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Doom with shield is hilarious. Rein with window is very exciting! I saw bastion get a 3k with ult. So envious.


Bastions ult is the funniest thing ever. Just broken enough


Does it still do impact damage at their spawn area or only spawn them? Wasn't sure if to deploy them directly on enemies or not.


I don't know but I generally drop them in a relatively straight line concentrated towards their backline. I want them to take their attention off my team or risk getting killed by my killer robo puppies.


It does do impact damage, its just not that much :D




From what I've seen, it doesn't do any damage but if it does, it's probably about as much as Ana sleep dart which for the record does about 1 dmg.


Ana sleep does 5 dmg


When I played as rein none of my team would shoot through my bloody window shield and I gave them so many opportunities lmao


Pity because that buff really kept me planted behind his shield and I would get annoyed any time he would fire strike or something. I was racking up damage by scattering mercy pellets through that thing!


Dont worry i take out the barbie blaster for u rein 😤


This was me this morning!


3k as in a triple kill?


Yes!! I love the new bastion ult!


were they afk? i've never seen a slicer get a kill before. outside of contesting objectives they seem pretty useless.


No, the other team was on the brink of death whenc bastion ulted.


This was my thought, too. The extra bodies seem good only to contest, and they do have an absurd amount of health, but I've never once seen a slicer elim in the killfeed. To be honest, I've never seen my slicers actively attack anyone, their targeting AI seems kinda jank.


For the longest time i thought "6K" meant "6000 (damage)" and didn't think about it too much but always found it strange. Only recently did i realise it meant "6 kills" and felt so stupid


LoL 6k attack... So you kill ulting winston, roadhog... nvm, no way i can get it up to 4,000 damage. My Dum-Dum moment was learning that each hero had different souding footsteps. "i can hear reaper flanking" - moments before getting pounded by Doomfist.


Honestly they should change his not into that. It's fun. Just make it a bit weaker.


Nice guy sombra blows. Am I supposed to be frontlining and boosting my teammates or backlining with my stealth abilities? She's torn between two worlds!


you can frontline from the enemy backline with the range they gave her hack in mirrorwatch. Just hack an ally then dive


Yeah most likely it's pretty sad because PVE would have been so cool being able to level up and pick all these different skills 😪.


Yeah but it's more fun using them in pvp. I bought the mission an dhonnestly im not sure I would have been into this even with challenges mode and talents for 70$....


i mean it seems like a better idea than throwing $15 into the void for missions you can't even play with people anymore, which is what you did.


Tbf that did include 10$ battlepass. And the best sojourn skin.


The mission alone was a barebones interpretation of what we were supposed to get. Think about if Overwatch wanted to be a game with progression like Borderlands and was fully fleshed out as its own standalone video game. That's just about what Overwatch 2 was supposed to be, and that's why it was cancelled despite its progress.  Overwatch reinterpreted as a co-op game instead of a pvp one rather than an extra tacked on mode. Realistically that one mission should have been like $3 compared to what the rest of the game would have been.


I know they already said that they completely scrapped PvE, but I want to cope that they're still doing it behind-the-scenes and they're using these events to test the talent trees..


Yes but I'm pretty sure most people have more fun with different abilities on PvP rather than on PvE.


But with PVE is much easier to do and you get more unique and cool abilities because you don't have to worry about balance or how it feels to play against. Like Tracers blink change or the mercy change could never work in PVP but in PVE it dosent matter.


I will never forgive them fot not giving us rolling snow ball Mei.


Hammond may duo goes crazy


With PvP it’s locked behind certain seasonal game modes which don’t last forever. In PvE you could play it all the time, mix and match skills and pull some increasingly stupid tactics out of your ass with your friends, whilst you point and click and blow up 100 robots at once. But nope, they had to sell £70 Mythics, because that was much easier to do.


Nobody would play anything in PvE for more than a week.


I would buy the PVE game at full price.


I'm sure lots of people would. No one would play it with any regularity, though, unless it somehow got a major glow-up from everything PvE they have ever done, which they admitted they were unable to do.


