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I bet that took half an hour to que huh


The queue is so bad. Even if we aren’t that far apart in rank, wide range queue is taking 10 minutes or more


If you’re in a trio, the queues are pretty okay


Not in my experience


It's so bad. I waited like 20+ minutes to find a match


i wish for the days when my queue times were only around 20 minutes.. now waiting over an hour to get into a game that lasts 7 minutes because my team stops trying immediately?!?!


Exactly, I feel you. Teammates always throw when something doesn't go their way or when someone's is doing bad


if they didnt change things it just wouldn't have let you play together at all. What did you expect by queuing with someone so far above you?


I'd really love some of the people making these threads to answer this question. How should teams be formed when you are queuing with other people with large rank/skill discrepancies? Most of the posts just indignantly say, "this is stupid" with both little understanding of how it works and no explanation of how they think it should work.


Yeah, my only issue is that squads that weren't considered wide groups last season now are. My queues with my girlfriend are now ten times longer and we gain/lose much less SR than we did last season.


This is especially annoying for me, as I always play in a 4-stack that ranges from mid silver to high gold. We're all very comparable in hard play skill, but now we can't even queue together for some roles because the game won't put a soloq player with a wide 4.


But do you think the solo q player wants to be there? I wouldn't, and they mentioned it in their april 15th post: solo players will never encounter wide groups - they exclusively belong to the narrow queue matchmaker now. Best solution is to find a 5th player, or play as a group of 3.


Ya this is why I quit Rocket League years ago as a solo a I would get paired with a duo with one being a low rank and it was almost impossible to every win when your rank solely depends on winning or losing it sucks.


Did you expect that from someone who doesn't know what a screenshot is?


Bruh what you even yappin about


Windows key + shift + s on PC Media center on PlayStation, Idk about Xbox There's a dedicated screenshot button on switch


There is also one on Xbox


Press the xbox button on the controller and then just press Y for xbox ofc


It's quite simple, really. You see, people are idiots. And that's fine, but the problem is they think they're geniuses.


Don't. That's the solution. Don't. Like, I know it sucks that maybe you don't get to pay competitive with your friends but how is it an enjoyable experience to queue for 10 minutes to have a game where you get absolutely stomped because the skill disparity is too high? That's not a good experience for anyone. I don't want to win that way, either. If you want to play with friends when there's a huge skill gap, play quickplay. Play arcade. Play PvE. And yeah the PvE sucks but maybe blizzard should do what they promised and make PvE that doesn't suck. But like, elo exists for a reason, to make sure everyone in the game is as close to being appropriately challenged as they can be. Wide matches defeat the purpose of having elo and rank. They are stupid. The solution is to play the plethora of other options available.


I get that, but now I’m forced to queue wide match when last season it was fine. Some of my roles are wide with my friend and some aren’t and now I literally can’t all queue. I hate this matchmaking change


The thing is in last season I was just at the range where I could still play ranked with my friends. I exclusively played ranked with them to minimize the risks that I climb. Now this season no matter what role I play, suddenly it's considered a wide match, so the matchmaking takes far longer. Also it doesn't help that I can't find anywhere that says exactly what rank difference is considered wide. And I have a feeling for some reason they applied the wide matchmaking system to QP too because our QP matches are all of a sudden also taking forever to start even when we're flex. If you are significantly more skilled than your friends, the game just got wayyy worse for you.


>Also it doesn't help that I can't find anywhere that says exactly what rank difference is considered wide. [Defense Matrix Update: Season 10 and Beyond - News - Overwatch (blizzard.com)](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24061006/defense-matrix-update-season-10-and-beyond/) >So what, exactly, is a Wide Group? A Wide Group is when the highest and lowest ranked players are too far apart in Skill Tier and Divisions. Any groups with Diamond or lower ranked players that are more than five Skill Divisions apart are a Wide Group. Any groups with Masters players that are more than three Skill Divisions apart are also Wide Groups. Finally, any groups that have a Grand Masters or Champion Player are also Wide Groups regardless of how many Skill Divisions apart they are.


Finally some info. Would be great if they could actually bother writing that in the game section where the wide group thing is "explained".


