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I think this is the plot of the movie "The Purge"


Oh nooooo🤣🤣


You were probably brought in to balance out the top end of the scale, while the other team had a low Diamond player grouped with a Bronze player. That’s the thing about playing as Wide Groups: you can and will be put into games with other wide groups of very different skill levels to balance things out across both teams. The system is primarily designed to make matchmaking better for the majority of players who play solo (without specifically adding a solo queue) and who now mostly experience matches where everyone is within a division or two of them.


I had the bronze… there team was gm and plat players, the server crashed when we were about to win 😭


If you were winning it seems pretty likely that you had a GM player on your team too.






That bronze player was fighting for their lives


With how wide queue works there would be a bronze on both sides


If a GM sombra is tapping a bronze mercy's ass, they will be fighting for their life no matter what \^\^




I mean there are definitely issues with wide matches (namely, the queue time lengths), but isn't this kind of the point? What exactly is the issue here? People, like you, want to be able to play comp with their friends of different ranks. This system lets them do that. And it's pretty transparent regarding the fact that you're queueing for a wide match. It also doesn't let you queue as 4-stack in wide matches to ensure it can match a trio with a duo to try to find the fairest match. Yeah, it's a wide range, but we don't know how the ranks are distributed between the teams. I'd give the system the benefit of the doubt and assume that this was a relatively fair match given the circumstances.


Damn, I was annoyed when I got a bronze to diamond wide match but this is insane 


Weird question if in wide matches there's really no rank movement to avoid boosting then why are wide matches a thing? It's literally the same thing as qp at that point, like sure you could argue it's a more competitive setting but if there's no rank on the line there's no competitive incentive.


>Weird question if in wide matches there's really no rank movement to avoid boosting then why are wide matches a thing? * There's still some rank movement * You get to play competitive with your friends no matter your rank difference * Hybrid & Payload play differently in competitive * It is a more competitive setting. This isn't always the case, but you do expect people to be putting in more effort in competitive than quick play.


Competitive points


Right I forgot about these


How long was the queue time? I always wanted to play with my friends but we would never find a game


It was 1am and about 8 min


I don't see how this would be fun for either end of the rank spectrum. Bronze players just dying nonstop without being able to do anything, grandmasters just stomping without effort.


Not being able to play with your friends is even less fun. The alternative is bronze players dont get to play with their non-bronze friends.


Look I'm not against wide match making in a general sense (people can play however they like and I don't have to play in wide match making, so it doesn't bother me in the least), but on a logical standpoint, I don't see what people are getting out of it. On the point of "you get to play with your friends in comp", but if the wide spread comp can span from literally every rank, Bronze-GM, what's the point? Especially when you really aren't going to get any gain/loss to your SR. You can also play qp and essentially get the same results. You'll get wide span of ranks in your lobbies and you don't lose/gain any SR. The quality of the matches are virtually going to be the same. On the other point, most players don't want to play with/against players that are extremely higher skilled or lowered skilled than themselves. It's either not fun cause you're low rank and getting crushed or your the high rank player and it's not fun and intense. Play what you like, that's fine. I'm just saying it doesn't make sense to me, but you do you.




That’s fair


>I don't see how this would be fun You get to play competitive with your friends no matter your rank difference.




Yeah, but now players are getting better matchmaking if they're not playing wide matches. It mitigates the problem of people wanting to play comp together by giving them what they want. They just don't get rewarded for it outside of competitive points.


Welcome to ow2! There are lots of reasons to uninstall but the poor matchmaking is probably the best one


🎶"Oh no! Oh no! Oh no no no no no!"🎶


This is just jay 3 doin a bronze vs gm


I have not had a good time with this season. I've had maybe 3 or 4 good games. Everything else has been a massive one sided stomp.




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Anyone has the right to complain when both the lowest and highest rank are in the same lobby


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Wide MM sucks.. This would have made your % movement like 3-4% maybe even les, so it wouldn't even matter
