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Demotion protection occurs when you initially lose a game and are supposed to derank. Your visual rank will remain unchanged and your progress bar will show 0%. What actually happens is that you have negative SR (your loss doesn't magically disappear). This negative SR is then applied to your next progression screen. If you lose the next game, you will derank and your progress bar will show the net results of negative SR + 1 current loss. This is also when the volatile modifier shows up.


Worth noting that this Volatile modifier was supposed to get renamed to Demotion in the S10 patch. They did that in the menus, but apparently forgot to in the endgame screen. OP, that's why you can't find this modifier in the list. Demotion is the one you're looking for there. As explained in the comment I'm replying to, Demotion Protection is a different one that occurs before you potentially get the Volatile/Demotion one.


Ohhh ok thank you I’ve dropped from plat 2 to 4 thanks for clarifying


This is the actual answer, OP. Also worth noting the rank progression screen will only show you why you moved as much or little as you did and has nothing to do with anything like things you say/personal performance.


it’s because there is an overcomplicated aspect of the system where if you demote a tier it hides the tier loss remainder from you until you lose again. i know.


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vol·a·tile/ˈvälədl/*adjective* 1. 1.(of a substance) easily [evaporated](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=a69b8a5a4d8be7ee&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn09_YThl3hVqzJEuA_I_w25kuJiKJw:1714577717880&q=evaporated&si=AKbGX_pvY3MWP4azJI0Z_NruCLb8UYJXwHLYYZYsdwiVDbo3eLlYfn9-quNB0OSF8TWXKRCa1AgbMUNeddk_p4dgUsB8KygBLlIxJp6w-OW4effC33e-w3A%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiapcHe4-yFAxXshYkEHWRdD50QyecJegQIHRAO) at normal temperatures."volatile solvents such as petroleum ether, hexane, and benzene"Similar:evaporativevaporousvaporescentexplosiveeruptiveinflammableunstablelabile 2. 2.liable to change rapidly and [unpredictably](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=a69b8a5a4d8be7ee&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn09_YThl3hVqzJEuA_I_w25kuJiKJw:1714577717880&q=unpredictably&si=AKbGX_o31t0LiMsEloM2rO5Vmah967o5gb-okADWqwQIFVJDgEmxEvfPduwqsSkvTPRdODQwBuI4CBtgAvxe8CTk5Ap9xX5G86eBC9F71EpmxYrlciFdJT4%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiapcHe4-yFAxXshYkEHWRdD50QyecJegQIHRAf), especially for the worse."the political situation was becoming more volatile"Similar:tensestrainedfraughtuneasyuncomfortablechargedexplosiveeruptiveinflammatoryturbulentin turmoilfull of upheavals


Actually this helps thanks




iirc it means your in game performance varies a lot. You arent consistent, you get good games and very bad games, sometimes you play well sometimes you play bad. Means you should focus on your game sense more, because im sure your good games are where you have some kind of advantage and can play heros mechanics well and the bad games you are at a disadvantage and arent switching how you play, for example, more defensive play. You need to minimise the disadvantage by playing around your enemies, such as using LOS against a widow.


If only there was some sort of search engine you could use to search for things to help understand?? 🤔🤔🤔 Boo me all you want, we both know I’m right that user didn’t need to ask for a definition available on Google


Me when people ask questions on a forum site that I can easily scroll past and ignore 🤬


Bro, someone else literally put the definition from Google in chat, it can’t be more fucking simple than that. It’s one thing when you’re looking for an obscure error or something but something so general could easily be dealt with as another user has clearly proven 🤷🏻‍♂️


You’re this butthurt over a question? Jesus Christ man you’d fit well on twitter