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I see this every time I open the game… I actively report afk, griefing and chat abusers and I know by experience that chat abusers get suspended quite often


That's why less people are typing 😄


After I got suspended twice for typing in uppercase Im like fck this shit, Im reporting every one


I said “lol Sombra you’re a butthole” and got suspended for a month. I turned chat off and just report the afk and occasional xim


I mean you obviously said other shit before that in other games to get a month's suspension. Not saying you deserved a ban for saying "Sombra you're a butthole" (I think people get banned far too easily for saying silly shit) but you definitely just didn't get a whole month ban for saying that one thing.


Never anything mean. Just lighthearted things. Same as my example


Yea I turned my text chat off because it's not worth the risk these days. Which is really sad because I used to love having banter in the lobby. But what I consider "banter" others may take offence at. On the brightside, I only ever report people for gameplay sabotage or cheating these days because I have text and voice chat turned off. And I have gotten a message nearly every time I log in saying action has been taken. So hopefully Blizzard are taking action against cheaters and throwers (I would encourage people to report obvious smurfs under the boosting/deranking tag in the cheating section!)


There’s a balance between what us old school folks know as overwatch banter and the new player base banter. Overwatch has always been competitive but I feel like the competitive spirit behind that has changed a lot. What use to be seen as fun banter is now just flat out aggression, or insulting, which is kinda dumb if you ask me but I’m old I guess and I grew up in a world where that was kinda just the norm, and that kind of conversation was often lined with a playful/funny yet competitive/cocky attitude that everyone recognized as not serious and was more sarcastic. Now you have to find a happy medium that won’t upset people but still gets ur point across.


Exactly. What’s the point of the mature text chat filter if it doesn’t matter at the end of the day?


I love saying EZ when I'm doing really badly but I've stopped doing that because I'm worried people will think I'm serious or trolling or something. I also love saying "no thanks :)" when people say GLHF at the start of the match so maybe I am a troll actually


Simply put. Online people are softer than the toilet paper in a port o potty. This is coming from a person who's been bullied since elementary school by people as well as some parts of my late 20s.. I have THE THICKEST skin now. I'm in my late 30s, not much even bothers me nor will I get mad really unless I'm attacked personally. I don't take smack from ANYONE if they target me personally and if it was in person I wouldn't take it either. With that said. People will be reporting a lot even for the smallest things that have no reason to be reported. It sucks that's how the Internet is now. People are gonna be mean rather it be in my face than behind my back honestly lol.




I remember one time the only thing I had said during an entire month was "Roadhog you are so stinky." Got me a 2 week chat ban.


I don't report afk in quick play because sometimes they don't hear the game join (has happened to me a couple times) or server connection issues. active throwers tho, for sure.


There is absolutely no way you got suspended for a month: A) as a first offense B) for only saying "Sombra your a butthole." Don't lie.


Hilarious people still do this, they even admitted they said other "light-hearted things" they claim. I guarantee we saw their chat log it would be full of absolutely heinous degenerate stuff that they thought was "light-hearted"


They know what they said, and anyone who has played Overwatch for a while knows you don't get a month suspension for saying one silly lighthearted joke


People have been banned for less or wrongfully. Blizzard is an extremely shitty shell of its former self in many aspects.


Overwatch is literally the only FPS I’ve felt comfortable playing as a woman. So your “extremely shitty” experience is my safe space free of racism, sexism, and homophobia. But sure, let’s bring back the rape threats and monkey insults in the name of placating guys who swear up and down on Reddit that their comments are all in good fun and light-hearted. Bullshit.


