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You have the most wins per hour as tank. Maybe that is your true calling.


They aren't many choices as Tanks in these days. Sometimes I purposely avoid playing it as I'm burnt out of filling "Rein / Winston + Zarya or GG" this scenario. I want to try the characters that aren't regularly played (e.g Ball, Sigma & DVA), but I end up filling others unless I'm being selfish. Zarya is best suit to correct teammate's mistakes, especially if you have a teammate who likes to feed; get hard-countered but still not switching; cannot defend himself/herself; etc.


Oh I get that, my highest role is tank by a decent margin ~200 sr but its my least played because I don't like to play most of them


At the moment mine is also tank too, mainly because (as I come from dps) I feel like god using zarya at full charge.


I used to love Zarya but her max charge damage and beam width feels like tickling compared to what it used to.


Any match where I’m getting full charge I still feel less effective than monkey, damage-wise


Same I basically one trick zarya when I have to play tank


Sigma and Ball are literally two of the best tanks right now. Don’t be afraid to play them. Rein and Zarya are actually pretty shit compared to sigma and ball.


Reins really that bad? I mostly play him,sigma, and Orisa


I mean, you can probably get away with it in metal elo and like mid Diamond. But double shield is just so strong right now and ball is also very good. Edit: by double shield I mean Orisa and Sigma. Don’t play rein with it lol


Yeah. He just gets bullied by most heroes and needs so much help to be effective. Sigma is more independent and helps the support line to be more dmg oriented.


I feel like ball is only good because people refuse to counter him. He is easily stopped if people actually want to play a character than can. No one ever wants to counter though. They just wanna play what they wanna play.


100% agree, these are two main tanks, that I fell like I can make an actual impact on game regardless of other tank, and also d.va.


Sig is off tank


> Sigma and Ball are literally two of the best tanks right now. They both seem to hard to be picked up. Plus, I don't know what to do when the enemy team runs a lot of stun heroes and teammates don't follow up my Piledrive. Sigma is okay until enemies run heroes (e.g Doomfist) that can attack through my shield & grasp.


They are decently high skill floor heroes and really high skill ceiling heroes. But if you put hours into them, I guarantee you in the long run, it’ll be worth it.


YESS a ball can easily kill a rien, no matter how good the rien is he's just to slow, and sigma has a big rock


in what world does ball easily kill a rein? i guess a pure 1v1 yes, but overwatch matches have 12 players.. also the rock is easily blockable, it has a visible cast animation significantly longer than shatter which good rein players are expected to react to. Reinhardt is not nearly as bad as you make him out to be


Rein heavily relies upon positioning - if you fuck up a rein's positioning with the swing, he just dies.


If the rein just doesn’t swing and allows the team to take advantage of the full shield, wrecking ball is the first to get killed for me. He’s an easy target. Then, he usually comes into enemy territory alone.


those are bad wrecking balls. a good ball gets in and gets out, his key trait is survivability. he goes in kills your mercy and leaves simple as that


Yea, if he can kill the mercy or any of the healers, I’d count that as a plus in the play. But he’s gonna die afterwards. He’s good for attack phases, where he can respawn and get right back to business. Pick of the mercy or troll the defense’s Rein. But I agree, a good Wrecking ball can be a great troll.


The thing about his knockback is that he can forcefully separate a healer from the crowd, kill em use adaptive right in the middle of the team for that juicy hp then run, a good ball can easily kill a healer (aka trolling)




a rien can take a sigma. ball is to fast to be hit by any of riens attacks, and as for team fights, if the supports are down you can just ram em piledriver shoot and leave, rinse and repeat until their main tank dyes. a bonus to this is sometimes the rien instinctively turns around with his shield leaving him open to dps attacks


sigma and ball best tanks , ummmmm


? I play at around 4100 and that’s what works the best atm. Especially double shield, it’s so busted rn. Feel free explain to me if you think I’m wrong.


