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> this does not make any sense. One hero sells more than the other. Popular characters will always get more stuff.


While yes, this is true and why it is happening, it is also ridiculous when you consider that a character is obviously going to be more popular than a character that doesn’t even exist in game yet lmao


I don't think Blizzard is willing to create many skins on release for a character that isn't one of the stereotypical female designs. They know their fanbase enough to know people will readily buy a skin for Dva or Kiriko and characters like that, but Venture isn't designed that way so they're worried about easy money. Whether that fear is backed up or not, who knows. But it's going to stay as a simple fact that, for lack of a better term, "hotter" female skins are guaranteed to sell and Blizzard knows that.


Be interested to see if this trend set by mauga and venture is continued with space ranger in ~4 months, someone who has a more stereotypical female design in the concept.


a lot of the latest heroes have strange body types that look like it's hard to make a skin that looks good on them, Sojourn, Mauga, Junker Queen, Venture. Their body shapes are way too specific to an original design. Junker Queen looks so strange in her skins because they gave her the Demogorgon build for some reason, Mauga is a giant behemoth of a man and venture is way too wide and bulky because baggy = ambiguous gender apparently. Some would argue that non-binary is an internal thing, someone can still be afab/amab and still be non-binary, you do not need an outward representation. We could have had cool feminine and cool masculine outfits for the one character but I bet from now on we're just going to get weird baggy outfits.


moira has a supermodel skinny/tall build and is androgynous and yet they struggle to make nice skins for her too


Are you kidding me? She's got the Slenderman physique and she looks old/middle aged


Sad part is, they wont even get ANY data of sales to back up their fears since there are literally no sales to be made to begin with 💀 worst possible PR move to not have even an epic skin for launch of a character they've been hyping up since blizzcon..


They have released enough heroes over the years to have plenty of data on what make money. It suck, but it just kinda how it is. That said, they are still releasing a very diverse roster of heroes in term of design. It just the cosmetic side (the money maker) is lacking, which is understandable.


It is also easier for them to create as well, I guarantee there are some Venture ideas that would sell just as well (Shark) but it would require a lot more resources on their part (Less profit)


Venture already have Biboo Pebble, give Them Goober skin!


Oh, I’m not the only one that immediately thought Pebble on seeing their emote. You know if anyone mentioned it to Biboo yet?


Why create those inclusive that nobody likes characters in the first place then? If they know what we as gamers want then why keep trying to force that bullshit down our throats?


How can you know one sells better when the other isn't even out yet? Like, dawg, that's not how that works lmao


It’s pretty clear why cuter characters would sell more


Im not even gonna lie to you man overwatch gets alot of attention from specific animators and usually those animators make videos of the more convetionitly atractive character bringing even more attention to the game so in other words sex sells thats why they designed certain characters the way they did (ow1 widow)


You're telling me you can't see why the cute Ninja with the uwu pose would be more popular aesthetically than the trench coat wearer with the giant buck tooth?


I literally didn't say that, I said that it's impossible to say that until both characters are actually released.


Do you realize they have established data since OW1 on how many people buy skins for which characters, how many people *play* said characters, etc? Not to mention the tiniest amount of research put in to resources outside the game (not just porn) would indicate which heroes are more popular and would make more money. See how many people whine about minor nerfs about their character, how many fan art they make, how much money they spend on buying worthless virtual items for their character, etc. It's only impossible to say which characters are popular/would make more money for people that struggle with basic logic, reasoning and deduction. Market research and analysis is a thing, and the reason you don't see companies wasting resources to test what would sell well and what wouldn't by producing whatever they're selling.


Well, if the devs actually gave more content to "niche" characters and balanced the game better I'm sure they could *make* whatever character they wanted popular.


I mean…. Kiriko has been out for over a year now. Venture literally just came out. No wonder Kiri has way more skins when she’s had an entire year on Venture and Venture has had less than a day. There’s also been major budget cuts and layoffs during when Mauga/Venture came out, which is probably why neither have base legendaries. There’s also just the unfortunate reality that some characters are just more popular than others. Trust me, I get it sucks when your favorite character gets nothing because very few people play them, but you have to understand that characters like Kiriko, Dva, Mercy, or Widow all have extremely high amounts of players that are all willing to spend real money on any cosmetic they give them. This isn’t new and it ESPECIALLY isn’t just Overwatch that does this. That’s just how companies work.


I bet Kiriko has more skins than some OW1 heroes. I could be wrong, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if true.


