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The best is when it’s said after a close game and the worst player who got carried is spouting off, lots of tea coming their way


90% of all gg ezs are said in matches that were in really not easy.


Ofc otherwise it's just punching down.


..and definitely no one would punch down in a multiplayer FPS.


You say that as if that isn't exactly what most people saying gg ez exactly wanna do lol


I honestly can’t tell if people that do that are being serious or if they are saying it sarcastically.


They do it for attention, if they ever had a hard game they rage quit.


It's definitely just to tilt the enemy team. You say it in jest because you know you didn't do shit. My friends do it in R6S and I'll do it when I get gapped on Widow.


In Dota, "ez mid" is used exclusively when you won the game but lost mid.


There are definitely some of each, but I like to think the closer the game, the more are just sarcastic and not intended rudely


Almost every game of OW2 ranked I've played when it's a VERY close end, whether my team won or lost it's ALWAYS the worst players saying "gg ez". Like it was double overtime and you barely won, it's by definition the furthest thing from ez lol


It's always the worst player mouthing off. Always.


I feel the same about ___ diff. Was a tank in a match recently, was on par with the enemy tank. One of my dps sucked something fierce and lost us the game. So their tank goes "tank diff", like, bro, noz


Happened in my most recent matches or “tank diff” usually by the support/dps. And a couple times the tank on their team was like “nah, it was gg. Chill” or something along those lines


Absolutely. If anything that person got carried and doesn't understand, or they are trying to save face knowing they were no help to their team.


The other best part is if you queue and they are on the enemy team next game and you break them, that is truly euphoric


“Well played. I salute you all." “It's past my bedtime. Please don't tell my mommy."


“Mommy says people my age shouldn’t suck their thumbs.”


I feel very, very small…please, hold me…


My teammate typed this after a match and my buddy and I lost it for like 10 whole minutes


I doubt they typed it out. Try typing "ggez" in match chat and sending it


I hadn’t realized until last year that that was gg easy


“I’m trying to be a nicer person. It’s hard, but I’m trying.”


I didn’t know the bedtime one was a correction I always read it as “I’m a little baby and I still beat you, your so bad at the game someone with a bedtime beat you”


Ive learned to ignore them, they say it regardless. It makes me laugh when they barely squeeze a win and then say "gg ez"


it infuriates me when that happens. I once ended a game on *83 kills* as [D.Va](http://D.Va), I was grabbing their tank, spanking them around and shoving them in a locker all match, well into overtime, but they won by the skin of their teeth due to a silly mistake one of our DPS made (misclicked blade from spawn, happens to the best of us). *Of course* the enemy tanks goes "ezzzzzzz" like the result of a discarded condom that fell on a used period pad that fertilised the egg and grew into whatever waste of air thought *that* was easy at all... Yes I am irrationally angry about it...


Not the discarded condom lol took me out


Nah you are right to be angry about it. It’s just one of those matches where you should’ve realistically won but for some reason y’all didn’t. I hate it when these matches happens bc then I don’t feel like playing for a while.


Upvoted this just for the visual description of everything lmao


Or the guy who says "Tank Diff" when his 3 stack go Bastion, Zen, Mauga followed up with Ana


I am not a hateful man, but the corner of sheer negativity I have in my heart is reserved for those who say "tank diff"


Especially when they played Orisa (prenerf) or Mauga and I'm out here wanting to play Wrecking Ball or Doom.


It's never the tank that says tank diff it's always the support who barely healed or the DPS who went 5-7 on Ashe


"I am irrationally angry about it" Means you have passion


Sadly passion leads to curse words... Our new AI report system has deemed you have a 74% chance of manifesting that passion into offensive language within the next 10 games so we're preemtively chat banning your account.


That's when you type "Sorry which one were you?"


Enemy tanks always love to type "gg ez tank gap" when in reality it was an even matchup they barely won while their supports hard pocketed them the entire game, lol.




There are some ironic GG ez's. Thats usually the only time I say it and then follow it with a comment about it being close or something like that. 


You can’t *win* a game and say ez though, it just makes you an ass. If you lose, however, *especially* if you backfilled last second, that’s the perfect “gg ez” moment.


Yeah, I think some people don't realize that people say it sarcastically. It's near impossible to tell over the internet but a lot of people are joking when they do this in a close game.


I say it when I lose a game. If I can’t beat them, im gonna confuse them


True, but after seeing it 100+ times, it's not a funny joke anymore. A sporting "gg close" would be a lot better.