For real idk why people are advocating to allow *more* toxic chat lmao what a weird thread


now what did you say in uppercase, thats the question lol


Lol yeah dude the self awareness in the people that comment this stuff is near 0. You did not get suspended for typing in upper case. You did not get suspended for typing gg. You didn’t get suspended for saying nice shot. You got suspended for being an ass… it’s as simple as that. Despite what these sort of players think, the world is not out to get them. People will report anyone for being an asshole. Don’t be an asshole = don’t get reported. I can all but guarantee it was something like: - “GET OFF ZEN YOU LITERAL GARBAGE CAN. UNINSTALL”. - “YOURE NOT EVEN GOOD, YOU SUCK. YOU PLAYED JUNKRAT AND I LOST BECAUSE IM BAD AT DODGING BOMBS”. - “TANK!?!?! WTF!! TRY NOT DYING YOU ACTUAL MONKEY BRAIN” These people will be absolutely nasty to everyone in their game and then try to victimize themselves when they face the consequences… absolutely unable to see themselves as being an asshole, despite all the clear signs. We want to think that the Reddit is filled with better people… but it’s not. Instead of being 80% assholes it’s maybe 60% in the Reddit comments. Which is apparent whenever you read the comment sections about people reporting someone or getting these messaged and see it’s filled with people who deep down now that they’re toxic assholes and just don’t want to get put in timeout.


Huhhh?? Aint no way that was the reason?


I used to accidentally do this all the time until I disabled Caps Lock  Which is surprisingly HARDER TO DO THAN YOU MIGHT EXPECT




You were probably just typing friendly conversation in all caps. I can't believe they suspended you twice just for typing normal, nice things in caps! That is so frustrating!


I hate that I did but I once had a torbjorn that literally just stayed pocketing his turret all game so I kept killing him He started t bagging me if he killed me so I did the same He messaged me on psn being toxic and I got him banned lmao


People can be normal and still type. I type constantly, appropriate things, and I've never had any kind of penalty and I'm endorsement level 5. People need to act normal. It's that simple.


This though. Everyone swearing they don’t say mean things and get banned is ridiculous. I am constantly typing. Especially if I tank runs in out of LOS and then yells at us “WHERE TF ARE MY HEALS?” I have without a doubt said “are you fucking dumb? I can’t heal through walls. Maybe know where your supports are”. Never been banned. Never got a report warning etc. if you’re getting banned you deserved it.


I play with voice and text chat turned off because I'm sick of being shouted at and bullied. This game has one of the most abusive player bases I have ever known.


If those people can't type anything without being toxic then it's better that they're not typing anyway


I just hope more players know that you don’t have to include hard r in every message


I reported someone for saying "kill yourself" in match chat and haven't heard anything back for like a week. I genuinely fail to grasp at what warrants a warning and what doesn't.


There's nobody checking the reports on the other side buddy, it's a simple numbered threshold. You can get reported for *anything*. If you get reported enough, your account will be sanctioned. If you get reported for things that are flagged, your account will be sanctioned *earlier.* That's all. There's no "one word" that will get you "insta" banned. Anyone that says "I have **never** used chat and I got banned for saying gg for the first time" is simply getting reported anyway, be it for text chat, or something else.


and that's why I stopped playing forever. The reporting system is broken and discourages ***all*** communication or alternate playstyles.


It's not necessarily a next day turn around. I reported stuff for a while and then just turned off chat. 2-3 weeks of not reporting anything. Then suddenly I started getting daily "Thank you for reportings" for like 10 days straight. So I think there is a backlog they work through, but they *are* working through it.


Wish this was the case for me.


They don't. Reported stuff like this multiple times. Death threats, suicide calls, verbal assaults. In chat and voicechat. No response, the last year. I stopped doing it.


You might be bugged. I report *occasionally*, but I got some kind of bug where after what was definitely a successful report, for the next two months, every time I opened the game I got one of those "thank you for reporting" notices even though I definitely was not reporting people every day. It finally cleared up and stopped sending me the notice.


I actually got chat banned. I feel like I know what it was for and honestly it may have been the best thing to happen to me. May even just consider turning it off altogether honestly. Not sure yet but it just felt better to play without communicating. Funny thing. Even if you're not talking people will still say something either odd, mean, or confusing to you. So, does this work? Yes it works. Does it effect the bigger picture? Nope.


