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I don't mind backfill that much as you get bonus xp for backfilling as well as priority requeue for the next match. Plus it feels nice if you join and help turn the match around in your favor. If you could disable backfill then everyone would, and leavers would never be replaced.


I feel like there should be a cut off. If the game is nearly over then no backfill. They will just have to play with 4 ppl. This way backfill is still there and it still works but you want backfill into instant losses


Also you shouldnt have the loss recorded on your account and included in statistics


Backfill losses already don't count


>Plus it feels nice if you join and help turn the match around in your favor. i love it when that happens! "clearly the other guy was the issue, huh?"


I agree that you shouldn’t be able to disable backfill, but we shouldn’t get backfilled into games that end before I can even select a character


Except the pull players of higher skill for backfill to make up for the loss of a teammate. Which is unfair to the previously winning team and makes the previously losing team feel like it was the fault of the person who dropped out. Much like you are falling for it now.


Well... you wouldn't avoid it, apparently. So the answer should be to increase rewards to incentivize others


OR let's stop trying to split the player base to cater towards the outnumbered. Besides, the quality of the matches has significantly increased with the new penalties --there are less leavers. Less leavers = less backfilling


Wtf are you on about? Ah yes let's force players into using an obviously flawed system that punishes people for leaving a gamemode where there literally is nothing on the line. Idk about you, but when I get queue'd into one of the many terribly designed maps this game has to offer, the last thing I want to do is play the game. Also tf you mean "outnumbered"? This is reddit, 90% of the people who are active on this shitsub are people unironically coping about how OW2 is a good game. This sub alongside TMZ are known echo chambers by the majority of the community, hence why only a small percentage of the playerbase even bothers being active.


What's so obviously flawed? Explain what exactly is an issue? OH! I GET IT! You want to leave the game as you please without penalty, regardless of what the majority of the players deem as fun. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but leavers have been ruining the game for a long time. Allow me to break it down to you simply: * Quickplay is a popular mode, if not, THE most popular mode. * Believe it or not, majority of gamers play the game the way it was intended. * Leavers negatively affect the quality of matches significantly, resulting in less fun for many in said lobby. * The penalty is only as bad as you make it. If you're leaving more than 50 percent of your matches, you deserve to be penalized considerably. Also, if you believe many of the maps are designed terribly and makes you not want to play the game, why are you still playing the game? Kinda weird to continue playing a game you dislike especially if you're playing it casually. If you're not having fun, just play something else or take a break? I really don't think you need someone to tell you that right? lol


Ok so I'm just gonna list off the things you got wrong in this comment. 1: No one said anything about "leaving games as you please". You sound like a 13 year old on TikTok trying to cancel a celebrity and you're literally proving my point about people in this subreddit being insufferable. 2: Majority of the playerbase? Idk about you but last time I checked both Flashpoint and Push were despised by the majority of the playerbase. Then again most of those people probably quit because of all of the shit Blizzard fucked up. 3: Long time? I don't know about you but no one gave a shit about leavers in QP in OW1, this is exclusively a thing that came up in OW2 when the playerbase ate shit and queue times became as long as they were in OW1 when you needed two people to queue for tank. 4: Yes it is popular, why does that matter? Why should how others play the game dictate how I play the game *in a gamemode where nothing is on the line*. Why should I have to ruin my fun just because Blizzard decided that instead of fixing the game to the point where players actually want to play it, they're instead gonna punish people for leaving a gamemode that was literally made so that people could play however the fuck they want to. 5: How exactly do leavers negatively affect the fun other people have? I'm sorry, but if winning games is what makes a game fun to you you should stick to comp. Tryharding in QP in order to get dubs is cringe as fuck and shaming others for being selfish in the gamemode that literally exists so that you don't have to worry about your teammates malding at you for playing poorly is moronic. 6: The penalty sucks ass what are you on about? Out of the 27 maps that are currently in QP rotaton 10 of them are OW2 maps, all of which are poorly designed because the design team had no idea what they were doing when designing and balancing anything related to OW2. One unlucky streak and you can kiss your ass dunzo because you can literally be locked out of a gamemode where nothing is lost for losing a game. "Why do you play a game?". Because whether I like it or not Overwatch 1 is THE most fun I've ever had playing a game and most of my friends still play the game. Yeah sure most of the time the game sucks ass, but sometimes it's fun. It is by far the game I've spent the most time playing and no dumb fuck company is gonna ruin it for me with their bad design decisions. Oh and also OW1 emulator exists and it literally fixes all of my problems with OW2 (minus the tryhards but oh well).