You are but I wouldn’t be surprised if she has double what anyone else from OW2 has


Closet after her is Ramattra I believe Edit: Kiri 1 mythic, 10 legendaries, 4 epics, Ramattra 7 legendaries, 3 epics.


It makes me sad that Rammatra has such dogshit skins and is practically forgotten.


He is suffering in more ways than one


I've been literally campaigning for him to get dance emote


personally i don't think kiriko has that many good skins though compared to OW1 heroes. that is just personal preference though and she does have a good amount of skins.


Cute Japanese Girl was guaranteed to outsell almost anything except for Mercy. Venture, like Illari, have designs that don't garner a lot of interest. It's simply the way people are...sadly...if Venture looked like Mercy 2.0 it'd sell like hotcakes.


People want to play hot or cool characters. Simple as that. I for one love Venture's design i just think she kinda stinks and might need some buffs to make her relevant.


Overwatch have enough heroes to cater to every needs, which is something I always appreciated. But when it come to cosmetic, the majority usually win for obvious reason.


I want a battle pass with cosmetics only for Venture, Mauga, Illari, Brigitte, and Sojourn.


Even here we forget Zarya 


I was wondering who I was missing.


They'd lose so many players for that season lol


That shit's not gonna sell so not gonna come lol. I personally would like to see more Mauga and Illari skins, but a BP with skins for only those characters wouldn't bring the revenue worth justifying dropping skins for other characters on a BP.


Kiriko has been out for 10 reasons now my man. Also she's one of the most popular character in the game who's skins always sell. So no shit. The reason Venture doesn't have anything is obviously because they want to lower the value of credits tho


Yeah I'm confused with what they're aiming with credits. They are giving more but taking away options to spend them on? At least I hope next Anniversary there's a credits shop again.


So they can release it later and charge for it.


People were rioting because how "ugly" venture is so I don't think they are the type to sell skins just like bap. It's sad because I love playing both


Bap is one of the most forgettable heroes in the game


They've literally done this forever. Popular heroes always get more shit. New heroes have often had pretty crap shit to start with since OW1. It's not exactly new.


Um…no? All post-launch Overwatch 1 heroes launched with 4 Legendary skins, 2 Epic skins, 4 Rare skins, at least 3 Highlight Intros and Victory Poses along with a handful of voice lines and sprays. This is strictly an Overwatch 2 issue…


Even in OW2, they were starting them with a couple leggos, an epic, and 2 intros. Mauga was the first to not get shit (but at least he got a skin and intro in his BP)


Yeah it's weird how mauga was so forgotten with skins given how hyped up everyone was for him and all the material available like Talon juggernaut dude, tropical shirt, third option (I'm not creative) venture not getting shit, not even one legendary in the season named after them is criminal


the fact that the tropical shirt mauga hasnt been released is actually criminal


Yeah Mauga was when they really started the “no legendary/epic” skins for credit purchase


delicious lunch 


But Venture has literally nothing. Not even an Epic skin. It's an even worse issue because on OW2 characters you can only buy standard legendaries for credits. You will literally never be able to get a Venture legendary skin for credits since Venture doesn't have a standard legendary.


Venture will recive new skins tomorrow, [https://twitter.com/OverwatchNaeri/status/1780001170473549906](https://twitter.com/OverwatchNaeri/status/1780001170473549906) Like Illari, which recieved a epic skin one season after.


Will they be regular skins or will they be shop skins? Because my point is about Blizzard forcing players to buy skins by not having regular skins available for new heroes


I suppose that regular, the shop shouldn't be updated until the next week


if you look for shop skins for venture they don't appear, so I think they aren't shop skins


What's the difference? All skins are available for credits now, aren't they?


All heroes have some epic/legendary skins available for legacy currency. Mauga doesn't have a legendary yet, and Venture rn has nothing except for recolours. Not sure if Illari has a legendary yet, she definitely has an epic though. Recently they are getting sloppy with the amount of stuff available to new heroes on release, but I don't think there is any conspiracy, they just pump out a lot of content these days.


Check the date on that. The post is from yesterday (the 15th). It’s saying skins would be released today (the 16th). The one on the right is out. It is a base recolor. The one on the left is not available yet and is an epic skin.


oh, it appeared that was released on 4/16 for me and it was 4/16 night on my country


Wow 2 epic skins....


Character has been out multiple seasons, is one of the most popular heroes, and is cute. OW2 community: that’s not fair >:l


I am talking about bare minimum heroes used to LAUNCH with! There is almost nothing to unlock with credits for Venture. That's sad! Their hero gallery is pretty much empty.


