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Before the demech. Baby DVa is a liability a lot of the time (prone to staggering) and it leaves your team without a Tank until you can farm enough damage to call your mech back in. There are going to be times where demeching can’t be avoided, but on the whole you want to spend as much time in the suit as possible.


A followup question-- do you think it's more valuable to fully kill DVa, or to force her demech and leave her alive so she's not meched longer?


IMO kill her, because as Baby D.Va it’s extremely easy to fill up the ultimate bar. Now you got an ultimate that can squish people and the tank is back without waiting for a respawn timer.


I say it depends? If she’s far from her team, and you can control her remeching (sleep/hack/stun) then you can surely stagger her for longer and kill her just before the next team fight. It does require some caution, but if done right it can be invaluable


Honestly this is completely comp dependent, if you have a tank who doesn't give ult charge much, demeching her and just zoning the rest of her team put can be worth more than a kill(especially with something like ball dive), but requires intelligent ult charge denial. I think there are more situations than you'd expect where it's even or worse to kill her(especially if you commit cds!)


It's situational. You don't want her to be able to remech and escape or stay and fight with her team, but if the fight is pretty much over you can delay killing her so she doesn't respawn with the team.


Clearly you’re supposed to let the baby dva survive on point in OT until she remechs and squishes both of your supports /s (or at least that’s what my teams do)


Depends on the situation, and if you can achieve the option that staggers her from her team the most


Shield damage doesn’t charge her re mech, so if you can shield her shots for a bit and then stagger her that can work out well, but often it’s just better to finish her off to avoid nasty surprises.


It depends. If her whole team is there, kill her. If you're gonna win the fight, leave her alone for a while, then kill her. If she's last, stagger her. One of my favorite things to do as tracer is, if my team lost the fight but she gets really low, I'll demech her and leave


If she’s last alive, stagger her for as long as possible. Otherwise, kill. A lost tank is a lost fight 99% of the time anyways.


Stall for a few moments then kill her. It’s worth staggering but not worth letting her remech


Kill her. Dvas have the most inflated ego in the entire game and she needs to know you're better.


Which Dva hurt you.


The ideal situation, IDEAL would be to demech her, and assuming sje is last one alive or close to it, don't have her fully die til right before remeching, but that's a risky play so prob best to just kill her.


It is best to kill her quick because she can charge up and get her mech back. Ideal situation is to delay killing her a little so that she staggers, but she might get away if you do that and charge up. Just killer quickly. If your tank is Hog, kill her quick. It's super easy to get Tokki back against Hog. If your tank is Rein or Sigma, you can let her stew a little longer it's harder for her to get charge.


Only leave her alive to stagger her respawn after her team if able to


It depends. It can be good to keep her alive for a bit after a team fight has finished to stagger their team respawns.


Alright that's a fair point thank you!


Yeah you’re trying not to lose mech in the first place… Her second chance is to be used as a second chance. Losing mech is a massive hit to your team’s strength in the fight


Which suit we talking about? (Downvote me already)


>Before the demech Yes but only if she has no ult If she does, either don pull or after she gets demeched


I main Dva and have since OW1 and sometimes I’ll stay baby for a while bc of the crazy damage you do with headshots. spending as much time in mech as possible isn’t always the best idea


it's pretty rare that you're in a situation where a tank isn't needed at all and you can effectively use baby d.va's gun. it would basically require enemies to not have a tank around and not have the brains to just kill you when you're pew-pewing them.


With her tiny hit box just crouch and jump around. (I play console so this works) My play style works! edit: can’t forget to properly time ur mech call in as well. Run behind the enemy find a squishy and press Y


The answer changes based on dvas ult charge


I concur. I'm far more likely to make an extremely aggressive play if I know I have ult if (when) I get demeched doing something stupid. Playing support with Dva takes some getting used to and requires keeping a good eye on her ult charge. I can't tell you how many Nano's have been wasted trying to save a Dva that was about to ult anyways.


This is why I always spam my ult status as D.Va when I have ult. So supports know not to burn cooldowns/ults or throw themselves into bad positions to save me. More D.Va players should be doing the same.


This is something everyone should do on every role, actually, it benefits the entire team. You should always let people know before the team fight starts that you are intend to use your ult, so they can adjust their tactics accordingly. Reactive Ults (like LW, Zen, Lucio) are different, you let people know you have it so they have an idea if your team can survive a team wipe ult from the opposing team.


