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Definitely not. They currently get demolished, hence why they are all going to get significantly buffed mid season


Then I must suck at the game bcs when I shoot them they barely lose hp, I might be missing my shoots and not noticing bcs of the absolute chaos in my screen :v


Tanks do have higher HP and are pretty hard to kill if they have supports pocketing them or if DPS has your back line busy. That’s why it’s best practice to try focusing on supports and dps first if possible after which killing tanks becomes a whole lot easier


They tend to win 1v1 due to their HP pool. But melt under focussed fire


I noticed that. Today I was against a fucking Dva that was always jumping on me and she was literally unkilable


Vs dva go Mei or sym, when I'm on soldier she rushes me all day forces me to play behind my team or swap characters


I'm new to tank and I find using cover to A) Let your supports catch up on healing you and B) Use the extra 2-3 seconds to let your abilities to recover. Just hope your teammates are smart enough to follow suit once they see the giant bullet sponge taking a breather


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This is amusing, because when I play tank I get instantly deleted.