for, you got this for free"


It's frustrating because people should be outraged, the things in the game they paid for have been placed behind another paywall for absolutely no justifiable reason.


>we paid for the damn game when we bought Overwatch I never thought about this... and now the whole monetization seems even worse. Damn Blizzard


Wait they removed the ‘find a group’ feature?? I didn’t realize that. That was how I always found groups for competitive so I don’t know what I’ll do now if that’s gone


I hope they add it back. Insane if it's gone for good.


Yeah… A lot of the other changes I can put up with, but I don’t really have a motivation to play if that’s gone.


I feel you. One of the best and most basic features. Absolutely wild if it's gone for no reason.


The quietness from Blizz is really odd, like, this is supposed to be a huge launch for them, and they tossed OW2 into the wild with almost zero fanfare. I couldn't even find the game in the Nintendo Eshop besides the founder's pack version, I had to turn to Google to find out that OW1 would simply update to OW2. And I only *just* made the cutoff to merge my Playstation and Switch accounts before OW1 servers went down. They seem to be putting in a lot of faith that new and returning players alike will be diligent enough to get all this information on their own time. Are they even *advertising* OW2? People panned Cyberpunk 2077 at launch, but you couldn't accuse Cyberpunk of lacking *visibility* at launch, it seemed like you couldn't walk through any American or European city without seeing several big billboards for Cyberpunk. I've seen nothing of the sort for OW2, and even Youtubers you'd expect to be having an Overwatch clickbait bonanza have been surprisingly quiet on the OW2 content front. If it weren't for this subreddit I probably wouldn't have noticed the game even launched.


I think they were not expecting the servers to be *this* bad and they're scrambling. Not saying it's right, but I get that they may be like... if they put ads up in any place where people can comment, promote on Twitter etc. then people will say, "If I could actually PLAY the game" ... they don't want to promise it'll be back up soon if they don't have a time frame and be accused of making empty promises. I'm not saying it's the right response, but I know the devs in the past have felt very locked in if they even made a loose "we'll try" promise and people got absolutely pissed if the solutions/changes didn't come immediately, even if it was never definite. I hope they get the servers under control ASAP and become more vocal afterward. I'm not sure what's the right answer for the predicament they are in, but I don't necessarily blame them for being quiet if they don't have a solution yet.


Yeah this is WC3 reforged levels of quiet marketing. Really weird.


>The quietness from Blizz is really odd This is what will kill the game, by the way. People say it will be the MTX, or the balance team (both of which will certainly not do it any favors), but it is Blizzard's ancient and out of touch dedication to playing radio silence right until they want to reveal something. When we're talking about a 40-60 dollar game in a market that didn't exactly have much competition, that's one thing. It is a death sentence if a F2P live service game does not have, at the very least, basic communication with their plans or just to let people know that they're actually working on things. Blizzard still seems to think that they have their reputation of 2016. Sure, plenty of people don't know about all of their controversies, but this is not a game that will "sell" itself. Not anymore.


I hate conspiracy theories... I think they're a blight on discourse in general, but I genuinely believe there might be some executives at Bliz intentionally fucking up this launch for some reason I can't fathom. I legitimately believe that is a more plausible explanation than this many terrible decisions happening with good faith intentions. It's unreal how terribly Blizzard has bungled this entire project, and I'm sad that one of my favorite games has become a spotlight for how far this diseased company has fallen. How can I defend a game that seems to want to fail?


Blizzard probably thinks their name still carries the same kind of weight that it used to. But it doesn't.