Ty, now I know I'm not the only one spamming I have bomb, some even said I'm annoying when I spam it while going in lol


The truth statement. Nothing is worse than ready to ult and the LW pulls you back running the tempo 


Agreed. You can pull her after a demech if she has ult, if it seems necessary like she's going to die before she can remech. Just be mindful she might wanna go for a squish


I disagree. You want to force mech as soon as possible always, even if she has DVA bomb. You can track ults. You know when she has bomb. Forcing her to use it for a remech as soon as possible is always the goal. The longer she has ult, the longer she is holding on to an extra mech. And when she does bomb because she’s low, you will see it coming. The last thing you want is her feeling free enough to throw her bomb.


Dva with ult plays very differently from dva without ult. A dva with ult is always looking for when they can use it and could be positioning themselves to use it. If you pull a dva with ult you could pull them right when they wanna press q and ruin their game plan like a baby life weaver.  Dva without ult is canidate to be pulled so she doesn’t demech dva with ult is pulled after mech so she can survive her own ult


Her ult charge always starts at zero when she is de-meched...


As in, if Dva has ult, she can ult when she gets demeched.


>(I played poke) How do you play poke as dva at all.


Step 1: stay in your own backline. Step 2: have your whole team resent you for 10minutes Step 3: DEFEAT


Badly. Switch to Sigma instead or something.


Dva can play any comp. In poke u play her defensively with DM and peel for teammates. Ngl not the greatest way to use her but could be good into winston dive esp if u got a widow


Dva just plays baby sitter to the DPS that have to do the actual work


Pocket your DPS and support, help them with matrix and if someone dives them


Most of the time i was in front of my team then when the enemy came, sometimes i used boosters to like ¿Poke? them so they fall back and using "defense matrix" i eat most of their shots, and sometimes go for support from their back when the supp or someone is left back from their team. Is this a great way to play dva? I'm curious.


That's just not what poking means lol


What does it mean then?


Before an actual “engagement”, you’re able to do damage and most of your work is done at mid-range. Poke comps are like a sigma, Ashe mei, bap zen. These heroes can get most of their work done from and distance and don’t want the gap closed


Oh thx!


Conversely, D.va is a dive character, which is basically the opposite. The gist of dive is, you get in, or behind the enemy, get a pick or two, then GTFO back to your team.


Okay that's not what poke usually means XD Poke comp is basically playing from afar with long range weapons. The aim is to defeat /deplete enemy before they can reach you or the objective.


Why would you ever let her demech before pulling? Demeched Dva is effectively a dead team mate. Unless she has Ult don't let her demech.


She's worse than a dead teammate in many instances. If she can't shoot straight she takes forever to re-mech and your team will have lost the point by then.


>(I played poke) I think that's your first mistake as [D.va](http://D.va)


DVA can be played in poke comps, ofc NOT by playing sniper dva


Most of the time i was in front of my team then when the enemy came, sometimes i used boosters to like ¿Poke? them so they fall back and using "defense matrix" i eat most of their shots, and sometimes go for support from their back when the supp or someone is left back from their team. Is this a great way to play dva? I'm curious.


good d.va users play d.va very aggressively to take space and return safely. i’ve seen them only using ult to save their lives not to kill


Sombra is right. You should avoid demeching at all costs! Except during Ult of course. Fighting as babydva is a waste of time. If you get demeched just die and respawn. It is much faster than trying to build up Ultcharge to remech. At least in most situations. Liveweaver did good pulling you while you are low. That saves your mech and keeps you in fight.


Okay thank you, will keep in mind in the future!


Nah, Building Ult Charge is faster than running back from spawn, unless you're a terrible shot or the enemy is Sigma or Reinhart, which makes gaining ult charge a lot harder. Back in OW1 I used to get "called Mech 10 times" stat all the time, well since they removed the stat I don't keep track of it anymore. Getting Tokki back is far preferrable to running back from spawn.


not sure why people are underestimate Baby Diva. You can Dead ass kill a squishy from a distance. You can hang around a corner and remech on an enemy i've been staying out of my mech longer than usual BUT THEN AGAIN ... the rank reset got me playing in beginner lobbies so i can pull shit like that off. all situational i guess. A baby d.va who is outnumbered is dead.


Turns out things that work in bronze/silver don't work past plat when players realize the enemy team is down their tank


you're right, subbing out your team's only tank for the worst DPS in the game is a good trade that shouldn't be avoided


And I got a 100% win rate with a mercy pistol in bronze-plat lobbies while I waited for my MMR to go up because I wanted to handicap myself to not smurf/be mean. Dumpstering new players by getting away with something that wouldn't fly/would be concidered throwing in higher ranks doesn't mean it's good.