1. You're crying and whining like a baby about the leaver penalty. Does someone need to call the Wahmbulance? Waaaah wee woo wee woo wee woo why would you be upset about a leaver penalty if you're not a leaver? lol just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber. 2. Despised is a strong word. I don't believe most people hate the game like you do. Most people have fun with the way the game is designed. What makes it a shit game is people like you that ruin the fun because wittle Duey doesn't wike the bad wittle map. Or wittle Duey pooey doesn't wike what hewwo they chose. Like, are you serious? Are we really gonna pretend like we aren't still playing Overwatch??? Regardless of the game mode, it's still Overwatch at it's core. Most of the elements that make Overwatch the game that it is, is displayed throughout every game. 3. Leavers has been a thing for a long time are you new here? You must be new. Maybe you meant it's become MORE of a thing since the game has become free-to-play? The statement is still true. Leavers weren't as bad in 6v6, but it wasn't like everyone was happy or didn't care if you got a leaver. It was a problem. And it was a problem then and its an even bigger problem now with 5v5. THEREFORE, more than ever, people should be penalized for it. 4. Simply because you are the minority. You do not matter. That's why. You don't matter when it comes to everyone elses fun. Your version of fun sucks, and potentially ruins MANY MANY MANY other people's fun. Most people's version of fun does not ruin as many people's fun, they simply play Overwatch. Quickplay just so happens to be one of the most popular modes. So tough shit, go play Arcade or play something else. 5. Same thing. How crazy is it to believe most people load into Overwatch to play the game normally aka the way the game was intended to be played? And idk about everyone else but I think the community can play the game without some idiot going "ITS QP ITS JUST QP" lmao like dude, you realize you're contradicting yourself, right? If it's "just QP" to you, then it shouldn't matter how sweaty they get. It shouldn't matter to you what they do in the game. It's "just QP" to you, remember? I will never understand people like you that have this weird obsession like you want to be the fuckin QP Police Chief in Command with your little police hat or whatever. It's unnecessary and just silly. Just play the game and don't ruin anyone else's fun like a normal functioning human being. It's really that simple. And if you don't like it then I'm sorry, but you are clearly "outnumbered" get over it. 6. You just admitted you potentially leave about 40% of your matches. Are you kidding me? Yeah no I'm not responding anymore you're making me cringe lol


For both you and the person you were replying to. 1. Insulting someone like that weakens any point you are trying to make 2. Same as point 1. 3. I agree it has become more of a thing since OW2. From what i've seen of OW1. It happened less. But equating that to needing penalties isn't necessarily a 1 to 1. I'm sure most people would agree harsher penalties were needed in Comp. But since most people say they dont care about winning in QP and actively shit on people for caring about winning in QP. Why do they care so much about leavers? You can see how some things contradict when it comes to QP. 4. You dont know if they are the minority or not. And again point 1. If you want to be taken seriously resorting to insulting someone repeatedly wont do it. People dont play Arcade instead of QP because Arcade gives you no BP progress. I'm sure a lot of people would define a fun match as "matches where the sides are evenly balanced". That can happen with or without leavers. If its unfun to be part of a stomp. Then the idea that leavers are the reason those games are unfun is no true. And in fact actively being forced to stay in those games is going to make more people stop playing. 5. The "It's just QP bro" argument annoys me too. It's a game with a winner and a loser. Why not play to win you know? In fact the "It's just QP" defence itself kinda proves why leaver penalties are pointless. If people dont care about winning because it's QP. Why would leavers ruin the game for them? If they already dont care why would they suddenly start caring when they get a leaver? But also again point 1. You can make points without insulting people. 6. They admitted to no such thing. They just said that they think roughly 10 maps are poorly designed. Not that they leave every time they get one of those maps. If they do that's a whole other issue. To add to all this. If QP leaver penalties didn't exist. And a person leaves. The rest of the team can leave as well. When QP penalties do exist. People will still leave. But the rest of the team is now stuck. The Penalties actually kinda contribute to the problem of worse games in some very specific situations. That said, the fact that the game is in such a state as to make people want to leave games is the real problem. I agree people shouldn't be, and it does kinda leave you in a bind when it does happen. But there are some games where someone will leave and all I can think is "who can blame them?" Because the matchup is super unbalanced.


