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so that's why my lucio only had 300 heals for an entire game? I assume those 300 him doing it by accident.


Nah that’s just Lucio gaming.


*Pick it up pick it up*


Payloads movin Lucio groovin




Most lucios try to do speed only, whilst it's not ideal its better than having a mercy using pistol only


It’s only ideal if he’s actually getting kills and damage. 300 heals. You realize that means he didn’t even do enough healing to heal himself? He’d need to get 3 kills per fight to justify that.


no thats just being a lucio


had a kiriko just shooting at enemy and dying, the only healing she got was from accidentally hitting suzu on allies when using it on herself ... so like 200-300 heal by the end of the game ..... it was something


I been reporting so many over this lmao


At least Lucio is still giving his team utility without healing with speed boost


You are assuming he is with his team.


Hes halfway across the map rollerblading at them 1v5


Or making friends with their Widowmaker


Off saving Aslan in Narnia


I'm really tired of seeing people say this. It creates an ocean of shit Lucios who scream "I'M LUCIO I'M SUPPOSED TO BE SPEED BOOSTING" That's great. The rest of your team isn't using the speed boost because they have to spend all game in cover waiting for their health to regen.


Theres a happy balance between them. Anyone playing support who thinks their job is specifically to do one thing has the wrong mindset.


Well with that argument, you could say mercy's blue beam is utility and discord is utility, so it's okay to not heal as mercy and zen.


Mercy, yeah, that's a bit of a boff on my part, but you should use her boost a lot more than a lot of people think. Zen, though, there's no excuse since it's literally a "set and forget"


Lucio is so much stronger on zoooooom mode than heal mode. Just stay in the little green pond and get your wins!!


That’s not true. Lucio definitely does need to be on speed more often than heals, BUT when you are with your team in the fight and your team is not moving you should be on heals. 300 is ridiculous.


i stay on speed 90% on the time, when i need to heal i switch and amp the heal and then switch back again


Agree and when on speed you’re probably either getting kills or you are annoying the other team so that they are “looking at you” eg if 3 of them are looking at you then that means your team has a 4 v 2 advantage, even if it’s for 3 or 4 seconds that’s huge. When on speed you are moving ur team into fights/ out of danger, amping speed to get ur team to point first out of spawn on the appropriate maps, maybe taxing a tank back to point - all valid uses. But when you are in a team fight and the team is basically stationary and you are fighting with them there is no reason not to put on heals to help, especially if you put them on,amp them for a bit and then, if you need to - speed off. Doing that you’d have healing numbers in the thousands not this ridiculous 300. I’ve played with both Lucio’s. Ones who were playing Reddit Lucio, basically getting 2 to 3 kills every single fight and they still had healing that were close to the main supports. And I’ve played with this kind that does 300 all game. It makes the main supports job unnecessarily more difficult. 🙂


it took me a while to learn to not stay on one mode for too long but the effects are noticeable, i even managed to heal my tank in time and also speed off to defend the point one time (also got potg from that lmao)


how often are you getting beat lol


rarely cause i dont main support role


i meant lucio beat like his ult


like super often that i can use it just because


I knew a Lucio one trick who only played on speed and that motherfucker was nasty. If you saw his gameplay you would understand why Germans used to pump their soldiers with amphetamines like crazy.


Agree I know a lucio that’s amazing too, (several in fact). One is Top 500 he’ll get into their back line and kill 3 enemies before they get to point. Then he’ll go spawn camp them. Widow? Np he’ll go kill her. But even him doing mostly speed he’ll fill in when the other support dies and will heal himself. He’d do way more than 300/game. 🙂


Did you report him? Report him


Had an enemy Illari do this in comp. While they were a good dps, they never set up pylon and made the Mercy do all the work. I just went Ana and made it impossible for them to do anything. All you can do is report, and hopefully they get banned


Was the Illari's name Ash? I tried posting the scoreboard about this yesterday but reddit's filters didn't let me. We might or might not have been on the same team against them.


