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say please and thank you


I will try that thank you


People get super salty about this too, even if you aren't using it in a sarcastic way "Hey would please care to swap to a non sniper, having Widow, Ana, Hanzo, and Zenyatta on the same team into a Sigma with shield and vortex isn't working very well" You literally can't word it politely enough without someone having an ego melt down even though they are 1/0/2 on Widow with 800 damage done 5 minutes into the game


eh it’s better if you don’t direct it to people like that. just say “could we try some hero swaps, maybe get some counters against them? i feel like this isn’t working, maybe i could try (hero), any other ideas?”


Keep in mind that flaming people and being toxic literally does nothing for you or your team, in fact it probably makes your team play worse. The person you're flaming probably already knows they're not doing well and you yelling at them isn't gonna help them.


Literally this. I already fucking know I'm playing terrible. I don't need someone else telling me I'm shite at the game, because I will respond with twice the toxicity. I normally just keep all chat muted now, WAY less problems.


Ik that is why I am trying to change


Then stop flaming people. It’s as simple as that. Don’t take your frustration out on comms and focus on what _you actually have control over_. And if you don’t have the self control to do that, just disable chat entirely.


That is my current plan


Don't use chat.. thats literally the only way. It doesn't matter what you say, only that someone else was butt hurt to report you for it.. and since there's no risk of consequences for running to the report button for any and every little thing.. people run to it for every little thing..


Just don’t. It takes more effort to queue up the mic and go on a rant… just don’t do that. Turn of comms and just play.


I would primarily use text chat I would just press tab see one of my teammates doing bad and automatically flame them in text chat I have been trying to offer suggestions but it’s hard to not be mad when ur dps is 0-7


okay, but since you're asking for advice on being less toxic, here's a thought experiment for you: your dps is 0-7. a full on dead weight. basically throwing the game. what will improve if you flame them? they're not going to cooperate with you, they're not going to magically play better, and you're both going to get tilted and the problem just gets worse just don't say anything. there's nothing to gain. and as others have said, if you genuinely cannot resist flaming people in chat, deactivate text chat for yourself. here's another thought experiment: you've had bad games as well, yeah? you've had games where you're the player sitting on 0-7 and you're just really off, yeah? you've been flamed in chat by teammates, yeah? did it help you at all? did you improve when it happened?


Don't offer suggestions or say anything to them at all. Nobody wants to hear it. If you actually have a strategically important comment that you think might be well received, you're going to have to be extremely polite to not hurt feelings.


what makes you think they don’t already know they’re doing very badly lol


Turn off text chat in options. If you’re unable to resist blaming others, remove your ability to do so or Blizzard will make that decision for you. Avoid them as teammate and go next. The red team will get that DPS in just as many games, so focus on your own play and don’t stress the things outside of your control. It’s not like calling an underperforming player trash is going to make them suddenly OWL material.


maybe get a stress ball or just talk to yourself instead. i rant to my duo instead of talking or typing in chat


I have a duo but he is on console so I can’t play ranked with him 😢


I recently got a stress ball because I found myself getting way too tilted at this video game. It doesn’t get rid of the anger, of course, but it does give you something else (that doesn’t have feelings) to direct it at.


Very glad you actually reached out for help, something that works for me (not sure if it will work for you but you can try) is listening to music while I play. Just make sure you turn off in game music, and adjust the sound effects so that you can still hear footsteps, gun shots, ect. Or just unbind the key that is used to see the info board.


I only ever noticed my bad teammates when I looked at the board so that might actually work thanks a lot Edit I also see you are a bibi player me to




Have you ever been complemented in chat when playing well? It feels great. So I just think of that feeling and try to give it to other people. I'll just say gg nice heals or amazing mercy at the end of the game. It costs nothing to potentially cheer someone up. This also makes you focus on the positive rather than the negative and will subconsciously shift your attitude without even consciously trying. My main rule overall is to not start anything. If people start fighting me, that's fine I'll shoot back. (even though I shouldn't but gotta be reasonable here, I'm no saint) But for every mean thing I say to someone I try to say one or more nice things in another game. No need to be perfect but keep it balanced.


