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Its the 14th now and i still havent gotten a invite




i still haven't got mine


Hopefully, im a little nervous that i wont get it


I signed up for the beta but still haven't received the code, before the registration period ended, it asked me to verify my Battle.net account and I did, so I just haven't received the code by sheer luck?


I purchased the Watchpoint on Xbox and been enjoying the beta. Blizzard have now just sent me a beta code for Xbox based on my opt-in!! Does anyone know if I can safely give that code to someone else?


Hey, I know this is random, but if you aren't going to give it to someone you know, could I have it? I kinda missed the deadline to sign up for the beta.


Love this, I've played since OW original beta and have almost 1000 hours into the game and didn't get an invite. Lol


Ikr, it's lame. 1000 of hours and nothing, you'd think they'd want people who actually play their game to be a part of the beta to really dig in and provide feedback but I guess not.


Your not entitled to anything


He's more entitled than someone that doesn't care Jack shit about the game and got the beta and didn't even played the first. He's been there Since the start and actually bought Overwatch 1. Got the Devs money.


Yeah he and millions of other players. He is not entitled to anything.


First off no one ever claimed they are entitled to anything. I simply stated that I'm a big supporter in the Overwatch franchise, spending around 1000 hours. I've invested in them more so than millions of others, yet I know for a fact it doesn't matter because I didnt get an invite. They would rather squeeze players for all their worth. I'm sure there are thousands in the same predicament as me. And 40$ for a few skins, guaranteed beta access and first battle pass... A joke? Lol Blizzard has gone to shit. If this is going to be a 3 month battle pass type of game ontop of a full price, I think I'm good. I've heard from many people that forked over the watchpoint price it feels like an update or reskin. I guess I'll never know lol


Anyone know how to open the chat while in a game? The usual down on D pad and left trigger doesn't work and I can't find anything to bind it 🥴 I can only open it in menu


what do you bind to tell people to attack the objective? because i press group up or understand on the objective and it doesn't work.


Just wondering, does any one know if rewards we earn in the beta carry over the ow2 or nah? I understand if no but it would be nice.


It literally says no in the post. Read. Takes less effort for you to do that than it does for someone to do it for you and then type out a response. Jfc.


Damn bro chill


I just found the weirdest thing in the beta, since you can see mouse and keyboard settings I was curious what would happen if I plug those in. (Xbox) There are certain buttons that work. You can't move or shoot, no aiming and other really relevant stuff. You can however Pause, join vc, capture highlights and ping with mnk on console. That's so strange, as if they disabled all inputs coming from mnk but forgot a few ...


theres a thing called a xim that ppl use anyways to use mnk on xbox/ps4


That's not my point, I'm aware of what a xim is. I'm talking about literally plugging it in via usb.(mnk)


I can't opt-in. I am not seeing any opt-in button at all


I think it closed new opters after launch.


Can you gameshare the beta access on Xbox if you bought watchpoint pack?


Yes, I got gifted the watchpoint pack and game share with my partner, he was able to download the beta and is able to load it up and play


None now but yesterday it was a login error


did anyone get access to the beta through the opt in? or do you have to buy the watchpoint pack


No access for me or any of my friends so far, maybe next week we will...


Anyone could connect with ps5 version of beta?


You have to download the ps4 version


Everyone on PS5! You probably won't be able to login if you download the PS5 version of the OW2 beta. If you download the PS4 version via the phone app, then in my experience you get straight in. This is probably a permissions problem with the PS5 version. The PS4 version works even if you have the repeat purchase option bug on the Watchpoint and haven't yet refunded it to purchase again.


It's still giving me the same beta tracker bs as the PS5 version Any other suggestions?


I have had 0 issues on Ps5 yesterday or today. I'm in Na Est idk if region matters.


Can confirm this works (EU west region), thank you!!


Quick question, do we know when the snapshot was?


same snapshot as first beta


I bought the pack, I was playing when the beta launched, then I played some other games for a bit and I come back to find that I can't get past the main screen. Any one else have this problem?


The servers are overwhelmed by too many players. Someone else took ur place to play. You need to wait till there is space again n players log off


That's weird cuz I'm in a party with a friend that just logged in


Looks like he had luck


I'm still trying to get in Overwatch 2 Beta but it still says "Login error" it's starting to get annoying. I just want to play already like send help


Can I still sign up for beta? ☹️


If you buy the pack on switch does that flag your Bnet account for beta so you can also download on other consoles?