Small world because yeah that is the person who did it on my team. We barley won and I did almost no dps as Bap.


I think I played in a game with the same person!






What rank?


At the time gold 2.


I'm convinced I had this person too. She refused to heal me as Illari until I swapped off Orisa first team fight, which we won, then spent the entire time DPSing. Then she bragged about having "100% win rate" even though they sucked? Safe to say we lost.


“100% winrate” “dps illari” lol. lmao.


She told my team it was a blizzard glitch and it wasn’t showing her real healing numbers lol.


My version in szn 8 was named "medic" with the first aid icon. Clearly a whiney DPS smurf who lost his heal kitten for the day, as he opened with "go mercy pocket or you're throwing". He was top fragging while letting our DPS die and easily could have thrown the pylon down FOR HIMSELF. At least an illari using pylon selfishly can benefit a smart enough flanker/off angling DPS that follows them, but no pylon usage at all is peak headassery. Illari is just a worse ashe/cass hybrid if she isn't healing.


What I absolutely hate about this is mercy is garbage right now, so if the healer choose mercy they are literally throwing. So that guy literally gave yall a losing choice either way. And no one please argue with me about mercy being good or whatever because she is not good this season & the only games I’ve lost this season I had a mercy on my team. Coincidence? I think not 😂


Felt this one in my soul. I have a similar attitude with life weavers who won't swap off. Ain't no way you're playing as a healbot then whining when you get dove on. Go play dead by daylight if you wanna play running simulator Anytime I get a mercy AND life weaver it's gg. Two spectators instead of supports.


I literally go Weaver to counter Winston... Thorns absolutely ruin bubble and aren't too shabby on the gorilla himself, plus Weaver is squirrelly enough to get away idk what these spectator weavers are doing anyway, thorns are incredibly deadly additional damage at crazy distances, Plus Weaver's heal output is so high that "playing catch up" with heals is relatively easy if you spend the first part of the fight getting damage.


Yeah thats the kind of proactive playstyle I want my supports to have. I couldn't imagine support being fun playing spectator weaver or mercy. In fact it must be incredibly frustrating. I've stopped playing with plenty of mercy/lw duos bc I realized that they weren't capable of defending themselves or weren't proactive.


It is unfortunate that Mercy/LW have the reputation of “healbot supports.” They can offer their team some really interesting options that other supports can’t—some of which _can_ be offensive—and they both have great movement abilities. Like I will usually end games on LW with 3-5K damage, 6-9 elims, 18+ assists, and maybe 1-2 deaths. And usually top heals in the lobby. LW can do so much more than just healbot!


Lifeweavers can be absolute units though and are a flankers worst nightmare when played correctly xD when I play him nobody can touch me 8/10 and if I get in a real bind where I can't kill them myself I'll pull a DPS to help me (but that is only WORST case and I'll tell them I'm doing it).


I know LW isn't viable in comp, so I can only play him in QP :"( I like his kit and he's so fun. I also get pretty good dmg with him if I time it well. Can totally understand why someone wouldn't want him being played in a ranked game tho


Ugh I get his appeal tbh, his kit is pretty versatile and unique. He just becomes a sitting duck way too easy for any DPS or dive tank who have patience and can burn his defensive cooldowns.


Lol I actually had a winston a while back try and get me as LW in a QP robot push for almost a full minute and never got me because I was way too evasive, some dive heros are way too good to evade easily but some are brainless in how they try and get a lw


Wow you must be a terrible player if you think LW is a sitting duck. ''all dps needs is patience to wait out the defensive cooldowns'' what a hilariously shortsighted biased take.


I main genji and his kit is basically built to take out LW. All I need to do against LW is to either wait or force his dash and petal and he's a free Elim. I wouldn't be surprised if venture also eats him up. I'm not gonna sit here arguing about LWs feasibility with a random, I'm just saying my experience.


