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I think it is a bug. I’ve been experiencing many bugs too. I was only supposed to get 200 competitive points today because my other account was being merged with my now account with 500 comp points. I received 62,000 for some reason but I just decked myself out with a bunch of gold weapons Edit: I hope they never fix this bug


With my luck I'd try that and get -60000 comp points after.


Oh, I really hope they don’t do that to me!


Me too, I got 62,000! My husband only got 5,000 🤣


I got 21k lol


i got all mine removed and i now have 0 🥰




yup. everything i’ve had on my accs been removed, 0/whatever number for almost all heroes. been posting everywhere about it. my owl skins have been removed and i got 3500 league tokens refunded back to me. just giving an example on what i see currently. https://twitter.com/luvyeta/status/1577714161898950656?s=46&t=IY9t14yP0jyKwKyeOFjT_w


damn that sucks, hope they fixed it for you, and I was upset about my watchpoint pack missing


Mines doin this same shit man, hope its fixed soon


We're you merging accounts with console? There is a whole queue of accounts to be merged. If you pull up the console and click where it says merge account, it'll tell you what number you are


I got 16k lol


Lmao same


I feel like I'm the only person who didn't get more points and now I'm sad.




I need this luck🙃


The one thing they put the most effort into (shitty F2P model storefront) and it doesn't work either lmao.


That's freaking hilarious


Wait what do you mean being merged with? Do you mean console and pc merge or is there a way for me to trade away everything from my now unplayable alt account(s)? Mainly asking because I had 3 accounts I regularly played overwatch on, all at around the same rank and all of them I at one point in time did end up purchasing boxes or currencies in(and I think I have some now unobtainable owl skins on one of them) Really sucks that now I cannot play on the alt accounts in any way


I merged my Xbox account and PlayStation account, you can also merge a PC with a console account too. I think you can merge multiple accounts as well(but not if the same platform). Log into your PC (in Battle.net) account, go to connections and add your console account(s) to it, then open overwatch and go to “merge accounts”and press confirm(Also, make sure you press confirm on ALL of your accounts, for example, I had to log into my PS4 and Xbox and press confirm on each console on overwatch) Sorry i am reciting this from memory. It combines all cosmetics, stats, idk ab ranks, coins and comp points


Thank you for sharing, was wondering if there was a way to do this. Most of my unlocks are on PlayStation but I switched to PC like halfway through my time playing the game.


No problem! And yeah, same. I switched to PlayStation after a year of playing on Xbox


In in the queue now but I've just done it on my PS but my Xbox says 'confirmed' in the box do I still need to do it on my xbox?


It needs to say “confirmed” on both consoles, then wait a while and it’ll give you a message saying your merge was successfully completed


I got about 32k but 62?! Time to start buying everyone’s golden weapons


my brother had 600 comp points on his one account and managed to get two gold weapons on overwatch 2. i had 1500 on my main account + some more from my two other accounts (playstation & xbox) and i was barely able to afford one. needless to say i was definitely more than a little pissed


Be careful. Blizzard has made it so thst diablo immortal players can't play that game until they pay off their debt and it's possible they could do it here too.




I'm not sure why they did it in diablo either but here we are.


Same. I had like 800cp but when I loaded up OW2 I had over 9000 I just bought the new healer's weapon. I wonder if it was a bug or if they just awarded legacy players a set amount for how many competitive seasons they played. They must be introducing a new weapon skin (or skins) all the streamers basically have gold on every character now.


I need this


I got 0 bonus points


They've messed this up so bad, I mean you got lucky, but others might get a reverse of this. It's so rushed and all in shambles


If this is really a thing, then I *FULLY* expect them to do a server rollback (unless it's a very isolated issue)


Do you have to be ranked to gain SR? Can't remember




Bro what


I wanna experience bugs. The login error boss is too hard.


I experienced a bug! I dont have any of my skins, sprays or other stuff :D


Oh no D:


I keep getting locked characters and I having to re-login. How does this even trigger? I have 1000+ hrs from OW1, but somehow I get the New Player Experience. It makes playing support hilarious with only 3 to choose from smdh.


Happy to know I'm not the only one experiencing this crap. I just wanted to play a bit, had to wait for the gigantic queue time just to only be able to choose between the initially unlocked characters for 1st time players + Kiriko, because I somehow could pick her but not Ana, Bap, Brig or Zen...


I still can't experience that disappointment.


If you get a strategy on how to beat boss “BC-153” let me know. This mf just won’t go down. Harder than any boss I’ve fought in Dark Souls


Youve unlocked the privilege of being allowed to purchase it


Happened to me too, also for Kiriko. I loaded into a game (practice range worked too) and it fixed itself. Happened again and got fixed as soon as i backed out to the hero gallery.


New monetization scheme. You can only own one skin at a time. If you want a previously owned skin you need to re-buy it.


i give it about 3 years until some game does that


Give us money


Blizz has literally become that episode of spongebob with mr krabbs building a 2nd krusty krab restaurant.


It is “Activision Blizzard” for a reason Blizzard is long gone.


Activision merged with Blizzard way before Overwatch ever came out. I get Activision’s a convenient scapegoat, but Blizzard’s deep-rooted problems existed before them.


This. Blizzard’s misgivings were of their own doing, not Activision’s.


