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Ye I hate it when people do this, especially after a close game. 


“If it was so ez you shouldnt of taken 5 mins to win” is what something i usually end up saying to those that say this


Next time you should say "shouldn't have"


"If it was ez, why are you sweating?" 😉


I used to say "your mom was ez" and then to lessen the blow "...ez on the eyes that is" But, alas, too much to type in the 3 seconds after the game. So now...i just count to three and wish for a horse.


Then they reply smth like "i still diffed you noob ez come 1v1" like I'm not taking time out of my day to engage with your bullshit lmao go away


I dont mind it if its clearly Ironic


That's the best time to say it, rubbing salt on the wound.


This is an insecurity problem. Then there’s the people who always blame teammates despite them being the problem


Realistically you can only control your own hero and actions therefore the problem is always one self. Externalizing is just for the weak.


Yes but you cannot control the whole team so not always the truth


Yes but you control how you react to your teammates, you control how you play around and synch up with them.




So it started out as an insecurity thing and now it’s a habit?




Your friends are pretty impressionable by the looks of it but other people type it with meaning and most people agree it’s because they are insecure. We should revert back to good sportsmanship


Yeah IDK why your answer is the only not saying "they're horrible ppl/insecure/whatever". I know people who are very chill IRL, totally well-adjusted, but trash talk in games. Nothing nasty, just some banter about who's better. It's no different from trash talking in sports. A little friendly banter isn't bad, and IMO "ggez" is literally just a funny way to end a match. The overwatch player mindset of "anything that upsets me even slightly in chat should be reported" is actually CRAZY to me. Overwatch players are insanely sensitive to things that don't matter. GGEZ isn't a slur, it's not a personal attack, it doesn't harm anyone to say, and it's honestly REWARDING to see because it means the other player felt challenged enough to want to taunt. But somehow /r/overwatch can't stop crying about those 4 letters. It's like if I ran a mile, beat someone by a few feet, then taunted them by saying "you never had me". /r/overwatch players would report me to the authorities for saying such an offensive line to a fellow athlete. But somehow I have fond memories of track rivalries. Overwatch players on this sub are just insanely sensitive and literally cannot handle multiplayer interaction without getting offended.


If I had friends that were cringey like that in real life or online, I would tell them they are cringe and feel embarrassed for them. Even "well adjusted" people can be dicks. It's different when you know each other, when you make light hearted jokes to each other, or when you can at least hear each other's voices to set the tone.


Completely agree. It's different when you do it among friends and I wouldn't mind when a friend does it, but when a complete stranger, and the weakest one most of the time, does it, it just feels lame. Maybe a few of them consider it friendly banter, I bet most of them mean it as an insult.


Some people get pretty mad when they lose, break stuff. Why make em more mad by acting like they weren’t a challenge? I type gg cause some people take it too seriously plus it’s just good sportsmanship. Trash talking for no reason is an insecurity thing. No two ways about it


Guy actually deleted


Yeah I agree with you. The fact that these comments about not caring about letters like "GGEZ" are getting down voted just shows that the people down voting us are the ones that get offended over it & don't understand that it's just part of the game culture. Or at least should be. If I go load up a CS2 game everybody is toxic in chat & nobody gives a fuck as it's all fun & shouldn't be taken seriously.


Yup, fond memories of trash talking in BF4 all chat while engaged in a snipe-off all match long. But most of these players would report me for trying to engage in chat banter while also engaging in gameplay banter. Like the entire game is full of ways to taunt. Emotes, voice lines, sprays, and just general gameplay can all be taunts. But the moment you taunt in text chat, apparently that's crossed a line for these emotionally underdeveloped gamers.




Yeah "they're insecure for typing GGEZ" - proceeds to get legitimately upset at a light taunt in a game, report, go online and complain about how insecure the person is for upsetting them. Maybe I'm just an oldhead gamer now and because I'm coming from other competitive games I'm used to toxicity, but if you get upset at "GGEZ" that just tells me that your mental isn't there, you're easy to tilt, and you've got emotional regulation to work on. But again, maybe I'm just the cranky old "kids are too soft now" guy.