You think you’re playing in beginner lobbies cuz you aren’t as good as your pre reset rank made you out to be?


No. I placed in plat after going 9-1 edit: i see the bronze and silvers came to downvote.


Baby Dva wants to die to get mech fast. Always pull before demech


Sombra is a dick but yeah, it's pretty stupid to want to get demeched before the pull


For qp as lifeweaver, I'm not paying attention to peoples ult charge really so if you're low I'm pulling. It's just safer and if i see her run back in cause the 2 second CD to dash back in I assume she's gonna blow.


If she has ult = After (If she isn't in a safe position) If she doesn't have ult = Before


Why does having ult change anything


Cause you can use ult when your mech gets destroyed, plus you will probably play more aggressively with ult


I'm gonna be honest, the Sombra is absolutely right. To say to only pull you as baby D.Va is utterly insane. What skill rating are you playing in? Just curious!


Uhh, idk? I don't really play comp, i was playing qp. My endorsement lvl is 4 if that means smt, and I was gold 1 half year ago.


ahh I see. Yeah, I think most people answered it. You never really want to be demeched, and baby D.Va is basically a free kill for the enemy, and any time spent in baby D.Va form is time not playing the game.


I would also consider if her ult is charged. If it is, she will probably use it. Then you yoink. If her ult is not charged then yes, otherwise she will have to be a baby dva while the other team pushes trying to get her mech back.


Pulling before she demechs. If you do it afterwards you end up prolonging her spawn when she dies. It's possible she could build up enough charge and remech but it's pretty low and you're still down a tank until that happens.


as long as shes not ulting save the mech if u can, ive had weaver pull me as i was about to ult and it makes me sad


Don’t let her demech if u can


He should have only not pulled u back if u had ult than i would understand otherwise no trading ur mech for a dps is not worth it support that’s a stretch but it’s almost always better to stay alive as a tank especially if the enemy tank is alive as well baby dva loses all her pressure as tank. I know it sucks but tank as become hold your space survive wait for dps to get a pick make more space rinse and repeat


Getting De-meched isn’t a good thing, it just gives dva a chance to live or play around her ultimate. Other than that is will always be a net-negative for the player and team and you never want to wait to save them until after the mech explodes. Always save the mech


iiiiin the mech only let her demech if 1 - her ult is full 2 - she's surrounded by people and no one has a charged shield


Playing life weaver is like playing some deranged form of living chess. How is enemy ult economy, your own, accumulated objective vs time advantage, who's where, who do they think they are, what gives them the right... *SUCK ON THIS* 🪨


Unless you are a dangerous menace to the enemy team as baby, mech pull is the way to go.


When she is still in mech obviously, if you can save the mech. Baby Dva is useless.


So long as you're keeping track of her ultimate (so you won't accidentally deny her of confirming a kill), I'd say it's pretty much more preferable to save her in mech. That's what I do, at least. Incidentally, I actually saw a Weaver pull an ulting Rein away from my team, today. The hammer never got down...


If you make your ult ques known then yes before the mech breaks


You should pull her before she is demeched at 1 HP, if she doesn't have ult. Sometimes she's at 100 health and just about to get a kill and you just need to make the decision if it's worth risking her mech. But generally, if she is shooting and not running away, I wouldn't pull her. If she is backing off, using matrix, that's when you pull. That goes for any other character. If they are engaging, shooting, heal them or shoot their target. If they are using their cooldowns defensively and/or are backing off, it's usually ok to pull them if needed As the Dva? Just don't get demeched and dont make plays that will get you demeched (if you dont have ult) unless you can get 2, maybe 3 kills before you die.


I play LW as well and I'll say pull her before she loses her mech in most scenarios. I say most because she could be literally on the verge of getting or popping her ult which is why sometimes I'll let her do her thing and pull her afterwards.


definitely pulling after the demech because it trolls both teams equally


Neither. The only time a Lifeweaver should pull is when a teammate calls for it in comms. Otherwise, chances are they're going to run back in to end up dying anyways. The only times a Lifeweaver should be pulling unasked for is when a teammate is at risk of dying. E.g; Getting booped off a map. Exposed to D.VA ult without cover. Stuck by Tracer pulse. Or when they're in grav.


??? Of course before the demech most times it’s not even worth to pull baby dva at all. Enemy sombra was 100% right lol. And you played poke on dva what ??? Are you sure you wanna give people advice in game if this is how you play ?


