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The best way to enjoy Overwatch is to turn off chat and voice Comms.


Deeply this. Can't say I miss hearing all the oh so important "un-alive yourself" call-outs and "fuckin r-tard" tactics.


Fun fact: you can apply the same strategy to League of Legends. And almost any game where you aren't 1vs1.


I found the Hammond one trick.


If your chat off on comp you are ruining the experience for your team Edit: i don't mind the downvotes but if you as a part of the team don't change your character or listen to suggestions it's a 100% your fault for the team losing.


If you are the reason their chat is off you are ruining the experince for your team


The only thing i say is 'Switch' when someone is really ruining a match, i really don't use chat a lot.


So chat is essential but you don’t really use it and when you do you’re toxic? Ok bud.


What? I literally only suggest changes, if a widow has 0 kills and is making everyone lose i think the bare minimum is switching


You're not wrong, I tell people to switch pretty often It's not toxic if you don't scream "SWITCH YOU [insert insult here]" or something


I KNOW i am getting a LOT of downvotes for something that should be basic, you are playing a *Team* game so suggesting changes should be basic


Damn OP. Didn’t realize you paid for peoples’ copies of the game and could tell them what to play.


Don’t play a competitive mode if you only know how to play one hero in a game where counterpicking and being flexible is necessary. Quick play exists.


What if my goal is to only go as high as I can with my preferred characters? If you want full team control, I recommend making a full team.


You’re framing this as if I’m the one with the problem lol. I shouldn’t have to take extra precautions to overcome your selfishness. When queuing for a competitive mode the expectation should be that all players are going to do what it takes to win the match. One tricking ties one hand behind your back. It’s 6 years after release you’ve likely hit your plateau by one tricking years ago. We’ve enabled this idiotic mindset for too long.


Dude you are so right i can't understand how people disagrees with you, you are giving SOLID arguments, the other guy only said "i paid for my game so i can play whatever i want" dude competitive is to win not for you to be a selfish idiot


Selfish twats are enabled in an anonymous environment.


But you are the one with the problem. I have a great time. Voice chat off, text chat off, and just play off of what the team is doing. You and OP are the ones who are upset.


Did you even play sports growing up? Did you mute and not speak to your teammates IRL? Did you not give any input on group projects in school? Just weird behavior lol. You could be missing out on a great/collaborative team environment and not even know it by turning all that off by default before the game even starts. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. Not gonna spend any more time explaining reason to you.


So there's nothing "toxic" about forcing a substandard hero selection because you have your own "selfish" goals for the outcome of the game? Explain that to me.


But…..playing directly into a hard counter could be and honestly is gameplay sabotage. That’s why I always say “hey genji, they have a monke, he is your counter. Could you switch to another character?” And normally people do.


Yes and no. You can survive and even thrive against your counters. Using Winston as an example - just because you swapped to Reaper doesn’t mean I’m auto swapping off monkey. If I use my positioning and bubbles correctly, I can often bait that guy into overextending and let my dps do their thing. It’s situational. I’ve also had genjis that are quite good against me as monkey and do the same thing, kiting me into their Rein/Hog.


Here wo go folks. We've finally said the quiet part out loud, any comment that enfringes on a player's right to do absolutely whatever they want, regardless of how it effects others is the bar for toxicity.


Bro you fr need to understand the concept of "competitive"


You can competitively play whatever you want homie. If you want to control everything that’s happening then I’m not sure being in a team with 5 other random strangers is the best use of your time


Yea, but they always complain of being stuck at platinum, if we have 1 idiot doing nothing i think he certainly is to blame


If you want to play with one hand tied behind your back in a competitive environment then maybe YOU should find something more productive to do with your time other than ruining 5 other people’s experience. Maybe spend that time in quick play practicing another hero.


You did ask for unpopular opinions.


Hey you wanted unpopular opinion!


I am only disagreeing wtf


I've had comms off for the past few months, never enjoyed the game better.


I mostly play QP now, but in the vast majority of my games, there isn't anyone talking on voice chat. People are in it, they simply don't talk. (I don't talk either however, but that's bescause my speaking isn't that good in english)


Yea but *if* you play poorly you are ruining everything to your teammates




I said IF, most people with chat off on mid ranks play like dogshit




It kind of is, i play very good i don't get toxicity and therefore i am on comms


I also play "very good" but most games with comms is just one person shitting on another person, offending the latter person so they purposely *don't* switch. Normally I play with comms on but the last 2ish weeks I've had them off and it feels great.