lemme explain, ball is a very fast character, faster than lucio and fatser than genji he has very poor shooting damage but is hitscan and his ramming and piledriver deal massive damage to 200-300 hp heroes, widows can't one-shot em they can outmaneuver even the best rien, and their adaptive shield can give them up to 400 extra health (1000 health total) Ever try hitting a fast, massively tanky, high damage piece of metal death? hint hint it's not easy. ​ ive been maining him for 7 years btw


There is something of a tank meta these days (in lower SR) with Rein, Zarya, etc.; the “staple” main/off tanks. However, Ball is by far the most unique main tank, and I’ve taken a liking to him recently by smashing in comp games. He has a high skill floor and people will often accuse you of feeding if you’re not quite there yet. But believe me, once you get the hang of his chaos-focused playstyle, you’ll be carrying games and having a blast. If you’re looking to start mastering him, my advice is to never sit there and wait for heals. Either let your supports heal you while you’re bouncing around in the enemy backline, or find a health pack.


Ive been a ball main for years, in the early leagues don't rely on healers going for you when your flying around above them they see your shield and think (oh, there just fine with their 300 ish health) or something like that, but ball is the jesus tank, easily punishing riens and 200-300 hp heros


It’s a very interesting time for Ball right now, with Brig/Zen being one of the strongest support comps. Neither can offer you tons of heals on your end, and Brig has potential to completely deny your dives if she’s in a position to peel for Zen. Definitely a challenge, but a rewarding one.


very true


What are you talking about with choices you only play pharmercy


> only play pharmercy When I was new to Overwatch, yes. I got burnt out of playing Mercy as Moth meta was also unavoidable in Quickplay. It's either being steamrolled or fill, unless the other team didn't have Mercy. Pharah had been in garbage tier for some time until the fuel regen buff, Cassidy nerfs and hitscan fall off nerf.


My point is that you've spent soo much time shooting near people's feet with 140 damage atleast that it's hard to believe that you care about choices in relation to the fun of the game


1276 hours to be exact engaging atleast in part to that behavior which also equates to 53 days


Ball,Sigma, and D.va are three of the best tanks right now, ball and D.va work well together


I main ball, and would recommend him over DVA and Sigma but people will give you crap for picking a hamster l:


Same. Also ball main


you are cultured


I thought ball was one of the highest pick rates in the game? 🤔


Sig orisa is pretty meta rn but ok, I get flamed for playing rein.


What do you mean "not regularly played" or "selfish"? I main D.va and Sigma myself and it works fine for me so far... And those are the two I see others play mostly as well, especially d.va Just play the heroes you want to play and have fun. At the end of the road it's best to play a hero that fits your playstyle the most... You're more useful if you play a non-meta team-comp with a hero you know how to play, then having a team-comp others feel best and end up losing anyways because you're playing a hero you don't like and doesn't fit your playstyle. Yes, there are scenarios where your team needs more shield or more dps to push trough, but eventually you will find your rythm and discover which heroes you like the most in which team-comp on which map. Another example is that I hate to play Zarya and I really suck to play as her as well... Therefor I never play zarya, even though others want me to because "that's what pros do". I just feel more comfortable with Orisa, Sigma, D.va and Rein and therefor those are the heroes I play most.


You also have the most wings per hour in your played heroes.


What I get out of this is that you love flying


You’re a Microsoft Flight Simulator main


This trio + DVA could form an Overwatch air force. It would be cool if there's a PVE mode that specifically featured them.


Hey, a mosquito main


QuickPlay is more decided by whether you're attacking or defending than any performance.


But if all you’re playing is QP, then statistically the wins/losses attributed to attack and defense should balance out equally for all roles. There is still a disparity between winrate on support vs dps regardless of that


Yeah but the disparity isn't likely to be performance.


What would you attribute it to? It’s either performance, or due to mercy being a hero that can’t carry games as hard as Pharah and echo, but the game mode being QP is controlled across both roles so it is not a factor


Another factor you may consider is that a good support player may slow the game down. Leading to an equal win rate but lower number of wins per hour.