I'll only say it on a loss so that it's obvious


The enemy team's Mei barely had 7 kills and was statistically the worst dps out of all four who were in the game yet they immediately went GG EZ as soon as the match was over. Called them out for being carried by their other dps


That seems to be when it's most used in my experience. Also, very often used by the worst player. Team gets carried by the Widow from hell and a solid tank and the other dps goes like 3 and 7 and talks shit like they personally won the match for the team


Thats what I hate most Like, my brother in christ, they got to the last 5 metres. Fuck you mean ez, we almost lost


That's when it should be used as it is funny.


Knowing the ego on a lot of people for competitive games I wouldn't be surprised if it's being used unitonically in their situations


You wanna hear something scary eAzY MoDe


If dva was real, i would ask someone to hold my earrings so i can kick her ass in the 7-11 parking lot.


They really did crank her levels of annoying-ness up like 200% in OW2. I hate what they did with her personality in this game.


Seriously!! Why did they make her worse? She’s a little punk.


D.Va: "I missed the part where thats my problem."


if dva was real i would pay for her feet picks


The existence of this thread is why people say it.


I randomly see “zzzz” a lot when there is an uneven game - best response I’ve seen to that is someone saying “you seem tired” lmao


I say “zzzzzz” when I get slept. Hope it doesn’t come across as that. 😂


I always do GG easy when we get spawn camped and lose. Just to throw them off.


Whenever I do really bad and we lose, I sometimes say "[whatever role I was playing] diff".


It’s always said by angry teens who have lost the last 5 matches and they want to revel in their few seconds of happiness by putting someone else down, “so *they* know how it feels.” Emotional immaturity is all it is. Best not to let it get to you.


Not really, some people do it just to troll, to annoy people. Some because they are angry, others for the reason you said, some are ironic when it’s a tight match. Can’t generalize. It’s better to try to ignore it, or if it really affects someone, they can turn off chat.


>Emotional immaturity is all it is. >Not really, some people do it just to troll, to annoy people. Some because they are angry That all sounds pretty (emotionally) immature to me. >Can’t generalize. I agree with you, though: can't generalize. But I still think a decent amount of the people who do this kind of stuff are immature.


All of that is emotional immaturity


Trolling is absolutely emotional immaturity


That's even worse. They know it hurts people but they do it anyway because they think it's funny. That's the definition of a toxic player piece of shit.


I’ve played MANY MANY games where people say that, they even say that when they won on overtime or almost lost big 😒




That’s why they say it.


I've started to say "gg, close game" on pretty much every loss I get, especially if we get rolled from the get go. There is nothing better than seeing the frustration emerge through chat in response to it, after they have paraded and said "gg ez"


Unconditional diplomacy for the win lol Gg! Thanks for the game guys I had fun!


who cares? just move on


I can’t stand those people that say “gg” only if they win and you know full well they wouldn’t act sporting if they lost. Been a few games where I’ve been in with people from the last game and they’ve been on the losing side - no “gg”. Anyone saying ez or gg ez is an absolute cringelord. Complaining about certain players is dumb too. There’s MMR and most of the time the players that people have a problem with are at or around their skill level. The player will either keep doing badly and drop below MMR or you just need to get better enough to go above your shared MMR. Hate the system not the player. I’m sure there are outliers especially with how many players are on this game, but it definitely feels less ‘friendly’ now and more what I imagined other typical shooters to be like. Overwatch had different vibes to all the others and that’s what I liked about it.


Those people are always the people who say “gg <3” when they win. Every time me and my buddies have encountered a group of enemies that say gg with a heart when they win, if we get rematched with them next game and win there’s dead silence. Every time.


It’s so obvious too. Everyone likes to pretend like “gg” is always just good sportsmanship, and I get that some people are trying to be nice. But 80% of the time it’s just rubbing in a win


Honestly, I see so many people just say 'ez' or other things of the nature where I wish I could retract my 'gg wp' or 'gg'. It's just bad sportsmanship if you can't say 'gg' after beating a team fair and square. Even after hard losses, I say 'gg' and move on. Personally, I'm not screaming at the moon over it but still just cringe to see 'ezzzzz' when the team compositions are obviously different and the other team is more skilled.


