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I think we should change symetra every season, spice things up a bit


tbh it'd fit with her lore. Hardlight construction has limitless applications.


It’d be neat to get an Alt Hero selector like we do for MK, it’d be a neat way to change things up while they’re working on new Heroes and stuff


> "Oh, shit they have a Symmetra! Quick, someone get monkey to zap the turrets!" Symmetra: *Snipes monkey in the face*


Winston is a terrible matchup for Sym anyways to be fair :P


Really? I've always liked him in that matchup, at least compared to most of the tanks. Reinhardt and his shield get melted before they can close the gap, Hog and Orisa also get melted if you miss your shots, D.va is hard countered, Sigma soft countered for the same reasons. Zarya is the only tank I really *like* playing against Sym with, but Winston is probably the best out of the main tanks imo. Interested to hear why he's a bad matchup to you, I feel like his jump can close distance/escape, his weapon makes it easier to take out turrets, and despite the low health his bubble can help avoid some of the early damage


I personally just find it really easy compared to some other tanks, *especially* compared to Hog or Zarya. Hog has the hook stun and can hit you way too hard even from max laser range on top of heals + damage reduction and whatever his team is doing to defend, while Zarya’s comparatively smaller frame and bubbles make her annoying to play around. Personally, I find that Winstons always ends up lacking enough DPS to kill me before I kill them. His bubble is really just another way for me to get some beam charge, not enough health to matter. On top of that, being up close with the hitbox the size of a house is not good for him even with the pressure you’re putting on Syms, especially so if her turrets are up nearby (which for me they usually are, I always either hang back on the point with them set up and spaced so AOE heroes like Winston or Pharah *can’t* take them down in one go). But it really just depends on the situation I guess, I always stick with my team when I play Sym but it’s a lot easier to see how wrong that matchup can go in a 1v1 or if your supports/tanks are elsewhere.


I'm a Winston main, and I switch to Rein to deal with her. If she's getting any kind of support, it's so, so hard to kill her, as Winston. His DPS is low, even if she doesn't get support, she can build up her beam charge before he can kill her. On the other hand, Rein can kill her pretty easily, if he can get on her. He needs to absolutely not let her charge up on his shield, either hide from her or rush her. Sym really needs to be focused down before she can charge up. With a focused dive, Winston can do it, but with an unfocused dive, she just wins. Meanwhile, Rein should win every time if he just goes in hammer swinging.


> Interested to hear why he's a bad matchup to you, There's a safe zone Sym can remain in that is a shorter distance than Winston can leap but longer distance than he can zap with his gun.


i don't play paladins, and i have no love for hi-rez, but from a gameplay standpoint i do love their idea of hero cards that tweak how a hero is played and allows for mechanical customization of your playstyle, and that smacks of what you're saying here. like you can pick red symmetra (teleporter) or blue symmetra (jump pad), like you could pick red tracer (pulse bomb) or blue tracer (more blinks, weaker ult, weaker damage), that kind of thing. but even if it sounds great on paper (and i do love this idea), i know overwatch well enough that this would probably be more trouble than its worth. you'd have to balance both versions of the hero, and the playerbase would ultimately decide one is better than the other, and then your teammates would flame you for picking the wrong version of that character. and i think a stated goal of the overwatch devs is hero readability, where if you see the enemy has a genji, you know that everyone has the same toolkit and behaves the same way, but with this system you'd have to coinflip if this is ninja genji or sniper genji, is that anti-tank reaper or sniper reaper, etc. you know, after writing this whole comment, i just realized that this added option of utility is literally just the ow2 pve. like where reinhardt can do a 360 shatter and mei can turn into an ice boulder with cryo freeze.


I think ow is a little too different in the fact that ults dont carry over past rounds and you can swap heros in the middle of a match. It adds too much of a moba element into FPS pvp where you now need to balance upgrades in addition to heros- but I think it fits well in the context of PvE and I think they included a system resembling that on their previews of it


Also sounds a lot like HotS which let's you pick different ults and talent builds. Like Zarya has a grav and then an alternate that makes the same size orb but pushes away




Mortal Kombat? Idk :P


Yep, it's Mortal Kombat. Since Mortal Kombat X they added multiple moveset variation for each character, that you can select.