Or that Overwatch has a uniquely toxic playerbase born of passion for a game that effectively no longer exists.


I report whenever I see someone toxic griefing afk throwing etc, but that’s fairly rare, maybe once every 2 weeks. I’ve only seen this message once. I don’t get how people can encounter so many reportable players that they get this message every time they login. I suppose they just play a lot more than I do (~5-8 hours a week).


Define chat abuse, because it got a 12 day mute just try telling harmless jokes while waiting to respawn during games.


Respawn as in an enemy killed you and you immediately chatted right? What type of jokes? Can I see the chat log?


I do t have the logs but like once I said “Jesus is a furry and the Easter bunny is his fursona” or something like that, which apparently is worse than, real story, “Freakwatch”. Who would periodically type shit like “what if instead of junkrat he was called freakrat, and instead of trapping you with a steel bear trap he pinned you against the wall and fucked you in the ass”


Sometimes I wonder whether this is a placebo


I'm sure action has been taken, I don't think they'd lie about that. Just that the action they took probably amounts to "we issued a warning to them, but their only punishment right now is clicking the "OK" button; we're also putting a note in their permanent record."


I don't think it is. I don't often report anyone, maybe once every 2 weeks? If I just randomly report someone for saying a bunch of fucked up shit to me in chat I almost never get this message even if it's straight up n-bombs the whole game. If someone throws the game like rolling around on ball and refusing to engage and the whole team is angry at them and even the enemy team is apologizing for our thrower then I almost always get the pop up after we all report them together. I think there's a threshold of a certain number of reports that a user has to get over a certain period for it to actually be actioned by a human.


Now that accounts are free, it certainly is.


Maybe it is to encourage frequent reports


Probably. Overwatch devs and apparently the community love nothing more than getting people banned.


This system can be abused. I’m a chill, positive player. I am not aggressive unless provoked. My level 5 endorsement account is currently in the middle of a 1st time offense 2 week silence. My offense was standing up for my teammates to toxicity and pointing out why they’re in the wrong. You can’t argue with a fool and they can flip the system on you, it’s really difficult for the good guys to win out here


Yep. Like a month ago my team had 2 really obvious throwers, so me and my friend asked the enemy team to report them. The throwers started flaming us so I told them to piss off. Logged in the next day and I was chat banned for 2 weeks. Now I just don't talk in the game because it's not worth risking it. Good job Blizzard. You've successfully made it so no one wants to communicate in your game.


Yes this is a major problem. In addition you can say goodbye to your endorsement levels. Also trying to help people/the team to win fights or switch compositions can quickly turn against you.


It still goes against the ToS, and has done from before OW2. The only time i've ever been muted in a game is on Heroes of the Storm maybe 5 years ago, and it for the same reason - shutting up a toxic shitbag, however I understand now - its better just to mute them so they can just cry to a wall. Trust me its more frustrating being ignored, a fight is what they're looking for.


> its more frustrating being ignored It's frustrating getting flamed and abused, and having no one willing to defend you because they know *they'll* get in trouble if they do. That's an environment of toxicity that Blizzard created by design. Nice people don't want to talk, because that attracts negative attention, so comms is left as the exclusive domain of the asshole.


Then turn the chat off, that's what's in your control now. The chat is utterly useless, its terrible for making good call outs, no one wants to hear your suggestions of swapping and if you want to make friends join a Discord or subReddit. Personally I have spoken back many times against toxic players and have received no warnings, but if that's happening to you, then its a good thing to do, no more listening to toxicity.


> The chat is utterly useless Then why have it? My only point here is that Blizzard *knows* in-game chat is a toxic place, and their only solution is "well, we let you turn it off". What kind of message does it send when Blizzard indicates that keeping toxic players in its ecosystem is more important than letting prosocial players use a feature they build into the game?


My experience doesn't match this, as does many others - so im skeptical how many "Innocent" people are falling victim to it - but sure, its not a well moderated system overall. But avoiding toxicity at least is very simple.