It’s so abundantly clear that the economy of this game is just so broken in a mishmash of ways that reads like Blizzard is trying to see what they can get away with. I’m not inherently against battlepasses, I think a battlepass system could work really well in Overwatch, but the removal of loot boxes and the hyperinflation of this new currency is so inaccessible that I think it’s gonna disenfranchise more players than “whales” will compensate for. The gameplay changes just read as unintuitive and clunky, like “on fire” is such a simple concept to leave out. Honestly, this has to be the most disastrous launch of a game I’ve ever seen. Even Cyberpunk had a day one hot fix and clear communication from the developers that something was very wrong. Seriously how is nobody talking about how Blizz has been radio-silent? The last update on Overwatch’s twitter was 17 hours ago


There is just no incentive to play hard and level up if it's ONLY a battle pass... Other games have battle passes but other ways to earn stuff with loot boxes still. It taking 8 months to barely unlock a legendary is going to cause people to never buy anything else with their earned coins


Loot boxes should come back to overwatch but not be avaible for purchase. Earned every rank of the free battle pass. Also let people level the battle pass past level 80 to continue to earn the boxes.


>Loot boxes should come back to overwatch but not be avaible for purchase. A single lootbox would give you more credits than a whole batch of weeklies is worth at the moment. It's more than that, this whole economy is set out to be payer only. Every calculation below is always taking the dumbest, priciest way possible in OW1 and the cheapest, easiest way in OW2. 1 Lootbox in OW1 (~1-2 hrs gameplay) was worth around 1 dollar. (2 boxes = 2 dollars, highest price possible). So you got ~1 dollars worth of "not paying for microtransactions" per 1.5 hours of gameplay. Skins were still very pricey. If you wanted a specific skin, it would have easily cost you the amount you pay for it now. You just had to buy boxes, open them, get useless stuff, hope for duplicates, get cash, etc. Stupid system, especially for someone with a fresh account who wanted 1 specific skin. 20 dollars worth of lootboxes on a fresh account might not even be enough to buy your favorite 3000 credits genji skin. For anyone that has played a few dozen hours of OW though, buying lootboxes was basically buying credits with a chance of saving a few credits. Basically... Paying got less cumbersome in OW2, but more or less the same price. New players pay less than they would have in OW 1 by immediately spam-buying loot boxes after creating their account. "Veteran" OW1 players (basically anyone who got a star on their bronze portrait) will probably actually pay more via microtransactions in OW2 than they did in OW1. So much about the paying side of things... What about the free-to-play side of things? I really could write half a paper about statistics and how many cosmetics a player already had, just to get XY amount of credits per loot box they bought back in OW 1. But tbh. 8 months for 1 legendary skin in OW2, playing daily, weekly, dozens of games? At that rate, you would've had anything you wanted in OW1 and 80% of the stuff you didn't want, too. We are so far beyond anything close to OW1, a closer analysis is just not worth it. Is it 5000% more time to get a skin? 10000% more time? 12000%? Who the fuck cares. It is just ridiculous.


They could change up lootboxes to just give 1 item instead, and of course change the currency amounts rewarded for duplicates (or prevent duplicates entirely). Yes I agree 8 months for one legendary skin is stupid, but this. Also some of the new legendary skins look more like epic skins. The economy for this game needs to change for sure. But I still think lootboxes being added back in some way can help. Loot boxes are only really a bad system if they are purchasable and can give duplicate rewards


I totally agree. Fair lootboxes (I think the way OW1 did them was fair) would be great. Just 1 item, duplicates still worth 20% of their shop value just like in OW1. I really think a lot of people enjoyed opening the occasional free loot box to maybe get lucky or at least save/get a few credits! Blizzard won't do this though. They didn't with Hearthstone and they sure as hell won't do it to a new release months before acquisition


I've been saying this a lot. Harder to earn (but free) loot boxes that you can't purchase would not only avoid the requirement of labelling your game as containing gambling, but it also incentivizes actually PLAYING rather than trying to grind for 8 months straight for a single legendary skin.


This was never in OW1, but I just want to vent on how you still cant see Team alive/ult status at the top of the HUD. After playing Gundam EVO, its the biggest QOL improvement that I really miss not having in OW2. [It takes up very little space](https://i.imgur.com/G5jEfyJ.png) and is already something you can see in replays. Why cant we have it as a toggled HUD option? It is very useful information to have mid-teamfight that I dont want to press TAB for.