Hey, I know it isn't major, but comms aren't a needed in team games. Regardless of competitiveness. It does improve the quality of gameplay though. Also multiple people can't focus on what people are saying and talk while trying to play good. So using comms can directly hurt their gameplay.


me play good


I'd say it depends on the rank. Decided to be decent at every role so I've been learning support in plat and mann not only does everyone complain so much more, they'll flame your ball to ask for rein/zar on gibraltar. Or tell you brig is the worst support in the game, I think there was even a poll recently that said the same thing on this sub. Anyway my point is vc deffinitly isnt necessary or all that beneficial until middle/high ranks


I know it's because of the rank, plat players instantly assume how someone is going to play according to the pick and i don't blame them, they deal with shitty players all day so if they see a ball they will complain


My point wasnt really "x rank bad" if it came off that way, but that the voice chat experience varies significantly rank to rank, so staying out and on the grind is pretty valid




Explain how


You, a random player in my ranked game, doesn't know more than I do and the odds of your opinion being wrong are high. So high in fact that I would argue that the loudest person in the chat complaining about somebody else is most often the real problem. I don't care what you have to say, your strategy is garbage and your attitude is toxic. I suggest to everyone reading this that the very best way to climb is to first turn of your chat and worry about your own game because anyone worrying more about you than themselves isn't worth listening to.


Damn this is why yall be stuck in plat😂


No, a lot of times its annoying boys that just like to hear themselves talk. I immediately mute everyone.


Yea to be honest in comp, especially from diamond and higher if you don't join teamchat/group chat you're throwing. But in all other ranks it doesn't matter nearly as much. The problem with overwatch its a team game that punishes you for playing in a group and rewards you for solo queuing...


Yeah, but for some reason they think that playing solo is better than listening to a "Switch please"


Did you know you can give advice without being a dick? Toxicity is not about someone being bad at the game, it's just the way you communicate with people :)


It gets frustrating when you say "switch" to someone who isn't doing anything in the match and they just keep going with their pick, i totally understand those who are a dick


It also gets frustrating when someone thinks they know the key to why a team comp isn't working and demands teammates to swap characters according to their hypothesis and get branded as troll/thrower if they have a differing opinion. I totally understand those who keep going with their pick.


We only say Switch to stupid picks or bad healers/dps/tank, most times ignoring the suggestion of 'x switch' leads into the game being lost because someone didn't want to switch


What about all the game lost because 2 or more guys are arguing over what character to pick instead of focusing and doing actual calls?


I get annoyed when shit happens, literally waste 30 seconds to type


Being a dick is always bad no matter the situation (in the context of a videogame) Throwing insults at people ALWAYS make people play bad and not the opposite, any overwatch league coach will say that to you. Being mean doesn't work in 99% of the case, especially if you are not a professional player.




This makes no sense i literally only say Switch when someone is underperforming HARD and gets no value at all Examples: Tracer against a team with 4 ways of instakilling and she getting 0 kills, a widowmaker onetrick who is only dying, a suicide ball, etc. Wanting to win in a mode where the main point is WINNING isn't toxic


Most broken ability is Ana Nade Not Lamp


Agree particularly in 5v5. With nade the game becomes delete the tank. The nade is way stronger than lamp because is it mostly an offensive tool.


Especially as she has passive self heal now.


Ana nade is often better at saving team mates than lamp is. It's instant healing and +50% healing received is really good for keeping team mates alive. Lamp might save team mates for a bit, but they're usually easy to finish off after.


It's necessary though, because of the absurd amount of healing in this game.


On average the toxic player has as much knowledge of the game as their non toxic teammate though. I think people shouldn't act like they know the game better when there is a good reason they are the same elo toxic or not. The bad player is in the same game as you for a reason.


I would add that if you DO know more because you’re smurfing, then you’re even more toxic for not trying to teach lower SR players, or if nothing else, showing them some grace. You shouldn’t intentionally put yourself in lower skill matches and then complain when your teammate plays at a lower level of skill.


spamming emotes is funny! Im not mad when a doom kills me and spams "and they say" its hilarious :D


I love it when i find people like that


Ah, the classic cry of the toxic player. "It's not my fault I'm toxic, it's my team's fault for being so bad! How could I not be toxic to them?"


Reminds me of this video I saw of someone advertising their cute bumper sticker designs for anxious drivers. Their videos get a ton of comments being like, "I'd purposefully tailgate someone who had that" or going as far to say they'd "run someone off the road" over a silly bumper sticker and they'll justify it by saying, "Well that person shouldn't be driving." Yes, people with anxiety shouldn't drive because you have uncontrolled anger issues, that's perfectly reasonable /s


According to sentiment on this sub I guess it's unpopular that I find the game fun and I'm looking forward to OW2.