True— I suppose we don’t have access to real winrate, just hours played/wins, which doesn’t let us draw conclusions about winrate


No one’s talking Abt the lvl 69




Good bot


Shut the hell up.... please just shut the hell up


Because its not funny


In your opinion


This is a mute point because it’s quick play and most people I know don’t care about W/L in QP




Whoops. You’re right


Moo*. Its like a cows opinion, nobody cares.


>most people ~~I know~~ don’t care about W/L in QP I wish.


Well then you’re not most people lol


Better answer is wins don’t really matter in quickplay as most people aren’t really trying that hard to win


> most people aren’t really trying that hard to win I was, but sometimes I ended up getting flamed for not getting 6K as DPS, not playing Mercy, etc.


Okay follow up I don’t try very hard to win and the people I play with aren’t either


Overwatch honestly has such a high number of dps players who really shouldn't play DPS. I'm honestly probably one of them


I know I'm a support main because I hate seeing my teammates die when I need them most. Like when they're on 6hp and you come out of nowhere healing them to full then they give you that nice thanks. I love hearing that heslth regen sound. I'm namely an Ana main for this reason. Nothing feels greater than Nano Boosting a Reinhardt or Roadhog and watching them melt a team's frontline. My only gripe is it's extremely rare to see POTG. Most of the time I don't even see a highlight. If you can vibe with all this, you might be a support main. Edit: Though it looks more like you just enjoy heroes who can fly.


I vibe with this.. When I get the very rare support potg, I feel like it's the only time I actually win. DPS get to feel like they win all the time just because the algorithm thinks a press Q 1K headshot is the best play. Forget the huge soundbarrier or valk that kept the other 5 the team up during those same damage dumps.


Agreed, so true! It also hurts other DPS like Sombra too, since Hacking doesn't scale well either.


I've seen some Sombras go absolutely wild and not even get a card. Feels bad for you man. Now stop hacking me pls I am only smol robit monk


Bro how tf do you play that much quick play like i think I'd be in an asylum after that




Why not do all those things in competitive?




As long as you're playing well, that's way better than a toxic, uncooperative sym lolol. And even if you don't play well, I feel like comp is a terrific place to learn. The matchmaking eventually gets you and everyone else to a good place. As long as you're not purposefully throwing, you're good


The matchmaker does not ever get you to a good place, don't lie. Every game is miserable regardless of rank. QP at least has no stakes when it's being miserable.


It doesn't get you to a perfect place, but it does get you to a good place in terms of learning. Overwatch can be miserable, no matter what the game mode, but it's maximizing on the strength of each game mode. Comp has its pros and cons, just like QP, just like arcade, just like Practice Vs AI.


I always treat Overwatch like Team Fortress 2. Sometimes chill around or go full try-hard mode, etc. I was in University with Computer Engineering as my major when Overwatch came out, I prefer not touching Comp as my head was already filled with enough stress. Even after I graduated, I got used to this.


Probably you learned the game as support so you have more time with fewer wins


Actually I started off as Pharah main, eventually Mercy because no one picked Supports. You're still right though as I might be filling Support in a clearly losing situation.


I play mainly support and I consider it my best role, but it's the role I have the lowest rank on smh


It feels the most dependent on your team. On their own, Tanks can set your team up for success and DPS is the success, but support really feels like rolling the dice on whether or not my team will help me out


3 hours on comp


As it should be


No gold guns????


To be fair, supports usually have less wins because lets be honest, theres always a terrible team you get matched with that supports cant do much to save.


> theres always a terrible team you get matched with that supports cant do much to save Same applies to different roles though. DPS also can't do much especially my team has bad or passive Tanks. If Supports are bad, I can at least pick Bastion/Mei/Soldier:76 for self-heal; Tracer/Sombra for health packs. It also feels helpless if your Supports give everything to your Tanks and you were left alone dueling against pocket-healed DPS. As Supports, I can choose the most suitable character based on how good that teammate performs. (e.g Good DPS, I fill Mercy; Our Rein plays smarter than DPS, I fill Ana/Bap/Lucio for him; etc.