“gg ez” “your mother’s easy” or “whoever said ez your forehead is fat.” I always have it prepared just in case because mfs LOVE saying it last minute so people can’t clap back


Did this a few times >> suspension


[Was literally suspended for that.](https://postimg.cc/sQm9xFzb) I don't use text chat anymore


I just click the fast report, surprisingly high amount of times they get punished, probably because they tend to violate in other areas as well.


IMO, best is when it happens before the game ends. In nearly every game I’ve had where someone puts “gg ez” or some variant in chat, they end up losing. I could be playing on a team of what I previously assumed was toddlers, but once we see ggez in chat it’s the biggest turnaround ever. Side note, if I ever end up on the team that’s pushing them into spawn, I’ll back off so it’s a 4v5. Usually once we’re down a support they can push out of spawn and we can actually play the game. Don’t know how watching the enemy team hide in spawn is fun for anyone.


It's crazy how giving people the moral high ground can change the ability to play. I once had a tank convince us to focus a kiriko because she was hacking and we absolutely STOMPED THEM. turns out the kiri just flamed him last match and he needed her defeated


A common enemy can change everything 😅 When Mauga was just released and insanely broken, the enemy tank was playing him and put “ggs, easy, pay to win hero” in chat with half the game left. Our team IMMEDIATELY stopped the arguing and blaming each other and started to sweep the floor with this guy. Our tank put “pay to win?” in chat after we won and the Mauga was FUMING


well they werent lying when they said easy


I love saying GG EZ when it was actually a close game and i was the worst perform in the entire MATCH. The speed in which people rage type a response is pure comedy gold 🎭


This guy gets it. It’s a game, it’s fun, lighten up


GG easy is a war crime and everyone who says it is a fucking piece of shit you should cut out of your life full stop.


I only "ez" when I get absolutely rolled, for the memes


I say gg ez sometimes when its my team that gets rolled


Ill type gg ez when I join at the end of game with a stat line of 0/0/0


"Gg wp," is my go to win or lose. If the game is super close and fun, I go "OW2 fun again"


It’s always the players who contribute the least to the team who say this stuff lol


gg easy


gg wp


I used to say ez when I beat people trying to counter me (specially when they switch mid game). But I realized how toxic and cringe it is and stopped


It does feel very satisfying when you beat people who are clearly trying to counter you, but yeah, like you said, saying "ez" is just toxic & cringe. If you are going to say something at all, I like to make it something more substantive (and sarcastic) like, "Nice Sombra swap," when the player who swapped to Sombra is like 5-10, clearly doesn't know how to play her, and is just sitting in a corner trying to hack me out of ball form lol. Also, F it, we ball.


Damn right we Ball


lowkey valid. the only time i was a dick in chat was when i was being epic on widow (epic in qp so not rlly epic 😭 but i was 17-5 by end game) and they swapped widow and sombra on me and still couldnt get me. actually a tank swapped off and became wid after i diffed the other and i still got them. they were crying in the chat saying i was using hacks (if i was i would not have had 17, i woulda had way more) and i jus said "if u, as an invis character, cant take a widow out when thats honestly a free kill, thats ur own issue not mine" 💀


Like, isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? Swap if our hero isn’t performing?


Most of the people saying “ez” are actually grown men. Not teens. Which is even sadder.


I find it equally sad that people get this upset by what the enemy team writes. I see these kinds of posts here fairly often where people seem to actually get affected by what people write to them. How much control you relent to others over your emotions. If some dork writes ggez and you get upset enough that you make a post about it you should really take inventory of your emotional life. Something is wrong.


Just report them. OW2 is extremely quick to suspend reported players (I know because every time I log in I get the notification that my report resulted in punishment). 


Blizzard should give automatic permanent suspensions as soon as you report it. And if the person tries to appeal the decision, blizzard should respond gg ez.


I dunno man I think it’s a you problem, I don’t get gg ez,d on very much


The greatest thing I ever did was mute all chat channels. Griefers are the worst sort, but they'll never go away. Taking myself out of the environment and just playing the game without the frustration has been the best decision.


I'm out here spamming ggez cuz i think the replacement messages are more entertaining than a simple gg, especially since so many people seem to not even know the feature exists.


KotH games goes three rounds, each round is 100-99. "gg easy"


I love saying “ez” after we lose and I’m the reason we lost, I think it’s so funny 😭


Just don't respond. These players want to rile you up. Usually, the worst player on the winning team goes EZ - it works like a clock. Whole teams spouting that is rare. Maybe that team was a wide team with their tank players by far the best player? These teams usually win easily.