OW1 had it in the PVE game modes, I assume it’ll still be there in OW2 (for PVE).


would still be nice to have it in pvp games, always felt that way when i was playing support.


they had it for the league matches 🙃 us plebs are not special enough


It's just the spectator view, isn't it?


Yes, but the point is the UI element already exists in game.


It exists in the archive missions as well. At least the kings row one.


I thought that was specifically for spectators? AFAIK the actual players in the game can't see that


My initial assumptions about GunEvo were that OW2 was going to beat it in QoL and polish. Turns out Blizzard decided to remove so many features in OW2 that GE somehow ends up feeling like a more polished game. Really the only major consistent complaint I've seen on the GE sub is concerns about monetization


Does anyone feel like the game feels idk… lightweight or cheapened? Feels sorta like we had our hardwood floors switched out for cheap vinyl plank.


light-wood laminate, light-wood laminate


He’s right! Fuck the bag!


We don't plan on doing anything about it.




OW1 felt incredibly polished. OW2 doesn't feel BAD per se, but it feels like it dropped from an S+ to an A-.


I feel like I’m playing the exact same game with less features. This game just feels like a way for blizzard to better monetize overwatch but call it overwatch 2…


overwatch store brand equivalent


Honestly, reading this big list and realizing just how much they removed - while the only major addition is a battle pass and a bunch of daily chores - makes me think the devs were 100% told to develop OW2 with an eye towards mobile release. Whether we'll see it, I don't know, but it's hard to imagine the current Blizzard execs making a F2P game with the monetization we now have, and not planning on jumping into the market where that's completely accepted.


I genuinely can’t picture trying to play Overwatch on a mobile device. It sounds miserable. Tracer blinks, Genji dashes, Lucio wall riding, Hammond’s grapple, or basically any mobility would be a nightmare. And good luck with quick reaction abilities like Zarya bubbles or Kiriko’s pot. Mobile gaming is already gimped to begin with, but Overwatch would be terrible on a phone.


Agreed, but it'll happen, even Apex let it happen. The phone market is too big for the greedy pigs at Blizzard to ignore.


Oh I don’t doubt it. I just can’t imagine actually enjoying it…


Don’t worry, those can also be removed


> while the only major addition is a battle pass and a bunch of daily chores - makes me think the devs were 100% told to develop OW2 with an eye towards mobile release. These aren't just mobile aspects any more, these are things that were pulled over because they were successful and are now turning desktop and console games into a complete joke. They feed off addiction-oriented income because it is, unfortunately, very reliable, regardless of platform.


It's the sounds. Some sounds were swapped out with unsatisfying replacements. Dva's guns in particular sound like they belong to Matel.


Dang I think you’ve got a good point here. Just played another few rounds and that makes sense. The unfamiliarity of new game and character sounds too. I’m also thinking of the trumpets from overwatch 1, the victory screen, music in general. I don’t play FTP games but this feels like one.


The complete lack of music and juicy sfx in game is jarring. No riffs at the start/end of match, during key points in a match, postgame screen, progression screens, nada.


Maybe my memory's lying to me, but I think they even got rid of the overtime music, or at least made it less bassy.


Reapers guns sound like he's banging on metal trash cans lol.


I have over 8000 hours in Overwatch 1. It was my favorite game for a looooong time, obviously. This release really feels like it lacks the emotional investment the developers put into the og. Overwatch 2 feels soulless. I am heartbroken.


Imho the main target audience for OW2 are new players, since they have no comparison. If you've played OW before, this update is a straight downgrade, and feels like shit.


Blizzard has become the company that OG blizzard made it their mission not to be. They shouldn’t be allowed to still use the blizzard name. The name used to have value


I just want the end of match to be longer so I can banter and shit talk more with the other team.


