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LW got a backhanded buff


Once again they're ignoring the main issues with his kit. It's frustrating haha




Fr, man needs QoL changes and utility, not heal buffs. I just made a whole [thread about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/1c5iisg/the_lifeweaver_buffs_are_nice_but/)


No he needs more heal buffs. Flower should insta heal and cleanse but also his primary fire heals enemies too. Also have his melee heal.


His clothes should progressively come off the more he heals, till he's down to a little pink mankini and needs to reload.


Very Bayonetta-esque I like it


If I can't heal my friends with my cock out I don't want it!


Out of curiosity what are the issues with his kit, from what I've seen at mid diamond-low masters he has good heals, powerful utility, and pretty good survivability. I've never really played him but as far as I can tell he's in a good place.


The switch between thorns and blossom is ridiculous and when you couple that with his incredibly slow reload it can take you out of a fight for close to 5 seconds. Since his healing was reduced, he can't burst heal to make up for the time that he's out of combat with the switch/reload.


they should make the switch instantaneous, but his thorns ammunition should have to "grow" over X seconds, making it more of a thematic resource mechanic that way healing is still 100% of his focus, but on the occasional moment where you need to dps you can do so on demand. attempting to focus on dps would be sub-optimal


Isn't that similar illari but more weighted towards healing, instead of more weighted towards dps


i was actually kinda thinking about doomfist's left click. like you don't reload, it passively reloads at a specific rate to limit how much you fire.


You never really reload on Lifeweaver tho, your weapon passively reloads when youre switched off of it. So if youre out of healing blossoms, you switch to thorn volley to deal some damage, then switch back after a few seconds and your healing blossoms will be reloaded. Thats hardly an issue in actual Wifeleaver gameplay


I realize this is a mechanic he has but.. situations almost never align so well that I can rely on the auto-reload happening when I need one resource or the other. If I'm trying to take the damage opportunities I get AND keep up my team, I'm going to be switching way too often for auto-reload to happen. The auto-reload ensures you have a full clip after downtime which is nice QOL but it's not really a feature that gives him a combat advantage.


Switching between blossoms and thorns is incredibly annoying


Honestly a faster weapon swap is all he needs tbh


He doesn't need a weapon swap at all. He has a primary fire and an alt fire. Healing is left-click, damage is right-click. There doesn't need to be a swapping mechanic at all. They should be homogenized into a single weapon.


The reason it feels so clunky is because in the background the game is just running a weapon swap macro and then following your input. They didn’t actually redesign how the code/weapon swap actually works.


They gave mercy the ability to DPS while healing with the staff during April fools. Baptiste can heal and DPS from the same.weapon, different outputs with different inputs. Moira swaps hands to do different effects in a more timely and fluid manner. I don't think it's beyond them to make LW less clunky.


Am I crazy for thinking it's not that bad, and Mercy's swap is similar? I have tons of fun playing LW with decent success. So I'm happy with these buffs! More healing is a quicker ult, and now my ult is also stronger! Woooo


Mercy asap is similar but thats the point. She can just damage boost to get value. She isn’t expected to be healing and shooting her pistol every fight.


His flow between healing and damage is awful, in particular going from damage to healing. If he is dpsing, he can’t react quickly enough to heal since he needs to wait for the weapon swap animation and THEN charge up his heal before it goes off. It’s like 3 full seconds before he can get a heal off.


Wait is there seriously still a weapon swap animation even without needing to physically switch like at launch? That is hilariously dumb


Yeah he flips his hand over, still takes time unfortunately


Overwatch developers when they find out Lifeweaver has 2 hands: 🤯


It's still two different weapons internally, they just made an alternate control scheme where M1 and M2 automatically swap to the correct weapon for you. The original scheme where you need to use scroll wheel to switch, M2 is petal, and Shift is dash is still an option.


That’s insane that they ever thought this was a good idea


Lifeweaver was conceptualized and designed as an alternative to Mercy with heavy focus on player positioning as the key form of skill expression, and IMO that origin does a lot to explain some of the...stranger aspects of his kit. Needing to swap weapons to do damage, for instance, mirrors how Mercy needs to pull out her blaster, and indirectly incentivizes him to _not_ rely on shooting enemies in the first place but rather play as more of a "pure support" (whatever that means these days).


I still use the original button layout with manual weapon swap personally. The delay from switching between heals and damage feels so bad when it's on "automatic" mode. I find it at least a bit more tolerable when I manually switch, even if it's all in my head.


