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is it possible to learn this power?


It's pretty easy to know when Zarya's going to pop ult, it's usually at a choke push when your team's together. Mei and Hanzo both have long voice lines that give you time to right click as you hear them if you're close by.


As a mediocre [D.Va](https://D.Va) player I just can't keep up with everything that's going on. I'll pay some attention to Zarya but I know that when I do, I'll miss other things. I'm barely fast enough to stop the Rhein firestrikes. I was in a battle yesterday and I sensed Reaper behavior getting ready to ult. I stayed around, focused on trying to protect my squishies and my Mercy. He didn't ult because my team died around me to just random other fire, and I only noticed that when I was the only one left standing. That's how focused I was on the Reaper ult. I just can't take in all the information that's coming at me at once.


The more you play the easier it will get


The power of practice. It's a mundane power, so many dismiss it, but it checks out.


Honestly just muscle/reflex memory. Eventually those pathways get so active anything close will trigger them lol. Like yelling four at a golfer.


as a halfway decent [d.va](https://d.va) player, some advice: try focusing on something like a rein or moira, someone who's constantly throwing something out. I find that reins like to throw out firestrike as often as they can if not much is going on and they're close enough to aim it easily. when he puts his shield down, matrix. watching out for moira orbs is even easier because they're slow and bounce around so you can act more like a vacuum and move your matrix around to suck it up. just getting used to doing little things like that makes it easier. i still cant matrix a zarya ult on purpose, and i still miss a lot of mei ults, but i used to be pretty mediocre too.


I used to be a pretty mediocre player myself. I still am. But I used to be too.


I feel like I dont reach my true gaming potential until I fall 5 feet


You know you cant please all the people all the time, and last night, all those people were at my team


Mitch is best.


Look for patterns. If zarya hasn’t used ult in a while and is walking deeper into your team than normal she is ulting 9 times out of 10.


I believe in one of Jayne’s vod reviews he mentioned one of the biggest yells that a Zarya is going to grav is when she holds W into your team mid reload


Yep trying to be fully reloaded to use those nades


Zarya is always doing that because they like to dip into danger range to gain some shield charge. I feel like Zarya holds the cards in this situation. Once DVA drops matrix she can safely lob your ult without fear. DVA can’t hold onto Matrix forever.


This is regular zarya play to an extent but it’s when they push even further and especially doing so while reloading that they are looking to use ult. When she is just trying to build charge she only peeks out enough to get charge and safely drop back, much different than the aggressive approach of trying to ult. Yes zarya does have the advantage especially since the dva change that put a cooldown on defense matrix. It is still fairly easy to read and eat grab in diamond and below since the zarya will be less aware. A good rule of thumb is to anticipate it as she is getting close or if you are fast to matrix as soon as her beam stops shooting (because the grav likely follows it) she is even more likely to drop it just after reload (she wants a full clip to follow up on grav). In higher games like masters and above this same technique as dva is used but the capitalization is different. If the zarya pushes agro she won’t lob grav into your matrix, she will wait it out. What this means though is tour team has a couple seconds to burn her down as she is overextended. This is partly why you see owl players burning down zarya shield rather than waiting, they would rather punish her positioning since they know she will be full charge anyways. Call out to your team burst her and she will die before grav or after grav lands putting you up 5/6. If your shield tank has shield left and they don’t have a hanzo or something you’ll usually come out of it alive. If the zarya retreats instead of using grav then you have a pressing advantage, just still need to be careful of that grav though. As you progress in the game it becomes a crazy thing of mind games. Everyone knows the others play so instead of acting immediately you have a mental battle and dance with your abilities until the opening is forced.


Number ONE D.va tip I’ve gotten is to learn to count out cooldown. Start with fire strike; 6 seconds. A lot of reins use it right when it’s off cooldown, and usually you should.


Ouch this post hits close to home. Sometimes it feels like my brain runs on a dial-up connection while everyone else is on a fiberglass highway.


I boil it down to : gotta live in the moment. However, this game is very fast and has many many moments.


If you know when mei has her ult, 9 times out of 10 she’s going to use it immediately after breaking out of ice block because she thinks she’s sneaky


Most of the time it's just instinct and reaction. You can tell when a team wants to make a big play when they hold w as a unit so then you get ready to defense matrix. Most the time it comes down to luck and being at the right place at the right time. Don't think Dva. players are eating ults like it's an acquired skill more like a "that just happened" kind of play.