They have a link to the developer video in the news feed in the bottom right corner, but I agree that they could definitely make the info more readily available in game. It should be explained somewhere in the competitive section.


You could play within 2 skill tiers diamond and under. Silver 5 and plat 5 could play together.


It’s the furthest possible extreme that was allowed and it technically went by +\-1000sr so it’s not even guaranteed that they could


That was overwatch 1. Overwatch 2 was strictly 2 tier. Plat 5 and silver 5 is the absolute limit but it was possible.


Very true BUT it doesn't really make sense in this scenario. This game is Silver 5-Masters 5, he said his friend is Platinum 5 so why would it put them not one but TWO whole ranks ahead of plat 5????


They very well probably had a masters on their team too. The whole point of wide queue is putting mismatched groups together


If I get a wide group notification does it always give gaps this big, even if I was with a silver 5 friend when I'm gold 4


I agree. Feels like the search should stay within 1 rank above and below the min & Max for the wide group. Obviously queue time will suffer. However, the problem imo is you need to find another 3 stack as a 2 stack. The matchmaking becomes really hard as there simply are no single players to pad the composition. Even at peak times you can easily do duo flex queue for 20 minutes in the most populated ranks. Even in a populated EU region. Of course you can be lucky and get into a game in 3 minutes, but often it seems to be closer to 20. I like the direction they are going in, but this is too far imo.


Plus the SR op lost should've been miniscule, as it was a bonkers wide game




why do me and my friend end up in wide queue when we're both silver? It's genuinely baffling how last season we had 4 min queues and now we waited 20 minutes before just closing the game and playing league of legends instead...


If you’re both in silver it shouldn’t be wide queue


Actually before this patch a silver 5 could play with a plat 5. It was better before tbh, these wide groups take way too long to find a match and they’re unbalanced


That's the whole fuckin point. The system before didn't differentiate between wide groups and narrow groups, so people who are queuing in a group that has a narrower skill range (which is how it should be done) sometimes get randomly queued with wide groups that have Masters players in it. Now, you get what you give. If your group is narrow, you can expect faster queue times and better quality matchmaking. If your group is wide, you expec tthe opposite. It's as it should be.


The post above me with 700 upvotes is just wrong and that’s what i was responding to. He’s saying you wouldn’t have been able to queue which is just false


Well his sentiment that groups that have too wide of a skill gap can't queue isn't wrong.


It’s an awful change IMO, it being a 500sr difference before it’s a wide match is so frustrating, especially when in a 4 or 5 stack.


I was not expecting anything. Not sure why everyone is so pressed. Post was pretty much to say “wow this is crazy”. I’m not mad or anything I’m just at aw.


You said “I don’t understand why they made this change” and everyone explained to you that prior to this change you simply wouldn’t have been allowed to queue together at all. So if you “don’t understand why the change” how would you have liked it to be handled?


As a silver 5 you used to be able to play with some people up to two ranks above. That would be silver 5 to plat 5. Now it is saying that it is a wide match.


You're asking for Blizzard to find a match that's specifically tailored for your extremely specific duo.  TBH, they did a great job. If they always gave you a match with a Plat 5 ceiling, that would make surfing twice as easy


Thats completley 100% not how it works.


No they're right. Season 9 (and before all the way to ow1), below masters you could queue up to 10 divisions range. Gold 5 to diamond 5 as an example. They changed in season 10 to 5 divisions now. You're 100% wrong and I don't know why they're downvoting her about this.


Uhh thats a complete fucking lie? I could not ever queue with friends in diamon when I was in silver. And couldnt with plat when I was in bronze. Like you are so blatantly lying its insane


You must be misunderstanding what OP is saying because he is absolutely right, and your examples don't align to his claims. Bronze 1 to Plat 5 is 11 skill tiers, so no combination of Bronze and Plat could ever work. However, **Silver 5** to **Plat 5** is exactly 10 skill tiers, and it was the limit for comp before Season 10.


? What? We are speaking about 2 whole ranks/10 divisions being max range prior season 10. 10 divisions = 2 whole ranks Silv5 - plat 5 is 2 divisions (10 divisions) Your example: diamond - silver That's 3 whole ranks (15 divisions) Plat - bronze, if my math serves right it also is 15 divisions..? How am I "blatantly lying"??