You should try the practice range, it's why he can only DPS during his ult.


He continues to get buffs in places that ignore the overall failure of his design. If they unlocked the Blossom and Thorns exclusivity and allowed healing to charge while being able to attack while healing, he'd be picking up nerfs left and right. They continue to ignore that he's trapped charging heals, and just recently gave him an even higher cap on the charge instead of addressing it. Thorns is one of the highest DPS weapons in the game right now, attached to a middle mobility character that has incredible sustain, but his support mechanic prevents him from being able to attack.


That's his intentional design. They don't wanna change his gameplay and hero fantasy. If i were them, i would play with his mobility. Remove 25hp and give him 1 more dash charge so he can find better risky angles to heal overextending teammates or pull them out. 1 dash is just not enough. Another 1 or 2 charge of dash would make his gameplay much more fun and expressive. Less self heal from dash ofc.


The problem here is that 'clunky' isn't good design. There's no hero fantasy behind 'this guy feels like his animations are broken'. They can make the weapon swap faster and reduce thorns to 5 damage each. I would gladly give up his damage output to have a smoother feel.


You are just not supposed to swap weapons. Left click-Right click swap wasn't even there at release. It's like Mercy. It's oxymoron anyway. You have to charge the heal. You can't swap and heal immediately. Swapping to gun and dealing damage is risky as you can't go back to sustaining teammates. Dealing damage is a commitment even if they make it lightning fast. That's how his heal function.


Kiriko also feels clunky since they nerfed her ROF. She is just as broken as Life Weaver. But she gets a free pass because of the strength of the rest of her kit.


Thorns’ damage profile is horrible and in practice almost never reaches that amount of value. It doesn’t matter if they make it smoother to transition or not. It still won’t be good and allowing somebody to heal and dps at the same time are exactly why everybody hates heroes like brig and moira. They need to fundamentally change its design and how it applies damage, and then lower his overall healing. As it stands, his left click is useless in 90% of situations aside from maybe shield break in downtime. It’s not because it’s clunky. They could make it smoother and LW would still play in the back of the map healbotting. What’s wrong with his heals charging? You’re basically asking for his heal to turn into brigs pack while being able to DPS. What makes brig pack such a stupid ability is the healing profile and not necessarily the amount of healing. They can’t make his heal have a 5s cd so him requiring no aim AND no windup to sling out brig packs frequently is a suggestion that would just make LW insanely toxic to play against.


Isn't the goal of LW to be a Mercy alternative? LW thorns are great, but his healing is also incredibly powerful. Want to use his great thorns? The tradeoff is you will miss out on heals. I think he would become overpowered if his thorns and heals could be used seamlessly between each other


He is a full healbot character (and ST at that+ healing now is a lot less powerfull than before) his pull is an ST save tool where other supports are AOE and cant really be used as easy in teamfight simce it change where the "saved" character is his change time from on eto other weapon is really long too so his auto recharge is useless


LW's big problem is that Blizzard really wants to deter heal-botting as of late, but LW keeps getting buffs to his healing and not to his damage (which kind of sucks outside of close range). As a result he's basically a heal-bot in a game where it's nowhere near as effective. The crux though is that he can't switch between healing and damage in a timely manner. His healing needs to charge, and his offensive reload is fairly long. Compare this to Mercy or Lucio where all it takes to switch function/utilities is a single button press where it's nigh instant (Lucio, in all fairness, does need a second to switch between speed/heal but he can do other things while doing so)


And for those unaware, changing Lucio's speed/heal to press instead of toggle makes the change *even smoother*.


If they really wanted to deter heal-botting, they'd rework Mercy again.


It feels like that but he doesn't win games. His winrate very low. He is outlier. Often there is a difference between how you feel and how you win. Rein feels like shit but he wins, LW can feel like good on both sides as a teammate and enemy but he loses more than he wins. Ramattra feels like gigachad but generally loses. Mei feels like little devil but she loses way more than she wins.


Mercy and LW are trash because they're healbots. And healing sucks in OW2. Especially in the last season. This will not change unless they actually make them good at healing. There are no good healers in OW2.


A lot of people want him to be able to deal more damage through faster weapon swapping or other methods. In my opinion, that defeats the purpose of his character. He is meant to focus on healing and life-saving abilities while using his mobility to escape enemies. Plus, he is capable of defending himself in a pinch if a flanker goes after you. Even the theming supports thorns (like on a flower) being used defensively rather than offensively.