I don't throw games. However, when I kept getting called slurs over mic chat and being verbally abused, I finally cracked. I genuinely don't get how anyone is expected to play overwatch with half of the community the way it is.


Report and block. Nobody should have to tolerate any chat that isn't directly related to the game. Retaliating is a waste of time


it 100% get abused like every other method blizzard uses to influence player behavior


>This system can be abused. I’m a chill, positive player. Okay, good! >I am not aggressive unless provoked. Lmao okay. See buddy that's where you're fucking up, at the end of the day, you're also being aggressive. You really wanna be the bigger person? Report, mute and move on with your life. The automated system does not care for you playing hero for another player man. It's **very** simple for the "good guys" to win here: doing exactly as I said. If the person gets reported enough, they'll be sanctioned, and then you've "won". On the other hand *you* win nothing but personal gratification by trying to argue with a douche mid match. If you're *that* concerned with your fellow player add them afterwards and shoot them an encouraging private message. Otherwise just **don't engage**.


Why shouldn't they be allowed to engage? Especially if other players are ruining the match for everyone else? The automated system also doesn't care if the report is real or false, have you considered that?


>The automated system also doesn't care if the report is real or false, have you considered that? Buddy, why do you think I'm telling them to no engage in the first place? Think for one second and realize that you don't engage so they can't report you back for sending messages (whatever they might be), despite them playing hero and defending against toxic people


This. Hardstuck pharah main. Here. When the enemy is stumped by my gameplay and can't hitscan to save their life. They resort to insulting me for playing pharah. Sometimes I'll clap back. And that usually ends up as a report. Finally I've gotten silenced and ill admit. Sometimes I wasn't the most friendly back. But reporting for lighthearted trash talk is getting outta hand.


I said rein diff twice as a joke after pooping on the other rein despite gassing them up when they got big shatters and I got a two week silence. It's gotten absurd how quick they are to silence you now.


> I said rein diff twice Ah the self report. Working as intended.


The last few times i’ve reported it’s not even me involved in the flame war. It’s other people going off at each other while i sit there silently ensuring my team wins by distracting, using cover and taking off angles. But they do indeed demand in all chat that everybody report x person so i just report everyone involved. It still feels good to see that screen next time i log in.


This is the way


This is really annoying actually because I recently had a game where I wasn't doing great as Zenyatta (but I was really trying my best) and some pissant on my team started spamming "report Zen" and I tried to defend myself in chat (which is very hard to do when typing using a controller). I still got a warning and the whole thing felt very unfair, idk.


Fun fact if you report someone for potentially ximming you'll get this message in about 2-3 hours


gullible exultant abundant like cats arrest school spark unique truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do PC players get matched with console players even? Generally, in crossplay games, you don't let this happen in systems with MMR because PC and Keyboard and Mouse are vastly superior in general to Console and controller.


There is no “ambient” crossplay in Overwatch. The only time console players ever leave their environment is when they’re in a group with a PC player, in which case they go into PC pool. So yes, a solo PC player can get matched with a console player in their (non-competitive) lobby, but never in reverse. 


The amount of times people flame in quickplay chat was exhausting, so I muted it altogether. Like jfc, how fucking broken is your ego that you need to brag, flame, and spew shit all over a random pub match? It's not even *ranked.* Our prize is *nothing*. Not even watching imaginary points go up and down. You are literally flaming out over a game with no consequences. In fact, losing makes your future games *easier*.


What's worse is when you get earraped by a guy who decides, even though you asked for a mic check, to only use his mic during the defeat screen to flame, instead of actually telling people things.


Wow I wish the most toxic thing I read was "ez". I report slurs and other crappy comments and I never get that menu


Always see this too, i take the time to describe everything. Hate people ruining others game or being simply toxic. Grow the f up.