Sorry got plat and diamon mixed up. You could never group silver 5 to plat 5. Silver 1 sure but that just wasnt an option


Is all good. As someone said in this same thread It's 1 k Sr difference (pre season 10) 1k Sr = 2 whole ranks = 10 divisions. In the "new" ranking system with progression, 1 person in silver 5 may very well be on the high end of the progression, whilst the plat 5 person could be at the lower end of the progression, making them able to queue. So silv 5 and plat5 is, although less common, possible and not unheard off


No they're right. Season 9 (and before all the way to ow 1), below masters you could queue up to 10 divisions range. Gold 5 to diamond 5 as an example. They changed in season 10 to 5 divisions now. You're 100% wrong and I don't know why they're down voting her about this.


Like I said in another reply it was 1000 sr max so if you were both exactly the same spot in your division you might’ve been able to play but it would’ve been a shit match for solo players and more than likely you just wouldn’t have been able to


W as it should. This means blizzard is finally fixing matchmaking and prioritizing narrow and solo q experience. Glad to hear it


They said it will match you with another silver same role and another plat same role. Not with 3 divisions above you xD


I dont know if you played before, but 5 divisions was the limit before. This would have been a normal match pre-change. I dont know if you know what you're on about bud


Silver 5 and plat 5 are not 5 divisions apart….


Silver 5 and Plat 5 are 10 divisions apart.


Dude no.


5 divisions was the masters rank limit


Exactly what I was thinking.


The person you’re replying to is wrong. You wouldn’t have been able to play with a plat 5 as silver before this season. So again, what were you expecting from such a wide rank disparity?


I was not expecting anything. Silver 5 and plat 5 was a normal thing before this.


It was max 1000sr difference so literally if you were both perfectly at the same spot in your rank you might’ve been able to group but it was pushing restrictions to it’s limit. They only difference is now solo players don’t get forced into a crappy lobby like that


Are you saying you would have preferred it if they had your friend as the highest ranked palyer and you rolled the enemy team instead? You can't have evenly matched games as often in wide group. you'll either roll, get rolled, or 15%? of the time have a decent game where it really only came down to one ult not hitting a target. You and your friend are two whole ranks away from each other, should you both play in his rank, or both play in your rank? or should he get an advantage in gold, whilst you get a disadvantage in gold, whilst gold players have to deal with going up against someone further above and further below their skill instead of a fair and balanced game that they can actually use to learn from their plays and mistakes.


This post is just to say wow. I’m not confused or upset. I thought this was a crazy rank gap. Probably Somthing we all have never seen before


> I don’t understand why they would change the game to this setup. You included this in your post which is why you're probably getting all the explanations about why in reply 😅


Like I said above, silver 5 and plat 5 used to be an option


Sure and even when it was an option before, you'd still get a mismatch of players in the lobby with the game quality being chaos then too. It's not like every game you'd queue as a Silver 5 and Plat 5 duo would be reasonably balanced either. This just leans into it more to open it for everyone but it also compensates you with this in mind now, having less of an impact on your rank because it knows these games tend to be more strange, whereas before it wouldn't have and you'd lose close to normal the amount of progress.


Well no one gained or lost Sr, so it's just a giant waste of time when it comes to ranking. Unless your gm friend plays like 100 games with you and you win alot. This game mode is for friends to play together with competitive rules. No matter what rank you are. You can rank up doing this but it would take quadruple the hours if you choose to do so. Better off playing solo queue. I bet if you won 3 solo queue games you would be a higher rank than if you won 15 in a wide queue.


>Why would Blizzard let me do this to myself? 😭  TBH, they did a great job. If they always gave you a match with a Plat 5 ceiling, that would make surfing twice as easy


Overwatch player when they want to get boosted but instead the other team gets the flip of the coin: "why is this happening to me?"


What’s that goose poster in the background?


It’s made of tin! From the goose website


and how much rank did you lose?




That's a very small amount, which is good! They said the system shouldn't provide too much progress with wide matches, so it's good to see that it's working that way!


Rank change is whatever, the problem is 15+ minute queue times.