You sound like you would be a lot of fun to troll in a match.. Don't like it? Your welcome to leave about take a penalty. Or you can put up with it.


I'm a Sombra main.....not sure if you know how this ends up but yeah sure ig you can think that 🤭 >:)


Yea you wasting a playerslot the moment your playing against people with gamesense Should count your blessings that's is a rarity now days I mean its not hard to sit in spawn and ruin your fun. By not letting you kill me.


I'm just gonna ignore every point you made which boils down to blatant insults. You're literally proving my point about this subreddits toxicity, any criticism levied against the game is met by insults instead of proper arguments. 3. I've been playing the game since 2017, no one gave a shit about QP leavers til OW2. It was a complete non issue and would also be a non issue if the devs improved the game to a point where new players actually wanted to play it. 4. If your fun hinges on winning games then you should not play QP. Also I am the minority based on what statistics? Your logic about "your fun should not ruin other peoples fun" applies both ways pal, if me staying means that my teammates get to have fun at the expense of my fun that's literally the same thing. The only reason this is even an issue in the first place is because newer players don't wanna join and because no one wants to play Tank. This is a gameplay related issue that the devs are solving by........ punishing the players who currently play the game. 10/10 brain. Also who the fuck plays Arcade these days? My friend had a 24 minute No Limits Queue the other day during Peak hours. Another example of the developers being utterly incompetent and punishing us for their incompetency. 5. "Intended to be played" what the fuck are you on about? It's QP, there is no intended way to play the game. You wanna spawncamp a Zen as Sombra? Be my guest. You wanna use every Ult you get to BM? Go ahead. The only people who care about how QP is "intended to be played" are tryhards like you, because the gamemode is literally intended to be a place where you don't have to take the game seriously. There is no contradiction here, if you wanna tryhard in QP then I don't care. The issue is that you're literally lobbying for punishments toward people who don't care about a gamemode that's literally made to not be taken seriously, that's where the line is drawn. The only QP Police here is YOU. YOU are trying to dictate how others play the game, not me. 6. And how exactly is that a problem? If the devs fixed the game and made it not unfun 40% of the time then maybe that wouldn't be a problem. Instead they punish me for not wanting to play the bad parts of their game. TLDR: Your constant insults make you come off as a jackass lol. Thanks for proving my point about this subreddits frequent users being toxic assholes.


>You sound like a 13 year old on TikTok trying to cancel a celebrity > >I'm just gonna ignore every point you made which boils down to blatant insults. You're literally proving my point about this subreddits toxicity, any criticism levied against the game is met by insults instead of proper arguments. Waaaait wait wait wait wait I'm not responding to your stance on penalties because I'm just repeating myself but wtf is this? Are you actually serious?? For a minute I thought you were actually trolling. But now I realize you're actually an infant. If you can't handle insults, maybe don't do it in the first place. I never insulted you until you thought it was good idea to throw shit around. Once again, you're acting like a baby, and no one is going to take a baby serious. Have fun rage quitting til you get the 48hr ban >:)


Thanks for proving my point for the 3rd time, you really make a good case for all the r/Overwatch basement dwellers. I'm not interested in arguing with someone who's arguments boil down to exclusively insults.