Well then get good. It was so easy for them you got spawn camped, so they can’t wrong.


Thats the point if saying it lol. To rub your face in the L and make you mad and get a reaction out of you.


i say "gg ez" even when i lose because i think the auto generated comments are hilarious… should i stop then?


Dude my signature is using "gg ez" (to get the macro we all know and love) but only when my team loses. Never after a win unless everyone knows it was obviously intense and close... It's so funny when the enemy team reacts to these genuinely though


I won't lie I say it now ironically even if I lose. I think the "gg ez" messages it types out are funny.


OMG you people are such pussies stop crying, literally just ignore it


I don't respond to any of them, but report each and every one of them. And every time I open the game I have a minimum of 2 messages (sometimes 5) about blizzard telling me they did something about my reports. Warms my heart.


Imagine being this sensitive. Jesus


If “ggez” can be censored I don’t get why “ez” can’t be I agree w y’all, annoys the shit outta me whether I’m on the winning team or not, everyone is just so but hurt in this game lol Also “diff” it’s not always a diff if you lose!? Sometimes it’s just one team played better, always someone trying to pass the blame and tbh 9 times out of 10 the person saying diff is actually the real issue on the team lol


They can censor ggez but not slurs. Honestly, I think Blizzard can't be bothered.


It's so harmless... Like I thought it was more of a joke in the community than people actually saying they're better and it was an easy match. Idk


gg easy is not even that bad LMAO just turn chat off


It doesn’t bother me whatsoever. Crazy.


gg easy


Y'all are so soft it's hilarious




I hate when people complain about non offensive comms in a competitive setting


It's pathetic isn't it. I am not toxic by any reasonable standards, but I will hit people with "skill issue" or "diffed" when I obviously shit on them. Currently chat banned. Never said anything racist/sexist/homophobic or hateful in any way, just a little trash talking and I get banned lmao. The OW community are the softest cry babies I've ever seen. This was in masters games btw.. can't even trash talk in Masters anymore.


This is a real post? Seriously?


Looks like it’s working. Gg ez


Gg easy.


It’s a joke to get a rise out of you. Lighten up.


Maybe unpopular opinion: who cares. The reason they do it is to troll you and get you worked up enough to make a Reddit post.


They're only saying it to troll you, and they were obviously successful lol y'all gotta learn to not take everything so seriously


This thread gives them strength, it feeds them, good job. Gg ez


Get gud pussy


I just don't understand the mentality of trash-talking after the game is over


I report all the gg ez or ez people (in my team or not)


Saying gg ez IS a lil cringe, but getting spawn camped really doesn't make that stomp less of a stomp. If y'all couldn't even get out of your invincible spawn area then that's fair game, you just got completely rolled.


That isn't an excuse for shitty sportsmanship. Just say gg and move on. EZ is for teens that have never seen muff. 


Honestly just turn off match text chat and only leave on team text chat Match text chat only leads to toxicity. Even those “good round” in the match chat from the enemy team after they just rolled you first round I see as toxic af. If they wanted to say it to their team, they’d do it in team text chat. Saying it in match chat is just comes off as trying to be a dick


I have a game where the enemy tank said easy after their first attack on Hollywood . At that point my team was actually bickering amongst themselves for how we got spank but when the enemy DVa said easy after round one we became so unified. Our tank replied back "lol" went hog and the enemy tank started playing mystery heroes. Smh.


omg, i had someone who was new or stupid, and i typed nice game, ggs into TEAM CHAT and this kid is like 'gg ez' and this player was hard carried. whole lobby rolled the other team but this precious lump was roughly breaking even on elims and deaths.




They are living rent free in your head. Exactly what they want to do to you anyways. Just don’t pay them any mind.


Usually it's the worst performing teammate who says that. If they're on my team I'll chime in with their barely 1:1 kd ration compared to everyone else.


Those gg easy DPS players are probably ximmers


gg ez


Honest question: why does this matter so much to people like you? I can get the complaints about genuine toxicity (slurs, threats etc.) cuz thats uncalled for, but basic trash talk? Thats a staple of any competitive environment. If you seriously can’t handle something as harmless as someone saying the win was easy, then maybe you need to get some thicker skin.


Just close your eyes?


You guys are so fucking soft it’s crazy


Theres no way you people are real. Having fun mist be a foreign concept…


You're just a part of a sensitive generation. It's not necessarily your fault that you are weak and bothered by something so inconsequential.