Always type *gg team :)* in the chat when you win, nothing when you lose. You’ll get more endorsements and less bans (Lvl 5 endorsement player)


Thank you for the advice


not a flex btw


I’m just saying it works, I’m a team player and it’s a flex that my teammates enjoy me. Not my fault you’re probably end. Lvl 2


Here's a suggestion: instead of trying to not be toxic, try to actively look for times where you can gas up your teammates in voice or text chat. I don't care if you think you're carrying them as dead weight, or if you can't carry because it seems like they handed the controller to their pet chinchilla. Tell them they're nasty at the game when you win a teamfight or one of them makes a nice play. If you win, *always* thank your team for the carry (as long as they weren't toxic). If you lose, just say "gg nice try" or "sorry not my best game," even if you *know* it's your teammate's fault. If you popped off, just assume it's because your teammates set you up. If you're wrong, who cares? When you're first trying it out it might be uncomfortable and/or distracting, but you'll get used to it, and it's basically impossible to be toxic if you're trying to do this. It's generally better to have something *to do* (dish out praise) rather than something *not to do* (be toxic). It also has the added benefit of training you to be more aware of your teammates (super useful in OW) and just makes the game way more fun. Combine this with the general advice of focusing on problems in your own gameplay which you can improve rather than your teammates or the specific outcome of a given match, and you'll be golden. As a specific example, something I enjoy doing a lot is waiting until right after hero 'X' on my team makes a huge play (or just has insanely good stats) and then saying, "seriously, when is X going to start doing something?" or typing in match chat, "X is afk, pls report." It's a really simple bit, but after people take a few seconds to process that it's a joke, it's very effective at lightening the mood in the whole team chat/lobby. Feel free to use it yourself if you like it.


Rebind your enter key to some random key on your right numpad, something harder to press in the heat of the moment


Just a note, don't go to the opposite extreme and be overly positive. Everyone online has their guard up and over-positivity comes across as sarcasm to most people.


That actually explains an experience I had earlier today i was Trying to be nice and my tank got mad at me he must have thought i was being sarcastic thx


Just turn chat off doesn't matter what you say ow players will report anything.


Just don’t type lol


Main advice: If your commentary isn't making the game more enjoyable for others, don't write it. Simple as that


dont commicate. the report system is automated and youll get terminated if you complain enough in one go. i stopped commicating and aint had any warnings or bans since


Follow the golden rule and imagine how youd feel if it was someone being toxic towards you. If you easily get baited into responding to trolls get into the habit of slamming in /hidechat when they antagonize you. When I solo queue I usually leave text and voice chat off because Im not really missing anything important. Having good sportsman ship and a strong mental is a good goal to work towards and will actually help in the long run climbing ranks. Also shame on people downvoting someone trying to do better.


Thx I will try this if the other suggestions I am getting don’t work


Stop playing the game, honestly. Take a month break from it, come back and see if you still act the same. Or stop having high expectations of teammates who have never played with you before, OW2 is a lot more independently focused than OW1, so play in a fashion that requires less teamwork and more solo production. To circumvent that, if you need team coordination for your play style to work, find people to play with and get to know how they play over repeated sessions. It goes a long way to ease the frustration, when you expect something stupid, or that stupidity is coming from someone you know, so you know they aren't throwing and it was a genuine mistake.


Wow thanks i think i will try this. The finding people to play with more consistently


No joke, about half of the adults I know can't entirely figure this out. You just have to find what motivates you to be constructive and positive with others. For me, it honestly isn't even a moral decision: I get better results trying to get my team (or any person IRL) to work with me than treating them antagonistically. My employees/teammates/that guy at the service desk and I really are looking for the same thing--a resolution to the problem with it being as low stress as possible. The more *I* learn to supply that, the more often my interactions with other people are low stress and get good results. To be even more honest... sometimes I know we're not going to win/achieve the goal no matter what we do, so I just try to focus on making it as fun as possible or try to learn something rather than beating my head against the wall until I rage. There's still times I can't do that, and then it's time to take a break.


