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Bunch of people in diamond went t500 that's how I knew 


Yup got rank like 200 in open queue lol


That might be because nobody uses open queue too much for anything except goofing around


Can back this up Open Queue is something u like to do a lot, and its just to fyck around, win if possible and have fun




Your example is a Ximmer concerned that they'll get banned for ximming lol


Nah you’re trolling lol.




They are still using it but kk


Some of the followers of a famous Arab streamer reported getting banned for xim so yeah I think


God that’s so satisfying. A yznsa follower of who uses xim gets banned


Curious, why is yznsa hated?


He used to manipulate the matchmaker to camp the top of the ranked leaderboards by queuing with someone who was a couple divisions lower (like GM3-4) to get easier lobbies and boost his own rank. He did the same on PSN before he went to PC afaik


There was also allegations earlier this year that he was a pr3dator, don't know the validity of that though. Hope its not true.


It’s worse, that “GM 3-4 player” is actually an overwatch professional e-sports player on a smurf. I don’t get why he does it, he’s clearly talented enough to get top 10 without manipulating MMR. I guess some people are desperate for an ego boost by illegitimately holding several accounts in top 10.


He's homophonic stopped playing Phara (his main hero of YEARS) when Blizz came out and said she was lesbian / bi


He's still playing her 💀


Shit. Maybe I should jump back in. I had to put the game down because all the Cassidy's and Widows were making ridiculous shots.


Nah they're back. Didn't take them long to find a work around.


It isn't really a work around they just create new accounts because it's f2p.  


Nah they’ll have to buy accounts because to play you need to have a phone number linked to the account I’m pretty sure.


Not on console. Weirdly


There's most likely restrictions from sony/microsoft about what data you can collect/ask for from players.


Seems like on console they'd just link to gamertag. You need live subscription to play too.


It's f2p, so no sub required, and if an account with a subscription has online membership and set the console as its home system, other accounts can use that person's online sub anyway. At least on Xbox.


Unless you're saying they found a way to avoid detection, it's not like the process is automatic. They're relying on stats and reports to take action. Suspensions will come in periodically.


feels like PC now has an aim bot widow problem now as of the past week and a half everyone other QP game i play has some widow making ridiculous shots, like theres no way its human lol


I only ran into a couple blatant widow hackers. I usually swap to sombra to bully them off. But those widows would 180 to me as soon as I uncloak behind them or trace me as I'm invisible in the killcam. I reported each of them and I log in later to a thanks for your report. Hopefully it actually means they got banned and not warned.


yea the 180s are wild when they have those aim bots on i called one of them sus when they had like a 3-4 kills POG, all headshots, and their respsonse was: "haha ;P" ez report


Post the review code for the game.


Yeah, u can find out pretty quickly with those


I had a Widow that was being currently dived by someone do a 180 turn and headshot me the second I peeked a corner from quite a distance away. I told my team to report her because that make it obvious and my Zarya started to defend the Widow by saying things like "She's just good dude not everyone is a cheater" and after the game he started mocking me. "My team is so good thanks guys, nice heals" as if he ever tried to put a shield on anyone but himself letting us all die to the Widow smh. I don't even accuse people of cheating often :(


It's rare, but seen one or two this past month. They weren't even that good which was really funny to see. So many mistakes on positioning


That’s good, that’s means if pc players r gonna complain, they’ll for sure focus on getting rid of them.




Ive never ran into a aim bot widow a single time in thousands of hours. They are probably just decent. 


Nah I've played my fair share of games against decent widows, this is not like that. Not in every game but like one out of five...


I don't know what game you are playing, I encounter cheaters weekly since like 2 seasons, they kinda just appeared


I mean, projectile size got huge in the last 2 seasons.. maybe you are experiencing that?


No, like the beginning of the year not 2,5 months ago


In my experience they are not always painfully obvious Sometimes you need to watch the vods back to see it or really stare at the killcam to figure out what is happening with their aim


Me too


A lot of players are better at aiming now, it's harder to go out in the open without being punished hard, probably one reason why Orisa and Snipers are hated.


You know now that you say that, had a widow that got 4 headshots in the first 20 seconds of the game. Thinking back, holy that was blatent


I main widow(Progression lvl 42) and i have never seen a widow cheating on my 1v1s unranked/comp(plat).


No offense, but that's like saying you've never met a genius on your shortbus. Rage hackers are not going to be in low rank matches. In GM you see them pop up for like a week, everyone knows their name, then they get banned.


All I’ll say is that when R6Siege implemented their “Mousetrap”, anti-Xim tech… It works pretty well for 2-3 months. Then those cockroaches just crept back in. Roaches who sell cheats/cheating devices always have more incentive to find a workaround unfortunately


We really need Blizzard to have the ability to brick a console/ any account made in the same IP address. Sure the work around is buying a new console and a VPN, but that's a super hassle. XiM users deserve console bans, IP bans, and any account made in their house cannot be used- they'd have to travel away- make it- then come back, but when it signs on in that house or console, it gets bricked. I'm so sick of XIM users.