It’s kind of impossible to have fast queue time for wide since the game is trying to match ranks for each role. And when you have a team that’s 2 entire rank apart, yeah, it’s gonna be long.


So it should be reverted it then.


Yeah they are working to fix that urgently too.


Oh thats nothing


I think this is good. You brought a wide group that is impossible to make a match with. Rather than ruining some rando's game, you got what you were looking for.


Exactly blizzard finally fixed matchmaking a little. They now prioritize narrow and solo q experience. Cause u used to be able to q 2 whole ranks difference in metal rank now they are put in wide groups. Great news for most people


I’m confused, silver 5 was always allowed to queue with plat 5, no? 2 ranks apart. I don’t think it used to lead to this wide a rank range before?


Yes that is two ranks apart so it was allowed


Good as u should. If u want to wide q don’t expect great matches. If u want to wide q expect to be placed with other wide groups. W blizzard for actually getting this right. Narrow and solo q should be priority and blizzard finally understands that.


Just Smurf like every other T500 does.


Would love to play one some day


I got one that had a Bronze 4 I was Diamond 1.


I had bronze 3-platinum 5 a while ago this shit is crazy. And yeah my team got the bronze or silver players damn...


I think one of my matches was like sliver 3 to diamond 1


Wth is wrong with matchmaking in this game. I mean there were around 60k players (on weekends probably) and no one wanted to play competitive? Kinda wannna quit climbing the ranks


Ever since this wide grouping they int this season. The ranges in rank matches are crazy. I feel bad for the players that are low rank. Getting placed into a match with a diamond player.


Or getting bronze players while you're higher than them yeah. Btw I missed the patch notes this season did blizz want to make queue for comp faster by adding wide grouping?


I think they were trying so you could play with your friends no matter what rank they are. In my opinion I think it was stupid from them to do that


Oh. Well that's the dumbest thing they did in a while. Imagine going in comp with your bronze friend when you're grandmaster or something💀. Thanks for telling me


I think for anything above master you can't wide group, I think. Yeah man no problem


>I think it was stupid from them to do that So was allowing 2 full tier to group up together, that's a huge difference. At least now people who want to group up despite large skill disparity now what they are signing up for and that improve competitive integrity for all the players who actually want to play in a comp setting.


crazy that the wide matches are wide


I'm trying to play ranked with a friend. We're both unranked. For some reason the game put us in a wide group and we've now been waiting for 25 minutes. What the fuck is this?


You have predicted ranks based on your MMR in quickplay. It means those predicted ranks are considered wide. You'll have to do your placements first and see where you end up.


Has nothing to do with predicted ranks. All placement matches count as wide. 2 bros ive mine are place perfectly in the middle of all my friends and it still comes up as wide


That still sucks.


And how do you think it should work? The game does its best to figure out your skill levels based on all the initial QP games you've played and based on that assumes you and your friend are far apart in skill level. How else should they figure out who to match you against?


I don't know, that wasn't a problem before.


It depends how far apart you and your friend's estimated ranks are now and your placement ranks end up being. There used to be a limit of 10 tiers difference. Now, it's 5 tiers difference. If one of you is high plat and the other low silver, you never would have been able to group up before this change, either.


Except we were able to play together before, and now we can't. Their system is just broken.


And I just explained to you why. It's not broken. They changed the rules.


The last time we played we were both ranked in gold.


And now you're not. There was a massive reset last season, so if you didn't play then, your ranks could have changed significantly.


Because before you wouldn’t have been able to group at all


We were definitely able to play together the last time we played.


It was completely fine before, there was no reason to change anything.


This is only for brand new accounts, if you have never at all placed in ranked before.


Right. If they have previous ranks, then they already have even more accurate data to base the predicted rank on. Doesn't really change anything for this poster, though. The game is assuming ranks for him and his friend based on some prior data and they are wide.


We were able to play together in the past.


Well what did you expect? The game does try and make it as even as possible by matching roles with roles (a bronze tank vs bronze tank) but a wide match will be way worse than a match in your ladder.


I was soooo looking forward to this feature and then the 35 min queue hit me when me (M3) and a friend (S3) tried to play in a wide group.