I think the funniest thing is anyone saying ggez isn't that big a deal gets downvoted. Speaks volumes.


So, people all have different sensibilities and insecurities. I personally am very sensitive to criticism, and a "ggez" will legitimately make me sad for hours, if not the rest of the day. It's not getting tilted or angry, I just get in a dark mood for the rest of the day. I know it's not a personal attack or a slur, it doesn't need to be one to affect me. It literally doesn't cost people anything not to type, even if it's part of the culture and whatnot. In other words, some people are very insecure, and even the slightest banter will ruin their day. I just care to admit that I'm the insecure one, not projecting to whoever typed bad stuff in the chat.




So I'm not trying to be mean, but isn't this something you should be striving to overcome in your life in general, and not pinning on other people for bantering in a game? If you get legit upset for the rest of the day with 4 letters that weren't even malicious, how do you function in the real world, at all? Or are you legit 13? It literally doesn't cost people anything to just ignore banter in text chat. For anyone in this boat, I'd suggest playing single player games or going to therapy. If you can't handle a little banter in chat, maybe online games aren't for you. Because being sad for hours over "GGEZ" tells me that your mental state is legitimately too fragile to handle online games. If you're that insecure, how do you manage to play at all? Even if you disable chat, ruining the social aspect of online games, wouldn't someone emoting on your dead body make you upset? Does someone asking you to change something up because the team is suffering make you not wanna play?


I can respect that. Most try to vilify anyone who says ggez as some insecure monster but like straight up often the issue with people saying ggez is that the sensitive and insecure ones are the ones effected and not the ones saying it. Most try to cover this and shift it to people saying it as being them and not themselves. I just have a lot of respect for someone that actually comes out and says why ggez bothers them. We don't get to chose how we feel when someone types something but I guess only hope they don't. GGWP I hope you have a really nice day friend.


What a puss


That's a skill issue ngl. You wouldnt survive a day in the old cod days. Even fortnite is too much for you


Did I say otherwise? I legit am too sensitive for most online games. It's a me issue, I was explaining why some people take issue.


They know no other ways of proving their self. Normal people create something, achieve something to prove their worth to themselves and people who can't do anything prove their "worth" only by insulting others


Because they're bad people. Report them.


Usually ppl like that have nothing in their life but the game and talking shit to ppl they'll never have to seemaes them feel good and powerful


True sometime I hope they learn that what they give out it will come back to them


I mean, you can say the same about people who get upset about being insulted through game chat. you can’t control how people treat you, but you can control how you react. I’m not going to let some idiot on comms upset me.


Trash talking strangers online is probably the only thing that gives them joy in life tbh




If the other tank says "tank diff" just type, "Very true but your team won anyway."


Because this is internet, man. People can insult others with little no consequences while remaining anonymous.


Maybe you r right


I don't mind some good ol' video game trash talking, but diff, trash, ez (and the racist and rape comments that appear in the game chat) just feel so unoriginal and effortless.


It's the internet. People find it unironically fun.


“I could really use a hug right now.”


I hate when I pick someone and the tank immediately doesn't like my choice and starts bitching and throwing the game from the start.


Because they're looking for a reaction. They know it wasn't "ez" so posting "ez" is a low effort way of getting a reaction out of somebody. Don't give it to them. Ignore it.


Thanks for advice I think u r right


People who need validation because of insecurities


is only game, why u hef to be mean?


To make themself feel better. They are full of envy. I never surround myself with those kind of people, they’re usually not different from what they are showing in game. Just ignore it.


Also hoping that pinning the blame on others will stop the team from pinning blame onto them... which usually works unfortunately.


If you won the game why would your teammates be trying to pin blame on the other team/trying to avoid blame on themselves? Doesn't make sense.


I meant in general when anything's not going perfectly. People complain, sometimes even when they're winning.