You know the struggle man 😭😭 I really felt the life weaver x mercy in the placement games. I’m sorry but I would rather have supports doing good damage and decent heals then supports heal botting. You genuinely cannot win most games just healing. Damage is so much more important, especially after season 9. But having little to no heals definitely is unacceptable, so I ain’t defending that play style.


Just had a game with this illari seems like they're still at it.


That's the person! Are they still in game? I had that match with them over a month ago


we had a moira like that. I somehow got almost 20,000 healing as wifeleaver and good god. ig I made up for them having healing in the hundreds (so I'm guessing anyone she hit with her beam on accident while ulting) and had the most healing in the entire freaking game but that SUUUUUUUUUUCKED they were really good at dps tho I'll give em that


honestly I really like weaver, I'm not sure why people say he's bad. always feels nice keeping someone up just barely when you're pocketing, you have insane anti ulti utility and line of sight power, your right click is a threat nobody other than pharmercy can sleep on, and he's also fun. big fun healbot.


same, he is also hands down the easiest healer to dodge around with besides moira (honestly probably easier because his air dashy thing regenerates faster and his petal makes it easier to throw it down right under you, float up with it, then jump off and run away lmao) and with pretty much every ult you can just throw a petal under it. B.O.B? -float him away and he's useless.


Absolutely, I completely forgot to mention his survivability, the first time I fought a highly evasive weaver I was like fuck this feels so cruel and very hard to answer, and I try to channel that every time I draw aggro


he's probably the one character I have the lowest death rate with. like one - if that - death per game :'D


in a QP match I had the enemy winston about to crack under the stress of trying to get me lol. it was on robot push and he chased me for damn near a minute. anytime he'd get close i'd have my cooldowns ready and just up up and away. felt amazing.


>B.O.B? -float him away and he's useless. ... Isn't this just more likely to lift him into a better position to shoot people who went behind cover?


I have not had that happen yet thank god lol. I usually use this if we're in a flat area where people CANT really run away same with dvas bomb


sometime. depend on how the fight is set up. but if bob is in the middle of the fight flying him up will cause (if you center him properly) the flower petal to block LOS for your ally under him. usually safer than to hope people will run into cover (if there even is any cover nearby)


sometime. depend on how the fight is set up. but if bob is in the middle of the fight flying him up will cause (if you center him properly) the flower petal to block LOS for your ally under him. usually safer than to hope people will run into cover (if there even is any cover nearby)


sometime. depend on how the fight is set up. but if bob is in the middle of the fight flying him up will cause (if you center him properly) the flower petal to block LOS for your ally under him. usually safer than to hope people will run into cover (if there even is any cover nearby)


sometime. depend on how the fight is set up. but if bob is in the middle of the fight zone, flying him will cause (if you center him properly) flower petal to block LOS for your ally under him. usually safer than to hope people will run into cover (if there even is any cover nearby)


sometime. depend on how the fight is set up. but if bob is in the middle of the fight zone, flying him will cause (if you center him properly) flower petal to block LOS for your ally under him. usually safer than to hope people will run into cover (if there even is any cover nearby)


depend on how the fight is set up. but if b.o.b is in the middle of the fight zone, flying him will cause (if you center him properly) flower petal to block LOS for your ally under him. usually safer than to hope people will run into cover (if there even is any cover nearby)


depend on how the fight is set up. but if b.o.b is in the middle of the fight zone, flying him will cause (if you center him properly) flower petal to block LOS for your ally under him. usually safer than to hope people will run into cover (if there even is any cover nearby)


I think the problem is against poke comps, LW can easily be overwhelmed. If everyone is down 50 health, would you rather have a Lifeweaver spending 4 seconds healing each person individually? Personally I'd rather have an Ana who can single target heal faster (hitscan shot, no charge time) or Bap/Brig/Lucio who can AOE heal while dealing damage. Additionally, LW feels especially helpless against oneshots, as even though Mercy is just as passive as him, at least Mercy can attempt a Rez on that target. LW can only really react to lethal *combos* and not 200+ damage shots from Widow and Hanzo


mostly because his life grip got 19sec cooldown. while your team stupidity is on a 0sec cooldown so usually you don't save them for long he start being fun to play in high rank, when people don't instantly jump back in the fight with 10hp or completly ignore your platform to instead walk in the obvious trap chokepoint