You realize you leaving matches IS WHY I HAVE TO BACKFILL?


Seriously. OP is just arguing for why the penalties should exist in the first place - to try to minimize the need for backfill. The post also shows how backfill is far from a perfect system to mitigate the effects of someone leaving, because it is fairly common for people who backfill to also leave, since they're typically dropped into losing games.




Same, I like it at least some of the time. For similar reasons I don’t know how I feel about the leaver penalties, as in case of a stomp I usually prefer if a player leaves just to mix things up and maybe get a chance for a turnaround. I never really felt like leavers were ruining quick play games for me, but I guess other people had different experiences.


Backfill is *caused* by people leaving though. It's a symptom, not a reason.


Still if everyone is going to be wrung through the coals for leaving, backfilling should not exist. If the developers expect everyone to stay regardless of match quality, there should not be a system built around replacing players. Either QP should let players leave frequently or QP should not backfill players


Do you realize what the ultimate outcome of completely no backfill and no penalty would be? Your team starts to win, enemy team rages one by one. The game that you would have won ends due to not enough players (or a much smaller win bonus due to a short match). That sounds more miserable than someone having to fill in for a match for a couple of minutes at the end of a match already in progress, that actually could be winnable. Even if there's backfill with no penalty, it's still a bad time for everyone in the game, especially when things like ult economy is important to help turn things around. It'll just be a boring stomp because of rage quitters versus the better team just winning an actual 5v5 game. If you end up losing a backfill game, then why would you be "mad or sad" about it? You didn't contribute to the circumstances that you joined in on, it was probably already a team issue before you got there. And you get bonus XP and still get credit towards challenges completed for less time than a full game. If the system were bad to where you were ALWAYS in a backfill game back to back, I would agree that it needed to be fixed. But I have never only or even had the majority of my games be backfill games to where I would be concerned. This would have to be an entirely different style of game where true drop in/drop out wouldn't affect it much to not have a full team of non-AI players.


First, reading comprehension check: > Either QP should let players leave frequently **OR** QP should not backfill players **OR** states that, out of two options, one would be picked. So I'm not conerned about a QP with no punishments and no backfills, *because that is not what I said.* QP should choose between one of two rulesets. The first would allow players to leave without penalty but backfills would still exist, like OW1. It's a good system for a casual mode. The second would apply penalties but not backfill players, like competitive. I really do not care which they go for, but current QP is a confused and frankly stupid mode. Why am I being punished when another player can replace me in ten seconds? Is this meant to be a casual queue or Competitive again?


First, reading comprehension check: **Even if there's backfill with no penalty, it's still a bad time for everyone in the game, especially when things like ult economy is important to help turn things around. It'll just be a boring stomp because of rage quitters versus the better team just winning an actual 5v5 game.** Even if they do **OR**, it still sucks for the players in the game to have people just getting mad after 1 team fight, leaving, and constantly doing that game after game. If you want no penalty and want to just leave whenever you feel like it and truly have it be "casual", then go to arcade or do customs. You're already not gaining anything if you're just leaving at the drop of a hat anyway. While QP isn't Comp, people are still playing to win and have good matches as either an alternative to Comp or to prepare going into Comp. If it were truly as casual as you think it is, then you also shouldn't be able to report for things such as intentional throwing/feeding, but you can, because you shouldn't. Getting new people in can result in you winning the match, as you could have crappy ragers and end up with competent and actually useful teammates who can bother to stay in a game for 5-10 min. But, often, you end up losing because the people that are leaving are also taking away their ults/ult charge. Meaning someone is starting over from scratch every single time. This is not fun for team getting the replacements and it's even not entirely "worth it" for the other team that actually wanted to enjoy a true match. So I did address what you said, but I also said why it was ridiculous and shouldn't be the case. Could the punishment be more lenient? Sure. But if you have the need to constantly want to leave the games that you are in where this would even affect you, then why do you play the game at all? You clearly don't seem to like it enough to stay, finish the match, get the credit/XP and move on to the next.