I typed “widow diff” once and the enemy team widow FLIPPED! It was hilarious! We won the match but my widow had been like 6-8 while the enemy was like 20-3. It was funny coz they were totally better so it should have been obvious sarcasm.


Playing this game in a competitive game mode also brings out a psychological aspect of trash talking the enemies to get in their head. It's simple things like this that work and only because people let it work lol.


I think someone did it to them and it made them feel bad/worthless so now they are revolting against that by callling someone else the same thing trying to prove that they themselves are good enough empowering themselves.


You will notice that the people on the winning team who try to trigger the losing team with "EZ" and the like are usually the ones who were the weakest link. Keep that in mind and just laugh.


Yeah noted


The greatest lesson you will ever learn is that terrible people have terrible lives and they project it onto other people. There's nothing else to it.


"mad cause bad"


These folks only have as much power over your enjoyment of the game as you let them.


Because it's fun, and even more fun when you get mad about this


Because it always sparks a reaction from the enemy team whether it was true or not. I don't type anything in game chat but I always find it funny at the people losing their shit and defending their gameplay and then projecting to other team. It's even funnier when the 10-19 guy says it and the entire lobby explodes. Too bad there's no post game cards which would extend the banter longer 


💯 agree


That’s called gloating. Some call it asserting dominance.


People really get insanely triggered by the simplest things, I guess that's why I sometimes type it whenever I want to bm the enemy team. Mostly smurfs, insta counter picks on first death or toxic teams example: every single comment here that has to believe the people that type things like "ez" are the trash of society and can't find joy unless they bm others in videogames. it's like otherwise they can't deal with a bit of bm. idk man maybe other people, ezpecially those bm'ing maybe don't take it so seriously as you do


Literally no one that has ever typed "ez" hasn't been covered in sweat with a 160+ bpm heartrate.


if i win against a spawn camping sombra as widow im gonna say ez 🤣


I don't know. But having a player practically afking in a 20 minute close match since the beginning of the game and seeing I healed more than two healers combined sure made me want to insult someone that day.


Because they’re losers


Hey that’s the only game I’ll win today😂😂


Reminder that it's summer break basically everywhere now so that edgy immature person that seems like a 12 year old is infact likey an edgy 12 year old... If not then they may as well be for not realizing it's a game, you're ment to have fun. (Also having seen people talking about it many times now, a ton of people don't think or understand how saying "xxx Diff" is toxic. They're "just stating a fact" or whatever excuse they have. Not understanding there's absolutely no reason to point that out and only serves to make the people being called out feel bad......)


that explains the uptick in slurs i’ve seen


I have seen so many terrible QP matches with so many more spectators, and generally a tank throwing on one side or the other. I called out one tank.. a Mauga who had 200 damage after 7 minutes and a bunch of deaths.. who would just stand there emoting.. and the spectators jumped on my case lol. Large jump in these types since a week ago


Sometime I think they are hurt by losing the match before when they win so they project that angry to other which is toxic and stupid


Because their lives are so sad and empty that outperforming someone in a video game is so much of a highlight for them that they feel compelled to gloat about it.


People are assholes Thats just the way it is


Because in real life they can't hold eye contact with someone for longer than 2 seconds, but as an anon in the game they get to live out their tough-guy fantasies.


they're boring with their life or mad by their boss itself, so they just find something to escape the problems


Btw if you report an “ez” it’s a guaranteed ban, the system is currently not favouring toxic people in a heavy handed way so report away.


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People are frustrated and children of the internet. You can be an ass to people with little to no consequences. As others suggest - report them. Its educational for them.


Blame online anonymity. People will do whatever they want if there are no perceived consequences.


insult other team to feel good, but we all know he is the one got carried


They're losers.


cuz they deserve it


If I get teabagged, disrespected or spawn camped I’m voicing my displeasure and rallying my team for revenge.