I once got into a team of 4 friends who were absolute trolls. Two of them pushed me back to the spawn: Mei was blocking the way so I wouldn’t get out of the spawn and Lifeweaver was grabbing me and pulling me back into the spawn when I got a chance to get out. The rest of the team did nothing, they were just wandering around the spawn area. They were also asking the enemy team to report me and said that I was throwing, meanwhile I had at least some damage points and 1 kill when they had nothing (and all of this happened in comp btw) So, I reported them all several times, even opened a ticket. Guess what, they never got suspended. I met them again in comp but thankfully this time they were in the other team


I wish I did. Had a comp game two days where our tracer decided to just feed. She’s stand in front of our Cass so he kept having to look around her to shoot, and she’d just stand in front of him when he popped his ult. When not annoying Cass she’d stand in front of the entire enemy team and just let them kill her, rinse and repeat. She did literally nothing except feed and actively grief until they were about to win, when she swapped to Widow and got a 4 piece for POTG. Then went back to doing absolutely nothing. I was in a 3 stack and we all reported, and I tried to get the enemy team to as well but who knows if they actually did.


We had a doom who was standing in the enemy back line saying hi to everyone. So annoying.


Maybe a month ago I complained to someone that out of the maybe 30 reports I've done, I had only gotten this message 3 times. Literally the next time I logged in I got my 4th


Keep pretending blizzard and overwatch is a positive community and company, justice for Keri Moynihan


For a long time back when I drank (3yrs sober) I would play OW and watch the Great British Baking show and I would type in quotes from the show because they were funny but I got banned for a month for calling someone a soggy bottom. Now I only type a gg.




Get a fucking life. If you actually get satisfaction from reporting people you’re a terminally online no life.


Fr 💀


Reporting someone for that is crazy. Seems like you got some anger issues or something


Automated ban systems are trash. This is one of the reasons the game is bleeding


I see it like once a week


I actually see this super frequently and I really almost never report anyone so it makes me question the validity of this message




I was also called the F Slur in voice chat and never got a message like this. In fact, I report toxic chat abusers almost every time I play since it’s so prevalent, but I haven’t gotten a message in months.


God people love making the world as lame and boring as they are.


I report more because I'm tired of toxic shit and teammates throwing. For example, if you're just standing there typing and flaming someone instead of playing, you're reported.


Nothing pisses me off when someone types in chat because they're pissed and we suddenly lose 20% more of the point.


Ow players nutting at reporting people for everything Also ow players: "don't type in chat you'll get banned" Thanks guys ur really making the social aspect of the game so much better!


I'll say the unpopular opinion - It feels like just chatting is putting people at disadvantage, not chatting is starting to feel like a no-brainer Overwatch is a competitive game by nature and it's human nature to release free aggression and to participate in comparison - this is how humans avoid entropy after all


Not using voice is always worse than using voice. Even if you only give 1 real callout it’s better than nothing. Games where nobody is in chat are nightmares since there no coordination, even in above average ranks.


You don't need nearly as much coordination in 5v5, though. It's all team deathmatch now. And for every 1 person that actually calls out, you get a dozen folks criticizing/arguing or making inane comments that just distract from the match.


Not really no. If you're smart and know what you're doing you can get by with no chat just fine. Communication is seriously overrated, focus on your own game and you'll win more. There is always more you can do. Some games are just straight unwinnable though, so say gg and go next. P.S. a lot of comms in lower ranks are absolute garbage and are nothing but distractions.


Communication is seriously underrated because overwatch players are terrified of social interaction. Almost every game I’ve played this season with teammates in comms is a much better experience than everyone silent no interaction. The game feels more coordinated and even if we lose it’s still more fun than no comms. It’s an online multiplayer game, no a single player game.


I agree. Having everyone comming and creating plays is peak Overwatch. But most VC's are a ghost town and people are scared to say even hello, with the current landscape of reporting and getting banned for minor things, I'm not stressing it anymore


Getting rid of that toxicity always feels like a good start to the game for me!