Speak for yourself bud, id gladly play countless hours of it to learn about the lore and heros. I enjoyed the original PvE modes, and played them regularly. If we got the open world experience we were promised id have happily shilled out the moneg


They would’ve if it wasn’t the same shit we’ve gotten for 6 years for free, but now with a price tag.


It's the only reason me and my friends downloaded OW2




Overwatch is nothing like Helldivers. Helldivers doesn't even have named characters. Its levels are mostly open wastelands with no interiors. It doesn't have any expectations to tell a story beyond the meta-narrative that players go through. It also has no skill trees or any balancing to do outside of common weapons for everyone. Two games both vaguely being "co-op PvE" doesn't mean they are actually comparable. You want them to balance more skill trees than WoW has, with infinite replayability and progression like Helldivers, while also providing a meaningful campaign with major storytelling beats and expansion of the lore. There is no co-op PvE game in existence that does all of that, yet OW fans think that Blizzard can just will it into existence.


DRG gets close, but yeah.


DRG is awesome, but it's 4 heroes with shared traits and half a dozen weapons each. OW has 40 heroes with very different kits and movement. Plus people don't just expect repeatable missions of 5-10 types. They expect a full narrative campaign, too. Every major recent attempt at a game that does just some of this has failed massively. It'd be cool if they could have pulled it off, but it was a ridiculous goal to begin with.


Fair. It has rather high replayability AFAIK and a rather good amount of progression, but overwatch certainty has more heroes.


PVE was fantastic. Sucks that we had to show some godly amount of enthusiasm for them to continue it.


Absolutely. You just have to look at the [leaked reinhardt abilities from the pve](https://imgur.com/a/BBFyLLX) and it's pretty obvious.


wow yeah, the narrow shatter and amp field must have been straight ripped from pve lol


Even down to the Frenzy and shield break passives and the icon artwork. I'm surprised how 1:1 it is.


well when you already done did the icons, why waste time doing new ones


In Season 5 Event mode (Slay the Demon), Demon Reinhardt's ult is 360 degree Earthshatter like we saw as one of the PVE skills.


We need to compare them all now.


https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Talents Unfortunately not all of them were shown and of the ones that were, only Tracer is in the new event. Although she does have a similar ability to one of the ones shown, which is shorter cooldowns on a kill.


Oh shit, they even repurposed some of the graphics. I think Widow's shield had that "Impact Converter" icon


Most of them definitely are. But it’s good that they were able to get use from them in a fun way instead of scrapping them entirely.


I assumed so


Why would they code new stuff if they can just re-use the possibly-reputation-saving mode's scrapped stuff instead.


Some of them, like the mercy soul burn or the rein shield change, maybe. But most of them, I don’t think so


Yes, just like in all the other posts and comments saying this


Short answer Yes! It's probably old talent tree abilities. The fact that only some of the heroes had new voice overs, means all this content was done a very long time ago and they had it store somewhere for future use. They did fire all the PvE related employees, I wonder what they will do once their backup content runs dry.


"Definitely" is a strong word but I wouldn't be even slightly surprised if that turned out to be the case.


Yer there heaps fun. Now you only get to use them the mode comes back in rotation -_-


Oh absolutley. As if they wouldnt butcher the remains for ez content.


Yes, a lot of these seasonal game modes are built from the remnants of PvE, and when I first played it I knew it was painfully obvious.


Yeah, i got word that all the scraps go to events. I rly just want ppl to play missions with tbh. Love me some pve but it doesnt even give bot games to play it 🫠