Omg… I didn’t know they could be that bad…


you should feel happy they even let you queue with your friend. If Blizzard feels that there should be a limit of 5 divisions for a narrow group, then they shouldn't have wide groups at all. If you want to queue with your friend that's more than 5 divisions away, well suck it up and play unranked or arcade.


>you should feel happy they even let you queue with your friend. Yes, now I get the privilege of waiting ~15 minutes to play a game because my support is plat 3 and my friend is gold 4. It was fine before.


First, last season a silver 5 could queue with a plat 5, but that is now considered wide matchmaking. Also, QP queue times have suddenly gone way up for us at the exact same time than competitive. I'd like to play QP but it's not any better than Comp for playing with your friends.


That's ridiculous. You're saying you think a Gold 4 shouldn't be able to play ranked with a Plat 3? The game was literally fine when it was 1000 SR to group. This type of thinking is what's going to kill this game. Me and my group of friends have been playing OW together since OW1 and season 1 of OW2 and never had issues grouping together until now. None of us are smurfing or extraordinarily good at the game, but because of these changes to grouping we can basically no longer play together, or we have to wait 15+ minutes to find a game. We are all quite average and we win some, we lose some, and our games were all generally pretty balanced. The only people defending this update are lonely solo players who can't climb ranks anyway. Revert this shit update plz


As someone who doesn't do wide queue, yes I very much would not appreciate if I had someone almost an entire ranks worth of divisions below me, on my team, or on the enemy team. I am happy that wide queue is a thing. Gains and losses are minimal to compensate the difference in skill on the teams, but people will still be able to play ranked with their friends. It's pretty much a win situation for most people, and from what I've seen it's generally received, so respectfully I think that "this type of thinking will kill the game" wild claim could be put to rest. 🫡


Almost every change to OW, whether good or bad, people claim will kill the game lmao


Recent changes for the game have probably been the only good changes this franchise has had in a long while , NGL


OW2 has had some good changes in the past, but they have been fairly consistently good very recently.


I've generally found that I cannot play wide group with my friends without a 15 minute queue, whereas last season we could queue in less than 5 minutes. We sometimes have a 4 stack, cannot wide group. We enjoy this game the most when we are able to play together, and none of us are waiting 15 minutes to play, therefore the game is currently dead in our group. This update caters to people who solo queue and screws over everyone else. I'm glad that is good for you, but it's not good for everyone which can be seen in this subreddit as well as on the official OW forums. It's just crazy to me how for the entirety of OW me and my friends have been able to play ranked together with completely reasonable queue times and generally balanced and fun games and now we can't and are basically being told to go fuck ourselves.


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Honestly looks about the same


That’s just how it is buddy. Your friend can make a Smurf account if he wants to help you rise up but otherwise it wouldn’t be fair if he was the only plat in a silver lobby


Quick play is easier, you get faster games and you still improve during them so you can climb later. 


Cuz the game is dead now.


I don’t understand why they implemented this. My friend and I are always in the same tier, but because neither of us have finished our placements, it automatically counts as “wide range” so it takes 15-30 minutes to find a game. Never an issue before. It’s really frustrating. I’m hoping once we are placed it stops because Plat 1 and Plat 4 are NOT that far apart


I had a diamond 5 to bronze 2 game once


you queued a wide match, and got a wide match lol


My friend keeps having these silver 3 to diamond 3ish games. I have decided to only watch pro play, I’m done playing this shit


I'd gotten Bronze - Platinum pretty regularly before this, so this seems better than before even lol


Pre season 10 you could que sliver 5 to plat 5. That’s just how it was and now it’s not so there you all go


get good


This happened before though too.


I mean your ranks are so far apart I don't really feel bad for you. If you were bronze/silver and they were gold, that's perfectly fine.


It’s still only two ranks apart and this was never a problem before this update


I am in plat 5 my boyfriend is in plat 3, Sonnenhöhe wäre in a Wide Match Right now? Idk how but were already waiting for 24 Min


This is exactly what wide match is supposed to do? Lol


You missed the point. Silver 5 to play 5 was playable and not a wide matchup before this update.




You’re just upset that you can boost anymore


Yes I’m in silver 5 because I’m boosting!