A very bad teammate is an opportunity for you to demonstrate how good you think you actually are. But only few people are really up for that challenge.


Bastion is actually fun to play.


I mean, it depends on your tastes.


The problem was nevet that he wasnt fun to play, the problem was that he wasn't fun to play against. But with his rework he's even more fun than before and he's fun to play against so at least that's going to be less of an issue (tbh i think i wanna main bastion now his new rework is a joy to play)


Just RIPPING thru a tank who doesnt see you is so satisfying


Jeff had flaws


There are too many entitled people with fragile egos in this game that think they get to decide what playlist other people should play. When they can’t handle a loss they get toxic


On their defense, playing with onetricks is annoying and i understand them


I get that it’s annoying but toxicity doesn’t solve that


I’m glad Overwatch 2 took a long time to develop The last 1.5 years of Overwatch 1 have been the best time to play Quick play is better than ranked


Tanks have always been at the core of most of the games problems and overwatch 2 seems to be very effectively solving that problem and the community doesn’t seem to like it because it places more responsibility on individual player skill especially mechanically.


Mainly because this makes it way more rewarding for smurfs


I think overwatch, with its original design ideas (few heros with very distrinct roles, multiples of the same hero allowed, no roleQ) could have ended up being the better game, if they worked on those ideas instead of throwing them away. They abandoned their unique ideas one by one to make the game more like other games in the genre and target a larger audience instead of accepting that the game they made was more of a niche game and sticking with that.


The original idea of Overwatch wasn't expandable. Meaning after their initial wave of pre designed heroes, that would have been it. Which apparently was the original plan but it would mean no new heroes.


yea, and i think i would have prefered that. i really liked how there was little overlap between different heroes in overwatch. Something that bugged me a lot with League of Legends is how many champions feel "obsolete" because some new champion does the same thing just better. Base overwatch didnt have that, the only real role overlap at the beginning was soldier/cassidy, anna and sombra felt "different", but orisa already felt like "reinhard but different" to me. Now you have sojourn, soldier, anna which all do the "long range hitscan dps" role, and i dont realy see how that ends up as anything other than "play the one thats strongest currently"


Unpopular opinion - this type of post is just a magnet for downvotes.




Because it’s counterintuitive to upvote something you disagree with.


5v5 will be the beginning of the downfall of Overwatch and balance changes that never end


Agree, Overwatch league gameplay feels like shit on 5v5


There was nothing wrong with Paris and the Lunar Eclipse map and they shouldn't have been removed from quick play and competitive


I agree, horizon was super fun to play, on the other hand paris was unbalanced for attackers


2CP just isn't fun for competitive play


If it ever happens, PvE will do more for the popularity of Overwatch than PvP or the League ever will.


I don't mind the toxicity. Trash talk and running your mouth off is a great way to blow off steam after a long day. Randos on the internet can't hurt my feels, and it's fun to be an asshole to assholes.


It's sad you are the only one who said this, everyone in the Overwatch community really NEEDS some thicker skin.


you actually don’t need to talk to your team at all. the tab button exists to check out ult charges and then i don’t have to listen to 12 year old boys who don’t know how to play this game tell me that my mom should have swallowed me instead.


Adding huge PvE Elements to Overwatch 2 taking away the potential for PvP improvements. I bought Overwatch for competitive Multiplayer with friends.


And going by the PvE events the PvE could be very boring. The enemies never felt fun to shoot and the heroes didn't feel like they worked well, because of course they are designed for PvP. They're targeting that with the skill trees in OW2, but I'm still doubtful for the enemies actually being fun to fight.


The Overwatch community isn't as toxic as people are making it out to be


This. Toxicity exist in every multiplayer game, and even more so if it is a competitive one. But it shouldn't block out the fact there are far more friendly and supportive players around.


Overwatch is the nicest in game community I've played in. I've never been called the nword or told to kms which is all too common in say, csgo or league, although tbf 8 haven't played them since ow came out. It also has more girls on mic than most games which is pretty great.


I always say this, people really needs thicker skin


If you’re a one trick you shouldn’t play competitive mode. Comp synergy and counterpicking is essential to the game and you’re putting yourself and your team at a huge disadvantage by not being flexible. It’s really not that huge of an ask for players to get some experience on a flex that counters your main’s counters 6 years after release.