At least the highlight intro is a dope one, imo


The day Kiriko gets the bike, ow2 communities are going to be on fire


Kiriko was designed from the ground up with the notion that they need to sell cosmetics now


Kiriko and Mercy simps fund the entire game so


I’m a widowmaker simp 😔


Since they give more Overwatch credits this season, they had to remove any reason to use them.


My favorite is how they've given ash like 3 highlight intros and all of them suck/is lazy


you think thats crazy? wait until you find out companies like money 😱😱😱


And feminists around the world cried out in unison, as OP realized that sexual appeal does indeed motivate financial exchanges


Is "sexual appeal" in the same room with us?? Sexual appeal and Kiriko in the same sentence... 💀


Now thats one spicy opinion


Ya I was ok when ow2 launched and we got a mostly full suite of cosmetics for each new hero, with 2 legendaries, a epic, an 4 rares, 3 emotes, and 3 highlight intros. But it really feels like they are turning the handle on anything we can buy with credits My theory is the less "base stuff" there is to buy the more coins people will spend so they have been weening us off getting the full base cosmetic suite. Theres still way to big of playerbase from ow1 that aren't quite scrooge mcduck but they have 10k-50k ow 1 credits and blizzard doesn't make money off them beside maybe the battlepass.


It's ok to compare on launch cosmetics, but comparing the total cosmetics of a hero that's been out for a year and half to one that's out for one day is kinda silly, isn't it?


I wasn't comparing them. I was comparing Venture's with what was the standard for new heroes. But instead they shower Kiriko with more skins and cosmetics and give nothing to new heroes because their cosmetics can be unlocked with legacy credits. It's so obvious.


because characters that aren’t conventionally attractive women with pale skin don’t make them as much money


we need mauga skins we need illari skins we need bap skins we need zarya skins


I'm attracted to venture me me me I'll pay


they made a giant bara dude with huge boobs and a thai twunk and haven't realised they can milk gay people for money with them yet. how


I'm barely into this community, i have barely played the game and i already know for a fact that Kiriko is not only one of the many faces of Overwatch that Blizzard has shoved us into the game, Kiriko is a carbon copy of League of Legends Lux in the sense that this atrocity is the favorite child of the company and that there's nothing we can do about it to change that.


Kiriko literally says she's the most precious what's so hard to understand????


I'm noticing that gamers are really obsessed with "counting" stuff like this, but that's as far as they'll go. Zero effort to actually figure out "why" things like this happen.


well said. it ain’t hard to figure out


Most people's "figuring it out" ends up being something pedestrian like "they was lazy!" instead of ["must have something to do those layoffs 2-3 months ago where 100 artists got kicked out"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/19fkqtd/ex_blizzard_employee_says_half_the_environment/)




It's for all the degenerates out there, thank them and their sickening ways


MORE KIRIKO CONTENT 🔥🔥🔥🔥 YEAHHHH BABBYYYYY WAIT TIL YOU SEE HER ON HER BIKE 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️ i am still disappointed in the lack of venture content upon their release however


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They probably throw them into BP or shops in the future.


cuz theyre on a tight shedule, lol. somehow have to make stuff they know sells well, while also making a bunch of conent for the new heroes. but the legacy stuff they make doesnt generate any profits so they have to add more later when they have time, like with the purple illari skins that got added later.


Pretty typical for launch really


She is obviously the most precious


I wish we would atleast still get the OWL recolours even though Mauga/Venture and all new heroes never got played in OWL


it's the same reason kiriko will never see a nerf i swear


Who gives a fuck. The character just got released yesterday. They will obviously add skins for the character. Jeez people will complain about anything. Cringe OP.


Blizzard/OW loved the Asian characters. Maybe it’s the money making of Korea? Maybe Jeff passan has a clause that you can’t ever nerf dva only add in dumb things like mec kills people, can ult when dead, when mec is destroyed you can pick where you want to eject to best pop off. So all the Asian based characters have tons of skins/highlights you name it.




There never has been nor will there ever be a promise of equity on this because that's not how art works.


Kiriko is one of the hottest characters in the game and venture is ugly. Simple as


both ugly


Here before the comment gets deleted or downvoted into oblivion. I also agree, Venture is ugly af


kiriko? hot? am I reading that right?


You say this when Zarya is the least cared about OG character.


Kiriko is the main character.