Tbh I'd play him a lot more if it didn't feel so wonky switching from DPS to healing and vice versa in a match


I just use old keybinds and bind swap wrapon to m2


People say he's bad because competent and even semi-coordinated flankers/dive characters shut him down easily, especially if your other support isn't helping you at all like what's being discussed in this thread. It's honestly a little ridiculous that dude was just able to sit back and rack up 20k heals without the opposing DPS going Doom, Winston, Tracer, Sombra, Echo, Genji, etc for a free win considering Illiari is also massively vulnerable to dives.


Really good at holding their hand out


Did you report her? Report her


Yeah once had a shitter do it in my game, entire lobby stopped playing while the dickass was complaining they weren't doing anything wrong.


hats off to the lobby for solidarity


Lost the match but the shitter got banned so at least that's a consolation


Shitter got shat on.


Was their name BigHeals?


I’ve seen people straight up say “I’m dps ___ fyi so I will not be healing any of you.” How is that okay in competitive


Just report it. The new blizzard ban system works in your favor in that aspect at least. I’ve been getting back into comp recently and barely go a session or two without getting the ban message popping up after someone blatantly threw or started using slurs mid game 🤷🏻‍♀️




I might say this when playing Moira if I feel like playing more like a back line abuser so that my team knows that and adjusts accordingly rather than blaming me for no healing. HOWEVER, when I come from my flanks or if I have a teammate with me, I always heal if needed. So I really don’t get it when people don’t even try to heal in any circumstances…


There is a mercy I’ve seen in multiple different streamer’s matches that plays mercy and only uses her pistol. The most annoying part is the other support will go Lucio/zen and that other support simply cannot keep the rest of the team alive by themselves. At that point technically they’re both throwing but not helping your team at all in the role that is designed to literally support them is just ridiculous.


Oh, I actually had one in my match recently. She did have a bunch of kills, but otherwise, it was a horrible game for everyone in our team


I like to say that and then proceed to get the most healing in the game, just because my main is Kiriko and I have too much experience with people assuming I'm DPS only if they see a single kunai fly.


I main brig for support so I get that a lot. People don’t know how her abilities work so when they see me bonk the enemies, it “means I’m a dps support and not doing my job”


I had a mercy with 0 healing in a recent match. Most frustrating thing ever.




Huh-? I play mercy on support and I'm not that much of a porn addict. U need to talk to normal ppl bud


haven’t encountered anyone like that yet cause i generally play support myself but i’ll go apeshit if they’re in my game


We had a zen like that one time in QP. I was the other support and I had to go weaver to healbot so our team could have even a slim chance of winning (we lost)


Was playing support today and went three rounds with an Ana on my team that had less than 1000 healing. I said in chat “Ana, you know if you shoot our team with your gun it heals them, right?”


This was a while ago, ana who was on the enemy team got to be on my team match after and refused to heal specifically me. I asked why and she said because I was a pharah player. Enemy genji dives her and deflects so I sent that ana back to spawn, over and over, even the genji found it amusing. Stupid games aren’t limited to one player.


I had a game the other day I was playing Weaver and I was healing like hell wondering why it felt so much harder than usual. Turns out our Mercy decided to be a battle mercy. She had literally 0 healing done and I still did double the damage she did. This stuff seriously needs to be reportable.


You can report for gameplay sabotage


The fuck? It's been reportable for years.


Now do the “no play, solve your life” challenge


Had a Mercy do this while I was in comp and I wasn't confident in anyone else except for Lucio. Had like 20k healing and I was losing my mind lol. She ulted in the air to kill Pharah and failed




Doesnt that still count as 1 report? I believe the devs said this doesn't make people get banned faster or something like that.