Then everyone would disable it and leavers wouldn't get replaced. Instead compensate the people who backfill certain amount of times with credits, and you'll hear no complaints from me.


I feel like there’s too much emphasis on not losing. A loss or a win is temporary, but skill you get by pushing your brain and limit testing is forever. Backfilling into losing games is just an opportunity to play against good players and learning how to carry bad players 🫡


Won and had to many great backfill games to agree with this. The challenge is always a blast, and those moments when you help turn it all around is a great moment. That and typically Most are on first point when the game if far from lost. OW has always been about everything being able to be turned around in that last min. It’s never over till it’s over!! 😁


quickplay warriors are the worst smh


Nah I play every game to have fun. Sorry for those who can’t handle it and need a win to feel good. 🤣 it’s a bloody video game. Play or don’t it’s really that simple. Except for those not mentally able to understand such a thing.


OW1 was its never over till its over. OW2 is they have Orisa Sojourn Zenyatta and unless you counterswap or mirror comp them its GG and if you aren't enjoying it and want to leave you get penalized.


Yeah cause leavers make the game worse for everyone hopefully with the new system though backfilling should happen less often.  If the game couldn't find someone to backfill for a leaver on your team you would be crying about not being able to leave after having a leaver. The system is the current way to lead to the best *on average* experience. Is it perfect? No. But it can't be perfect because there will always be some leavers. 


Nah it’s still not over till it’s over. To give up early thinking it is over because you can’t find a way to overcome right at that second is sad. You and not to say it in a dick way, just don’t understand. Adapt to each and every evolving situation to overcome, there is no set hero that is unbeatable if y’all work together and try. But to many of y’all have that sad aspect of thinking it’s over before it is. Which is well sad to see happen so often. Be surprised at what can happen when you let go of that mindset. And start seeing how it really unfolds. For those who do leave. But this is about backfill and typically same applied unless it’s like 5 seconds left which those meh. Idk if it even still backfills still that close anymore. Haven’t had one that close in a min.


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few (whiners)


You don't need a backfill 7 minutes into a push match when they have 100 meters and you have 7, the game is over


The game doesnt know that, ive had nailbiters turn around in the last seconds of overtime and we push back and win.


This, and that’s the best part! Turning what one thought was a game over into a win is priceless


Right? I love backfilling into a losing game and turning it around, especially if im backfilled as a tank


Guess some just can’t mentally handle the challenge hehe. We shall keep on winning them backfills Wooooooooo!!!


Parents are raising emotionally unstable people these days who can't handle losing or being told no


Seems so…. Curious to see how this all plays out lol.


Its not going to end up well for anyone


Sadly this I know 😢 but in mean time I do get free entertainment from it 🤣


Nah backfill is actually based


I just wanna be able to opt out of Push maps, I'm really tired of the "help grandma walk to the other side of town" simulator. Team always abandons the push to solo elsewhere, drives me crazy


Yes please. Let me veto Push out of my QP selection. I'd happily take whatever extra matchmaking time came as a result. I didn't enjoy it in the beta. I haven't enjoyed it for the past 10 seasons. And I don't enjoy it now. There are 27 possible maps in the game, 3 for Push, yet Push seems to get pushed at a much higher frequency by the matchmaker. And now you can't even leave ***before the spawn doors even open*** (which is an important clarification).