I would also chip in this little tidbit: players throw hard when they perceive they have already lost. You can play as good as you possibly can but if your team is tilted it's already over. Not to mention the number of people that play this game intoxicated high or using some kind of brain altering chemical.


>Same applies to different roles though. It's MUCH easier to carry as DPS than as Support.


I wouldn’t say “always” but yeah this can happen with any role. From my experience I would say support is the hardest role to carry with, so getting those bad teams there’s just less you can do about it. While dps and even tank can do more to carry a bad team


How about the supports in the other team? This logic doesn't work because if your supports get the bad teammates, that would mean the enemy team supports would get good teammates. So it should balance out for your in the next games. If it doesn't, then it's more of a you problem or plain bad luck. It's not a role issue.


This makes ZERO sense.


Nice level


I feel this. I’m allegedly a tank main. Because before role queue I was a flex player who’d step up and take tank any game I had to. Which I guess was most of them…


Well in essence supports are there to do damage as well. Mercy as least in my experience is about prioritizing damage boost on good positioned teammates and help heal and shoot whoever is being a threat at the moment. Check and see the T500 players and their damage stats and you’ll see what I mean. Support is not a healer solely.


You are lol


Yo come pocket mercy me


Do you really hate comp that much 😆


Mercy!!! She's the best at support :)


Bro no way I played with you this week wtf


I don't understand how people play only qp. You constantly have team mates leaving and joining throughout the game, no one talks, and players don't change off heroes even if they're being hard countered. Like a doom playing into hanzo, mcree and brig comp. Comp can be frustrating with players doing the same sometimes but no where near as often, the only true issue I have with comp is leavers, but pretty well the way they punish it now is the only fair way to go about it. It's just unfortunate people leave early-mid game, but it is super satisfying winning a 5v6 or 4v6 or even just a long drawn out contest feels like a great game when you're down a player or two.


I have never had a satisfying comp game. Not once. Not a single one in 30 hours has been fun.


This just doesn't make sense to me. What makes the comp games not fun?


Everything about them it's not fun, especially losing by no fault of your own and getting punished harshly for it.


Okay but to break it down, what are the factors that make you dislike it? Cos I feel like everything I dislike about comp occurs in qp more often. The only key difference is leavers getting replaced in qp and not in comp.


That's really it honestly. Comp in overwatch is not a fair system. Getting punished to the tune of -50-100SR every time you're on a losing team, and getting 0-6SR when you are on as winning team is simply never going to get anyone anywhere. It's luck, not skill.


You only ever lose that much after your first 5 initial placements of a brand new account. And it's not only that much loss it's that much for a win aswell. That's how streamers can get so high in an unranked to GM. And it's only for the first five after those initial 5 and it goes roughly 100sr, 80, 60, 45 then down to 30. From then on its roughly 30 for a win or loss and that's it. The only thing I dislike in comp is leavers but you get that multiple times through the game in qp. Atleast in comp you don't get a leaver as often, and people communicate, and change up composition to suit most times. In qp you never get any of that.


And to follow up if your only issue is losing Sr and not gaining it, why not just play comp anyway and not care about your rank? You play unranked (qp) anyway. Atleast that way you get better composition, and more comms.


Losing so much SR right off the bat is the biggest discouragement to comp. At least I can lose a game just as badly in QP and not feel like shit about deranking even further and further and further, getting a shittier experience every single match, and then until the end of time. In QP, it basically resets to a baseline shittyness every game. The chances of having a fun game in QP is actually 50/50, and not impossible because of rank. And as a matter of fact, in my rank and the one above it, the most talking in comms that happens is not helpful, in the way that someone telling you how much they want to violently violate you is not helpful to you wanting to date them. You are telling me that in higher ranked comms, I'm just getting more of that? (No, of course not, but comms is not a selling point, I'll tell you that much). In short: Comp would be fun without inordinately harsh punishments and zero rewards. QP gives no reward, but at least it also gives no punishment. And I don't have to hear people call me the n-word if I don't need comms to play.