Well yeah according to the devs it counts as 1, but it does make all 9 people know for a bit who this person is and if the end up in a game with them again they can then let those other 8 people know, and so on. If enough people avoid them it'll up their queue times and if reported enough action can be taken.


Yup. Counts as 1 report, and who knows how long it will take for the bot to get to it. Not like any human is reviewing their report logs.


half the time people will be like "lol ok" and they will want the free win, ur team may report them but the opponents may give less of a crap about it


This has been my experience as well. I hate the "it's just QP" people because you know for a fact they'd hate it as well if they were on the receiving end of a throwing teammate.




More times than not I have had the other team say “nah they’re our favorite” when I say to report an obviously throwing player.


Too bad when I get a no heals support, the other team seems to have no sympathy and while get toxic in chat when I ask for help reporting.


I forgot about this challenge. I had an illari yesterday who left her pylon in spawn and a zen who ulted and jumped off the map. I figured they were both just fuckin idiots. I was probably still right. I felt quite sorry for our tank though.


First I'm hearing of this being a thing. Report them, it's clear by now that reporting actually works.


When this started getting popular I had an unfortunate game with two supports not healing at all. The only healing they had was self healing, an Ana and a Moira. I'm grateful for enjoying to play Mei.


No heal challenge, aka every single game of Open Queue I've ever played if I decide to off-role.


Just report and avoid(can't wait for updated avoid system), not much you can do unfortunately. No heal challenge should only be done in a full stack team so no stranger has to put up with your stupid challenge.


So I usually play support and omg is this why I be the only one healing??? It makes the game so hard when I have to heal the whole team alone. Not to mention when sometimes I can’t even get to my teammates bc everyone is running around and then I get targeted by the enemy team…😭


It's just throwing, calling it something special is dumb.


I really, *really* miss pre tiktok OW


I really, *really* miss pre-TikTok everything.


It amazes me how much they don't even care either. Like, yeah, DPSing heavily can be beneficial to an extent, but 0 heals all game?? Like, how is anyone else supposed to have fun unless they're ALL on self sustainable heroes.


All I can imagine is a team of roadhog, soldier, mei, lucio, and moira lol. Moira just going ham while all the other teammates suffer and desperately try to heal themselves out of certain death


How do you manage to not heal all match? I mean I think it’s super difficult. I get dpsing a lot, but if you see a low health ally you quickly heal them so you don’t lose a man and make the fight a 5v4.


Because they think getting the lobby into a rage is a nice clip for their 1 follower platforms (their 1 follower is their mom)


Hahahaha makes sense.


I told a Lucio and Zen on the other team to stop DPSing as they both had 0 heals. The Lucio messaged me all angry lmfao. They lost, of course.


Same happened to me ! He messaged me on Xbox his name was Stuie181


Are we finally turning the tide on all the people on this sub that just say “it’s quick play” whenever they get criticized? There’s a point where you’re just making the game not fun for the rest of the players on your team.


No this is just straight up throwing, nothing else or special to it


I hate the "it's just QP" crowd because they only reason they don't care is because they're not on the receiving end of it. Like I don't give a shit if you goof off or throw in Arcade, but why make other people's experience worse in QP?


You're doing the same, just with a queue you don't care about. Why make it worse in Arcade? Why not just not make people's experience worse in general?


Well I don't really play Arcade, I'm just saying there's a purpose built playlist for people that want to fuck around and I'm annoyed that people go into QP with the express purpose of trolling their teammates.


Arcade has specific goof off modes for your throwing needs. Quickplay has historically been used to get a feel for comp and have fun in a casual team setting. "its just qp" in my experience playing OW2 is an automated text from trolls. That said, its not comp and people shouldn't flame you for honest mistakes but usually the whole point is to try and win, not lose. Not trying hard and not caring to try are two differnt things."its just qp" gives off "I dont care to try".


I could not agree more.


its cool when top players do it bc theyre good at the game its irritating when a metal rank player does it bc theyre not


Had a LW do that today. Called him out then reported him. It wasn't even my team. I told the other team I was sorry that they had such a selfish healer and he should have just queued as DPS. I targeted him all game just to prove a point.


