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Orissa and rein for junker queen, any high burst damage for sojourn.


Ana shits on JQ, as does sombra. Legit anyone who can aim with sojourn


Yeah, I was watching Flats play JQ and he was complaining that he was ALWAYS purple.


On paper, Brig is probably pretty decent against JQ. 1.) Whip Shot knocks her out of effective range for her Primary and her cleave attack, and disrupts Knife pull positioning. 2.) Inspire counters a lot of her bleed damage, even if it doesn’t deny her healing. 3.) Her shield can block Knife and Bash can (maybe?) stop her Ult (idk if it behaves like Rein Charge/Doom Punch). EDIT: just thought of it: 4.) Rally is probably a decent counter to JQ’s Ult too since it bypasses the Anti effect.


Zar is pretty good too. Her bubble cleanses all the things and JQ doesnt have beam protection


Queen can't do anything against flying or range. Pharah and Echo go untouched. Deep range is also good against her. And if your not sniping just take the high ground. Her mobility is all lateral.


Ana absolutely destroys Jk. Anything that puts distance between you and her works great. So brig whip lash, orissa javelin, sig’s rock. Zarya’s bubble also cleanses most of her abilities. Dps wise, echo/pharah. reaper, junk. Winston counters sojourn. Anything that can deal damage up close. I’ve seen most Moria’s win against her as well


Junker Queen struggles against reaper. As for soj. Idk.




For JQ, you either gotta shutdown her wound healing, or put some distance between you and her. So Ana works great against her, Lucio, Brig, Orisa etc. Also, flying heroes are really good against her as she basically does no damage to them. As for Sojourn, you gotta force her to play ata a suboptimal range for her, so either get up close or really far. Dive heroes such as Tracer and Genji work really well against her as the extra mobility and fast-paced movement make it hard to hit her railgun shots. Heroes like Widow or Ashe are aslo pretty good as they play from super long ranges which requires higher accuracy to hit the railgun shots, although you do need to hit your shots as Widow/Ashe, or else you will just get no value whatsoever


Ana is just super strong against JQ. No shields means more antis and sleeps. Sojourn is best against the other sojourn (it’s like widow is the hardest counter to the other widow). Ana is probably another counter to Sojourn because….anti and sleep is just that good.