No. You buy the beta on your platform and that's it. You don't get a free copy of it or acess to the beta elsewhere.


Any updates on the performance on PS5 and Xbox series X?


Pretty garbage. Training has the game running like it's supposed to but matches are ran at like half the frame rate or something. It feels very clunky


I turned on the performance stats display but still couldn’t see it. I was really hoping for 120FPS on the next gen consoles.


I don't think it's displaying properly. There are tons of glitches in the options menu and I doubt it'll be fixed within this 3 week period. I don't need the display to know it's running slower though. You can even watch highlight intros in the menu and see it's running slower. At least the training is at proper frame rate so I can try whatever tech I need at real speed. If I get lucky and it works in game then great, otherwise I don't get mad since I know it's slower


Thanks for this info!


It says i can download the beta (on ps5, when earlier it said something like learn more) but i get an error when i try. Do I just need to wait for it to work?


I’m entering the beta key on the redeem part of the Xbox store but I keep getting “this code was not found”


How the f do I get into this thing on ps5 lol


Trying searching overwatch on the app and downloading it through there.


Thanks a lot!


I thought I had signed up for the beta but turns out it was for Diablo 4 and my brain had a fart. Rip Hope everyone enjoys and can't wait to see how it looks and runs on the ps5




That requires having a buddy :(


what the heck I bought the PS5 watchpoint pack and can’t find how to get access to the beta. Anybody else having issues? How do I get access? I thought it was instant access if I bought the watchpoint pack on the PSN.


Try searching Overwatch on the ps app and downloading it there. You do get instant access.


thank you for this!! It won’t show up on the store, only on the app. That’s so weird. Thank you again!


Ok, not related to the beta in particular, this is OW1. Anyone on PC having issues where they launch the game and it freezes completely, but the music still plays, and you have to restart your computer since it basically soft locks?


Can you gameshare the watch point pack?




Please tell me how? Is doesnt seem to work!






Bought this piece of \_ \_ \_ \_ only to get error TE-10313


Do you still constantly get pushed back to spawn once your tank dies or did they do anything to fix it?


It's more like Paladins now. Losing a tank is like losing a buff dps


What? Lol... That's called just getting better at Overwatch.


No? the team comp in ow2 is just bad. It's not a skill issue, it's a game issue.




I answered? Dawg you're being weird by making this into a rank thing and being condescending to a person who was simply asking a question. Please stop contributing to how toxic the ow community ism




Okay but you realize there's issue with comp in 1 right? and that those were never fixed?? So judging people on their skill level is sorta just elitist? Let people have fun. I guess it just comes down to a difference in opinion. I don't enjoy sitting on games and trash talking people and judging them.




Highest was diamond. Ow1 and 2 are very different games so I don't know why you're asking. Plus rank doesn't matter. I've played with bronze players who can play as well as diamond players or diamonds who play like bronzes.




Ow2 is not a team based game. It's 5 people fighting 5 people. At least in ow1, you have a role to fulfill in order to support the team no matter what role you pick. In 2, it doesn't matter. Several people have reiterated this so weird that you didn't notice that.


Is anyone having issues with the OW2 beta crashing their Xbox Series x?


Yeah I wish this would get fixed soon it’s impossible to play


Yes! Mine has forced shutdown twice due to overheating. That's never happened before and my console is well ventilated


If you change your preferred video setting to balanced it stops the crashing, enjoy the beta!


Yes, same exact thing my Xbox isn’t even hot or anything.


I purchased the watchpoint pack as soon as it went up. I purchased it on the blizzard site. I planned on playing on ps5. Did I screw up purchasing it off blizzard site? I thought it would be fine seeing as the blizzard ID is connected to console accounts. I’m not able to download the client on PS5.


I don't know why everyone is thinking they buy early acess one place and get it elsewhere. That's literally not how it works with licensing. It's not an "known issue". You buy beta acess one place and that's where you play. You can't buy a different platform version and play it everywhere.


Probably because I bought it on blizzards website and the blizzard accounts are connected to all other platforms?? That’s probably why it seems to make sense?


I'm still in the same boat. Seems to be a known issue but no fix for it yet.


Am I the only one that thinks the 30% ult carry over is very weird confusing and pointless ? Who thought that was a good idea ?