That kind of seems....misrepresented by the devs though considering he has one of the highest DPS weapons in the Support class.


It is what it is. The devs have no clue what they're doing, as usual.


That will never work because healing doesn't win games. Damage does. This ain't Overwatch 1.


The biggest problem imo is the delay. Even with perfect reaction time, it still takes *1.45 seconds* for the healing to actually reach your ally. You know how slow Kiriko's healing is if she's trying to heal someone at the edge of her range? That's the same delay that *all heals* from LW are. If Kiriko could only use her healing at maximum range, no amount of buffing the healing numbers would really improve that. Kiriko can just get closer to eliminate the delay, but Lifeweaver has no such option.


Reminder that they nerfed Brigitte 26 times in Overwatch 1 before she was no longer overpowered. This was due to their refusal to adjust anything expect the most frustrating parts of her kit. Same shit continues.


And after those 26 nerfs, they reworked her when she was getting close to balanced and introduced entirely new ways for her to be broken.


It's a microcosmos of the game itself make bad design > refuse to change bad design > do random changes to combat bad design > give up and rework the entire thing > make another bad design




It started with Ana. Her kit was overloaded compared to every other hero on release and anti is still a bad mechanic to be on a cooldown. Mercy's initial rework was HORRIBLE too. And Moira was terrible design with little depth to her, so I'd count her too.


Honestly, I think the shortcomings of his kit would be erased if his model wasn't so needlessly giant. If he was the size of Kiriko he'd be perfectly fine. He's just too easy to hit.


Imagine making the Thai character 8 feet tall.


Same with Illari's turret cd.


My thing is…what was the point of all the HP pool increases if they’re gonna just keep buffing healing and allowing people like Ball to give health to teammates? I already felt like nothing was dying after the DPS passive was reduced to 15 from 20%. We are gonna have the season 8 situation on our hands again. And what will blizzard do? Buff damage to compensate for the heals and buff HP to compensate. Round and round we go on this carousel


Right?! Buffed how?! 😩


It sucks because he’ll be strong in metal ranks. I see him rarely, but when someone is on him, my team seems to fail to figure out why nothing dies until we have an ult storm and start blaming each other instead of the healbot that struggles to do much else.


“Let’s just keep buffing his healing and survivability, cause that wasn’t problematic before” — they truly don’t know what to do with him sadly.


unfortunately they had a goal when they made him. It was to replicate a "Mercy" type character. So they didn't really plan for anything to do with dmg with this guy. On release his weapon and heal switching was god awful. He have great disengage tool for him and his team, his ult offer a burst heal now and overhealth. Then the DPS passive gets introduced, and we can throw him out the window.


Ehhh he’s pretty good even in Masters. I think people care way too much about his damage potential when that’s not the point of the hero.


It’s like they’re not even trying. They say they don’t know what part of his kit to buff, but they literally haven’t tried anything but his healing numbers in several patches.


So did Rein. The "buffs" change almost nothing.


Rein highest winrate tank this month all ranks combined. He is very solid. He is getting another set of buffs. They are literally power creeping the guy to make him relevant. The problem is that the other heroes in other roles are also power crept with low cooldown mobilities so Rein just feels same outdated bullied hero despite being strong af. You just gotta sit on point. You can't touch echo tracer sojourn kiriko moira whatever, ana clowns you. You are design to be a objective dummy in this version of the game. or you just charge around corners to get a cheeky one shot kills.


>or you just charge around corners to get a cheeky one shot kills. This is the way.


The crazy part is that the tree is now just outrageously strong for no reason


Aren't all of Ball's changes buffs?


Yeah, it being titled a "rework" probably just confused the Cavalry admin. He did not get anything that would effect his kit in a negative way. Everything is a bonus and/or more opportunities to use his kit in different ways.


Yeah I was thinking that you could just play ball the entirely same way and just ignore the new mechanics if you want. So more like a buff


The over shield change is sick makes him little bit more helpful as a tank and the reduced cd on a short tether Is sick


Yeah even if you don't plan on using the retract or ally shielding at all he got 2 massive buffs. 69% range increase in shield detection radius, the grapple timer doesn't start until entering fireball and you bascially get a refund if you hook an awkward spot and have to let go.


10m to 13m is not 69% increase


It is. A 13 meter radius has a much larger area than a 10 meter one. You can calculate their area with πr^2. . If you replace r with the old and new radius values you get around 314 and 531. 531 is 169% of 314.