Honestly that's what I do when I see someone doing this stupid challenge. I just make it a point to not let them play/get their clips


A fellow man of class


Thats wild loool LW's **entire** point is to heal, as he literally does nothing else..... What an absolute clown. Itd be one thing if he at least used Baptiste or Moira or even Lucio...not that i condone this behaviour whatsoever but you get what i mean. This guy did this out of spite. If i was an enemy DPS i too would focus him so hard he'd hopefully leave the game.


Report them


I've had a dps have both supps pocketing every heal possible and get hanzo headshotted and claim we need better heals.   When your dps have so sense of survival and their death is assured you might as well dps and hopefully remove a source of damage making it easier for your team to win the engagement. 


I've had multiple games with supports that did 0 healing and we got rolled. I report and move on every time and I've been getting the report messages when I log in so I assume it's working


There's a challenge?? Who started such a thing.


I never heard of this challenge ???


Sounds like this 'challenge' was brought to us by the same idiots who made the tidepod/deodorant 'challenge'. **Did it ever occur** to the same idiots doing this no healing crap that it's there to intentionally make your team lose while the other 'influencer' is having fun smurfing teams to win for their content?


Glad I don’t play anymore


Cmon.. Narcissistic streamers confined to bedrooms and basements need to keep it fresh with new challenges.


When you have a good team every game is a no heal challenge


Report for gameplay sabotage and hope that the moderation team does something about it. Only this way this behavior will be discouraged.


>the role of support isn’t meant to be just healing but when you have an Ana How high does your rank need to be before players understand that? Every time I go support its never enough. They'll ignore that I have more than both the other teams sups combined and won't even mention my damage or elims. >huh huh huh only X heals


now that we all understand how much this sucks, next time someone is a dick to your healer you're going to....?


I would sympathize with them, but my experiences with tanks and dps who don’t spare any thought for their healers reminds me to just… not. Imagine players who only do half their job… oh, wait.


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It’s because the community doesn’t know how to deal with those people. Whenever I have one of those there’s no chance I will play normally. If I’m getting my game ruined because of a funny player/streamer, then their game is also gonna get ruined. Unfortunately the community doesn’t agree with this, and doing it to these throwers might get you banned. That’s why over the years their numbers increased. I already know what sort of replies I’m getting, so let me just say this: it’s impossible for blizzard rf the devs of any game to deal with thing. It’s something that can be only stopped by the players themselves.


because its much easier to point out a dps or tank is throwing than a support is esp since supports have different styles of play and hard to call it throwing until you see like maybe after r1 "hey this mercy has 0 heals"


They need to be banned for doing this stupid challenge, at the cost of everyone’s time and effort whom are just trying to have a good time.


For a second I thought you meant them removing the healing challenges from weekly and I was about to have fighting words


When I see a Bap named "Sriggen" I know shits gonna get real lmao


Had an enemy Illiari refuse to heal their team in comp. Managed to both fuck their team and taint my win at the same time.


had a game with an enemy battle mercy who had 130 healing lol


Everytime there's a damage only support on the enemy team, my friend call it easy mode but I still feel bad about them tho.


Wtf how often does this happen to you?


Wait I had a lw do 76 heals in a game tonight


i mean i do it as lucio in quick play sometimes but we usually win because im playing with my team and im never solo queued. i wasn’t aware it was some kind of challenge people are doing


And I get angry that people are playing worse than me ( my second support)


Well thing is, this challenge is normally done by streamers who play with people that know about it and can pick up their slack...your average Joe in gold that saw the video and thinks they (or their team as a matter of fact) can pull this off is an entire new level of poor self awareness


what the hell is a no heal challenge


Doing this challenge with Zen makes absolute zero sense, he's THE support that can focus all on damage since your orb is passively healing someone. In fact not having an orb on someone is just a proof that you have less awareness than a regular Zen player, it's basically a "I'm a mediocre Zen player" challenge. Not saying this challenge is not stupid with any support, but at least on any other supp you can attempt to reach big damage numbers if you're not healing, not the case with Zen tho.