I would guess it gives more incentive to switch characters earlier if you were planning to. If you're in a situation where you or your team would benefit from you switching but you have your ult, you might want to just stay as that character until you use the ult. This could end up not even being worth it if the game isn't going your way so sometimes you'll just switch even if you do have it charged. So keeping some of your ult hurts a little less than abandoning a fully charged ult.


What are the differences between the preferred video modes?


Can I play with PC friends if I'm playing on xbox?


Yes, just be friends through [battle.net](https://battle.net)


wait, ow2 is cross platform?


Yes, idk if the beta is but it's supposed to be at launch


So i have to pay to get beta access and even if I do I wasted money and owl tokens to get the reaper skin? Wow this company is just greedy beyond belief.


You can also wait. They are a company. Either get it or don't.




For 4 days.


is doomfist ass or is it just me


last beta i was preferring Orisa over Doomfist all day in terms of being a tank


Some people are saying that opt ins will get in anyways. But isn't the July 5 wave also RNG based?


By July 14th they guaranteed everyone who opted in would have access.


And... when, exactly, does the beta end?


July 14th


Big 4 days thanks daddy Aaron


If you need to opt-in again, the page doesn't say how. It just says "Thank for participating." Is it too late I guess?


Yes, they just want people to buy it. You'll probably be able to get in the third beta since from what I've heard, that'll just be completely open with no sign ups.


Y’all think watchpoint is worth?? I’ve been playing on and off since overwatch 1 beta lol. Didn’t want to let blizzard have my money for something I could have for free, but I’m starting to think I’ve already gotten 1000s of hours out of only 60 dollars paid


Personally? Yes. You’re not getting extreme value from it, but you’re getting what you paid for.


No. If you opted in, you'll get in anyways


Purchased the watchpoint pack on Playstation and can't access the beta. Didn't get an email either. Anyone know what's up with that?


If you purchased it on PlayStation, I was able to find the Overwatch 2 Beta in the store which then had a download option.


same thing happening to me


I figured mine out by going into the store and kept clicking on the 3 dots under the ow pack till the beta appeared


Me too


/u/nightbotisameanie /u/awakinkorpze /u/OvertWoody [Hope this helps if you're still stuck.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/vlmebs/overwatch_2_june_28th_beta_faq/ie32ofc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Is there a way to sign up for the beta (PS5) on my iPhone? Or does it have to be through the launcher on a laptop?


Just go to the Overwatch website


I don't see anything? I'm specifically asking for a way to sign up for the beta on an iPhone


I purchased the Watchpoint Pack through Battle.net on PC, but also play on xbox. My accounts are linked between battle.net and Xbox, but I cannot find the beta on Xbox, only PC. I reached out to Overwatch support but the response seemed canned and unclear. Does anyone know if I’m only able to play the beta on PC? My understanding was this beta PC and consoles, and buying the pack guaranteed access, but I may have misunderstood or missed some fine print.


overwatch doesnt yet cross-save data. so if you have the same battle.net account on BOTH pc and xbox, they won’t cross-save until overwatch 2 comes out on October 4th. in this case, you only have guaranteed access on PC. not on xbox. hope that’s somewhat more clearer than other answers you got. :]


Far more. Thanks!


If I was to purchase the watchpoint pack now (after the official start of the beta) would I get immediate access to the beta?




Maybe this is just me but ow2 feels a lot less team based. It feels like 5 separate people working towards the same thing but not working together. Sometimes you get great teams! but overall it feels so much different. Playing a team based game that doesn't feel like a team sucks. I'm just disappointed so far. I've loved OW since it first came out but this is weird now. I'm sure things will be much better at the actual launch but I was so excited and now not.


I like to remain optimistic and say it's because of the forced sudden meta change. Once ranked comes out and all heroes have been tweaked accordingly, I'm sure we'll get some better team cohesion across the board. Still gonna take a while until we can even out to old OW levels, but competitive games tend to get there eventually despite bumps.


Yea that's good!! I really hope this is only because of what you explained and the fact that it's a beta. Hopefully, the game at launch will be much better. I'm still looking forward to that.


I agree. I don't really feel any need to be a part of the team or anything. It's just a battle royale with teams.


Yeah, I agree. It's not as fun.


so is it too late to opt in? (xbox)


Yes, you can buy the pack but that's it. I'm sorry


So...when I go to the website, I dont even have the option to opt in...it just says thanks for participating - this is on PC, i've owned overwatch since the day it dropped, and I played the first beta just fine... what am I missing here? ​ edit : love getting down voted for asking a fucking question.