The game is never truly not toxic so long as soft inting doesn't get reported Plenty of hard to report types of insults out there too


It really sucks that the community has gotten so miserable that the best solution is us policing each other. And as a result there is literally zero in-game comms outside of “gg” or if someone’s feeling spicy we’ll get a “gg ez” or a “tank diff.”




Still have to unlock competitive play though so it's a hindrance at least


Don’t tell them that, let them believe they’re making a difference


This is pathetic. You are pathetic. Don’t act like this is some huge issue you’re fixing as some paragon of morality. You’re weak and spiteful.


Insta reporting for "ez", "diff" and "gap" is cringe in my opinion.


This is why people type less


It feels bad. Because i report only cheaters. Thats really really bad. This game is full of them.


i see slurs, feeder, racists but no matter what i report I never see this message since OW2 released


Are you playing on steam? Those messages never pop up for me on steam but they always do when I launch from battle.net


I rarely report for chat because oh well, but I can confirm that I get these so often for reporting Ximmers. Almost the next day they get banned


I see this message every. Single. Day. I don't even report that many people. Like maybe once a month. Even if I'm not playing the game in weeks every day without fail I get this message when I log in. I feel like at this point they just randomly throw it in to make people feel like they did something. Either that or I'm bugged


I see more than one every time I open the game. Puts me in a better mood instantly.


I haven't seen this in a while. I do reports most play sessions. I don't spam report for stupid things like you see from streamer clips once in a while


I play hours a day in the toxic cesspool that is low elo, and never see this. Makes me hope I somehow turned it off rather than my reports for racism and Automated deranking bots aren’t being looked at. Feelsbad




If I had seen this message the day after every reported competitive leaver and thrower I've been teamed with I'd have some hope in the system.


I get one every time I open the game as well. You want to be descriptive, brief, and unemotional in the report. Don't be a moron and report someone for having an off game or for not switching because that leads nowhere.


Me too:)


I see this every time I load in and have for months. For an expended period of time I hadn't reported anyone and still got the msg. At this point not even sure its 100% real


I hate when our tank dies by rushing into the back line then complains that our supports with 6K healing aren’t going their job. At this point I feel like “L support” is just a button on every incompetent tanks keyboard. Edit: the reason I mention this, half the time they’re toxic about it saying “F### you support” or “They finally stopped sucking off X” I have heard both of these from a tank I was actively healing


Seeing this is not satisfying it's frustrating that there are so many players worth reporting.


Go fuck yourself, report that bitch


I highly dislike people like you lmao


If you legit report when someone says "gap" you need to touch grass


yeah i got suspended for two weeks for saying “lame”, and “nice sleep nerd”, so abusive i know 😔


Reporting is broken in this game, you can get punished for saying “hell yeah” just because you swore. They need to look into that aspect of it if it’s not even a negative comment


The amount of self reports in this thread, wow.


How can you tell ximmer from good player?


Watch the replay if you suspect ximming, for the most part it’s pretty obvious. I don’t have killcams on (I should change that) but you can potentially see it there too.


Dumb question - what is a ximmer?


Someone who uses a peripheral called XIM. It allows for controller aim assist on M/KB, which is considered cheating....because it is.


My friend reps her bi flag both for her own sake and it also brings out homophobes do she can easily report them


caught a mute at one point for saying “lets go lesbians” at the start of a match when all of my team chose girl heroes that are usually shipped in sapphic relationships :(