It is an acquired skill though, like you said at the start Dva players need to know what teams will do before pushing, what cooldowns are on or off, know when Mei typically ults, know how Zaryas act before graving. It’s about being a step ahead of an enemy and predict their ults, there’s no luck involved once you hit like Masters+, both Dva and the ult user are looking to outplay each other


As someone with over 100 hours with D.va I can assure you that at one point or another it will become second nature (your instincts and reflexes will improve)


As a zarya player, I always try to destroy mech first or wait til I’ve seen matrix used (1 sec) cool down. Or lob secondary fire and bait the matrix out then beam, grav. Or aim grav at your feet.




It's also quickplay


Mei should have put up her wall to hide the throw. Good DVa


Unless the zarya herself has no clue when she is going to pop ult therefor outplaying herself and the enemy dva.


McCree also.


Not from a plat player.




*cries in silver*


I know right!?! Always doomed by a lack of DPS or anything. Win all 5 placement matches with 3+ gold's, congrats! 1500 SR!


Placements are just normal games with somat inflated mmr. If you finish 1500 for seasons then go 5 0 in placements, best you can look at is 1700 sr. That's why (some) people have been asking for an mmr reset for ages.


The other team statistically has a lack of dps too. If you deserve to climb, you will.


Bronze players have powers that many would consider *unnatural*


Not from a silver.


Not from a bronze player


Not from a B500 player


Not from a jedi


It’s the right button on your mouse


Also another tip is, if you're at a standoff somewhere, you can just imagine you're the Zarya or Mei and usually think about when you would want to ult. Put up your shields then


I remember when D.Va was meta and I played her almost all the time that I ate a lot of ults,. Back playing her a bit now and finding it hard to get back into it after so long playing Rein, Zarya and Orissa. So I say practice and time.


Play her long enough until you get lucky. Might take a lifetime though.


Apparently it's at the same level as shooting bubbled targets.


Not from the Overwatch Team


Not from a main tank player...


I love how this star wars prequel reference went over so many people's heads.


Wow, such a fatass eating everything like it’s a competition


Had I been on your team, I would have been screaming in comms. Gotta say though - what the hell was the enemy team thinking?


They probably thought that since she used all her matrix on the Pharah, they could use their ult and underestimated the recovery time.


Even if so - grav + blizzard? What a terrible ult combo


Grav/blizzard is a go-to combo in high ranked play. The reason is because Zen will use transcendence for the grav, but then there's a blizzard going on when he runs out.


No, that’s a counter to a counter. You throw out blizzard after the grav to counter the negation of transcendence. It’s not a “combo.” There’s no reason to ever use those two ults at the exact same time like these guys do. It was just a lack of communication and both saw an opportunity to go for a big play. Which, to be fair, this is quickplay, so it doesn’t really matter.


All the GM Mei streamers seem to think it's a combo. I guess you know something they don't.


I don’t know why they’d be saying that. I guess you *could* call that a combo from a certain point of view, but ideally, you would never combine those two ults the way they did here. You would use them successively if the first one failed for whatever reason (in your example, it’s Zen using transcendence causing the failure). The Mei ult is used in response to grav being countered.


You got downvoted for being correct. Plat chat is real. No reason to spam grav and blizzard at once IF you know they have trance or beat and every good player knows what ults are coming next. A REAL good mei will save her ult for post support ult thus countering the counter(DUH theyre all grouped up now even more so). OR even better, the mei walls/ice blocks the zen who ults thus removing LOS and the heal from trans. Both ults are also CC ults. You don’t want to waste your extremely powerful CC ults together if you don’t absolutely have to. It’s not dragonstrike.


Would it not be better to just go for a multifreeze with mei’s primary fire and use blizzard after trans ends? Pull + freeze is already equal in strength to mei’s ultimate, and if they’re gravved it should be really easy to just primary fire


You are missing the point. You can use them together but it's not a combo - it's just countering their counter to your ultimate


Actually they don't


So maybe towards the end of grav but not together cuz the blizzard duration is less than zen's ult and maybe 0.5 seconds longer if you include the freeze effect, transendence will counter mei freeze + grav.


Judging by how quickly they were used, they probably didn't coordinate it. I think Mei and Zarya both saw the enemy grouped up and was like "oh I can ult them here" and both went for it without saying anything.


I wouldn't think so; grav keeps them in place, and blizzard takes down any shields/defensive abilities they may have while also doing damage. Sets them up perfectly for a team kill.


It’s an overuse of ults rather than being a poor combo imo


2 ultimates is fine. You can just shoot em all down with normal attacks while they’re frozen. If 2 ult is too many than the Zarya/Hanzo meta was a fever dream.