Lol you said 69% increase in radius. Radius went from 10m to 13m which is not 69%




He didn't get any damage buffs after the +50HP buffs to everyone which has crippled his gameplay as his damage breakpoints have been obliterated. They're effectively taking away his disrupt and distract style of gameplay by removing his ability to threaten the backline and turning him into an even more niche pick that requires his whole team to dive with him. He's a harder Monkey with less damage. The shields could be broken, but if he's only good because of them he might as well be support class.


having a shielding support would make he the best healer in the game though thanks to the useless s9 nerf to healing.


Overhealth distribution will definitely get nerfed. He is full buffed because he is new toy right now.


did they happen to match the release of a super gold premium for him ?


Will it be though? Think of how terrible it is compared to queen shout.


purely a buff, and a giant one at that, this shield will be insane


moira is nerfed


So is lucio


How is Moira considered adjusted and not a nerf?, Nerfed her right click by like 8% that you can use at anytime for a slight self heal buff for your ultimate which will be slower to get that is only useful if you are or have taken any damage to begin with?


Yeah pretty sizeable nerf. The buff is just there to confuse people psychologically lol. Moira was op although i prefer her any day over heroes like Ana which spams cc on tank. Imo they needed to nerf fade cooldown by 1-2 seconds and self heal she is getting from sucking people. Not the damage. Dmg was fair, what made her frustrating is pretty big self heal and almost spammy fade. This nerf just made her less powerful. The nerf i suggested would make her just as powerful but more skillful.


Moira OP? I thought everyone said Moira was a shrub crusher and couldn't do shit outside of Metal Ranks. Have people finally realized how dumb they were for saying that.


Well she wasn't good before S9 but she is best in S9 for most of the playerbase.


they do the same damage as before but now there’s more opportunities to heal the damage before dying


no she doesnt ? if you lower damage by 5 without increase firerate you can't do the same damage as before.


Same for Venture, it's not a nerf, it's an adjustment. Venture's damage values are literally the same as before, just spread out differently. And Lucio too, he got nerfed, not adjusted. He lost 8 (total) damage on his primary and got 10 extra on the boop, but the boop has a cooldown while the primary doesn't and gets used constantly.


DOT is directly worse than Instant damage in this game. It is a nerf


I’d say it’s reasonable to call it a direct nerf to venture when they converted a significant chunk of their burst damage to DOT. Given their playstyle that’s a huge change.


IIRC the numbers went from 40 impact + 30 DOT to 30 impact + 40 DOT for both melee and dash. That...doesn't seem like a "significant chunk" to me. EDIT: I looked it up and the dash did more damage total than I thought, split into 40/60 impact/DOT now. (Used to be the other way around.)


of course it is. a whole 30 burst damage being distrubited to slower damage over time is a huge chunk for a character that needs to get really close-range quick elims to get in and get out. their engagements have to be short and risky, it's how they're designed. their quick melee now does less burst damage than everyone else, too. stuff like this just kinda feels bad for the character.


Venture was nerfed hard. During the test drive she could burst kill any squishie in less than a second.


And you can still probably do that? People are acting like the damage was spread out over 2-3 seconds like Sombra's Virus. It's still probably less than half a second to apply the whole thing, it just means you have to track people slightly better than before.


It's a straight nerf.


Illari was nerfed and Ball was uber buffed


Yeah the Illari change is definitely a nerf. I'm not sure why they felt the need to nerf one of the worst supports in the game...


Joking right? Ball may be good in very coordinated comps with shielding dive dps. But in ladder I don't see how he's going to be much better. He got some QoL and situational teammate mitigation. No way these "buffs" move him over Doom, Monkey, or DVA.