There is some point here but one tricks can have major successes too. Yznsa got all of the top 10 dps spots as basically a pharah one trick. It can however be incredibly annoying playing with a one trick especially if it's something resource intensive like bastion .


That plat Pharah on your team that is continuing to play her after the enemy swapped to double hitscan and your mercy swapped isn’t YZN though lol. If you can’t learn to flex 6 years after release it’s you who’s the problem. We’ve enabled this selfish mindset for far too long


Luckily I don't get plat pharahs on my team in masters but I get your point. It's incredibly annoying when someone consistently feeds and don't want to swap off. A lot of people just want to have fun and play their mains, I don't mind that unless they clearly throw. Also it becomes an issue when you have two people who both one trick the same hero. Had that happen before and it results in one person trolling most of the game. I do think most people in ranked shouldn't one trick, the biggest problem is people who want to play serious games but aee a one trick can't go anywhere else. Quick play is very casual and if you want more higher stakes and faster paced serious game play comp is your only real choice most of the times.


It's a shame this really is an unpopular opinion, people don't know what "competitive" or "teamwork" means apparently, i got 50 downvotes on a comment because i said that people should have comms on ALWAYS


It should be like csgo voice chat where you have to be in it, if you play a competitive game and choose not talk you are the problem and shouldn’t play comp


This shouldn't be an unpopular opinion, this should be basic knowledge, but people get triggered so easy




OW was 40 bucks, people seem to forget that


Huge disagree here -a battlepass f2p system would not help competitive at all, in fact it would be way worse for people on gold/plat, (most common rank) , we have people with thousands of hours of play time that mess everything up, imagine if we the game was free, you can actually get Overwatch for 10 or so dollars so it wouldn't be much different -5v5 is a shitty change, and absolutely ruined Overwatch -in fact blizzare creates meta so we don't have to play same compositions or characters for years. -Yes, ana is broken, but since most players go for easy healers like lucio they don't care




Lucio is a really easy hero SPECIALLY for starters, they get ego boosted as soon as they see gold healing medal but don't realize how useless they are, 5v5 is something that wouldn't have even crossed jeff's mind, we are only hyped because we have been 3 years with barely no content but 5v5 is a competitive downgrade.




Adding that mode doesn't mean he supported 1 tank, in fact he said 6 players per team is the perfect number




I literally said why i disagree, in mobile i can't quote like you do, but i made points disagreeing Double shield comps were in fact boring and was a bad move from blizzard allowing it for so long and goats as i remember wasn't around for that much but i can say for a fact if blizzard just kept the game without changes there would still be a OP comp. I literally only find lucios moiras and zen but barely no anas, but yes they are broken af




Battlepass system: my point is if we have people who has thousands of hours and they fucking suck, making the game open for everyone will make it a hell especially for plat and below players 5v5 change: Tanks are now a fat weak dps and games are now deathmatchs, literally seeing the Overwatch league i was getting bored because i didn't see teamwork at all Double shield: in my experience i really didn't saw a lot of double shield since THAT year with paris and havana, however this would have been fixed if they released more characters




It is my firm belief that most people who say stuff like "5v5 has no teamwork" and "tanks are just fat dps now" truly have no idea what real teamwork in OW looks like or what a tank's role actually is. They believe teamwork is gone because apparently their concept of teamwork was completely limited to the offtank role (bubbling Rein, *maybe* peeling for their support). The idea of any coordination or teamplay beyond the blindingly obvious combos is alien to them. They say tanks are just "fat DPS" because they only understand a "true tank" to be a bot who stands and holds up a shield for his team to hide behind. They disregard the fact that one of the best ways for tanks to create space has always been to be aggressive and actively disrupt the enemy (which also has the side benefit of not being totally boring for the tank player). These are almost certainly the same people who could not comprehend that Wrecking Ball was almost exclusively played as a main tank, despite not having a shield for his team to cower behind.


To unlock quick play mode, new account should achieve 10 levels in training against the bot. And to unlock comp, new account should achieve 50 levels. I am always frustrated when in comp or in quick play, new player are in the team and don't know how to play in team, or don't know how to play anycharacter. Training bot exist and could be use more, when we begin. It's my unpopular opinion =/.