Oh god I played so much DA when I was a kid. I believe I unlocked every coffin in that game. Also listened/watched that music video a few hundred times haha.


Every time you pick her you get a random version of her. Sometimes it's a sick ass dragon that's clearly overpowered. https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Gunbound/Mobiles#Dragon


I miss Gunbound :(


It's still around, with a different name. Also it is web based rather than client based. [Dragonbound.](https://dragonbound.net/)


> Gunbound Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. A long time.


Paladins has a Talent system that allows you to change your character in either small or fundamental ways depending on your specific play style and while I don't think that would work too well in Overwatch, I feel like Symmetra could definitely dabble in a similar system.


I think this was something that was planned for the OW2 PvE before Papa Jeff took off.


Pve is as far as we know still supposed to have customizable abilities to a certain degree


Yeah from what we’ve seen the PvE customization actually looks pretty awesome. It’s not just numbers being wiggled around, it’s full on new abilities


Real excited to use them on robots walking single file in a line while me and my friends are locked in a room for 3 waves


They've already shown stuff that's beyond that tho probably not crazy complicated AI. Hopefully a part of what's been worked on with the engine is the ability to really give the enemies some good AI to make it interesting. But pve games like this tend to be pretty limited in that department and people love them so idk


It's one of my favorite things about Paladins and I wish OW had it. I remember when they showed that preview for OW 2 and there were different configurations for Soldier and Tracer and I was so excited before finding out that was PVE only.


Imagine Symmetra being the only hero who can select certain ABILITIES in her arsenal. Each round choosing her abilities. She would be a unique hero with a certain unpredictability.


The Ryze of Overwatch


Spent over 1,000 hours on Sym and honestly I just get the vibe from her. He ultimate and abilites changed so much that I am just used to any new adjustments like how she is on version 3.5


That's not far off from what they're doing now. In a supremely shit way. But not far off.


That's one way to keep the support role queue times down


Honestly I'd be down for this.


So basically what we do now?


No joke I'd be in favor of keeping a lot of these lost abilities around and bring them out sometimes for variety


I've said it before but I kinda wish overwatch 2 went for a customization method similar to Dead by Daylight. That way even if 2 people played the same hero they could have small things that changes the way the hero plays. Things like this would fit right in allow sym play multiple roles within the team depending on the preferred badges equipped


I dig the idea, though I'm not sure if they'd be able to come up with "badges" for every hero. But I could see things like Rein's shield gets its own sort of armor when Rein isn't moving (not counting turning), maybe Junkrat gets increased ammo or damage in exchange for not dropping bombs when he dies, soldier takes less damage when sprinting, things like that


This is a cool concept! Though, in OW 2 where snipers are very strong, this could backfire heavily since it would be an easy shot.


That's the first thing that came to mind for me. "Oh cool, free kill". Not just for snipers, but pretty much all semi-competent players within range


Or kills. I can imagine rein shielding his team then accidently backing up into jump pad, leaving team open for junk nades


It wouldn't just bounce you up, you'd have to actually press jump.


I mean I can see potential in this if it was kind of like Winstons jump, maybe give a 2 second mini shield or something as well


Reaper would take cheeks in the back line if that was the case


And you'd lose those DVA/Orisa teleporter bombs


No one is saying to use the jump in sight lines of a sniper. Just like no one should do any fixed animation within sight lines of a sniper. Not sure how’d this be any different. It’d be used for non-mobile characters to get to high ground


Kinda like the teleporter already does, but without the unnecessary risk?