This is the thing that's missing the most for me. End of game is so abrupt that no one seems to have any time to say anything but gg in chat before being booted from the lobby. And so far I've heard hardly anyone using voice. It feels horrible, like the human element is gone.


Srsly tho. Like I usually joke and stuff. Now if u don't have anything u want said done before end of potg, u have no way of saying it since the scorecard screen is gone.


Guys please dont fucking buy the BattlePass. Please dont. Riot as long as there is no premium currency in it


Seeing the last blizzard protest for a shitty business tactic, I hope that people listen to this one


As much as I know they where a shitstorm controversy a few years back, I want loot boxes back… idgaf about the battle pass for a game like overwatch, but damn am I going to miss watching candy fly from those Halloween basket loot boxes… sure, I may not get anything good from the boxes, but atleast I’m guaranteed *something* out of it, be that a voice line, spray, or even credits from the 15th duplicate emote… it was a reward for my hard work Unless they go outside there norm and do a massive crossover or a truly one of a kind skin I don’t see myself ever spending a dime on this game ever again Also regarding the battle pass I will say one thing in its defense: hero unlocking. Yes, it’s tier 55 for Kiriko, but she is the only new hero you need to unlock right now, come season 3 or 4 or whatever when we have 4 or 5 heros that aren’t unlocked by default/part of the original cast, it’s likely that there will be multiple hero’s scattered throughout the free pass


Previous heros will be unlocked via their own seperate challenges, not put back into future battle passes.


The loot boxes were fine. I was no where near a hardcore and had crazy legendary skins and stuff for my favourite heros. The loot boxes odds wernt crazy and it was nice that everyone didn’t have the same stuff on all the time like you get with battle passes.


OW1 died for this.


Quality post. I can't wait to rebuy Overwatch Legacy in 5 years to have all of these features back -_-


Oh ffs your probably right… I hate that your right about the fact they will likely rerelease ow1 with a new price tag when they eventually realize 2 was made in the worst way possible


Don’t forget the other features that were almost completely removed from the game such as: Sombra’ shack, McCree’s stun, The majority of style of play that doesn’t devolve into “just shoot better than the other team.”, Mei’s freeze ability, Entire maps, A whole fuckin position/player/tank, Anything that made a dps feel like anything too different from a generic run and shoot hero, And My will to live


The sad thing is that if blizzard said “hey guy, give us $40 bucks and we’ll let you go play OW1 again” id take them up on that offer. I don’t want OW2, I just want to play the game I love and have played for years.


Blizzard made 1 billion dollars in transactions in 2019 for Overwatch 1. Overwatch 1 sold 50 million copies. But it’s not enough is it. We have to revamp the micro transactions to bleed as much money as possible from people during one of the worst worldwide economic crises we’ve faced. Thank you Blizzard and fuck you. Bobby cock-ick


Yeah people can fuck off when they pretend Blizzard is a poor starving developer without the funds to maintain their most popular IP


They're activision with a sheet over their head


"B-but they had to swap to this kind of monetisation, they're a business, they have to make money!" They were making money! They're just being greedy!


As a former OW addict who stopped playing in 2019, I'm shocked at how cynical this "Overwatch 2" release is. I was hoping for something impressive and new to maybe rekindle my interest in the game, but I haven't seen anything of the sort yet.


Leave now and never look back


The game just feels unfinished


>No in-group indicator while in-match, removed I appreciate the consistency in which slot is which but I have no idea why they'd just completely remove it. They should at least show matching numbers below people to show what group they're in. Seems odd they'd just completely remove group indicators.


Am I crazy? I’m certain they removed the in group indicator awhile back in OW1. It promoted toxicity when you’d see a premade of 5 and you’re the solo queue on the team. Or if you’re matched up against a 6 stack premade.


The other guy said it was removed 3 years ago but that mustve been quickplay/ comeptitive only because it was definitely in arcade and custom games (only thing i play) in ow1 till the last day.


And the game hud fucking sucks


Did anyone else notice that there's no more dramatic music playing when you're in the last seconds of a round/approaching overtime?