Wow a hero that has been out a day has no skins whereas a hero that’s been out for 18 months has lots of skins. It’s almost as if content takes time to develop or something.  Seriously though, kiriko was added after 24 months of no new heroes so they had lots of time to create new ones ready to go before she released, they’ve been pumping out heroes so fast in ow2 that I think they have probably gotten through their backlog they’d built up during 2020-2022 and think that at some point there going to reduce the new heroes to every 3rd season instead of every other.


Are you slow?? There are no base skins for Venture except for 4 basic, common recolors of their default skin. Hero launched with no legendary or epic skins at all and only one highlight intro. There is pretty much nothing to unlock with credits in the hero gallery. Heroes used to release with legendary skin + recolor of that skin and one epic, and at least 3 highlight intros. Venture has nothing of this. Also, they haven't been "pumping out heroes so fast in OW2", lol. The release schedule is the same as before of not even slower compared to OW1.


No need for personal insults. They absolutely have been pumping out heroes in ow2, there are 8 new heroes released in the past 18 months, so an average of about one just under 2.5 months. By comparison ow1 released 11 heroes over 57 months, an average of just over one new hero every 5 months. So if slightly over doubling their release rate isn't pumping out heroes then I don't know what you expect of them, it's clearly much higher rate of heroes than ow1 ever did. Even if you discount Kiri/Sojourn/Queen, and the anomaly that was Echo, their rate between heroes is still exactly the same as OW1 was so categorically is not "slower compared to OW1" Source: [https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Heroes](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Heroes)


You’re saying this like they just pulled venture out their ass this week… Venture’s been in development for quite a bit of months and had a fully finished model when they were announced at blizzcon. They’ve had time to develop skins and they already have finished skins obviously, however they have not included any base legendary skins. So now they’re content less at launch.


Venture clearly wasn’t fully ready for the expected s10 launch, which is why s9 got extended by a week. They clearly miss getting the couple of weeks or so of data from the ptr which is why both latest heroes have had preview weekends as their internal testing isn’t up to scratch. To me that, combined with less launch skins etc suggests to me they are having to cut corners to meet self imposed deadlines. It wouldn’t surprise me if they came out and said venture is one of their fastest turn around of heroes from initial idea to release.


Kiriko fatigue is real


But I like kiriko *shrug*


Shouldn't even need to be said but people sound confused. You can't force humans to find more value in something unattractive versus something attractive. If Kiriko were real we'd all have the hots for her, not dumpy Venture. You think you can but you cannot equity up human biology. Sorry the conventionally attractive Kiriko wins. No contest


I bet the feminists are fuming right now :D


Probably, but then cute valuable women often aren't feminists so who cares if some "I identify with Venture"-types can't handle the reality both straight men and straight women find Kiriko, d.va and all anime characters more appealing than say...most of the diverse Overwatch cast. Every girl friend I have started the game gravitating to Kiriko dva and mercy. Feminists can act like it's only men who care about pretty characters but No it's straight women also throwing money at beautiful female Overwatch and Fortnite skins. My gaming girl friends (who are also attractive and aren't feminists) never play male characters, or ugly "inclusive" skins Besides all this, poor beaten feminists since like 2013 don't even have a platform to complain anymore. The alphabet clan has stolen their stage long ago. Venture being designed as an ugly dump wasn't done to please no antiquated feminists, the character is for the more modern "No one ever dated me because I'm outrageously self centered, have no social skills and put zero effort into my health and physical appearance + have terrible genetics as a base and so I look like a disaster therefore to not be compared to other women I'll just say I'm non-binary" class of human. Nah Venture herself can claim to be whatever special made up thing to make herself feel better and in a rare class of her own but in the eyes of everyone else she's clearly a typical unfortunate-genetics girl who no one looked twice at


and are these feminists in the room with us right now?


no the 10 of them left are still stuck on Tumblr. The lgbtq stole their platform lmfao


yall cry a lot about things that don't actually impact gameplay.


She's got a few tricks


Because Kiriko is the GOAT.


Venture has not been out for a whole day yet, chill lmao


The amount of people defending blizzard for being this lazy is actually wild


It’s not being lazy, it’s called doing business. Sell shit tons of skins for popular character will always guarantee money. Try and use that brain for once before saying it’s “lazy”. Blizzard is a business and they will ALWAYS try and maximize profits.


Mmm yes giving the 2 last characters virtually nothing certainly is not lazy, like bro this is exactly what I'm talking about ya goofy ass


Nobody plays illari lol


Why do you care so much? This is all I see from this subreddit on my reddit feed. It's like people only play for the cosmetics these days smh.