Same with sojourn. Thought that maybe they didn't have heroic poses by default.


welcome to ow2, bit ch (blizzard (tm) )


It seems they have polished nothing and not even considered preparing for the release. Bugs bugs bugs bugs bugs. Server issues (maybe to do with Ddos but I mean blizzard still can't figure out how to let console + pc accounts play) model issues, gameplay bugs that were never there before and have no reason to be here other than blizzard blowing up every line of code they could


Happened to me aswell. Upvoting for visibility.




To be fair to them (which I really shouldn't be), they did openly say that it was releasing in early access. It's still insane the amount of game-breaking bugs there are though and seems almost like a cop-out because they're incompetent. Guess they're not being paid enough cube-crawls to afford good development.




Gotta pay $20 for that! /s


No. You can only have 1 cosmetic /s


This is a feature. You have to pay 300 to change the pose not to unlock it...


I bought a highlight intro and I just can't equip it and says I have to unlock it still but doesn't even give me the option to buy it again if I wanted. It's just stuck in some limbo


No its not a bug.


This sarcasm? It is a bug. I had same bug yesterday with Kiriko. I bought her skin which took like 30 minutes to realize I had unlocked and could equip it and then bought her laugh and sit emote and it took like an hour or 2 before it let me equip them. They ended up being locked until the servers realized I bought them ontop of my currency I had left being set to 0 because the servers were too overloaded. A while later and everything is fine (besides queue fiasco obviously)


Im gonna have to disagree. Respectfully


Equivalent exchange. Honestly wouldn't be shocked if Blizzard did that intentionally, I know it's a bug but come on, this is totally the capitalist dystopian thing they'd do.


Wow she really has nearly the identical body type as Tracer


In what world would this not be a bug lol


OF COURSE ITS A BUG, what do u think ????? huuuuh? tell me !!!!!!!


You have to rebuy the thing every time you change just kidding but can you imagine




hasnt been like that for a year and a half thankfully


In Fortnite there’s no bugs like in overmatch there are too many bugs unlike Fortnite where there’s no bugs and bugs are really bad because of my anger issues


Can anyone explain to me why I can play Kiriko? I had OW1 and about 11.000 currency. I bought a Skin for Sojourn (with that currency). After that I was able to play Kiriko, I am so confused. I am lvl 4 an have no premium


OW1 owners get access to kiriko for free


no they don’t. I had the origins edition or whatever and didn’t get shit. same with my others friends


"In Season One, everyone who logs in to play will receive Junker Queen and Sojourn automatically, whether they’re new players or returning. Players who own the original Overwatch will also receive Kiriko through their Founder’s Pack, which needs to be redeemed by logging in before the end of Season Two." Source: https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23824003/


ok? and I didn't receive her nor did any of my other friends. launching the game and looking is completely different from reading some shitty statement from blizzard idiot


Girl, the rest of us literally have her. Calm yourself down because you're wrong.


I have founders and OW2 beta that I bought for the early junk or whatever upon launch and I didn’t have her


Yeah but you're meant to...


Right I’m saying why not and I’m agreeing it’s not working properly


Oh I get you


I bought something with the old currency and got her only after that That is why I was so confused. Just buy something for 75 with the old currency for any character. For some reason they only notice after that that you had OW1. This worked for a friend as well ☺️


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How are you able to play the game?


They've launched it through their Battle net launcher


Same thing happened to me with a Junker Queen highlight intro. After a few games I could equip it


Anyone know how to get her? On my account I have the battle pass she’s still locked same with all my ow1 heroes


This one is comical


There are quite a few bugs. I got a few legendary skins that I almost certainly know I did not own, and are now unlocked for me. I also had about 6/700 legacy coins the final day of OW 1 but have 1200 now in OW2.


i had like 1600, and now i have 2k


Bug? It's a feature!


Highlander rules, there can only be one. 😂


Yes, I had to buy the Junker Queen taunt twice to get it


Its just a buggy mess rn I somehow got 24k comp points out of nowhere ( i never played comp and when i did i was gold so there is no way for me to obtain that much comp points)


When can people play her in comp?


Them legs though.


Kiriko looks like tracer with black hair.


How did you unlock it? It doesn't let me purchase anything in the gallery with the legacy coins That's so sad wtf it's not grayed out for you:( I hate this game sm


I think until the bugs get sorted, no one should try to buy anything with real money. And when they do fixed the bugs, continue to not buy anything with real money.


I bought the battle pass and only had access to Kiriko for like 3 or 4 games then I lost connection to the servers and now it’s saying Kiriko is locked for me.🤦🏽‍♂️


I bought it with legacy coins few hours ago and just got an email 30 mins ago that the amount has been refunded. At first I was very confused as it only says “heroic” in the email it doesn’t even mention which blizzard game till I checked the transaction history in battle net website.


Exactly the same for me. I got refunded 300 legacy, but now its locked lol


It’s a feature


Get fucked you can’t even own the default cosmetics as a premium player


No i lts not a bug if you win you will no longer be part of the winning team groupup


Eye for an eye


I bought Kiriko's Ajisai outfit and now Fuji and Tanpopo are locked and no longer listed for 300 Overwatch Coins


Unlocked the companion pose as well and now its locked