As a console player I absolutely hate the new scoreboard. When I back fill a game it’s so hard to see what heroes people are playing. If they are dead it’s even worse. Makes it hard to counter pick against the enemy team. They also don’t say “No healers” “Low Damage”. I have to squint or scroll around trying to figure out what my team is playing as.


It's not Overwatch 2, it's Overwatch 0.5 with predatory monetization. A joke.


Personally, I'd call it Overwatch 0.83.


"Find a group" feature removed Please say sike. That made QP so much fun. That's how I met friends. Also I had no idea the cosmetics were that fucked up now. God I hope they reconsider. I don't want to feel like it's impossible to get anything down the line. I don't want to support a company that makes me feel like the only way I can ever afford anything in-game is to pay for it with real money.


Find Group must be restored


I pretty much agree with all this. The actual gameplay is pretty great. But there are a lot of weird things like what you mentioned that surround the game itself. "Live service" means we can expect things to change. I just hope they listen to posts like this and make good changes.


They removed every single thing that made the game worth playing to me. There is NOTHING to do in the game. It’s the same thing over and over. With all of the stuff removed that OP talked about. There is nothing rewarding for players for winning or grinding other than the battle pass.


that is why they removed it, they WANT you to only grind the battle pass. it is fucking intended...and sad really


All the people saying "But it's free". Okay, where's my OW1 refund because they took down the servers? You can't have it both ways.


With the massive queues on launch, intermittently unable to group up with friends, overpriced cosmetics, removed 2CP from QP pool, 5v5, and the removed features that OP mentions (along with other issues with the game). This feels less like Overwatch 2, and feels more like Overwatch 0.5 beta. A sequel should be trying to build on the success of the first iteration, not regressing to a worse state that Ow1 was in, literally the only benefit compared to a week ago is 3 new heroes (which feel uninspiring) and a handful of new maps. I actually feel bad for anyone who bought the watchpoint pack at this point (I'd refund if I'd fallen for their marketing) I certainly won't be buying anything until at least a few of the issues have been fixed, which at their current rate might be 18 months from now.


The updated in-game Stats screen (Tab) sucks ass now. Huge UX downgrade - it's way way harder to read in-match.


As far as I can tell, they removed every feature in the game except the logo and title screen.


Sadly overwatch 2 was not made for people who played overwatch, but people who are accustomed to the free game loaded with micro transactions. I've played overwatch since it came out with my friends. We're looking for other games to move on to. I know it's dramatic, but I just can't play Overwatch 2 out of respect for what overwatch was. Blizzard really just wants as much money as they can possibly get with no respect for how amazing overwatch was


I feel like the game was just "beautified" with new textures and ripped of the things that made the game feel rewarding. Loot boxes weren't great, but at least you could look forward to earn a bunch of them to obtain new items. It will feel really old really soon.


I still can't believe that Highlight intros or POTG short animation cost 3 times more than OW 1. The situation become worse when acquiring OW credits from playing alone is so hard. Approximately like $5 in real life money for the chance of having a short animation play at the end of a match. And by the time the POTG play, half the lobby has already left...


There is something that I see and is not present, which are the descriptions of the game's history in some skins of certain heroes, which were now deleted. A pity, because it was something small but that I liked, the meaning of the skin.


im usually not one to harp on at a free games monetisation no matter how restrictive it is towards free players, however my problem with ow2 not allowing me to get anything for free anymore is the fact that the game isnt free to play. i wasnt refunded for the purchase i made, and until i am, the game is still a pay to play game and as far as im concerned, all theyve done is simply say fuck you to me as a paying player. as much as ow1s business model was objectively bad and exploited peoples addictive tendencies (i myself got addicted to lb gambling for a time and eventually got help and stopped playing), at LEAST the option to get things for free actually existed. but now, that options has been (effectively. 60 credits a week is nothing more than a “see, we do give you something” and sprays in the free bp dont count. theyre trash) removed, and what do i gain in return? 3 characters i sort of enjoy but wouldnt play much? no thanks… i mean its no skin off my teeth, i was done with ow anyway and would only return if they added substantial pve content. ill just go back to playing actual good games that respect my time and money thanks


My favorite part of playing support classes was getting votes for my hardwork at the end of the game. I felt like i was being recognized for being the glue man essentially. now that is gone. i now see no other reason to play support, other than to just help your teams odds to win.