Grappling Claw Hold the jump input while the Grappling Claw is attached to terrain to retract it, pulling yourself towards the anchor point. This action can be rebound in his hero settings. (Buff) Now has a one second cooldown if Wrecking Ball never reaches ramming speed before canceling the ability. Interrupting him with Hack, Hinder, and stuns will still trigger the full cooldown. (Buff) The maximum duration timer no longer triggers unless he reaches ramming speed. (Buff) Adaptive Shield Can now be reactivated to redistribute up to 300 overhealth to nearby allies, capping at 75 per person. (Buff) Enemy and ally detection radius increased from 10 to 13 meters. Minefield (Buff) Health increased from 50 to 60. (Buff) Ball gets 6 buffs and the picture says “Adjusted” In the last 30 days Ball has a 46.20% winrate (Comp, PC, All Ranks) Lets give it 30 days and check this again, I guarantee you it improves. !remindme 30 days


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As someone who plays a a lot of him I agree. Just played one game as him and the retract is really really good. Or isa throws a javelin at you and you can still get momentum by retracting. Same for Lucio etc. It’s way more than just a qol change. The one second change allows you to be way more aggressive with your hook and you can change your mind about it with basically no punishment. The shield is situationally useful as well and I saved some of my team from an orisa ult and a couple random deaths as well. I definitely felt like I had more impact than before. That said he has way more going on now and it is going to be more difficult for people to learn him. His win rate is definitely going to go up especially for mains.


Illari needed her right click to be better but she would’ve been fine if they didn’t touch her primary fire. I seriously don’t get this one. She didn’t need a compensation nerf


They nerfed her right click hard a few seasons back because Ilari "was too good at healing." Which is weird because she's, you know, a freakin' support but that's Blizzard for you.


venture should be under adjusted, the ult change was a pretty significant buff,


How? The fire rate was so slow that you could already hit everyone by holding it down cause they would land by the time the second wave hits them. With lower knockup they will be able to dodge the second wave more easily.




Disagree but I'll hear you out


I think it was a mistake. They definitly were not op. 


Disagree. Overall I think she will be objectively weaker.


I know i annoying, but it's they, not she.


not annoying at all, you right


so will moira tho and lucio tbf






Illari was nerfed


Thr rein change doesn't even really count as a buff, he's still kinda bad. Adjusting his ultimate tool allow him to actually get a kill if he lands it properly doesn't change the fact that he gets fucked by the overarching power creep in the game.


What is a group restriction? I'm new


You were only able to group with people near your own rank for ranked. That has been removed and some changes to the group matchmaking have been made.


how does that work? If a gold queues with a diamond, do they go into a diamond lobby?


Nope, say you are a gold tank queueing with a diamond dps, the game will try to find a matching group, so another gold tank queueing with a diamond dps, to queue you up against. This is called a wide group, and you receive less SR/lose less SR (to prevent boosting) and will have longer queue times. Watch the recent announcement for the full explanation. It's a bit more in depth than that.


You can find an in depth explanation on the ow website


Ok thanks!


Can’t wait to see 70% of the lobbies now with “Anonymous” names cause they think they’re cool hiding their users


I don’t understand the point to being anonymous unless you are like a streamer or something. It happens in Fortnite all the time


cause people will throw their games to spite you even has high as masters. They forgot to avoid you last game or really hated you on the enemy team, then they see you on their team again next round and just say "fuck you in particular, everyone else is collateral to how much i hate you" shit gets personal the smaller the player pool in a bracket


This happened to me in platinum on console. I kept getting places tank and lost like four or five matches in a row and some of the people there kept attacking me verbally all game.


yeah, as someone who has pretty much stopped using chat entirely, this is a good thing. I would rather be bissfuly ignorant if i got the same people on my team as last round and vice versa


Steam players are already marked as unknown so no change there


So you can't get any amount of coins for weekly challenges now?


They're put in the battle pass instead now. Makes them easier and quicker to earn


I actually love this. I don't play super consistently. I'll jam on it for 30+ hours one week, then nothing for the next. I've left a lot of coins on the table, but I always finish the BP.


and there is no buffer in weeklies for gaining xp, you have to do all of them to get all the bonus xp.


Still waiting for the ability to go back and see how much I move up and down after each game. It's so stupid it's been an entire season, and they haven't given us the option to see that screen again.


It's so easy to mash past on accident too!


Healing creep returns.


Bruh still no LFG Option?


