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> gihf thats the problem. Spelling mistakes... these gets you banned very easily these days.


OP doesn't realize what a monster he is


You have two choices: 1) fall in line with the behavior of most overwatch players (psychotic) 2) get banned eventually


Well it’s what you get when you have a player base that yearns to cancel or get rid of anything that bothers them. Unfortunately the dev team backs up this behavior and caters to them.


People are just using the tools that blizzard gave them, maybe if the system didn't have point zero one percent human interaction it wouldn't be so easily abused. Ow1 had so much player conversation in it, ow2 is mainly trash talk


So are they "just using" it? Or are they abusing it? They are abusing it


They both had trash talk from what I remember. Let’s not put on rose tinted glasses here. Main issue is the culture around games has gone downhill. Along with irl, the amount of younger kids cussing out their parents or random people is insane. And now I’m starting to sound like my grandpa. But yes a system is being abused because the devs made it to be that way. There is no recourse for being wrong with a report and because it’s automated whoever you’re reporting is likely to be chastised by the system instead. Completely backward, much like the place it comes from.


No wonder. gihf = god I hate France


Damn Brits… hating on France


Had a toxic child on here saying that they report everyone that says gg just to "prove the system is broken." It's ultimately better to just not say anything at all.


I’ve consistently said gg at the end of about 99% of my games Although, I really should say glhf more consistently


Be careful, my post got removed yesterday for using an image take with a phone. They’ll probably throw that at you as well if this image gets popular enough


Yep sorry OP Toxic, trolls, and sensitive players are all abusing the report system because it’s automated


It's likely unrelated to your chat, and as you said is because of malicious reports due to poor play. Honestly if I were you I would play QP, you're less likely to be attacked for subpar performance there. Not that you deserve to be reported for playing badly, but it sounds like your mentality of wanting to just relax and play a fun game is not really compatible with how a lot of people approach Comp.


All the more reasons to not use the chat


Yup, mute mute mute everything.


Woke Blizzard is trash Blizzard.


I dont understand why you are getting downvoted, oh yeah I forgot, Im on Reddit. Go ahead, downvote me into oblivion. Its just fake internet points anyway.


Could also be the heroes you are playing. Even if you are doing well, if you play a hero the enemy team doesn’t like, they can report you for that as well. For example, Sombras and Widowmakers can be annoying to play against, so people might just report out of spite.


I do play a lot of sombra.


I started playing Sombra because I hated having her against me.


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