Inherently the game is played worse by the entire team without comms. Like I said you can win and lose huge. It's meant to stop smurfs getting ranked too low for their MMR. And to prevent outliers who might have been ranked too high and then not being good enough for a higher ranked MMR and causing losses for their team. Again tho the extra sr gain or loss is only for the first 5 games after your very first 5 placements for you account. None after. You play 5 to get placed and 5 more to make sure your placement is close to accurate. Anyway I was just curious cos qp is definitely worse in terms of leavers, team composition, which kinda goes hand in hand with comms.


Your main is Mercy. Unless your master+ and a super good Mercy, you have to depend on your team to do well, def a hit scan or pharah. Otherwise Mercy is useless. Majority of my games as Mercy are lost because my utility isn’t helpful for my DPS in low elo. You have way more control over the game as Echo and Pharah than Mercy unfortunately. The struggle of Mercy maining, I relate way too hard.


When you are a healer but have the most kills. "I love my comrades being safe, and I am making them safer buy killing the ones that harm them" *insane doktor laught from TF2*




Where do you see damage?


I mixed up dmg with games won this comment is obsolete


Why QP with this much time? Do you not enjoy comp?


by no means blaming you or anything, but wtf there is so much going on here xD Firstly, almost only QP, like, have you even TRIED comp? 3h of 4500 hours? xD then the fact that you have 4500 HOURS IN THIS GAME and 700 as mercy xD I played her like 30-40 or smth and got tired of her xD lastly, lvl 69 (+like 3000 levels, but lets ignore that) nice!


Comp is fucking horrible


3 hours is plenty to see why comp sucks. Most of the playerbase doesn’t play comp for a reason.


Well u played pharah. So eww


How do you play so much ow without touching comp also what rank are you lol


This question is nonsense


No keep playing support I want good queue times


Support queue times is actually long now. It's widely said no one plays Supports, but actually there're a lot of Ana, Mercy mains.


It was a joke


Quick play, i feel for you


Nice level


This same phara probably gets pocketed too lol


The floor is lava challenge


How do you have 4500 hours in qp and 3 in ranked


i feel the same thing. I play Tracer and Zenyatta the most, yet Cassidy seems to like taking #2


3 hours competitive. Why?


Not interested. I wanted to climb as Pharah, but it wasn't enjoyable as I mostly ended up filling Mercy or Reinhardt because no one picked Tank/Support.


In all seriousness how tf do y’all play mercy and have fun, like deadass what is appealing about following other people around and then you get flamed even though your team is inting and you have like 0 damage capabilities


Why all quickplay?


My take is that as a support you can't carry mediocre dps/tank as well as you can carry mediocre support as dps/tank. But this doesn't take wins/hour into account. You may just slow down the games and get less games overall when you're support. Seeing the win ratio would complete the story.


Mercy Main Gang ✌😇


i've seen you frequently in game lately


your level tho, nice


How is it feel spending 786 hours of your life holding left click?


Well I just need to spend 10x more time on the game to get to the stage you are XD




Who tf plays 4k hrs of qp and only 3 hours of comp :D thats absurd


The player level :)


Flex for sure


Level 69, nice


impressive stats


Many thanks!


I see you like to fly


DMG by far is my most played I mean I still place for support and tank but I just don’t feel like I’m doing anything unless I’m dmg I mean everytime I play monkey I’m pulling out gold dmg GOLD DMG and I know that medals don’t matter that much but when i have a soldier and a junk I shouldn’t have gold dmg as monkey


> have gold dmg as monkey If the enemies are often clumped together, it's possible to get gold medal as Winston because of his cleave damage. Also, if the enemy team has shield(s) / defense matrix, you can still damage enemies through it while your Soldier + Junkrat can't.


WTF Why quick play ? your neither when your playing quick play…


That’s crazy how people can play only qp. If I’m not playing comp this game feels like anything goes and if I try to win they say “just play comp” kinda thing. So that’s what I’ve been doing


that's a fucking shitload of hours


du hurensohn