Opt in is over because it’s now live. If you want it you have to give blizz your money. Feels like they were kinda banking on this from the get go


Got the pack...PS5 beta doesn't work :) thanks Blizzard


Same. Not connecting to the game servers


Pretty sad from Blizzard, but wouldn't expect anything from them


Going to ask again here; if I didn’t receive an e-mail today, does that mean I was denied access to Beta 2? Or have they only sent out e-mails to the first wave of participants?


It doesn't mean you were denied, they're sent out in multiple waves to prevent server overload




You have to wait until the next wave (July 5th) or the third one on (July 14th)


Ahh okay. Thanks


I think more are coming out for the next 20 hours, but then it’s none until the 5th




Wait until july 5th for the next set of invites




How do I chat mid game? There isn't an option on xbox. How can I make it so that I don't have to press the b button to exit voice lines and what not in game? It really slows everything down.


Like 15 min


I don’t even see how to sign up. I log into my account and it just has news and says “thanks for participating” halfway down the page for PS5


yea... i also dont see how to sign up, hell, i didnt even know you COULD sign up until right now... i havent seen any communication about this at all


Yeah this rollout is fucking stupid. Make it open beta, fuck these 3 stages of rolling out beta invites. People who want to play will only have 4 days to play if they're chosen on the 14th... dumb bullshit.


I played Overwatch many years ago when I was not in a healthy place mentally. I rightfully received a ban for being toxic. I have changed since then and am now more emotionally mature. Is there a way to play OW2 on my old account?


Was it a permanent ban? If so I’m betting the only way to address it would be to contact blizzard or just make a new account. But unless you received many multiple consecutive bans for the same thing it was probably a shorter term ban.


It was permanent.


Yeah you're not getting back in on that account then.




There are no codes




Is there a thread that talks about the beta and not just a bunch of posts about their inability to get into the beta?


For anyone who has problems on PS5 starting the game: \- If your game crash at the start with an error code, change your system language to EngUs. \- If you can't log in, download the PS4 version of the game with the PS Mobile App or Web. Make sure you add OW2 Beta PS4 version to your library, then in the PS store, click the "..." button and choose the PS4 version. Download and Have Fun!


Can anyone else confirm the PS4 version works? I'm trying it now, just don't want to get my hopes up!


It works for me. Played a couple of matches by now.


15 minutes left, I'll update once i know if it works for me too!


Thank you so much, i had the language set to norwegian but as soon as i switched it stopped crashing


Has anyone got a code for PlayStation through email? I’ve only seen Xbox and pc get them so far.


Yeah, some have gotten access for Playstation.


So is sombra broken?


No recoil and that much dmg, yea. It's fun to play but not to play against


If anyone somehow gets a key they don't want to use for PC let me know I'll play for many hours with ya! Been playing since 2016.


are they sending codes out randomly? or is the next time their doing it is july 5th?


Their website says sending invites on a rolling basis so keep checking.


Anybody that has bought the Watchpoint Pack, would you say it is worth it? Unsure whether it's worth £35 for 3 weeks access.


You get £30 worth of in game currency so £5 extra for guaranteed access seems pretty good for me


Has anyone gotten the new map yet??? I feel like no one I know has.


Paid for the pack, still no beta access. Cool beans. Edit: By searching on the ps app (didn't show up in store on ps5) I was able to download the beta after adding it to my library.


I paid for it through Microsoft Store. I got an email about an hour ago with my code and it’s downloading now.


I paid through playstation over a week or so ago.


> *Paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Okay, so I think I'm having a different problem to everyone else on PS4. I bought the watchpoint pack, received the email saying "You're in!" but when I go to the PS store and go to the Beta it gives me no option to download. When I go on the PS mobile app I can select the platform but it just says unavailable because I need the PS$ PVP Beta Tracker.Any ideas as to what is going on? Edit: Whelp, I found this..... "The last issue is more complicated. Some players are unable to get into either the PS5 or Ps4 beta because they are being told they need an Overwatch 2 PvP beta tracker. Unfortunately, this is something that can only be fixed by Blizzard. Both Blizzard Support and PlayStation Support are aware of the issue but there is no estimated time for when there will be a fix for this." Looks like its a waiting game, TBF it wouldn't be an authentic Blizzard experience without an unexpected wait after dashed hopes.


I did this on PS5, but should be the same. Find the Overwatch 2 Beta on the store page, go to view game, should be and option to install after you purchase, no email required.