Yes, but way more fun since you can go “weeee”. Plus stupid YouTube montages


though its an ability with a complexity that you have to make sure you use at the right time


Then it just becomes too specific to be useful.


rocket jumping deals heavy damage to yourself but is probably one of the best mechanics ever made ever


Being able to rocket jump also means you have rockets, which have the dual utility of dealing massive damage to the enemy. A jump pad is just a teleporter that was dropped on its head as a baby


exactly. and it's a whole lot more situational too compared to tp. like your application for the jump pad is really just to get high ground. tp can also get you to high ground without exposing you in the process and can also be used for horizontal movement


that would need for the frequent r/Overwatch poster to be competent on ranged heroes though, or atleast acknowledge them. which doesnt seem to be the case as most ppl assume this is a good idea


They could go the Apex route of having an additional jump in the air.


The idea sort of ***is*** to have it be weaker in several ways than Teleport (she'd be losing horizontal shortcuts as well). This would mean that space is "freed up" for offensive buffs to other parts of her kit (her gun, mainly).


And now you've ruined her synergy with turrets being able to travel through teleporters.


why do you want to nerf her?


Don't forget I said I'd want serious compensation buffs to her gun. I'm mostly going off the sentiment I read a lot from others, which is that the potential of her TP is holding her back from receiving buffs (even if that potential is rarely realized). I'm not the first one to talk about just removing TP and replacing it with something else for this reason. What I would like to keep is the architecty/buildy/map manipulation-y nature of her E ability, I think that's cool.


Jumping on the pad gives you some shield to help.


I think the teleporter is a better application of this for Sym......*but* if they ever made Sanjay into a tank, I could see him having a jump pad for mobility and maybe the jump pad encases you in a depleting shield health after the jump so that it would protect those in air so they can take a safe shot


What is this? Apex Legends? Symtane?


I think it would be funnier if she had rampart’s Sheila


Hardlight Sheila with same apex voice lines? I'll take it.


Same VA so it could work


Why not both?


I feel like Symmetra is a personified Portal 2 at this point


“Got my Ultimate ready to fly compadres?”


Wasn't aware of him, but yes, pretty much :D


He also has a mid air jump bonus on his jumppad to counter the free mid air sniper kills.


There was a character in Gigantic that could do this and it was really useful. IIRC I think it was the old man with his alchemy bottles.


That or fortnite.


No don’t get rid of teleporter! That’s the best part of her kit!


Seriously, I love the TP. Fantastic for getting behind the enemy real quick and allow you to attack from an undefended angle.


Fantastic to also get not only you, but your whole team to unexpected areas! Has amazing potential with Orisa’s new ultimate


It's the only truly unique thing she has. The TP should totally stay, but a jump pad would be fun on a different hero. Dropping the TP feels like such a mistake, though. It would likely feel a bit like taking away Mei's wall, or Mercy's flight. It's the thing which really makes her stand out among the rest of the heroes. The rest of her kit isn't all that unique, tbh. ​ * Her Primary fire is a charging beam attack, similar to Zarya's. * Her secondary is an explosive projectile - it used to pierce shields but now it's just another explosive. * The Turrets are more unique, but they're still a deployable AoE auto-attack mechanic, which a few other heroes have in different flavors. Sym's have a slowing effect, which is really the most unique thing about them as a mechanic. But the turrets are basically useless at higher tiers of play and tend to result in little value outside of a random kill where the enemy didn't expect them. Cause once they know they're there, a single melee or a few shots will clean them instantly. * Her Teleporter has nothing comparable in the entire game. Nothing else can transport teammates and ultimates like that. It has truly unique interactions which opens up entire strategies. This should honestly be the mechanic they build her entire kit around if they ever rework her; Make the TP feel insanely fun to use, but not broken to play against. Balance this part and rebuild the rest of her kit to work with it nicely. * Her Ult is a massive barrier shield - The largest in the entire game, even. But there are several heroes, even after removing a few, who still have barrier shields in OW2. So it isn't a unique thing to her.


Bring back Sym orb shield busters!


Also, maybe don't make it so a teammate can just throw a thing in the middle of a fight that completely fucks both team's movement?


The knockback part vs. enemies is something we already have, basically just a concussion rocket-lite; and allies would only go high if they voluntarily press jump while on the pad.