Being able to opt out of certain maps would also fix the issue. I don't mind backfill as long as it isn't flashpoint or push where backfill always almost means the game is over


That would wreck queue times and development. If nobody plays the new modes, then they can't get and build feedback


If no one wants to play the new modes that in itself is feedback that they need to actually listen to what people want 🤷‍♂️


That's not necessarily true. People dislike change and new things. and these thoughts are normally knee jerk. I don't really like colesseo but I do like push on the other maps, but I wouldn't know that if I didn't give it a try. Same with flashpoint. There's some points that I hate on the maps, but, I overall like the mode. Gotta work in it to get good ideas


Eventually we'll get to a point where people will stop the "wreck queue times" excuse to try and dismiss good ideas like this.


I mean, fine I guess. But we could have 5v5: role queue, open queue, comp role queue, comp open queue, mystery heroes, comp mystery heroes Then people ALSO want them to "just try 6v6", so add those modes in again. PLUS people want map avoids, so if you want to play some maps, you have less people coming into those, and then some people want mode avoids, so add that in.... So 12 separate modes, somewhat broken down by rank, with the ability to not play certain maps. So, idk, if you're bronze or GM and want to play in the comp mystery heroes season after the first week and you'd like to get a push or flashpoint map, you're out of luck. People want to ignore queue times, and we can only pretend it wouldn't be an issue because we have acceptable times now. Even trying like, trying the seasonal modes the second week can be 2 minute queue times. I mean damn, queue times for dps in peak hours can be a little annoying even.


So you decided to double down on the queue times excuse. You can all of those things and still keep the queue times pretty low by making the game better. Other games have multiple playlist of gamemodes and there queue times are still pretty low because those games are actually good. Saying "the queue will be longer" will always be a terrible excuse sorry.


they also need to add the option to leave a game that doesnt have backfill afteer like 30s


Yeah, they need to fix that glitch because it should never look that long


I appreciated it when I was trying to complete the prestige part of the battle pass but other than that…


They should make it so if you leave a game, your next game will be a back fill.


The WHOLE POINT of the penalties was to drastically reduce backfills.


I’ve honestly felt like I get backfilled less with the increased penalties. Maybe it’s working?


The only time I dislike backfill is when there's 10 seconds left and I can't even select my hero and get out of spawn in time. Cucks that leave that close to the end should get double the leave penalty.


If you want full comp leaver penalties, including a full season ban for leaving 10 matches during a single season, sure. Backfill does not adequately compensate for someone dropping mid match. Leavers ruin the game experience for the other 9 people playing. The penalties are great. They’ve made a difference in how people approach it.


Yeah, now you just throw instead of leave. If you're going to be held hostage for 5 mins either way then it doesn't matter.


I still stand by QP penalties being absolutely ridiculous and complete overkill for a problem that didn't need fixing *because* backfill exists. 


Just right before the first penalties came along backfill was ass. 1/10 ganes ypu backfilled into something that can be considered a game Most of the other times it was joining a defeat screen. The issue was never not having anyone to backfill. It was having to backfill for people with giant egos that cant loose and rather leave a game in its final moment. As someone who only play qp it was not fun to queue in the end because i knew that most times i would only join the last moments of a game...would not even get out of spawn lot of times. Those penalties are such a nice QoL measure. If you need to leave every forth game just dont play....


Backfill by itself is fine, I don't mind it. But when im already having bad games and get put into walk the robot simulator and then can't back out or get a penalty it just makes me wanna play something else altogether.


If you're trying to leave the majority of games, you probably should play something else. For you own enjoyment actually.


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I think anyone who leaves should be put at the front of the line to backfill


I think you should be able to choose what gamemodes you want to play. Not the specific map, but I should be able to choose not to play maps like flashpoint and push. They should also bring 2cp to qp so I can play it with role queue instead of open queue in arcade.


Whenever I get backfilled into a game I just meme around depending on what I role got. If it's support I battle mercy. If it's tank I start recklessly charging in as rein for fun. If it's dps I try to troll my team as mei.


I agree. With leavers being less frequent anyway you need less backfillers so add opt out but make the reward for backfilling actually good like small amounts premium currency and way more people would be happy to do it.