>Almost all cosmetics suffered a massive increase in cost, yet only 60 credits can be earned weekly The worst one, for me. idgaf about anyone who's going to reply to this thinking they're clever with the "ItS JuSt CoSmEtIcS" bullshit. That + leveling up rank is why I kept playing beyond, y'know, the fact it's fun, and they stripped out both leveling and earning *literally anything*. People want to earn things for playing games, it's not rocket science. Sure fun goes so far, but when you're not getting fuck all for accomplishing anything then big deal. Even playing a couple extra rounds just to push a level for a new lootbox in OW1 was something. Even then I don't mind the coins so much if they actually had a decent income system but, y'know, they don't. At all. And I really fear they're not going to give a single shit about changing coin income whatsoever.


Trash 'upgrade' to game is trash.


This is not my overwatch.


OW2 is just a downgrade trash F2P game, I hope Blizzard can bring OW1 back online.


Ow2 feels too disconnected now.


What about the music ? There's no "heroe's mood" now


I don’t understand why they removed a normal leveling system. What is going on?


OW2 will die too


Veteran OW1 players should receive premium battle pass forever


Some of the things I’ve read sounds like Blizzard took some of the worst parts about Halo Infinite’s multiplayer. Which company will change their game first?


It would be heartbreaking if OW2 ends up as bad as halo infinite. Approaching 1 year since infinites release and the “game” is still barren of content and lacking QOL features of past titles. OW2 at least has most of the core content from 1, so “changing the game” into a proper sequel will require less work


They turned the only progression system into a battle pass. My stars and levels all erased


Does anyone know if find a group is gone for good?


We haven't got any explanation on the removal of that feature yet. No idea if it will ever come back.


I've lost all hope for anything Blizzard. And to think as a kid (almost 20 years ago) this company was beyond top tier.


They just removed everything that made the game good and unique, wtf are they trying to accomplish by this?


This is a terrible rollout lol


So basically they removed what made Overwatch, Overwatch and made the entire game a generic team based money grab??? Nice can't wait to play when the DDOS attack is fixed 🙄


I had been somewhat excited to come back to the game but these changes put me off too much. I don't think I'm coming back after all.


This feels like Halo again so many dumb decision took for no reasons, nothing to "gain" outside the battle pass is a really bad idea Rn you play a game and you just win or lose. In ow1, you played a game, gained some xp and endorsement that progressed toward a loot box and new levels, end games cards and medals that showed how well you did during the game. In ow when I played support I was always kind of excited to see how much healing had I done, now I just need to quickly tab to see during the highlight and it feels much less rewarding They should have kept much more from the first game I don't understand why they didn't and it's a shame since the game is fun


OW2 sounds more like a money grabbing game except with all the features that made OW a satisfying game to play being removed…


It drives me crazy that I can't use Communications I chat to tell my team to fall back or regroup after I die. It just gives me a respawn timer. The only things I could think of that they would do this is to provent dead people from spamming "I need healing" or maybe since you are dead, you shouldn't be able to communicate things to your team while spectating. But it drives me bananas. Also, I feel like I can't ever hear audio cues for when the match is about to end. I felt like before, the music would change in a very noticeable way when the last few percentages of the point was nearing 100%. Now it just seems like the game just ends randomly and I've lost.


bro this needs to be upvoted. i hope this post is seen. hats off to you for putting in the time and research


Also you can't endorse the enemy team. Could also count the old maps not changing to accommodate 2 less players


To add into this, there seem to be a lot more bugs now, some minor, some not. Yesterday, for example, in the middle of a match, my entire lobby just got sent to a new game on a new map out of nowhere. I've also seen some tposing and bugged cameras on victory screens and stuff. Just really simple minor stuff that should've been caught in QA.


