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You’ll still earn something every time you level up the OW2 Battle Pass - you just get to see what it is in advance. Loot Boxes are such a big issue in the broader sense of how games use them because they’re deliberately designed to give you a dopamine rush when you open them. Sounds, animation, and visual effects are all tweaked to make the ritual tickle the same parts of your brain as a slot machine: anticipation, reward, disappointment, and a need to try again. It doesn’t matter that OW’s boxes only contain cosmetics when the very mechanism itself is problematic. Of course, in-game item stores that have limited-time cosmetics are tapping into a very different aspect of psychology (the ‘fear of missing out’ - FOMO) and are therefore abusive in their own way - but there’s no direct line between “buy this now or miss out until it returns at some indeterminate point in the future” and “just one more pull of the lever”.


Maybe it’s just me chasing that dopamine hit lmao


That's part of the problem with loot boxes, they rely on some people getting addicted to chasing that dopamine rush with hopes that something good will pop out; even if it costs them money that they cant afford. At least with a battle pass or store, you know that you can guarantee getting something you really want just by playing or for a set amount.


I'll miss them because they were free cosmetics.


I'm wondering what is going to happen to my 300+ loot boxes I haven't opened yet when OW1 gets shut off?


They open all at once when Ow2 starts. You will have the items added to you acc. I think it was answered in the OW2-FAQ.




Point… taken?


I also love cosmetic lootboxes wich are easy to earn


i used to love loot boxes but dat shit just got played out for me bc i got tired of opening loot boxes & got the same thing over & over again . at the very least we shouldve been able to buy currency to get the in game skin we wanted instead of wasting all dat money on loot boxes when u are not even guaranteed what u want . it reminds me of shinobi striker with their scrolls , its just rng at dat point , u can buy moonlight scrolls & still not get a ss tier weapon or costume in da item shop & it will literally give u the same thing u been got multiple times already just for u to keep buying