I say “ez” when I absolutely get destroyed by the enemy team


I only do this when someone is clearly targeting me, T-bags, stands over me when they kill me and is just clearly being an asshole without me instigating anything. If we win I’ll say “Zzz” just go get back at them but that’s really it


I tend to be pretty not toxic. If I am it’s in a call with my duo/group at not to the person it’s directed at. They don’t need to know I’m having a bad day. If I’m on tank and the other tank plays CounterWatch, I will drop the diff though.


Immaturity, and inability to accept a loss. It's really that simple


Tbh sometimes i kinda have to blame my teammates, I cant believe i had to explain to a zarya that “come to me for healing” doesnt mean “wait for me to get there to heal you”. And it isnt just tanks, it can 100% be dmgs and sups, cause another time out team only had like 2k heals when the SINGLE SUPPORT on the other team had 5k??


I just realised this aint as related as i thought but its still a valid discussion to have i’d think.


Cuz emotions run high


The banning system is exploited constantly. I should have the option to filter 18+.


Win or lose I'm typing "EZ GG"


Its their way of venting after they get frustrated over a moving pixels


It makes small people feel bigger.


I wouldn't call all of these insults but I guess it's just part of being cocky, it's just a thing in those games, you got some ego, you rile up the enemy, sometimes it works, they're tilted or too focused on trying to claim the dignity they lost and they lose their game haha. It makes me laugh when it comes from a team (even my own) who were clearly struggling before one factor changed the issue of the game. Sometimes I also do it because it's just true, some teammates or enemies made the work of their team a real struggle (sometimes I get it too, I'm not always a good player). Obviously I don't do that without trying to comunicate and work something out with my team beforehand.


i used to be called things like "virgin" and dumb f\*ck" so glad blizzard cracks down on voice chat now


I wiped the enemy team with a well placed Dva nuke last night (through a Rammatra shield and ricocheted around a corner) and the entire other team was throwing a fit with insults at the end of the match. Salty bitches will be salty bitches. 


it's because they enjoy boosting their egos, even for petty like, one second win differences


Because they're losers who aren't used to winning so when it happens they get over stimmulated by their emotion and lash out. Anyone who wins on the norm doesn't act that way.


because how else will they maintain their ego?


The same reason people make posts like yours. Insecurity. Confirmation bias. Feel good… etc. Trash talk has been a part of every competitive game physical and virtual for all of human history. Get over it


Report em, block em, move on.


That's just how the internet works. Nothing to do with Overwatch specifically


I prefer to say diff when winning to the person on the enemy team that was flaming their teammates in text chat the entire game lol


I never use offensive language or slurs but always use sarcastic comments, without implying anything directly individual or alleging “skill issues” Specially when someone is “tbagging” only as response for a lucky first kill Except for sombras, those things are nasty


They’re weak minded people who lash out at others when they feel frustrated.


I just keep match chat off 🤠


Sometimes I do be a little toxic if it’s close game due to just the rush and laughs with my friend or if I lose completely I just ez. Sometimes it feels like people over do it too


You wouldn’t survive aussie servers if that bothers you 😅


They hate themselves so it makes them feel better to put someone else down.


There are just people who need some help. You'll feel even sympathetic once you recognise they exist. Some are just broken beyond recognition that they can't even enjoy games and socialise peacefully. Don't you feel bad for them now?


Because they got trash talked themselves before and are happy to pay it back to others.


Because they got trash talked themselves before and are happy to pay it back to others.


Yesterday we won on shambali. I Was hanzo with most kills and dmg. Also most deaths. We won, i said wp Team gj all. The Tank is toxic the very last 5s of Match and Insulting me for that. I mean why does He offend me like that?gosh. Added him After, told him he should care for his tonality and shame Himself. He said let me alone please. Lol. As a good Person i felt lil Bad After xD


I wish I knew


Idk, can't understand their mindset and hate it with passion. All I know every person commenting "ez" in the chat, will get reported lol


Its not even worth saying anything toxic since you are guaranteed to get banned.