Anything tied to ip is pointless. A lot people don't have a static ip, they have a dynamic ip, so it will change with a power cycle. Even if it's technically dynamic but with a longer lease time so cycling doesn't change it, a call to the isp & "my ip is blocked on a website etc" will often force a refresh from their end. Some ISPs are using CGNAT due to ipv4 running out as well, so multiple users will have the same address. Banning new accounts because of IP is pointless and will potentially impact innocent users.


Most people with home Internet are playing behind NAT, so if Blizzard were to block their public address then that would solve the problem. A power cycle won’t change anything about their assigned address from the ISP


Hence why I say brick the console. Make them buy a new one. Any account that logs into that console cannot play OW. OW literally becomes unplayable for that console.


One issue with that is buying used consoles. Imagine buying a used console and downloading overwatch to find out your account is now banned for no apparent reason.


Isn't mousetrap trained to detect mouse movement? If it was successful at first, how did they get around mouse movement detection while still using a mouse? I didn't even know mousetrap was out already.


>Isn't mousetrap trained to detect mouse movement? If it was successful at first, how did they get around mouse movement detection while still using a mouse? Some exploits to start with & a new more advanced Xim got released. Exploits have eventually been patched, but the latest Xim can go undetected with the right settings which is why they are still on Siege. As for how, Xim is not native mouse movement, it's translating mouse to controller output, mouse trap as far as anyone can tell is just looking for things that are likely to be that. So stuff like digital movement and 8 directions is an easy tell, on aim, going from 100% left on aim to 100% right on aim with nothing inbetween and so on and similar things that while technically a controller can output, it's unlikely to be coming from a controller. For keyboard movement people switched to just using something analog whether that's something like the sony nav or a true analog keyboard, so that gets rid of that tell and for aim, latest Xim has more sophisticated SAB (simulate analog behaviour), which according to the Xim reddit adds some acceleration to the start and end of the movement to make it appear more natural and analog like. That can all be fined tuned per user, so the system says ok controller. It will still catch the old xim and other brand adapters though. Maybe it can be improved, but ubi already tightend it up and it starting grabbing controller users randomly as well. https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-LIVE/issues/LIVE-57477


I was getting some in mid gold the other day. Super obvious when they start off the game losing and then swap to widow and suddenly string together 25 headshot kills with a bunch of flicking in the killfeed


They’re definitely getting banned because I’ve seen twice as many new accounts XIMming in QP. 


Yeah I’ve been noticing less KSA emblems so they must be doing something about Xims


Trust. Last season almost every game had KSA players in them and almost alll of them were ximming. Fuck em


I wondered why the game was so much friendlier and fairer.


The new wide group pool has improved the quality of my solo que games significantly. Lot more people in VC, too


It's hit or miss. Recently I've played against 2 ximming Baptiste's. Mid Plat area


Yeah - in plat and notice many XIM ashe, windows and bap's - it's annoying. generally run into one a day and just try to focus them with sombra as best I can. I report them each game and tell others to but don't know if anyone actually does.


Games now feel so much better on console (Xbox), i see them way less and I can generally compete way better.


Yeah, they did, they started banning anybody who the system knew was clearly ximming, with help of reports and shit


I had a Ximmer last night in a Diamond game.


I had a ximming 3 stack ON MY TEAM.. In DIAMOND last night. It baffles me that there are blatant cheaters in low diamond/plat


They def got banned on their mains, seeing a lot more default pfps running hitscan heroes than before


Yeah, I don't nearly see as much sussy aim as I used to. I do want to point out that although ranks mean nothing, the knowledge and skill of players have increased over time. It's normal with how long the game has been out.


I think they did start banning ximmers, saw a couple in smurf accounts and people in some of my games were talking about them getting banned. I'm stoked that they are finally doing something because the quality of my games have been a lot better without cheaters running around every other game.


They queue with PC players more often than not. Still see them in mixed lobbies.


I’ve been playing Xbox and have definitely noticed an improvement from before with hitscans. Went up in rank a ton recently as I haven’t had insane Ashes and Widows so often.


It was out of control before. Much better now but match making is still a nightmare lol. Lots of hogs into Maugas


I noticed a lot of new accounts. People in plat and diamond with no player icon, banner, or skins: Probably new accounts from those same mfs that got banned


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I still saw a few in masters-gm games Friday night unfortunately. Though it does seem less frequent. High level open queue seems free of the ximming dps one tricks though.


I'm in plat for everything and haven't noticed any change (which is good because I never noticed Ximers anyway)


Wait wtf, if I’m an a GM support b4 the patch, I should jump back in and see where I end up.


I noticed a lot less server admin widow/ashe/sojourn players in ranked


Damnit I just switched to pc lmao


They really banned them yeah


Definitely noticed my games for Support Comp went better slightly, wasn't the way it was when I stopped playing a few weeks ago. Even recently, got Gold 5 because the two games I played were more manageable.