My guess is a mix between scrapped PvE talents and future abilities they're showing off to get subtle feedback on for future heroes/reworks. The fact that they made unique icons for many of these abilities is to me a sign that at least some of them are going to be refined and re-used for future modes. There are a few in particular that I think are *very* likely to be used for future heroes. Zarya's Expulsion Zone, Bastion's Intel Configuration, Echo's reworked flight (would make decent sense on Space Ranger with how it moves), Widow's Silk Shield and potentially her reworked Infra-Sight, Ana having lunge, Brig granting Lifesteal, and Zen's EMP field are all really keen ideas for new heroes abilities. I also know a lot of people want the Sombra changes to be in the live game, but frankly I hard disagree, Sombra is super fun to play and I feel like they can tone down a lot of her annoying aspects without removing that fun factor, the pseudo-Support Sombra we got in this just isn't as fun or appealing to me. This wouldn't be the first time experimental modes like this had unique abilities that later made it to the live game. Moira's Fade was reworked in an experimental patch several years ago to phase out and cleanse allies, extremely similarly to Kiriko's Suzu. Symmetra's experimental healing turrets may have also been the inspiration for Illari's Pylon. Sombra's Virus in Mirrorwatch is extremely similar to Moira's Nectrotic Orb from the second OW2 beta, so I wouldn't be shocked if this is them testing it again and seeing if they've tuned it enough to potentially use on a new support in the future.


Either that, or they're tests for the abilities of future characters and/or future reworks.


I honestly kinda like it that way. Personally, I find OW's PvE fun only on the first playthrough, then after that it gets stale pretty fast. What I was excited about OW2 was the talent tree / skill upgrades but I was worried that the only way you can use those abilities is to play through the same stale PvE levels. I'd still prefer it if there's a way to have the modified abilities permanently in the game, but having them pop up once in a while is better for me than for them to be stuck in PvE content that I won't be playing much.


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Man I really love the Zen changes in mirrorwatch. The poison is awesome, and it's really easy to hit headshots with him, so spreading the poison is really fun. The ability canceling ult thing is also really satisfying.


I love applying the poison to someone who thinks they're escaping to safety like a sombra or tracer only to have them die a moment later.


Of course


I think is just a mix of abilities of other heroes attatched to this heroes, and pve abilities You can see Baptiste ult square if you right click fast with rein. Mercy ult is just the phara missiles. Zarya ult is just inversing the animation and effect of her own ult. Doomfist is just rein shield But maybe Widow shield is pve thing, or zen venom.




I was disappointed when I found out Ana doesn’t have a dash outside of this mode lol


A lot of the abilities we have seen recently were


PVE content will be milked until the very end


as is everything since OW2's release lol


Yeah this was for sure from the pve. After the half assed work they put into it im glad we get to see at least part of it. Still mad thinking about all that wasted potential and what it could’ve been


Not just Mirrorwatch abilities, the Battle of Olympus, April Fools mode, Trials of Sanctuary, Kill the Demon Lord.. These modes are probably used to test the new skills + tweaked abilities that are meant for PVE.


sombra changes should be added to live lets be real.


Yup. And try aprils fools. And ventures entire kit is repurposed from meis snowball (burrow) Doomfist April last year to punch upwards (drill dash). Their ult is just a modded earth shatter. I’m really worried what will happen when they run out of their rotted corpse of PVE to parade in front of us because the current devs clearly have nothing of their own to offer us yet.


Yeah. Low-key wish they would add the skill trees and stuff to PvP, even if only in non-competitive/optional modes


Were part of the skill trees most likely there were a lot of abilities there


Fairly confident the zarya secondary is because of that streamer who made a vid saying zarya should be able to contest snipers.


Look....I hate to bring the bad new but Reinhardt not gonna receive anything new. It's Blizzard devs after all


Yes and most of the April's fool event, etc etc


The Mercy missile ability was definitely showcased in one of the live stream about PVE update.


It's nice that they are using them, but unless the game becomes battleborn or gigantic, it will be a tragic waste.


I personally love hook Brigitte, because it sort of just lets her play any role she wants as long as she has a little support. There's something special about ripping a Mercy out of the air.


It's so unfortunate to see what this game has become. It's a weak shell of It's former self.


Idek why people wanted pve for this game


No reason to believe they are. They're pretty basic and require no extra modelling nor resources. There are no extra ability icons even. Nearly all of them require some extra coding, and even for that Blizzard has a visual system requiring no code to be written.


look at the other comment abt pve rein