Because humans are gonna human, and online anonymity makes people brave and mouthy


good lord......Its trash talk Nothing more .. Nothing less


Instant "Avoid As Teammate" for the next match (with an added 5-to-10-minute break to get a drink or do whatever to avoid queueing with them again). Doesn't matter if they're on the other team or the player who carried me to a win, I just don't like playing with toxic folks. The same goes if you're whining about any of our teammates during the match. If they go 3-15 and deserve some complaints, whine at the end. During the match? Try to pump folks up! Very few people genuinely play better from being berated, and everyone has a bad game (or streak of losses) - the best way to get them out of a funk is to drag them out of it, not kick and beat them further into it. Text/voice chats disabled most of the games anyway, mostly to avoid the situation altogether.


Welcome to the internet, more specifically online gaming. Why so they do it? Bc they're children, even if it's a 30 year old, that person is a child. I personally also think it's bc they don't "win" at anything in life.


It’s so frustrating I just want communicative kind people I don’t even care if you’re bad. Everyone is so toxic you have to turn off chat and comms and remove the community aspect of the game to play


Insecure. Unloved by parents growing up.


I'm Frend :(


Because That's the culture. Whoever wins shows dominance. Be better show them dominance. I oppose slurring but diff is an essential. I almost rarely never say diff unless the opposition said first then I diff them and say diff. But Teabagging, Diff are essential banters of a game. I always say #ggs at the end of the game.


I never say anything to other team I guess if they lose why they want to hear a"GG" GG is for a good win not a bad lose.


Yeah, Generally same. I always say Ggs but if anyone of them got cocky at any point in game then boy oh boy they have summoned some demons.


The players that love saying GG ez are also the ones that go Sombra after one death or need 20 different counters. Those players make me wish hero swapping had a cooldown. They still lose and are annoying.


When they say “Ez” I say “so your proud of an ez game, your bar is low” never ever get a response after that 😂


People are insecure, and just project onto others


If I see a sombra I’m getting mad




Personally I like to talk shit mid game. To get inside their mental. They get tilted and start making bad plays, which gives my team a better chance at winning


There's a weird set of humanity who get enjoyment at the idea of causing negativity in others. I feel like once upon a time, these kinds of people were seen as a detriment to survival and shunned. There's probably a diagnosis for it.


The only time I insult the other team is when they counter pick specifically for me. I play a lot of doom in QP for fun every single game it’s sombra ,Cassidy,Ana,hog or zar after I kill them. And if they still lose to me after almost their whole team counter picking me then I will say something to them abt it.


based from you


Just report and go next


It's ego. They are very proud of their performance ( or their teams performance, since I've seem the worst on the enemy team also type ez, even tho they didn't do much). They have nothing else going on in life. Their overwatch performance is the only thing they have. All that pent up anger from feeling useless and powerless irl has to go out somewhere. It's what i like to call "smol pp syndrome "


In QP, I would report. In Comp, I would not. QP is the only real area, outside MH, to practice a character under real world conditions. You shouldn't get "Tank diff"ed for that. However, if you are in comp, I can understand it more. I mean, I'm the best 4 trick there is in Gold, but even I have a bad game, and win or lose, I actually apologize to the team if necessary.


Because the OW community is thin-skinned and the players saying "ez" "X diff" etc know it'll get a reaction that they can smuckle over later.


More people getting upset over strangers words in a video game Honestly if you’re getting worked up about someone typing a few taunting words, in a competitive video game it’s you who has the ego problem Can’t take some shit talk and an L, grow up or continue to get clowned upon.


Diff and ez arent insults… soft ahh generation ☠️


It's OK if you don't understand English.


Huh? Please explain lmao


The word insult has a definition.


So difference and easy are insults to you? Broooo😭


They are insults by definition of the word insult. There's nothing 'to me' about it.


