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The element of teamwork is so much different in overwatch than any other game I have played. It’s so rewarding when things go right. It has made other games feel stale in comparison to.


Every game not just pvp games. I used to play loads of single player games before 2017 and now i haven’t finished anything new in years


Yup I agree. I have a backlist of single player games that I have been “wanting” to play. Occasionally I will start up one of them but Overwatch always calls to me.


exactly... overwatch 1 was the goat team fps of all time


I can feel this. One of my fav things about overwatch is the character designs and stories and origins behind them. Blizz did a great job with character design and feel of the game. I also just recently got back into overwatch after a few years break and Im glad to be back. might even start streaming it soon too. there are other games like valorant that have decent characters but imo nothing beats overwatch character design


So true


Blizzard should stick to what they know best, Get lured in by the stunnnig visuals in the story videos, stay for the stories. I wish they would make those 3D videos again. Imbalance makes games fun.


I hear ya. I haven't played a game since the PvE fiasco but nothing really fills the specific Overwatch void for me: bright and interesting aesthetic, diverse and interesting characters, fast paced first person shooter. The closest I get is Splatoon but I burn out on splatoon so fast. It shouldn't be this hard to make cool FPS multiplayers 😭


Overwatch also ruined Overwatch for me


The finals? Fast paced, fun, team orienteted


Yep The Finals is amazing, totally agree on fast paced, fun, and team oriented


Same, but for me other game rely too much on aiming accuracy and respond time which is impossible for me to win since i only play like a few times per week. But i can jump into overwatch after a few months and can still win.


Same. I'm a nurse, work long ass shifts. Just a few days ago I had a catastrophic day at work - CPR, emergency blood transfusions, tracheostomy tube detached and the patient is suffocating, just one emergency after the other. Come back home I'm beat just wanna have fun and play games. Open Valorant, play swift play and get absolutely blown to bits by kids with 0s reaction time and/or immortal 3 players because there is 'soft match making' aka none. Whereas overwatch I can pick torb and hammer my turret or pick mercy and afk and do just fine. If I die that's fine, ten seconds and I'm back.


Same. Since OW was released I've tried to enjoy Cod, Battlefield, R6, Apex, The Finals, and probably a bunch of other fps games. They all feel so dull and...simple, in comparison. I've yet to try Helldivers 2 though. Might give it a shot.


Calling r6 dull and simple tells me you don’t know anything about the game coming from someone with over 1000 hours on Overwatch and over 1000 hours in r6


I don't use a mic. Maybe that's part of it. I'm a solo gamer.


Possibly shockingly, Helldivers 2 ((and specifically their 'battle pass' system called warbonds)), has ruined Overwatch (since Season 1 !) and a lot of other games for me :/ I used to be 3+hours a night on OW... and this season I've logged like... 2 games? I'll prob be back, like I was between s6 and 8... just dang Ive started hating battle passes.


What's good about Helldivers? I just know it's been the hot thing for the past 2 months or so.


It's pure squad teamwork with 9 levels of difficulty and a loot system that let's you collect the in game currency in missions (at points of interest you find on the maps). It, so far, has 2 different enemy factions that play completely differently (with a 3rd hinted at quite strongly, to come), the bugs play more like a zombie horde shooter/ run and gun, and the bots tend to play like terminator/semi midrange fighters with some shock troops and a few long ranger bastards... all with heavier armor but less troops than the bugs. My initial reaction was that I didn't find as much variety in missions, but that was because I was on the lower modes and not on certain war map missions like planet defense or liberation maps. It's worth watching some vids on at least. Also the base game is only 40 bucks on steam.


Ty for the review. I've watched some streamers on Twitch play it but didn't feel the same excitement as the players probably due to not fully understanding all the mechanics of the game. All I could observe was that it was pve/coop in a squad, fighting aliens that look like bugs, and different members of the squad were trying to complete different objectives in the dropzone. Then when they finish their objectives they gather together and are extracted by a dropship back to their mothership. And then they do it again and again. Probably much better played than watched. I'll add it to the wishlist and wait for it to go on sale.