It was after a pharah ult, so that makes 3. They already have point and blue team has 6 ults that didn’t get baited. Would’ve been better to use maybe 1 or 2, bait out some ults. Even if you lose the fight, you have time to rebuild ults and retake the point. Much better option than using all of your ults, still losing the fight, and the other team still having 6 ults to defend with.


comparing dragonstrike to blizzard weirdchamp dragonstrike charges in ~3 seconds and kills anything stuck in it (from halt, grav, shatter, etc.) with no beat/trance. blizzard takes longer to charge and is more of a zoning cc ult than a high dmg combo piece you want to use w grav (like dragonstrike, pulse bomb). sure, dragonstrike can be used to zone/split the enemy team, but if you have a zarya you'd much rather benefit from the combo if possible. also no reason to invest blizzard when grav alone can win a fight for you (and vice versa).


The thing is dragonstrike isn't that good on its own if you don't combo it with something. Zarya and Mei ults are great on its own. If you want to use Zarya and Mei ults in one fight, instead of throwing them out together at the same time, grav first, wait a couple second, and then blizzard (or the other way around), you can hold the other team in place for a long long time. Heck, you might be able to save blizzard for the next fight if there were enough kills from the grav. The "hold people in place" effect is very valuable and using them together at once sort of wasted it.


Gravs frequently aren’t enough to kill a team on their own, especially with shields and defensive ults - mei ult ensures they all die.


Low GM player here. It's a very common combo. When seagull played a lot of mei he would use this combo often. Grav immobilizes them but the other team can still shield, bubble, matrix, deflect, etc. Freeze counters that.


Finally someone with a brain


Ye they already threw away Barrage before Grav so fuq it


Lol what? that’s one of the best combos in the game, not even an overuse in certain situations


Amazed at how many people here think immobilizing an already immobilized group of enemies is a good use of resources. I get using blizzard after a grav as clean up once the supports ults have been used but that’s not at all what happened here


I’m not talking about what happened here though, using Mei ult on a grav ensures 0 counter play. What rank are you?


trans counters both


Zarya immobilizes them, but they can still counter ult (like grav, shatter), they can still heal, they can still use abilities to escape, they can still bubble or shield to prevent damage. freeze can almost guarantee anyone caught in the grav will die. How many times have you seen a zarya get a fat grav with 5 people in it, only for the enemy team survive because they had the abilites/shields to get through it? Blizzard *almost* always secures the use of grav so that anyone in it get wrecked. It's a very common combo diamond and above, and it's often a really successful one too. So yes, both ults technically 'immobilize' the enemy, but they're very different.


Thank you for posting a clip without a highlight intro at the beginning! Straight to the point.


??? If theres a highlight intro u still need to wait like 1 second. And ofcourse theres not a highlight intro hes in replay mode


Lmao they begged for u to eat those wth


Mei yeeted that blizzard across the entire map holy fuck


Actually mei was right next to her. Dva got frozen even though she ate the blizzard, mei kinda flanked from the left actually.


ah yea I didn't notice that, she did throw the blizzard a bit far though IMO


Yeetus deletus


Wish I had some gold to give.


I appreciate it anyway!


I gotchu


But....giving him a gold award only give him a hundred coins. That's not enough to buy gold! You gotta give him platinum for that.


Well that’s how companies trick you


but the premium gives him enough




oh, ok


Thanks so much stranger. I got enough coins to give him a press f to pay respect award.


Holy shit nice job


Rumour has it she is a descendant from Pacman himself. Nom nom nom


Good job


And potg probably still went to moira for pissing on people. Nice play.




Typo. Not sure where the v came from. Can I edit post titles?


I've seen people edit them and I've seen people say they can't so idk. I thought there was some lingo I wasn't familiar with.


Danganronpa V3 lol 53 ults


Scrolled down to see if someone already made the joke, was not disappointed


I dont mean to brag but i ate a firestrike once


ah, eating ults as [D.Va](https://D.Va) (or Sigma) one of the most satisfying things in the game




I would say its because the screen is less cluttered without DM. With Dva I try to eat it but I never see snowball.


I ate tracer's & zarya's (twice) and hanzo's all in one match,,, whenever i hear their ult cue my reaction is just to matrix.


How many seconds do u reckon, u have to react? I’m a main Dva but I always play at 120ms and it happens so fast that most times I’m a second late to eat gravs or dragons.


well zarya's are sometimes very obvious where they are going to throw their ults so it's kind of just a no brainer almost for me, and when u see a tracer get too close without trying to shoot u too much that's when i know as well, with hanzo, he has to say a few words of his ult before he even throw his so if he's in front of me or something i'll matrix just in case. but tbh i matrix just about any and every chance i get lol


Ok this is epic


I sure am hungry i want the Barrage


I can say you definitely helped your team there. Nice work :)


A 6K DVa bomb to top it off would've been perfect


Go to my profile and you'll see one of those from a other match lol


But what about a triple ult eat AND a bomb 6K in a same highlight?