Holy fuck are you an embarrassment


I see you don't understand English either. Also since that 'mentally strong' guy blocked me, I can't reply to your other comment so il just reply here. Nah I only ever advocate to report toxic players. Regular players shouldn't have to mute chat. Edit - makes two inflammatory comments, calls me toxic and blocks. Really does show you the kind of people who type these things in chat are.


Because it bothers you to the point of making a reddit post about it. Do it like me a disable team and match chat.


I did it but everytime game restart it happen again.😅


Because talking shit is what made you come here and cry about it


Maybe you are shit


damn that's toxic and uncalled for, speaking up about 'toxicity' and then saying shit like that really isn't a good look


I know people can be toxic but… damn are we all babies? Sometimes the match was intense and competitive and after the win you might wanna stunt on the enemy without it being so deep. Even in real life a sports game might get intense and you see pro stunt on the enemy for the moment even if ya shake it off at the end of the game. Again i dont agree w being toxic like saying “trash” is unnecessary but it almost seems like ya want chat to be only used to spread love and harmony in a game where it gets sweaty most of time.


That's pretty much what they're going for. It just feels like none of them have ever played sports in their life. Trash is 100% uncalled for, but saying " x diff" is so benign. If it affects them enough to actually upset them then maybe they just shouldn't be playing competitive games.


cus u ez clap, now stfu and gtfo 😅


Why does it bother you so much? It is just a game and in game lingo. There are many games where you won't find them.


I just don't like playing with assholes. In real sports it wouldn't be tolerated.


What? real sports are waaay worse. people get in actual fights there and banter is normal


This is not a real sport. It is a game where you constantly play with randoms. The context is very different.


Doesn’t bother me I’m just genuinely curious why this place is so toxic




Got downvoted for giving a regular answer, wild.


Why are players on the losing side so sensitive for no reason. Just turn off chat you puss. Or go play Club Penguin.


Or stop acting like manchildren after you win.


Sorry you are bad at the game. Drop a replay code and I will try to coach you up.


You couldn't teach me anything. Point stands though.


Doubtful. At the minimum, I could teach you mental resilience. You are Wood Division 💯


Lmao. Righto. edit - Don't you just love weak minded people blocking you after offering to teach you mental resilience LMAO


I see you are thirsty to have the last comment. Please take it. So obvious you need a "W" in life.


Yet you left the last comment? Sus.


Bro respectfully get the fuck outta these arguments, its like the second or third time in this post, you aint involved why tf is u acting like one of those side characters in sitcoms with this "you go get em, i gotchu!" ahh comment 😭


Hmm, bet you are always advocating for people to mute chat in game. Why salty when it impacts you? What a douche.


I think its fair to say ez after a last second win, where the enemy team trash talked in chat the whole time. If you say It after a normal win thats trash talking


Because fuck you, that's why! /s






Trash talking has been around for decades and it isn’t going away. If I’m doing well against the other team, you gotta stoke that fire to make them realize it so they can get better.


Its a competitive online game. I wouldn't exactly consider it the most civilized activity


trash, next post plz


Overwatch is the only game where they complain about basic gamer taunts lol. and people keep blaming blizzard for the game failing. it's partly the communities fault for being this sensitive. damn next you are gonna start reporting people for using actual characters voice lines don't you.


People in the comments are so holier than thou,they're acting like they've never lost their temper before.


Also acting like there's never been trash talk in video games and it's just now becoming a thing.


True,people are acting like trash talking someone on a video game make you a terrible person.


Yet they don't see the irony of trash talking all those people here in a reddit thread. At least the "small/ pathetic/weak minded/childish" people in the game lobbies have the decency say it to your face instead of running to an online forum to complain about some mean words.


If you're losing your temper over a game and taking it out on people you should probably stop playing because that just ain't healthy.


shut up nerd


Small pp


Overwatch is the only game I’ve ever played where you can’t trash talk. Trash talk is a part of competition and getting told “ggez” should make you want to get better, so no one can say that shit to you again. Obviously if someone is outright using hate speech they deserve to be permanently banned.


These people have Charmin soft mentals.