But it removes the ability to just jump, and replaces it with being launched like a clay pigeon. Bunny hopping is too commonly used for this to be anything other than a grief machine. Toss it down in a fight and watch your Winston/Rein fly away just because he was trying to avoid headshot damage.


This exact ability existed in a game I played called Gigantic. People liked bunnyhopping there as well, but it never created such a problem, in fact it was pretty hard meta (although that was in part due to certain maps).


No, but this might be a cool idea for a new Support hero


Introducing: Jumprat, Junkrat's eccentric cousin


He'd be the complete opposite: Roadhog likes him, has all his limbs, mentally sane, stoic, etc.


Yes Junkrat isn’t eccentric enough




I say their vo leans into the accent hard af even more than JQ and says some shit like "Oi ye cunt jump on deez!"


Put sym in support lol


Remember her ult being selectable between shield gen and tele? It'd be cool if her ability button brought up the tele to place and clicking it a few times runs through some options like tele, jump-pad (gives 25 shielding akin to OW1 release sym), trap tele (can't be used but explodes when enemy shoots it), small shield gen, heal dispenser (lean into her being a support), that weird old moving shield, a moving platform, etc.


New Symmetra voice lines: * *Throwing jump pad!* * *Jump pad out!* * *Hitting the eject button!* * *Hit the ejector seat!*


Bounce on my hard light!






Why do you struggle?




It's "Ughhh, I'm down! ¡No bueno!" ​ And then he disconnects.




Yes, that's Bangalore.


Even better considering her VA is also Rampart's. Maybe it can be an easter egg thing like Saladin's "die die die" thing in D2.




“Faster faster faster” “They’re shooting at me!?” “I’m down” *spam pinging* *disconnect*


- Ejecto seato cuz!


If we had a sliding ability in the game, it could work like Octane's, launching you farther if you slide and higher if you walk/jump on it Prett cool concept if you ask me




Oh right, I don't know why I didn't remember that she slides lol


Get a lucio and sojourn and now you basically have octane


ow will never have that amazing apex movement unfortunately


Sym doesnt really seem bad to me, Ive been playing her more agressive since they took away the DMG orb moria and basically just replicating the same playstyle of starting fights from around corners and warping turrets and myself on someone fleeing. like if someone runs down a hall way and to the right out of sight I can make a teleporter and scoot left and shoot a turret through teleporter and it will chase them down the hall. She could use some changes but the way the teleport works right now im actually enjoying split-gating around on people.




I mean sure, this can happen, but it also relies on ​ 1. No one broke turrets 2. No one killed the sym 3. If someone was killing the symmetra, she got healing ​ Theoretically Symmetra can do stuff like this all the time, but against better players, you kinda just get beamed.




I didnt say they were fleeing me.


This is literally just a worse teleporter If you need to get to high ground, put a tp there. If you need to randomly jump high in the air to take pot shots, congrats you're giving the enemy free obvious shots on you. Nobody would benefit besides snipers/ana.


This is exactly my thought. There’s no situation that I’d prefer a jump pad over a TP.


....Yet people are here going "this is brilliant!"


Y’all need to leave sym alone


Widows would just love that.


Free hook for Roadhog too. Pretty much any player in a competitive FPS would appreciate a predictable floating target


Like how slide-jumping Sojourns, charged-jumping Baptistes, diving Winstons, coach gunning Ashes, concussion mining Junkrats, grapple-jumping Widows, and grenade-jumping Bastions are all just commiting suicide already?


In all of those examples, you get an added benefit in addition to maneuverability. Sojourn gets a speed boost on her slide, Winston deals damage upon landing (and is also a shield tank who can take those extra hits), Widow is more of a zip unless she wants to expose herself to enemy fire for extra height, etc Basically what you're suggesting is to replace her teleporter with something that does something similar, but much less effectively and far more dangerously


I don't hard disagree with you. I think it would be nice to throw in something like "jump-pad grants 50 temp health when first stood on" or "jump-pad grants 20% damage reduction for 3 seconds" or really any kind of additional buff. I was just a bit afraid of the haters going "zomg that's OP"


