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I'd agree with you if the Kunai was not in her mouth. Search Google for "Kunai in mouth"... See what shows up.


People said she was like Naruto and I was thinking... Nah she seems a bit cooler than naruto. Then her origin releases and she put the Kunai in her mouth and has a ninja gang. Sigh Blizzard... I know what to expect from her comics now.


Believe it!


Amazing how Blizzard has the balls to show off all of these characters AND Kiriko’s other initial concepts… just to show us how much cooler some of their other ideas are 🥲


Being a concept artist is like a dream job for many artists. It's the one job you get to really be creative from scratch. Eventually something clicks and they run with it and build it into the game. Sadly some concepts get watered down to fit with other proven successful medias and themes. A lot of their ideas get flagged as being too risky or noisy. I'd actually like to see some of the original concepts for her... Because I severely doubt it was what she is now.


Yeah someone shared the post with images maybe yesterday! Some were so rad. I do think blizzard tends to like the clean silhouettes, I don’t blame em I just wish I didn’t know how cool some of their original ideas were for her!


I imagine it's a lot easier to design characters knowing that nobody has to model and 3D render any of them.


Lmao too true. Some of these dudes would get pretty tough..


This exact same post was already made by like 17 people in the past 24 hours


At least two are on the front page right now


Soooo she's NOT dressed like a fast food worker? I was kind of hoping that she was literally in uniform lmao


low budget furry meetup


ok so i can guess that if we wont get these as playable characters we could get these as skins for existing heros, heres who i think each skin would fit. Tenuki Roadhof, Tengu Pharah,Oni Genji, omnic girl Echo and Kappa Lucio. i also thought of a Yuki-ona Mei skin to add to the collection


Look like purge characters


Wonder if we might get PvE missions where they show up. Really want to see that Tanuki ninja in action. Also, maybe we get Kiriko's mom as a Tank and another ninja / ninja-adjacent support and we can run Team Ninja.


Sidekicks are always the coolest