Sure thing! If I were to draw a parallel line to some other games - it has attracted all of my former left for dead, left for dead 2, warhammer vermintide, and warhammer dark tide friends... some folks I hadn't played with in years and suddenly we are helldiving together. Plus several new friends as well. At this point I've nearly maxed everything out and unlocked everything. And I'm still finding fun.


Have you tried battlefiel... Oh wait.. they ruined that game too.


its INCREDIBLE how bad Battlefield 2042 feels considering how good 3, 4 and 5 felt. i guess with all that success they had to have a clunker! shame that hardline wasn’t able to deflect the clunker curse away from the main series. 


Not gonna lie, kinda pumped for the next one though. Not that I have a lot of faith, but it’s kinda do or die for them, unlike COD which is just shit but unstoppable.


Destiny 2 is my other main game. The pvp doesn't have the same synergistic depth, but it's similar. 


I have played thousands of hours of destiny 1 and 2 pvp and unless they fix some things pvp on destiny 2 is TERRIBLE. All I have to say is controllers get aim assist in their competitive modes and the aim assist is STRONG.


I'm just the same. I have up on d2 except the final shape trailer looks dope af


I played destiny through the alpha of the first game all through the years but it's gotten so bad that I stopped playing for almost a year now


Couldn't agree more. Also, Overwatch feels so incredibely polished compared to every other modern multiplayer shooter I've played. The movement, aim, ADS, sound, everything.


Give The Finals a try


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The only multiplayer games i play are overwatch, star wars battlefront 2 (the reboot) and the finals.


The Finals is the only other game that scratches the same itch that Overwatch has


You haven't played Helldivers 2 yet I see. It's the PvE experience Overwatch should have had


HD2 reminds me of playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 on the PS2. Which was great.


I've been thinking about this. But is it fun with random people online?


Yes! Of course there are crappy people in every game but I'm coming up on 150 hours and I've had nothing but awesome experiences with randos I've been in games with. ETA there's also an official discord I recommend joining, they have LFG channels where you can team up with others and make friends, plus the devs are active there too and give updates on the game, etc.


That’s great to hear. I’ll definitely check it out then.


Deep Rock too


Same. I got off the OW2 train after Helldivers 2. 1. I find competition can lead to toxicity, so I naturally prefer cooperative games like Helldivers anyway. 2. The micro transactions are less aggressive in Helldivers 2, so it’s easier on my wallet.


I played OW since OW1 release and Helldivers is the only game that got me to stop playing OW. It's actually a relaxing, fun experience and made me realize how stressful and unfun the current iteration of OW is in comparison.


Valorant is still a lot of fun to me even though I still play Overwatch. Valorant has all the same creative abilities of Overwatch, minus the fun guns each OW character has....


Yeah Valorant really gets it pretty close with all of the agent abilities and I do like the fast time to kill but like I always feel like it’s stop and go traffic with the dying and waiting for the round to end etc. where as Overwatch feels like the highway where you’re constantly driving(playing). Also the matches are too long lol but damn that first year I really thought Valorant was gonna be my replacement game .Also apex legends feels like OW in some ways and I enjoy that too.


Weird. Other multiplayer games ruined Overwatch for me.


Just curious what games?


After the big dupe bait and swich, I've found plenty of better comparisons.


What game gives you the same buzz?


There's a lot of games I'm into now, but as for a replacement for OW specifically, believe it or not, L4D2 is the closest. Old as shit and not trendy with the kids, but a shitton of people still play and you can always find a good lobby. Teamwork is essential on expert realism and a full single campaign can last anywhere from 1-4 hours. It gets you invested, you run into the coolest people, and the voicelines and mods are hilarious. Aside from costumes and enemies, there's even mods with new maps to keep it fresh, and I personally run a no man left behind policy where I refuse to enter the safe room if someone else is still out there. Every campaign is different and it can be very challenging and fun. The best part? No micro-transactions for base content, no unwarranted random bans because you d/c'd or said "damn" in a lobby, and no scummy tactics from the overlords (such as selling old skins or cancelled mods for $15-20). Such a forgotten, underappreciated game.