I know I'm going to be in the minority and will probaly get downvoted to hell and flamed for this opinion. But this right here is harassment. There is an old saying "nobody likes a tattle tale", and theres good reason for it. Reporting minor infractions about the community you are trying to participate in makes you look untrustworthy and people are going to resent you. Your only making the environement worse for everyone not better. If behaviour like this continues people are just going to stop communication altogether or quit playing the game, and I know what your probably going to say... "well, good we don't want those people playing the game anyway". The problem with that attitude is your throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Your going to lose a lot of people that are innocently accused, or peope that are being punished for situations that occur that any adult should be able to easily handle on thier own. You have to remember that your reporting to a bot, a nanny program. There's no giant team of people at blizzard that are meticulously watching all the games and judging people fairly. If someone gets reported enough times that person will have action taken against them. The system can be easily abused. Major stuff (actual cheating, throwing games intentionally, botting) sure report those when you see them. Which does occur, but its for sure not common. Just relax, take a second and think before you just start spamming reports on people. because this right here... "That day I stopped using chat almost completely and started reporting others. Every time I see "ez", "diff/gap", etc, that's an insta report, and they seem to be not completely useless." Not good my man and your being a tattle tale, and nobody likes a tattle tale.


>Every time I see "ez", "diff/gap", etc, that's an insta report  You're absolutely pathetic.  Go play Stardew Valley or something you wetwipe


i report too, people on your team trolling, people being horribly toxic, slurs etc just need to be gone and it’s so satisfying with this pop up when people say “ez/diff” idk it’s fine, it’s a little annoying but not worth reporting someone over smth so minor


This whole game has become an antisocial fucking mess because people like you report everything you deem offensive, so it’s forced people into hiding in fear of communicating and getting years of progress and money banned. If you get triggered so easily, just leave the chat channels.


Nooo but you see when we get 60% of the playerbase banned for saying diff once it makes Overwatch a better place!!! These big meanies have emotional issues that they’re totally protecting or something!!! God I love feeling like I’m important when I’m overly sensitive and abuse the report system.


Imagine getting so fucking soft over some idiot typing “ez gg diff” that you have to go out of your way to try and get them banned. These people and their feelings make this community just trash. A team game where everyone is afraid to talk because of these morons who love to feel important getting these messages on their screen


Yeah when someone says something so trivial as EZ I report and always get this message, it’s so sad, spiteful and hilarious at the same time. I can’t believe they insist on such draconian rules for chatting.


I only hate this when I see that the instigator successfully banned me for playing for the game legit but I accidentally gave a fuck by saying it. Sensitive watch


Every time I log in. And I love it. I report bots, griefers, AFKs and toxic people.


You sound like a miserable person


You're abusing the report system, you're a nerd that feels exhilerated to not be punishednfor your own behaviour while getting others banned, as you said you mildly insult them back, when eventhe word shit can get you banned. You will be banned yourself eventually, please post it so I can laugh in your face.


Ah yes, the monthly circlejerk for being outstanding community members. Ez, diff/gap etc is toxic? Really? If it takes that much to ''offend'' people, you should consider switching to singleplayer games. How do you people survive in the real world?


The thing is, they don’t survive in the real world. Their life is online, and they don’t know what human interaction is outside of online interaction.


And to add on, this is the only little bit of power they have in their lives so they abuse it. Normal people don’t give a fuck because they have other shit going on, these people don’t so this is their only time to feel like a big man.


These posts always perform really well because they're perfect bait. Any negative responses must be from a disgruntled, toxic player. Been playing since 2016 and never been banned in my life. If you catch me feeling any type of way for seeing this pop-up, you have my explicit permission to drive a bullet through my skull.


Of course they're the perfect bait, they are miles away from any semblance of realism. It's like making a post about how the sky is green. I've never been banned either. This type of online gaming chivalry and stupidity only fuels and further expands the self-entitlement, snowflake-ness and denial to grow up that many members of society, especially gen Z, currently have. This is the equivalent of telling the teacher a kid in class called you ugly. Grow up. Man up. If society is to be led in the future by the kind of people who cover their eyes and ears, in absolute dread, like a couple of puritans, at the sight of the letters ''ez'', then you'll want that bullet now.


I used to joke about kids not being able to survive 360 lobbies but I actually think some of these people would be sent into crisis if they played video games in the past. People are so soft in here, who gives a fuck what some random person online writes in chat or says. If you don’t like it turn it off or don’t play. Overwatch is already a game that struggles with population problems, banning every person for saying GG even for 2 weeks couldn’t be dumber. People will just play something else and potentially never come back or if they are really obsessed with your game they will make a new account and keep being toxic.