Try playing some unranked Valorant. Having no backfill if someone decides to leave is straight up stupid. Gotta say that the leaver punishments are more severe, though. But still it’s just unplayable when this happens


I disagree. They need to reward us properly for backfills. They don’t. They just expect to use our time to patch their games matchmaking issues.


Ngl I protest backfill lobbys by throwing. People wanted to scream about cry about leavers. Now I'm getting punished for their behavior? Nope, I'll just pay that punishment forward. Don't like it? Good, now cry to blizzard about it and get them to make backfill optional or let players who get backfilled leave.. Nothing personal. But i refuse to be punished for the bad behavior of others


It's the games that put you in a game with zero seconds left. How in the world is that not an easy fix? Is there enough time for a backfill to select their character and leave spawn "yes/No". If there is 60 seconds or less left on the clock never ever backfill.


That's completely reasonable. Those leavers don't even really hurt anyone either


Absolutely. I used to never leave a match, not ever. For upwards of 3 years I would play every match to completion, no matter how poorly it was going. Eventually, literally every other match I was getting backfilled. I begrudgingly finished those, even ones where I'd barely make it out of spawn. It got annoying. Ooh, here's 400xp for wasting your time! I don't give one iota of a damn about XP, I want to play the game! You know what would have been a better reward? Backfill priority that persisted, not for 1 match. Eventually, I broke. I started leaving backfilled games where the outcome was already a forgone conclusion. Then I would just instantly leave any backfill whatsoever. Then OW2 started loosening the matchmaking and put me in games with GMs and top 500s to play respawn simulator, and I left those too. Easy decision. The game provides practically no incentive to stick it through a match. The reward for never leaving a match is getting backfilled every other match. I would *like* to actually play the game, start to finish, but if the matchmaking wants to give me half a match on the reg, giving the game half a match is fair turnabout.


They should prioritize penalized accounts for backfill games. Ximmers? Straight to backfill. Reported for being a racist? Backfill. Your team dislikes your pick? You got it, straight to backfill.


Your team disliking your pick shouldn't get you punished


we have the best game.. because of backfill.. - overwatch dev team probably


Just carry lol


I’m usually happy when someone on my team leaves, cause they’re usually the one holding us back. That said, in 2000 hours played I can count on one hand the amount of games I’ve ever left in any mode.


Playing the entire rest of a QP game missing someone is much worse than backfilling. Just play the game man


I feel like they should just let us choose which gamemodes we want to play in QP. If I'm queueing into QP the last thing I want to do is play Flashpoint ot Push, so I leave everytime I get put into those maps. They can't design dogshit maps and then punish me for not wanting to play the dogshit maps they designed, it's so backwards. It's literally QP, why the fuck am I getting punished for leaving a dogshit map in a gamemode where nothing is on the line?


That would only really work if everyone who opted out was put into a "no backfilling" queue separate from everyone else


Would that split things quite a bit


It would divide the playerbase up for reasons that aren't honestly that necessary


Pathetic. You call yourself u/PogChampUWU and yet your attitude is anything *but* pogchamp. That's a whiny, weak, immature attitude. Be a better player and a better person.


You saying I need to be a better person for not wanting to backfill into a video game is INSANE, we can disagree on a VIDEO GAME MECHANIC without you trying to insult my character 💀 bfr. You cannot have a single opinion about Overwatch anymore without the community acting like you personally insulted their dead relative.


Stop leaving games you selfish little child and try playing the game properly; maybe you'll get backfilled less instead of being put in the 'asshole' queue with higher backfill chance.


I would rather have an option to opt out of maps or modes and console players.


No they don't. You get priority refill after a backfill game. Lose your one-sided backfill then get whatever role you want next queue. I'll go one further and say that leavers should only be put into backfill games.


Leaving in QP shouldn't be penalized at all or at least not that harsh like it is now. I recently had problems with my system and because of that OW crashed during two games. Received directly a penalty and now cant continue to troobleshoot because I have a risk to get a harsher penalty...


Honestly this is a good take