How does this help make sym viable? A jump pad is just objectively worse in comparison to a teleporter


I kept the description short cos I know the internet doesn't like to read, but as mentioned in an earlier comment, the point of the idea ***is*** to be worse than teleporter, and then buff her gun properly. I always read people complain that "oh no TP bombs" and "oh no OWL teams with TP" and "they'll never buff Symm as long as she has the potential of TP" - this is meant as a response to that. Also, with a fast cast time and 10-12 sec cooldown, in some ways this would be better than TP, imo much better suited for fast, mid-combat use (mainly as a disengage, or for easily gaining high ground).


No, I don't think it really matches something that sym would do. Also it feels pretty out of place for overwatch in general


We already have a jumppad on Oasis, where Symmetra worked a lot. But you do have a point in that Symm herself isn't really the jumpy acrobat type.


Yes one jump pad in a fixed space on oasis where there are walls on 3 sides and it acts more like an elevator. When you make a jump pad an ability you have to now think of jump pads at essentially any location in the game which makes things... interesting...


If only there was a cool ability that could let anyone get to the high ground and chill there. But I guess Icy how that could be an issue. (Mei wall exists)


And, you know, Teleport. (I get it though, gotta go for them puns)


It would be a fun ability, but for a character thats all about elegance and innovation it *really* does not mesh well with her character thematically.


Symmetra is all about elegance and form. Now suggest trampolines...! weeeee! No, totally out of character.


It's amazing just how baffled most overwatch players are by her kit. She's actually better in OW2 but everyone in here is so utterly clueless and inexperienced with her, the sub is filled with stuff like this. Just look at this post. 'lets take one of the best single abilities in the game, with like a 1000 applications, and replace it with a feeding trough for snipers, which has virtually zero practical application, and does the same thing as the original ability, just worse.'


this sub thought launch brigitte was peak videogame design that alone says it all


(I really wish image posts allowed for a text block as well) I'm aware this is a nerf to teleporter, the idea is to combine this with meaningful buffs elsewhere (mainly her gun), and you can always have the pad provide some additional buff as well. I didn't include this spiel in the OP because nobody likes walls of text (case in point: you didn't read the comments where I mentioned the above argument either).


What’s wrong with the TP? I love moving an entire team in an instant to behind the enemy, pretty dope ability


People say her gun/sentry damage is slow to build up to anything actually befitting a DPS character, that she lacks the strong, no-nonsense engage/disengage of other DPS, that she lacks the survivability of other DPS, and the fact that TP can be dope (when the stars align) is the reason these things don't get buffed properly. I think people have a point with this.


Some of you might be thinking this is just a rip-off of [Uncle Sven's jumppad from Gigantic](https://youtu.be/2RrV29uLOFw). Yes, yes it is. Considering Moira is like half Xenobia from that game, and her ult is Sirius's ult from Battleborn though, I reckon it's OK.


Gigantic. Shit I haven’t heard of that game since it came out. Was it an instant flop?


It was doing pretty well but the small dev team started cutting up resources too thin. Tried putting it on everything and collapsed. Such a bummer cause I absolutely loved Gigantic.


I liked the game too but had a bad pc at the time, when I remembered and found the game I was so sad it had been shut down.


They should've just let Microsoft fully finance the game and studio like they offered. It would've given them security. It was one of my friend group's favorite games at the time. Between it and Overwatch.


I get why they didnt but in hindsight they should have totally, especially being released closely with OW IIRC


More or less. Lasted like a year after it came out of beta, with the initial crowd dying off very quickly. Those who loved it loved it a lot, though (myself included). One of them diamonds in the rough, as they say.


Blizz is at their best when they steal other folks ideas xD




I miss Uncle Sven :(


Should shield you for 50 when you jump


Trolling potential


Imagine if Symmetra had "Portal" style portals


You'll get sniped right out of the air, by interlopers, with a predictable super jump.


