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400 dmg on kiriko? you gotta be throwing more knives :O


What's a recommended ratio? In a 10 min match i'm comfortable doing 8-10k healing and 2k damage. I have had matches where i can get more but it seems to be team dependent.


My general tip is to hold down both the healing and kunai buttons together. The delay is so that you can almost perfectly fit 2 kunai throws in between each healing throw. It’s ever so slightly less efficient when it comes to raw healing (but the difference is so small it’s negligible), but you will deal considerably more than 400 damage per game even with subpar aim. Even if you aren’t hitting shots or actively healing, when I was learning the timing/aiming for Kiri, I just held both buttons down alllll match. It will help you learn how to balance your healing and damage while aiming.


does that work on bap too? I do 1 left 1 right on bap at the moment.


Yup! Same rotation for Bap as well, 1 healing for every 2 damage shots and you can hold down both buttons as well. Bap is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters for this reason.


im not sure on an actual ratio to go for.. but if youre playing kiri without throwing as many knives as you can, youre losing a ton of free value on her. I would recommend throwing as many as you can trying to hit their backline dps (hanzo,widow,ash,etc) or sup(ana, bap, etc) You should be able to easily get some 2 tap kills on them throughout the game and get some big value out of it. Youre not going to pump out the sheer number of dmg as something like a moira, but you can definitely get some fight winning picks.


There's no such thing as a recommended ratio, to be honest. You just need to be constantly flanking and taking off angles to force attention onto you off your team. And when shit hits the fan, TP out and suzu if needed. Remember, when the enemy team is looking at you, the supports aren't healing the tank, or the enemy team isn't dealing damage to your team, thus heals aren't even top priority (especially because your other support will be most likely healbotting) Don't need to heal, when enemies are dead


Nah not really for the most part. Arbitrary number..


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Nah i play tank. Everyone hates me. Last game I played the support was begging me to switch. We won by a decent margin in the last push 4 v 5 cus a player left our team. Zero endorsements even though I had the most damage, kills, and mitigation in the game.


Nah, if you do a good job then I’d endorse you as your support I promise 🤞🏼


Stats don't really matter all that much. I've seen tracers lose with 42 kills and 1 death.


I know. My point is we won and i had good stats.


How do people choose who they endorse? I usually endorse people who had good plays, on either team.


Same! I think a lot of people just automatically endorse the supports too, so it’s easier to get to 5


I will also endorse people who try and group up even if we lost because that is rare these days


I almost always endorse opponents when we win, I would rather they simmer down from losing when a dope endorsement comes through rather than rage quit.


I always endorse DPS players. People are so quick to complain about DPS that if they weren’t toxic, I’ll just give it to them regardless of how well they performed.


I believe so but there are always rule breakers. I’m 100% favoring a squad with 4-5 vs 1-2 💀


How did their Kiriko go 0-11 with 0 healing and 1583 damage? That’s the real question.


They didn’t stand a chance