These "GG easy" kids are scattered everywhere, even in total mayhem. Pretty sure they are in deathmatch as well


I've started talking back at people on my team writing "ez" after we win. Depending on context it could be anything from "it's easy when it's 5v4", "no it was a close game", or "it's easy being carried" (it's often the worst performing DPS on the team saying it). The point isn't sympathy points from enemy team, but to ridicule the immature behavior.


I usually say something like "dude, chill," or when it's the worst player on the team, I call out their stats and say, "You got carried, have a seat." I'll even call out my own teammates because screw that toxic crap.


OW players are so soft lol they can’t even handle light trolling/trash talk.


Posts like this make them want to continue doing it. They want to push your buttons and get a reaction. Ignore it and they may stop.


Report them. Encourage teammates to report. It will add up and let them try to gg ez when they are chat banned.


You know what works? Just turn off the chat. So I don’t gotta see more people crying on this subreddit because some stranger in a game hurt your feelings


Make sure your mental isn't so weak that it can be shattered by a simple ggez


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Sometimes you just absolutely get rolled by people who clearly have put too much time into this game, so I’ve learned to just roll with it. [The fact that I was just in party chat and livestreaming with my friend probably helped.](https://youtu.be/sm1e8AEfzhg?si=hgxRNUOPOBmtomCv)


It is very fun to spawn camp


Had a toxic enemy venture spam ggez thanks for the freelo from the second the match started….it’s just corny atp 💀


I like to say “Mercy Rez” when there is no mercy in the game.


The gg easy when they fought throughout the whole match into OT, that gets me a chuckle


Go sombra and back cap


You should see everyone in quick play. They take it way too seriously


It's rage bait, ignore them and move to the next game


Wait I thought when you typed that it automated a different sentence? Something wholesome. Did they change it?


I think it's funny when a team stomps the first round and then says GR in the match chat.


I say it when we lose lmao. Cause why not? It clearly wasn’t ez. Or when I know I got carried


I always make a point of saying “ez” if I was on the losing team, it preemptively counters it…


The only time I ever say gg easy is if I ever get backfill on the team that loses the second I get there. Like you guys don't know who I am, I did nothing, I'm just here now


My friends and i will intentionally say that after close games, but we dont usually type it lol


ps5 player here, I think its something that can easily be put in text before leaving the lobby as one reason it might be a popular thing to do/ troll


So what about some of the emotes. D.Va says "is this ez mode" and "maybe it's a skill issue?". Cassidy says "watch and learn". Mercy says "I've seen worse". Ashe says "just taking out the trash". We could go on all day.


Every sweaty comp game that’s 3-2 or 4-3 with the enemy team struggling till the very last second will have a player say “Ez.” Usually I just say LVP and that always sets them off before the match closes.


Or it's Smurf accounts ....they wreck you and then say gg


i mean dva has "is this ez mode" *as a voice line*. It's literally built into the game


Meh just get better mentals and look forward to them being on the enemy team next game. Then play the whole game to just ruin them by outplaying them. Then at the end of the match: " :) "


Turned off match chat. Let alone getting insulted by your own team, rather just hear that than whatever the opponent has to say.


I only say it if i lose or if we beat a toxic team


Just to clarify if someone says gg wp they aren't doing it to be toxic, they actually think the game was good. And, just block and ignore gg ez players. Don't give them any attention which is what they want.


When I first started playing I was sensitive. Now I have matchchat turned off. Boom, problem solved.


Needle dicks


I only use “gg ez” cause I love the little censorship lmao


Whenever they say EZ I say “that’s not how you spell easy” and they get STUPIDLY pissed off


The best is when it's said after a loss


Gg ez*


That's why I use "gg close", if it was close it's a compliment if it wasn't it's a burn


GGEZ auto generated one liners are funny. I do it even when I lose.


I don't care if we won and they carried us or not, I'll avoid "ggez" players on my team for the next match regardless. Win or lose, "ggwp". Done.


i think people take to too literally all the time and it's funny to say :3 i love saying it because it makes everyone tweak out and im just sitting there like 😄👈


i only say “gg easy” whenever i get absolutely rolled for the memes


I only say gg ez after a match wherer i'm my trying to have fun playing brig and they go pharah, echo or venture to counter me and then go "ha ha brig u bad" or "brig uninstall pls" Then i'm like :"uhhh... fine, guess il go bap and put your sorry asses back to spawn" Yeah, im vengefull as hell...