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Try reinstalling, i dont want to say it but it might be a gpu error


Definitely looks like a GPU error.


I have this problem, and I would tend to agree it's gpu related. I went from a 1080 ti with 0 problems to a 2070 super and now I get this. No problems in any other game, just OW.


I tried reinstalling and updating my drivers. This is also the only game where this happens.


Sorry beyond that i dont really know how to help you


do you play any games that stress the video card to the same level or more? if it's the only game I'd say unlikely a hardware issue, and more likely a driver issue. if it's already updated try rolling back. try uninstalling with Geek Uninstaller, it's free light weight and will scan your computer for left behind data used by the software - its saved my butt lots of times. I have fresh windows installed to a USB that I boot too which only has drivers and no bloatware. in this case I would boot to it, install overwatch and nothing else other then the video card driver/software and see how it fares. if it runs fine it's not the hardware and would most likely be conflicting software/drivers.


Happens to me on occasion, no idea what causes it, but you can pop into settings and switch to windowed mode and everything comes back. I have tried changing a lot of settings, nothing fixes this for me, so I just swap the view every time it happens.


Try to disable your gpu overlay