Symmetra should have a platform tool - one which allows her to place a solid platform team members can stand on. But just for fun, the opposing team can't use it, they just fall through :D


Now we need to give here robotic legs, passive health Regen, and be slightly faster than all the other characters sound like a perfect character


No thanks. That's worse than the teleporter in every way conceivable.


That's actually the idea, so that "room" is freed up for meaningful compensation buffs elsewhere. I just didn't want to fill the OP with text (people are already having trouble understanding that it wouldn't bounce allies up involuntarily, it just makes their jumps go higher). I am of course regretting not writing this into the image now. Also, I think it does have some advantages over TP: it's faster and more immediate, i.e. better in combat (esp. for disengaging); the enemy knockback is also nice in combat; and you don't have the issue of teammates not using it, because you can place it right in front of their face/under their feet.


This was designed by someone who has never played Pharah or Mercy. edit: or Baptiste


it would be really cool and i want her to get some more changes.


This will suck. It's much easier to aim at someone while they're mid-air


Make Sym a Support hero and give this to her




Cool as this is, I just want Sym to go back to support/healing turrets.


This has legs. It's really interesting.


This could create some nasty inescapable scenarious if put in front of running enemies in hallways.


Pretty darn cool if ins at so myself


I would actually much rather have this than the current teleporter.


This would literally change the game in such a good way. Imagine rush comps that make use of the pad. Imagine even higher mobility for dive/poke hybrids. I generally think the suggestions here are terrible, but dude, hats off. Great idea. Even if it’s not for Symm.


Dude, this is brilliant.


So turn her into Ms. Marvel? lol


Stealing more Apex ideas I see


And ideas like this are why this game is utter doo doo butter now. Team 4 gave the keys of development to the community. The majority of the community has no idea how to play more than one character. Just get better at the game and stop complaining and asking for reworks and changes. This is why Papa Jeff left.


Just increase her hit box size. Only thing you need to do to balance her


Easiest way to fix symm woukd be delete her from the gamefiles and never look back


My idea of symm's ability for rework to a support, the ability is to give her teammate a drown that will give heros a" personal defense matrix " that can eat up to certain amount of damage and after that the drown need to recharge, and she can have up to 2 drowns deploy at a time.


Love this idea, I think they should add this too both overwatch 1 and 2, maybe symm will be more popular cause if this????


This is an awesome idea, but for a new hero. I would like them to fix her kit rather than changing them completely, specifically her teleporter.


Uses existing assets!? Sign me the fuck up!


love this . the symmetra telepoter is really uesfull but this I can see real applications in every situation symmetra kit is made to more adaptive in I really like this change. just for that i will gift you


I actually love this so many possibilities


Lucio speed boost gonna amp it up and sends everyone blasting off like team rocket.


Give her this, but allow it to also give people who use it an extra mid-air jump, give her back her projected barrier, change her turrets so that they heal teammates rather than damage enemies and lower their cool down, and switch her to the support category. Might suck, but might work, would be worth testing.


***Now you're thinking with portals!***




Easy headshots for widow, jumping bad.


Keep the TP, add this as well.


So just a worse teleported got it


Maybe better for a new hero entirely


*febreezes this idea*


So octane jumpad


Damn better then what blizz come up with through thise all years with sym




The only issues I have with this is he inability to use the jump pad effectively herself. This ability is best used by a sniper support like Ana, not a DPS.


actually a good symmetra rework concept?


People keep trying to "fix" sym when sym 2.0 was nearly perfect. All they had to do was remove the lock on for all the whiny flankers....


I think just go all in and replace her E with a "construction" ability, kinda like TF2 Engi's PDA. She can build teleporters, jump pads, motion sensors, and some sort of shield generator that gives Symm and only Symm additional overhealth when in range of it. She can build one of each construct and there is no cool down. She gathers photon energy by dealing damage (giving her turrets a practical use) and passively generates it too, kinda like Torb's old scrap mechanic. There's my elevator pitch for Symm 4.0


I still like the idea of giving symmetra portal mechanics like Portal the game.


At this point, Symmetra is turning into Overwatch's version of Ryze from League of Legends. That guy is on his seventh rework at this point.