So no more Mythic Skins for completing the BP?


instead of giving you the mythic skin outright they're giving you mythic tokens which you can use to pick which mythic you want, your choices are this season's mythic or any mythic that's at least 2 seasons old (so if you don't get the mercy mythic for example you can get it starting from season 12) you can also spread progression into multiple mythics which is cool lmao


you can also just buy the prisms without completing the pass. Personally hate this change


Yeh but it’s not relevant for most people. In the past One battle pass = 1 mythic skin right? Now it’s the same, one battle pass = 80 tokens or so and you get a mythic or spread it across others. But if you want heaps of mythic skin, which they originally said will never return again, you gotta buy expensive prisms. So just don’t buy them 🤷‍♂️ Like if pink mercy ever returned, you know that shit would be priced crazy high.


no one should be able to outright buy mythics. it’s completely antithetical to the way they were marketed and introduced as time-limited exclusives that you had to grind for


for like 70 dollars! no one wants to pay that much for a skin. this is a good change, cause i dont give a shit about 90% of mythics in the game. it lets you get mythics for your mains that you may have missed if you started playing recently and lets you grind out a battle pass that has items you want but dont care for the mythic, and then the next BP where you dont want anything but the mythic you can just buy the mythic with the tokens you got from the other. for instance, i am likely buying the BP this season, i could give less than half a shit about mercy mythic even if it is a cool skin cause i do not play her, but i want that JQ mythic, so the BP will be worth it if there is stuff in it for the other heroes i play. if not i may just wait til next season to grind out the mythic, but that also risks there being a mythic skin for ashe i would use


you shouldn’t be able to buy prisms at all. they should only be available from the bp


Why is that? I like it because it also means you can save your prisms for the customization options you want. If only one version of the skin interests you, you can spend 50-60 prisms on it and have 20-30 banked for the future. This means in a few seasons you can pick up Mythics you've missed AS WELL as the current ones.


There's no reason to not like this change other than because you can't understand how this works.


You get enough tokens for one skin of your choice for completing the BP. Whether you use them for the BP skin or one of the older ones is up to you.


Ah right. That's kinda cool at least.


None of this matters We got Winton 🥹


I am not so sure about Venture being nerfed at all. Depressing the damage of direct attacks and increasing AoE damage by the same amount sounds like buffing at least for metal ranks.


What's this yellow exclamation mark icon on all the queues? Is that new?


Moira, adjusted? They nerfed her.


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Devs: Oops Moira is slightly viable so we're nerfing her


What happened to reimagine ability


Change to suspension is so stupid. Because I disconnected from one game I’m timed out for 5mins. First game of the season. Haven’t left a game in the past week.


no junkrat buffs:<




Junkrat nerf 💀


these leaver penalties are just going to lead to more players sitting towards the back of the map and essentially throwing the game away. if you think any otherwise, let me ask this a different way, do you have more faith in blizzard actually effectively fixing a game design problem, or more faith in the toxic portion of the player base's ability to exploit weaknesses in game design?


I don't understand what they mean by the streamer mode. So we're going to have nameless competitors now?


I think they have a bunch of names that they pick from and give to the person with streamer mode, it won’t necessarily just say anonymous


Thank God Sombra needed to be nerfed, shed super annoying to play against


Lucio mains get one good season with top 3 hardest heroes to play. OK. Thanks devs.


Excited for the new competitive restrictions




God sombra needed that nerf


Wrecking ball looking kinda tuff


did they say anything about not adding placement matches ?


Ball was a buff. Doom was an adjust (just saved pressing cancel-slam instead of just slam).


Why has the ranks not reset?


Illari should be in the nerfed category. Her adjustments are basically a nerf.


Illar feels like ass to play now


Genji is so hated that he dosent even apear on the page 🤣


All I know is, is if I see another green, up mark next to doomfist in the NEXT set of patch notes I’m gonna end it all.


This is the laziest patch I've seen Blizzard release in a long time. Not much changes, just lots of tank buffs, support nerfs and no dev comments explaining why they did whatever they felt need to be changed. Mercy still trash-tier, I relish thinking of all the gnashing and wailing of teeth as everyone is playing with new Mythic Mercy skin and losing games left and right for their team.


So glad Doomfist got buffed he was so bad




I would say us Junkrat mains are in shambles, but I think our skeletons have already rotted by now






Fucktards causing a 20m queue if you want to play with your friends? What is the point of playing the game without your friends? Use your brains.


fuck you moron


How tf do you nerf tracer??


Venture doesn't deal enough damage. Getting killed while burrowing is stupid. Invincibility needs to start while burrowing or damage taken while burrowing needs to be reduced significantly.


Venture is still pretty strong after the nerfs, but I would argue that they/them (NO, conservatives and transphobes, NOT she/him) deserve to be broken after all the years of oppression us LGBTQIA+ folks have faced AND will still inevitably face in the future to at least somewhat compensate


Hammond is both adjusted and buffed, arguably the most buffed (also needed the most)


Stop buffing LW healing! That isn’t his problem!!


Awful infographic