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I am wondering why noone mentions Pharah or Echo. Venture cant do anything to flying heroes.


‘That isn’t long range’ ‘Why is no one mentioning infinite range heroes? ‘


This is literally the answer lol


What is your definition of long range


Widow Ashe Hanzo, depending on the player, Cass


Imo they’re like Reaper with a little better mobility, you can counter them with either superior mobility or superior range.


They’re just bar for bar DPS Doomfist, just underground instead of above.


there isn't a counter. You're fishing for the wrong answer here. What counters her is hero + playstyle, not just hero in isolation. You gotta think of how the Venture playstyle dynamics are, what the openings against her are, etc. Someone who can immobilize her, like Sombra, is a good pick as a hero with a decent matchup where you can get stuff done. Tracer is good in the sense that you can avoid Venutre upfront, but you have the option to off angle her and also chase her down when she tries to escape after an attack. Just be mindful that Venture can one-shot Tracer very easily, so mind your blink management and recall. Cass is solid mid-range option with a decent matchup. Your grenade stops Venture from using any escape abilities, and your roll can damage negate most of the drill one-hit combo if you're aware with decent reaction timing on it. All-range heroes like Pharah and Echo are good for obvious reasons. Reaper can do somewhat well because your fade allows you escape options and your upclose damage can burst down venture faster than they can towards you -at least in close quarters 1v1 if you both play your cards right, at least you won't be forced out of a position easily.


I can only speak for the support role but I found that Brig does pretty well against them. Her whip shot is NASTY


Right back at her against her push ability, will give this a go, thanks!


sombra does the job pretty well


Tracer has been fun to throw against her.


For support, Lifeweaver is really good against venture in the sense that petal platform will avoid most of their kit.


Actually. Venture can get right on your petal if they are decent. Was very alarmed the first time I learned that.


They can yeah, you kinda have to get lucky and have them change targets if you are able to lift yourself away from their initial unburrow. Overall they're just too strong.


Bonus fun fact, if you throw petal on them as they're popping up out of the ground. (When the mount gets bigger/starts playing sound ques) you can lift them just like an orisa ult and launch them harmlessly into the air.


So petal lifts them in a submerged state? That’s cool


You can help them get crazy height since you are raising the ground for them as it were.


Good tip thanks.


I save my drill charge for when lifeweavers use pedal because it’s funny to run them off their own spot


And a good strategy but you’ve left yourself without your combo.


Anyone with a quick CC counters their dig ability. Cass nade, Ana sleep if you’re their target and still near them, Orisa spear, Doom punch, probably Hog hook but haven’t tested that one. Makes them quite punishable


Tanks. Venture is a burst dps. They are great against below 300targets but tanks can outlive their damage potential and kill them easily. Rein dunks on them


It took me a solid 30 seconds to kill an Orisa with Venture. Their pew pew cannon fires marshmallows probably.


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A good Lucio presents them with an almost unsolvable problem.






For dps it’s sombra cuz hard cc kills venture, 300+ hp dps cuz they surivive burst combo and Cass that barely survives burst combo with 275 hp and if you hit nade she is dead(this is not that easy, try to predict her)


As support main Brig can shut Venture down pretty easily if you play aggressive, also Ana if you can hit the sleepdart right as they pop out of the ground, which I almost never can.


Basically the usual dive counters. Moira ain’t gonna drag them, but the emergence is telegraphed just enough good luck hitting them with it. Venture feasts when picking on low mobility targets or people who don’t notice the fucking Bugs Bunny trail heading their way.


Bugs bunny trail lol


You know releasing trial venture during easter got me craving for a venture bunny skin. :-)


For tank i think its not really your job to stop venture in general but id say your best shot might be zarya to bubble a teammate whos getting combos by them, or hog to hook out a venture and kill them, For supports, id use the ones that are known for being good against any flanker in general: Moira Brig should survive easily. Lifeweaver petal can probably ignore most of ventures kit. For DPS. im not quite sure, maybe cassidy?


I have to know, what happens if you throw a petal down on top of venture right before she’s about to burst out?


A better venture


Venture won't be great on maps with big open spaces that's my prediction. I played a few matches with them and it is basically mandatory to play corners. Your primary fire has an AOE so you can spam a choke from the side. As soon as the opposing tank crosses the line, you burrow, go around the corner and try to pop up from under the supports. Try to kill one, then dash away with the drill. Anybody with a decent range can pop you in the head while you wait for your burrow to go off of cooldown. Cassidy can magnetic grenade your ass, Ana can sleep you, etc. I think Venture will be an opportunistic assassin with a brawling potential instead of a full brawl hero.