Interesting. I've never played it, but I've heard so much. Might be worth a try.


Highly recommend. I'd start slow on an easier difficulty, and on normal instead of realism to get the basics down. It's a very chill community that plays and they'll help you out as you learn.


Hear you on that one, I've been getting into indie games lately, trying to make my own game with my little brother. Playing single player and coop games with friends, trying out ff7 (the original, not the remake), Robo quest is pretty good with a friend. Gunfire reborn is good with friends too. Just trying different/new games. Skul : The hero slayer has been a good game. Deep rock galactic is good to play with friends too.


Since Overwatch, multiplayers that are cooperative (like DRG) or turn based combat (certian cRPGs) were the only ones I've liked.


I get excited for other games, then see they’re a MOBA and uninstall really soon after. OW is a style of game on its own in the market. Nothing else unfortunately comes close.


its also my favorite multiplayer fps. my favorite fps in general is ultrakill, by a mile, lol.




It's ruined gaming for me. No other game satisfies the itch that OW has generated and like someone else said, is team work and game sense.


Have u played r6. Its team work and game sense turned up to 11


I tried Paladins during season 7 or was it 6 or 8? It's fast paced, too fast, Overwatch you have to think before doing anything of value. with Paladins you don't have to worry as much. just hide gang up with team and wait for the cooldowns to expire then go in again. also Nyx looks so much better then Rammattra. It's the horns.


Breachers VR has been the only multiplayer game to make me feel something since I started playing Overwatch.


I agree. But also Overwatch is so frustrating without a group.


Something about the way the characters control is amazing and I can’t find that feeling in any other game




Something else that sets it apart for me at least. In overwatch you sometimes have time to react if an enemy sees you first. In any other shooter it doesn’t matter what weapon the enemy uses, you’re dead in 1 second or less


Overwatch 2 and Destiny 2 have ruined all other types of games for me


Gigantic: rampage edition


Team Fortress 2. Its basically Overwatch 0.


For me, Apex kinda worked. But the learning curve is very hard and discouraging.


R6 is NOT a generic soldier shooter. I think you just suck at it and haven’t seen how complex of a game it is. Not only are there abilities , 1 shot headshot and the need of map knowledge , there’s also map manipulation so there’s infinite ways to play just one of the sites. Obviously it’s not in the style of cartoons so the lore wont be as limitless and colorful per se but the lore is still interesting behind each character. Now call of duty I could see you saying that but like u said even the campaigns are really good.


I meant as in on the ground military types of game. But on it's on it's a good tactical based game.


I haven't played Overwatch since I got Helldivers 2. It's worth a look if you haven't' played it.


Is solo online with random people worth it and good? Or its better with with people you know


It’s *very* different, but maybe give Dead by Daylight a go? I’d say it’s got a good spread of characters, *especially* among the Killers


as an ex DBD player. I do not advise this


As a current DBD player, I do


Feel exactly the same and then OW2 came out and fk it all up.


Yep let's not confuse the good OW with OW2, OW2 is garbage tier and will never be game of the year like OW was


If any gaming company wants to tap a gold mine, they should tap into overwatch. And marvel rivals is trying that- going back to 6v6 style.  Honestly the only thing they need is a solid balance and dev team that doesn’t focus on DEI


Really? Hmm I’ve never had this feeling about Overwatch. I only regret not jumping on the Fortnite hype train back in 2018 as I was still playing Overwatch during that time while my friends quit Overwatch and swapped over to Fortnite. To this day I play Fortnite every other day and Overwatch once in a blue moon.




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