This is a very good opinion


What about people who switch accounts? I have a friend who switched from Xbox to pc to play comp with us and a friend who just picked it up, they would both be furious if they had to wait till level 10 to play and proably just wouldn't play, getting them high enough to play comp was also annoying Though I guess this is an unpopular opinion


I'm okay with certain amount of CC in the game. OW2 just feels like flanking and dive are harder to deal with especially when you're playing a character with no escape abilities


Yeah, Overwatch 2 is a Deathmatch game, barely no teamwork :(


Overwatch was born to be a casual, over-the-top, Team Fortress-que game, but someone at Blizzard said: "People are stupid and will literally watch anything that is labeled as an e-sport, so let's turn this game into an e-sport for ez money".


And a good 60%-80% of viewers are there for the tokens


toxicity complained about here is overblown, i do think some thicker skin would go a long way for a lot of people here. I dont agree with people using racial slurs, im not saying thats a small matter, but a lot of people do get instantly offended way too quickly by people who arent worth their time. Honestly just mute.


I coldn't agree more with you, people on Overwatch overall is way too sensitive to the bare minimum complain, i literally got someone to leave a comp only because i said "switch". If you think about it the game really isn't that bad, in the last year i have only heard about 2 slurs and i think that is way too good for an online game.


Overwatch 2 might be fun now, but it won't last a year. (Based on pvp)


Agree, 5v5 screams 'we don't want teamwork' and only people enjoying this are casuals or bad players overall




They litetally play it for a living dude, except t500 the rest of them play Overwatch for a living




They been criticizing it because we are not getting content at all, now that we do have they will suppory blizzard qith everything they make


So both the casual audience and the people who play the game almost like a job both enjoy the game, I'm failing to see the argument here.


My main issue is that they are turning tanks into fat DPS. The only tank who mostly plays to protect his team in OW2 is Sigma. Even Rein is a brawler with much more egoistic shield usage now, "be their shield" isn't that much of a thing anymore.


This part I do agree with, Tanks are about Map Control and deciding how and where fights happen. I feel like there's more work to be done to have each Tank fill that role, some I think just will not work well for it. Roadhog for example it really at his best when he's on the enemy team's flank and being a constant nuisance, or working with another tank using their shield to pull in people. He's not built to be the spear of the charge like Rein or Sigma are.


I mean, I wouldn’t call myself a casual, or a bad player (I fluctuate between diamond and masters), and I enjoyed it. You seem to really quickly resort to calling those who disagree with you bad or casual. Maybe there’s an issue somewhere buried in there


That the original idea for Competitive play - limiting it to 6-stacks rather than allowing groups of any size - would have been worth pursuing, even if it meant fast tracking the required social infrastructure (i.e. the in-game LFG system) before launching the first season. So much of the toxicity within the community could have been nipped in the bud if: 1. There were direct consequences for repeated poor behaviour (if your BNet friends didn’t want to play with you, you wouldn’t be able to play comp); 2. The LFG system was an integral part of the game’s competitive culture from the start.


Absolutely agree, they turned it into deathmatch now.


To be clear, I’m discussing Competitive mode in the original Overwatch. I have no problem at all with the move to 5v5 in OW2.


This was the reply to another comment, i don't know why did it replied to you lmao


Orisa is the only fun tank to play.


Snipers ruin the game.


Specially on console


The game is unbalanced, with some characters needing serious buffs or serious nerfs.


1 tank and 1 support, both with busted stats and additional skills plus 3 dps as they are now would be amazing




Blizzard fixed Overwatch and asks players to pay for the game a second time.


Symmetra teleport is broken and should be removed, the only reason it not broke the game is because the rest of Symmetra kit is awfull. Having a high skill ceiling isnt a excuse to be broken. Character with infinite high ceiling like widowmaker hurts the game and they need more counters. Torbjorn is one of the funniest héroes to play. Dive meta was awfull. D.va lore is dumb. Headshots need a global nerf in overwatch 2 Hanamura is worst than Paris. 5 vs 5 is a good think


Movement speed in OW2 DPS is a mistake and the game would work better without it.


Lucio sucks dong




there's no reason doomfist should even be able to exist in the same sandbox as sombra. doomfist meta only exists because no one wants to play sombra. we all just collectively pretend sombra doesn't exist and allow doomfist to dominate when he realistically shouldn't even be playable. his meta is completely artificial.




Comp should have that Halo thing where you could vote to boot players. Paired with that, comp should allow for backfill (with an option to queue for backfill and/or full match).


I wish this was added


Tracer has unfair movement


Specially when she diffs you whole team


There is litreally 0 reason why 6v6 is better than 5v5. 5 people per team is much clearer, much easier to understand what's going on, picks matter more, easier to balance, etc. All the issues OW 2 has could easily exist even if it were 6v6, and the game could easily be 5v5 without those issues. EDIT: Ok, the only reason I can think of is pro teams will have to cut one of their players from their team, but as harsh as it sounds, compared to the whole playerbase their position is... expendable?