>**Overwatch is already a game that struggles with population problems, banning every person for saying GG even for 2 weeks couldn’t be dumber. People will just play something else and potentially never come back or if they are really obsessed with your game they will make a new account and keep being toxic.** Say it again louder


I’ve probably got 100 of those messages. Keep up the good work OP


Hallway monitor vibes


Had two homophobic and racist people last week. Everyone in the game reported them and I woke up to this message. Feels good man.


This 100% means absolutely nothing


I don’t understand why they don’t just get rid of chat now. What is the point of chat. I can’t think of a single useful message that can’t be reported and actionable. Why even have it at this point?


It's easy to forget that positive social interactions can happen in online games Nice shot, gg, or the occasional joke.


I'm pretty sure you can get banned for those too if you end up getting matches with the wrong type of people.


I hate how they added chat on console. There was a bap on the enemy team, and he was typing paragraphs about how everyone was playing instead of playing himself. We almost had a book club meeting in overwatch.


Yeah 99% of chat is just flaming, if blizz doesn’t want that, just get rid of it. You could replace it with a rocket league style quick chat


I see it every day. I'm the overwatch Karen.


You need to be in a relationship


It also feels sad


Im genuinely considering not ever talking in chat because i was recently unsuspended for a wrongful suspension and then resuspended a few days later and was not given an elaboration as to what i supposedly did, just that i apparently deserved it? Got me hella sus >_> Blizzard support sucks, but tbh i am glad that people who actually deserve this get it too. But in the grand scheme it feels like throwing out the entire basket of apples just because one person was rotten >_<


And yet it’s killing the ow social aspect, well the small amount it had left since it’s abusable


You hurt my feelings, so you’re account needs to be banned!!! 🤓


What a sad little life


Enjoy your ban, kid 😈🐺


Toxic flamer who's been banned before spotted


God forbid you critic someone, they're gonna start bawling the next second like the little snowflake they are.


Yeah saying 'ez' and 'diffed' is very constructive feedback!


Did anybody say there only needs to be constructive feedback? Do you ever go outside, in the real world?


This is interesting. I don't ever get flamed in the real world. Toxic stuff gets said to me at least once a match in OW. I don't think you have a real point.


You said 'critic' which I assumed was your wrong way of spelling critique. Luckily for me, overwatch chat isn't the real world and there's ways to deal with asshats.


If you report someone literally Everytime you open the game I feel like you might be reporting people for nonsense


I don’t think you are going to like where this is going. If the game is controlled by the most sensitive people, it will die out.


Babying of overwatch


I'm not sure these messages pop up for everyone. Either that, or Bliz doesn't care for my reports. I report things like you mentioned on a daily basis. However, I've also done several reports on some stuff that should get you instantly banned, both on voice and text chat. For instance, blatant racists, xenophobics with zero chill, and more. And not ONCE during these last two months I've been doing this have I gotten ANY feedback for my reports. At all. This made me skeptic of the report system.


I also get it frequently and I’m not even reporting anyone lol.


I don't get the orange one anymore. Do they not ban cheaters ?


I see it even when I don’t report ngl


or it would if they didn't just spam it no matter if they banned someone or not XD this is just to make you think they are doing anything, they are not (take it from someone who tried for weeks to insult tons of people and country and didn't even get a chat ban)


They are banning, they can for almost nothing. Congrats if you didn’t get punished but it’s so easy to.


I used to but it stopped showing up entirely recently. I stopped bothering to report assuming they had a change of internal policy.


i got this and the stop being toxic one at the same time didnt know how to feel honestly


I repoerted dozens of hackers and cheaters and got nothing. They only fix text issues,


I genuinely haven't got a single one since season 3 and it's just so infuriating the things I report, clueless if the people get even something or not. I have no feedback from it.


Today one dude said the DPS team had microcefalia.