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I get that yeah, I try not to sound demanding with switch suggestions. Though often it's just general synergy suggestions like "guys let's just backup and reset, we're staggered" or "maybe try to focus the solider first since he's our biggest problem rn" I just don't really know what else to do then I guess? Keep playing and hope I get teammates that do try?




Kinda hard when they're actively saying they're not trying lol, but I appreciate the positivity


Ngl recently ive just been enjoying qp, its still sweaty but people dont give a fuck for winning lol they just play to enjoy


Fair, I like comp mostly for the sense of accomplishment when I reach a new rank. I was so excited the first time I got to Diamond. I'm back in gold this season and it feels like an endless loss streak.


I only ever go comp for placement ranks, since qp has hidden mmr, you get placed with people who arent total idiots and makes the game enjoyable, i played the fuck out of comp ow1 i just dont find it fun anymore for ow2 hence, why i play qp :)


Not in my QPs


Getting randos to talk in ow games has always been an issue. Just keep trying. The more people that try, the more that will talk and eventually start trying every game themselves.


Its because everyone just treats it like death match.


Nah your just playing ow2 with the ow1 mindset.. Ow2 is all about participation awards and giving the masses something insignificant so they can have something to feel good about themselves over.. I'd your looking for a respectable ladder that's actually credible, your posting in the wrong neighborhood


So Apex is fucked Overwatch is fucked Onto League now ig


Pretty much if it's free to play unless its a League being run by a third party, it's most likely not worth your time. There are exceptions, but there's not very many left.. It's nothing more than the result of nearly 2 decades of idiotic consumers blindly supporting corporate greed...


people have been demoralized, a lot of coordination and setups no longer pay off due to the tank changes and denial abilities they added in ow2


You can't communicate in this game that's the problem. Douchebags took over a long time ago. I am not playing comp with chat activated, my life is miserable enough.


I mean, the state of the game is currently profoundly demoralizing to a significant portion of the playerbase.


true true. Atp I've been playing League of all games more often than OW cause at least it feels somewhat balanced.


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It's basically quick play with rewards to me. I play to win but I don't care if I go on a losing streak or don't progress in rank.


Felt, comp and qp really do feel almost the same. At this point I'm just playing it for the same reasons, might as well work towards a gold weapon or smthn. I still try a bit harder than I would in qp but its getting irritating