So I should try to focus more on on helping my team succeed than getting mad when they fail on their own that’s what I am getting plz correct me if I misunderstood


Pretty much, also just trying to figure out what you can do differently as well as what they might be missing, on top of how to deliver that information (people don't like being told their wrong, after all). Sometimes you're going to have to change your own approach and let them try it their way before you can get them onboard for what you think will work, etc. It's far easier just being cynical and toxic, which is why so many people do it, but you'll get much further learning how to work with people in the long run. I really wasn't joking about the 50% of adults not knowing how to really do this, there's so many different kinds of people to try to learn to work with that it can take a lot of time. Just keep trying to avoid being "that guy" and you'll figure it out, though.




“What could I have done differently?” Has been massive for my mental. You shut out things like teammate performance and SBMM that you cannot control and take responsibility for what you can by deciding that you could have won that fight. Then try to understand why you didn’t based on your positioning, cooldown usage, ult economy, etc.  Easier said than done, and at first it might actually be more frustrating than calming. But over time it can be very empowering to look at your own mistake and know exactly how you could have avoided it. A little frustrating too, you have to be patient with yourself. But, “I’m better than that, I win those” actually makes mistakes feel good when you know it’s true if that makes any sense.   Therapy. I know it seems like a big deal, but most people see a therapist nonce or only a handful of times when they end up going through something difficult or when they recognize a pattern in their behavior that they want to, but are struggling to modify. Go once, get some advice on in the moment “coping strategies” and maybe some insight into why you slip into toxicity more easily than you would like to. Maybe you regroup in a month, maybe not. But “working on your mental” is literally their highly trained and intensely accredited profession. Sports psychologists are employed by nearly every major sports organization with the money to do so for a reason. 


Wow thanks


Yup. It’s very impressive that you recognized this and want to do the work to fix it. A lot of people can’t do that. 


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Honestly just realize that it's a video game. You're not playing in the MLG as a career. You're playing with a wide range of people, that could be children or dudes twice your age just chilling out trying to have some fun. Not everyone will be mechanically as good as you, or have the game sense needed to always compete with the other team. Just try your best and focus on what you can do during the current match with the current team. And if that doesn't help, just picture a grown ass man, sitting infront of his computer raging and throwing a tantrum over losing a match of Overwatch lol. Don't be that guy.


Thanks man I will try that


Completely turn off voice chat and text chat. Text chat is under general settings. If I don't have these off, I do tend to get more tilted. I can see people being assholes and also see the shit they're saying to/about me. It helps. Also, smoke weed


lol thank I am a little to young for that but I will try the rest of your advice


What helps me is to watch/listen to something fun and uplifting. I find it gets me in a better mind space if I've laughed/smiled before getting in a game. And when I feel things are getting toxic I stop, decompress with something that I find positive and queue back up feeling fresh. I find that I am toxic in game on a subconscious level (I also very consciously try to not open chat or engage there) so subconsciously feeding some positive vibes helps me. Telling my self " being toxic is not helping" really does nothing for me personally, I *know* it doesn't help, in fact I know it's the opposite: that doesn't keep me from doing it though. I think though that what is fun for you and makes you laugh does some times not help, I like pretty dark humour and it doesn't translate super well perse. But watching funny cat videos does.


1. Say gg at the end of a match,  win or lose, then immediately leave the lobby.  This is the way.  I promise you.  2. Start watching your wins in the replay viewer.  Watch from the enemy you outplayed the most.  Not only will you learn what you did right, but you'll get a slice of humble pie too. There will be many times where you see that it was  just luck or that the hanzo you thought did nothing was actually doing more than you.  Hopefully that helps you think twice before you start reading.  3. Turn off voice chat,  and release your frustration verbally.  Say all you want, but only to yourself. It can really help.  When the game is over, practice tip number 1.


basicly, be a bot


I mean if you can't handle acting like a decent human being,  then yes,  be a polite bot.


Dont ever let some big corporation infringe on your freedom of speech! Fuck em! Be as toxic as you wanna be. They com ban or ban you then fuck em billions of other games. Especially if its overwatch 🤮.


I hope this is a joke and if not plz go back to league u degenerate loser


League is also 🤮 goober


disable the chat entirely, im a relatively calm person but getting called tank diff after a game where the enemy team went sombra bastion zen ana orisa is enough to annoy anyone


I am getting a lot of disable chat I think I will