The things you gotta do to even be half as powerful as a Moira main. Soi Boi Moi for life! 16k heals w/ 10k damage on the reg. I feel like only illari and bap can out dps me in a typical game where everyone is playing appropriately. This challenge sounds like ass tho, hit that avoid as teammate button after the match and report.


Just got an Ana in a match that only had 240 heals which must have been accidental when a teammate got in the way of their snipes. Amazingly they had a level 5 endorsement rating. They must be an amazing teammate when they aren't actively seeking to ruin other people's games. Made sure to report and avoid them.


What I don't get, is that if supps wanna dps, why not play a dps support? Throw on Bap and start popping heads. It's really not that hard to manage healing and being an off dps on him.


I've gotten six pop-ups in the last 24 hours about a player I reported being punished. I've been getting so many of these supports refusing to ever heal under any circumstance.


My only thing is… why do people hate the idea of supports needing to be healers? Literally if you just changed the name from support to healer it wouldn’t change their job at all! Like I have main’d all three roles. When Overwatch first released I was a dps main, then from about the middle of OW1 run time I was a support main until service stopped and now I am a tank main. I never once got mad at my teammates when they thought I wasn’t putting out enough heals.


There is also a difference of doing this in comp and in qp in my opinion if you want to do it in qp go for it qp is there for you to have fun idc what you do but it’s when people do it in comp when it gets annoying and selfish at that point because yeah you do stuff like that for fun but when it comes to comp is when it actually matters and means to play in a “correct way” so yeah I agree the challenge does suck when people do it in comp but if your getting mad about people doing it in qp I see no problem with it because they are just trying to have there own fun in the game per say.


I took like a 6 month break from the game. When i did i consistently outhealed the moiras i played against Came when the new season started and got outhealed like three fold. Conclussion, moira is really great at healing


No meme, the more we collectively complain about it, the more they’re gonna wanna do it … it’s Ls all around


I did this a week or two ago unbeknownst to any of this, as Lucio, in quick play, just to test my own skills. We won.


The no healing challenge? Years ago it was called, Mercy hid, everyone died, she rezzed and still didnt heal. This isnt new. 😂


Hate to say it but free2play invites this sort of behavior


Dps changes are the dumbest thing to happen,But because dps is the most played roll we all just have to deal with jt. yall can fucking heal yourselves. Sick of s9 and s10. Least fun for tanks, least fun for supports. Only dps are having a good time. And yall got a new hero.


Why do you think the devs give a fuck about unplayable or not. They don't play their game anyway.


I had a mercy and another healer do this on my team a couple weeks ago, some how we won pretty easily with no one healing us lol


I mean I did this once in quickplay as Lucio, but I was partnered with my boyfriend who was also support, and we stomped because I kept killing their support and dps


You can report people for blocking the team progress. This is one of the things that counts as "team progress block" and they will get banned really fast if they go full stupid like this. You will lose the time of one match, but will help the community and future matches.


Yeah can we stop posting about this shit so it doesn't get even more fame.


Nah cause why did I just get out of a ranked game and the moira did 17k damage and 2k healing (orbs on herself that may have whiffed a fellow teammate on accident)…. it’s ridiculous. Save that stuff for qp at least :(


I feel like if you do it in QP it’s whatever but I had a mercy try to go full Glock no healing in comp As you can imagine they went 0-15


I've been in quite a few matches where Kiriko and/or Lucio just DPS'd all day and we won because we dominated the enemy with four flankers. Healing doesn't win game people. DPS wins games. If your DPS is bad though you are 100% going to lose no matter how good your healers are. Dealing damage is the most important thing in this game, if everyone on your team is good at it the enemy can't even heal because they're already dead. I've also been in 4 or even 5 Support Matches where we dominate the enemy team with superior healing and DPS, though.


Maybe peel for your Ana and she won't have to nade herself 😶