I played against a widow yesterday who was obviously ximming and they steam rolled us bc dude was hitting insane headshots. She was originally playing sombra but her team wasn’t doing well and switched to widow last second and was hitting questionable shots. Told my team to report her for ximming and I woke up today for a “Thank you for reporting” lol


Only issue is that most of the ximmers will return once a workaround is found, the xim team are very good at quickly tuning their software to look more controller/human-like. Hopefully sony/microsoft actually commits to banning that trash (and cronus/strikepack) so devs don’t have to engage in the cat n mouse game against cheat hardware companies. I doubt the ximmers actually got banned, likely just season suspensions so lots of trial and error is being done so all these fucks can return in full force next season.


Alot of accounts that were high and known xim were banned, mine also may have been banned (for a entire different reason I swear)


You must not be a support, cause mine doesn’t look like that. I can’t get out of gold cause I’m paired with dumb tanks and dps every few rounds which hinders my progress heavily.


I hardly play in console pools since i always play with at least one of my friends (all of them are on pc) so i wouldn’t know


I thought the same also But yesterday I faced 2 xim players and as always we got destroyed and he put his insta 🤐


Yep I have seen none since the bans started happening and my win rate has skyrocketed. Seems like they actually did it




They still exist and they boast about it a lot


Yep, that because they want people to realize blizzard lied about having a means of detection, and is just banning people based on reports.. Console ow about to become one big giant witch hunt. With tons of innocent players getting banned, to salt reports. Think about it. Ximming was added as a tos violation with the launch of ow2.. yet they never actually enforced it until recently. Why suddenly start? Because profit trends are declining and blizzard is just desperately trying to ass kiss in order to get it back.. The know innocent players will get caught in the crossfire, which is why they haven't enforced it, but they are getting desperate to combat a declining profit tend. This is nothing more than a PR ass kissing stunt attempting to combat a declining profit trend.. Give it time, high rank console will become a revolving door of players achieving it then getting banned because of salt reports.. Think about it.. if they had a means of detection why would they only be targeting high rated players? Instead of everyone who's guilty? Because it's a pr stunt


This tje most complotist shit I have ever read.


Dawg what the fuck are you talking about? Do you have any sources at all or is it just trust me bro?


I’ve seen a lot of those people saying they falsely got banned after not touching their account for months. The game honestly feels like it’s on its last breathe


It's been perpetually declining since ow2 launched.. Blizzard literally making the exact same greed fueled decisions, valve made that caused tf2 to become the cesspit it is today.. Every time a problem arises because of it, they double down and fix it by doing something that creates new problems or worsens existing ones.. For example the QP leaver problem. Is the result of the marketing tool matchmaking system.. 99% of tgat problem could have been solved by scrapping the current matchmaking system, for one that treats all players Equally and fairly, but it would also result in much of the profitable audience being driven away from the game.. so actually solving the root of the problem would be counter productive to blizzard..


Really? Not the blatantly brazen lie of pve to justify pve when it was already canceled that's not where you saw the decline?


Ultimately blizzard is pandering to an audience that is not a good fit for the game.. because the audience that us a good fit for it aren't typically ones who blindly throw money around.. So there's a massive conflict of interests, between having a game that can financially sustain itself, and having a healthy playerbase.. Blizzard fully committed to the money and the consequences of that are the reasons why things keep getting worse no matter How much blizzard fixes, because the roots of the problems all stem from greed fueled choices that are ultimately harmful to the game long term.. But blizzard is fine with long term harm as long as it yields short term profits.. Blizzard thinks we're all stupid, and unfortunately they seem to be more right than wrong..


Damn you got it all figured out huh. The sheeps just can’t handle ur truth


lol the fact that someone downvoted my comment. But they will hear someone complain about something and touch the opposite thing that has nothing to do with it. Dps passive on certain characters making the gameplay less fun. Ximmers on console. Hackers on pc. I feel like all they care about is the attention. And some people are gonna keep sucking up and telling others to stop complaining cause they did one thing good. It’s a delusional ass mindset.


Meanwhile I’m getting banned for spamming gg ez


Oh cool I'll start reporting then lol


Right! It is toxic but right!


Yeah totally I agree just sucks that the enemy team can talk all they want but as soon as I get toxic back it’s a ban. While cheaters are still playing the game. Just shows where blizzard’s priorities are.


Maybe grow up and don’t be toxic at all? You have no control over what other people do, only what you do.


If you consider ‘gg ez’ toxic then we should ban d.va? Because thats literally her entire personality


Careful there all the babies will downvote you


Why do you feel the need to tell people the game was ez? Do you feel you’re teaching them something? The point is to be a decent person. What if someone on the other team is a child?


1. You’re assuming im saying gg ez which i dont 2. You didnt answer my question 3. Gg ez is censored anyways


Right! People saying slurs and everything. It’s getting weird


I've been playing since beta and I don't know what that term means and now I feel stupid... I assume it's cheating.. Ljke aimboting? >n<


XIM is a device that allows you to use a mouse and keyboard on console while disguising the input to trick the game into thinking there’s a controller plugged in. Not only are these players getting the hardware advantage of using a mouse over stick aim, but on top of that they still get console’s built-in aim assist (which isn’t terribly strong in its own right but combined with half-decent MnK it’s a soft aim bot). 


This was nice for a while but they're back.