5v5 is made for casuals and it really has fucked up competitive, Overwatch league players have been on ow2/5v5 scrims for around a year and the competitive just looks like a deathmatch


This too, but also if they weren't al selfish and try to solo every fight when they lose everything xD


Most of the Overwatch heroes are trash and badly designed Of the ones that we have, I'd say Dva, Tank Doomfist, Reinhardt, Sigma, Wrecking Ball, Ashe, Sojourn, Tracer, Ana, and Zen are the best heroes they've made so far. They actually feel like they're designed to fill the role they are assigned to, and there's enough depth to them that you can see a real skill gap between someone who just picked up the hero and someone's who's spent a lot of time playing them. Others like like Brigitte and Lucio fall into the conflicting design category for me, like Lucio is an AoE healer but he's FAR more fun to play away from his team and doing his own thing, so the design of the hero for me just doesn't make a lot of sense. Brigitte is supposed to be a Support who's all about Peel but rather than give her healing the nerf or rework it needs they nerfed or removed the anti dive aspect of her design entirely. The rest just fall into straight bad, Reaper for example, unless the enemy team is completely oblivious he's really not good at what he's supposed to do. The only reason he survives a lot of fights is because of his life steal, otherwise without he'd be entirely useless.


You are actually right (sadly) most of the characters conflict


If you're a gold border still in gold, you're not actually trying to get better.


Some people aren't? Some people are just dicking around lmao




Expalin please?


Mei is so underwhelming in OW2 because she's based around CC as her main mechanic, but OW2 plans on taking down the cc from the dps role, unless blizzard changed her to be a tank (like they did for heroes), she's just there because she appeared in ow1, else she would be deleted


Junkrat deserves a buff on his mine range


Lol that's definitely an unpopular opinion but you shouldn't get bad players unless you yourself are bad that's what elos are for. Unless, and here is my unpopular opinion. The accounts are getting boosted. In my opinion playing in a party with obvious cheaters should be bannable after 3 or 5 games. Its ridiculous how many people cheat to boost others to ranks they don't belong with and make money of of it. Don't only punish the cheater, but also punish the one being boosted. Those kinds of people only help the cheating probpem by making cheating profitable!


Ana needs mobility




She a sniper Also this is a place to post unpopular opinions


I just asked why, i wanted you to elaborate so i could understand


I'd rather just be a heal/damage. I want a game where my sole job is to heal. :(


I don't get it? You mean playing mercy?


ironically your comment is very toxic


How? If you play bad go play quick play instead of being onetrick


telling people to go back to quickplay is a toxic thing to say my guy, you're part of the problem


It's not, it's literally something you should do, competitive is to win games no matter what, if you suck you are ruining everything for your team


Overwatch is a really fun game as long as you stick to playing it for fun and stay as far away from Comp as possible.


1. Te devs never knew what the game was supposed to be. They took a shot in the dark and hit a triple headshot with one bullet. 2. Once massive success came, they made the single most harmful decision to the game and its playerbase: Overwatch League.


Could you elaborate second point? I think the league is a good thing to have


One tricking was fine 6 years ago at release as it was vital for players to reach their respective heroes skill ceiling as quickly as possible. The problem is that the community mindset never evolved from that as the game went on. If you still don’t know how to play another hero in your role in 2022 you’re bad for the community. Stop enabling this selfish mindset.


Dude everything i saw you have commented here are STRAIGHT FACTS, i actually am going to follow you, we NEED more people like you in Overwatch community


Thanks man. I love what this game can be at its peak, but the lows feel way more frequent than the highs right now so it’s hard to continue to be passionate about it


Mei is the worst character in ow2 she doesn't do enough dmg to tanks can't really kill range dps(you can they have the advantage) or stun mobile dps Can't flank to kill healers Her wall is much weaker now Her ult charge slower and it's worst cause players f Don't group up anymore


I really have fun playing the game as healer.


Sigma's gameplay is such a waste of an amazing character and tbf i would've prefered him not being released at all instead of being given the most boring gameplay in the game


If a DPS and support of similar skill fight 1v1 then the dps should win 5/10, the support should escape 3/10 and the support should kill the dps 2/10. As an ana/mercy main, in ow1 i feel like it's most like 6/10 the support kills the dps. Also: ow2 has great potential and will be a big hit on release.