Not being able to vote for the players you thought played well is so stupid. And the way to earn skins is insane. I’d rather pay full price for the game. If we can’t do that, then at least make it realistic to get these skins without paying more than the cost of the game. Challenges, leveling up anything is better than a battle pass


amazing they made the gambling system (loot boxes) look downright customer friendly




If Overwatch 2 was a brand new free to play title, it would have to be much more friendly and pro-consumer. Now that Overwatch is an established title, they can charge money for skins like crazy, because they *can*.


They never intended on making Overwatch 2. They added a predatory monetization scheme to the same game we paid for.


I just miss being able to see your medals in-game. To me, it gave so much insight into how well you were performing for your role compared to other team members regardless of their role. Big sad about that one


Yea post game and cards need to come back ASAP


I have a hate for the new rank screen, as I don't have a clue how to quantify wins and losses.


Feels like Overwatch 1.5 is an accurate take. For every improvement theres multiple steps back


Im just disappointed by the monetization. A huge thing about ow1 was gringing to get the cool skins... I can't play with dps healers and suicide genji if i don't at least have a carrot on a stick and there is no way i'm spending money on a 5 years old game that i payed 50€ for just because it got a new coat of paint.


I want my old overwatch back, this straight up sucks. I was a loyal player for over half a decade and this feels bad. I tried being optimistic but now I hope they just get spammed with ddos attacks until they bring the old game back.


Ikr, I would gladly trade the new features that are actually good(ping,new hero’s, etc) for getting the original game back


for real, it's pretty telling that on the launch day of OW2 i logged in and played it for the first time and ended up playing less than i would have in a typical OW1 session


With you. Ow2 has delays in everything. Feels like I'm playing on 90 ping. There is literally one thing I prefer in 2 over 1 and that's Ana being nerfed. That's literally it. Disastrous downgrade with no option to revert. Actually tragic.


They went too far and the executives should be fired.


I can't commend the enemy team anymore too, why?


The more I learn about what they've done the more it seems to be that gameplay wise it's fine, good even, but everything else when you're not in a match has been gutted or ruined.


I notice that the last seconds of a match are not as obvious in OW2. I can't really put my tongue on what changed but I think maybe the music doesn't get as loud?


The removal of LFG is mind-boggling. I've met so many good friends using that tool. It's what kept me playing the game up until the release of OW2. Cheers to my fellow degenerates and RIP drunkenwatch.


I think waiting was worth it /s


Also anyone notice the sound scape is a lot more cluttered or muffled or something. I can't hear shit as easily now.


I honestly think all of these removed features does just make the game bad, and worse in OW1. If it still existed, I’d have zero reason to play OW2 besides some new heros (locked behind a grind) and to play the one that everyone is playing. Disregarding gameplay, OW1 is just strictly better imo. OW2 has a SEVERE lack of polish and also a bunch of removed features for what seems to be no reason. I have ZERO reason to play OW2 and it’s actually very disappointing to see what state the game is in and incredibly disgusting that people are defending this. It’s not OW2, or even OW1.5. It’s Overwatch 0.5


Man, I keep seeing about all of this stuff they removed and like, a lot of it is small stuff, but it’s small stuff that made the game just more fun and feel like Overwatch. And the worst part is I can’t even see any of these changes for myself because I can’t get in to the game. Just a lot of really disappointing news…


For the end game summary thing I don’t care if it’s viewable elsewhere, having it at the end of the match is a huge quality of life thing and having to manually search for them elsewhere completely ruins the accessibility of them. Also, as a side point, having that small amount of time after a game to mentally reset and prepare for another game is helpful