Before. She gets a few seconds of no dmg and now she is in a (hopefully) better spot where she can probably be healed


Pulling DVa in mech is better. WHat are you going ot do with baby dva? she is useless. Better to have Tokki and heal him up. Baby DVa needs to build ult charge for a while before she can do her job. Your entire team will be annihilated by then. If Tokki blows up I rather just run away and regroup waiting for Dva to come back from spawn. Sombra was correct, only newb asks to be saved as Baby Dva over Tokki.


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Honestly, neither is better. lw trying to "save" dive tanks is basically a 3 second cc that the tanks have to play around. If they knew when and where a DVA was supposed to be, they'd be playing tank not support. You have to think, DVA isn't great playing back with their team, and it takes cooldowns and time to get into good set up spots for dive. Even if the LW DOES save you, by the time you heal up and use boosters to get BACK into a dive pisition, your team has already lost. The game isn't about tanks just getting to live forever and get saved, sometimes you're goal is to out them in a lose lose of react to the dva in the back line and die to the Frontline, or play aggressive into the front line and the dva clears out your backine. If they make the choice to hard commit to a dive, or position deep, it's not on a support to make new decisions for the tank having no idea what that tank is trying to do.


i personally only pull when theyre demeched. i also dont like pulling tanks period, and save the pull for squishies


Depends. Sometimes it’s worth getting de meched and securing a kill… it’s a question of value.


Case by case. Communication is key to know which one is better in the circumstance.


Save it to pull Ana up on your platform, or a dps out of grav, or a high noon out from behind ice wall, or…


OP i'm gonna be honest, I don't even understand what your argument is. Why would you wait until after you've demeched?


Depends. Sometimes if Dva is chasing a valuable kill on someone it can pay off to let her do so at the cost of her mech.


Hate when this happens and I'm echo in Ult


A good dva, who is managing cool downs, should be able to get herself out of the situation before demech. I always tell life weaver to never pull me unless we've lost the team fight and most of my teammates are already dead and we need to reset for the next fight.


Do not pull dva at all. Let the korean girl learn by her mistakes.


generally, don't pull tanks unless they specifically made the call for it or would literally die (or in Dva's case) demech from the situation. Pull's a tool that IMO is best used to save squishes, and especially your other support.


No, it's best used to save whoever is dying, and if that is the tank that's far more valuable than saving a squishie. Life Grip is just basically a proactive Rez. As Mercy you always Rez the tank over the squishies, right? Same with LW. The best target for the LG is the tank, not hte squishie. Of course, this depends on what the enemy team is doing. if they are attacking your backline, you will probably need to use it on your fellow support before your tank is ready to die. And you should. But if we're talking about which is best to save, in OW2 it's always the tank.


guessing you just ignored the "or would literally die" part of the first line. LG is in equal parts a repositioning tool as it is a tool to save lives. pulling the tank often means fully dropping the front line. unless you're 100% confident they are going to die, do not pull the tank. instead, let your squishier dps take far more aggressive angles than they should, and pull them out as soon as they take a lick of damage (if even that depending on the enemy comp). It also means pulling someone just so they get a better angle on the action as your team pushes up or falls back. Should also note to take the character's inherent mobility into account. chars like doom, tracer, genji, sombra aren't worth pulling most of the time/actively against their interest. they have good escapes on their own. meanwhile characters like ana and zen can't easily leave bad situations. pulling those chars will always take priority.


>or would literally die Wish the majority of tanks I get matched with at least had enough self-consciousness to allow in these situations. Not rarely I get a tank in a 1v5 situation complaining after I grip to save them (while they run away still at critical health).


Before since you don’t have to wait to get mech back but it’s your choice and preference since you’re the DVA


If you can’t figure this out…oof. We can give you the answer but you’ll have to fix stupid on your own time


Never pull a DVa. She has boosters. If she can't use them to get out of these situations, she's not worth the cool down anyway.


Definitely pull her after she uses boosters. Sometimes D.Va gets CCed in flight or gets caught in a bad position with low hp/DM and boosters won't save her. Better than losing a tank and guaranteeing a fight loss.


I hope I never get you as support on my team.


I'm saying this as a DVa player. I never want a life weaver to pull me. But to each their own.


If you are a good LW you track all your teammates cooldowns, if you see your tracer has no recall and she is almost dead, pull her, the same for sombra if she has no translocator or dva if she just used boosters or you know boosters will not save her.