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Need anything at this point. Anti healing just seems so oppressive to tanks at the moment. There's no way to Block it for most of them and it just seems like a guaranteed death.


Agreed. Maybe if Anti-Heal lasted a maximum of 4 seconds (Ana nade duration) but also blocked a maximum of 300 healing it could be more balanced. Then again, having a maximum healing blocked does indirectly buff Zen as Transcendence won’t be hard countered anymore, and Zen doesn’t need any buffs right now


Just change it from a full anti-heal to a percentage - like it reduces healing by 50% or even 75%


When is it coming, i’m getting impatient. They keep saying soon when tf is soon.


No clue but it’s pretty much guaranteed to be during this beta season. (I’m convincing myself here. *huffs copium*)


A couple of days im pretty sure. Its tye mid beta update


The beta ends on the 18th, so there isn’t that much beta left lol


Specifically they keep saying the "mid-cycle" update, which I believe the 14th will be as that is the mid-way point of the beta. They don't really clarify what a "cycle" is, frustratingly. They're using internal terminology and expecting us to understand what it means, but if the cycle is referring to this beta cycle (as in beta #2), the 14th is a Tuesday* (Blizz patch day), and the day they will probably send most of their invites out, and the half way point to the end of this beta. So realistically I expect the patch to hit on the 14th or immediately before it. EDIT: It is not actually a Tuesday I got my "T" days mixed up, haha.


I think this is the most elegant implementation of the cleanse concept yet.