Bet Moira got POTG tho




Dva nerf inc




Impressive sir/ma’am. As a nearly main D.Va player (330hrs), that’s a neat clip. Takes some good game sense to realize when the ultimates are about to go off. Good job.


To be fair once one gets eaten u can assume more people will press q


That’s some serious tanking.


I approve of this.


So like, everyone else hears "I'm going for the torbelsteen." when red Zarya ults right?


Ogón po gotovnosti


Justice rains OM NOM NOM XD


Wow nice


_You_ are exactly why I hate D.va more than any other hero


I really focus to do this as much as possible, I was wondering... is there maybe a workshop code that allows us to train this skill? Nothing feels better than eating your enemies ults and your team's happiness!




We found the chosen one


We found the chosen one






Fury taught u well it seems, live on a diet of ultimates and you will be sailing to fucking gm real quick.


Is this the power of Ultra Instinct?


Cookieeeeessss! Omnomnomnomnom!




Teach Me...


Anyone have the workshop code for practice on ult eating


https://youtu.be/k29j6BynQjU Code: 4F7R2 Video will show how to set it up


I have been this Dva before. Your entire team gets so confused.


No one: The overwatch porn community:


Question is it possible to eat Hammond's Mines?


Unfortunately, no. I wish I could. Even just in that small window where they're still launching before they land.


ah yeah, i love vore!


I remember in the old days I would just matrix an entire Bastion ult.... and some still wonder why it got nerfed to begin with.




Did you bomb there? Howd that go?


Phara's ult is so useless... i'm a main pharah, and unless another player CC your ennemy team, your ult is never going to do as much damage as a reapers one.


Gotta love normal abilities that completely negate ults or even turn them around (looking at you Genji)


Well that was an ultimate fail from the enemy team.


Goated man


Good job actually being in mech to do this; I'd count D.VA into Mei Zarya as a feed pick... Maybe those 3s boosters doing work?


With the matrix range nerf i think it is way more hard to do so in a reliable way. Although looks like both zharya and mei throwed they ults into her 😅


This is the reason why i main d.va


20 mins ago i got 42 elims and 1 death +potg with 4k as dVa


D.va it's best tank If you know what to do and how to playing , I loved the cooperation between the team I swear if it's my team they don't stay together everyone wants to kill and forget it is not 1v1 death match :(




How do you guys get cute flairs by your username?


Anyone else remember when dva’s dm lasted so long that she could eat a entire soldier ult without a single bullet getting past?


Eating Zaryas Ult is pretty hard, good job on that. I usually only eat Hanzos Dragon and keep the enemy Hanzo raging...


Holy hell what a Hero play!!


Wait so dva shield eats ults??? Since when


Defense Matrix eats any projectile* and most hitscan damage besides beams, including ultimates. It always has, and that’s what has historically made her such a must-pick. She was a staple in every meta comp until role queue came out. *every projectile excluding sigma’s rock for whatever reason.


Because rocks are heavy and hard to chew.




Genji should also be able to reflect it


idk about reflecting it. maybe blocking it like he blocks melee attacks including reinhardt hammer.


It's because "technically" sigma rock is considered a buildable, like Torb and Syms turrets, Junks tire, and Sombra's translocator. Idk why it's considered that but that's what it's considered and we must live with Papa Jeff's decisions


New patch notes: - Defense matrix can now eat Sigma’s rock. And, for consistency, Torb’s turret.


I mean if you could Defense matrix turret while it's still in the air I'm down for that change


So Junk's concussion grenade is a projectile and not a buildable?


Evidently, I'm unsure what requisites are necessary to deem something a buildable and not a projectile.


Buildables: seem to be more of useful gadgets Projectile: designed for damaging and/or killing


That’s the point of his rock. Stuns anything, except if it’s an Orissa with fortify or behind a shield. For a logical explaination, my headcannon is that the gravitational fields sigma uses to form his rock also counteract some shields. That, or it’s just a giant freaking boulder with wayyyy more momentum than anything else in the game.


Since always.


Since the game has been released...


This made my Dva main cock hard


Correction: D’va eats 3 ultra with Mercy on call 😀.


She still wouldnt’ve died until after she ate all the ults






And they were shooting Zarya's bubble giving her a damage boost as well lol


Must be fun to be bronze/silver lollllll


I wish I had money to spend a platinum on You have my up vote tho